Chapter 270 The whereabouts of Skyfire
In the space of the Painting World Treasure Mansion, the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain is always radiating the Five Elements Spiritual Light.

A burst of spiritual rain suddenly fell, watering the spiritual plants in the spiritual fields on the mountainside.

Li Mu scanned them one by one with his spiritual thoughts, showing a look of satisfaction. Except for some high-level spiritual plants that require the assistance of special spiritual materials to continue to grow, most of the spiritual plants have adapted to the growth in the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion.

However, after the spiritual rain fell, he noticed that the concentration of spiritual energy in the Painting World Treasure Mansion had dropped slightly, and Li Mu sighed secretly in his heart.

The Painting World Treasure Mansion is in the process of upgrading the seventh-level cave heaven spiritual treasure to the eighth level. It consumes a huge amount of spiritual power. It also has to meet the needs of the spiritual plants and spiritual beasts in the cave world, and it is somewhat unable to make ends meet!
Are we going to find a few more spiritual veins and seize the cave to enter the painting world?

Thinking of the last time, seizing the spiritual veins for the Painting World Treasure Mansion, which caused a catastrophic thunderstorm from heaven, Li Mu reluctantly gave up the idea. Last time, the thunder catastrophe caused by the Painting World Treasure Mansion was replaced by the seventh-level spiritual mineral-meteor crystal core. Gone to a calamity.

Now, the meteorite crystal core has been refined into the base of the 'Wanjian Mountain', and the weapon spirit has been born. It can no longer be picked up to endure the tribulation.

The Painting Realm Treasure House is at the critical moment of promotion and cannot take risks.

Li Mu gritted his teeth and reluctantly took out a jade box from the storage compartment, which contained the seventh-level earth-vein spiritual essence.

【Earth Vein Spiritual Essence (Earth)】

[Grade: Seventh-Level Mine Spirit]

[Characteristics: The origin of spiritual veins, the embryo of earth spirits, reunites spiritual veins, the essence of the earth, gathers spirits from all directions, and forms an earth realm on its own. 】

[Status: The marrow is sleeping, and the spirituality is not revealed. 】

[The seventh-level earth-vein spiritual marrow, which is born from the finest earth spiritual veins, contains a massive amount of spiritual energy, a hundred drops of it. If the spiritual energy is not yet mature, it will sleep for thousands of years. Taking just one drop can reshape you and change the attributes of your spiritual roots. The same as for the earth-based spiritual roots. Upgrading the level of spiritual roots is the best material for transforming gods and casting Tao foundations, refining earth-type spiritual treasures, and refining earth-element elixirs. 】

Li Mu opened the spiritual jade box, and under the innate magical power of identifying all spirits, the properties of the spiritual marrow were revealed.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently in the entire painting world treasure house space, and a small five-color snake appeared out of thin air, entrenched above Li Mu's head, with a pair of vertical green eyes staring at the earth vein essence in the jade box.

"Little guy, your nose is really smart!" Li Mu looked at the weapon spirit of the Painting World Treasure Mansion and cursed with a smile.

The five-color snake is naturally the weapon spirit of the Painting World Treasure Mansion. Since it was refined into the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain and swallowed the top-quality 'Dragon Veins', and the Painting World Treasure Mansion began to advance, its shape has changed, and a pair of small horns have grown on its head. , the body has also grown up, and the color of the skin has become brighter.


The five-colored little snake was full of intelligence, pressing its head against Li Mu's face, urging anxiously.

"I know! It's just for you, eat it!" Li Mu scolded with a smile, and handed the earth vein essence to it.

The five-colored little snake didn't know what politeness was, so it opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the entire Jueling Jade Box in one bite.

"Hey!" The five-color snake said hello to Li Mu. The next moment, it slipped into the Five Elements Spirit Mountain and disappeared.

Not long after, a large amount of spiritual power suddenly filled the entire treasure house space, and the concentration of spiritual power increased several times. The Five Elements Spirit Mountain and the entire cave world seemed to be growing. The spiritual beasts and birds in the space all neighed and cried in celebration. , the voice is full of joy.

Li Mu let go of all his consciousness and looked nervously at the Five Elements Spirit Mountain, his look of anticipation gradually turning into disappointment.

The Painting World Treasure Mansion, which swallowed the spiritual essence of the earth veins, did not succeed in advancing to the next level. However, according to the growth scope of the Five Elements Spirit Mountain and the Cave Sky Space, the Painting World Treasure Mansion has not yet completed its promotion, but it will soon.

Li Mu adjusted his mood, flew into the cave built on the Five Elements Spirit Mountain, entered the refining room, summoned the Extreme Sun Fire, and prepared to refine the sixth-level spiritual treasure.


As soon as the little purple-gold fire phoenix appeared, she screamed at Li Mu as if asking for debt.

"I know! Now, the reward I promised you before!"

Li Mu angrily took out a sixth-level fire element - the Blazing Spirit Crystal - from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl.

The purple-gold little fire phoenix's eyes lit up, and it swooped out, swallowing the flaming spiritual crystal into its belly, digesting it into a ball of ash in the blink of an eye, and scattering it.


The little purple-gold fire phoenix flew in front of Li Mu, hovering unsatisfiedly, not satisfied with this little bit of 'food'.

Li Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly. The Painting Realm Treasure Mansion needs to be raised. To use the Extreme Yang Heavenly Fire, you need to use high-level fire-type spiritual materials to raise it. There are also several beasts to raise, and to plant spiritual plants, you also need various high-level auxiliary spiritual materials... ..., there are a lot of needs. If it weren't for him having a weapon refining skill and alchemy skills, he really wouldn't be able to afford them.

"Help me refine a spiritual treasure first, and then I'll give you another after I refine it!"

Li Mu conveyed his spiritual thoughts and persuaded him with kind words.


The purple and golden little fire phoenix screamed dissatisfiedly, as if bargaining.

"Two parts? No, this kind of spiritual object is very difficult to make. If you refine one, you will get one! As a rule, no cheating!" Li Mu refused firmly.

Refining spiritual treasures will certainly consume the power of the fire source of the 'Poly Yang Sky Fire', but a sixth-level fire-based spiritual material is enough to make up for it, and there is even a lot left over for its advancement.

Refining a sixth-level spiritual treasure and giving it a sixth-level fire-based spiritual material were the rules set before, and Li Murian did not allow it to bargain.


Unable to get any benefits from Li Mu, the purple-gold fire phoenix shouted angrily at Li Mu. Then, it disintegrated and turned into a ball of purple-gold flames, floating in front of Li Mu, exuding high temperatures in a playful manner.

Li Mu was startled and almost got burned.

"Stinky guy, wait until I find the next ball of sky fire, and see how I deal with you!" Li Mu was so angry that his teeth itched, and he quickly ran the eighth level of sky fire tempering method to condense the sky fire refining furnace.

A heavenly fire refining weapon condensed with purple gold flames emerged. Li Mu pondered for a moment, poured his consciousness into the Jiuzang Spirit Bead, and summoned pieces of sixth-level weapon refining materials and threw them into it.

After accepting ten commissions for refining sixth-level spiritual treasures, plus the remuneration they paid in advance, the number of sixth-level spiritual materials stored in the Jiuzang Lingzhu should not be too large.

According to the request of the entruster, Venerable Ling Wu, for the weapon refining, Li Mu set about refining a glove-style spiritual treasure.Venerable Ling Wu is from the gold system. He attained Taoism through body refining. He majored in the White Tiger's Roaring Heaven Technique and condensed the true meaning of the White Tiger. Li Mu's expression became serious. He pinched the art with his hands, controlled the Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace, and forged the refining spirit into the furnace. material.

Sixth level - White Tiger Demon Emperor Bone, sixth level - Tiansha Xuanjin,..., seven or eight level six weapon refining materials, were quickly smelted under the terrifying high temperature of the Extreme Sun Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace, and divinely refined and fused.


There is no time to practice in seclusion. Time flies, and three months have passed.

Li Mu devoted himself to the refining of spiritual treasures. Occasionally, after refining a spiritual treasure, he would go out to repair it, take care of the spiritual plants, summarize the experience of refining the weapon, harvest, and gain experience in refining a spiritual treasure of time for himself.

"Master Li, we have a guest, we have a guest!"

Xueer trotted to the edge of the spiritual field and excitedly reported to Li Muhui.

"I know! You go make the spiritual tea, and I'll greet the guests!" Li Mu nodded and smiled, instructing.

Xueer happily accepted the order and ran to Shiting to prepare spiritual tea.

Li Mu's figure flashed, turning into a ball of sand and disappearing near the spiritual field.

"Senior Qingwei, senior Xuan Ling, I apologize for being too far away to welcome you!" Li Mu appeared in front of Master Qingwei and greeted Master Xuan Ling with a smile.

"Haha, Master Li, you are really good at choosing a place. There is a sinister wind outside this Linggu, and not even a blade of grass grows, but the valley is full of vitality. The yin pole generates yang, and it is a place where both yin and yang are prosperous!" Qingwei Master searched with his spiritual consciousness! The entire Yin Yang Valley sighed in surprise.

"That's true! Setting up the illusion formation in the valley is definitely an excellent place for hidden cultivation." Venerable Xuan Ling nodded and agreed.

"You two seniors are so complimentary, please invite me in the valley!" Li Mu smiled politely and invited.

The two of them nodded, followed Li Mu into the valley, and sat down separately in the stone pavilion. Xueer respectfully served the spirit tea, and then stood behind Li Mu, waiting for the arrangement like a maid, with a pair of dark eyes falling on both sides. On this senior, I could only feel the unfathomable aura of the old man wearing a blue robe.

Qingweizun looked at his opponent Xue'er and recognized her original form at a glance, with a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes. As the supreme elder of the Yuling Sect, he has various aptitudes and potential for controlling beasts and birds. Has unique skills.

"Master Li, this little maid's identity is unusual! Does she come from the Snow Fox clan?" Qingwei looked at Li Mu and asked tentatively.

"To be honest, senior, I have some friendship with the patriarch of the Snow Fox Clan, senior Jin Ling. This is senior Jin Ling's only daughter. She has been studying with me for a while." Li Mu smiled and introduced.

Lord Qingwei glanced at Li Mu in surprise. He didn't expect that he had such a wide range of friends. First he was from the Kun family, and now he even has friends with the Snow Fox clan.

The Snow Fox clan has an arrogant temperament and has never tolerated sand in their eyes. They are not mortal enemies with the human race. However, they have never had a good look towards human monks. However, the patriarch of the Snow Fox clan actually entrusted his only daughter to Li Mu to take care of him. This friendship But it’s extraordinary!

Li Mu seemed to see the confusion in the eyes of Lord Qingwei, and quickly explained: "Senior, the patriarchs and elders of the eighteen major clans of Ten Thousand Monsters have all suffered from the poisonous hands of the Nine Demon Sect. The current situation with the Southern Wilderness Monster Clan is not very good. Anwen, don’t you know this news?”

"Is this happening?" Qingwei's expression changed drastically.

"It's the Nine Demons Sect again, what are they planning!" Venerable Xuanling said angrily with a look of deep-seated hatred in his eyes.

"We are already hostile to the Ten Thousand Demons clan. Now that their clan leaders and elders have been injured by the Nine Demons Sect, and their high-level combat power has been damaged, they must be afraid that we will add insult to injury. They have not had time to keep it secret, and they will definitely not take the initiative to inform me of this matter. Wait!" A trace of worry flashed in Lord Qingwei's eyes as he explained.

"Indeed! The power of the immortal demonic energy cultivated by the Nine Demons Sect is extremely extraordinary. After being attacked, the demonic energy enters the body and is difficult to remove." Li Mu continued.

"Master Li, didn't my mother say that she has been cured by you? Is she lying to me?" Xue'er heard something, turned pale and asked.

Hearing this, Li Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly, but he didn't expect that he would spill the beans.

"The Extreme Sun Sky Fire has indeed burned a large amount of demonic energy in Senior Jin Ling's body. The Taixuanqing Divine Pill also has a certain effect in dispelling demons. However, it cannot completely remove the immortal demonic energy in Senior Jin Ling's body." Li Mu looked at Xue'er and answered truthfully. .

"How could this happen? No, I want to go back!" Xue'er said anxiously, and was about to leave Linggu after saying that.

"Little girl, don't worry too much. Jin Ling can say that she has the power of the Seven Tails. Since she has used sky fire to eliminate a lot of demonic energy, she has a way to suppress the remaining ones. It will definitely be fine for a hundred years. You can't help if you rush back now. Don't It was too hasty." Lord Qingwei stretched out his hand to touch Xue'er, and comforted her.

"That's true. You won't be able to help. The person who tied the bell needs to be tied to untie the bell. If we can get rid of the practitioners of the immortal demonic energy, maybe we can relieve senior Jin Ling from the siege of the demonic energy. Besides, Yin Yang Valley and Xueyun Mountain are one hundred thousand miles apart, how do you get there? If you encounter danger on the road, how should I tell your mother, don't be willful!" Li Mu persuaded him with serious words.

Hearing this, Xueer's expression relaxed and she was persuaded by Li Mu and no longer persisted.

"Before, we had a fight with Wutian Demon Ancestor. He originally cultivated the blood nerve, but it seems that he has modified the immortal demon skill!" Qingweizun frowned slightly and analyzed.

"Is that so? I think it's that magic armor that's causing trouble. The immortal demonic energy was spawned by that magic armor!" Li Mu expressed a different view, looking at Qingwei and asked curiously: "Senior, this immortal What kind of magic skills are used to create demonic energy?" Li Mu

"Immortal Demonic Qi! It is one of the ten major demonic energies in the world of Demonic Abyss. Together with the Demonic Qi of Huangquan, it is the unique ability of those who have mastered the Immortal Demonic Art. It rotates in the cycle of life and death and is immortal. Except for those killed by a few Yang, the method of Zhizheng, the restraint of spiritual things, has few opponents in the world, and is extremely difficult to deal with!" Lord Qingwei sighed and introduced it to Li Mu in detail.

"Sky Fire is the nemesis of immortal demonic energy! I came to see Master Li this time. Firstly, I entrusted Master Li to refine spiritual treasures. Secondly, I wanted to tell Master Li the whereabouts of Ziyun Sky Fire." Venerable Xuan Ling suddenly interrupted. Looking at Li Mu, he introduced.

"Where is the Ziyun Heavenly Fire?" Li Mu was refreshed and asked excitedly.

If you can obtain the Ziyun Heavenly Fire, you can continue to improve the level of the eighth-level heavenly fire weapon refining method. By then, the success rate of refining sixth-level spiritual treasures can be increased to the eighth- or ninth-level, and refining seventh-level Taoist weapons is also just around the corner.

"The Purple Yun Heavenly Fire is in the Yinhun Sect and is in the hands of Demon Lord Yanming!" Lord Xuanling replied firmly.

After saying that, Venerable Xuan Ling took out a disc-shaped spiritual weapon from his arms, handed it to Li Mu and introduced: "This is the tracking spirit plate that can chase the Purple Yun Sky Fire. Within a thousand miles, the Purple Yun Sky Fire can't hide." .”

"Thank you, Senior Xuan Ling! I don't know what kind of spiritual treasure Senior wants to refine, but the materials have been gathered!" Li Mu happily accepted the spirit plate and asked politely.

"Of course I have gathered all the spiritual materials for refining weapons. I major in fire-based exercises. I want to refine a fire-based spiritual treasure and a defensive spiritual treasure. I'm sorry to bother you, Master Li!" Master Xuanling handed over a storage bracelet. Passed it to Li Mu and signaled.

"You're welcome! It is estimated that it will take two months to refine these two spiritual treasures. If the two seniors don't mind, can you stay in the valley first?" Li Mu took the storage bracelet and gestured.

"I'm afraid of disturbing Master Li's weapon refining! It's a rare visit to the ancient city. Let's go to the ancient city to have a look?" Venerable Xuan Ling declined, and looked to Venerable Qingwei for advice.

"Indeed, the ancient city is very lively now. There are many colleagues communicating with each other. Let's see if we can collect all the treasure refining materials that I have cultivated. Let's come back to disturb Master Li in two months!" Qingweizun nodded. He nodded and agreed.

"The ancient city is really busy now! Wanbao Pavilion is about to hold an auction, and maybe there will be spiritual materials cultivated by the seniors." Li Mu had no choice but to agree, and the conversation changed and he drank spiritual tea with the two of them and chatted about what he had seen in the ancient city.

(End of this chapter)

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