Chapter 269 Two big leaks
Deserted ancient city, floating port.

Huitian Tower, the largest elixir and elixir shop in the ancient city.

Li Mu used the spirit fox mask to change his appearance, transformed into the image of 'Old Man Zhang', changed into a fifth-level golden robe, and stepped into Huitian Tower.

It took three days, and under the recommendation of Wanbao Pavilion-Lin Baoqing, Li Mu met with ten god-transforming monks who were scheduled to refine weapons, and obtained a large number of fifth- and sixth-level weapon-refining spiritual materials from them, as well as a seventh-level spiritual material. Material - Wannian Xuanbing Stack.

Li Mu only needs to complete this wave of weapon refining commissions, and the shriveled storage ring will be fattened up. The spiritual material resources required for upgrading Wanjian Mountain and the Huajie Palace will no longer be in short supply.

As for the spiritual materials, shipbuilding skills, and recipes required for shipbuilding, Li Mu also exchanged some of them for use in his spare time in the future to try to learn and make his own spiritual ship.

After leaving Wanbao Pavilion, Li Mu had changed his appearance. He wore a fifth-level robe and a crown, and used a spirit fox mask to transform into the face of 'Old Man Zhang', and appeared at the gate of Huitian Tower.

The purpose of his trip was for Li Mu to sell these elixirs he had refined over time, and at the same time purchase a batch of high-level elixirs and high-level spiritual seeds.

"Master Ye, I've been waiting for you! It's been a long time!"

Seeing the figure of 'Master Ye', Xu Xiangyi, the head shopkeeper of Huitianlou, was overjoyed. She missed 'Master Ye' who had not shown up for a long time. She quickly handed over the customers on hand to the clerk and greeted them personally, with a warm smile and a good figure. Naughty, showing Li Mu the unique grace of a mature woman.

"Yes, it's been a while since I've been here. Shopkeeper Xu, let's go directly into the inner hall to talk in detail?" Master Ye smiled slightly and nodded.

"Of course, no problem. Master Ye, please come in!" Xu Xiangyi looked very respectful, stepped aside and made an invitation gesture.

Soon, the two entered the inner hall one after another, and the maid served them spiritual tea.

The room was as warm as spring. Later, the sound insulation array in the room was activated to prevent people outside the main room from prying.

"Master Ye, please have tea." Xu Xiangyi said respectfully with a smile on her face.Her attitude was extremely enthusiastic, and it seemed that Li Mu's arrival had brought a little joy to her ordinary life.

Li Mu nodded slightly. He picked up the spiritual tea and tasted it carefully. When the spiritual tea entered his mouth, traces of spiritual energy flowed on the tip of his tongue. It was warm and sweet, making people have endless aftertaste.

"Master Ye is here today, presumably because he has some elixir that needs to be sold!" Xu Xiangyi looked at Li Mu with a trace of expectation in his eyes.

Li Mu smiled indifferently, put down the spiritual tea in his hand, and nodded slightly: "We do want to sell some spiritual pills."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mu waved his hand, and dozens of pill bottles appeared out of thin air on the tea table. Each pill bottle had a piece of yellow paper attached with the name of the pill written on it: Huntian Pill, Good Fortune Pill. , Bodhi Pill..., both of them are fifth-level elixirs.

Seeing these pill bottles, Xu Xiangyi was so excited that she could hardly contain herself.

"Master Ye, can I see the quality of these elixirs?" Xu Xiangyi looked at Li Mu eagerly and asked.

"Of course, shopkeeper Xu, please." Li Mu smiled and nodded.

Xu Xiangyi carefully picked up the elixir bottle. She gently opened the cork and examined them one by one.As she moved, the smile on her face grew bigger and bigger.

The potency of these fifth-level elixirs is extremely powerful. Just one sniff will lead to a breakthrough in cultivation. All of them are the best in terms of quality and appearance.

"Great! Almost all of these fifth-level elixirs are top-grade, and many of them have reached the top grade. Master Ye, I haven't seen you for a while. Your alchemy skills have improved to a higher level!" Xu Xiangyi said with a happy face. Looking at Li Mu, he complimented eagerly.

"Shopkeeper Xu has given you too much praise. Are the high-level spiritual seeds I entrusted to purchase last time? Are they all missing?" Li Mu smiled slightly and asked with concern.

"Of course I remember, Master Ye, please take a look!" Xu Xiangyi looked solemn and quickly took out a jade slip recording the inventory from the storage ring.

Li Mu took the jade slip and began to read it with his spiritual consciousness.

After a while, Li Mu frowned and looked at Shopkeeper Xu, and asked dissatisfied: "Why are there no spiritual seeds of the Nine Yang Spirit Grass? There are also some other fifth-level spiritual plants with not many spiritual seeds! For example: Incandescent Spirit Flower , Purple Orchid Vine,..."

Hearing this, Xu Xiangyi couldn't help but smile bitterly, and explained sheepishly: "Master Ye, some spiritual plants have special medicinal properties and are restricted by the regulations of this building and cannot be sold. Sixth-level Nine-Yang Spiritual Grass, fifth-level incandescent spiritual flower, ..., these spiritual plants are among the restricted ones, and there are some spiritual plants that are difficult to breed..."

After a pause, Xu Xiangyi looked at Li Mu expectantly and said frankly: "Master Ye, if you are willing to join us in Huitian Building, our building can openly supply these spiritual plants. In addition, Master Li, your alchemy skills We are only one step away from being able to refine sixth-level elixirs! If you are willing to join us at Huitian Tower, not only will the supply of sixth-level elixirs be open, but the sixth-level elixir recipes will also not be a problem."

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned, shook his head decisively and said: "Shopkeeper Xu, don't mention the matter of joining Huitian Tower anymore, just leave it like this! You can estimate the price of this batch of elixirs and use the elixirs and spiritual seeds as deductions."

"Okay!" Xu Xiangyi nodded regretfully and started making calculations on the spot.

Li Mu cast his spiritual consciousness on the jade slips, sifting for the elixir and spiritual seeds he needed.

Originally, I wanted to rely on returning to Tianlou to obtain the spiritual seeds of Nine Yang Spirit Grass and Nine Yin Spirit Grass so that I could plant them myself and obtain the spiritual attribute of 'spirituality' for future breakthroughs.

However, Li Mu had to join Huitian Tower to obtain the elixir and spiritual plant seeds he needed. This was not what Li Mu wanted.

Grandmaster Li, the weapon refiner, is already very conspicuous. It is inconvenient to expose his identity as 'Master Ye' again. Li Mu does not want to make this identity known to everyone, and he will definitely not use this identity to join other organizations.

Two hours later, Li Mu completed the transaction with Xu Xiangyi, and left Huitianlou with her warm gift.

The next day, after a short rest in the tavern, Li Mu changed his identity and went to Tianji Pavilion to collect information. At the same time, he purchased some high-level spiritual materials, replenished the drawing of spiritual talismans, refined puppets, and made high-level spiritual materials for spiritual ships.

It's been a long time since I've been to the ancient city. Li Mu was not in a hurry to go back to Yin Yang Valley and wandered around the market in the ancient city. With his innate ability to identify all spirits, he might be able to catch something.

After walking around the market in the ancient city all day, Li Mu smelled a different atmosphere.

With the arrival of the monks from the Spirit Realm of Central Continent, the ancient city has become a lot more lively, and the quality and quantity of spiritual objects sold in the market have been upgraded to a higher level.

Soon, Li Mu stopped in front of a stall selling ancient artifacts.

The stall owner is an old Taoist in yellow robe. In front of the stall, there are tripods, altars, wooden fish,..., etc., ancient artifacts that emit weak spiritual power. At first glance, they look like the kind of things that were unearthed from some ancient tomb ruins a long time ago. .

"Brother, what are you looking for?" The old man in yellow robe greeted him warmly when he encountered a rare customer.

At this time, Li Mu restrained his aura and showed only the cultivation level of the late foundation building stage and the early stage of Huangpao Old Taoist Golden Pill. He called Li Mu "little brother" and his attitude was already very low.

"How do you sell these ancient artifacts?" Li Mu asked with a smile.

"They are indeed ancient artifacts. You can get your hands on them and take a look. Their original materials are of good quality. If they are carefully maintained, they can be restored to their glory." The old Taoist in Huangpao introduced them eloquently.

"You can't sell it in just one sentence! Hurry up!" Li Mu glanced at the old man in yellow robe and urged.

"One thousand middle-grade spiritual stones, if you want them all, I'll give you a [-]% discount!" The old man in yellow robe glared at Li Mu and offered. "Yes! I want them all!" Li Mu nodded happily, threw a bag of spirit stones from his arms into the hands of the old man in yellow robe, and with a wave of his hand, he packed up the ancient utensils on the stall and the animal skins and cloth on the table. Walk.

The old man in yellow robe stared at Li Mu in surprise, and then realized that the 'little brother' in front of him was an expert in disguise. He quickly reached into the spirit stone bag, found nearly a thousand top-grade spirit stones, and purchased the entire stall's There's more than enough wrong stuff.

"More! More!" The old man in yellow robe looked at Li Mu excitedly.

"What a reward!" Li Mu smiled, waved his hand, turned and left.

The old Taoist in Huangpao rubbed his eyes, feeling that there was something wrong with his eyes. He kept following the other party's figure with his eyes. However, as the other party's voice fell, at some point, in the dense flow of people, he could not find any trace of the other party. .

"Master!" The old Taoist in yellow robe sighed with emotion, and suddenly realized something. He slapped his thigh in annoyance: "Oh no! Are there precious spiritual objects hidden in those ancient artifacts?"

On the other side, Li Mu's figure emerged from a remote alley. He immediately chose to leave the ancient city and flew back to Yin Yang Valley with the fifth-level spiritual ship-Sword Ship presented to him by Lin Baoqing.

[The beast sheds its skin]

[Grade: Sixth Grade Leather]

[Characteristics: The demonic essence is hidden in the spirit, and the hidden realm is self-contained]

[Status: Hidden spirit, transformed into mortal being and does not reveal spiritual power. 】

[Seventh Level Fufo True Spirit - The shed skin produced when advancing to the True Spirit level has its own hidden spiritual realm. It is hard to be hurt by swords and is isolated from water and fire. It contains weak spiritual power and has its own hidden spiritual realm. It is a method for refining invisibility and concentrating breath. Weapon, the finest spiritual material of Lingbao. 】

[Sui Xing Fruit Core (Injury)]

[Grade: Seventh-Level Spiritual Seed]

[Characteristics: The power of the star of the year, the star of the year is strong, the star of the year is empty, the power of the year gathers the domain, and the spirit is carried for thousands of years. 】

[Status: Gathering of age strength, loss of star power, loss of vitality]

[The core of the spiritual fruit produced by the seventh-level Sui Xing Mu. Sui Xing Mu is a spiritual root of heaven and earth that only grows in the final period of the star body. This wood still gathers the power of the year and the power of the stars. It grows for thousands of years before it can bear the fruit of the Sui Star. This The core is the core of the Year Star Fruit. The vitality of the core is dissipated, and a large amount of the power of time is gathered in the core. It is the best refining material for refining the treasure of time. 】

Li Mu took out the two spiritual objects that he had missed this time, and obtained their detailed attributes using his innate magical power - Identifying All Spirits.

Looking at the two spiritual objects, Li Mu couldn't hide the joy on his face. This missed detection was too easy and too unexpected.

First, the animal skin used to set up the stall was one leak, and the other leak was a thumb-sized fruit core hidden inside the ancient wooden fish vessel.

If it weren't for the innate magical power of identifying all spirits, which revealed the attributes of the two spiritual objects, Li Mu would never have imagined that two ordinary things had such extraordinary origins.

This sixth-level animal skin is perfect for refining an invisible magic weapon.

Li Mu still remembered that when he defeated the assassins of Tingyu Tower before building the foundation, one of the trophies included a good invisibility canopy. If he used the shed skin of this beast to refine a similar invisibility magic weapon, he could hide invisibly. Even if it can transform into a god, the cultivator of the Void Refining will not be able to detect it!

As for the seventh-level-Sui Xing fruit core, although it was incomplete, the core contained a large amount of power of time. Li Mu's eyes flashed with strange colors, and he thought of another direction for refining weapons.

The fifth-level Sky Sword Ship was like a flying sword, flying with lightning speed, and arrived at Yin Yang Valley in a blink of an eye.

Li Mu put away the two high-level spiritual materials, drove the Heavenly Sword Ship directly into Yin Yang Valley, flew to the core of the Spiritual Valley, and broke into the formation.

"Who! Come out!"

A nine-tailed genius suddenly appeared in the sky above Linggu, a pair of scarlet eyes staring at the Sky Sword Ship, nervous and nervous.

"It's me! Huan Ling was refined so quickly! Good use!"

Li Mu flew out from the Sky Sword Ship, looked at the bluffing Nine-tailed Sky Fox with a smile, and teased with a smile.

"Master Li, you are back! You scared me!"

Seeing Li Mu, with a "bang", the figure of the huge nine-tailed sky fox turned into a white mist, and Xueer's figure was revealed, looking at Li Mu in surprise.

"Well, nothing happened in the valley, right?" Li Mu asked with a smile, and put away the Sky Sword Ship.

"No! My third uncle hasn't come yet, but! I have already refined the Huanyue Bell. How about it, Mr. Li, I just performed it well!" Xueer proudly showed Li Mu the Huanyue Bell in his hand. .

The magic moon bell then turned into a little fire fox and flew to Xueer's shoulder.

"Very good. We have the form of the Sky Fox, but it is not powerful enough to scare high-level monks." Li Mu smiled and pointed out the shortcomings.

"I know this shortcoming." Xue'er nodded with regret, and then responded with a look of determination: "I have never seen a nine-tailed fox! If I can see it, I will definitely be able to transform it."

"Well! You should practice hard! Maybe one day you can successfully break through the bloodline boundary and advance to the Nine-Tails rank! Your mother said you have this potential." Li Mu smiled and nodded in encouragement.

"You're trying to trick me into practicing again. Master Li, are you ready to refine weapons?" Xue'er frowned, rolled her dark eyes, and looked at Li Muchao.

"Haha, little clever guy, I'm going to take a look at the spiritual plant first, and then I'm going to retreat and concentrate on refining the weapon for a period of time. If your third uncle comes, or if other guests come to visit, remember to treat each other with courtesy and don't be rash!" Li Mu haha Smiled and told Xueer.

Li Mu gained a lot from this trip to the deserted ancient city. He even received a commission from ten venerable gods to refine sixth-level spiritual treasures. The Jiuzang Lingzhu contained a large number of high-level spiritual materials for refining weapons.

Next, Li Mu plans to concentrate on refining weapons for a period of time to improve the success rate of refining the sixth-level spiritual treasure, and prepares to start refining the long-awaited divination spiritual treasure.

"I know! I will protect the spiritual valley for you!" Xue'er nodded in understanding and solemnly promised Li Mu.

Li Mu smiled and nodded, then flew to the spiritual field to take care of the Purple Yang Ganoderma and Yin Po Fruit. Then, he entered the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion, inspected the Five Elements Spiritual Plants, and sorted out the high-level spiritual seeds harvested one by one, and arranged the corresponding methods. Array, transform the spiritual field to suit the growth environment of many high-level spiritual plants.

Compared with refining weapons, alchemy and other cultivation arts, planting and taking care of spiritual plants is a very troublesome task.

However, planting spiritual plants and harvesting their spiritual attributes is the key to improving their cultivation in the future. Li Mu clearly distinguishes the importance and puts most of his energy on it.

(End of this chapter)

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