"Little friend Li, what are you going to do next? I would like to go to the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm. I just have an opportunity to give it to my little friend!"

Lord Tianshang looked at Li Mu and asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Mu's heart moved, and he frowned and pondered.

Next, Li Mu originally planned to return to Yin-Yang Valley, plant spiritual plants, continue to improve his cultivation, study some spiritual roots of plants and trees to overcome the seventh-level true spirit thunder tribulation, assist the Jade Ginseng King in overcoming the tribulation, and refine a batch of spiritual swords. precious,

In this unexpected battle, Li Mu suffered heavy losses, and Wanjian Mountain suffered heavy losses. His body's weapon spirit suffered no losses, but he lost many spiritual swords when he escaped.

Also, when four imperial beasts are combined to set up the five-element array, the strength of the fifth-level Xiaojin and Xiaowa is far from enough. The growth of the Red Refined Fire Phoenix still cannot keep up, and they cannot fully exert the power of the sixth-level five-element array. .

They all need time to settle and continue to make breakthroughs in cultivation.

Besides, Li Mu has never been very interested in exploring the ruins of the cave, taking risks to obtain treasures, traveling thousands of miles to the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm, and seeking opportunities.

"Thank you, senior, for the tip. However, next, I plan to retreat and practice for a period of time to make up for my shortcomings in cultivation. Let's forget about going to the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm!" After thinking clearly, Li Mu looked at Tianshang Your Majesty declined apologetically.


Hearing this, everyone at the scene looked at each other, feeling inexplicably complicated.

Li Mu has become so strong, but still feels that he is inadequate and needs to practice in seclusion. This makes them feel embarrassed!

Compared with him, at my age, I must be practicing like a dog!

"Little friend Li, don't refuse in a hurry! What a chance it is that you didn't listen!" Lord Kunling looked at Li Mu and advised angrily.

"Uh! What kind of opportunity is this?" Li Mu asked in a funny tone, following the words of Lord Kun Ling.

Kun Lingzun took a breath, looked at Li Mu, and introduced in detail via voice transmission: "The main reason why the eight major families in the Central Continent have been able to last for so many years is because they have mastered the Cangyuan Secret Realm, which is a high-level minor with extremely rich supplies. The small world possesses the most important elixir for advancing to the Nascent Soul Realm, the Duoluo Spirit Flower, which is the main material for refining the fifth-level requiem elixir. In addition, there are jade required for the sixth-level elixir. Void Ganoderma, Purple Cloud Spirit Flower,..., Sixth-level Burning Sky Stone, Seven-Star Gold and Jade,..., and so on, these high-level spiritual plants, spiritual mines, and spiritual trees;"

"In short, the small world of Cangyuan Secret Realm has opportunities that are unimaginable in our world. If you enter it and gain something, the chance of success in becoming a god can be increased to at least [-]%."

"By virtue of controlling the Cangyuan Secret Realm for nearly 2 years, the eight major families in Central Continent have promoted nearly a thousand god-forming monks and gained the foundation of the big family."

"The Cangyuan Secret Realm is just a small world. It cannot withstand the battles of high-level monks in it. It is only suitable for Nascent Soul Realm and Golden Core Realm monks to enter. Therefore, the eight major families have made a customary agreement on quota allocation..."

"Li Xiaoyou has unparalleled strength. We would like to recommend you to enter the Cangyuan realm to harvest resources in the name of the Kun family's foreign minister to help you advance to the level of god as soon as possible..."

Kun Lingzun's divine voice transmitted the message, and in just a few breaths, the information related to the Cangyuan Secret Realm was clearly introduced.

Li Mu was slightly startled. He didn't expect Lord Kunling to trust him so much and recommend him to enter such a small world with rich materials and high-end materials. He couldn't help but feel a little moved.

For other Nascent Soul cultivators, if they hear about the fifth level - Soul Requiem Transformation Pill and have something to do, they may immediately put it down and think of ways to get the Duoluo Linghua!
The success rate of the Nascent Soul's promotion to a god is much lower than that of foundation building and promotion of the golden elixir. Nine times out of ten, it will not succeed, and it will be trapped in the Nascent Soul stage for life. With the help of the divine elixir, the chance of success is increased to [-]%.

This opportunity has a fatal attraction for any Yuanying monk.

This is probably the main reason why the eight major families can gain a foothold in the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm. The long lifespan and strong strength of the God Transformation monks are the basis for the next promotion. This is the foundation of a family.

However, for Li Mu, with the help of the two innate magical powers of Planting Spirits and Identifying Ten Thousand Spirits, and a skilled panel, it is a sure thing that Yuanying breaks through to the realm of divine transformation, and does not require the assistance of other spiritual pills.

He just needs to stay in Yin Yang Valley and continue planting spiritual plants. There is no need to participate in this opportunity and take potential risks.

However, the high-level spiritual materials and spiritual plants in Cangyuan Secret Realm attracted Li Mu.

Li Mu frowned, weighing the pros and cons, hesitating for a moment and unable to make a decision.

"Li Xiaoyou, with your weapon refining skills, you can indeed easily harvest some minor training resources. You don't attach much importance to chance, but training! It's not just training." Tianshang Zun looked at Li Mu and gestured.

After a pause, Lord Tian Shang looked at Li Mu with a smile and added, "In addition, there is no rush for this opportunity. There are still 33 years. With this much time, if Li Xiaoyou wants to retreat and improve, it should be enough!"

Hearing this, Li Mu's eyes lit up. It took so long, why didn't you tell me earlier?He also thought that Cangyuan Secret Realm was about to begin!
Thirty-three years is enough time for Li Mu to plant another batch of fourth-level five elements and yin and yang spiritual plants. By then, his cultivation level can be further improved, new spiritual swords and spiritual treasures can be refined, and his strength can be completely improved.

There is no time conflict between the two.

Li Mu was no longer embarrassed, and looked at Tianshang Zun and nodded simply: "That should be no problem! By then, I will take the liberty to disturb the seniors!"

"Haha! That's good!" Lord Tianshang laughed happily, and was very happy to have Li Mu as his helper.

Seeing that they had settled the matter, Venerable Qingwei who was not involved in the matter, Venerable Leihong had already been waiting impatiently.

"With this incident of Wutian Demon Ancestor, only the Yuling Sect is left in the five sect alliance. The Nine Demon Sect will definitely not give up on our sect by then. Li Xiaoyou, could you please re-refine our sect's sect-protecting array?" ?" Lord Qingwei looked at Li Mu and gestured.

"Of course there is no problem with this. I wonder if the seniors have prepared the materials for refining the weapon?" Li Mu nodded happily and looked at Lord Qingwei, Lord Leihong asked.

His life was saved this time, thanks to the timely arrival of Lord Qingwei. This life-saving sentiment must be repaid no matter what. Helping upgrade the thunder hammer of the protective thunder array was just a piece of cake for Li Mu.

"Yes, yes, for the purpose of the Zixiao Spiritual Hammer, we have gathered our strength and collected a large number of sixth-level thunder-attribute spiritual materials. Master Li, please see if these are enough!" Venerable Lei Hong nodded excitedly and said from He took out a storage ring from his arms and handed it to Li Muchao.

Li Mu took the storage ring and put his spiritual consciousness into it.

"The sixth-order Thunder Crystal, the sixth-order Purple Sky Thunder Stone,...the quantity and quality of this batch of spiritual materials are enough! Senior Lei, thank you for your hard work!" Li Mu couldn't help but see the materials in the storage ring clearly. He looked at Venerable Lei Hong with surprise and sighed unexpectedly.

"Haha, I went to Ten Thousand Thunder Island to search for many of them. As long as the spiritual materials are enough, Master Li, thank you!" Venerable Leihong explained happily and entrusted.

"Give me the three weapons of the Thunder Prison Array! I need to study it some more and try to make them connected and integrated." Li Mu nodded and looked at Venerable Lei Hong.

Venerable Lei Hong nodded clearly, and in the next second, he stretched out his hand to reveal three spiritual treasures emitting thunder, two sixth-level spiritual treasures, a plate, a tower, and a fifth-level Houtian spiritual treasure - Zixiao. The spirit hammer appeared in front of Li Mu.

Li Mu put them away, put his consciousness into them, and checked the patterns on them one by one.The sixth-level weapon refining technique gave Li Mu the knowledge of the sixth-level spiritual treasure weapon pattern, weapon potential, weapon properties, weapon formation, and many other aspects.

With the weapon patterns and weapon array templates of two sixth-level spiritual treasures as reference, Li Mu's understanding of thunder-type spiritual treasures and thunder-type array weapons was quickly strengthened.

Seeing that Li Mu was immersed in the study of weapon refining, and there was no one around, the four of them, Qingwei Qingwei and Leihong, looked at each other and left the hall in a tacit agreement, leaving this place to him.

"With this seriousness, it's not surprising that Master Li can surpass the Grand Master of Weapon Refining."

After everyone exited the hall, Lord Qingwei looked at Li Mu who was concentrating on studying the spiritual treasure and said with emotion.

"It's true, Li Xiaoyou, with this kind of character and qualifications, I'm afraid it won't take long for him to be in front of us!" Master Kunling said with emotion.

"It's too early! Master Li, you are still just a Nascent Soul cultivator!" Venerable Lei Hong looked at Venerable Zun Ling in disbelief. Is this what a Void Refining monk said?

"Sect Master Lei, you really don't believe it. This battle has completely shown us what a monster is. What I just said was not false. He was on the battlefield and killed four monsters with one single move. The Gods and Demons, and they are all late-stage demons, such as Nine Bones, Blood Slaughter, Corpse Bu, and other veteran demon cultivators, Fu Fo was so frightened by him that he ran away in confusion." Lord Kunling looked at Venerable Lei Hong. , said with emotion.

"Indeed, if not for Li Xiaoyou's final warning, I am afraid we will fall into the hands of Wutian Demon Ancestor. I don't know how he saw the changes in Wutian!" Qingwei nodded in agreement and said with lingering fear. .

Venerable Leihong nodded blankly, still a little unbelievable. Unexpectedly, Master Li was not only powerful at refining weapons, but he was also as strong in combat as his weapon refining skills?

"I, my injury has not healed yet. Please stay with your sect for a while and wait for Master Li to leave together." Tianshang Zun coughed dryly and signaled.

"Okay, okay! Senior, please follow me to the back mountain. There happens to be a place for spiritual cultivation, which is suitable for senior to recuperate." Venerable Leihong made an invitation gesture and led the way.

The Kun family is one of the eight major families in the Central Continent Spiritual Realm, with extraordinary strength. At present, the Nine Demon Sect is gradually gaining momentum in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm, acting unscrupulously and destroying clans at every turn. The Yuling Sect needs a way out, Kun Home is a good choice.

Venerable Lei Hong warmly entertained the two elders of Kun family and revealed some thoughts about moving the sect and looking for a supporter.

Seven days passed in a flash.

Yulingzong, Yufeng Mountain.

"Boom!" There was a thunder, countless thunder clouds, violent thunder elements condensed, and the world became dark.

Lord Qingwei and Lord Leihong came quickly and appeared in the main hall, followed closely by Tianshang and Kun Ling.

Entering the main hall, Li Mu was accompanied by three petite spirit spirits, a purple-blue thunder tiger, a purple thunder roc, and a purple-blue thunder dragon. They chased and played with each other, vivid and cheerful, and they were full of joy. Zixiao Leiyuan exudes the same attributes, but it seems a little bit different.

"Sect Master Lei, this weapon has been made. Please check it out." Li Mu looked at the four people entering the door, smiled slightly, and signaled to Venerable Lei Hong.

"Okay, okay! Great! There must be no problem with the Zixiao Spirit Hammer, the Zixiao Thunder Tower, and the Zixiao Formation Disk. It's rare that they all show their spirit!" Seeing this scene, Venerable Lei Hong was overjoyed and confident. Quite frankly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lei Peng and Thunder Dragon immediately discovered their master. They rushed over excitedly and surrounded Venerable Lei Hong. The purple and blue thunder tiger looked hesitant, unable to let go of the two brothers. He walked towards Venerable Leihong, but he seemed to be in awe and fear, and did not dare to approach.

Seeing this scene, Venerable Lei Hong was extremely happy. With the innate thunder spirit root and the cultivation of immortal thunder skills, he clearly felt the extraordinary power of Lei Hu.

After Li Mu's hand, the Zixiao Thunder Hammer was successfully upgraded to a sixth-level spiritual treasure. In cooperation with the other two weapon spirits, I don't know how powerful the complete thunder prison formation with three sixth-level weapon arrays can be increased. Venerable Hong couldn't wait to try it out.

Venerable Lei Hong exuded a powerful aura of Lei Yuan, and Zixiao Lingji finally couldn't hold back the consolation of his two companions, and took the initiative to throw himself into his arms and accept his refining.

Venerable Lei Hong held three sixth-order array weapons, and with every movement of his hands, he unleashed violent thunder energy, just like the God of Thunder coming to the world. He was so powerful that the three lords present looked at him with envy.

"Congratulations to Master Lei Sect. With the help of these three treasures, you will be able to advance to the highest level and refine yourself within a hundred years!" Lord Tian Shang congratulated Lord Lei Hong with a face full of envy.

The Earthly Two-Year Ring that Li Mu helped him refine was also very popular with His Majesty Tian Shang. It was very consistent with his Taoist attributes. However, compared with the opponent's three array weapons, it was much inferior.

The three sixth-level thunder-attribute array weapons are constantly absorbing the thunder element. Even after Venerable Leihong advances, his future practice will be greatly assisted. Once he uses this to understand the deeper principles of thunder, he will be able to use it in a short time. Within, it is not impossible to cross another big realm.

"Haha! Thanks to Master Li, this weapon refining skill is so excellent. The three array weapons blend in seamlessly!" Venerable Lei Hong laughed happily and looked at Li Mu with sincere gratitude and admiration.

"Where! The refining materials provided by Sect Master Lei are good, and coupled with the power of the two spiritual treasures themselves, I can refine this treasure, and I have gained a lot!" Li Mu responded with a modest smile.

"Little friend Li, when you are free, please help me refine a spiritual treasure! In this battle with Old Demon Wutian, if there is a spiritual treasure that I can take advantage of, I might be able to win it." Lord Qingwei looked at it. Looking at Li Mu, he said urgently.

"Senior, if you find enough materials for weapon refining, you can start at any time?" Li Mu smiled slightly and replied.

"Okay! I have raised a lot, but I still need two pieces of blue wind spiritual crystal and star wind spiritual rock. I will try to get them as soon as possible!" Qingweizun responded with some impatience and helplessness.

"Senior, I have some Blue Wind Spiritual Crystals. All you need to do is get the Star Wind Spiritual Rock. In addition, I promised to help Senior Xuanling refine two spiritual treasures. Has he prepared all the materials?" Li Mu He responded with a smile, thought of something, and asked Di Qingweizun with concern.

Li Mu has been thinking about the clues about another sky fire in Master Xuanling!
"Thank you very much, Master Li. I will use other materials to make up for it by then. As for Xuan Ling, he has been out for a while. We won't know the result until he comes back. However, the treasure house of Bailian Sect should be enough to support him in refining treasures!" Lord Qingwei smiled slightly and responded.

"Well! I plan to go back to the ancient city with the two seniors first. If we have collected all the materials, please bring the materials to Yin Yang Valley to find me to refine the weapon!" Li Mu signaled.

"Okay!" Lord Qingwei thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Two seniors, please wait for me for a moment." Li Mu suddenly thought of something and looked at Lord Tianshang, Lord Kunling said apologetically.

The two of them smiled and nodded, not taking it seriously. They had been waiting for seven days, not less than this moment.

Li Mu looked at Venerable Lei Hong who was in high spirits and asked: "Master Lei, has the senior mythical beast come back? Can you let me pay a visit to it? I have something to ask it!"

"Of course it's no problem. It's resting in the thunder pond. I'll take you there!" Venerable Lei Hong agreed happily.

Soon, Venerable Lei Hong took Li Mu to the Thunder Pond Holy Land in the Back Mountain to pay homage to the seventh-level true spirit, the Zi Xiao Cang Thunder Beast. (End of chapter)

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