The Demon Ancestor Wutian who was suppressed in the Liangyi Ring Formation on the earth, the demonic energy surging in his body suddenly surged, like the undercurrent in the abyss suddenly spurting out, soaring into the air, the magic armor shining with black light seemed to have life and was ready to move. .

An extremely thick and terrifying demonic energy spread rapidly, like the eye of a loud storm, it was rapidly expanding, trying to swallow up all the surrounding space. The figure of Wutian Demon Ancestor became blurred, as if he wanted to merge into this endless world. in the darkness.

Thunderclouds as black as ink quickly gathered in the sky, rolling and roaring, forming a huge whirlpool. Thunderclouds and lightning flashed, with the power to destroy everything, reflecting the surrounding mountains and land like daylight. This magnificent The scene was extremely spectacular, but it also made people feel fear in their hearts.


A bolt of red lightning suddenly struck from the clouds, carrying a heaven-destroying momentum, and struck towards the Wutian Demon Ancestor in the Earth's Liangyi Ring Formation.


With a deafening bang, the nine-layered bronze door was instantly destroyed, and debris flew into the air, making it dizzying for everyone to see.The two spiritual rings on the earth exploded at the same moment. When the two spiritual rings moved up and down, the two spiritual rings instantly fell apart.

The two spiritual treasures were severely damaged at the same time. Tianshang Zun's body trembled, and he felt a tightness in his chest. A large mouthful of blood spurted out, like thunder, and he was in severe pain, making him almost unable to stand still.

At this moment, the power of Wutian Demon Ancestor seemed to have crossed a great realm, and was not tolerated by heaven and earth. Thunder Tribulation came into being, but it was paradoxical.

Everyone at the scene was shocked. They thought that the battle was settled and they were sure of victory. Unexpectedly, Wutian Demon Ancestor actually burst out with such terrifying power, breaking through two layers of formations, destroying two magic weapon arrays, and in one fell swoop. The Lord Tianshang was severely injured.

Li Mu stared at Wutian Demon Ancestor, trying to see through the huge changes in him.

Soon, with the innate magical power of identifying all spirits, Li Mu obtained the detailed attributes of Wutian Demon Ancestor, no, the set of magic armor on Wutian Demon Ancestor.

[Immortal Lice Emperor Armor (Violent)]

[Level: Seventh-Level Magic Weapon]

[Characteristics: Immortal demonic flame, swallowing all souls, seizing souls, immortal demonic body, possession by demonic spirits, thousands of demonic lice. 】

[Status: Demonic backlash, Nirvana and demonic tribulation locked, demonic element violently]

[Using the seventh-level immortal demon louse emperor insect, ten drops of immortal blood of gods and demons, sacrificing the souls of millions of living beings, and the blood of one hundred thousand high-level living beings, it was refined after 130 years of gestation and blood. It has an indestructible demonic body. , Immortal Demon Realm and other powerful functions, the current host soul has been severely damaged, and the magic armor weapon spirit has devoured the master. He is not tolerated by heaven and earth. He needs to survive the catastrophe of Nirvana and Demon Destruction. He urgently needs to absorb a large amount of blood essence and soul to replenish his body. 】

After reading the attribute information of the magic armor on Wutian Demon Ancestor, Li Mu's expression changed drastically. He stretched out his hand to grab the spirit sword near Wanjian Mountain, collected the Jiuzang spirit beads, and waved out a large piece of spiritual root light with one hand, killing Xiaobai, both horns. The Green Moon Dragon and the others collected the spirit-controlling bracelets, and their spiritual thoughts conveyed to everyone: "Escape quickly, disperse and flee, the demon spirits will bite back and become violent, invincible!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mu flashed his body and immediately used the Five Elements Earth Escape technique, and his figure instantly disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Lord Tianshang, Lord Kunling, and Lord Qingwei all used their fastest escape techniques. Following closely behind, their figures instantly disappeared on the spot, leaving only nothingness.

Venerable Qingfeng, True Lord Qingyang and others were filled with dead souls. Elder Li turned around and ran away regardless of the hundreds of spirit swords at the scene. Apparently sensing that some great terror was about to come, they also took out their respective weapons. With his own skills, he ran away with his life in all directions.

The seventh-level true spirit, the Zixiaocang Thunder Beast, glanced at Wutian Demon Ancestor with a pair of vertical purple pupils, and then his figure flickered, turning into a streak of lightning and disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

As the Zixiaocang Thunder Beast left, the two Demon Lords lost their suppression and immediately flew in front of Wutian Demon Ancestor, looking at him in fear.

"Ancestor, I am so ashamed! We cannot leave our enemies behind."

"Ancestor, we have tried our best in this battle. However, that Nascent Soul monk was too cruel. He killed all the Nine Bones and the Corpse, and Fu Fo was so frightened that he abandoned the formation and fled!"

The two Demon Lords looked at the thunder tribulation above Demon Ancestor Tianwu with guilt, and did not dare to get too close, lest they would be implicated in the thunder tribulation if they were not paying attention.

Wutian Demon Ancestor suddenly suffered a thunder calamity during the battle. The two Demon Lords thought that the Demon Ancestor had made a breakthrough on the battlefield and would have to deal with the thunder calamity next, but they did not realize at all the extraordinary strength on his body.

Seeing the expressionless face of the Demon Ancestor, a pair of scarlet blood pupils stared at the two subordinates in front of him. The red thunder snake above his head flashed in the clouds, and a red thunder and lightning was born in the thunder cloud, ready to strike down at any time.

"If that Nascent Soul Sword Cultivator is not eliminated as soon as possible, he will definitely become a serious problem for our sect!"

"I roughly know the origin of this person. Based on the number of his spiritual swords and the sword formation he used,... he should be Li Jianxian, who was destroyed by Tian Jue Demon Lord before!"

"Li Jianxian! It turns out to be him, the master of weapon refining! No wonder he has so many spiritual swords."

"Ancestor, if you can capture this person, the profit will be..."

Seeing that Wutian Demon Ancestor did not respond for a long time, the two demon lords began to discuss among themselves, analyzing Li Mu's identity, looking like they were gritting their teeth but helpless.

The next moment, a strong uneasiness emerged in the hearts of the two Demon Lords, and they both raised their heads.I saw that the magic armor on Wutian Demon Ancestor suddenly extended two tail thorns, which were as fast as two black lightnings and pierced into their bodies in an instant.

"Demon Ancestor, have mercy on me! Have mercy on me!"

"No! Demon Ancestor, we really tried our best, no!"

The two Demon Lords shouted in terror, their begging for mercy echoing in the air.

After the tail thorn penetrated their bodies, their bodies instantly lost control, as if they were suddenly paralyzed. They struggled in fear, but the magic armor's tail thorn seemed to grow on their bodies, and a strong suction force came from The tail sting erupted, swallowing up the two Demon Lords with their armor in one bite.

After devouring the two Demon Lords, the Demonic Qi Dragon Python instantly transformed into two tail thorns, which re-extended back into the Demonic Armor of Wutian Demon Ancestor.

At this moment, the aura exuded by Wutian Demon Ancestor suddenly became stronger. His figure flashed, pulling out black afterimages and flying hundreds of miles away in an instant.

Along the way, all kinds of monster communities and human towns, large and small, were wiped out.Neither the monsters nor the humans could escape the fate of being destroyed.At this time, Li Mu had already used the Five Elements Earth Escape Technique and hid deep underground, nearly two hundred feet deep.He relied on his spiritual thoughts to connect with the fourth-order butterfly insect puppet, hid his vision in the dark, and closely observed the movements on the ground.

The fourth-level butterfly insect puppet was released when Li Mu decided to use the earth escape technique to stay away and avoid it, and was used to detect the situation of Wutian Demon Ancestor.

Through the vision of the butterfly and insect puppet, Li Mu witnessed with his own eyes the scene where the two Demon Lords were as helpless as babies in front of the Wutian Demon Ancestor and were eaten alive.This scene gave him a great shock, and at the same time, it also made him very afraid of the Wutian Demon Ancestor, no, it should be said that he was afraid of the immortal demon armor.

The immortal demon louse armor ate the master, took over the body of Wutian Demon Ancestor, and began to transform his body.

Li Mu gradually discovered that after Wutian Demon Ancestor became a demon, his body shape and form had undergone great changes. His limbs became huge, and more than a dozen tail thorns grew out of his back... and before, he used the star beast's bead to peer into the long river of time. , the images of monsters in the four future pictures obtained are very similar.

Li Mu still remembers the four future scenes he saw using the seventh-level spiritual material - the Star Beast Bead, as if it happened yesterday.

Among the four images in the future, the first one showed a huge square. He was hidden in the corner of the venue, watching Venerable Qingfeng, several other Venerables, and a group of Nascent Soul cultivators in a unique way. They were discussing something together. Everyone had serious expressions and the atmosphere was tense, as if the situation was very critical.

In the second scene, Li Mu is alone in a dark valley.He was flying in the air, seemingly escaping from something.The picture was a little dark and blurry, but Li Mu's figure was clearly visible.He stared ahead, as if looking for a way out.This scene gives people a feeling of tension and unknown, and they don’t know what kind of challenges Li Mu will face.

The third picture shows the scene of a century war.Black shadow beasts everywhere, densely packed battleships in the sky, sword-wielding monks... all the elements formed a thrilling picture.Li Mu himself was suspended above the clouds, condescendingly looking down at the earth and peeping at the situation on the battlefield.He did not intervene, but observed everything as a bystander.This picture gives people a grand and shocking feeling, showing the bizarre world of cultivating immortals.

The fourth scene made Li Mu deeply worried.In the first three pictures, he kept a certain distance and did not get deeply involved. However, in this picture, he stood in the sky with a black robe sitting on a black dragon.The opponent was holding a blue long sword, and was covered in wounds. The ground was covered with dead bodies, and there were hundreds of millions of monsters and monks. It seemed that he was the only one left to fight the terrifying Demon King to the end on this great battlefield of the century.He was surrounded by the demon king's army and could not escape.This scene gives people a feeling of despair and tragedy, showing the cruelty and ruthlessness of the world of immortality.

Recalling the four scenes in the future, Li Mu inevitably felt a little heavy. If there were no accidents, this special calamity would definitely come to Nanling Continent in the future, and he might not be able to avoid it!
Li Mu was very happy in his heart. Fortunately, he discovered it early and acted decisively, so he was able to escape the perception of the Wutian Demon Ancestor. Faced with this kind of enemy, even if the three of them joined forces, it would be difficult to resist such monsters. Attack!

Li Mu controlled the butterfly and insect puppet, followed Wutian Demon Ancestor from a distance, and witnessed his massacre of the demon clan in the nearby mountains.

Hundreds of miles were stained with blood, and blood flowed into rivers. It was very appropriate to create such a scene.

"Boom! Boom!" Red thunderbolts crashed down. The 'Wutian Demon Ancestor' used his body to resist the thunder tribulation, and continued to advance quickly, pounced on the monster groups, slaughtered the monsters, absorbed blood, and restored his true energy. .

For hundreds of miles around, all kinds of demonic beasts, large and small, suffered collectively, with almost no grass growing.

Fortunately, those who were notified in advance invited Venerable Qingfeng, Yun Xiaozi and the others were not pursued by high-level monsters, so the scene should not be too miserable.

After confirming that the 'Wutian Demon Ancestor' was heading west, towards the depths of the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, Li Mu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, escaped from the ground, put away the fourth-order butterfly insect puppet, released the Ten Thousand Swords Mountain, and recalled some of the scattered battlefields. The spiritual sword.

Then, Li Mu summoned him back to Wanjian Mountain, took out the Tissot Spirit Ship from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl, piloted the Tissot Spirit Ship, and flew to Wan Yu Ling Sect.

With a "swish" sound, the spirit ship speeded up.

Three days later, Li Mu arrived at the Yuling Sect's territory and put away the Tianshang Spirit Sword.

"Master Li, you're here! Come in quickly! I'm afraid you won't be able to come back. The Great Elder ordered me to guard you as soon as you come back. What happened outside?" Venerable Lei Hong stepped on the thunder at his feet and flew over in a hurry. In front of Li Mu.

"It's hard to describe this encounter! If it weren't for Senior Qingwei and Lord Thunder Beast's timely help in this encounter! I'm afraid I really wouldn't be able to come back!" Li Mu sighed and said with lingering fear.

"Haha, just come back safely. Stay in the sect for a while this time. The great elder is waiting for you inside. Let's go in quickly." Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu and gestured.

Li Mu nodded and followed Venerable Lei Hong to the lobby.

In the lobby, Lord Qingwei was making spiritual tea and greeted Lord Tianshang and Lord Kunling, chatting about the battlefield.

Seeing Li Mu return, the three of them couldn't help but look over.

"Three seniors, thank you for the rescue. If it weren't for you, I might have been in danger this time." Li Mu bowed his hands and thanked the three of them respectfully.

"Little friend Li, stop being polite to us. Didn't you also save everyone in Yuling Sect!" Qingwei Qingwei retorted with a smile.

"Indeed! I can advance smoothly, and I have to thank Li Xiaoyou. Why are you saying these polite words?" Kun Lingzun waved his hand, looked at Li Mu and said pretending to be angry.

"Little friend Li, I haven't even thanked you properly for the spiritual treasure you helped me refine. Don't wait for me to be polite. Come and sit down!" Tianshang Zun smiled broadly and waved to Li Mu kindly.

Seeing that they all said this, Li Mu smiled humbly, walked forward and sat down on an empty chair.

"Little friend Li, this battle didn't scare you! The Wutian Demon Ancestor is one of the great evils of the Nine Demons Sect. He has extraordinary strength. Drink a cup of Tianling Tea to soothe your mind and soothe your mind!" Qingwei Qingwei gave Li Mu a cup of bubble tea. Good spiritual tea, introduced with a smile.

"Thank you, senior!" Li Mu accepted the spirit tea and thanked him gratefully.

"Qingwei, in this battle, Li Xiaoyou showed great power and killed the God-Transforming Demon Lord, plus the previous ones, a total of four, and scared away one more person. With such combat power, the person who should be scared is Wutian Demon. Ancestor!" Lord Kunling looked at Li Mu and smiled, indicating.

Hearing this, everyone at the scene was stunned and looked at Li Mu in surprise. Only then did they react.

I was surprised by Li Mu's brilliant achievements. At the same time, I felt a little too miraculous. Even the saints and sons of the Immortal Sect could not achieve such achievements!

In the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he was able to counterattack so many Demon Lords, although it seemed like he was relying on the magic circle.However, this strength is really terrifying!
"Senior, that's too much praise!" Li Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't expect Lord Kunling to say that.

However, after such a calculation, Li Mu was also shocked by his own record!
Tianshang Zun and Kun Ling looked at each other, showed a meaningful smile, and made eye contact, as if they had made a common decision. (End of chapter)

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