Li Mu fell into deep thought, carefully recalling the scene where the Fortune Turtle peeked into the future.

The Nine Demons Sect used Ziyun Heavenly Fire as bait and then set up an ambush to attack. The whole process lasted for more than ten days.

Therein lies the problem.

The ambush location is thousands of miles away from Yin Yang Valley, not far or near from Huanggu City!More than ten days are definitely enough for the monks from the ancient city to come after hearing the news.

What stopped those monks from rushing to help?

According to this speculation, the real purpose of the Nine Demon Sect is not only to ambush, but also to embezzle the entire Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm.Maybe it was because two battlefields happened at the same time that the ancient city was unable to provide support?
"What exactly gives the Nine Demons Sect such a huge appetite?" With the current strength and foundation of the Nine Demons Sect, swallowing the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm is the same as swallowing an elephant with a snake?
Suddenly, Li Mu's eyes suddenly lit up.

When he was trapped with Master Qingwei and Master Xuanling, the Nine Demon Sect disciples in the distance seemed to have the same standard armor.

"Magic Armor! That's right, that's it!"

Wutian Demon Ancestor's Immortal Lice Emperor Armor gave Li Mu an extremely deep impression, and he connected everything in an instant.

Since the Nine Demons Sect has seventh-level magic weapons such as the Indestructible Lice Emperor Armor, there are also a large number of lower level, fifth-level and sixth-level immortal demon Lice armors.With the temperament of the Nine Demons Sect, they will definitely mass-produce it. The real trump card of the Nine Demons Sect is this magic armor!
Li Mu's heart suddenly became clear.

"You really can't go out at will!"

Without the fortune turtle's advance prediction, he would have paid a heavy price for this trip.

After deducing the methods of the Nine Demon Sect, the next question came to mind.

how to respond?

After a short period of thinking, Li Mu directly chose to give up. With his own strength, there was no way he could resist.In order to take back the Ziyun Heavenly Fire, Venerable Xuan Ling tried his best and secretly dispatched many people.

However, he was single and weak, and could not even block the Nine Demon Sect's ambush. His role alone was too limited, and such a large battle had to be left to the big forces in the Southern Wilderness to deal with.

All he could do was inform them of the news in advance, and that was all.

After resting in the house for a day, Xue'er was worried about Li Mu's health, so she stayed in the house for the whole day. Without Li Mu's instructions, Xue'er had already brought hot water as soon as her throat moved.

On this day, Li Mu had made up his mind.

No matter what, he has cured the demonic energy in Senior Xue Ling's body!
After a day's rest, Li Mu returned to the refining room and completed all the remaining orders from Wanbao Pavilion.

When I'm free, I take care of the spiritual plants and play with Xue'er. My days are quite leisurely.

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed.

"Master Li."

There was a message from Lord Qingwei's spiritual message outside the Yin Yang Valley, and Li Mu quickly ordered the puppets to bring Lord Qingwei and Lord Xuanling to Shiting.

The three met again. Lord Qingwei was obviously in a good mood. As soon as he sat down, he took out a jade box from his arms and placed it on the table.

"Master Li, look at what I picked up."

The words were filled with smiles.

Li Mu raised his eyebrows slightly and his eyes fell on the jade box.

【Jin Xuan Ling Cao】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: Fusion of gold and earth, golden spiritual realm, sharp golden wings, golden marrow fruit. 】

[Status: Awakening from deep sleep, insufficient spirituality. 】

[Jin Xuan Ling Cao was bred from the realm of Jin Yuan Spirit. It contains the weight of "earth" and the sharpness of "gold". They complement each other. It is the only wonderful pen of heaven and earth. It can understand the two ways of gold and earth and transform them. When used as medicine, the thickness of the soil, the sharpness of the metal, and the accompanying awe-inspiring righteousness can drive away thousands of evil spirits. 】

Innate magical power - identifying all spirits, there is nothing that Li Mu cannot see.

Although this Xuanjin Xuanling Grass is said to be a wonderful pen of heaven and earth, most people really don't know how to use it.However, he had clearly revealed his identity as a weapon refiner, so why did Lord Qingwei bring the treasure for alchemy?

Thinking of this, Li Mu's eyes changed slightly when he looked at Lord Qingwei.

Could it be that he has discovered something?
Lord Qingwei laughed and pushed the bag towards Li Mu.

"Actually, it's not a mistake."

"I heard you talk about the demon clan that day, and when I thought about the Snow Fox Lord being injured, I felt that this was a great opportunity to bring the two closer together."

"There are many secret conflicts between the various demon tribes and our human race, and we have suffered a lot of losses. Especially the medicinal materials of the demon tribe are large in quantity and of excellent quality, but the demon tribe does not have many alchemists, while our human race has countless alchemists. , but it would be a pity to miss this batch of medicinal materials provided by all the demons and tribes."

"It just so happens that the Nine Demon Sect is about to make a move. If our human race and the demon race can take the opportunity to reconcile, it will be a legacy for the ages."

"To be honest, I got this medicinal material by chance during this trip. Master Li can contact the demon clan. You might as well help me give this thing to the demon clan and help them refine the elixir to break the situation, so as to understand the intentions of the human clan."

Hearing this, Li Mu suddenly realized that it was rare for Master Qingwei to have such a heart.

It's a pity that this sixth-level spiritual plant is indeed rare in the human race, but in the mountains where all races live, such things are rare, but they are by no means non-existent. If you want to truly exert its value, I'm afraid you have to do it yourself. Start refining the elixir.

After pondering for a moment, Li Mu accepted the Golden Mysterious Spirit Grass.

"I'll take this elixir first. Let me find an alchemist to refine it into a healing elixir. Then I'll give it to Senior Jin Ling. How about that?"

Lord Qingwei laughed and nodded: "Sure! I can trust Master Li in his work."

"By the way, senior, when you get this spiritual plant, do you pay attention to its origin and the spiritual grass seeds!" Li Mu thought of something and looked at Lord Qingwei and asked with concern.

"Well, I know that Master Li likes to collect high-level spiritual seeds. I paid special attention to it. Unfortunately, I only got the spiritual grass but not its spiritual seeds." Lord Qingwei said embarrassedly.

There is only one real reason why Lord Qingwei is so interested in Li Mu, and that is to win over him and make the relationship closer.

The conflict between the various tribes of monsters and the human race has been going on for a long time. How can it be solved by a single medicinal herb?
This medicinal material is not favored by Bo Xuehu Clan, but favored by Bo Li Mu!These sixth-grade medicinal materials were given to Li Mu just to let him "snatch them" and then give them to Xue'er's mother for his disposal.

The purpose is just to give another push to an already close relationship.

Lord Qingwei wanted Li Mu to understand that he took his affairs to heart, even if it was a little trivial matter.

"The quality of these sixth-grade spiritual plants is extraordinary. If there are spiritual seeds, we will definitely be able to provide sixth-grade metallic plant spiritual light groups in the future. The only pity is that there are only adult plants and no spiritual seeds!"

Li Mu was thinking in his mind that when this wave of spiritual plants matured and harvested, the high-level spiritual plants he had collected would almost certainly be able to advance to the realm of divine transformation. At that time, should he continue to plant the existing spiritual plants or replace them with new ones? A high-level new spiritual plant.

If you advance to the realm of God Transformation, the number of spirit planting attributes provided by the existing spiritual plants will drop by one level, which may not be enough to improve the cultivation of the God Transformation monks.

While Li Mu was deep in thought, Venerable Xuan Ling beside him spoke.

"Master Li, in order to recapture the Ziyun Sky Fire, he has secretly gathered people to obtain the whereabouts of Demon Lord Yanming!"

"I don't know how Master Li's treasure refining progress is going. I very much hope to use the new magic weapon to completely defeat the Nine Demon Sect and avenge the shame!" Seeing Venerable Xuan Ling gritting his teeth and showing bitter hatred, Li Mu was stunned for a moment, and again Reminds me of the picture of the future given by the Fortune Turtle.

Li Mu immediately didn't want to provoke the Nine Demons Sect at all. He didn't have any idea. He didn't want any Ziyun Sky Fire!

"When I get the spirit treasure that Master Li has helped me refine, I will let them see how powerful I am." Master Xuan Ling looked at Li Mu with a little more hope in his eyes.

If you get two sixth-level spiritual treasures, their power will be considerable.When the time comes, the Nine Demons Sect will kill him seven times in and seven out to vent his hatred!
The sect was destroyed, and Venerable Xuan Ling devoted himself to revenge for the sect.

"Live up to the trust!" Li Mu smiled and summoned two spiritual treasures, a round shield and a fire needle from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl, and sent them to the Venerable Xuan Ling.

"What a treasure! What a treasure!" Venerable Xuan Ling's eyes lit up. He was immediately attracted by two powerful sixth-level spiritual treasures, one for attack and one for defense, and he praised them repeatedly.

"The two spiritual treasures are: the fire round shield and the fire essence needle. They are connected by spiritual veins and have the same shape. They can convert spiritual power in both offense and defense to achieve double combat power. Senior, hurry up and refine it!" Li Mu introduced with a smile! .

"Okay!" Venerable Xuanling took the two spiritual treasures and quickly refined them, his momentum suddenly increased by several percent.

Qingweizun on the side looked envious and wished he could take his place.

Venerable Xuanling laughed loudly: "Great! What a good baby. With the help of them, I can teach those devil cubs a lesson!"

"Master Li, if we work together this time, we will definitely be able to help you retrieve the Purple Yun Sky Fire from Demon Lord Yanming!" Lord Xuanling looked at Li Mu gratefully and said sincerely.

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned.

If you want to go, you can do it yourself, I won’t go and die!
The results deduced by the Fortune Turtle were clearly in his mind. Li Mu was unwilling to die and said immediately. "Senior, I'm afraid this matter must be shelved for the time being, and I don't recommend that you go to the Nine Demons Sect to seek revenge now, let alone Demon Lord Yanming!"

Venerable Xuan Ling, who was ecstatic just now, suddenly changed his expression and asked hurriedly. "Why?"

Li Mu frowned and pondered, naturally he would not tell anyone what the Fortune Turtle saw, so he could only find another excuse.

After thinking for a short time, Li Mu said solemnly: "Senior, you should know that my skills in refining weapons are quite good. I have some judgment skills for both spiritual and magical weapons. I can even draw parallels and deduce some spiritual and magical weapons. The refining method.”

Master Qingwei, Master Xuanling nodded repeatedly.

Li Mu's words were too modest. As a sixth-level weapon refining master, there are basically no secrets in his eyes about spiritual weapons or magic weapons!

"The last time I fought against Demon Ancestor Wutian, the magic armor he wore was extraordinary. However, such magic armor can be found in both Demon Lord and Demon Lord, but the rank is different." At this point, Li Mu said Stopping temporarily and looking at Lord Qingwei and Lord Xuanling, he was already prepared to be questioned.

Venerable Xuan Ling had just obtained two new spiritual treasures and did not ask any questions. He did not even know what Li Mu was talking about. His eyes were already occupied by hatred and he only wanted to destroy the Nine Demon Sect.

Li Mu's objection made Venerable Xuan Ling a little anxious. He ignored the details and retorted directly: "So what about the magic weapons? No matter how many magic armors they have, the spiritual treasures you refine, Master Li, will not lose to them."

Master Qingwei obviously thought of something. He frowned and showed a stern look on his face, suddenly realizing the seriousness of the matter.

Li Mu smiled and shook his head: "As I said just now, it is possible for the weapon refiner to deduce low-level spiritual treasures based on high-level spiritual treasures."

"Senior, think about it, if the Nine Demon Sect mastered a large number of refining methods for a sharp weapon like the Indestructible Lice Emperor Armor, how could it be left unused? Seventh-level magic armor, sixth-level magic armor, fifth-level magic armor, and so on. Why can’t it be made in large quantities?”

After being asked by Li Mu, Venerable Xuan Ling suddenly came to his senses and was instantly covered in cold sweat.

In the last confrontation, the Bailian Sect was not killed by the Nine Demon Sect until they abandoned their armor. The magic armor they wore played an important role. If these treasures were mass-produced, the consequences would be disastrous, and it was definitely not something that ordinary organizations could withstand. .

Venerable Xuan Ling gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

He hates it so much!
I thought that by begging Li Mu to refine two sixth-level spiritual treasures, I would have hope for revenge, but I didn’t know...

"Master Li, is there really nothing we can do?" Venerable Xuan Ling looked at Li Mu expectantly and asked pleadingly.

Seeing that this powerful medicine had gone down, Lord Xuan Ling still didn't give up. Li Mu added another powerful medicine: "Purple Rhyme Sky Fire is the most precious treasure of heaven. Your relationship with me must have been known to the Nine Demon Sect. Guess why it's such a coincidence." Unfortunately, at this time, you are asked to find the whereabouts of Ziyun Tianhuo?"

Li Mu's question directly made Venerable Xuan Ling's fist clenched.

He really wanted to take back the Ziyun Heavenly Fire, but Li Mu's analysis ruthlessly postponed this time point indefinitely. It was the treasure once held by the Bailian Sect, and it fell into the hands of the Nine Demons Sect. He couldn't help it. willingly.

Lord Qingwei on the side quickly spoke to persuade. "Don't worry, as long as the person is still there, there will be no chance of revenge."

"If you are anxious for a moment and fall into the trap of the Nine Demons Sect... To put it bluntly, you are the only one left in the Hundred Refiners Sect. If you are gone, who will remember the reputation of the Hundred Refiners Sect?"

With that said, Lord Qingwei lowered his voice and said: "Xuan Ling, you are a little rude today. Master Li kindly reminds me that you haven't thanked me properly yet."

Venerable Xuan Ling suddenly came to his senses and quickly thanked Li Mu, then stood up and said: "Thank you Master Li for reminding me. I am a bit rude today. Please forgive me Master Li."

"It's time for me to carefully consider my future countermeasures."

"Ziyun Tianhuo cannot fall to the Nine Demon Sect, and the revenge of destroying the sect must be avenged. As long as I don't die, this thought will never stop!"

After saying that, Venerable Xuan Ling apologized to Li Mu and left in a hurry.

Obviously, this news was fatal to him. Seeing Venerable Xuanling leave, Venerable Qingwei sighed.

He didn't care about the ownership of Ziyun Sky Fire, and his focus was naturally different from that of Venerable Xuan Ling. He looked at Li Mu and said solemnly: "Master Li, if it is according to what you said, if the Nine Demon Sect really masters the ability to refine large quantities of demons, The method of armor, I'm afraid... their purpose is not to target you and me, but to try to get involved in the entire Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm!"

"Indeed!" Li Mu nodded in agreement. No matter what, he would not leave the valley in a short time. When the next batch of spiritual plants are harvested, he would move to a farther place and stay away from the Nine Demon Sect.

Once the war in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm begins, it means that the situation in the entire Southern Wilderness will change. The opportunities and risks will increase exponentially, and when the time comes, it will definitely be a bloody storm.

Lord Qingwei thought for a moment, then stood up and said goodbye to Li Mu: "Master Li, this matter is of great importance, I will take my leave first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Master Qingwei flew out of the Yin Yang Sect and chased Master Xuan Ling.

After seeing off Lord Qingwei, Li Mu looked into the distance.

At present, the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm is already undercurrent, and he must prepare all kinds of means as soon as possible.

Although Yin Yang Valley has many methods and is temporarily safe, who can guarantee that the Nine Demons Sect will not jump over the wall in a hurry and have the army press on to seek revenge?
It’s time to put the matter of refining the spiritual ship on the agenda.

"Xue'er, guard Linggu carefully. If someone from Wanbao Pavilion comes, let him come in directly." Li Mu looked at Xue'er who was serving beside him and explained.

Xueer asked hurriedly: "Master Li, what are you going to do?"

Li Mu showed a confident smile: "Try to build a life-saving spiritual ship! If we can't stay in Yin Yang Valley, we will move together!"

The Nine Demons Sect intends to taint the Guide to the Wild Spirit Realm, and this matter is no longer something that Li Mu can control alone.

After all, the power of one person is still too small.

If Nanhuang cannot be defended, Li Mu will run away with his belongings.

"Master Li, please pay attention to your health! Xue'er is guarding outside. If you need anything, call me!" Xue'er looked at the back of Li Mu entering the weapon refining room and shouted quickly.

Li Mu waved his hand and plunged into the weapon refining room. (End of chapter)

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