"Little guy, don't worry, don't worry! I have harvested a lot of high-level spiritual materials recently, and I have already prepared your share." Li Mu said to Jiyang Tianhuo with a smile.

With a slight thought, Li Mu immediately summoned three sixth-level fire-based spiritual materials from the Jiuzang Spiritual Pearl - Burning Flame Spiritual Crystal, Flame Stone, and Yanyan Spiritual Essence.

Under the support of Li Mu's spiritual thoughts, three sixth-level fire-type spiritual materials were quietly suspended around him, exuding scorching heat, and the powerful fire-type spiritual energy was like three burning flames, evaporating unscrupulously. Due to the high temperature, the entire Baofu space was illuminated brightly.

Seeing these three fire-type spiritual objects, Jiyang Tianhuo immediately became excited. His purple-gold eyes flashed with desire. As soon as his purple-gold fire wings spread, he was about to fly towards the three fire-type spiritual objects. Go, impatient.

However, just when it was about to touch those spiritual materials, Li Mu's spiritual thoughts moved and bound it in the air, making it unable to move forward or retreat.

Jiyang Tianhuo was a little confused by the sudden restraint. It turned its head and looked at Li Mu doubtfully, not understanding what he was going to do!

Li Mu smiled and said to it: "Little guy, don't worry! These spiritual materials are all for you, but you have to do a small thing for me first. Once completed, these spiritual materials will be given to you immediately."


After hearing this, Jiyang Tianhuo immediately flapped its wings, barked a few times happily, agreed to Li Mu's request, and urged him to hurry up if he needed anything.

Li Mu smiled slightly and summoned an ordinary jade stone from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl. It was a seventh-level spiritual material in a sealed state - Extreme Sun Flame Crystal.

The innate magical power of identifying all things clearly shows the properties of this spiritual material. If not, it would never have been Li Mu's turn to make a big mistake.

[Poly Yang Flame Crystal (Sealed)]

[Grade: seventh-grade spiritual object]

[Characteristics: The heat of the extreme sun, the intensity of the extreme sun, the sparkle of the extreme sun, and the burning of the sky by the extreme sun. 】

[Status: Extreme Sun Flame Domain, spirituality is not apparent]

[This Extreme Yang Flame Crystal originates from the special Extreme Yang Fire Vein, which is the crystallization of the Yang Yan Fire. After countless years of fire refining, the Yang Qi in the Flame Crystal is extremely blazing, the flame domain is blazing, and the spirituality is deeply hidden. Only by burning the surface of the flame crystal with extreme sun and sky fire can it be unsealed. The brilliance of the flame crystal is dazzling, just like the scorching sun in the sky. The holder can use it to understand the power of the extreme sun and realize the way of the extreme sun. 】

This thing requires the firepower of the Extreme Yang Sky Fire to unseal it.

Wait, what's going on!

The moment Li Mu took out the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal, a sudden change occurred.

Ji Yang Sky Fire suddenly burst out with a powerful force, trying to break free from the shackles of his spiritual thoughts. Li Mu was shocked, and immediately increased the output of his spiritual thoughts, tightly restraining Ji Yang Sky Fire. The monk had long since been freed from the sudden burst of extreme sun and sky fire.

Why is this bastard so crazy? Li Mu looked at Jiyang Tianhuo in shock and doubt.


Yang Tianhuo made a rapid cry, seeming to express its dissatisfaction and eagerness. The purple-gold fire wings flapped violently, releasing blazing flames, accumulating strength, and trying to break through the restraints again.

"Wait a minute, little one,"

Li Mu didn't understand why Ji Yang Tianhuo suddenly became so excited. When he noticed Ji Yang Tianhuo's gaze, he suddenly realized that Ji Yang Tianhuo was obviously eyeing Ji Yang Yanjing.

"Little guy, do you want this piece of Extreme Sun Flame Crystal?" Li Mu asked tentatively.

Jiyang Tianhuo stopped struggling and turned to look at Li Mu, with longing shining in its eyes. It called out anxiously, "Chirp!", a clear response. That's exactly what it was, telling Li Mu to let it go quickly, otherwise it would get angry. .

Looking at Ji Yang Tianhuo's anxious and longing look, Li Mu couldn't help but feel a little funny. This little guy really had a long eye on Shu, and he had his eyes on his treasure in the blink of an eye.

"Chirp!" Jiyang Tianhuo stopped struggling, but still kept shouting.

Li Mu understood the meaning of the Extreme Sun Sky Fire. This object had a certain chance of helping it advance to the next level. This Extreme Sun Flame Crystal must be given to it.

Li Mu couldn't help but be a little surprised. Obtaining this object could actually help Jiyang Tianhuo advance to another level.

The Extreme Yang Sky Fire has extraordinary spirituality, and its power is of great help to him. Li Mu naturally hopes that it can continue to advance. Although the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal is precious, if it can be exchanged for the full help of the Extreme Yang Sky Fire, it will be considered worthwhile. .

However, this guy has a bad temper and isn't very obedient, so we have to take this opportunity to set some rules for him.

After thinking about this, Li Mu smiled slightly, looked at Jiyang Tianhuo and said: "Little guy, don't worry. I got this Jiyang Flame Crystal with great difficulty. I can give it to you. There are only three sixth-level spiritual materials. Yes, in addition, you have to agree to one condition."

After hearing this, Jiyang Tianhuo called out "chirp" twice and stared at Li Mu closely with his eyes shining with desire, as if waiting for the next step.

In order to obtain the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal, as long as Li Mu's conditions were not too excessive, it said it was willing to do so, even though it didn't want three sixth-level fire-type spiritual materials.

"From now on, you must listen to my instructions and don't violate them at will. You can't bargain with me when you help me refine weapons. As long as you do these things, the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal will be yours." Li Mu said with a smile.

After hearing Li Mu's words, Ji Yang Tianhuo flashed a trace of hesitation in his eyes. It longed for the Ji Yang Flame Crystal, but it was unwilling to be restrained, let alone being manipulated by Li Mu at will when refining the weapon. However, it also knew that if it didn't agree, it might never get this precious spiritual material.

After weighing the pros and cons, Ji Yang Tianhuo finally nodded and agreed to Li Mu's conditions.

Li Mu smiled and let go of the divine thoughts that bound the Extreme Sun Sky Fire.

The Extreme Sun Sky Fire let out a cheerful cry, spread its wings, and plunged into the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal. Soon, the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal burst into blazing and dazzling firelight, and the entire area was occupied by this intense flame. The sealing crystals on the surface of the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal continued to peel off.

As time goes by, the firepower of the Extreme Sun Sky Fire becomes more and more intense, and the crystal seal on the surface of the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal quickly loosens, and you can clearly feel that a powerful energy is emanating from this piece of spiritual material.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of Ji Yang Tianhuo, Ji Yang Tianhuo successfully unsealed the flame crystal. A strong flame spurted out from the spiritual material, illuminating the entire space. Ji Yang Tianhuo's head emerged from the flame crystal. , chirping happily with excitement.

"Master, Jiyang Tianhuo is very happy. After digesting this spiritual material, there may be a chance to advance." Red Refined Fire Phoenix looked at Li Mu with a smile and signaled.

"Put it away! The little guy is too excited and doesn't know how to control it. Don't burn the surrounding spiritual plants to death." Li Mu smiled and nodded, looking at the Red Refined Fire Phoenix and indicating.

Chi Lian Huo Feng understood clearly and used the hand pinch technique. The lid of the Tianxu Cauldron suddenly opened, and then a suction force erupted, collecting the Extreme Sun Sky Fire and the Extreme Sun Flame Crystal into the cauldron. When the lid of the cauldron was closed, the temperature of the surrounding space It then dropped rapidly and regained its previous coolness.

"It's okay, go and do your work!" Li Mu waved his hand, indicating that Red Lianhuofeng could leave.

The red fire phoenix nodded, summoned the Tianxu Cauldron back into his body, and then disappeared into a streak of fire.

Watching the Red Lianhuo Phoenix leave, Li Mu stood quietly, looking deeply at the space of the Painting World Treasure Mansion. As an eighth-order heaven-reaching treasure, the Painting World Treasure Mansion needed him to provide spiritual energy when he could not obtain spiritual energy from the outside world. Only by replenishing spiritual power can the spiritual power be maintained.

After advancing to the eighth level, the Painting Realm Treasure House seemed to have experienced a transformation, and its desire for high-level spiritual energy became stronger and stronger. The spiritual energy that was originally full and thick in the space actually seemed a little thin at this moment, as if it had been affected by some invisible force. Devoured.

Li Mu's heart moved, and with a flick of his finger, tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones flew out from the Jiuzang Spiritual Beads. They quickly liquefied in the air, and then vaporized, turning into a smart spiritual dragon. This spiritual dragon was in the space As you shuttle, wherever you pass, the concentration of spiritual energy increases rapidly, just like spring rain nourishing the earth, making the space of the Painting World Baofu rejuvenate with vitality.

The space in Huajie Baofu shook slightly, as if one could feel this new energy. It was cheering and jumping for joy, as if welcoming the arrival of this powerful spiritual power.

Feeling the changes in the spiritual power of the Baofu space, Li Mu nodded with satisfaction.

Although the aura is sufficient, the power of the five elements is still slightly insufficient. The power of the five elements in the space is what Li Mu is most concerned about. As the Painting World Treasure Mansion is his place of practice, whether the power of the five elements is sufficient directly affects the many things planted in the space. High-level spiritual plants indirectly affect his cultivation progress.

Li Mu gritted his teeth and made a decisive decision. He took out most of the high-level spiritual materials harvested this time and threw them out without hesitation. Dozens of sixth-level and seventh-level spiritual materials contained rich power of the five elements. , their appearance immediately caused violent vibrations in the treasure house of the painting world.

The next moment, the weapon spirit of the Painting World Treasure Mansion - a colorful little dragon appeared out of thin air. It was clothed in colorful rays of light, and the dragon's eyes shone with the light of wisdom. As soon as the colorful little dragon appeared, it immediately surrounded Li Mu gratefully. It circled around a few times and expressed its gratitude to it. Then, it chased those high-level spiritual materials and quickly swallowed them one by one.

As the Baofu Artifact Spirit devoured the high-level spiritual materials one by one, the power of the Five Elements in the Painting World Baofu gradually became rich, balanced and harmonious. Li Mu could clearly feel that the entire space became more stable and full of vitality.

And under the nourishment of this power, the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain in the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion also bloomed with rich Five Elements Spiritual Power. The majestic Spiritual Peak in the center of the Treasure Mansion seemed to have become a huge source of Five Elements Spiritual Power at this moment. The earth exudes powerful spiritual power of the five elements.

At this time, Lin Maoshan, who was in seclusion in the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain, was originally immersed in cultivation, and all perceptions of the outside world had been blocked by him. He concentrated on his own practice. However, when the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain began to erupt with the Five Elements Spiritual Power At that moment, an unprecedented amount of spiritual energy poured into his body, causing his cultivation speed to increase several times in an instant.

Lin Maoshan woke up with a start and opened his eyes suddenly. A trace of surprise and confusion flashed in his eyes. He clearly felt the powerful spiritual power of the Five Elements pouring into his meridians like a torrent, washing over him. His body made him feel unprecedentedly relaxed.

"What's going on? What happened!"

Lin Maoshan couldn't help but exclaimed, his heart full of surprise and curiosity. He quickly looked around, trying to figure out where this powerful five-element spiritual power came from. However, he is only a young monk at the seventh level of Qi Refining. The farthest range of his spiritual consciousness is only about ten feet. He is unable to explore the depths of the 'Five Elements Sacred Mountain' and has no idea what happened to this 'Five Elements Sacred Mountain'. What happened.

However, Lin Maoshan knew one thing. He was sent to this blessed land of Lingshan by his master Li Mu to practice, and he could never live up to his old man's expectations.

Lin Maoshan took a deep breath, threw the distracting thoughts out of his mind, calmed down again, and began to carefully feel the strong influx of five elements of spiritual power. He tried to guide these spiritual powers into his Dantian, and connected with his own True essence fusion.

With the continuous influx of the five elements' spiritual power, Lin Maoshan's Dantian began to ripple, and his true energy grew rapidly and became more condensed.

At the same time, the meridians gradually widened under the impact of the five elements' spiritual power, as if preparing for the coming stronger power. This broadening is not a simple expansion, but a qualitative improvement, allowing his meridians to withstand a higher level of spiritual power flow.

Under the continuous nourishment of the five elements' spiritual power, Lin Maoshan felt that the barriers blocking his realm were gradually loosening. The barriers that were originally as hard as iron began to show some gaps under the repeated impact of the five elements' spiritual powers.

Lin Maoshan knew that now was the critical moment to break through.

Immersed in the rich environment of the Five Elements spiritual power, Lin Maoshan gritted his teeth. With the confidence to try to attack the ninth level of Qi Refining, he gathered his strength and ran the technique with all his strength, mobilizing the true energy in his body and attacking the indestructible energy in his meridians with all his strength. "level".

Every impact brought great pain to Lin Maoshan, as if countless steel needles were piercing his meridians. He gritted his teeth and persisted.

Time seemed to become extremely long at this moment, and Lin Maoshan's forehead was already covered with sweat, but he knew that only by persisting could he possibly break through this realm and move to a higher realm.

Finally, after a violent impact, Lin Maoshan felt that the "checkpoint" in his meridians suddenly loosened. He was delighted and immediately increased the intensity of the impact.

With a "crash", the barriers in the meridians were broken, and the five elements of true energy in the meridians surged to their heart's content.


Lin Maoshan was ecstatic, and he clearly felt that his cultivation had reached a new level at this moment. His true energy became more powerful, his meridians became tougher, and his whole person seemed to be reborn.

Lin Maoshan opened his eyes, his eyes flashing with excitement and gratitude, and expressed his sincere gratitude to Li Mu.

If his master hadn't sent him to such a magical place, with his qualifications and the difficulty of practicing the Five Elements, he would never have been able to break through two small realms in such a short period of time.

Li Mu sensed Lin Maoshan's breakthrough with his spiritual mind, smiled slightly, and praised secretly: "The little guy is smart, he actually knows how to take the opportunity to break through, not bad!"

The next moment, Li Mu's figure disappeared from the spot. He received the Qingyue True Dragon's spirit-controlling spirit informing him that an emergency had occurred in the outside world. (End of chapter)

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