Chapter 271 Fortune Turtle
After presenting the gift to Master Qingwei, Master Xuanling left the valley, and Li Mu continued to devote himself to refining weapons.

Refining an ordinary sixth-level spirit treasure only takes four or five days with the help of the Extreme Yang Sky Fire. The reason why he told them it would take two months was that Li Mu didn't want them to see it. Bao is so easy.

After checking the spiritual materials provided by Master Xuan Ling, Li Mu couldn't help but feel happy.

Jiyang Tianhuo's appetite is too big. Every time he refines a spiritual treasure, an additional sixth-level fire-type spiritual material is consumed. Li Muzheng is worried that there is not enough fire-type spiritual material to satisfy it!

The storage bracelet given by Master Xuan Ling contained nearly thirty kinds of sixth-level spiritual materials, mostly of the fire type. After refining two sixth-level spiritual treasures, most of them were left.

The remaining materials for refining the treasure should be his reward!

So interesting!

Li Mu smiled with satisfaction, turned around and walked into the weapon refining room and started to refine the weapon.

First, he refined two fire-type spiritual treasures for Master Xuan Ling, one for each skill and one for defense. Based on the techniques he practiced, Li Mu prepared to refine a fire-type round shield and a fire-type 'needle-shaped' attack weapon for him. Lingbao, functional and defensive matching.

Li Mu summoned the Extreme Yang Sky Fire, fed it with fire spiritual materials, and then started to condense the Sky Fire into the refining furnace.

Soon, the purple-gold fire phoenix consumed the fire-type spiritual materials and then disintegrated, condensing into a refining furnace made of purple flames in the air. The purple fire in the furnace was blazing, emitting a terrifying temperature.

Although Jiyang Tianhuo has a violent temperament and needs to be rewarded for its work, it is very trustworthy and sticks to its code. After receiving the reward, it will not steal the fire spiritual materials put into the Tianhuo refining furnace. This makes People are very reassured.

Li Mu concentrated on preparing two fire-type spiritual treasures in one furnace.

The sixth level - Tianyan Gold, the sixth level - Wanxiang Flame Crystal, the sixth level - Niang Blue Glaze, the sixth level - Linglin Copper,..., each piece of sixth level spiritual materials was put into the Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace, and in the Jiyang Heavenly Fire Under calcination, it quickly melts into a ball of molten metal.

Li Mu pinched the hands of the weapon refining technique, and an afterimage quickly appeared, and a stream of spiritual power shot into the sky fire weapon refining furnace.

The metal solution ball in the sky furnace continued to flow, impurities were expelled, and it was refined and fused moment by moment. The size gradually shrank at the same time... and not long after, the large ball of metal solution suddenly separated into one large ball, one small ball, and two small balls. With the injection of spiritual light one after another, they bloomed with spiritual light...

At this time, Li Mu's mind was completely focused on the Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace. His handsome face, brows were furrowed, sweat appeared on his forehead, and his mind was consumed tremendously.

Li Mu has tried refining two, even three or four weapons in one furnace. However, that was when refining fourth-level and fifth-level spiritual swords and spiritual weapons. The spiritual weapons produced in one furnace have the same attributes. The spiritual origin has the same origin, and if used in conjunction, it can exert greater power.

However, refining two sixth-level spiritual treasures in one furnace consumes far more spiritual energy and spiritual energy than Li Mu expected.

The embryos of the two spiritual treasures in the Heavenly Fire Furnace gradually took shape. Next, it was the critical moment to condense the weapon patterns and activate the weapon spirits. Li Mu's spiritual thoughts were already somewhat insufficient, so he decisively took out the Jiuzang Spiritual Bead without even thinking about it. From an elixir bottle, pour out a sixth-level Taixuanqing elixir, put it into your mouth, and swallow it.

As soon as Tai Xuan Qing Shen Dan enters the abdomen, the huge medicinal power bursts out immediately.

Li Mu's spirit perked up, and his depleted spiritual thoughts were immediately replenished. The evaporation efficiency of Yuan Shen's spiritual thoughts was boosted hundreds of times, and he shot out spiritual power one after another, quickly constructing weapon patterns for the two spiritual treasures.


In the Sky Fire Refining Furnace, the spiritual light shines brightly. A needle, a small round shield, and two fire-type spiritual treasures collide with each other in the furnace, as if celebrating new life, but also as if they want to use this force to rush out of the Sky Fire Refining Furnace.

"Hey!" Jiyang Tianhuo was annoyed by them and suddenly sprang out a group of purple fire snakes in the furnace to teach the two little guys a lesson.

"Don't! Don't hurt them!"

Seeing this, Li Mu was startled and quickly stopped him.

The two newly born sixth-level spiritual treasures are still weak in spirit and cannot withstand the blast of extreme sun and sky fire.

Hearing this, Jiyang Tianhuo gave up its attack. With a "bang!", it disarmed the refining furnace and turned into a small purple-gold fire phoenix. It surrounded the 'shivering' and became two well-behaved spiritual treasures. He looks ready to be 'bullied' again at any time.

"Stop making trouble! Help me refine another spiritual treasure!" Li Mu was angry and funny. He quickly stretched out his hand and put away the two new sixth-level fire-type spiritual treasures, the small round shield and the small fire needle, to avoid being exposed to the extreme sun and sky fire. injured.

The effect of the Tai Xuan Qing Shen Dan was still there, and with the powerful medical assistance, Li Mu felt that his spiritual power had increased sharply, and he was on the verge of breaking through. However, due to the limitations of the spiritual requirements of the Nebula Star Gazing Technique, he was unable to break through to the next level.

However, the soul is in excellent condition. In this state, the success rate of refining the spirit treasure is greatly increased. Li Mu is ready to refine the divination spirit treasure that has been prepared for a long time.

Among the ten treasure refining commissions this time, Li Mu specially selected the sixth-level spiritual materials with the power of cause and effect and the power of time. The intention was to combine the sixth-level - Lingyun Black Tortoise Armor, the seventh-level - Star Beast Relic Bead, and the sixth-level - Dry Rong. Use the Sui Mu, these high-level spiritual materials with the attributes of cause and effect and time.

By the way, there is also the seventh-level Star Core that I just obtained.

These high-level spiritual materials have similar attributes and characteristics. It is more than enough to refine a spiritual treasure with the attributes of time and cause and effect!

Li Mu was calculating silently, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. This was his first time trying to refine a spirit treasure with such special properties. Several familiar weapon patterns were still a bit unfamiliar at the moment.


Upon hearing that Li Mu wanted to refine treasures, the little purple-gold fire phoenix immediately became excited and chirped at him.

"Got it! Here you go!" Seeing Jiyang Tianhuo urging him to ask for reward, Li Mu quickly took out a sixth-level fire element material from his storage bracelet and threw it to it.

Level [-] - Yanyang Core Crystal, a spiritual material that can make Nascent Soul monks break their heads and make God Transformation monks bleed profusely, was swallowed by the Purple Gold Fire Phoenix. In less than half a breath, it spat out some ash in disgust. .

"I've given you something to eat. Let's start work quickly. This treasure refining is very important to me, so don't be lazy!" Li Mu warned with a twitch in the corner of his eye, looking at the Purple Gold Fire Phoenix.


The purple-gold fire phoenix responded with a "bang" sound, and the figure turned into a ball of purple-gold flames. According to Li Mu's technique, it condensed into a purple-fire refining furnace and floated in front of him.

Li Mu took a deep breath, took out a fifth-level Origin God Pill from the Jiuzang Spiritual Pearl, and ran the Yin Yang and Five Elements Sutra with all his strength, refining the potency and restoring the state to its peak.

Li Mu waved his hand, and eight kinds of spiritual materials exuding mysterious spiritual essence, or as simple as ordinary things, appeared around him.

A gray 'round earth bead', a 'fruit core' without any spirituality, a milky white tortoise shell, a dark broken wood, a simple black vine,...

They are respectively, the seventh-order star beast's bead, the seventh-order year-star fruit core, the sixth-order aura black tortoise shell, the sixth-order withered and glorious year-old tree, the sixth-order ten thousand-year-old black-core vine..., all of them contain the extremely powerful power of time. Power, the power of cause and effect.

After Li Mu upgraded his weapon refining skills to six levels, he gained a lot of knowledge about the patterns of spiritual treasures and the experience of refining sixth-level spiritual treasures. With the full-level skill - Yin Yang and Five Elements Sutra, he has a profound understanding of the five elements, Yin and Yang. Cognition, refining spiritual treasures with corresponding attributes, the success rate can be increased to 6%.

However, special attributes such as the power of cause and effect and the power of time are too profound. Li Mu estimates that the chance of success in refining this treasure is only about [-]%.

For this reason, Li Mu did not hesitate to use two seventh-level spiritual objects to lay the foundation of the spiritual treasure and increase the success rate of refining the treasure.

The spiritual thoughts in Li Mu's mind surged, and he instantly calculated the steps of refining the weapon thousands of times.

After confirming that it was correct, Li Mu took a deep breath, pinched it with both hands, and put the Lingyun Black Tortoise Shell into the Skyfire Refining Furnace for calcination.Under the control of Li Mu, the Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace released gentle fire temperature, softening the Lingyun Black Tortoise Shell and activating the Bagua turtle patterns on the back of the Lingyun Black Tortoise Shell.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu hurriedly controlled the Extreme Yang Sky Fire to maintain this temperature, lest he destroy the spirituality and causal power of the Lingyun Black Tortoise Shell.

Refining weapons is a matter that consumes a lot of mental energy, spiritual energy, and spiritual thoughts, especially when it comes to refining sixth-level spiritual treasures. Each spiritual material has its own spirituality, and it is extremely difficult to perfectly integrate them.

Sixth-level spiritual materials not only contain spirituality, but also contain the powerful principles of the spiritual materials themselves, and even the spiritual domain. They must be refined into one without destroying their own spirituality and principles, condense the unified weapon array, build the weapon pattern, and promote birth. The spiritual thoughts and mental energy consumed by the weapon spirit are an extremely terrifying thing.

Li Mu devoted himself to dozens of tasks, maintaining the Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace, controlling the fire temperature, maintaining the aura of the mysterious tortoise shell pattern, investing in other spiritual materials, stimulating the Extreme Yang Heavenly Fire, using different firepower to refine them, and trying to fuse different spiritual materials.

Powerful weapon power and mysterious Tao Yun came out from the Heavenly Fire Artifact Refining Furnace one after another.

In front of the Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace, Li Mu pinched the hands of the Refining Technique. He was so fast that he disappeared. A spurt of spiritual power poured into the Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace, bursting out with even more powerful spiritual power.


Square House.

Xue'er stopped practicing and came out of the training room. She looked at the weapon refining room in horror. Powerful waves of mysterious and mysterious waves spewed out one after another.

It can be seen that the fallen leaves flying around the refining room and the dust rising suddenly freeze or speed up. The entire refining room is enveloped by a mysterious force, presenting a mysterious situation of extremely unstable space. .

"What happened?"

"Oh my god! What kind of spiritual treasure is Mr. Li refining? Why is this abnormality happening!"

"Master Li, you must not let anything happen to you!"


Xue'er looked at the unusual dangers around the refining room, her face turned pale with fright, and she couldn't help but murmured in distress. She was frightened by the scene in front of her.

In the past, when Li Mu succeeded in refining a weapon, there would be some abnormal spiritual energy fluctuations near the refining room. However, this time, the abnormal phenomenon was so weird and lasted for an extra long time.

One day, two days, three days,...

Xue'er stood at the edge of the refining room and stared at it for seven consecutive days. The strange phenomenon was still continuing. Time in the entire area seemed to be frozen, but also seemed to be accelerated and changing.

"Boom" sounded muffled.

A terrifying high temperature came from the refining room. The next moment, the door of the refining room suddenly opened, and Li Mu ran out of the refining room with a pale face and a embarrassed figure.

The red fire phoenix appeared out of thin air, summoned a fire cauldron, put away the unstable purple flame, and sucked away the high-temperature flame from his body.

"Master Li, are you okay?" Xue'er quickly stepped forward and dragged the messy Li Mu.

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay! That guy was angry, but fortunately Xiaofeng took action in time." Li Mu laughed and waved his hand.

This time the refining took too long and consumed too much. He had no choice but to consume his natal fire energy for the two seventh-level spiritual materials, Jiyang Tianhuo. Of course, for this reason, Li Mu reluctantly signed some unequal treaties to ensure that he could successfully complete the refining.

However, this time the treasure refining can end perfectly, everything is worth it.

Li Mu stood up, quickly took out two elixir bottles, poured out two elixirs and drank them. Then, he raised his right hand and took out a palm-sized spirit turtle.

The appearance of the spirit tortoise is extremely mysterious, with a milky white tortoise shell shining with mysterious spiritual patterns, its limbs and head are ink jade, and its two eyes, one blue and one purple, seem to be able to enchant the soul and attract people unconsciously.

"What a beautiful little turtle! Mr. Li, is this your newly refined spirit treasure? What is its name?" Xue'er's eyes lit up and she asked in surprise as she looked at the spirit turtle weapon in Li Mu's hand.

"It! It's called the Fortune Spirit Turtle." Li Mu smiled brightly, looked at the turtle-shaped weapon spirit in his hand, and happily introduced it.

Innate magical power - Under the recognition of all spirits, the attributes and functions of the 'Fortune Turtle' are all displayed on the character panel.

【Lucky Turtle】

[Rank: Tier Six Lingbao]

[Characteristics: The river of time, fortune telling, time reversal, devouring years, the force of cause and effect, blinding cause and effect. 】

[Status: The weapon spirit is reborn and the years are full. 】

[Refined from the seventh-order star beast’s bead, the seventh-order year-star fruit core, the sixth-order aura black tortoise shell, the sixth-order withered and prosperous old wood, the sixth-order ten thousand-year-old black-core vine,..., many years of spiritual materials of cause and effect. The sixth-level spiritual treasure consumes the power of years. With the help of this instrument, one can glimpse the long river of time, calculate cause and effect, and avoid disasters all over the sky. However, years are a tool made of cause and effect, and the Tao is mysterious. Excessive use requires corresponding consequences. Price, use with caution. 】

"The Fortune Turtle? What's the use of this spiritual treasure? It's so magical!" Xue'er couldn't help but think of the strange things around the refining room and asked hurriedly.

"It's for divination, let me try it." Hearing this, Li Mu's heart moved and he responded.

After speaking, Li Mu looked at the Fortune Spirit Turtle, gathered spiritual power in his hand, and poured it into it.

The next second, the milky white aura suddenly appeared on Fortune Turtle's body, a mysterious and magical ripple of agility was transmitted, and the purple and blue eyes suddenly glowed with aura.

The picture in front of Li Mu changed, and the surrounding environment changed rapidly. Many unfamiliar pictures entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness. He met with Lin Baoqing, delivered the spirit treasure, walked with the Qingwei Master and the Xuanling Master, looking for the Ziyun Sky Fire, and encountered the Nine Demons Sect. He was ambushed and fought fiercely for more than ten days, but he was defeated by all means. He hid in the treasure house of the painting world and was discovered. He was hunted down and captured alive...

"Wow!" Li Mu suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and was interrupted by the backlash from the Lingbao, peeping into the long river of time.

"Master Li, what's wrong with you?"

Xue'er was startled, hurriedly dragged Li Mu's body, and asked anxiously.

"It's okay, I'm okay!" Li Mu waved his hand, feeling weak, his spiritual energy exhausted, and his spiritual energy exhausted, but it didn't hurt him at all.

It’s so exhausting to peer into the long river of time!Fortunately, most of the cost was borne by the Fortune Turtle.

The Artifact Spirit - Fortune Turtle looked languid and looked at Li Mu with sad eyes. It was obvious that it had suffered a huge price when it first entered the journey of time and it would take a long time to recover.

The fortune turtle's state shows signs of spiritual trauma and lack of power of time. In a short period of time, this spiritual treasure may no longer be usable.

However, it was all worth it. Li Mu put away the 'Time and Space Turtle' with a solemn look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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