Time passed bit by bit, and the entire venue was filled with an atmosphere of tension and anticipation. The spiritual thoughts of the high-level monks quickly scanned the many spiritual objects and spiritual treasures present, and quickly confirmed the ritual objects in this round of trading.

"The time is up, please fellow Taoists decide on the next transaction item."

The old man in white robe suddenly spoke again, his voice echoing in the spacious venue, full of majesty.

As his words fell, the atmosphere in the entire venue instantly became tense. The spiritual thoughts of the high-level monks were like invisible tentacles, quickly and accurately locking on their favorite spiritual objects.

Li Mu was no exception. His spiritual thoughts had already been released and were firmly locked on the inconspicuous red crystal stone in the venue.

The Extreme Sun Flame Crystal is a seventh-level spiritual object with self-proclaimed spirituality and hidden spirituality. It may seem ordinary, but it has extraordinary materials. This is an underestimated treasure.

The owner of the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal obviously did not realize its true value and only sold it as a sixth-order Red Sun Spirit Crystal. However, in Li Mu's eyes, its properties were fully evident.

This is a rare opportunity. I have the seventh level - Extreme Yang Sky Fire, which is just enough to break the self-seal of the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal. If I can successfully buy it, it will be easy to break the seal.

However, there were almost no high-level monks who were attracted to the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal together with Li Mu, because its spirituality was not obvious. All the high-level monks were attracted by the other three seventh-level spiritual objects in the field that showed their spirituality. He chose Naturally, the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal cannot be the object of this round of trading.

Soon, the white-robed old man saw the situation clearly, determined the items for this round of transactions, and announced loudly: "This round of transactions has officially begun. The seventh-level spiritual object of Taoist No. 97 - the Star Glory Boundary Stone will be the first item of this round. Trading items, please take back your trading spiritual items."

As the white-robed old man finished speaking, small teleportation arrays shone brightly on the array platform in the center of the venue, and high-level spiritual objects disappeared one by one. Only the shining silver starlight spar remained on the array platform.

"The Star Glory World Stone is the main material for refining powerful storage magic weapons. If we can ask a great master to refine it personally, there is even a chance that we can refine it into a small heaven-reaching spiritual treasure..."

"Fellow Taoist No. 96, I want to exchange this item for a sixth-level water-type high-grade spiritual treasure, or a water-type spiritual material of the same level. Fellow Taoists, if you have these things, you can put the traded items into the array. For fellow Taoist No. 96 to make a decision and confirm this transaction.”

In the center of the venue, an old man in white robes stood on the stage, eloquently introducing information about the seventh-level spiritual object, the Starry Boundary Stone, and leading the transaction.

In the VIP room No. 197, Li Mu put away the two spiritual treasures, one sword and one armor, on the small array, and continued to look at the trade fair table below the window.

Wang Wenbao noticed that there were only a few interested people in the trading spiritual objects chosen by Master Li, so they failed to submit them for this round of trading. At the same time, the two sixth-level gold-type spiritual treasures he released also failed to enter the trading stage. However, , there are more than a dozen spiritual thoughts paying attention to the sword and armor. Obviously, the two spiritual treasures refined by Master Li are still very popular.

Wang Wenbao immediately decided to do something, looked at Li Mu and said quickly: "Master Li, don't be discouraged. When this round of transactions is over, I will immediately have someone contact the owner of the Chiyang Spiritual Crystal."

"Well, I'll have you, shopkeeper Wang." Li Mu smiled slightly and focused on returning to the stage.

"Fellow Taoists, if you have a high-grade water-type spiritual treasure, or a seventh-level water-type spiritual material of the same level, hurry up and trade it. The last sixty breaths are left." The old man in white robe looked around the VIP table and reminded.

Following his words, the small teleportation array in the center of the venue flashed with spiritual light one after another, and three water-based spiritual treasures and two seventh-level water-based spiritual materials appeared. These spiritual treasures and spiritual materials all exuded rich water-based spiritual energy. The light is sparkling, like the water vapor in the eye of a spiritual spring, the mist is shrouded and extremely dense.

Li Mu focused on two seventh-level water-based spiritual materials. He narrowed his eyes slightly and was filled with joy. This high-end trade fair was indeed not in vain. He was able to see so many seventh-level spiritual materials.

Innate magical power - identifying all spirits, the attribute information of two seventh-level water-based spiritual materials is displayed.

【Xuanshuang Youshui】

[Grade: Seventh Grade Innate Spiritual Water]

[Characteristics: Cold and deep, the sky is filled with frost, the spring is endless, nourishing the living beings, deep in the spring, mysterious frost condenses. 】

[Status: The secluded spring is surging, the mysterious frost is shining, and the spirituality is profound]

[Xuanshuang Youshui originates from the water spirit of the seventh-level Xuanshuang Youquan deep in the earth's veins. It is cold and deep, and is covered with frost all year round. Its spring water contains the essence of the deep earth's veins, which can nourish Yin cultivators and promote their cultivation. Deep in the spring, the mysterious frost condenses, and it contains powerful water energy. It is the Yin system, a cultivation resource that water system monks dream of. 】

【Maiquan Chalcedony】

[Grade: seventh-grade spiritual object]

[Characteristics: Clear and transparent, chalcedony condenses, spiritual marrow is warm, full of vitality, cleansing the soul. 】

[Status: The marrow is like jade, the clear spring flows, and the spirituality is extraordinary]

[Maiquan chalcedony is the purest chalcedony from the earth's vein spring. After countless years of natural evolution, it is condensed in the clear spring. It is clear and transparent, just like a piece of warm jade, with clear spring flowing inside. Life is endless. The chalcedony contains powerful vitality. It can not only cleanse the monk's mind and improve his understanding, but also nourish the body and promote cultivation. 】

After seeing the attributes of the two seventh-level water spiritual objects, Li Mu couldn't help but feel excited.

As a fellow cultivator of the five elements, yin and yang, and seven attributes, Li Mu needs to collect high-level spiritual materials several times that of other high-level monks. At the same time, he is also proficient in weapon refining, puppetry, and array formation. He needs to cultivate high-level spiritual materials. Spiritual plants require astronomical amounts of money.

At this trade fair, a large number of high-level spiritual objects appeared, and Li Mu wanted to catch them all. However, the system of the trade fair restricted his performance.

Can't bear children, can't catch wolves!
Li Mu gritted his teeth and decisively took out a top-grade water-type spiritual treasure from the Jiuzang Spiritual Bead. A set of three water flags were put into the small teleportation array. At the same time, he took out a blank jade slip and burned an introduction to this set of water-type spiritual treasures. The situation of the best spiritual treasure.

This set of top-notch water-based spiritual treasures is called Wuding Sanshui Banner. Among the many spiritual treasures Li Mu refined, he liked it the most and specially kept it as a masterpiece.

As a great master of refining, Li Mu has received many commissions for refining from the Li Treasure House and Xuantian Sword Sect. With the extremely high success rate of refining, there is always a lot of spiritual materials left for refining. As time goes by, You can refine many more spiritual treasures.

Those spiritual treasures of poor quality and average rank were either used for business purposes or sold for other spiritual materials. Li Mu chose to collect some of the best spiritual treasures for future needs.

These top-grade spiritual treasures are often refined by Li Mu more carefully, and combined with the power of the formation method, they can exert even greater power. The Wuding Three Water Flags is one of them. It is an array composed of three water flags. Each water flag is painted with complex water system runes. It exudes a deep blue light and seems to contain endless energy. The essence of water, when the flag gently sways, it seems that you can hear the sound of rippling water, which is refreshing.

The power of the Wuding Three Water Flags is extraordinary. Once activated, the three flags can dance according to a specific trajectory, forming a water curtain field. In the entire field, the power of water spells will be greatly increased, and at the same time, the enemy The movements will also be restricted by the water, making it difficult to use. What’s even more amazing is that the Uncertain Three Water Flags can also transform into various water-shaped attacks according to the user’s wishes, such as waves, whirlpools, water arrows, etc., which is very exciting. Hard to guard against.

This set of water-type top-quality spiritual treasures is undoubtedly a coveted treasure for water-type monks. It can not only greatly enhance the power of water-type spells, but also have unexpected effects in battle.

On the platform, when the Wuding Sanshui Flag, the top-quality water spiritual treasure, appeared in the small teleportation array, the white-robed old man who was leading the trade fair immediately became excited: "Fellow Taoists, this trade fair is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. There is such a top-notch water-type spiritual treasure in the world! I am willing to trade it.”

At this time, the old man in white robe had already begun to introduce the Wuding Sanshui Flag. He described the characteristics and power of this set of spiritual treasures in detail, which made all the high-level monks present excited.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist No. 197." The old man in white robe looked towards the direction of a certain VIP room and congratulated: "Fellow Taoist No. 96 agreed to use the seventh-level spiritual material - Star Glory Boundary Stone to trade the Wuding Sanshui Flag, this top-quality spiritual treasure. ”

Following the words of the white-robed old man, the two small teleportation formations on the formation flashed with inspiration, and the figures of the Starry Boundary Stone and the Uncertain Three Water Flags disappeared at the same time.

In the VIP room No. 197, in the small teleportation array, a seventh-level spiritual material - the Star Glory Boundary Stone appeared, and the silver light that illuminated the entire room shone.

"Master Li, why are you willing to exchange a top-quality array weapon for a seventh-level spiritual material? This is such a loss." Wang Wenbao looked at the Starry Boundary Stone in front of him, with a puzzled look on his face, and he felt a little sad. say.

If that top-quality water-type spiritual treasure is handed over to Wanbao Pavilion for operation, it might be exchanged for two seventh-level spiritual materials. It is also possible that the sixth-level top-quality spiritual treasure is also an array weapon, and has a certain chance of being promoted to a Taoist weapon. An extremely precious thing.

Li Mu smiled slightly, with a wise light shining in his eyes: "Shopkeeper Wang, don't worry, the transaction here is quite fair in my opinion. Although the Star Glory Realm Stone is only a seventh-level spiritual material, its properties are also extremely rare. This thing has The effect of gathering the power of the stars is particularly important to me, and its rarity is no less than a top-quality array."

Li Mu did not feel a loss by exchanging a sixth-level water-type top-quality spiritual treasure for the seventh-level spiritual material - the Star Glory Realm Stone. For others, this seventh-level spiritual material was used to refine large-scale storage spiritual treasures and small cave-heaven spiritual treasures. But for Li Mu, it is the best auxiliary thing to assist the sixth-level spiritual plant - Mou Xing Spirit Grass, to accelerate his growth.

The more star power is gathered, the faster the Mou Xing Spirit Grass grows. Based on the seventh-level spiritual material - the Star Glory World Stone, a star-guiding array is arranged to greatly increase the gathering speed and quality of the star power. By gathering rich star power, Mou Xing Spirit can be The grass grows faster, and Mou Xing Ling Grass may be mature within a hundred years, and it has the property of harvesting and planting spirits.

The spiritual attribute of Mou Xing Ling Grass is the source of stars, which is related to the idea of ​​Nebula Concept - God Convergence Chapter and the re-upgrading of the two spiritual consciousness skills of Xing Chen Jue, which is very important to Li Mu.

Li Mu has already made a plan in his mind. The way to practice often lies in trade-offs and balance. A top-grade water-type spiritual treasure is certainly precious, but compared to the growth of Mou Xing Spirit Grass and the huge benefits it may bring in the future, the effort is undoubtedly worth it. .

Moreover, this set of water-type top-grade spiritual treasures was traded this time, coupled with the effect of the previous set of gold-type spiritual treasures, it was bound to attract the attention of many high-level monks. After this trade fair is over, what happens next? It is possible to get those rare high-level spiritual materials into your pocket.

The trade fair continued, with all kinds of rare spiritual objects emerging one after another. Li Mu took action from time to time, exchanging sixth-level spiritual treasures for some high-level spiritual materials he needed.

In VIP Room No. 197, he frequently took out sixth-order top-grade spiritual treasures with various attributes and traded them. This move suddenly became the focus of attention of all the high-level monks present.

In the VIP room, Li Mu looked indifferent, as if the attention from the outside world had not affected him in any way. He knew very well that his actions would inevitably attract the attention of many high-level monks, but this was exactly what he wanted. He needed to let more More people notice you, paving the way for subsequent transactions.

Finally, in the last round of trading, Li Mu continued to take action without hesitation, exchanging a sixth-level top-grade spiritual treasure for another seventh-level spiritual material.

"Master Li, the general manager wants to see you now. Are you available?" Wang Wenbao held the shopkeeper's order and looked at Li Mu and said sheepishly.

Hearing this, Li Mu smiled and put the seventh-level spiritual object of the small teleportation array - Zimulemu into the Jiuzang Spirit Bead. He smiled and nodded: "No problem, Shopkeeper Wang, could you please lead the way!"

"Okay!" Wang Wenbao quickly walked to the front to lead the way, and Li Mu followed closely behind with Xue'er.

The three people left the VIP room and took a small teleportation array. They first entered a teleportation room in the lobby of Wanbao Pavilion headquarters, then walked through several corridors and arrived at a magnificent reception room.

Wan Renlang, the general manager of Wanbao Pavilion, was sitting at the main seat waiting. As soon as he heard the footsteps, he immediately stepped forward to greet him with a warm and hearty smile on his face.

"Master Li, how are you? Shopkeeper Wang is very considerate in his greetings. If you have any dissatisfaction, just tell me." The chief manager, Wan Renlang, greeted Li Mu with a smile on his face and looked extremely enthusiastic.

"The general manager is serious. Shopkeeper Wang entertained you very thoughtfully. I am very grateful." Li Mu responded with a smile.

"Haha, as long as Master Li is satisfied, that's good." Wan Renlang nodded happily, looking at Li Mu with unconcealed joy.

"Master Li, please sit down." Wan Renlang extended his hand to invite Li Mu to take a seat.

Li Mu nodded lightly on his forehead, smiled and walked into the lobby with Xueer, and sat down separately.

"Master Li, your actions at this trade fair are really generous!" Wan Renlang sat down at the main seat, looked at Li Mu and praised with a smile.

"The large number and quality of high-end spiritual objects in this trade really opened Li's eyes. He couldn't help but take action and took out all the treasures he had collected for many years!" Li Mu smiled slightly and said bluntly: "General manager, I I have been working with Wanbaoge for many years and have always had a pleasant relationship. If you have any questions, please let me know! ”

Wan Renlang understood what was said and looked at Li Mu with a flash of admiration in his eyes. Therefore, he stopped beating around the bush and asked directly about the meaning of this meeting.

"Master Li is really quick to talk. In this case, I will speak frankly." Wan Renlang looked at Li Mu with hot eyes and asked with concern: "Master Li can refine so many top-grade spiritual treasures. I wonder if he is about to advance to the next level. The next level of weapon refining?"

Hearing this, Li Mu showed an expected smile, nodded and admitted: "The general manager has a keen eye, and Li has indeed gained insights into the art of weapon refining. As for whether he can advance to the next level, we still need to find out something." Opportunity for breakthrough.”

"Haha, Master Li really has extraordinary qualifications. If he can continue to make breakthroughs in the art of weapon refining, it will be a blessing for us monks." Hearing what Li Mu said, Wan Renlang was immediately overjoyed and praised him with joy, but in his heart I am thinking about how to further deepen cooperation with Li Mu.

Li Mu knew it, but he didn't point it out and agreed with him with a smile. (End of chapter)

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