Chapter 424 The Immortal Demon Lord (Part )

Mo Qianying took a deep breath, and his figure suddenly flashed. His whole body seemed to split apart. A mysterious power surged out of his body. The surrounding space began to twist and change, and a chilling atmosphere filled the air.

"The Shadow Domain!" Mo Qianying shouted, and in an instant, a dark domain quickly expanded with him as the center.

In this legal domain, Mo Qianying's figure became erratic, as if there were countless shadows swimming around, and each shadow looked like the real Mo Qianying, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

'Li Mu' was slightly startled. He could feel the strange power contained in this domain. It became extremely difficult to track and lock the opponent's figure. Although the Five Elements Spiritual Sword was powerful, it was a seventh-level Taoist sword, and Li Mu was not able to fully exert it. Its power.

The sixth-level spiritual treasures of the five imperial beasts can't even track his figure, and it's even impossible to build a five-element formation with him as the core.

The five beasts such as Qingyue True Dragon and Red Refined Fire Phoenix were also disturbed, and the arrangement of the Five Elements Formation was seriously affected. Li Mu knew something was wrong and had to come up with countermeasures as soon as possible, otherwise the opponent would be out of control and the situation would The consequences will be disastrous.

However, Mo Qianying did not leave much time for Li Mu to think about countermeasures. Under the cover of the "Shadow Law Domain", he used the hand pinch technique to cast the magic on the sea.

I saw that the sea was turbulent, and thousands of sea beasts suddenly broke out of the waves. Blessed by the shadow realm, they roared towards Li Mu. There were many kinds of sea beasts and fish, including huge whales from the underworld, and giant whales as fast as the wind. The shark monsters are groups of deep-sea blue fish that resemble lightning bolts. Carrying the power of the sea water, they roar towards Li Mu with great momentum, as if they want to devour him.

Faced with this sudden attack, Li Mu did not appear panicked. He quickly adjusted his strategy and immediately used the spirit-controlling magical power - the Shared Soul Technique to make the Qingyue True Dragon and others reveal their true form. He set up a five-element formation with all his strength to stop thousands of sea beasts.

Under his summons, Qingyue True Dragon, Red Fire Phoenix, Blue Eyes Jinyuan, Jade Ginseng King and Mo Yuyan revealed their true bodies one after another.

The Qingyue True Dragon spiraled into the sky, revealing its hundred-foot-long dragon body. It groaned, and the green dragon beads spurted out. A powerful dragon essence instantly blessed the true water ribbon, causing it to instantly turn into a silver waterfall, falling from the sky. down, as if to cover the entire sea surface.

The Red Fire Phoenix also let out a long cry, spread its wings, and the Heavenly Fire Cauldron responded. The blazing purple-gold flames spurted out, like a fire dragon tumbling in the air, drowning thousands of sea beasts.

The blue-eyed Jin Yuan showed dozens of times its figure. It beat its chest with both fists and roared upwards. As it roared, a long golden stick appeared in its hands and turned into a golden whirlwind, sweeping towards the Chong. Here comes the sea beast.

The Jade Ginseng King also appeared and took root in the void. The natal spiritual treasure Mu Yuanling Staff also took root in the void. The head of the staff bloomed with emerald green light, showing a dense ginseng forest. The ginseng forest turned into an indestructible barrier. , blocking the charge of the sea beasts.

Finally, Black Jade Rock also showed its body shape dozens of times. It turned into a huge rock and green mountain, like a majestic mountain peak coming from the top. Its momentum was like thunder, which made the sea beasts flinch.

The five beasts revealed their true form and exerted all their strength. The Five Elements Formation was then formed, covering a hundred miles in radius. The Five Elements were interdependent. Countless sea beasts and fish monsters fell into the Five Elements Formation.

I saw that with the blessing of the shadow law domain, the thousands of sea beasts, although they were coming menacingly, seemed to be trapped in the quagmire under the cover of the Five Elements Formation.

In the Five Elements Formation, the powers of the Five Elements interact with each other, forming a perfect cycle. The Qingyue True Dragon controls the water element, making the water on the sea become extremely turbulent and swallowing everything. The Red Refined Fire Phoenix controls the fire element. Purple gold sky fire filled the air, burning the sea beast at the forefront and turning it into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Biyan Jinyuan used the gold element, and the golden whirlwind raged in the formation, tearing the sea beast into pieces. The Sapphire Ginseng King used the power of the wood element to make the ginseng forest grow crazily and tightly bind the sea beast. The black jade rock uses the element of earth to make sea beasts stagger and sink under the cover of sand.

The Five Elements Formation is like a huge millstone, wiping out the sea beasts that rush into it bit by bit. Wails were heard one after another on the sea, and countless sea beasts lost their way in this five-element formation. Their power seemed extremely small in the face of the mutually reinforcing power of the five elements.

Looking at this scene, Mo Qianying, who was hiding in the shadow, was extremely shocked. He originally thought that with thousands of sea beasts, he could easily overwhelm the opponent, but he did not expect that the power of the Five Elements Formation was so terrifying, and he easily defeated his Ten Thousand Beast Formation. .

However, as long as the leader of the magic circle is killed, all this will be over.

Mo Qianying had already seen the clues of the Five Elements Formation. The fact that the five transformed beasts could cooperate so closely was inseparable from the god-forming monk. As long as he was eliminated, the Five Elements Formation would be destroyed without any attack, and his The sea monster army will be able to regain the advantage.

Thinking of this, Mo Qianying felt a surge of cruelty in his heart. He quietly adjusted his body shape, hiding in the deeper shadows, preparing to launch a fatal blow.

However, Li Mu was not an idle person and had been prepared for him. Faced with Mo Qianying's surprise attack, he did not dodge or dodge, but was as calm as a mountain. The soul-improving bracelet on his right hand flashed, and a figure appeared beside him. It was Xueer.

Xueer's eyes instantly turned yellow-green, her pupils were vertical, and her face gradually revealed a fox-like look, making her appear more charming and mysterious.

"Stop!" Xue'er shouted softly, and the Huanling in her hand made a clear sound, giving her voice a psychedelic power that stunned the enemy who launched the surprise attack.

As Xue'er's voice fell, Mo Qianying suddenly felt a strong sense of dizziness. He tried hard to stay awake, but the scene in front of him became increasingly blurry. However, with his strong will in the late stage of refining the void, he was able to hold his breath in half a breath. Will break free from the magic power.


At this time, Xiaobai, who was sitting on Xue'er's shoulder, shouted softly, and the soul-killing bell in front of him rang softly.


The next moment, a huge, ferocious black tiger emerged from the bell, let out a shocking tiger roar, opened its bloody mouth, and rushed towards Mo Qianying to kill him.

The black tiger disappeared in an instant, disappearing into Mo Qianying's body in the blink of an eye, and disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

At this moment, in Mo Qianying's sea of ​​consciousness, his soul was fighting fiercely with the black tiger, and he had no time to care about the assassination operations from the outside world.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!
Li Mu saw the right moment, pinched the sword with his hand, and activated the Five Elements Dao Sword.

I saw the Five Elements Dao Sword shining brightly, and a sharp sword light instantly slashed out, with a thunderous force, it struck directly at Mo Qianying, whose body was paused.


With a loud noise, the sword light struck Mo Qianying's body accurately. In an instant, his body was thrown upside down by the sword light, and he fell heavily into the seabed.

No! It seems not yet!
Li Mu frowned, his deep eyes flashing with vigilance. His consciousness was like invisible tentacles, quickly sweeping across the seabed, trying to capture any clues of the enemy.

However, what surprised Li Mu was that after scanning dozens of times with his spiritual consciousness, he still could not find the enemy. He was obviously seriously injured, but the opponent's magical power to hide his aura was so superb that he melted into the endless sea water and disappeared. Without a trace.

Did you run away?
Li Mu suddenly turned to look at Xiaobai on Xueer's shoulder and asked, "Xiaobai, where is he?"

Xiaobai is a Gu spirit insect that is born to feed on souls. It has powerful soul perception. It can keenly sense the existence of any life form that has a soul body.

Upon hearing the order, Xiaobai stood up, his mung bean-sized eyes moving around in circles, and a magical soul power emanated from it, as if he was sensing everything around him.

"Master, get behind you!" Xiaobai suddenly issued a hurried warning, his mind anxiously conveying the message to Li Mu.

'Li Mu' was shocked, and immediately realized that the severely injured enemy did not escape, but was secretly planning a fatal surprise attack. As soon as he moved, he was about to respond, but it was already too late. "Go to hell!" With a ferocious roar, the severely injured Mo Qianying appeared silently behind Li Mu. His face was ferocious and his eyes were red, like a crazy beast. He gathered all the With the power of the beast, his right hand instantly transformed into a black claw covered with sharp hooks. It clawed through Li Mu's chest with lightning speed and penetrated out.

Mo Qianying smiled ferociously, as if he had seen the dawn of victory. However, his laughter soon died.

I saw that the appearance of the enemy in front of me had undergone a huge change. 'He' took off his disguise and turned into a wooden puppet, with dangerous five-color auras flashing all over his body.

"Replacement puppet, no good!" Mo Qianying screamed in his heart and hurriedly tried to withdraw his hand, but it was already too late.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the wooden puppet exploded instantly, and the violent five elements of spiritual power burst out, forming a powerful shock wave. Mo Qianying was hit hard by this force, and his whole body was thrown away as if struck by lightning. He fell heavily on the sea and suffered heavy injuries again.

At the same time, 'Li Mu' appeared from under the Qingyue True Dragon, looking coldly at Mo Qianying who fell on the ground, with a mocking smile on his face.

When exploring the secret realm this time, in order to prevent unexpected events, Li Mu had been acting as a stand-in puppet. It was a mistake, but it was a pity that one of the stand-in puppets was destroyed.

Mo Qianying struggled to get up, but his body and soul suffered heavy injuries one after another. His body was broken into pieces, as if falling apart. He raised his head with difficulty and looked at Li Mu, his eyes full of resentment and unwillingness.

It's over, this time I was really defeated, and defeated very completely!

Seeing this, Li Mu quickly and swiftly used his sword to fight. The Five Elements Dao Sword buzzed with a sword sound, and pierced down from the air with a thunderous thunder, aiming directly at Mo Qianying's head.

Mo Qianying's eyes were wide-eyed, and he could only watch the sharp five-color sword light, and his heart was filled with despair.

"Puff!" With a soft sound, the Five Elements Dao Sword accurately pierced Mo Qianying's forehead, penetrated out, and instantly took his life.

Mo Qianying's body trembled suddenly, and then he stopped completely. His eyes were wide open, as if he would not close his eyes, and a wisp of depressed soul was about to escape from it.

"Xiao Bai!" Li Mu looked at Mo Qianying's body and called softly without a trace of emotion on his face.

The next moment, a white shadow ejected from Xue'er's body, opened her small mouth, and instantly swallowed up the weak soul of the strong man.

Xiao Bai turned around and landed on Li Mu's shoulder. Then he twisted his butt and glanced at 'Li Mu' in disgust. He flicked his body and landed on Xue'er's shoulder, showing a satisfied look on his face.

With the death of Mo Qianying, the sea beast that was not afraid of death finally regained its clarity and stopped mindlessly attacking the Five Elements Formation. It suddenly dispersed and fled crazily to the bottom of the sea.

The great battle came to an end in a matter of seconds.

Upon seeing this, Qingyue True Dragon, Red Fire Phoenix and others quickly took back their natal spiritual treasures, changed into human forms, and fell behind Li Mu one after another.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Li Mu put the Five Elements Dao Sword into the Jiuzang Spirit Bead, looked at the beasts, and thanked them gratefully.

The beasts were about to respond, but at this moment, Li Mu frowned and looked far to the west, as if he sensed something. He frowned and said, "Someone is coming!"

Hearing this, the beast masters immediately looked in the direction Li Mu was looking with vigilance, but found nothing. However, they knew that Li Mu's spiritual consciousness was far beyond that of ordinary people. He must have a reason for saying so.

Sure enough, after a while, a sword light pierced the sky and quickly approached here.

After the sword light dissipated, a tall man in white clothes and a flying sword appeared in front of everyone. After scanning around, he finally fixed his gaze on Li Mu.

"Elder Li, are you okay? Fang is still late!" Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu solemnly and asked with concern.

"I have nothing to do!" Li Mu smiled and shook his head, glanced at the corpse floating on the sea, and said: "Deacon Fang, you are actually here at the right time."

"Elder Li, I've been looking for you for a while. Why don't you reply to the sect's message? If you weren't attracted by the aftermath of the war, it would be really hard to find you in the vast sea of ​​​​underworld!" Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu and asked anxiously .

"Maybe it's because of the ban here. I didn't receive the order. Deacon Fang, what do you want from me?" Li Mu explained casually and asked puzzledly.

"The forces of the Demon Abyss in the Underworld Sea are very active and extremely dangerous. However, Elder Li can handle it easily. It seems that I am worrying too much." Fang Yunjian smiled bitterly and signaled.

"Thank you, Deacon Fang, for worrying about it!" Li Mu smiled and locked in with Fang Yun Swordsman. At the same time, his mind was racing, thinking about the passage sealing formation.

According to the information currently known, the Immortal Demon Lord will come here to break the seal formation. At the same time, the Demonic Abyss forces have occupied at least one sealed place in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Domain. They want to take it back and collect seven extreme places. , planting high-level spiritual plants, there is little hope, after all, we have to rely on the thigh of Xuantian Sword Sect to make it happen!

"Elder Li, I was quite impressed when I saw the five-color sword energy from a distance just now. It contains a sense of Taoism, could it be!" Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu with an itchy look and asked curiously.

"Yes, it's my newly refined Taoist weapon!" Li Mu was stunned for a moment, then summoned the Five Elements Taoist Sword from the Jiuzang Lingzhu and said truthfully.

Fang Yunjian looked at the Five Elements Taoist Sword suspended in front of Li Mu, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He could deeply feel the powerful power emanating from this sword, as well as the unfathomable Taoist meaning.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. Elder Li can refine seventh-level Taoist weapons!" Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu with joy on his face and praised excitedly.


At this time, in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm, a black fleet full of demonic cultivators took off in a hurry and rushed towards the Nether Water Sea.

In the cabin of the main ship, the Immortal Demon Lord sat in the main seat, his face as gloomy as water. He had just received news that Mo Qianying's soul lamp stationed at the sealed place in the Nether Sea was extinguished. Even the general leading the team was not spared. It was only a matter of time before the entire army was annihilated. What makes him even more angry is that it is currently unknown which force is responsible for this, and the secret place is in danger of being occupied.

"A bunch of trash!" The Immortal Demon Lord slammed the table angrily, and powerful demonic energy surged out instantly, making the entire cabin tremble.

"Send the order and move forward at full speed!" The Immortal Demon Lord ordered loudly, "In addition, notify the other armies and let them join us as soon as possible. This time, we will take over the Underworld in one fell swoop!"

As the order of the Immortal Demon Lord was passed down, the speed of the black fleet suddenly accelerated, and it rushed towards the sea of ​​​​the underworld.

A big war is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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