Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 371 The Power of Taoist Soldiers

"Zila!" A thunderous sound like the earth was shattering pierced the quiet sky,
The Lei Peng group suddenly gathered a blue thunder dragon and pounced on the Earth Spirit Ship galloping ahead.

"Boom!" With a deafening sound, the Thunder Dragon slammed into the Earth Spirit Ship's magnetic shield. At the moment of impact, the entire Earth Spirit Ship seemed to be shaken by this powerful force and shook violently. Although the thunder dragon's attack did not cause much damage to the Earth Spirit Ship, it successfully slowed down the Earth Spirit Ship.

The Lei Peng group did not stop attacking because of this. On the contrary, their eyes flashed fiercely and they rushed towards the Earth Spirit Ship desperately, hoping to completely destroy it.

The Earth Spirit Ship is in an unprecedented crisis.

"court death!"

Li Mu's expression changed drastically. He originally thought he could easily escape this crisis without causing more trouble, but now it seems that the development of things has exceeded his expectations.

A fierce sword intent radiated from Li Mu's body. His eyes became extremely sharp, and he pinched the sword in his hand. Wanjian Mountain came out of the air, suspended behind him, and quickly zoomed in. The mountain stood tall and majestic with the sword intent. , a spiritual sword buzzed.

"Shua, shua..."

A spiritual sword suddenly rose from the mountain. Thousands of spiritual swords rushed out sharply. The main body of Wanjian Mountain also turned into a giant sword, leading the thousands of spiritual swords towards the crazy people. Lei Pengqun flew away.

Lei Pengqun was startled by these sudden spiritual swords, and the originally ferocious offensive came to a halt instantly. They spread their wings and fled in all directions, trying to avoid those deadly attacks. However, thousands of swords arrived, and the sky was full of murderous intent. These spiritual swords seemed to have spirituality, tracking the figures of Lei Pengqun. No matter how they fled, they could not escape this fatal pursuit.

The sound of sword strikes was endless, and every time the sword edge collided with Lei Peng's body, clusters of splashing blood would burst out. Those bright reds bloom in the night sky, like blooming flowers from the other side, sad and tragic.

Under the leadership of Wanjianshan, ten thousand sharp spiritual swords were like an invincible army. They plunged into the group of Lei Peng and slaughtered crazily. They were precise and ruthless, going straight to the vital points. The swords were red, and those spirit swords were The sword seemed to have spirituality, shuttling among the Lei Peng group, taking away a Lei Peng with every swing.

In an instant, blood dyed the sky red, thunder feathers flew, and the entire Lei Peng group became chaotic. Waves of miserable screams continued to be heard from the Lei Peng group, shrill and desperate, as if playing a tragic elegy for their death. The originally ferocious Lei Peng group became panicked under the attack of ten thousand spiritual swords. They were unable to withstand this sharp attack and could only watch their companions fall one by one.

At this time, a sixth-level Lei Peng Demon King stood out from the Lei Peng group. Its size was several times that of other Lei Peng, its wings were wider, and it exuded a powerful momentum. It let out a cry that cracked rocks and penetrated clouds. .

With the cry of the sixth-order Thunder Peng Demon King, the chaotic Lei Peng group quickly restored order. They spread their wings crazily and poured out a large amount of thunder from their bodies.

Countless thunderbolts gathered together and quickly formed barriers, trying to resist the approaching spirit sword. Those thunders seemed to be alive, dancing in the air, forming walls of thunder. Tens of thousands of thunder snakes sprang out from the walls of thunder, frantically bombarding the spirit sword array. For a time, the entire battlefield was covered with thunder and swords. Shrouded in light, it looked like a doomsday scene.

The sixth-level Lei Peng Demon King stared intently at the Earth Spirit Ship, knowing that the culprit that caused all this was on that ship. Then, it cried out again, its voice full of anger and hatred.

As the cry of the sixth-level Lei Peng Demon King sounded, the Lei Peng group became crazy again. They waved their huge thunder wings, fearless of thousands of swords, and attacked the Earth Spirit Ship desperately, with fierceness flashing in their eyes. The light seemed to tear the spiritual ship into pieces.

Li Mu stood on the deck of the Earth Spirit Ship, his eyes cold and firm, his sword techniques in his hands constantly changing, outputting spiritual power crazily, and controlling the Wanjian Mountain changing sword array to resist the attacks of Lei Pengqun.

Under Li Mu's control, Wanjianshan then controlled the momentum of the Wanjian Sword Formation. With Wanjianshan as the core and Wanjian Spirit Sword as the base, a blooming green lotus was constructed in the air.

The "green lotus" composed of ten thousand spiritual swords instantly bloomed with dazzling light, like a gorgeous flower blooming in the night sky. The sword light of this green lotus is dazzling, and every lotus leaf contains powerful sword energy, as if it contains endless killing intent, continuously.

Once the Qinglian Sword Formation was deployed, the entire sky seemed to be shrouded in sword energy, creating a chilling atmosphere.

Under the cover of the Qinglian Sword Formation, the power of the Ten Thousand-Handed Spiritual Sword has been greatly improved, releasing fierce sword energy one after another. The sword energy is unparalleled, as if it can tear through all obstacles, and successfully kills every fifth-level thunder. Peng was cut into several pieces.

For a moment, the dead Lei Peng fell like dumplings one after another, and the blood fell like rain. The entire sea surface was dyed blood red.

However, despite the great power of the Qinglian Sword Formation, the Lei Peng Group was numerous in number and their attack was ferocious. They attacked the Earth Spirit Ship without fear of death, trying to break through the defense of the Sword Formation.

Some Lei Peng who were lucky enough to rush out of the Qinglian Sword Formation came towards the Earth Spirit Ship to kill them.

Facing these Lei Peng's offensive, Li Mu's expression remained unchanged, and with a movement of his mind, an army of puppets composed of combat puppets suddenly appeared.

These battle puppets are apparently made from fifth-level star wood, and each one exudes a powerful aura. There are many of them, ranging in size to thousands, and they are neatly arranged in the sky, forming an indestructible barrier.

These battle puppets moved quickly and were not afraid of pain, and quickly fought with the Lei Peng group. Although their strength is not as strong as the sixth-level Lei Peng Demon King, they are enough to compete with ordinary Lei Peng. With their assistance, the pressure on the Earth Spirit Ship was suddenly relieved a lot.

Looking at the battle scene in front of them, the faces of Liu Yalan and Xueer beside Li Mu turned red. The terrifying Lei Peng demon group seemed to have been suppressed by him in one fell swoop. Their eyes showed unconcealable shock and admiration.

The scene is magnificent and thrilling. The power of the sword array was so powerful that the entire sky seemed to be shrouded in sword energy, creating a chilling atmosphere.

And at the core of the sword formation, the huge sword stood like a mountain, exuding an incomparably powerful weapon that made people feel heart-stopping. The talisman on the sword shone with a mysterious aura, as if it contained endless power. It can easily bring up a storm of sword energy and tear the Lei Peng group into pieces in an instant.

Liu Yalan's eyes were full of brilliance, and she looked at Li Mu with admiration and admiration.

Li Mu was seen holding the sword technique and controlling the sword formation with concentration. His figure looked taller and taller against the sword light, as if he was a sword god who controlled the world.

"Master Li, you are so amazing!" Xueer couldn't help but admire.

Li Mu was not distracted by Xue'er's praise and continued to control the sword formation, preparing to completely solve this trouble.

It was the first time that he controlled Wanjianshan, a seventh-level Taoist soldier. Its power was beyond Li Mu's expectation. Due to his insufficient cultivation level, he was still unable to fully exert Wanjianshan's power. of all power.

However, with the help of Wanjian Mountain, controlling Wanjian to arrange the sword array has become very labor-saving and extremely powerful. It is only a matter of time to capture this large Lei Peng group. Just when Li Mu was going all out to control the sword formation, the sixth-order Lei Peng Demon King seemed to be aware of the crisis. The fierce light in its eyes quickly faded, and a trace of fear appeared. It seemed to understand that if it did not take action as soon as possible, its tribe would face A devastating disaster.

The sixth-level Lei Peng Demon King immediately screamed sadly, calling for the tribe to prepare to retreat.

As the cry of the demon king sounded, the entire group of Lei Peng demons moved with it. They spread their wings one after another, burst out countless thunders, and condensed into a huge thunder spear, preparing to retreat from the thunder and break through the siege of the sword array. Escape from this dangerous place.

However, just when the Lei Peng demon group was about to retreat, Li Mu said coldly: "Come if you want, leave if you want, don't even think about it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sword technique that Li Mu held with both hands changed. He waved his fingers gently, and a powerful spiritual power surged.

The Green Lotus Sword Formation, which was filled with murderous intent, began to disintegrate and transformed into another form. The light of the Green Lotus Sword Formation gradually dissipated and was replaced by a stronger and more domineering Jin Yuan Sword Qi.

In an instant, the Green Lotus Sword Formation transformed into the 'Golden Mystic Sword Formation' of the Tai Xuan Sword Formation. This transformation process was extremely rapid, as if it only took a moment. However, in this short period of time, every spiritual sword seemed to have gained freedom. They broke out of the sky one after another and turned into a huge school of fish.

Ten Thousand Spiritual Swords are like vigorous fishes, moving flexibly through the air, moving swiftly and gracefully. Their movements are so coordinated that they seem to be performing a spectacular dance. As the 'school of fish' in the Jinxuan Sword Formation danced, a powerful wave of sword energy spread quickly, quickly chasing the group of Lei Peng demons and shrouding them in a chilling atmosphere.

Soon, the 'fish school' of the Jinxuan Sword Formation showed great power. They formed a huge vortex in the air. This vortex seemed to have endless suction, firmly attracting Lei Peng into it.

As the spirit sword vortex continued to rotate, the thunder power of the Lei Peng demon group's body protection was gradually weakened, and finally dissipated. Immediately afterwards, the Taixuan Sword Formation began to kill. Every time the golden vortex rotated, a large number of Lei Peng died tragically. , a large number of corpses fell.

Wrapped in the golden vortex, the number of Lei Peng groups decreased rapidly. They struggled to escape from this fatal vortex, but they could not break free no matter what. Each Lei Peng was torn into pieces by the sword energy in a short period of time. , the vitality quickly disappeared under the attack of endless Jinyuan sword energy.

At this time, the main body of Wanjian Mountain also underwent huge changes. It turned into a giant golden sword. The sword body exuded dazzling light and powerful aura, and it penetrated into the six realms with lightning speed. The Thunder Peng Demon King's chest pierced through in one fell swoop.

The sixth-level Lei Peng Demon King let out a shrill scream, and its body was shaking violently. It tried to struggle and resist, but was unfortunately too injured to withstand this fatal blow.

Wanjianshan released endless sword energy, attacking the body of the sixth-order Lei Peng Demon King. Its vitality quickly drained away, and finally it fell helplessly towards the sea.

With the fall of the sixth-level Lei Peng Demon King, the entire Lei Peng Demon Group fell into chaos. They lost the command and leadership of their leader and could no longer organize effective resistance. Under the attack of the 'fish school' of the Jinxuan Sword Formation, they could only passively bear the fate of death.

In the end, the originally rampaging and arrogant Lei Peng demon group was killed, injured, and escaped under Li Mu's sword formation. This fierce battle finally came to an end.

Li Mu's external consciousness keenly noticed something, and then with a thought, he began to recall Wanjian Mountain.

Soon, the spiritual swords scattered around seemed to be summoned, and they cut through the void and flew towards Wanjian Mountain.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!" Accompanied by a burst of rapid sound breaking through the air, a pair of spiritual swords were like meteors chasing the moon, staged a spectacular scene of 'Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Mountain'. Then, Ten Thousand Swords Mountain quickly shrank and turned into a stream of light. , flew into Li Mu's hands.

Li Mu smoothly put Wanjianshan into the Jiuzang Spiritual Pearl and looked down at the sea below covered with countless Lei Peng corpses.

The sea was in a mess, with corpses scattered across the sea. Li Mu's figure flashed and flew away from the Earth Spirit Ship, floating above the sea. His consciousness carefully covered every Lei Peng corpse, especially the corpse of the sixth-order Lei Peng Demon King. Each of these high-level Lei Peng corpses is an excellent spiritual material for refining. The leather can be used to refine thunder talismans, the demon bones can be used to refine spiritual weapons, and the flesh and blood can be used to support beasts. They are quite valuable.

Thinking of this, Li Mu couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. Although this battle was thrilling, the final result was worth it.

Li Mu immediately acted quickly, attached his spiritual consciousness, and put the corpses of high-level Lei Peng into the Jiuzang Spirit Beads, preparing to study them carefully in his spare time on how to maximize their value.

After quickly packing up the loot, Li Mu flew back to the Earth Spirit Ship and took back the puppet army. Then, he piloted the Earth Spirit Ship, turned into a stream of light, and continued to speed towards the Zhongzhou Spiritual Domain.

Sure enough, shortly after Li Mu left, a group of god-transforming monks with good cultivation gathered from all directions.

Looking at the scene before them, they were shocked. There were countless Lei Peng's corpses floating on the sea, blood dyed the entire sea area red, and the sea breeze was filled with a strong smell of blood.

These god-transformation monks looked at each other with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

One of the god-transforming monks exclaimed in shock: "Oh my god, which senior took action and killed one of the three disasters!"

The "one of the three disasters" they refer to is the extremely arrogant Lei Peng demon group. These demon groups are destroying islands and killing tribes in this sea area. They do many evil things, and almost everyone knows about them.

Another monk who transformed into gods laughed excitedly: "Hahaha, there are so many corpses of Lei Peng, I have made a fortune!"

For these god-transformation monks, these Lei Peng corpses are undoubtedly a huge wealth.

Soon, this group of god-transforming monks became busy on the sea. They collected the trophies excitedly, and while collecting, they talked about the powerful combat power of the mysterious senior. In their opinion, the senior who can annihilate so many Lei Peng demon groups in one fell swoop must be a powerful man with monstrous strength.

They didn't know the truth behind this, they didn't know that the Lei Peng demon group was killed by a monk of the same level as them, and they didn't know how terrifying this young swordsman was.

Lei Pengqun has done many evil things in this sea area. With their innate magical powers and huge scale, almost no one can control them. Even the monks in the late stage of Void Refining are helpless against them and can only let them wreak havoc in the sea area. .

However, today all of this has undergone earth-shaking changes. The mysterious senior completely wiped out these Lei Peng demon groups and restored tranquility to this sea area. For the monks in this sea area, this is undoubtedly a matter worthy of celebration, not to mention, he also left so many precious Lei Peng corpses, and all the monks of the Transformation God are grateful to him. (End of chapter)

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