Li Mu came out of the Painting World Treasure Mansion and immediately put the Painting World Treasure Mansion into the storage compartment.

Qingyue True Dragon quickly walked to Li Mu and informed Li Mu of the emergency.

"Master, the two torpedo ships have slowed down, and there is a sinister storm ahead. It seems impassable. In addition, a Void Refining monk named Wan Shaoming sent me a message and expressed his request to see you. I've asked him to wait a moment as you ordered."

"Yeah! I'll go take a look." Li Mu nodded clearly and walked straight out of the cabin of the Earth Spirit Ship.

On the deck of the Earth Spirit Ship, Li Mu's clothes were fluttering, his eyes were like a torch, and he looked into the distance. He immediately saw an extremely spectacular scene.

In the distance, a white line appeared in the sky. The white line was like the boundary between heaven and earth, dividing the sky into two. One side was the clear blue sky, and the other side was the chaotic gray.

As the Earth Spirit Ship approached, the white line gradually expanded into a vast storm area. The wind howled and the clouds rolled, as if countless ghosts were roaring in it. It was heart-stopping. In the center of the sinister storm, there were lightning and thunder, and gray The clouds pressed over the top, forming a huge vortex that slowly rotated, swallowing everything around it.

Li Mu stood on the deck, feeling the cold atmosphere coming from the distant storm, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

The cold wind that blew over contained an extremely evil aura. Even with his current level of cultivation, he felt a terrible chill. This chill came from his soul. If he stayed in this environment for too long, his soul would be devastated.

The two Thunder Thunder Ships on the left and right of the Earth Origin Spirit Ship both slowed down at this moment.

After seeing Li Mu's figure, the next moment, a figure flew out from a thunder spirit ship and landed steadily in front of him.

"Meet Master Li!" The person who came was wearing a green robe, with a tall figure and a resolute face. He was the captain of the Thunder Spirit Ship - Wan Shaoming. He was also the leader of the treasure hunting team responsible for escorting Li Mu to the Arctic Icefield. .

"Commander Wan, why is there a Yin evil storm ahead? Is there no way to pass?" Li Mu looked at the Yin evil storm rolling in the distance and asked with concern.

The journey to the far north ice field is quite difficult. Either you encounter high-level monsters or you have to deal with various special situations.

Fortunately, the Earth Spirit Ship and the two escorting Thunder Battleships were high-level spiritual ships with unparalleled speed, and they were escorted by an elite team of monks on the Thunder Ship. Li Mu's journey had been smooth sailing.

But now, there is a sinister storm ahead, which is a big trouble.

Wan Shaoming looked at Li Mu and said in a deep voice: "Master Li, we have entered the hinterland of the Far North Icefield. It is normal to encounter a Yin evil storm. The Yin evil storm is the most special phenomenon in the Far North ice field. This Yin evil storm is no small matter. , is the natural force between heaven and earth, and contains extremely strong Yin evil energy. If our spiritual ship is forced to pass through, I am afraid there will be considerable damage. Moreover, the Yin evil energy in the storm is also extremely harmful to the monks' souls. The impact is huge, and even if you are not careful, you may suffer heavy losses.”

Wan Shaoming paused and continued to introduce to Li Mu: "This kind of storm appears in an extremely strange way, its whereabouts are unpredictable, and it contains terrible evil energy. Even high-level spiritual ships, Fusion Realm monks must temporarily avoid its edge. , whether it can pass depends on the scale of the storm. Generally speaking, the scope of the Yin evil storm is not very wide. If it is detoured, it is still possible to pass. However, if it is a large Yin evil storm, you can only wait for it to dissipate on its own and stop. ”

Hearing this, Li Mu's face sank. The sinister storm in front of him was endless and stretched for thousands of miles. It was definitely not a small-scale existence.

"Commander Wan, how long do we have to wait for this evil storm to stop?" Li Mu frowned and asked with concern, not wanting to waste too much time.

Wan Shaoming shook his head and sighed: "The downtime of this evil storm depends entirely on its scale and the consumption of its power. Sometimes it may only be a few days, sometimes it may take months or even longer. All we can do now is wait and prepare for a detour.”

When Li Mu heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Time was extremely precious to him during this trip to the Arctic Icefield. According to the predictions of the Fortune Turtle, within a year, the trip would be safe and worry-free. If it exceeded the time, his life would be Safety is not guaranteed. I don't know what influence it has, and the Fortune Turtle cannot continue to peek into the long river of destiny behind it.

However, faced with the obstruction of such a large-scale natural force, Li Mu couldn't help but feel helpless.

Li Mu raised his head and looked into the distance, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. The Yin evil storm formed a huge white vortex, frantically pouring out the Yin evil power in all directions. He released a ray of spiritual thought and carefully probed into the periphery of the storm. I want to see what's going on inside.

However, the Yin evil energy in the Yin evil storm was so strong that it almost swallowed up his spiritual thoughts. He could only barely perceive some blurry images, as if he saw a frozen world.

In the entire area, whether it is high-level monsters, groups of low-level monsters, or schools of fish in the sea, they are involved, their bodies are frozen, and their souls are blown away by the evil wind. Their vitality is It quickly dissipated under the erosion of the evil spirit, and finally merged into the violent storm and became a part of it.

Under the evil storm, everything seems to have become a restricted area of ​​life.

Li Mu withdrew his spiritual thoughts and couldn't help but be shocked. The power of the evil storm was far beyond his imagination. The billowing evil energy could freeze the power of all life, making people feel a deep fear.

Li Mu couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. The horror of the evil storm was beyond human power. Even with the strength of his soul, once he fell into it, he would probably end up in a state of disarray.

In desperation, Li Mu withdrew his spiritual thoughts, took a deep breath, looked at Wan Shaoming and said: "Commander Wan, we can only wait here for a while until the storm dissipates."

"That's all!" Wan Shaoming nodded. At this time, he had no choice but to wait.

The two chatted for a while, and Wan Shaoming said goodbye to Li Mu, returned to the Thunder Battleship, and arranged for his men to continue to closely monitor the storm's movements.

Li Mu stayed on the deck of the Diyuan Spirit Ship, took out a pot of spirit tea, and drank it himself to calm his inner anxiety.

The aroma of tea lingered on the tip of his nose, making Li Mu feel a little calmer.

The storm in the distance was still raging, and the white vortex was madly pouring out evil energy in the distance. Li Mu's eyes were fixed on the violent area, waiting quietly for him to stop.

Time passed day by day, and the Yin evil storm remained strong. It was like a roadblock, blocking Li Mu's progress. Li Mu and his party waited patiently outside the Yin evil storm, but they were not idle either. The Yin evil storm was frozen and wiped out all life in the area. However, it would breed various powerful Yin evil spirits, such as: , ghosts, horses, evil spirits, and other evil spirits.

These Yin evil spirits are all composed of the strongest Yin evil spirit in the world. After countless years of precipitation and evolution, they devoured each other and gradually condensed. Although they do not have real life, they contain extremely powerful negative spiritual power.

Whenever these Yin evil spirits are killed and dissipated, Yin spirit beads of various qualities will fall out, such as: Yin evil beads, Yin spirit beads, extremely Yin beads, etc. These spirit beads are based on the power and power they contain. Purity, divided into different levels, is an excellent minor resource in the eyes of the monks.

While waiting for the Yin evil storm to subside, Wan Shaoming, an experienced monk, began to organize the monks to take action. At this time, it happened to be a good opportunity to capture the Yin evil spirit, so the monks cleverly used the formation to Power, calling on everyone to work together to capture these spiritual objects.

These spiritual beads are of extremely high value. Not only can they be used to refine various powerful magic weapons and enhance the strength of the monks, they can also be exchanged for various rare materials and resources in transactions between monks. For the monks, This is undoubtedly a rare unexpected gain.

Under the leadership of Wan Shaoming, the monks got busy one after another, setting up exquisite Fierce Flame Formations and Burning Yin Arrays one after another.

In order to lure more Yin evil spirits into the formation, some monks who were good at escaping were specially sent. They cleverly used their body skills and skills to introduce a large number of Yin evil spirits into the formation.

Once the evil spirit enters the formation, the monks immediately activate the formation to trap it. These evil spirits were numerous in number and powerful, but with the combined efforts of everyone and the blessing of the formation, they were eliminated one by one.

Three months have passed, and the huge and vast evil storm in the sky does not know when it will stop.

As time goes by, the monks capture more and more Yin evil spirits, and the quality is getting higher and higher. The high-quality Xuanyin beads are just suitable for cultivating Yin spiritual plants, and are the auxiliary fifth-level magic Yin grass. A spiritual material that grows extremely well.

Li Mu did not hesitate to take out a large number of spirit stones and purchase extreme yin beads from them. This high-quality yin-gathering spiritual material has an excellent auxiliary effect in cultivating yin-type spiritual plants. It is also needed for the growth of fifth-level phantom yin grass. necessities. Li Mu must prepare enough of this spiritual material at all costs to prepare for emergencies.

While everyone was busy catching the Yin Evil Spirit and exchanging various trophies with laughter, the raging Yin Evil Storm suddenly changed. The originally boundless violent storm began to shrink inward rapidly at this moment, as if there was a mysterious force. The power is controlling it.

"Is it finally over?"

A monk looked at the Yin evil storm that was shrinking rapidly in the sky, with a happy smile on his face. They had been waiting outside the Yin evil storm for a long time. Now that the storm was about to end, they could end this long wait and continue their journey. .

"It's finally stopping. The Yin Evil spirits are tired of killing them!" Another monk's face was exhausted, but his eyes were shining with excitement. During this period, they continued to fight against the Yin Evil spirits. Although they gained a lot, I also felt a little tired.

"This is about to end! I also want to get more Yin beads and entrust the master to refine a spiritual treasure!"

Some monks said with some regret that after the Yin evil storm is over, it will be difficult to find so many Yin evil spirits. Once this opportunity to earn spiritual stones is missed, it will be difficult to encounter them again in the future.

Seeing this, Li Mu couldn't help but feel refreshed. The Yin evil storm was finally going to stop. He was impatient to wait. Although he had harvested a lot of extremely Yin beads, he hoped to reach his destination as soon as possible.

Time passed bit by bit, and the Yin Evil Storm shrank sharply in size at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, when its size shrank to one percent of its original size, it suddenly stopped, as if it had encountered some kind of Insurmountable obstacles.

Everyone looked up and saw that the sinister aura in the center of the storm became more intense, and the color gradually changed from the original gray-white to a deep black. The sound of the howling wind inside was like countless ghosts roaring, and the terrifying aura filled the air. It's chilling.

Wan Shaoming came to Li Mu and frowned: "Master Li, look at the situation. Although the scale of the Yin evil storm has become smaller, its power has become more powerful. I am afraid it will not be able to stop in a short time. We Why not wait a little longer and see how things go?"

Li Mu thought for a while, then rejected the suggestion with some eagerness, and suggested: "Commander Wan, we have been waiting here for three months, and we can't wait any longer. This evil storm has become smaller, and we should be able to bypass it. Why not find a suitable route, take a short detour and continue moving forward?”

"If we make a detour, we may encounter unknown dangers. Although the scale of this evil storm has shrunk, its power cannot be underestimated. In case we encounter something unexpected during the detour." Wan Shaoming hesitated for a moment and said with some worry.

Li Mu frowned. Wan Shaoming's concerns were indeed justified, but continuing to wait was not an option. He pondered for a moment and suggested: "If not, the fleet will move forward slowly and wait for a few days. If the situation does not change, we can only make a detour."

Wan Shaoming nodded and agreed with Li Mu's decision.

Soon, the Earth Spirit Ship and the two Thunder Spirit Ships started up again. They cut through the void and continued to move around the edge of the Yin Evil Storm. The monks on the ship were nervous and were always watching the movements of the Yin Evil Storm. They did not dare to There is no slack at all.

As the fleet gradually approached the edge of the storm, the surrounding atmosphere became more and more oppressive, and the sound of the howling wind was like the wail of a ghost, which was heart-stopping.

At this moment, Li Mu's face darkened, and his spiritual thoughts spread to the monks on the two Thunder Spirit Ships, signaling: "Everyone, pay attention, there is something moving ahead, be prepared for defense!"

Hearing this, all the monks stood ready, staring at the front of the Yin evil storm, preparing naval guns.

At this moment, a huge figure suddenly rushed out from the direction of the Yin evil storm. It was like a black dragon, heading straight towards them.

The dragon's body, which is hundreds of feet long, is condensed from the rich Yin evil energy, making it look extremely ferocious and terrifying. Its pair of pitch-black dragon eyes shine with an icy light, as if it can freeze all life.

"It's the Gathering Yin Dragon! The king of Yin evil spirits!" Wan Shaoming shouted in a deep voice, his face turning ugly.

In front of this dragon-shaped giant, the three spiritual ships suddenly became like ants.

The appearance of the Yin Dragon instantly made the entire area extremely cold. Countless ice cones fell from the sky, like rain falling. Those ice cones exuded a cold aura. Once they touched the human body, they could instantly freeze them into ice sculptures. (End of chapter)

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