Chapter 247 Snow Fox Clan
"Xue'er, I'm an alchemist, not a doctor. I'm afraid I can't do anything!" Li Mu smiled bitterly, looked at the heartbroken Xue'er, and declined politely.

"Master Li, your skills are all-powerful. Brother Jin and others say that you are omnipotent. You can definitely do it..., by the way, don't you want high-level spiritual materials and high-level spiritual seeds? Our family has many treasures. Yes, if you can save my mother and give her whatever you want, Master Li, you will definitely be able to do it." Xueer looked at Li Mu and begged.

The treasure house of the Fox Clan is certainly attractive. A high-level demon clan must have a lot of high-level spiritual plant seeds. Li Mu is very excited. However, if something happens to the Snow Fox Clan, the gain outweighs the loss.

Li Mu hesitated for a moment and declined again: "Although I am good at refining elixirs, I am not a master of detoxification. I am powerless!"

"Master Li, please save my mother. You can definitely do it. If you don't take action, my mother will definitely die." Xueer didn't expect that Li Mu would refuse. She suddenly panicked and rushed to Li Mu. , hugging his thigh, crying and begging: "Master Li, please do well. As long as you take action to save my mother's life, I will listen to you whatever you say from now on. You can definitely do it!"

"Xue'er, get up quickly, there's no need to beg him like this!" Bai Ya frowned and scolded.

The dignified royal family of Snow Fox actually begged a human monk in such a low voice. It would be really embarrassing if the clan knew about it.

"Third uncle, Mr. Li is very capable. As long as he takes action, he will definitely save my mother. Please help me beg him!"

Bai Tian Ya frowned and looked at Li Mu, frowning and thinking about something.

"Master, I beg you, please save Xue'er's mother." At this moment, Xiao Jin suddenly spoke up, asking for help from Li Muchao.

"You..." Li Mu was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Xiao Jin would speak for Xue'er at this time. Could it be that this guy likes Xue'er?
Interracial love?
As soon as Xiao Jin finished speaking, Xiao Wa also stepped forward, looked at Li Mu and said, "Master, please save Xue'er's mother! Xue'er is so pitiful!"

Xue'er's eyes were red and her whole body was trembling. She looked really pitiful!
Li Mu frowned and looked at Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa for help. They had been getting along with Xue'er for more than ten or decades, and it was inevitable that they would have some feelings for each other.

The double-horned Qingyue Jiao, Xiaobai, and the Red Fire Phoenix also looked at him. Although they did not speak, their eyes also hoped that he would take action.

Facing the pleading looks of the beasts, Li Mu couldn't say anything he wanted to refuse again.

"Little brother, if you can save Xue'er's mother, this clan will definitely give you a generous reward! High-level spiritual materials and spiritual plants will not be stingy." Bai Ya looked at Li Mu and solemnly promised.

Li Mu looked at the beast masters and thought about it seriously.

"Okay, I can give it a try. However, senior, I have something to say first. I am not good at treating diseases. I am not sure whether I can save the patient. If I really can't save it, I can't blame you. In addition, I am a human monk. I'm afraid there will be inconvenience when entering the noble territory, so I need to be taken care of by my seniors." Li Mu looked at Bai Ya and made his words clear first, lest the other party would turn their backs and deny him.

"As an elder of my tribe, I will protect you. If you save Xue'er's mother, I will not let you down. If the treatment fails, I will not turn on you. You can rest assured!" Bai Ya He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Li Mu and promised.

"Thank you Master Li!"

Xueer burst into tears with joy and gratefully thanked Li Mu, and then expressed her gratitude to Xiaojin and the others.

"Thank you, we are friends!" Xiao Jin grinned.

"Yes, we have been together for such a long time. Don't be so open-minded. Your business is our business. Besides, the master has always been soft-hearted, so how can he refuse to save her even if she wants to die!" Xiao Wa looked at Xue'er and said enthusiastically appease.

"Without further delay, senior, let's set off. Please lead the way!" Li Mu glanced at Xiaojin and the others, looked at Bai Ya, and signaled.

Bai Ya nodded, led Xue'er, and flew ahead to lead the way.

Li Mu flew to sit on the double-horned Blue Moon Flying Dragon, following closely behind.

Time flew by, and in less than an hour, Li Mu and his party flew to the top of the 'Xueyun Ridge' and arrived at the territory of the Snow Fox Clan.

According to rumors, the snow fox clan is good at imitating people, is naturally charming, and extremely intelligent. Before they take human form, their IQ is the same as that of humans, or even worse.

Therefore, when Li Mu and others arrived at the territory of the Snow Fox Tribe, they did not see the expected scene of being surrounded by mountains and overgrown with vegetation, with the mountains as their home, the sky and the earth as their curtains, and the caves as their home.

On the contrary, what Li Mu saw was a majestic and spectacular city standing in front of him. The streets were bustling, and various demon fox figures were shuttled among them. Some remained in the form of fox demons, while others turned into human forms.

The Snow Fox clan opened a secret realm on the top of Xueyun Ridge and built a city. Not only the Snow Fox clan lived in this city, but other demon clans also lived in this city.

The huge city is equipped with shops, inns and other buildings. In the center of the city is a huge statue of a nine-tailed demon fox. It is lifelike, as if it has a soul. The nine tails are rolled into a lotus shape. It is beautiful yet elegant, spectacular yet spectacular. Tasteful.

"Master, have we come to the wrong place?" Looking at the scenery of the giant city, Xiao Jin couldn't help being stunned and asked Li Mu in a low voice.

Li Mu's eyes flashed as he discovered the high-level city protection formations scattered around the secret city.

There are actually dozens of human guards at the gate of the city who have no demonic aura and strong real energy fluctuations. Those guards have dull expressions and have chains tied around their necks, but it can be seen that they are strictly interrogating the demons coming in and out. .

It is not just the Snow Fox clan that has entered this demon city, there are also many other demon clans, which appear to be quite prosperous.

"25 Golden elixir monks, 5 Nascent Soul monks!" Li Mu's face was a little ugly. The Snow Fox clan actually turned the captured human monks into puppet guards.

"Let's enter the city! Remember to follow me closely and don't run around. Don't act rashly without my order, otherwise you will be treated as an intruder and hunted down. Don't blame me for not warning you!" Bai Yaya looked at you coldly! Li Mu glanced at him and warned.

Hearing this, Xiao Jin frowned slightly and said unconvinced: "What's your attitude? Is this the tone of asking for help?"

Bai Tianya snorted coldly: "Hmph, I'm already very polite. Don't you know how many evil things the human monks have done to the demon clan? This is my clan's demon city. If I don't protect him, who can guarantee his safety?"

"Lost every soul, like a walking corpse. He has no cultivation and fighting power, but has lost consciousness." Li Mu's mind was focused on the puppets of the human monks guarding them. He used his consciousness to check the results and murmured absently.

"Master Li, don't worry, I can definitely guarantee your safety!" Upon seeing this, Xue'er quickly comforted Li Mu and said solemnly.

After saying that, Xue'er turned to look at Bai Ya and said urgently: "Third uncle, please don't treat Master Li like this. He is really a good person, different from other human monks!"

"You are still too naive, okay, let's go in!"

Bai Ya sighed and waved, and a demonic wind enveloped Xue'er and flew into the palace in the inner city with Li Mu's royal beasts.

The scenery of the Demon City Palace is very different from that of the outer city. The outer city focuses on commercial development, and various demon clans live in hundreds of millions. The inner city only has the Snow Fox clan, which is rare in number. You can see demon fox statues standing everywhere, exuding a command. A heart-stopping breath.

In some pavilions and houses, fox demons that have turned into human forms can be vaguely seen. They are extremely beautiful, with the color of night charm, and are extremely moving.

When all the snow fox guards and maids saw Bai Ya and his party, they all bowed respectfully and questioned.

Whenever Li Mu's eyes met with them, those gorgeous maids would cover their mouths and chuckle, their eyes seductive, and they could not help but reveal an amazingly charming aura.

Li Mu was unmoved by this. His determination could not be shaken by these fox demons.

Bai Ya led everyone on foot, and after half a cup of tea, a huge old castle came into view. The castle was majestic, with a huge nine-tailed fox demon carved on the back.

The nine tails of the nine-tailed fox demon are long and dragging on the ground, looking sacred and solemn.

"It's so beautiful, Master. The Snow Fox Clan is much better than the territory of the Purgatory Bear!" Xiao Jin was stunned and couldn't help but murmured as he approached Li Mu.Li Mu nodded. He once heard from Lord Tianshang that the Snow Fox Clan had a prominent position in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains and was extremely powerful. It was one of the major demon clan forces and had stood for thousands of years.

After looking at the palace of the Snow Fox Clan, Li Mu immediately understood that what the Lord Tian Shang said was true.

"Just watch, don't say anything!" Li Mu lowered his voice and signaled to the beast masters.

All the spirit beasts nodded and did not dare to talk about the Snow Fox clan.

Under the guidance of Bai Ya, they walked through the palace courtyard and corridors, passed through the heavily guarded corridors, and walked towards the secret room built underground.

"This is?"

When Li Mu entered the underground stone chamber and got closer and closer, he frowned.

I saw that as I went to a stone room at the end of the underground passage, a terrifying evil spirit and resentment emanated.

This bloody demonic resentment, accompanied by a strong death aura, is very similar to the demonic resentment attached to the seventh-order resentful dragon, the seventh-generation ancestor of the double-horned blue moon dragon that Li Mu encountered in Wangxing Sea.

This demonic resentment is not as strong as that of the seventh-level resentful dragon, but it is enough to affect the minds of the surrounding creatures. If you accidentally fall into it, you may fall into madness like the two-horned blue moon dragon.

"Is that your mother's residence? She seems to be not just injured, right?" Li Mu looked at Xue'er beside him and Bai Ya, indicating the condition of Xue'er's mother in front of him.

"Yes! Mr. Li!" Xue'er nodded in confirmation, with a worried look on her face.

"Did you see it? Is there any way to cure it?" Bai Ya looked at Li Mu with surprise and asked with concern.

"I need to check on her condition first! Then I can be sure!" Li Mu looked at Bai Ya and signaled.

"Well! I'll take you in, you all wait outside!" Bai Ya looked at Xue'er and the beasts and ordered.

"You stay here with Xue'er. I'll call you if necessary!" Li Mu explained to the beasts and followed Bai Ya towards the stone room at the end of the passage.

The condition of Xue'er's mother made Li Mu couldn't help but be curious. If there was a way to solve the demonic resentment attached to Xue'er's mother, maybe there would be a way to subdue the seventh-level demon dragon in Wangxing Sea.

Soon, Bai Ya led Li Mu into the secret room that exuded terrifying demonic resentment under the watchful eyes of the beasts.

"Xue'er, what is your identity? You can live in such a magnificent palace!" Xiao Jin looked at Xue'er who looked worried and asked with emotion.

Xueer did not hide anything and responded: "I am the fifth princess of the Snow Fox Clan, and my mother is the current leader of the Fox Demon Clan, leading the entire Fox Clan!"


"So you are a royal!"

All the beasts were startled and looked at Xue'er in amazement.

Xue'er didn't take this identity seriously. Instead, she curled her lips and said helplessly: "What's so good about the fifth princess? She just practices and practices all day long. It's boring and no fun. It's not as interesting as following Mr. Li!"

All the royal beasts were stunned, and they all showed expressions of deep understanding.

There is no need to worry about eating and drinking with Li Mu. There are abundant cultivation materials, all kinds of spiritual pills and spiritual herbs can be enjoyed as much as possible, and there are also sixth-level spiritual treasures that can be used. Meeting such a master is indeed much more comfortable than being a royal family.

Even the royal family may not have a sixth-level spiritual treasure on hand!

In the sealed stone room at the other end of the passage, Bai Ya led Li Mu into the secret room.

Immediately, the overwhelming demonic energy and resentment invaded like waves, cold and terrifying, filling the mind and intruding into the soul pervasively.

Ordinary low-level monsters, human monks who enter this place will be immediately affected by them and become extremely violent, or their souls will be directly torn apart by the demonic resentment and become a walking corpse.

Arriving at the door, separated by a stone door, Li Mu felt from the overwhelming demonic energy that there were two other extremely powerful demonic energies in the room.

These two demonic auras are comparable to the one next to them. They are real seventh-level true demons. One of them is extremely weak.

There were three seventh-level true beings in total, and Li Mu couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.


Bai Ya stepped forward and pushed open the stone chamber, looked at Li Mu and invited.

The stone door rumbled open, and the situation inside immediately came into Li Mu's eyes.

On a circular stone platform, there lay a huge seven-tailed demon fox with snow-white hair. It had its eyes closed tightly, a look of pain on its face, and it was moaning, as if it was suffering indescribable pain.

The chest of the seven-tailed giant fox appeared black and purple, and its face became extremely haggard and dull. Next to the giant seven-tailed demon fox, an old man with white beard and hair put one hand on it and continuously conveyed the demonic energy. Suppress the spread of demonic resentment in her body.


The white-haired old man with a skinny face, dressed in white clothes, turned his head and looked at the human monks brought in by Bai Ya.

"Brother, this is the alchemy master who sent Xue'er back to her clan. I specifically asked him to check on Jin Ling's condition." Bai Ya introduced Li Mu and gestured.

"Oh! Are you the human monk who saved Xue'er?" The white-haired old man suddenly looked much better.

"That's right!" Li Mu nodded in response.

"Can you treat her condition?" The white-haired old man looked directly at Li Mu and asked with concern.

"I'm not sure whether it can be cured. I need to observe it first."

Li Mu responded and walked towards the stone platform.

The closer he got to the seven-tailed fox demon, the heavier the demonic resentment it released became heavier, forcing Li Mu to use his Nebula Observation with all his strength to counteract the erosion of the demonic resentment.

Li Mu pretended to check his condition, but in fact he used his innate magical power to identify all spirits and learned about the status of the seven-tailed giant fox.

(End of this chapter)

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