Chapter 248 Heavenly Fox Bloodline

【Seven-tailed Snow Fox (Injury)】

[Rank: seventh-rank demon spirit]

[Characteristics: seducing souls, celestial fox demon body, charming eyes, seven-tailed phantom body]

[Status: Heavily injured by demonic power, demonic resentment enters the body, and the demonic essence dissipates. 】

[The seventh-level snow fox with a trace of the blood of the nine-tailed sky fox, 3456 years old, was severely damaged by a demonic attack. The demon of resentment entered his body and entangled his soul. His soul fell into the illusion of demonic resentment and could not escape. The demonic energy entangled him and consumed the demonic essence. , spawning immortal demonic energy, and losing vitality. 】

All the information about the seven-tailed giant fox was presented to Li Mu one by one.

Li Mu couldn't help but frown, feeling extremely troubled.

Li Mu suddenly frowned in thought, unable to escape the gaze of the two seventh-level true demons present.

"How's it going? What can you tell? Is there any way to treat him?" Bai Ya looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

"Well, the senior must have been injured by the demonic cultivator, and an aura of demonic resentment gathered in his body. This aura of demonic resentment is extremely powerful. It invades the soul and entangles with the demonic element in the body. It uses the vitality of the senior to continue to give birth to immortality. I'm afraid it won't be possible to remove it with ordinary means." Li Mu looked at Bai Ya and introduced truthfully.

"That's right, that's right. You do have some skills. The clan leader was indeed injured by the damn Demon King. This demonic energy is extremely powerful. Do you have any means to remove it?" Bai Ya affirmatively praised Li Mu and expressed concern. ask.

Li Mu thought carefully and responded: "I have some means to reduce the power of this demonic energy and restore consciousness to the senior. However, to completely eliminate this demonic energy, I am afraid we have to find another method. "

"Well! Do you have a way to suppress this demonic energy and make the clan leader sober?" The white-haired old man looked at Li Mu in surprise.

"How can we completely eliminate this evil spirit?" Bai Ya was more concerned about the method of eliminating this evil spirit and asked Li Muchao.

"It's better to suppress this demonic energy first, otherwise, allowing this demonic energy to continue to grow will harm this senior's body."

"Her current situation is very pessimistic. If you hadn't given her full help and continued to send demonic power to suppress the demonic energy, this demonic energy would have rapidly expanded to occupy her body and erode her soul." Li Mu explained to Bai Ya in detail.

After a pause, Li Mu solemnly explained: "Next, I will use the flame exorcism. 'The troops are in danger.' If the senior wakes up, I hope the two seniors will take care of me. Once the rescue begins, it cannot be interrupted. ….”

After listening to Li Mu's detailed introduction, the white-haired old man looked at him suspiciously, with some distrust.

However, the demonic energy in the patriarch's body is getting stronger and stronger now. If he had not continued to suppress it, this demonic energy would have exploded long ago. If this demonic energy was allowed to explode, the clan leader would be completely possessed and become a demon. A murderous demon can no longer be saved.

Right now, there is no other way but to believe in this human monk.

"Just let it go!"

The white-haired old man sighed, looked at Li Mu, and nodded with a heavy heart.

"Well! I'm sorry to trouble you, Master!"

Bai Ya gave Li Mu a thoughtful look and agreed.

Li Mu nodded, stepped towards the seventh-level giant fox, stretched out his hand, and a small purple-gold fire phoenix flew out of his body. The temperature in the closed chamber suddenly rose several heights, and the rampant demonic resentment seemed to have encountered a natural enemy. , was immediately suppressed by the monstrous demonic flames.

Seeing this, the white-haired old man and Bai Ya looked at each other in shock.

"Senior, you can let go!" Li Mu smiled at the white-haired old man and signaled.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" The white-haired old man nodded suddenly. Seeing Li Mu controlling the 'Purple Little Fire Phoenix' like an arm, he was immediately full of confidence in him.

"Little friend, what kind of spiritual fire is this? It has such a good effect on this kind of evil spirit." The white-haired old man looked at the purple and gold little fire phoenix and asked Li Mu curiously.

"This is the seventh level - Extreme Yang Sky Fire. When it reaches the sun, it is the nemesis of many demonic energies. However, this demonic energy is very cunning and powerful. It has invaded the soul of the seniors. The sky fire can't do anything to the demonic energy in the soul. Therefore, I can only control this fire to clear away the demonic energy in other parts of the senior's body." Li Mu introduced with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mu attached his spiritual mind to the extreme sun sky fire, stretched out his hand and put a palm on the seventh-order giant fox. The purple and gold little fire phoenix immediately disintegrated, transformed into countless fiery threads, and disappeared into Li Mu's arms.

Li Mu's arm was engraved with mysterious purple-gold fire patterns, and the scorching hot spiritual energy with the extreme sun and sky fire was continuously injected into the body of the seventh-level giant fox...

A gratifying change occurred immediately!

The terrifying demonic energy and resentment exuded by the seven-tailed giant fox disappeared in large quantities, as if it had encountered a natural enemy. The large red and black hair on the chest began to fade, and gradually returned to white and bright.


About a quarter of an hour passed. The seven-tailed giant fox, whose eyes were closed and his face was filled with pain, suddenly opened his eyes. His scarlet vertical pupils stared at Li Mu in front of him, with a comfortable expression on his face.

"Clan leader, this is the alchemy master invited by Xue'er. He is treating your injury." When Bai Ya saw the clan leader wake up, he immediately introduced Li Muchao to him.

"Xue'er, Xue'er is back?" Bai Jinling was so surprised that she looked at Bai Ya and asked.

"Yes, this master sent it back!" Bai Ya responded with a smile.

"Senior, the demonic energy has been suppressed for the time being, but in order to completely remove the demonic energy from your body, I'm afraid you need to take high-level spiritual pills to cooperate." Li Mu took a few steps back and looked at the seven-tailed giant fox in front of him.

"Thank you!" Bai Jinling looked down at Li Mu and said thank you.

The next moment, with a "swish", the figure of the seven-tailed giant fox disappeared out of thin air and turned into a gorgeous woman wearing a white palace dress.

"Master, I wonder what elixir I should take to remove the demonic energy from the clan leader's body?" Bai Ya asked with concern.

As soon as Bai Yaya finished speaking, Bai Jinling and the white-haired old man looked at Li Mu with concern.

They have all seen the horror of this demonic energy. If it sticks to it, it cannot be easily removed. Instead, it will swallow up the vitality and continue to grow and develop until the host is completely demonized.

Li Mu frowned and pondered for a moment. After the weapon refining technique was upgraded to the sixth level, he also upgraded the alchemy technique, puppet technique, and formation technique to the sixth level. The level 6 alchemy technique made his knowledge of the alchemy field extremely profound. , I also know some elixirs that specifically target this kind of demonic energy.

"To deal with this kind of demonic energy, low-level spiritual pills may not be effective. The sixth-level Taixuanqing Divine Pill, the sixth-level Burning Heaven Pill, or the sixth-level Linghua Pill should have the effect of removing the demonic energy from the senior's body." Li Mu thought for a moment, looked at the three of them and gestured.

Hearing this, the expressions of the three of them changed.These elixirs that Li Mu mentioned are of great value and extraordinary. It is difficult to find even one or even half of the elixirs of the fifth and sixth levels and above even in the human fairy city. What's more, the demon clan is almost not good at refining elixirs. , for those who refine weapons, it is even more difficult to obtain such elixirs.

"Master, can you refine this kind of elixir?" Bai Ya looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

Bai Ya's question was too presumptuous. The white-haired old man and Bai Jinling both frowned, feeling that his question was a bit rude to their benefactor.

How old is Li Mucai? He is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Even if he is an alchemy master, he can still refine a sixth-level elixir.

However, Bai Ya didn't think so. He had a deep memory of the scene where many spirit beasts under Li Mu held a sixth-level spirit treasure, and he couldn't help but believe that he could 'create' another miracle.

If he is a master of alchemy, he has mastered the seventh-level Heavenly Fire, and it can be explained that many beast masters have a sixth-level spiritual treasure.

"It should be possible, but because there is no sixth-level elixir, I have never tried to refine the sixth-level elixir." Li Mu looked at Bai Ya and smiled sheepishly.

After hearing Li Mu's words, the white-haired old man and Bai Jinling were stunned, with disbelief on their faces.

"Master, can you refine the sixth-level elixir? Can you refine these elixirs?" The white-haired old man looked at Li Mu and couldn't help but change his tone when he asked.

The master in front of him had just used a hand of heavenly fire, which was extremely surprising. He used a superb method to remove the demonic energy from the clan leader's body. This kind of method was something that even he could not do. Now, he can "bring it to Haikou" After refining the sixth-level elixir, the white-haired old man couldn't help but believe it.

"It is indeed possible, but the sixth-level elixir is extremely difficult to refine, so the success rate may not be high!" Li Mu smiled slightly and nodded in confirmation.

"Master, what elixirs are needed to refine these elixirs? I will immediately ask someone to prepare them! There are not many other elixirs in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, and there are still a lot of sixth-level elixirs. However, I will have to trouble the master to refine the elixirs at that time!" Bai Jinling looked at Li Mu and said eagerly.

"That's easy to say! There are quite a lot of elixirs needed. Let me record it on a jade slip!" Li Mu nodded, took out a white jade slip from the Jiuzang Spirit Bead and burned it.

"Senior, when collecting elixirs, please help me collect some spiritual seeds. I have a hobby of planting and cultivating elixirs. The more spiritual seeds the better." Li Mu handed the burned white jade slip to the other party. He begged with a smile.

"No problem. Master, you not only saved me, but also sent Xue'er back. You have been kind to our clan. If you need anything, just ask!" Bai Jinling took the jade slip and said gratefully.

"Senior, you're welcome!" Li Mu declined with a smile and did not take the opportunity to make any excessive demands. If the Snow Fox Clan helped him get the spiritual seeds when collecting these elixirs, he would have earned the deal and wanted to refine it. The elixir used to make this batch of high-level elixirs is not an ordinary elixir.

"Don't worry, Patriarch! I will prepare everything Master needs." Bai Ya quickly answered.

"Well! I'm going to see Xue'er first. Tianya, you take the master down to rest first, and we'll host a banquet later." Bai Jinling looked at Li Mu, and Bai Yaya signaled.

Li Mu nodded and followed Bai Ya to leave the stone room.


Time flies, seven days have passed.

In order to help the Snow Fox Clan master refine high-level spiritual elixirs, Li Mu temporarily stayed in the Snow Fox Clan's palace and enjoyed the clan's offerings. A large amount of high-level spiritual materials and elixirs were constantly sent to him.

"Master Li, most of the elixirs for refining the Taixuanqing Divine Pill have been collected. The only elixir that is the sixth-level Ziyao Spirit Ginseng is missing. Is it necessary? Is there any way to replace it?" Bai Yaya Li Mu came to Li Mu with a sad face and asked for help.

In order to purge the demonic energy from the clan leader, Bai Ya drove the top combat power of the Snow Fox clan to harvest high-level elixirs everywhere. In just seven days, he quickly collected more than a dozen types of sixth-level Taixuanqing divine elixirs for refining. The only thing missing from the sixth-level elixir is the sixth-level Ziyao Spirit Ginseng.

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned and thought seriously.

In the past seven days, Bai Yaya has sent a large number of high-level spiritual materials and high-level elixir seeds. Xueer also comes to give gifts from time to time. Li Mu has gained an unimaginable harvest. The seventh-level spiritual treasure - Painting Realm Treasure Mansion, covers tens of thousands of acres. The spiritual fields were cultivated and various high-level spiritual plants were planted.

What he has gained over the years is easily more than what he has gained in other forces combined.

"When the elixir of Ziyao Lingshen is used to refine the Taixuanqing elixir, it has the effect of neutralizing the medicinal effect. The role of forming the elixir to accumulate the spirit is not very critical. The same quality will not weaken the medicinal properties or affect the efficacy of the elixir. There are several types of medicine, such as Zixia Ganoderma lucidum or Kuiyin Lingzhi." Li Mu thought for a moment and looked at Bai Ya to confirm.

"I see, Kui Yin Spirit Grass is available in Black Mist Mountain. I'll go get it right away!" Bai Ya perked up and looked at Li Mu and gestured.

After saying that, Bai Ya turned around and left.

"Black Mist Mountain!"

Hearing this familiar place name, Li Mu couldn't help but be startled, and quickly called out to Bai Ya who was about to leave: "Senior, please wait a moment!"

"Master Li, do you have any other orders?" Bai Ya turned around and looked at Li Mu and asked in confusion.

"Senior, can I go with you?" Li Mu looked at Bai Ya and asked in a gesture.

"Let's go together, how can this be done! Black Mist Mountain has always been mysterious. It is the land of Yin Beasts and is very dangerous. We don't have much contact with them. The tribe that occupies this mountain is the Hell Lion Clan, and it is also where a large number of ghosts and wood demon spirits gather. Di, take you to this mountain, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you then!" Bai Yaya frowned and looked at Li Mu and explained.

"Can't you stay peacefully in the clan until I get the Kui Yin Spirit Grass?" After saying that, Bai Ya looked at Li Mu and gestured kindly.

"Uh! Black Mist Mountain turns out to be so dangerous! Senior, what is the situation in Wantao Mountain and Cangmu Forest?" Li Mu nodded, looked at Bai Ya and asked with concern.

Hearing this, Bai Ya gave Li Mu a strange look and introduced the situation of the two spiritual lands in detail.

Similar to Black Mist Mountain, these two spiritual lands are also the main habitats of high-level demon clans. Wantao Mountain is shrouded in peach blossom miasma all year round. Not only are there a large number of peach tree demons, but also a large number of poisonous scorpions and insects, and they are also the fierce tiger clan. The same is true for the territory of Cangmu Forest. This place is a gloomy land, shrouded in mist all year round, with corpse demons and bone demons everywhere.

There is no safe place in the core area of ​​the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.

Li Mu's Nascent Soul cultivation level is simply not good enough in these places. Before other monsters attack him, they will not ask him in advance if he is an alchemy master.

High-level monsters are very vengeful and have suffered a lot from high-level human monks. If he takes Li Mu to travel in places where high-level monsters are common, Bai Ya can't guarantee that he can protect him.

After being rejected several times by Bai Ya, Li Mu had no choice but to give up. He also wanted to use the opponent's combat power to help capture a high-level wood monster!

However, knowing that the Snow Fox Clan had a general distaste for human monks who enslaved monsters, Li Mu did not presume to raise this demand.

After watching Bai Ya leave, Li Mu stopped insisting and continued to refine the fifth-level elixir to prepare for the next step of refining the sixth-level Taixuanqing Divine Pill.

(End of this chapter)

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