Chapter 245 Snow Fox Clan
The Wanyao Mountain Range is vast and stretches for thousands of miles. Between the mountains, there are towering ancient trees and rugged rocks.

The Tissot Spirit Ship galloped through the air.

In the cabin, Li Mu was concentrating on everything, and his consciousness was outside. He was always paying attention to the movements within a hundred miles, such as huge pythons, mighty ligers, mysterious monster birds,... various high-level monsters, all the time, all the time. Reflected in the divine sea.

Li Mu counted the gains after the war.

I picked up the storage rings of Venerable Tianyin and Venerable Lin Hai, and gave them to him together with the storage rings of Venerable Huo Tian, ​​plus the high-level refining rings given by Venerable Tianshang and Venerable Kunling. The spiritual materials and Jiuzang Lingzhu gained weight.

After sorting out the trophies, Li Mu placed them all outside. The Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range was full of dangers and was not suitable for distracted weapon refining.

Li Mu took out a jade slip and put his spiritual consciousness into it to examine it.

The jade slip comes from Tianji Pavilion and records the distribution of high-level wood-type monsters in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range.

Among the five elements of high-level monsters, Li Mu has collected four of them: fire type - seventh-level red fire phoenix, water type - sixth-level double-horned green moon dragon, gold type - fifth-level blue-eyed golden ape, earth type - fifth-level iron armor Rock lizard.

Although Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa are only at the fifth level, their bloodlines have the potential to advance to the sixth level with the refinement and catalysis of the Blood Purifying Ganoderma and the Xuantian Beast Transformation Pill.

Regardless of the cost, Li Mu invested a large amount of spiritual medicine in feeding them, and helped them refine a natal spiritual treasure of the same attribute to assist in their cultivation. It was only a matter of time before they advanced to the sixth level.

One of the five elements of monsters is missing.

High-level wood-type monsters are relatively difficult to find.

Wood-type monsters usually have the spiritual roots of plants and trees. It takes a long time to create spiritual intelligence, which can take thousands of years, and requires special opportunities.

There are three types of high-level wood monster information provided by Tianji Pavilion.
Black Mist Mountain-Old Demon of Ghost Wood, Wantao Mountain-Peach Wood Demon, Cangmu Forest-Wood Charming Demon Emperor.

Because going deep into the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains, all three places were extremely dangerous, so Li Mu hesitated not knowing where to go first.

At this moment, Li Mu's spiritual consciousness discovered in advance that dozens of miles away, a group of Lei Peng in the sky were speeding toward the Tissot Spirit Ship with lightning speed.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu couldn't help but sigh. The Tissot Spirit Ship actually has a third level. Its concealment ability naturally cannot be hidden from the fourth and fifth level Lei Peng demon birds.

Li Mu flew out of the Tissot Spirit Ship and collected it into the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl. His figure flashed and quickly flew downwards. He used the Five Elements Escape Technique and quickly disappeared from the sight of the Lei Peng Demon Group.

Li Mu's figure escaped from a hidden forest soil, with a decision already in his eyes.

Based on the information on the jade slips and the distribution map of the demon clan, Li Mu decided to go to the Xuehu clan first to send Xueer away, and then go to Wanli Peach Blossom Mountain to have a look.

The Snow Fox Clan is active in a place called 'Xueyun Ridge'. According to the current location, it is five to six thousand miles away. According to Li Mu's footsteps, it can be reached in three days. However, along the way, there are many high-level demon groups passing by. The entrenched spiritual mountain.

In several high-level demon clan territories, there are even seventh-level true demons. Their relationship with the human race is like a taut string on a piano, on the verge of breaking out.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble and consumption, Li Mu thought for a while, immediately came up with an idea, and decided to move forward invisibly.

Li Mu threw his spiritual consciousness into the painting world treasure house and summoned Xue'er and the double-horned blue moon dragon.

With a "swish", Xue'er and the double-horned blue moon dragon all appeared. They looked at Li Mu respectfully, waiting for instructions.

"Xue'er, I'll take you home now. You should know the way there." Li Mu looked at the three-tailed fox demon Xue'er and asked in a gesture.

"If you don't want me to send you away, I will leave you here!" Li Mu glanced at Xue'er and said coldly.

Xue'er took a look around. The dense ancient forest was filled with the scent of high-level monsters. The sunlight was blocked by thick leaves. I don't know what kind of terrifying existence was hidden in the darkness. It was a fourth-level little fox monster. If it were here, If you are alone, you will definitely not survive for a few days.

Xueer's mouth tightened, not daring to talk back anymore, and acquiesced to Li Mu's decision.

"Qingyue, I will enter the cave. You will take it to the Snow Fox territory. With your strength, the monsters along the way will not dare to embarrass you!" Li Mu handed the painting world treasure house to the double-horned Qingyue dragon and decided to enter by himself. In the cave, the two-horned blue-moon dragon opened the way."

"Okay, Master!" The two-horned blue moon dragon readily agreed and looked at the little fox demon Xue'er with some displeasure.

"Very good! Xue'er, you are responsible for leading the way." Li Mu nodded with satisfaction and told Xue'er.

With a "swish", Li Mu's figure fell into the 'Painting World Treasure Mansion'.

The double-horned Blue Moon Dragon stretched out its claws, and the green scales on its chest glowed with a burst of blue light. It solemnly put away the painting world treasure house.

"Come up quickly! Don't embarrass the master!" The double-horned blue moon dragon waved its huge body and looked at the little fox demon Xue'er as an invitation.

Xue'er sighed, jumped slightly, jumped on the head of the double-horned Blue Moon Dragon, and grabbed its horns.


The double-horned green moon dragon raised its head to the sky and let out a shocking dragon roar. It swung its tail, rode on the clouds, and flew away like the wind.

The double-horned green moon dragon swallowed the nine-leaf green lotus, the dragon-transforming grass, the blood-purifying Ganoderma lucidum, and a large amount of Xuantian Beast-Transforming Pills. The essence of these heavenly materials and earthly treasures had already fully activated its bloodline power, which originated from The inherited bloodline of the ancient green dragon allows it to continuously evolve into a true dragon.

The awakening of the power of blood has also made the double-horned blue moon dragon's strength improve by leaps and bounds. Now it has reached the peak of the sixth level. If it confronts an ordinary seventh-level true demon, it can fight thousands of times even if it loses.

The double-horned Blue Moon Dragon is like a hurricane, speeding towards its goal with lightning speed. No matter what kind of obstacles, it can't stop its progress.

Many monsters along the way felt the aura of the two-horned blue moon dragon and retreated. The dragon's power was like invisible pressure, preventing them from moving forward.

The double-horned Blue Moon Dragon was rampaging all the way, naturally attracting the attention of many high-level demon kings. Its existence threatened the security of their territory. It was not until it quickly left that it withdrew its attention.

In less than half a day, the double-horned green moon dragon took Xueer to the 'Xueyun Ridge'.

In the Painting World Treasure Mansion, Li Mu released part of his spiritual consciousness and paid attention to the movements in the outside world. After confirming that there was no problem, his figure flashed out of the cave world.

What comes into view are towering snow-capped mountains, towering into the clouds. The white snow on the tops shines with mysterious brilliance under the sunlight, and the air around the mountains is filled with rich aura.

At the foot of the mountain is a glacier eroded by wind and snow. Over millions of years, these glaciers have been constantly moving, forming strange ice caves and icicles.Under the sunlight, the ice crystals in the ice cave shine with colorful light, making it majestic and majestic.

"Master, I feel something is wrong here!"

The double-horned blue moon dragon examined the snow-capped mountains in front of him and frowned at Li Mu.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Li Mu frowned and looked around warily.

"Why did you stop? My home is at Tianchitan on the top of the mountain. Hurry up! I'm finally back!" Xue'er urged eagerly as she looked at the home in her memory.

"Master, we seem to be locked by an aura, but we don't know where we are?" The double-horned blue moon dragon looked at Li Mu with a solemn expression and conveyed the message through the Spirit Control Seal.

Li Mu understood the idea and looked around to no avail. He did not dare to ignore it.

Li Mu stretched out his hand and summoned Xiao Jin, Xiao Wa, Xiao Bai, Xiao Feng, and Brachiosaurus to alert the surroundings and search for potential enemies.

The seventh-level red fire phoenix, after hatching, has been cultivated for more than ten years. With the blessing of the extreme sun sky fire and the natal magic weapon - the sky fire cauldron, it has passed its infancy and entered the growth stage, and its strength has stabilized at the seventh-level true spirit. First state.The blue-eyed brachiosaurus broke through the sixth level, and after surviving the thunder tribulation of transformation, it stabilized in the middle of the sixth level.

As for Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa, let alone them, their bloodline gradually awakened, their fifth-level subversion strength, and with the help of the power of their natal magic weapon, their combat power was close to that of the sixth-level demon king.

It can be said that even if the seventh-level Demon King comes to this monster team, Li Mu will still have the confidence to fight.

"Xiao Bai, what did you find?" Li Mu's eyes fell on Xiao Bai and asked with concern.

Xiaobai floated to Li Mu's side and said softly: "Master, I feel that there seems to be some existence that is secretly observing us."

"Huh? It feels right!"

"Yes! I sensed it, but since I can't find out its exact location, it's hovering around us. Although we can't see it or touch it, the aura of the soul is real." Xiaobai said with certainty.

Li Mu was greatly shaken, his face remained silent, thinking about countermeasures.

Although both cultivators and monsters are good at using their spiritual consciousness to discern crises, sometimes their spiritual consciousness can also 'mislead'. Some beings have special techniques or hidden methods that can block the detection of their spiritual consciousness.

However, as an insect spirit, Xiaobai's perception of the divine soul is far better than that of humans. Any life with a divine soul must not be able to hide it.

The problem is a bit tricky!

What exactly is this unknown existence? It can even hide its soul, making it impossible for Xiao Bai to track its location.

Li Mu frowned slightly, 'Xueyun Ridge' is the spiritual mountain where the Snow Fox Clan lives. Most of the monsters living here are fifth to seventh level monsters, but the possibility of existence in higher areas cannot be ruled out.

It is also possible for eighth-level monsters to appear. Eighth-level monsters are equivalent to the strong human beings who have merged the three realms of Tao, soul, and body.

Only a strong person in this realm can be said to be truly integrated with the Tao. He has awakened his innate supernatural powers and has extremely amazing combat power. When he touches the realm of the Tao, he becomes magical and unpredictable.

Could it be that this unknown existence that even a novice can't detect is an eighth-level demon?
Li Mu's heart was pounding and he felt a little uneasy.

If there are really eighth-level monsters dormant nearby, then their overall strength may be as useless in their eyes.

Li Mu's heartbeat accelerated instantly, and he was ready to enter the Painting World Treasure Mansion at any time.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Xiaobai rarely showed a nervous look, and stayed closely around Li Mu, always on guard.

"What happened? What happened to each of you?"

Xue'er frowned and looked at Li Mu, whose face was as heavy as water, and the nervous beast masters, and asked in confusion.

Li Mu glanced at Xue'er and didn't respond. At this moment, he had to stay calm and not get into trouble. Once a flaw was revealed, he might get a violent blow from her.

The other party has been hiding for so long, so they may not be sure to kill them. Maybe the situation is not that bad and there is still a glimmer of hope.

A trace of determination flashed in Li Mu's eyes. If he really encountered an eighth-level monster and used all his killer weapons, he would bite off a piece of its flesh even if he died.

"Qingyue, let's go up the mountain." Li Mu glanced at the double-horned Qingyue Dragon and signaled.

The two-horned blue moon dragon nodded, and took Li Mu and the beasts to continue moving towards Xueyun Mountain.

The double-horned blue moon dragon flew forward slowly, keeping vigilant all the way, and its speed slowed down a lot.

"Xiaobai, did you sense something wrong?"

Xiaojin looked down at Xiaobai attached to it and asked in a very low voice.

"I'm not wrong, it's still near us. This is the first time I've encountered this kind of situation. You should be careful! Don't take it lightly." Xiaobai responded through the voice transmission with a solemn expression.

Hearing this, the expressions of all the beast masters tightened and their spirits became tense.

Seeing this, Li Mu sighed, cupped his hands and faced the void behind him, and said: "Senior, you have been following us for so long, aren't you tired? Where did I offend you? Why don't you show up and see us."

After Li Mu finished speaking, the surroundings were still silent.

Time passed by minute by minute, and all the spiritual pets on the scene had their hearts beating faster, alert to any movement around them.

Li Mu smiled, and there was something strange about his expression at this time. Just now, when he said those words to the void, he keenly felt a gaze falling on him, but it quickly and quickly Disappeared.

It was only for a moment, but Li Mu was experienced in many battles and was keenly aware of it.

"Boy, who gave you the courage to bring so many lackeys up the mountain?"

Suddenly, a lazier sound echoed between heaven and earth.


The beasts who were originally tense suddenly exploded. The aura around them suddenly exploded, and they ducked beside Li Mu and surrounded him.

"You're all so loyal? What spirit control techniques did you use?"

That lazy voice came out again, containing boundless disgust and anger.

Li Mu and the other beasts were nervously observing their surroundings, looking for the source of the sound, always on guard for sudden attacks from the opponent. However, Xue'er's dark eyes blinked and she suddenly jumped onto Li Mu.

"Xue'er, what are you doing? Hide quickly!" Xiao Jin signaled anxiously.

Xue'er turned a deaf ear and turned to the void, pouting her nose and sniffing the void.

Li Mu was not in the mood to pay attention to Xue'er. He was on high alert, and his heart sank to the bottom. He only heard his voice but could not see his person. This person's cultivation far exceeded his expectations. Even the Supreme Lord Tianshang did not give him any advice. Such a feeling.

Just when Li Mu was at a loss and didn't know what to do with the situation in front of him, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind him and tapped his shoulder.


Li Mu was shocked by the strange feeling coming from his shoulder. He turned his head and saw a charming and outstanding-looking man in white clothes, who was behind him at some point.

Li Mu was immediately startled and quickly tried to dodge.

But the next second, Li Mu found that the void around him had solidified, and his body could not move.

In Li Mu's horrified eyes, the fingertips of the man in white seemed to be piercing through the void, tapping lightly on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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