Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 262 True Spirit Thunder Tribulation

Yulingzong - Back Mountain, Thunder Pond Holy Land.

The huge body of the seventh-level true spirit - Zixiaocang Thunder Beast is bathed in the thunder pool. Above, the thunder gathered by the thunder prison array is like a blue waterfall, constantly impacting down.

Seeing Venerable Leihong, he led Li Mu into the Holy Land of Leichi.

The seventh-level true spirit - Zixiaocang Thunder Beast quickly shrunk its figure, stepped out of the thunder pool with four legs, and appeared in front of Li Mu.

"Little friend Li, why do you come to see me when you have time?" The seventh-level true spirit - Zixiaocang Thunder Beast looked at Li Mu with a pair of purple vertical eyes and asked excitedly.

"I came here specifically to say goodbye to my senior. I would like to ask you a question about the True Spirit Thunder Tribulation. What are the precautions for passing through the True Spirit Tribulation? How to safely survive the True Spirit Tribulation?" Li Mu directly explained his intention to the Purple Sky Blue Thunder Beast. .

"True spiritual tribulation! Are you asking for that fire phoenix? Or is it the two-horned dragon? The true spiritual tribulation is not easy to overcome!" The seventh-level true spirit-Purple Sky Blue Thunder Beast looked up and sighed with lingering fear.

During this rescue, the seventh-level true spirit - Zixiaocang Thunder Beast accidentally discovered Li Mu's talent in controlling spirits, and became obsessed with his controlling beasts.

Venerable Leihong looked at Li Mu in surprise. Hearing what Zixiaocang Thunder Beast said, he realized that 'Li Jianxian' also controlled two beasts that were about to go through the true spirit tribulation. The beast-controlling background was better than that of their Yuling Sect. Still strong!
The disciples of the Yuling Sect mainly control beasts. The seventh-level true spirit-Zixiao Cang Lei Beast is the strongest confidence of the Yuling Sect. It has experienced thousands of trials. However, Li Mu actually controls a beast of this level. Two ends?
"It's still too early for the fire phoenix to pass through the true spiritual tribulation. The double-horned dragon's bloodline is strong and the foundation is abundant. I'm not worried about them passing through the true spiritual tribulation. It's mainly another beast. It is a tree that becomes a spirit. If the spiritual consciousness is closed for too long, the foundation will be damaged. Damage, if the intensity of the true spiritual catastrophe is high, I am afraid that it will fall under the thunder catastrophe." Li Mu explained with a solemn look on his face.

"I also know something about beast control. If you don't mind it, you can summon the beast master and let me take a look." Venerable Lei Hong perked up and looked at Li Mu in surprise before interjecting.

"Indeed, Lei Hong integrates the True Legend of the Yuling Sect. Its sixth-level beast-controlling beast, the Silver-winged Lei Peng, is about to survive the True Spirit Tribulation. He has done a lot of research on the True Spirit Tribulation." The seventh-level True Spirit-Purple Sky Cang Thunder Beast Nodding in agreement.

Li Mu pondered for a moment, then summoned the small gold, small tile, red fire phoenix, and double-horned green moon dragon from the Yuling Treasure Bracelet, which immediately attracted all the attention of Venerable Lei Hong.

The four Royal Beasts appeared next to the Thunder Pond. The first time they appeared, they all looked at the Zixiaocang Thunder Beast with vigilance. The powerful pressure of the seventh-level True Spirit put a lot of pressure on them.

Xiao Jin stared straight at the Zixiaocang Thunder Beast, with a resolute face and a hint of envy in his eyes.

The red fire phoenix, with its double-horned blue-moon dragon eyes, was alert and solemn. It was not intimidated by the power of the seventh-level true spirit - the purple sky blue thunder beast. It looked bold and eager to compete.

On the contrary, Xiao Wa was the most cowardly. It put its limbs on the ground and looked around secretly, as if it was about to hide under the ground after seeing something bad.

The characters of the four beasts are clear at a glance.

"These, these are your beasts?" Venerable Lei Hong trembled, looking at the beasts in front of him and became uneasy.

The double-horned Blue Moon Dragon has a burly body, double horns, dense scales, and detailed signs of dragon transformation. It is at the peak of the late sixth level. It must have survived the catastrophe of transformation, but it cannot transform, which means that its blood is pure. Once it has passed through the true spirit Thunder Tribulation, promotion to the seventh level True Dragon is no problem.

The red fire phoenix is ​​petite and is obviously still in its infancy. However, the power of the fire element in its body is extremely powerful, which is not inferior to the strength of an adult sixth-level fire-type monster. It has such strength at a young age, and its aptitude must be extremely high. Extraordinary, if it continues to grow, it is not a problem to directly survive the true spiritual tribulation.

Is this the fifth-level peak blue-eyed golden ape?
Isn’t the blue-eyed golden ape a fourth-order monster?This golden ape actually broke through the bloodline limit?This body is like a body of gold and steel, with extraordinary strength and the potential to continue to grow...

Why does this rock lizard have the characteristics of a dragon? It must be a hybrid monster. It looks loyal, but is actually cautious and sinister!It is also the peak of the fifth level, and it is only a small chance away from the thunder disaster!
Incredible!It's amazing!

The quality of this beast is much higher than that of the entire Spirit Control Sect!

Venerable Lei Hong looked carefully and had a general understanding of the four beasts. He finally understood what Venerable Kun Ling said before!
Venerable Leihong looked at Li Mu with complicated eyes, and he had the illusion that he was being outcompeted.

"Senior Lei, what are the qualifications of my beast masters? Can they survive the thunder tribulation?" Li Mu looked at Venerable Lei Hong and asked with concern.

Venerable Lei Hong quickly adjusted his mentality, carefully looked at the status of the four beasts, and analyzed: "This Fire Phoenix has extraordinary qualifications, but it is still young and it is too early to overcome the disaster. If you cultivate it well, it will be a true spiritual body." ."

"The dragon has the appearance of transforming into a dragon, but from what I see, its temperament is quite murderous. When you go through the true spiritual tribulation, you may fall into it when you go through the tribulation in your heart. It is best not to rush to improve your strength to overcome the tribulation, and temper your heart first. Let’s have some experience before talking.”

"This golden ape and this rock lizard have ordinary qualifications. However, the physical inheritance they have cultivated is extremely extraordinary, breaking through their original bloodline limits. Their growth status is excellent. If they advance to the next level, it will not be a problem to survive the thunder tribulation. , but there are some deficiencies in character, it should have been raised in captivity from a young age, if you want to go further, you still need to go through a lot of training!"

Venerable Leihong devoted himself to his spiritual consciousness, learned about the four beasts in detail, and commented on them one by one.

The seventh-level true spirit - Zixiaocang Lei Beast glanced at Venerable Lei Hong, looked at Li Mu, and introduced in detail: "Little friend Li, the true spirit thunder tribulation is roughly the same as the thunder tribulation of human monks, but there are some differences. True Spirit Thunder According to the bloodline power of the tribulation-transmitting monster beast, its own qualifications, and the tribulation-transmitting strength, the tribulation can be divided into six levels: Huang, Xuan, Earth, Heaven, Saint, and God."

"A sixth-level monster with ordinary bloodline that has successfully passed through the thunder tribulation of transformation and can transform part of its body. When passing through the seventh-level true spiritual tribulation, there will usually be two levels of yellow and black true spiritual tribulations, with 18-27 waves of tribulation thunder. , each wave of 9 thunder tribulations, the main thunder tribulations to be overcome are: bloodline tribulation, soul condensation tribulation, spirit becoming tribulation, magical power tribulation,..." After a pause, the seventh-level true spirit - Zixiaocang Thunder Beast continued to talk. The Jedi began to tell.

"A sixth-level tribulation-transmitting spirit beast with extraordinary qualifications, its own bloodline inheritance, and the ability to transform perfectly or be unable to transform. When it advances, it will undergo two levels of true spiritual thunder tribulations: earth and heaven. This tribulation has 36-54 waves. The thunder tribulation, on the basis of the ordinary thunder tribulation, adds: the inner demon tribulation, the cocoon breaking tribulation, and the inheritance tribulation.”

"A spiritual beast that has the appearance of a divine beast, enjoys the sole inheritance of heaven and earth, and carries the destiny of heaven. After passing through the seventh level of true spiritual tribulation, it will be a saint and a god. It will have 72-99 waves of tribulation thunder. Thousands of thunders gather together to establish the sacred foundation. With the appearance of a true spirit, this kind of true spirit thunder tribulation can be overcome by extraordinary beasts, which is several more tribulations than the two levels of thunder tribulations of heaven and earth: the tribulation of inheritance, the tribulation of beast gods."


The seventh-level True Spirit - Zixiaocang Thunder Beast introduced Li Mu in detail to the various thunder situations of the True Spirit Thunder Tribulation, and analyzed the difficulties encountered by the True Spirit Thunder Tribulation.

Having never heard of this kind of knowledge before, Li Mu's eyes lit up. He had asked the right person! .

"Senior, can you please introduce in detail the details of each stage of transcending the true spiritual tribulation?" Li Mu looked at the seventh-level true spirit - the purple sky blue thunder beast, and continued to ask.

"Let me answer this question. You should put them away first! Some words are not suitable for them to listen now, otherwise, it will easily leave hidden dangers when they go through the true spiritual tribulation." Venerable Lei Hong gave Li Mu a meaningful look and interrupted. road.

Li Mu understood, looked at the four beasts and ordered: "You go back first!"

Xiao Jin, Xiao Wa, and Chi Lianhuo Feng followed the good advice and took the initiative to return to the Yuling Bao Bracelet.The double-horned Blue Moon Dragon had a look of regret on its face. It was attracted by what Venerable Lei Hong said and wanted to know more about the follow-up content of the Transcendence of the True Spiritual Tribulation!However, it did not dare to disobey Li Mu's order, and disappeared in a flash.

"Senior! That's it!" Li Mu put away the four beasts and cast a forbidden spell to isolate the bracelet, making it impossible to detect the outside world inside.

"To control the spirit, there are dozens of methods such as heart control, soul control, spirit control, emotional control, physical control,..., etc. The more powerful the spirit control method is over the control of the beast, the more stringent the requirements for the master. "Seeing that Li Mu had put away the beast control, Venerable Lei Hong introduced it seriously, first spreading some knowledge about the control of spirits to him.

Although I don't know what spirit control techniques Li Mu used, but he can control so many high-quality beasts at once, this kind of spirit control technique must be extraordinary.

Li Mu nodded clearly, knowing the profound meaning of Venerable Leihong's words. The spirit control technique he practiced followed the path of soul control. He placed a seal on the souls of the beasts and directly controlled their freedom. Suddenly the seal was so Many beasts to control would place a heavy burden on his soul, so he had to choose to use a cub seal, or a monster that lived in the treasure house of the painting world and was born with no freedom and was easy to control.

"The way of heart control is the most superior. It has no restrictions on beast control, so it will not cause backlash to the master. The beast god is the true heart control spirit of the founder of our sect!" Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu and introduced. .

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and tell him how to survive the True Spirit Thunder Tribulation!" The seventh-level True Spirit - Zixia Cang Thunder Beast felt that he had lost face and urged impatiently.

"Okay!" Venerable Leihong nodded in a funny manner, with a solemn look on his face. He looked at Li Mu and introduced seriously: "The seventh-level true spiritual tribulation is extremely difficult. Once the tribulation is successfully overcome, it will be a completely new life for the beast master. .”

"There are eighteen common types of thunder tribulations in True Spirit Tribulation, namely: Bloodline Tribulation, Soul Refining Tribulation, Heart Demon Tribulation, Body Tempering Tribulation,..."

"The bloodline calamity is based on the bloodline of the calamity-transcending spirit beast. The thunder carries the purification of the bloodline and the tempering effect of burning blood. The stronger the foundation, the easier it is to overcome the calamity. If this golden ape and this rock lizard survive the transformation, With their body-refining ability, it is not a problem to survive this calamity safely."

"Soul Refining Tribulation, as the name suggests, this thunder tribulation is aimed at the soul of the tribulation-transmitting spirit beast. The tribulation thunder contains the effect of tempering the soul and purifying the heart and soul. This tribulation will erase the taboo of the soul of the beast. If the soul-taming method is used, After the master beast successfully survives this calamity and becomes a seventh-level true spirit, he will regain the freedom of his soul and will most likely bite his master back. You must know that a true spirit cannot be bullied!"

Having said this, Venerable Leihong gave Li Mu a meaningful look and solemnly introduced him.

After hearing this, Li Mu couldn't help but suddenly realized, and understood the meaning of Venerable Leihong's words, and also understood why he asked him to put the beast away first and not mention it in front of all the beasts.

Venerable Leihong must have seen something and was sure that he was following the path of soul control!

However, the full-level spirit-controlling contract that he cultivated and the seal left on the beast-controlling soul should not be so easily erased by the true spirit tribulation.

What's more, Xiaojin and Xiaowa have been raised by themselves since they were young. Even the double-horned blue moon dragon, he is very generous to it. He has a wide supply of dragon-transforming grass, various spiritual pills, and even sixth-level spiritual treasures.

If he survives the seventh-level true spiritual tribulation and gains freedom, will it come back to bite him?

Li Mu frowned, a little uneasy.

It's okay to say that the other beasts have followed him since childhood and have established a deep relationship with him. However, Li Mu cannot be sure of the temperament of the double-horned blue moon dragon.

"Next, let me introduce the inner demon tribulation in the true spirit tribulation. This tribulation is slightly different from the thunder tribulation experienced by human monks. The content of heart training is slightly different. Monsters and beasts have indifferent emotions, simple thoughts, unstable temperaments, and inner demons. Main experiences: killing, greed, eating,..."


Venerable Lei Hong's preaching voice came slowly, introducing Li Mu in detail the different types of thunder tribulations and the situations that would occur during the tribulation.

Li Mu was fascinated by what he heard and carefully took note of Venerable Leihong's narration.

Under the introduction of Venerable Leihong, Li Mu roughly understood the characteristics of the True Spirit Thunder Tribulation and how to improve the four beasts to cope with this calamity in the future.

At the moment, Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa have grown up too comfortably under his protection and need some experience. Li Mu couldn't help but have an idea and decided to let them go out for some experience and suffer some hardships first.

As for the Double-horned Blue Moon Dragon, it is not appropriate to restrict its freedom too much. Didn't I get a map of the ruins of the Dragon Transforming Spirit Grass from Yun Xiaozi?Let it take Xiao Jin, Xiao Wa and the others out to explore and have some fun!

As for the Red Flame Phoenix, it is still young and will continue to stay with him for another four to fifty years until it matures before making arrangements.

"That's all I have to say about the True Spirit Thunder Tribulation. Little friend Li, do you still have any questions?" Looking at Li Mu who was distracted, the Purple Sky Blue Thunder Beast asked patiently.

"Well! Senior, I have another beast that is in a special situation. It is the spirit of vegetation. If it survives the thunder tribulation of the seventh-order true spirit, what changes will occur?" Li Mu came back to his senses and looked at the seventh-order true spirit - Zixiaocang Lei Beast asked with concern.

After saying that, Li Mu threw his spiritual consciousness into the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion and summoned out the Jade Ginseng King planted in the Lingxu loam.

Looking at the Sapphire Ginseng King, who was as dry as a radish root and had no obvious spirituality, but contained powerful spiritual pressure, and the seventh-level true spirit - the Purple Sky Blue Thunder Beast, Venerable Leihong looked at each other and glanced at each other. I was shocked.

"Little friend Li, are you sure it is a plant or tree that has become a spirit? I can't see the spirituality contained in this medicinal king ginseng!" Zixiaocang Thunder Beast looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but look at Li Mu and asked in disgrace.

"It's true. If you hadn't taken it out and put it somewhere else, I really wouldn't have been able to discover its 'true face'." Venerable Lei Hong felt the same way and couldn't help but feel ashamed of his own clumsiness.

This ginseng king is so well hidden!If one were not invested in it with spiritual consciousness, it would be easy for people to ignore its existence.

After listening to the two people's questions, Li Mu couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. If it weren't for the innate magical power of identifying all spirits, he would think so too!
Li Mu took a deep breath and introduced in detail: "Two seniors, this ginseng king has a medicinal spirit that has been around for thousands of years. However, it was captured by the Ten Thousand Clans and professed its spiritual consciousness. It took too long and requires some means to awaken it."

"However, the cultivation it has accumulated is enough to cause the True Spirit Thunder Tribulation. Once awakened, it will trigger the Thunder Tribulation." Li Mu added.

"Hmm! The spirit of grass and trees survives the true spirit thunder tribulation, and it is impossible to survive. Maybe it is afraid of the true spirit thunder tribulation, so it chooses to seal itself!" Venerable Leihong nodded and guessed.

Hearing this, Li Mu's heart sank. Maybe this is really possible. (End of chapter)

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