The Earth Spirit Ship was like a silver meteor, piercing the sky, speeding across the vast ocean, crossing the vast sea, detouring around the extremely cold ice, and sailed calmly and steadily for more than ten days.

However, just when Li Mu thought he could successfully reach the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm this time, an accident happened again.

On the deck, Li Mu's figure was as tall as a pine tree, his brows slightly furrowed, as if he had sensed something. His outgoing consciousness was always watching what was happening three hundred miles away. Naturally, he could not hide what situation he was going to.

Li Mu sighed, pinched the spiritual secret with both hands, and penetrated the Earth Origin Spirit Ship to slow down the movement of the Spirit Ship.

"Master Li, what's wrong?"

Xueer noticed something unusual about Li Mu and asked with concern.

At this time, Liu Yalan also walked out of the cabin. She has been practicing in seclusion in the cabin and has no understanding of the outside world. But when she noticed the abnormal speed of the spirit ship, she couldn't help but become nervous. She walked to the deck and saw the serious expressions of Li Mu and Xue'er, and felt even more uneasy.

"Master Li, did something happen?" Liu Yalan looked at Li Mu and asked worriedly.

"Three hundred miles ahead, there is a small-scale battle. One of the parties has some friendship with me. I hesitate to get involved." Li Mu turned his head and looked at Liu Yalan and Xue'er, frowning and explaining.

"Master Li, are you your friend? If you can help without endangering safety, then help! If...," Xueer looked at Li Mu who was full of worry and hesitated to say anything. Said pointedly.

"Master, are you worried about us? We will advance and retreat together with you, so you don't have to worry about us!" Liu Yalan quickly followed up and said.

Hearing this, Li Mu thought for a moment and nodded: "Well, let's fly closer and take a look! If we have the chance, we can help. If not, we can only ensure our own safety first."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Earth Spirit Ship accelerated again and headed towards the battle site three hundred miles ahead.

As the Earth Spirit Ship rapidly approached, the sounds and images of the battle became clearer and clearer. I saw a small treasure ship, surrounded by a fleet of more than a dozen battleships of various types. On those warships, the flags were flying and the logos were different. They were obviously not from the same force. The treasure ship carrying the cargo is hung with the unique logo of Wanbao Pavilion, looking lonely and helpless.

"It's the treasure ship of Wanbao Pavilion!" Xue'er exclaimed. She often went in and out of Wanbao Pavilion with Li Mu. She was deeply impressed by the unique symbol.

Liu Yalan also frowned and said in surprise: "Wanbao Pavilion has always been known for its fairness and credibility, and has a huge scope of influence. How can it be besieged again?"

Li Mu stared at the battle ahead with burning eyes, and found that among the fleets besieging the Wanbao Pavilion treasure ship, there was a particularly huge battleship with a fierce momentum. It was obviously the command center of the entire fleet. On the deck of the battleship, stood a tall Void Refining monk wearing a black robe, standing with his hands behind his hands, observing the battlefield. He was obviously the leader of this battle.

"People are afraid of being famous, but pigs are afraid of being strong. Wanbao Pavilion's merchant ship was targeted by Jie Xiu." Li Mu explained calmly.

Hearing this, Xue'er and Liu Yalan looked at each other, feeling the cruelty of this world.

"Fellow Taoist, I hope you can help me, and I will definitely reward you generously!"

At this time, a burst of anxious and expectant male voices came out from the besieged Wanbao Pavilion treasure ship. The voice was full of tension and expectation. Obviously, the person in charge on the Wanbao Pavilion ship had noticed the arrival of the Earth Yuanling ship and put his hope in it. Placed on them.

"Boy, go wherever you came from. Don't be too troublesome, or I'll kill you too!"

As soon as the voice from Wanbao Pavilion fell, a fierce and cruel voice came from the mouth of the leader of the robbery cultivator.

As the cold and fierce voice of the leader of the Tribulation Cultivator fell, a powerful pressure instantly enveloped the Earth Spirit Ship. The pressure of the Void Refining Powerhouse was like an invisible mountain, making it impossible to breathe.

This coercion contains the terrifying power of monks in the Void Refining Stage, as if it is going to crush the entire Earth Spirit Ship. The voices from the Wanbao Pavilion are particularly weak and powerless at this moment, as if they are also affected by this powerful coercion. Shocked, unable to make any more noise.

"Hmph!" Li Mu snorted coldly, and then quickly pinched the spirit art with both hands, and mysterious spiritual patterns on the ship's body flashed around the Earth Spirit Ship.

As Li Mu's spiritual art entered the Earth Spirit Ship, a powerful spiritual shield instantly unfolded, completely isolating the pressure of the Void Refining expert. The shield was like an invisible bubble, wrapping the Earth Spirit Ship and everyone. in it.

Under the protection of the spiritual shield, the pale faces of Xue'er and Liu Yalan gradually regained a trace of color. They felt that the powerful pressure had disappeared and was replaced by a sense of safety and tranquility.

"Boy, you are asking for your own death! Zhang Shou, take your team and kill them!" Seeing this, a fierce look flashed in the eyes of the leader of Jie Xiu. He had lost his patience and directly ordered his men to attack.

Following his order, the five small spiritual ships were like arrows, breaking away from the encirclement of the Tribulation Fleet and speeding towards the Earthly Origin Spirit Ship at extremely fast speeds. These spiritual ships emitted strong spiritual power fluctuations, and they were obviously controlled by monks with considerable strength.

"Whoosh!" A series of naval gun bombardments arrived.

Facing this fierce attack, Li Mu waved his hand, and the defensive formation on the Earth Spirit Ship was immediately activated. A bright magnetic blue light lit up around the ship, forming a huge protective shield and emitting a strong repulsion. The magnetism seems to be able to resist all attacks.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" With an earth-shattering noise, the shells of the five spiritual ships fell on the protective cover one after another.

However, the magnetic shield was like an indestructible city wall, blocking all attacks. The naval cannon exploded on the shield, forming huge sparks, but the Earth Spirit Ship was unscathed.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Zhang Shou's team couldn't help but change their expressions. They thought that their attack could easily defeat the Earth Spirit Ship's defense, but they didn't expect that the opponent's Spirit Ship defense was so powerful.

At this time, the Earth Spirit Ship did not stop its counterattack. The main gun in the center of the ship began to rotate slowly, aiming at the flagship of the leader of Jie Xiu. A powerful spiritual power began to gather on the Earth Spirit Ship, and the muzzle instantly lit up with a dazzling light.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, a powerful spiritual cannon shot out from the muzzle and headed straight for the flagship of the leader of Jie Xiu. The speed was so fast that it was difficult to see it with the naked eye.

"Not good!" The leader of Jie Xiu felt the terrifying power contained in the cannonball, and he couldn't help being shocked. He made a decisive decision and abandoned the ship and fled.

The next second, the Diyuanling ship's main gun hit the flagship, and the ship's shield instantly broke. It was swallowed up by this force, and a huge explosion broke out.

There was a loud "boom", and the shock wave of the explosion swept across the entire battlefield instantly, causing everyone to feel palpitations.

After the violent explosion, the battlefield suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked in front of them in disbelief, unable to believe what they saw. The flagship of the leader of Jiexiu had been reduced to ruins, with only some wreckage floating in the air.

"Okay! Okay! You kid will die!"

The leader of the robbery cultivator appeared in a panic, his eyes were bloodshot, he waved a black knife, swung it hard, and slashed towards the Earth Spirit Ship. Li Mu responded calmly, controlled the Earth Spirit Ship, dodged flexibly, and easily evaded the attack of the Jie Xiu leader. At the same time, he let the main ship's cannon continue to gather spiritual energy and aimed at the next Jie Xiu main ship.

If you want to completely defeat these calamity cultivators, you must eliminate their main fleet at once and rely on the speed and attack power of the Earth Spirit Ship instead of fighting with a Void Refining Madman.

The Earth Spirit Ship was like a ghost-like presence on the battlefield, easily dodging the pursuit of the Jie Xiu leader. Under Li Mu's precise control, he flexibly shuttled between the Jie Xiu fleet, looking for the best target to attack.


The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the next red battleship, a large capital ship in the Jie Xiu fleet. The Earth Yuan naval gun gathered its psychic energy and launched a fatal blow. A magnetic field naval gun fired from the muzzle of the Earth Yuan spirit ship. ejaculate.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the Yuanci naval gun directly hit the fifth-level red battleship. It paused for an instant, as if bound by this power. Then, the entire ship's body erupted with dazzling light and exploded.

The shock wave of the explosion rippled across the battlefield, and the powerful impact made a large number of small spiritual ships around them tremble.

"Ah! Help me!"

"The ship's furnace is going to explode. Abandon the ship quickly!"


Some of the Jie Xiu who were hit by the shock wave were seriously injured, some were knocked unconscious, and some fell out of the ship. Frightened calls for help echoed over the battlefield, full of despair and helplessness.

Seeing the subordinates fleeing in all directions and the destroyed ships on the battlefield, the anger and despair in the leader of Jiexiu reached its peak.

"You die!" The leader of the robbery cultivator roared angrily, his voice echoing over the battlefield like thunder, and he rushed towards the Earth Spirit Ship crazily. The black knife in his hand was like a black lightning, striking out continuously and releasing A series of sharp sword auras were released.

Hundreds of sword qi struck towards the Earth Spirit Ship with substantial destructive power.

However, facing this crazy attack, Li Mu did not show any signs of panic.

He calmly controlled the Earth Spirit Ship, relying on its excellent speed and flexible maneuverability to skillfully dodge the attacks of Jie Xiu Dao Qi. Every dodge seemed so effortless.

At the same time, Li Mu did not forget his main task and continued to control the Earth Spirit Ship to lock the next Jie Xiu main ship and launch a fatal attack.

Soon, "Boom!" A loud noise quickly echoed over the battlefield, and another Tribulation Cultivator main ship exploded under the muzzle of the Earth Yuanling Ship.

The sixth level Earth Spirit Ship is like the overlord on the battlefield. With its speed and excellent spirit ship characteristics: Magnetic Shield, Magnetic Cannon, Magnetic Space, Magnetic Wanjun, Instant Magnetic Shadow, Magnetic Absorption, etc. Extremely flexible in traveling on the battlefield, the magnetic shield can effectively resist Jie Xiu's attacks, while the Yuan Xiu cannon can release powerful attack power, destroying Jie Xiu's ships one by one.

As for the threat from the Jie Xiu leader, Li Mu didn't take it seriously at all. He had long seen that although the leader of the Tribulation Cultivator was powerful, he had not yet successfully condensed the realm of law. Void refining monks without a legal domain cannot pose an effective threat to the Earth Spirit Ship.

The Void Refining monks who have condensed the Dharma Domain and those who have not refined the Dharma Realm are indeed two different existences. The legal domain is a special domain formed by monks who understand the laws and condense their will after they reach the realm of refining the void. In this field, the monk's strength will be greatly improved, and he can even exert power beyond his own cultivation.

Although the leader of the robbery cultivator in front of him was powerful, he obviously had not yet reached this level. Although he was able to exert powerful attack power, he was powerless in the face of the Earth Spirit Ship's magnetic properties.

Soon, there were explosions one after another. Li Mu continued to control the Earth Spirit Ship to launch attacks continuously, destroying the robbery repair ships one after another. Under his leadership, the morale of the monks in Wanbao Pavilion was greatly boosted, and the frigates followed suit to fight back. , launched a fierce battle with the robbery cultivators.

In the end, with the joint efforts of Li Mu and the Wanbao Pavilion monks, the Tribulation Cultivator fleet was completely defeated, and the surviving Tribulation Cultivators fled in all directions.

However, even though the Jie Xiu fleet had been defeated, the Jie Xiu leader did not give up. He persevered in chasing the Earth Yuanling Ship, seemingly wanting to put Li Mu to death.

The eyes of the leader of Jie Xiu flashed with madness and violence. He kept waving the black knife in his hand, releasing the sharp sword energy, trying to break through the defense of the Earth Spirit Ship.

Li Mu came back to his senses and looked at the Jie Xiu leader who was chasing after him. A coldness flashed in his eyes, and he would not be polite to him.

Li Mu quickly summoned five sixth-level spiritual swords from the Jiuzang Spiritual Pearl, flew out, and quickly assembled in the air.

Following Li Mu's thought, the five spiritual swords merged into one and turned into a bright five-color sword light, which slashed towards the leader of the robbery cultivator with extreme speed.

The sword light cut through the void like a meteor in the sky, taking his life with destructive power. When the leader of Jiexiu saw this, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly waved the black knife to resist.

However, in front of Li Mu's Five Elements Sword Formation, his resistance seemed so weak.

"Boom!" A deafening loud noise echoed over the battlefield, as if the whole world was shaking at this moment.

The black sword of the leader of the robbery cultivator was instantly shattered under the bright sword light of the Five Elements Sword Formation, turning into countless fragments and flying everywhere. He himself was also shaken by the huge impact and flew out, and the Five Elements Giant Sword followed the trend and chased him. , penetrated directly into his chest, fierce and sharp.

The leader of the Jie Xiu rolled in the air and looked at Li Mu on the deck of the Earth Spirit Ship with disbelief. It was hard for him to imagine that a junior cultivator could actually deliver such a fatal blow. This sword not only shattered his black knife, but also directly caused fatal injuries.

A strong desire to survive surged in the leader of the robbery cultivator. His body had been destroyed. If no action was taken, his soul would soon be gone. So, he immediately urged his soul to escape from his body, trying to find a chance of survival.

However, how could Li Mu give him this opportunity.

Refining the Void Soul is Xiaobai's favorite ration. This kind of rare cultivation resource cannot be encountered at any time. Now that someone has personally delivered it to his door, how can Li Mu let him escape easily.

Li Mu snorted coldly, and his consciousness instantly transformed into a huge palm. He stretched out his hand and firmly grasped the soul of the leader of Jie Xiu. At the same time, he quickly summoned a soul bottle from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl. He took the soul of the leader of the robbery cultivator into it, and with a move of his mind, he took the storage ring on the other party into his bag.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Li Mu piloted the Di Yuanling Ship and flew to Wanbao Pavilion's fleet. At this time, the opponent was counting the battle damage and rescuing the crew.

Soon, a familiar figure wearing a yellow robe with a big belly, escorted by a god-incarnation guard, slowly flew towards Li Mu's Earth Spirit Ship.

Seeing that familiar face, Li Mu couldn't help but smile. (End of chapter)

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