"Boom, boom!"

In the five dragon trapped formation, violent explosions occurred one after another.

Two demonized monsters blocked the five dragons. They were not afraid of death and started fighting with the dragons unconsciously. They bit and collided with each other. The sounds of sharp claws and teeth clashing, and the roar of the dragons, The roars of the demonized beasts resounded throughout the sky... and blood spattered as they engaged in the most primitive fight.

Lei Yi blocked the hidden weapon, and Li Mu's figure emerged from the aftermath of the explosion. He pinched his sword and raised his hand to make a move.

With a "whoosh" sound, five Five Elements Spiritual Swords behind Li Mu were shot out immediately.

Five fifth-level spiritual swords of different colors flew through the air, quickly merged into one, and turned into a huge five-element sword, slashing straight towards the demonized opponent.

The sword is like thunder, coming in an instant.

A chilling intent spread from the sword light, seeming to freeze everything in the world.

Under the fierce sword intent, Lord Tianyin had a bad premonition and had to stop his offensive. He stretched out his hand and pulled out a round shield spiritual weapon from the storage ring to resist the five-element giant sword.

Under the magical power of the Sword Domain, Li Mu's control of the Five Elements Spiritual Sword has reached the point where the sword and intention are unified, and he can do whatever he wants.

The five-element giant sword that cut through the sky, under Li Mu's control, turned like a dragon in the air, bypassed the round shield weapon, and went straight to the front of Lord Tianyin.

Facing the swiftly approaching sharp sword, Lord Tianyin had no time to think too much.

"Pfft!" With a sound, a black shadow flashed out of the air. It was a fifth-level spiritual crane, and its huge body was penetrated by the five-element giant sword.


Linghe howled miserably, lowered his head and looked at the master behind him in disbelief, his eyes widened with eyes wide open.

Venerable Tianyin was sprayed with crane blood, and his figure appeared in a state of embarrassment.

"Tsk, tsk, in order to survive, he sold his mount. What a master!" Li Mu ridiculed Lord Tianyin, but did not stop holding the sword in his hand.

The five-element giant sword quickly disintegrated from Linghe's body and flew out. Then, it quickly gathered into one and slashed towards Lord Tianyin. The sword was as fast and fierce as a giant.

This sword is like the nine heavens coming to the world, which is breathtaking.

Lord Tianyin's mind sank, and he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the magic harp, madly outputting his true energy, spawning countless magic sounds, forming invisible barriers to resist the Five Elements Giant Sword.

The flying speed of the Five Elements Giant Sword dropped sharply, as if it was being held back by a forceless force, unable to move even half a step further.

"Resisted! Very good, look at this again!" Li Mu looked solemn, stretched out his hand, and summoned a black hill from the storage compartment.

The black hill exudes a thick, sharp aura. After it appears, it grows in the wind. In a blink of an eye, it grows to about ten feet. On the black hill, there are small straight swords stuck one after another, hundreds or even thousands, densely packed.

"Ha!" Li Mu took a deep breath, and the spiritual power condensed in his palms was driven into the black hill.

"Swish!" With a sound, small swords were uprooted from the black hill and quickly enlarged.

"Whoosh, whoosh...", a pair of spiritual swords shot out of the air and quickly gathered into a 'sword dragon' in the air, charging towards the 'Venerable Tianyin' who was playing the piano.

Thousands of spiritual swords shot out of the sky.
There are countless flying swords, some of which glow with cold light and seem to carry endless killing intent; some exude a mysterious aura, and some of which glow red and seem to carry blazing flames...

They were like lightning streaking across the sky, heading straight for him.

Venerable Tianyin's expression changed drastically, and he looked at Li Mu as if he had seen a ghost, full of fear, and the speed with which his fingers moved the strings was barely visible.

Venerable Tianyin gave up controlling the two monsters and put all the magic weapons into defense.

"Zhengzheng...", the magical sounds formed an invisible sound barrier, freezing the flying sword with cold light in the air.

However, a spiritual sword, "Shua, shua...!" The ground rose from the black hill, and one sword after another came towards him.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of flying swords were hovering in the space of three feet in all directions around Venerable Tianyin, emitting life-threatening sword light.

"Ang!" There was a dragon roar.

The trapped dragon killing formation formed by five dragons made great achievements.The shadow tiger and the giant eagle both screamed in agony. Their bodies collapsed and were cut into countless pieces by the five ferocious dragons. Blood rain fell from the sky.

Venerable Tianyin had no time to think about anything else. He played the magic harp with all his strength and defended against thousands of spiritual swords.

Li Mu tried his best to control the 'Wanjian Mountain', and the two of them fell into a stalemate, competing to consume their cultivation base.

Venerable Tianyin's face was so gloomy that he could shed water. He secretly regretted in his heart that he was greedy for the cave spirit treasure and provoked this 'Li Jianxian'. This guy was too difficult to deal with. He used various methods in an endless stream to control such a high-level spirit at the same time. Sword, with a mere mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation level, you can compete with him on a par, he is simply a monster!

Thinking of these, Venerable Tianyin had the intention to retreat and thought about how to retreat unscathed.

"Xiao Bai! Use the clock to get rid of him." Li Mu was distracted, and the Yuling Seal informed Xiao Bai.

This guy knew about Tianyan Shenjun, and he also knew that he owned a seventh-level cave heaven spiritual treasure - the Painting World Treasure Mansion, which he had to get rid of to get rid of his worries.

"Okay, master!"

Xiaobai respectfully obeyed.

The next second, a small black tiger appeared from Xiaobai's neck and turned into a small cyan bell, appearing in front of it.

Venerable Tianyin noticed this scene and felt something bad. The little cyan bell exuded the mysterious aura of a high-level spiritual treasure, which made him feel palpitated and panicked.

Lord Tianyin intends to escape, but there are thousands of spiritual swords hanging around him. If he removes the magic sound barrier, these fifth-level and fourth-level spiritual swords will immediately pierce his heart with thousands of arrows.

Xiaobai glanced at Lord Tianyin with his green bean-sized eyes, locking his soul.

Immediately, Xiaobai's whole body flashed with inspiration and he threw himself into the small green clock in front of him.

With a sound of "Dang!", the small green bell suddenly rang.


The next moment, a huge, ferocious black tiger emerged from the sound of the drums, let out a heart-shaking tiger roar, opened its bloody mouth, and pounced on Lord Tianyin.

The black tiger disappeared in an instant, disappearing into the body of Lord Tianyin in the blink of an eye, disappearing without a trace in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

However, Venerable Tianyin, who was playing the piano with all his strength and activating the magic sound shield, trembled and his fingers could no longer play the Nine Yin Demonic Qin!

In Venerable Tianyin's consciousness, he was engaging in a more brutal fight with the Black Tiger Soul Evil, which was extremely tragic.

The Black Tiger Soul Demon opened its bloody mouth and bit into his soul. Its sharp tiger teeth tore at his soul... Venerable Tianyin howled miserably. He was no match for it.

In the outside world, Li Mu sensed the aura of Lord Tianyin's soul, which was getting less and less. Soon, his aura was gone.

Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand, and the fourth-level and fifth-level spiritual swords returned one after another and disappeared into the 'Ten Thousand Swords Mountain'.

The first time 'Wanjian Mountain' appeared, it did not create any astonishing power. It was completely outshone by Xiaobai's Canghu Soul Clock. However, Li Mu knew its true heritage. When the Ten Thousand Spiritual Swords gathered together, he gave birth to its weapon. Spirit, it can advance to the seventh-level Taoist level. That's when it really shines.

Thousands of spiritual swords were returned to Wanjian Mountain, and Li Mu quickly shrunk them and put them into storage compartments.

Then, Li Mu fired a burst of spiritual power, lifted the five dragon trap formation, recalled the five dragon bones, and began to clean the battlefield and pick up the loot. "Xiao Bai, you go back first!" Li Mu took the storage ring and the Nine Yin Magic Piano from Master Tianyin and motioned to Xiao Bai on his shoulder.

"Master, there are enemies ahead. If you need it, remember to find me!" Xiaobai reluctantly put away the Canghu Soul Clock, looked at the fierce battle ahead, and signaled.

"I know! Go back quickly!" Li Mu urged with a smile.

Xiaobai and its natal magic weapon - Canghu Soul Bell, were one of Li Mu's trump cards. This was also the reason why he wasted his time and lured Lord Tianyin to a distance to kill him.

Xiaobai nodded slightly, flashed his figure, and took the initiative to put in the Yulingbao bracelet on Li Mu's hand.

Li Mu raised his head and glanced at the sky. There were two fierce battlefields, loud noises and roars, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and sharp red lights caused the earth to crack. Above the cloud tops, nine huge bronze doors were vaguely visible.

Li Mu's figure flashed, he used the Five Elements Escape Technique, and approached the battlefield to check the situation.

If Lord Tian Shang and Lord Kun Ling are defeated and the situation becomes irreversible, Li Mu will choose to escape immediately.

Li Mu used the Five Elements Earth Escape Secret Technique and quietly sneaked into the vicinity of the battlefield.

What comes into view are nine huge bronze gates standing on the top of the clouds, like gods guarding the heaven and earth. Violent collisions emanate from them, as if arousing vast fluctuations between heaven and earth, shaking the mountains and rivers.

The mountains and rivers were shaken, and the earth was shocked. The group of monster beasts that originally lived in the nearby Lingshan Mountain had long since fled, and the Lingshan Mountain where the purgatory violent bears lived had long since ceased to exist.

Venerable Kun Ling laughed wildly while waving his giant axe, causing Venerable Ji Yun and Venerable Lin Hai to retreat continuously. They could only parry but had no power to fight back.

Venerable Lin Hai's right arm had been cut off, and blood spurted out. His momentum instantly weakened, and he avoided Venerable Kun Ling's ferocious attack in horror.

The Venerable Huo Tian was even chopped into two halves. He was dying, and a broken corpse was lying on the ground. He could no longer die.

Venerable Ji Yun was hit by several axes, his clothes were in tatters, and his beauty was leaking out. The pretty face that he was once proud of has now become ferocious and terrifying, with no beauty left at all.

"Hahaha, aren't you clamoring to get rid of me? Why are you so scared?" Venerable Kunling mocked in a joking tone. He was not in a hurry to kill Venerable Ji Yun, but tortured her until she became restless, and then Will be captured.

Suddenly a flash of sword light flashed, and Venerable Lin Hai who was besieging Venerable Kun Ling was instantly knocked away, smashing down a spiritual mountain and being submerged in dust.

Almost at the same moment, Venerable Ji Yun's head flew up, and her lower body was turned into meat paste by the raging ax blade. Her soul was just about to escape, but was forcefully knocked back by the flaming giant ax offered by Venerable Kun Ling.

Under the powerful impact of the sixth-level spirit treasure, Venerable Ji Yun's soul almost broke. She screamed repeatedly, and finally Venerable Kun Ling reached out to grab her and squeezed it easily in his hand.

"Kun Ling, please spare my life! I was wrong... I am willing to be a cow and a horse for generations to make up for my mistakes. Please let me go!" In the palm of Venerable Kun Ling, Venerable Ji Yun begged desperately. .

This time, she had exhausted all her traps and laid a dragnet. What she never expected was that Venerable Kun Ling actually had a sixth-level spiritual treasure in his hands, one against three, as if nothing existed.

Venerable Kun Ling ignored Venerable Ji Yun's wails and turned a deaf ear to her pleas for mercy.

"Rest in peace, my child, I have avenged your revenge for you!" Venerable Kun Ling's voice was like a tumbling torrent, carrying endless sadness and determination.

Venerable Ji Yun's soul suffered severe injuries and completely lost the ability to resist. Her screams and pleas for mercy became weaker and weaker in the wind, swaying like autumn leaves.

Venerable Kun Ling took out a cyan wooden box from his treasure storage. The wooden box exuded a dark light and vaguely exuded a terrifying aura.

Venerable Kun Ling looked at Venerable Ji Yun's soul with eyes full of wolf-like ferocity, as if he wanted to pour out all his anger and hatred on her.

"Ji Yun, this is the soul grinding box I made for you. You can experience the pain of six reincarnations here and live forever!" Venerable Kun Ling glared at Venerable Ji Yun fiercely, his eyes like knives. sword.

Venerable Ji Yun felt the terrifying aura emanating from the wooden box and struggled wildly in fear.

The next moment, the wooden box quietly opened, and a ghost hand suddenly stretched out from inside, tightly pinched the soul of Venerable Ji Yun, and pulled him into the box.

As soon as the wooden box was closed, bursts of extremely miserable screams came from inside, as if they were being tortured. The sound was frightening and terrifying.

Listening to the screams of Venerable Ji Yun in the Soul Grinding Box, Venerable Kun Ling closed his eyes, as if listening to the most beautiful music in the world, with an indescribable joy and relief filling his brows.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu jumped out. After finishing off Venerable Lin Hai, he quickly flew towards Venerable Kun Ling.

Seeing that Li Mu had returned safely, Venerable Kunlin's expression relaxed slightly. The two of them didn't say much. They both raised their heads and looked at the top of the cloud, looking at the nine majestic bronze gates, waiting for the outcome of the battle above.

The dust has settled on other battlefields, but Lord Tianshang and Lord Kumu are still engaged in a fierce battle at the top of the clouds.

The bronze door exudes boundless pressure, and the golden runes in it keep flashing, as if forming a unique small world that is difficult for the outside world to peek into.

After about half a cup of tea, one of the nine bronze doors on the left suddenly made a loud noise, and was immediately broken open by a bloody figure with a powerful gesture, and then fled away, leaving only the monstrous sky filling the air. anger.

"Your Majesty, this hatred is irreconcilable. Be careful." The unwilling roar of the bloody figure shook the world, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

Then, the huge bronze door began to shrink, and finally disappeared completely, leaving only a piece of Buddha dust.

There were still blood stains on Lord Tianshang's body, and his white clothes were in tatters and stained red with blood.

"Hmph, if I meet you again, I will make you disappear into ashes!" Tian Shangzun pointed at the air and cursed, his face no longer had the free and easy expression before.

Only then did Li Mu and Master Kun Ling rush to join him.

"Haha, it's so happy! It's so happy!"

Venerable Kunling patted Lord Tianshang on the shoulder and laughed loudly.

"Pleasant? It's indeed quite pleasurable... But that dead tree kid actually has a sixth-level blood escape talisman in his body, otherwise I will make his soul fly away today!" Lord Tian Shang looked at Lord Kun Ling and said.

"Li Xiaoyou, you have really helped us a lot! If it weren't for the sixth-level spiritual treasure you refined for Kun Ling, even if he could win this battle, he would probably have to pay a heavy price." Lord Tian Shang looked at him Li Mu said.

"Senior, you are serious!" Li Mu smiled modestly.

"Okay, now that the big deal has been decided, let's return!" Venerable Kun Ling announced happily.

Now that the Devil-Breaking Heart Fruit has been obtained and a great revenge has been taken, Venerable Kun Ling's inner demon has been eliminated, and his promotion to the Void Refining Realm is a certainty.

At this time, Venerable Kun Ling couldn't wait to return to the ancient city to prepare for the tribulation.

"Two seniors, I have something to tell you. I want to send the little fox demon back to the Fox Clan, so I won't go back with the two seniors." Li Mu said goodbye to the two of them.

"Didn't we agree that we would accompany you? Why do you plan to go alone again?" Master Kun Ling frowned and asked displeasedly.

"I'm going to the Snow Fox Clan with two seniors. If I cause trouble again, I'll go alone! Besides, Senior Kun Ling, your knot is over and you have gained the Ling Zhi minor training. You should break through as soon as possible. I don't dare I'm delaying you, and I also have some personal matters to deal with!" Li Mu explained with a smile and declined.

Master Tian Shang and Master Kun Ling looked at each other, hesitated, and couldn't help but didn't insist.

Right now, the key is for Venerable Kun Ling to break through, and Venerable Tian Shang will also be on his side to protect him. It is indeed not advisable to travel further. Li Mu has thought about it for them!

"In this case, we won't force it. Remember, if you are in danger, save your life first and call for help. I will come to rescue you as soon as possible!" Tianshang Zun looked at Li Mu and solemnly explained.

"Understood! Don't worry, senior, I know!" Li Mu smiled and nodded.

Soon, Li Mu took out the Tissot Spirit Ship and flew towards the southeast under the watch of Master Tianshang and Master Kunling. (End of chapter)

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