Chapter 239 The Secret of the Battle
Venerable Huo Tian's cultivation has been stagnant for hundreds of years. If there is a great opportunity, it is difficult to break through the void. He has spent his whole life and spent a huge amount of money to finally find a seventh-level fire phoenix demon egg, with the intention of using it. Practice and break through to the next great realm.

As a result, they were stolen by the little thief. In addition to the seventh-level fire phoenix demon eggs, there was also a precious sixth-level nine-yang spiritual grass, as well as a large number of fourth-level and fifth-level fire-type spiritual plants, all of which were stolen by the little thief. gone.

The actions of that little thief completely cut off Venerable Huo Tian's path of cultivation. Without those spiritual materials to assist him in cultivating immortality, no matter how he cultivated, it would be absolutely impossible for him to take the final step in the remaining hundred years.

When he thought of this, Venerable Huo Tian immediately burst into boundless anger in his heart, with a sinister look on his face. He wished he could catch the little treasure thief right away, eat his flesh and blood alive, refine his soul with demons, and torture him for hundreds or thousands of years.

Venerable Tianyin couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart when he saw Venerable Huo Tian's terrifying face.

This old guy really hates that Li Jianxian to the extreme!This is useful!

Lord Tianyin remained calm and continued to transmit the message to the two of them: "Two fellow Taoists, we are gathered here, and we all understand the Ji family's plan. This time we join forces to attack Li Jianxian, but unexpectedly, the realm of refining the void is involved. Obviously, among those who stand side by side with Li Jianxian, there must be monks in the Void Refining Realm, or someone who can rival him."

"The Ji family comes from the Zhongzhong Spiritual Realm. It is prosperous and huge. The people in the clan are as strong as the forest. There are naturally many monks in the god transformation stage. However, Venerable Ji Yun deliberately seeks out us to join the hunt. His intention is clear, and he wants to make us his use. Since the cannon fodder has understood his plan, we cannot let him get his way. Our ambition lies in that 'Li Jianxian', so we need to fight quickly and evacuate immediately after killing the target without leaving any traces."

"If the Ji family is held accountable, we will deduce that the target is True Lord Yuanying. As for the dispute in the Void Refining Realm, we are beyond our ability to intervene and we should stay away." Venerable Tianyin sent a message to make detailed arrangements.

"What Taoist Taoist Tianyin said is absolutely true!"

Venerable Lin Hai and Venerable Huo Tian were convinced and nodded in agreement.


Talk about both ends, the other side.

On the edge of the sky, a cloud of smoke flashed past like a dream.

The Tianyun Spirit Ship traveled thousands of miles a day. After leaving the Yuling Sect and sailing for three days, Li Mu and his party flew to the outskirts of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range and were about to enter the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.

The Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is located in a wilderness area. It is the holy land of the demon clan. It is home to thousands of great demons. The ancient trees are towering in the sky. As far as the eye can see, the mountains are endless. It seems that you are in a prehistoric world without a trace of human fireworks. , only the ancient trees in the sky and the dense spiritual energy that is far better than the human race's territory.

Li Mu stood on the deck of the spirit ship, looking at the scenery ahead.

However, when they were halfway through the flight, the clouds and fog in front of them suddenly dispersed, and countless dense wind blades that were dozens of feet long and several feet short suddenly struck.

"What?" Li Mu took a closer look. After the clouds dispersed, thousands of third- and fourth-level gale-snow demons were hiding in the clouds and mists, attacking suddenly.

Countless blades struck directly at the Tianyun Spirit Ship, and the formation was activated instantly.The blade of the gale struck the formation, causing waves, but it could not affect its forward speed.

"The Gale Snow Demon is really territorial!" Master Tianshang sensed the energy fluctuations coming from the outside world and walked slowly to Li Mu's side.
Li Mu asked: "Senior, won't you kill them?"

"There are endless killings!" Lord Tianshang shook his head and said with a smile: "The reason why the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is called the Holy Land of the Demon Clan is because it has a wild atmosphere. The Demon Clan breeds here much faster than in the outside world. We must be strong, and the snow monsters reproduce very quickly. After killing this group, another group will soon chase them without fear of life and death, which will affect our traveling speed. As long as we stay away from their territory, they will leave. "

Li Mu listened on the sidelines, thinking that the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range was not a place for humans, and he wanted to find out more information to avoid going astray. He and Tian Shangzun had three purposes for coming to the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains.

First, to fulfill the promise with Xue'er and send her back to the Snow Fox Clan. Second, to hunt down a high-level wood-type monster requires someone with outstanding qualifications. Such wood-type monsters can only go deep into the depths of the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains. Third, to find some high-level spiritual plant seeds, you can only have a chance by entering the depths of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range.

Li Mu looked at Tianshang Zun and asked with concern: "Senior, can you tell us about the situation in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range? I am going to the Snow Fox Clan. Maybe I will encounter less trouble on the way because of senior's guidance."

Seeing Li Mu asking for advice so humbly, Lord Tianshang smiled slightly and said happily: "This Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range is far from as simple as you think. Although the wisdom of the monsters is not as good as that of humans, the IQ of high-level monsters is the same as that of humans. High-level monsters transform into monsters, even more sinister than humans!"

"The forces of the Ten Thousand Demons in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains are complex. The groups are mainly controlled by the Sky Demon, the Demon Emperor, the Demon King,... and other high-level monsters. Each group has its own domain, and they have strict territorial boundaries. On the periphery of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range, there are almost all ordinary demon clans with little strength, and the Gale Snow Demon we just encountered is one of them..." Lord Tianshang looked at Li Mu and continued to explain.

"Low-level monsters are not very powerful individually, but their reproductive capabilities are far superior to humans."

"The human race can only give birth to one child in ten months, or the rare twins, which is the limit. But the demon clan is different, especially the low-level demon clan, the number of births is staggering. One pregnancy, many There can be as many as a dozen, and as few as four or five. Coupled with the demon clan's already powerful body and extremely low mortality rate, the number of demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains has become increasingly large, reaching a terrifying level. "

"The number of these low-level monsters just outside the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains is enough to cover and destroy the living area of ​​the human race. Fortunately, we humans also have strong people. These strong people will not allow such a thing to happen, and they will protect them. Human race.”

"Although low-level monsters themselves do not pose much of a threat, it would be terrible if they were controlled by high-level monsters. Once these high-level monsters have the idea of ​​​​exterminating the human race, then they can drive a large number of When low-level monsters enter the territory of the human race, a brutal war between the two races will occur..."


Listening to Master Tianshang's narration, Li Mu frowned and his heart became heavy.
The terrifying existence of the demon clan was intimidating. Li Mu couldn't help but think of the scene peeping into the future, the scene where billions of lives were destroyed, as if the demon clan was also involved.

After being slightly distracted for a moment, Li Mu looked at His Majesty Tian Shang and continued to ask, "Senior, do you dare to ask, has this kind of thing ever happened in history?"

Hearing Li Mu's question, Lord Tianshang smiled slightly and recalled: "It happened naturally. The last time the Ten Thousand Monsters invaded was just 6000 years ago! At that time, I only had foundation building cultivation! The Zengting Clan The elders mentioned that a large beast wave broke out in the Southern Wilderness. Billions of monster beasts swept through countless human territories, causing hundreds of millions of casualties. Many sects close to the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains were It was completely destroyed overnight, and nearly [-] million human beings were eaten until their bones were left."

"That war lasted for 300 years. In the end, the four immortal sects joined forces to kill the emperor of the demon clan, shocked the demon clan, and finally drove all the demon beasts to what is now the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range. And killed a large number of high-level monsters before giving up."

"It was during that battle that the Central Continent Spiritual Realm united with all the monks from all continents to form an alliance army and launched a surprise attack on the monster clan. In the end, the human race entered the Southern Spiritual Wilderness."

"After that, after thousands of years of management, we were able to establish a firm foothold in Nanling Wilderness!" Lord Tianshang sighed and said with emotion.After listening to Master Tianshang's story, Li Mu couldn't help but feel shocked. He could imagine how terrifying that war was; countless monks and monsters died in that war, and the earth was stained with blood.

"After thousands of years of reproduction and recovery, the demon clan in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range must have regained its strength. It is even possible that a new Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons will be born in the new era to rule the ten thousand demons!" Lord Tianshang said slowly. said.

Li Mu nodded slightly and agreed.

The vitality and reproduction ability of the monster clan are extremely powerful. Even after experiencing such a battle, they can quickly recover their strength.

"In order to prevent the demon clan from making a comeback! The major immortal sects are highly vigilant and have hired a large number of other forces outside the Central Continent Spiritual Domain to set up fortresses at major points in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. Once there is any trouble, the news will be immediately passed to the Central Continent Spiritual Domain. The major immortal sects in the region.”

Lord Tianshang looked at Li Mu and introduced slowly.

"Guarding the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range?" Li Mu thought of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance. At the beginning, God Lord Tianyan was also afraid of the monsters in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains, so he formed an alliance with Venerable Tianyin and others to guard the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains to prevent the monsters from counterattacking. .

"That's right, look! There is a guard fortress right in front of you!"

Lord Tianshang smiled and gestured forward, controlling the Tianyun Spirit Ship to slow down its flight speed.

Li Mu followed the gaze of Lord Tianshang.

A hundred miles ahead, a huge city surrounded by several spiritual mountains appeared, majestic like stars holding the moon.

The walls of the city are mainly made of brown gold and are made of a large number of fourth-order Xuanhe stones. They are extremely strong and have the effect of exorcising evil spirits and avoiding demons. They cover an area of ​​about [-] acres and are ranked among the two giant spiritual mountain thoroughfares. In the meantime, many buildings similar to bunkers were arranged in Lingshan. There were a large number of holes in the upper part. Countless giant spirit cannons protruded from the holes. The dark muzzles shone with a dark and deadly light under the light.

On the parking platform above the giant city, there are hundreds of giant spiritual ships of different sizes parked. Each spiritual ship is a behemoth, including the fourth-order volleying spiritual ship, the fifth-order thunder spiritual ship, the fourth-order fireworks spiritual ship, and the fifth-order giant spiritual ship. Spirit Ship,...etc.

Tens of thousands of monks shuttled between the giant city and the Lingshan Spirit Ship. Compared with the barbaric areas they passed through before, this place had more human fireworks and a chilling atmosphere.

Li Mu, Master Tianshang, piloted the Tianyun Spirit Ship, flew over and slowly slowed down.

Within the city, three figures flew out and stood in the sky, blocking the way of the Tianyun Spirit Ship.

"Which senior of the Kun family is on the spirit ship?" The Tianyun spirit ship happened to stop. The people blocking the way saw the flag flying on the Tianyun spirit ship and immediately knew that this spirit ship belonged to Kun, one of the eight major families in Zhongzhou. The spiritual ship of the family did not dare to ask carelessly.

"I'm Tianshang! Why are you blocking the road?" Lord Tianshang frowned slightly and asked with a hint of dissatisfaction.

"It turns out to be Senior Tianshang, please forgive me! This interception was because the Nine Demons Sect recently deliberately disguised themselves as righteous monks and entered the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, burning, killing and looting, and deliberately provoking conflicts between the human race and the demon race; this is The city is under the jurisdiction of the Taixuan Sword Sect, and we are instructed by the superiors to strictly supervise everyone who enters the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains. We have to act like this, and I hope you will forgive me, senior!" the leader of the Transformation God Commander quickly paid tribute and introduced.

Taixuan Sword Sect?

This fortress is actually the jurisdiction of Taixuan Sword Sect?

After unexpectedly hearing the news about the Nine Demons Sect, Li Mu frowned and felt something bad in his heart. This trip might not be that simple.

In the cabin, Venerable Kun Ling flew out. After understanding the situation, his face darkened.

Three powerful gods, and a fat monk on the right who was carrying a fan on his back, took the initiative to stand up and suggested: "Two seniors, there is some chaos in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains, and not only the Nine Demon Sect is mixed in. , several demon kings are also ready to move, if you want to go deep into the exploration, it will be extremely dangerous, so please enter the city and wait until the information becomes clear before going!"

"No need to say more, just get out of the way!" At this time, Venerable Kunling was feeling aggrieved. Venerable Qingwei had entered the Void Refining Realm, but he was still standing still. Now, he just wanted to get a breakthrough as soon as possible. Demon Heart Fruit, break through the realm as soon as possible and enter the Void Refining Realm.

The three powerful gods made eye contact with each other and gave way obediently. Although they were directly managed by Taixuan Sword Sect, the Kun family was one of the eight major families, and the power behind it was also extremely terrifying, second only to the Xianjia Sect. They couldn't afford to offend the door, so they took the initiative to give way to the passage.

The Tianyun Spirit Ship was launched again. Li Mu felt heavy and felt that this trip might not be so smooth!
Li Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly. He thought that this trip would be to escort the little fox demon back to the tribe and capture a wood-type beast. It would be a simple trip, but he never thought that the Nine Demon Sect is really still lingering!

The Nine Demon Sect first destroyed three sects, and then went to the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains to cause trouble. I'm afraid things are not that simple. If we encounter them, we will definitely be in trouble.

Venerable Kun Ling seemed to see the worried look on Li Mu's face, and couldn't help but notice his worry.

"Little friend Li, how about this? You accompany us to the Soul-eating Demon Clan first. After we get the Demon-Breaking Heart Fruit, we will go with you and accompany you to the Snow Fox Clan. This will also avoid any accidents on the way. Necessary trouble." Venerable Kun Ling came to Li Mu and suggested.

Hearing this, Li Muwen couldn't help but feel moved after thinking about it!

Now there are people from the Nine Demons Sect operating in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range. The situation is unknown. I am alone. Who knows what will happen to me. With two strong men, Lianxu and Transformation God, leading the way, I can save a lot of money. trouble.

"Excuse me, seniors!" Li Mu bowed his hands and agreed happily.

Seeing that Li Mu agreed, Tian Shangzun stroked his beard and smiled, feeling very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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