The Tianyun Spiritual Ship rides on the wind and lightning, traveling thousands of miles a day.

Three days later, we arrived at the Lingshan Mountain occupied by the Soul-Eating Demon Clan. However, as far as we could see, everything was devastated and in a mess. Only the corpses of the Soul-Eating Demon Clan were left. Under the destruction of a large number of low-level monsters, the situation at the scene was difficult to find. Get effective tracking leads.

"What's going on? Who did it!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Venerable Kunling's expression changed drastically.

"I was taken one step ahead! Could it be someone from the Nine Demons Sect!" Tian Shangzun's face darkened and he guessed with a frown.

"Senior! What should we do next?" Li Mu looked at Tianshang Zun and asked with concern. The changes that occurred during this trip affected his next actions.

"Go back to Demon City and get some information! Maybe we can know who destroyed the Soul-Eating Demon Clan!"

Lord Tian Shang glanced at Lord Kun Ling, who looked depressed, and signaled.

Soon, the Tianyun Spirit Ship returned the same way, coming and going in a hurry.

When the Tianyun Spirit Ship left and returned, three monks in the god-transformation stage quickly flew out and went to greet them respectfully.

"Senior!" The yellow-robed sword cultivator, the first of the three transformed gods, stepped forward respectfully.

"Do you know the information about the Soul-Eating Demon Clan and who destroyed them?" Lord Tianshang flew out of the Tianyun Spirit Ship and asked straight to the point.

"Senior, I know the information about the soul-eating demon clan, but it's not clear who killed them!" The yellow-robed god-transformation monk's face tightened and he responded quickly.

"Why were they exterminated? How much do you know? Come here quickly?" Venerable Kun Ling followed closely and asked with concern.

"Senior, the Soul-Eating Demon Clan has cultivated a Demon-Breaking Heart Fruit, which is extremely precious. The three of us originally wanted to wait for it to mature and seize the opportunity to take it away. However, a few months ago, when we went there, we found that the Soul-Eating Demon The clan has been exterminated, and the two sixth-order soul-eating demon kings have been killed, leaving only a pool of flesh and blood and a severed arm."

"Based on the scene, it should be a demon clan. There are a lot of battle traces left at the foundation site. If the guess is correct, it should be three sixth-level purgatory bears." The yellow-robed god-transformation monk responded in detail.

After hearing the news, the three of them were silent for a while.

Venerable Kun Ling's face became particularly ugly. He couldn't help but look up, and finally sighed helplessly: "It seems that I still have no chance to take another step!"

Three sixth-level demon bears, this battle is not going to be easy!
"Do you know the route of the Purgatory Bear?" Lord Tianshang looked at the yellow-robed cultivator and asked inquiringly.

This demon-suppressing Linyao City covers an extremely vast area, so they naturally know the places where most of the various demon clans reside. They should have detailed information on the movements of the nearby demon clans.

"We should have information about the Purgatory Violent Bear. Senior, please wait a moment!" The yellow-robed god-transformation monk responded respectfully.

The two god-transformation monks on the left and right left on patrol to collect information for them!
Soon, the two gathered together the distribution of major demon clan forces within a hundred thousand miles of Linyao City into a jade slip and handed it to Lord Tianshang, which naturally also included information about the Purgatory Violent Bear Clan.

Lord Tianshang took the jade slip and put his spiritual consciousness into it to investigate.

After a while, Lord Tian Shang passed the jade slip to Lord Kun Ling. Lord Kun Ling checked it and handed it to Li Mu.

Li Mu devoted himself to his spiritual consciousness and absorbed the vast amount of information.

Through the information in the jade slips, Li Mu learned the general distribution of thousands of demon groups within a radius of 28 miles.

The Taixuan Border Guards guard this city and change every 300 years. So far, it is known that the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is the place where the demon clan originated. There are four major ethnic groups in the east, west, south, and north...

The eastern ethnic group is dominated by the fox tribe, crane tribe and deer tribe. They live in dense forests and are good at controlling natural elements. The western ethnic group is led by the wolf tribe, lion tribe and tiger tribe. They live on the vast grasslands and advocate strength. , speed,..., the main levels are from the first to the third level. Those with better bloodline can break through the fourth level and become the fifth level demon king. After that, they can go one step further and survive the transformation catastrophe and break through the sixth level.

There are more than 600 types of monsters recorded in the jade slips, and the number of low-level monsters is hundreds of millions. Every hundred years, the Taixuan border guards will leave the city and enter the low-level monster area to slaughter and suppress the low-level monsters. The number of monsters.

The low-level monsters have extremely low intelligence and cannot communicate, but the high-level monsters are different.

There are 720 known species of high-level monsters. These high-level monsters have great intelligence and are no different from the human race. They are afraid of life and death and can communicate well.

The high-level monster beast group has initially formed a civilized system. Those monster beasts with extremely powerful strength can become kings and command the four directions, or form stable tribes or ethnic groups, or even build cities and develop civilizations.

These high-level monsters will make a contract with the human race to respect each other's territory and not interfere with each other. Although in some cases, small-scale frictions and fights caused by fighting for valuable treasures are unavoidable, these are not within the scope of the agreement. .

In addition to the friction between the high-level demon clan and the human race, various internal races will fight for various reasons. These reasons include, but are not limited to, fighting for territory, seeking treasures, or genocide due to personal emotional issues...,
In order to maintain the peace and stability of each ethnic group, the Taixuan Border Guards will conduct a comprehensive survey every thousand years to re-divide the living areas of each demon tribe.

As for the high-level imperial demon clan area, resources cannot be shared yet, which makes Li Mu feel a bit regretful. Many high-level spiritual plant seeds cannot be obtained through transactions.


After reading the contents of the jade slip, Li Mu felt extremely shocked.

Li Mu's Adam's apple rolled involuntarily, and he was shocked by the detailed information about the demon clan in the jade slip.

Just the Taixuan Border Guards guarding Linyao City, and the number of low-level demon clans nearby has reached hundreds of millions. So, how many demon beasts should there be in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains that are millions and tens of thousands of miles away?

Li Mu couldn't imagine that if a wave of monsters breaks out, except for the Spiritual Domain of Central Continent, other areas may be reduced to ruins. Monsters are already stronger than humans. In areas under the jurisdiction of humans, most humans are still mortals. The number of people who can truly cultivate immortality is very small.
Facing the tide of hundreds of millions of demonic beasts, human beings may be powerless to resist, and may require the intervention of high-level immortal cultivators to reverse the situation.

"Okay, we know the current area of ​​the Purgatory Violent Bear, let's go." Lord Tianshang broke the silence, and he placed his hope on the Purgatory Violent Bear. If the Purgatory Violent Bear did not swallow the Demon-Breaking Heart Fruit, then Venerable Kun Ling still has a glimmer of hope of advancement.

Soon, a group of people boarded the Tianyun Spirit Ship and set off to the territory of the Purgatory Violent Bear.

According to the information in the jade slip, the Purgatory Storm Bear is cruel in nature and is now entrenched in the Jiuling Mountain Peak. At the speed of the Tianyun Spirit Ship, it takes seven days to fly to reach it.

In the spirit ship, Venerable Kun Ling stood on the deck and looked at the primitive world in front of him. The scenery along the way was beautiful and lush, but he had no intention of admiring it.

Master Tian Shang held the spirit wine in his hand, taking a sip from time to time and drinking alone.

Li Mu bid farewell to the two seniors, returned to the room, and rested on the cross-legged bed.

Suddenly, a wisp of spiritual thought from Li Mu attached to the Royal Soul Bracelet, and then summoned Xiao Jin, Xiao Wa and Xue'er.

Previously, Xue'er had been complaining to him that staying in the Yuling Bracelet was too boring and asked to stay with Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa. Li Mu followed suit.

When the three boys appeared, they immediately shrunk and looked around, looking at the unfamiliar cabin. "Xue'er, come here." Li Mu waved to Xue'er.

The three-tailed demon fox Xueer nodded happily, walked up to Li Mu, stared at him curiously with a pair of bright eyes, and asked: "You are finally willing to recruit us! Where is this?"

Li Mu gently rubbed Xue'er's head and replied with a smile: "We are in the cabin of a sixth-order spiritual ship. We are already in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains. I believe that we will be able to send you back to the tribe soon!"

Upon hearing this, Xueer shrank and suddenly became unhappy.

"I don't want to go back! In the tribe, my mother always forces me to practice Kung Fu. I practice Kung Fu all day long, and I'm bored to death. It's better to stay here and be free. Don't send me back!" Xue'er took Li Mu's arm and said coquettishly.

Li Mu had a headache. He originally thought that only the human race had a rebellious period, but he did not expect that the monster race also had such rebellious children.

Li Mu patted Xue'er's head and patiently advised: "Xue'er, don't be willful. Your mother must be very worried because she hasn't heard from you for a long time. Think about it from her perspective. If you haven't heard from your mother for a long time, What would you think?"

Xueer jumped directly to Xiao Wa and Xiao Jin, and said categorically: "I have a soul tag in the clan. As long as the soul tag is there, mother will know that I am fine. Besides, I am not young anymore and can make my own decisions!"

When Li Mu heard this, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile: "The things I promised you will not change. It is also for your own good to send you back to the tribe!"

"I won't listen! I won't listen! In the Hui clan, my mother and several elders will definitely force me to practice, saying that I want to defend the Demon Fox clan and guard the clan. That is not the life I want at all!" Er shook his head like a rattle and looked at Li Mu pitifully, making people unable to bear to refuse.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa couldn't help but feel pity for Xue'er when they saw her acting so shamelessly.

"Master, since Xue'er doesn't want to leave, just let her follow!" Xiao Jin looked at Li Mu and pleaded for Xue'er.

"Yes, yes! As long as we protect her, Xue'er will be fine! Besides, if you follow the master, what will happen?" Xiao Wa looked at the pitiful Xue'er and suggested to Li Mu.


Fox demons are indeed spirits that confuse all living beings. The three-tailed fox demon in front of them, Xue'er, is pretending to be pitiful at the moment.Her eyes were shining with crystal light, as if they contained all the grievances and sorrows in the world. Her exquisite and small nose was slightly wrinkled, as if she was pouring out her inner pain. Her small cherry mouth was slightly Open, as if calling for mercy and sympathy from others.

The three snow-white tails behind him were also drooping on the ground at this moment, losing their former agility and pride.

Her hair was as smooth as silk, but she exuded an aura of loneliness and helplessness, and her body trembled slightly, as if she was suffering from tremendous pain and pressure.

Seeing this scene, anyone will feel a strong desire for protection in their heart.The urge to hold her tightly in his arms and shield her from all the wind and rain in the world was almost irresistible.

Xue'er's instinctive charm made Li Mu tremble in his heart. This guy will be better when he grows up in the future.

Look at Xiaojin and Xiaowa again, these two idiots.

Li Mu couldn't help but feel dizzy.

Xueer is just a fox demon. Her pitiful appearance may be just a method she uses to confuse all living beings. Her sadness and grievance may be her unconscious performance to achieve her goal. Her loneliness and helplessness may be her A tactic used to inspire sympathy in others.

Xiao Jin, Xiao Wa, these two fools didn't have the slightest bit of vigilance and were easily fooled!

"Master, how about you accept me as your spiritual pet? Just let me follow you! I don't want to go back to the Fox Clan! Okay!" Xue'er

Hearing Xue'er's words, Li Mu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly. This little fox demon was planning to use him as a long-term meal ticket.

However, after seeing the demeanor of the sixth-level transformed fox demon, Xue'er's father was still a seventh-level eight-tailed fox demon, and there was a large fox tribe behind him. Li Mu did not have the courage to accept the little princess of the fox tribe as his beast master, and refused without hesitation. Got it.

Li Mu took back Xueer's Yulingbao bracelet and ordered Xiaojin and Xiaowa to guard the room.

Li Mu set up an isolation array, then used the hand pinch technique, summoned the extreme sun sky fire, condensed the sky fire into the weapon refining furnace, and began to refine the weapons.


Time flies, and seven days fly by.

The Tianyun Spirit Ship flew to its destination, slowly decelerated and lowered its altitude.

At the front of the Tianyun Spirit Ship, Li Mu, Lord Tianshang and Lord Kunling stared into the distance.

Three days ago, the lush primeval forest had disappeared from sight, and they were now in a place called the Juehuang Valley in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.This is a breeding ground for Corrosion Monsters. These monsters feed on highly poisonous things, and their bodies are filled with poisonous substances. Even their breath is filled with toxins. The places where they occupy are usually filled with withered vegetation and no grass growing.

The highest achievement of the corrosive demon is the seventh-level true spirit. It is an extremely terrifying existence among monsters of the same level, and ordinary monsters do not dare to fight against it.However, hundreds of years ago, this race was completely wiped out by a large eighth-level monster from the Demon King region.Although the Corruption Demon has been eliminated, the vegetation on this land is still unable to regenerate because its toxin is too powerful.

In this desolate land, there is a large cut mountain that is particularly eye-catching. This mountain is divided into nine peaks, known as Jiuling Peak.This is the habitat of the Purgatory Bear. The rest of the place is loess and Gobi, and the air is filled with bluish-purple poisonous gas.

However, in this dangerous place, there is a Lingshan mountain surrounded by Jiuling peaks. Its scene is as spectacular as an oasis in the desert, which makes people curious.

Due to the excessive poisonous gas and numerous crises here, the Taixuan Border Guards did not set foot here, nor did the powerful Transformation Gods guarding the city seriously investigate this place.

Purgatory Bears are ferocious in nature, and there are three sixth-level Purgatory Bears. Therefore, the Taixuan Border Guards have no detailed records on why this spiritual mountain can survive the poisonous miasma and remain lush and lush.

"We're finally here! I hope I won't make this trip in vain." Venerable Kun Ling clenched his fists, looking particularly excited.

Tianshang Zun floated out of the sky, turned to look at Kun Ling Zun and his subordinates, and made detailed arrangements: "This purgatory violent bear has a violent temper and is difficult to deal with. I will go alone to contain the three sixth-level purgatory violent bears." , you secretly search for the Demon-Breaking Heart Fruit. The Demon-Breaking Heart Fruit needs to be mature and can be taken under certain conditions. If the three demon bears show no signs of overcoming the tribulation, they should not have taken the Demon-Breaking Heart Fruit yet."

"If there is no trace of the Devil-Breaking Heart Fruit on the Lingshan Mountain, it must be on the three sixth-level purgatory violent bears. If the negotiation cannot be reached, the Tianyun Spirit Ship will need to be used... To solve them, I will need to spend a lot of time. Give it some time, you can deal with the other monsters, Kun Ling,...,"

Lord Tianshang arranged the battle plan in detail, and finally looked at Li Mu and said with concern: "Little friend Li, just stay on the ship for now, the Tianyun Spirit Ship can ensure your safety!"

"Okay, senior!" Li Mu responded respectfully.

Lord Tianshang finished his explanation and prepared to fly out of the ship. Lord Kunling followed closely behind and was about to leave.

"Senior Kun, wait!" Li Mu suddenly called out to Master Kun Ling.

Hearing the sound, Lord Tian Shang and Lord Kun Ling paused one after another, turning their heads to look at Li Mu without knowing why, waiting for the next words. (End of chapter)

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