
Wan Shaoming shouted the order without hesitation. Faced with such a powerful gathering Yin dragon, which was close to the aura of the eighth-level demon saint, with only the power of three spiritual ships, it would undoubtedly be an egg against a stone against such a Yin creature.

The two thunder battleships immediately carried out the order, emitting dazzling thunder light, and guarding the Earth Spirit Ship quickly retreated, trying to escape from the area under the terrifying pressure of the Yin Dragon.

However, the Yin Evil Dragon King didn't seem to intend to let them go easily. His huge body twisted its tail in the air, and his body was thunderous, chasing after them.

Suddenly, the Yin Evil Dragon King suddenly opened his big mouth, and a cold and magnificent breath of frost instantly spurted out, turning into a strong Yin wind and sweeping towards the three spiritual ships.

"Purple Sky Thunder Strike Formation!"

Wan Shaoming shouted anxiously, knowing that facing such a powerful frost breath, the conventional defense of the spirit ship alone was not enough. The most powerful defensive array on the spirit ship must be used to withstand this fatal blow.

Following Wan Shaoming's order, purple light suddenly flashed on the two thunder spirit ships, and two thunder lights were released instantly. The thunder intertwined, and a powerful thunder force gathered around the spirit ships, forming purple thunder nets. Zixiao The lightning strike array gathers Zixiao's thunder power to form a powerful defensive thunder net array.

This thunder and lightning is not ordinary thunder in the world, but the purple sky thunder power condensed by the special magic circle of the spirit ship. Every strand contains the special energy of killing Yin evil spirits and powerful souls. They gather quickly around the spirit ship, like Drawn by some mysterious force, they were woven into dense purple thunder nets, forming an indestructible thunder net formation that tightly protected the three spiritual ships in the center.

However, as the king of Yin evil spirits, the Juhua Yin Dragon's breath power is extraordinary. The terrifying Yin evil breath is like a small Yin evil storm, sweeping over and exuding a deadly aura.

There was a loud "boom", and when the Yin evil breath collided with Zixiao's thunder net, an astonishing energy fluctuation instantly broke out, just like water poured into a hot pot, it boiled instantly, countless white smoke rose, and the heaven and earth were overwhelmed. Discoloration.

At the same time, purple thunder and lightning intertwined with white evil spirits, bursting out with dazzling light, illuminating the entire sky like daylight.

The huge energy fluctuations centered on the collision point and spread to all sides, forming invisible shock waves. The surrounding air was torn apart by this force, making a sharp whistling sound, forming a shocking picture.

However, the Gathering Yin Dragon is the king of Yin evil spirits after all. Its frost breath is extremely powerful and continuous. Although the Zixiao Thunder Strike Formation can withstand it for a while, as time goes by, the power of thunder and lightning is gradually consumed. The light of the formation also began to dim.

"No! It consumes too much and I can't hold on anymore!"

"Is this Yin Dragon at the seventh level or at the eighth level? It's too scary!"

"Once the Zixiao Thunder Formation is broken, we will definitely be doomed!"


The monks on the spiritual ship all exclaimed. Their faces were pale, and their eyes were full of fear and despair. If the Zixiao Thunder Array could not reach them, they would face the terrifying power of the Gathering Yin Dragon, which would be unimaginable. disaster.

Just when everyone was panicking, the Diyuan Spirit Ship suddenly lit up with dazzling lights, as if some mysterious power was being awakened. Immediately afterwards, five spiritual treasures of different colors flew out of the Spirit Ship. It rises like five shooting stars across the sky, shocking people's hearts.

A white silk strip stretches out in the air and turns into a wide waterfall. Its water flow is like the water of the Milky Way falling down, shining and breathtakingly beautiful. The falling silver waterfall is majestic and exudes a cool atmosphere. , seems to be able to purify the surroundings, giving people a cool and peaceful feeling.

A green wood spiritual staff followed closely, rising into the air, emitting a faint green light. Ancient runes were engraved on the staff, and the powerful Yimu Yuanli flowed out continuously. The green wood spiritual staff waved gently in the air. , the figure gradually faded into the shadow of a giant spiritual ginseng, releasing a powerful vitality that refreshed the body and mind.

Immediately afterwards, a golden stick shot out of the air, the golden light sparkling and dazzling. The stick exuded a majestic and solemn aura, as if it could deter all evil forces. It waved in the air, bringing up bursts of golden storms, which was awe-inspiring.

A giant fire cauldron also slowly rose. The cauldron was red and exuded a fiery aura. The cauldron lid opened on its own, and the fire cauldron spit out a ball of purple blazing fire, which seemed to be able to burn all obstacles. The flame jumped and released strong heat energy. , making the whole sky seem to become hot.

Finally, a brown hill followed. Although it looked ordinary, it gave people a heavy and steady feeling. Its shadow quickly enlarged and floated quietly in the air, as if it was guarding the world.

After the five spiritual treasures appeared in the air, they seemed to be summoned by some mysterious power and began to rapidly release a large amount of the five elements' energy. These breaths intertwined and merged in the air, forming a wonderful connection with each other.

The golden light represents the power of the metal element, which is sharp and hard, as if it can cut through all obstacles; the green breath represents the power of the wood element, which is vibrant and full of endless vitality; the blue brilliance represents the water element. The power of fire, it is soft and deep, as if it can accommodate all things; the red light is a display of the power of fire, it is hot and violent, and can burn everything; and the brown thickness is a symbol of the power of earth, which is stable and Thick and heavy, capable of carrying heaven and earth.

The Qi of the Five Elements rapidly evolved in the air, mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and growing endlessly, as if forming a complete cycle. They quickly merged into a dazzling Five Elements Spiritual Domain, firmly guarding the three spiritual ships within it.

At this moment, a loud "boom" sound came, and the Zixiao Thunder Formation finally failed to hold up under the fierce impact of the Yin evil breath and shattered with the sound.

The terrifying Yin evil breath surged in like a giant black dragon, with a destructive momentum that struck the Five Elements Spirit Realm fiercely. However, the Five Elements Spirit Realm seemed to be an indestructible barrier, instantly resisting the evil breath.

Who, who did it!
Within the Five Elements Spiritual Domain, the monks on the two Thunder Battleships witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and their spirits were lifted.


A monk couldn't help but say excitedly, with a tremor in his voice, frightened by the thrilling scene just now.

"It's Master Li, Master Li saved us!" Another monk pointed in the direction of the Earth Spirit Ship and said, his eyes filled with gratitude.

"Wow! They are Master Li's helpers. The lineup is so strong!"

"Great! We are saved!"...

All the monks looked at the Earth Spirit Ship and immediately understood the reason. It was Li Mu who saved them in time. At the same time, the monks were also stunned by his generosity.

I saw that on the deck of the Earth Spirit Ship, behind Li Mu, five powerful figures appeared at some point. Each of them exuded a powerful aura and stood there like five mountains.

An old man wearing a green robe, with white beard and hair, but his eyes are as sharp as an eagle, exuding an extraordinary temperament; a enchanting female cultivator in a red dress, with a beautiful face, but a kind of aura between her eyebrows. Cold and mysterious; a stalwart man with green scales between his eyebrows, tall and majestic, as unshakable as a mountain; a tall, muscular and loyal man, although he looks rough, but there is a hint of anger in his eyes. He is determined and brave; there is also a fierce-faced man with blond hair who exudes a fierce aura. His aura is the most violent, like a beast about to go berserk.

At this time, they raised their heads and stared at the Yin Evil Dragon King in the sky. They cast spells with all their strength and joined forces with the five spiritual treasures to form a five-element array to guard the three spiritual ships. The aura exuded by them was the aura of the transformed demon king. , this kind of lineup is enough to scare away any strong person.

"Master Li!"

Wan Shaoming had a complicated look on his face and flew to Li Mu, speechless with excitement.

Wanbao Pavilion dispatched two thunder warships to escort Li Mu and send him to join the treasure hunting team. Unexpectedly, he encountered this evil dragon king. In the end, Li Mu had to protect him. Wan Shaoming couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

"Commander Wan, is there any way to capture this Yin Dragon? They are currently forming a formation to passively defend against this endless stream of Yin evil breath, and are temporarily unable to attack." Li Mu looked at Wan Shaoming and asked.

Hearing this, Wan Shaoming frowned and said in a deep voice: "This Yin Evil Dragon King is too powerful. Although it is not enough to reach the eighth level, due to the Yin Evil Storm, its power is not inferior to The strength of the eighth-level monster is far beyond our imagination. I’m afraid there’s no chance to capture it. I wonder how long Master and my fellow Taoists can hold on to this Five Elements Protection Formation.”

"At this level, ten days and a half month is not a problem for them!" Li Mu glanced at the five beasts, looked at Wan Shaoming and said, "Do you mean to keep spending it with it?"

Li Mu raised his head and glanced at the Yinsha Dragon King, indicating: "It seems determined to win for us and will not give up easily!"

Wan Shaoming smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "What the master said is absolutely true. This evil dragon king seems to be extremely hostile to us, and I'm afraid he won't let us go easily. At present, it seems that we can only rely on the Five Elements Formation. Consume its power as much as possible, and if the evil storm continues to shrink, it should also recede."

"It's not possible to resist passively like this. If there is another Yin Dragon, the Five Elements Formation will be too much to bear." Li Mu nodded, but he did not completely agree with Wan Shaoming's view. He stared deeply at the Yin Evil Dragon King above his head, thinking about strategies.

"Indeed, this matter must be guarded against!" Wan Shaoming nodded in agreement, looked at Li Mu and said: "This Yin Evil Dragon King is indeed powerful, but after all, it is formed by the condensed energy of Yin Evil, and is essentially a negative force. , use the power of thunder, or activate the positive power between heaven and earth, and should contend with it. "

"The two Thunder Spirit Ships can still cause some damage to it, but I'm afraid that it will anger it and the Five Elements Guard Formation will not be able to withstand its counterattack." Wan Shaoming looked at Li Mu and gestured.

"Don't worry about this. Attack and test it first to see if you can find its flaws." Li Mu waved his hand and signaled.

Wan Shaoming nodded in agreement, and then gave the attack instructions to the monks.

The two thunder battleships slowly sailed towards the Yin Sha Dragon King. Their huge bodies looked particularly majestic in the void, and their thick muzzles began to rotate slowly, staring closely at the Yin Sha Dragon King in the air.

As the monks on the battleship began to activate their magic power, powerful thunder began to condense in the muzzle. Purple thunder and lightning surged crazily in the muzzle, exuding astonishing power.

The huge power of thunder gathered, and the Yin Evil Dragon King seemed to feel this strong threat. It let out a thundering roar, and the Yin Evil energy around it became even stronger, trying to resist the coming attack.

With a "Zila" sound, the powerful power of thunder burst out from the muzzle in an instant, turning into a thick purple thunder, drawing dazzling trajectories in the air, like the angry sword of the gods, piercing directly towards the Yin Sha Dragon King. body.

"Boom" a loud noise! Thick thunder light bloomed on Yinsha Dragon King, and countless smoke was produced.

Wait until the light dissipates and the smoke fills the air.

In the thick fog, the huge body of the Yin Evil Dragon King loomed, as if it were a demon god from hell, which was awe-inspiring. It looked up to the sky and roared loudly, and the sound shook the heaven and the earth, as if it was venting the pain and anger of being bombarded by thunder. .

During the long chant, the Yin evil energy around the Yin Evil Dragon King became more intense, like a black flame burning. Its body was looming in the smoke, sometimes as huge as a mountain, sometimes as illusory and ethereal, giving people an extremely weird feeling.

Seeing this, all the monks couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts. You know, this Yin Evil Dragon King was obviously not damaged by the Zixiao Thunder Cannon. Instead, he became more violent and poured out a thicker Yin Evil Dragon Breath.

Fortunately, the Five Elements Spiritual Domain gathered in the Five Elements Formation was powerful and extremely stable, successfully resisting the invasion of the Yin Evil Dragon Breath.

The monks frowned. Even the Zixiao Thunder Cannon could not hurt the Yinsha Dragon King. What should they do next?
Everyone looked at the arrogant Yin Sha Dragon King, helpless, and when they felt helpless, Li Mu's eyes lit up slightly. The consciousness he had just released allowed him to sense an abnormality on the Yin Sha Dragon King.

Li Mu noticed a subtle movement of the Yin Evil Dragon King during its breath attack. Whenever it breathed out the Yin Evil Qi, its chest would contract slightly, releasing the rich Yin power, as if pouring out the condensed power from the beginning.

"Commander Wan, look at the aura on its chest!" Li Mu pointed at the Yinsha Dragon King and said.

Wan Shaoming observed carefully and found this subtle movement. His heart moved. Could this be the weakness of the Yinsha Dragon King?
"Master Li, that should be the core where the Yin Evil Dragon King stores the Yin Pearl. If there is a chance to break through that place, we can severely damage this beast!" Wan Shaoming immediately introduced it to Li Mu clearly, then changed the topic and said with a wry smile. : "However, you have also seen that this animal is huge and has an endless supply of evil power. Even the Zixiao Thunder Cannon cannot damage its surface, let alone its vitals."

Li Mu nodded, frowned and thought, this was indeed the case. (End of chapter)

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