Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 396: Finding a bargain in Treasure City

After leaving the spiritual object shop, Li Mu and his party did not leave the rare object trading area immediately, but continued to wander around, walking through various stalls and spiritual objects shops, lingering on the dazzling array of spiritual objects, trying to find the treasure that caught their eyes.

As night fell and the lights on the street gradually turned on, their next harvest was still very little, and Li Mu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Master Li, the high-end trade fair is about to start now. How about we go and have a look." Wang Wenbao suggested to Li Mu.

"Oh! How will this trade be conducted?" Li Mu asked curiously.

Wang Wenbao quickly explained: "This trade fair is organized by the General Manager of this pavilion. The origins of the participants have been strictly scrutinized. They are either Lord Transformation Gods, seniors of the Void Refining Realm, and sometimes even those of the Fusion Realm. The purpose of holding this trade fair is to allow seniors to exchange their needs, exchange high-level spiritual objects that they don’t need with others, or sell them to those who need them. At the same time, it is also a way to make friends and expand contacts. good opportunity.”

"Wanbao Pavilion can only hold this trade fair a limited number of times, and the places are very popular. However, Master Li, you are a distinguished guest of this pavilion, so there is no problem if you want to participate." After a pause, Wang Wenbao looked at Li Mu and added.

After listening, Li Muchin suddenly understood that this kind of trade fair is indeed a rare opportunity, and maybe there will be some unexpected gains.

"Okay, then let's go see this high-end trade fair." Li Mu nodded, a trace of expectation flashing in his eyes.

Wang Wenbao nodded happily and quickly walked to the front to lead the way, taking Li Mu and Xueer to the venue of the high-end trade fair.

Li Mu smiled slightly and followed closely with Xue'er. The rare objects trading area was still a bit low-end. Even if he had the gift of identifying all spirits, he could not pick up much. He hoped that this high-end trade fair would be able to get what he wanted. willing.

The group returned to the Wanbao Pavilion headquarters building. The venue for the private trade fair was located in a grand hall. Two guards stood at the door with solemn expressions.

Wang Wenbao stepped forward and showed the Wanbao Pavilion's shopkeeper's order. After the guard checked that it was correct, they were allowed to enter, and then took a small teleportation array to an independent VIP room.

Looking down from the window of the VIP room, it is a venue that looks like a small auction. Standing at the window of the VIP room, you can look down at the central stage. An old man with white beard and hair is leading this private transaction.

"Master Li, this VIP room is equipped with arrays to isolate spiritual consciousness, psychedelics, protection, small teleportation, etc., which can block the prying eyes of other monks. If you want to sell spiritual objects, or trade or exchange spiritual objects, you can go through This table is used for control." Wang Wenbao looked at Li Mu and pointed to a magical array in the center of the VIP room, introducing in detail.

Li Mu nodded and entered the VIP room. He immediately discovered the many formations contained in it. It was not simple. Wanbao Pavilion had taken safety, convenience, concealment and other aspects into consideration. This high-end private transaction would be a bit... mean.

Li Mu and Xueer sat on the chairs, overlooking the venue below through the window in front.

At this time, in the center of the venue, an old man in white robes held a jade hammer and was introducing a golden spiritual egg. Although his voice was not loud, it was clearly transmitted into the VIP room.

"Fellow Taoists, this is a gift from Taoist Fellows in VIP Room No. 32, a demon egg of a sixth-order golden-winged spiritual roc." The old man in white robes had a glint in his eyes as he continued to introduce: "The golden-winged spiritual roc has a trace of With the bloodline of ancient mythical beasts, it has the strength to transform into gods when it reaches adulthood, and it is extremely fast. It is a rare spiritual bird. If it is cultivated properly, it can be promoted to the seventh level of true spirit. This monster egg is full of vitality and can be hatched if it is properly maintained. Even if the golden-winged spirit roc larvae fails to hatch, the spiritual liquid inside it is an excellent material for refining elixirs..."

"Fellow Taoist No. 32, I want to exchange it for a sixth-level fire-based spiritual treasure, or a sixth-level divine elixir, a creation pill, a fire-based spiritual elixir,... etc. There are these spiritual objects and spiritual elixirs. Friend, you can put the transaction items into the array for Friend No. 32 to make a decision and confirm this transaction.”

As soon as the white-robed old man finished speaking, the small array below him displayed more than a dozen auras. On the small array, the auras flickered. Each spiritual object exuded a powerful and magical aura, competing with each other. A dozen high-level Spiritual objects and spiritual treasures are all rare treasures. If they are placed outside, they are enough to cause a bloody storm.

However, in front of the demon egg of this golden-winged spirit roc, they all looked a bit inferior. The demon eggs of the sixth-level spiritual bird were extremely rare. If they were cultivated properly and advanced to the seventh-level true spirit, they would be the protector of the sect and the gate. Spiritual pets are of extraordinary significance.

In the VIP room, Li Mu's eyes narrowed slightly. Under his gift of identifying all spirits, the properties of more than a dozen spiritual objects on the small teleportation array appeared in his eyes one by one.

【Red Flame Pearl】

[Grade: Sixth Grade Spiritual Treasure]

[Characteristics: The flames are blazing, burning away the void, the fire is boundless, and the fire spirits coexist. 】

[Status: Spirit of red fire, true flame restrained]

[This bead was bred from the heart of an ancient volcano, absorbing the fire essence of heaven and earth. After thousands of years, the bead contains the power of endless flames. However, the fire has not yet come, and its spirituality is deeply hidden. The red flames are rising, and the holder can borrow them. In this way, one can gradually understand the boundless way of fire and explore the ultimate realm of power and flame. 】

【Lihuo Flame Spear】

[Grade: Sixth Grade Spiritual Treasure]

[Characteristics: Lihuo Hong Rui, Lihuo Returns to Origin, Fire Dances for Nine Heavens, Lihuo Burns, Soul Spear Unites, Flame Shadow Is Like a Shuttle. 】

[Status: Lihuo Spiritual Flame, Abundant Spirituality]

[Sixth-level Red Flame Crystal Core, Sixth-level Burning Cloud Sand, Sixth-level Demon-Suppressing Gold, Sixth-level Nanming Lihuo..., and many other rare materials, the Lihuo Divine Spear reforged by the Lihuo True Flame contains innate Out of the realm of fire. 】

【Yangyang elixir】

[Grade: Sixth Grade Spiritual Pill]

[Characteristics: Yang fire condenses the elixir, the scorching sun strengthens the soul, the heat is unquenchable, and the melting sun crosses borders. 】

[This elixir is derived from Heart Flame Spirit Lotus, supplemented by Red Flame Spirit Grass, Soul Burning Pollen, Raging Flame Spirit Fruit..., it is a sixth-level elixir that has been refined by Samadhi True Fire and contains endless Yang Fire Essence. After taking it, it can strengthen the spirit and purify the soul. It can purify all negative spiritual energy and turn it into the power of pure flames to assist in cultivation and impact the realm. It can be called the treasure of fire monks. 】


Seventeen fire-type spiritual treasures and elixirs were presented one by one. Li Mu immediately felt that it was an eye-opener. It was indeed a high-level trade fair. He didn't know how many high-level monks participated. A sixth-level demon bird egg, It actually attracted so many people to participate in the transaction and brought out so many high-level spiritual objects.

The old man in white robes in the center of the meeting table looked in a certain direction, seeming to be waiting for Trader No. 32 to make a decision.

After about a hundred breaths passed, the old man in white robe received a feedback from his spiritual thoughts. He faced the VIP room and immediately announced: "Thank you all fellow Taoists for participating. Fellow Taoist No. 32 chose the flaming divine halberd of Fellow Taoist No. 65. This Transaction ended."

As soon as he said these words, the white-robed old man waved his hand, and the small teleportation arrays around the array shone with spiritual light. Those high-level spiritual objects and spiritual treasures disappeared one after another, as if they had never appeared.

As the white-robed old man waved his hand, the light in the center of the platform gradually dimmed and calm returned.

The two traded objects have been delivered to the hands of both parties through a special teleportation formation. This is a unique security measure for high-level trade fairs to ensure that every spiritual object can reach the hands of the trader safely and without error. "Next, please fellow Taoists continue to provide trading items, the number is 1-3 pieces, and all fellow Taoists will vote to choose the next trading item." After looking around the audience, the old man in white robe reiterated his announcement.

In the VIP room, Li Mu was slightly stunned and looked at Wang Wenbao with questioning eyes.

"Master Li, this is a special way of a private trading meeting. If you want to trade to obtain the spiritual object you like, you have to take out the trading object and display it. The other participants will decide together. The one with the highest votes can proceed to the next round. Transaction." Wang Wenbao introduced quickly.

Li Mu nodded clearly and couldn't help but admire the thought of the person who set up the trade fair. In this way, participants in the trade must come up with spiritual objects that can impress other people's minds before they can trade. Otherwise, they can only continue to wait. Go ahead and don’t waste most people’s time.

However, this trading model seems to have some flaws.

Li Mu thought of something and asked Wang Wenbao with concern: "If there are few votes, but the spiritual object displayed by the other party is what I want, how can we trade?"

"This is simple. Those who are relatively scarce trading targets but have something they like can contact us privately to help facilitate the transaction between the two parties." Wang Wenbao smiled and introduced.

Hearing this, Li Mu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He was gifted with the magical power of identifying all spirits and could see the attributes of each spiritual object. He was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to trade the spiritual objects he wanted. With Wanbao Pavilion as his support, he would be fine.

Li Mu looked at the trading desk outside the window again, and put in the Jiuzang Lingzhu with his spiritual consciousness, thinking about what kind of Lingbao would be suitable for trading.

As the old man in white robe finished speaking, the atmosphere in the venue became active again. Every transaction at the high-level trade fair affects the hearts of countless monks, and they all look forward to having the opportunity to exchange for their favorite spiritual objects.

On the array in the center of the meeting platform, the small teleportation array continued to shine with spiritual light. Rays of light flickered, accompanied by a slight buzzing sound, as if the space was torn open, and high-level spiritual objects appeared from it. Some The spiritual objects emit dazzling light, dazzling and shining like pearls; some appear simple and ordinary in appearance, but if you look closely, you can feel the profound power contained in them.

Dozens of high-level spiritual objects are all precious and extraordinary, containing powerful spiritual charm that makes people excited.

The old man in white robes looked at them one by one, with a satisfied smile on his face, and secretly evaluated the value of these spiritual objects in his heart.

"Fellow Taoists, time is running out. There are still fifty breaths left. If you want to participate in this round of trading, please place the spiritual objects for trading as soon as possible." The old man in white robe waited for a moment and reminded.

The aura of the small teleportation array on the array became more compact and flashed a dozen times more.

In the VIP room No. 197, Li Mu had already made a decision. He took out two sixth-level spiritual treasures and placed them on the array platform, preparing to participate in this round of transactions.

"Master Li, there are blank jade slips here. Please record the status of the transaction items with your consciousness." Seeing that Li Mu was going to participate in this round of transactions, Wang Wenbao quickly pointed to the porcelain plate filled with blank jade slips next to him and signaled.

Li Mu nodded, took out a blank jade slip, recorded the status of the two spiritual treasures one by one, then placed them together on the teleportation platform and teleported them out.

The two spiritual treasures were carefully refined by Li Mu and are extremely powerful. They are also matching spiritual treasures. One is a sixth-level gold defense spiritual armor that can withstand powerful attacks; the other is a sixth-level gold flying sword. , the sword body exudes a fierce aura, the two spiritual treasures are integrated with martial arts and defense, and the weapon array complements each other, which can add a lot of power to each other.

As the two spiritual treasures were sent out, Li Mu looked towards the trading venue, scanning the high-level spiritual objects one after another, searching for what he liked.

Under the gift of magical power - identifying all spirits, the densely packed attributes of high-level spiritual objects were presented continuously. Li Mu's face was filled with joy, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and for a moment, he was a little dazzled.

【Tianchen Chalcedony】

[Grade: Sixth Grade Spiritual Stone]

[Characteristics: When the morning light first shines, jade is warm and moist, full of vitality, and moisturizes things silently. 】

[Tianchen Chalcedony, a sixth-level spiritual stone, is a piece of jade conceived by the light of the morning sun. It weighs about 360,000 kilograms. Its jade quality is as warm as jade and full of vitality. It can nourish the growth of all things and resonate with all the spirits of heaven and earth. . 】

[Poly Yang Flame Crystal (Sealed)]

[Grade: seventh-grade spiritual object]

[Characteristics: The heat of the extreme sun, the intensity of the extreme sun, the sparkle of the extreme sun, and the burning of the sky by the extreme sun. 】

[Status: Extreme Sun Flame Domain, spirituality is not apparent]

[This Extreme Yang Flame Crystal originates from the special Extreme Yang Fire Vein, which is the crystallization of the Yang Yan Fire. After countless years of fire refining, the Yang Qi in the Flame Crystal is extremely blazing, the flame domain is blazing, and the spirituality is deeply hidden. Only by burning the surface of the flame crystal with extreme sun and sky fire can it be unsealed. The brilliance of the flame crystal is dazzling, just like the scorching sun in the sky. The holder can use it to understand the power of the extreme sun and realize the way of the extreme sun. 】

【Purple Sky Thunder Stone】


【Phoenix tree】


Nearly a hundred high-level spiritual objects gather together, like bright stars gathering in the night sky. The scene is so spectacular that it is breathtaking. Each spiritual object exudes a unique light, some are as hot as flames, some are as soft as flowing water, and some are as calm as mountains. These spiritual treasures gathered together seem to form a mysterious and solemn ceremony, which makes people feel awe.

Li Mu glanced at each item carefully, like a mouse falling into a rice vat full of spiritual rice. His eyes were full of tempting treasures, and the secret joy on his face could not be concealed.

"There are so many high-level spiritual objects, so beautiful!"

Xue'er stared at those high-level spiritual objects and couldn't help but sigh.

There were seven or eight sixth-order spiritual treasures, dozens of sixth-order spiritual objects, and four or five seventh-order spiritual objects. Li Mu focused his attention on the seventh-order spiritual objects and silently wrote down their information. At this round of trade fairs, no deal could be reached. Next, Wanbao Pavilion had to be entrusted to take action.

"Fellow Taoists, the time for providing trading items in this round has ended, and the small teleportation array is temporarily closed. Now, all Taoists are asked to release their spiritual thoughts, preview the contents of the jade slips, and start selecting the trading items for this round." The old man in white robe looked around the audience. , prompted.

As soon as he finished speaking, powerful spiritual thoughts poured out from the VIP room. He frantically scanned the jade slips of each spiritual object in the small teleportation array. They did not have the talent to detect spirits like Li Mu, so they could only rely on transactions. The information provided by the trader is analyzed one by one. (End of chapter)

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