Chapter 425: The Immortal Demon Lord (Part )

After learning that Li Mu could refine seventh-level Taoist weapons, and at the same time, he also learned from Li Mu that another sealed place was in the Nether Sea. For such an important matter, Fang Yunjian immediately sent a message to Sword Master Feng via Feijian.

"Deacon Fang, how long will it take for Sword Master Feng to arrive? If nothing unexpected happens, the Immortal Demon Lord is also on his way!"

Li Mu looked at Fang Yunjian and asked with concern.

Hearing this, Fang Yunjian frowned and thought for a moment before saying: "It's a matter of sealing the place. The sword master should come as quickly as possible. However, the Mingshui Sea is quite far away from here. Even if he comes with all his strength, he still needs to some time."

"Elder Li, this place is quite dangerous, and the Immortal Demon Lord is an extremely terrifying figure. Why don't you follow me back to Tianxing Island first?" After a pause, Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu and suggested.

Li Mu, who can refine seventh-level Taoist weapons, has a different status than before. Fang Yunjian has a kinder attitude towards him and is more concerned about his safety.

Li Mu smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "Deacon Fang, I appreciate your kindness. But I have been involved in this matter and I don't plan to get out easily. Besides, I am quite interested in the sealing land formation ban. I want to Go in and find out, don’t worry, I’ll be careful.”

After listening to Li Mu's words, Fang Yunjian knew that he had made up his mind, so he stopped persuading him. He just solemnly warned: "In this case, Elder Li must be careful. The Immortal Demon Lord is very powerful and can only be defeated by me. Let's find him first." Let’s wait for the sword master to arrive and make further plans!”

"That's fine!" Li Mu nodded, looked at Xue'er, Red Lianhuo Feng and the others, and put them into the Soul Controlling Treasure Bracelet, leaving Qingyue True Dragon to follow him, and then followed Fang Yunjian to find a remote island to wait for Sword Master Feng 's arrival

"Yes! Tian Jue was originally an ordinary god-transforming monk from the Nine Demons Sect. After receiving the inheritance of immortal demonic energy, he would cross two levels in just a few years and advance to the Fusion Realm, but he was not affected by the laws of heaven in this world. Suppression, now, the realm is probably not far from the next realm," Fang Yunjian sighed and introduced.

"That's it!" Fang Yunjian suddenly realized after hearing this, and the questions in his heart were finally clarified. He now finally understood why the Blood Demon Lord had searched for Li Mu everywhere before and even pursued him at all costs.

"Deacon Fang, how about you try my Qingxu Spirit Tea?" Li Mu smiled and asked Fang Yunjian to sit down and handed him a cup of hot Spirit Tea.

At this point, Li Mu paused, as if recalling the scene at that time, and continued: "Previously, my companion Qingyue accidentally obtained a formation hub that can enter the forbidden area in the place guarded by the White Whale clan. I don't know about this. How did the Blood Demon Lord Dana find out? This is why we later learned that the Blood Demon Lord was chasing me crazily. Later, I was invited by Wanbao Pavilion to go to the extreme northern ice field to explore Dao Lord's secret realm. Through the research and information summary of the formation, we can learn more about the secrets of the seal."

Hearing this, Fang Yunjian put down his tea cup, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Li Mu with admiration. He did not expect that Li Mu had such a deep understanding of the secrets of the sealing formation, which made him feel shocked and admired.

After a pause, Li Mu looked at Fang Yunjian and asked probingly: "In the Ice Abyss Spiritual Valley, the Yin Gathering Formation for the Earthly Demons, and the Nether Water Sea Area should be the water element sub-formation. As for the other five sub-formations, does Elder Fang know their whereabouts?"

With a wave of his hand, Li Mu summoned a wooden table and two wooden stools from Jiuzang Lingzhu, then took out a can of treasured Lingcha and brewed it carefully. The fragrance of the tea drifted in the sea breeze, bringing a sense of tranquility and comfort. .

Hearing this, Li Mu's heart tightened. Although he had not personally experienced the war in ancient times, from Fang Yunjian's narration, he could clearly feel the terror of the immortal demon. If such an existence really breaks away from the seal, what will happen to the entire spiritual world? It is indeed an inevitable disaster.

"This matter is a bit complicated to talk about." Li Mu thought for a moment, glanced at the Qingyue True Dragon quietly guarding beside him, and explained: "Actually, this matter has to start with the Lord of the Blood Demon - Dana. At that time , he sent someone to assassinate me, but accidentally let me know some information. "

"Human traitor? Immortal Demon God?" Li Mu was slightly startled. He knew very little about the forces of the Demon Abyss. This was the first time he had heard of this information.

"In the Thirteen Domains of Demon Abyss, each Domain Lord is a Demon God, with strength between the level of Dao Lord and Dao Ancestor. The Immortal Demon God is the supreme Demon God of the second Domain Master of Demon Abyss. He practices the Immortal Demon Technique. Immortal and extremely terrifying, it is said that he once ruled the entire Demonic Abyss in ancient times, and it was he who led the war against this realm. According to legend, he was defeated by seven Tao Lords and has been sealed. However, his influence The power still exists in the Demonic Abyss, which is the supreme belief of many Demonic Cultivators." Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu and explained in detail with a solemn expression.

Fang Yunjian looked solemn and gestured: "The Immortal Demon Lord is called Tian Jue. He is a traitor to the human race. He is not suppressed by the heavens of this world. He has been infused with the immortal demon energy of the Immortal Demon God. His realm has advanced by leaps and bounds. He is very powerful. Last time The coalition's attack on the Demon Cave failed because of his relationship! "

"What kind of existence is this immortal demon?" Li Mu was more concerned about the situation of the Moyuan forces and asked curiously.

"Deacon Fang, how strong is this Immortal Demon Lord? Do you know his situation?" Li Mu followed Fang Yunjian with his sword and inquired curiously.

After hearing this, Li Mu paused slightly and hesitated. It was not convenient for Qingyangzi to be involved in this matter.

Fang Yunjian took the tea cup and took a sip. He suddenly felt refreshed and the fatigue from the past few days was gone. He nodded appreciatively: "Good tea! Elder Li really knows how to enjoy it!"

While talking, the two landed on a secluded island.

Li Mu looked at the sea and sky in the distance and said with a smile: "While we are enjoying ourselves, we must not forget about business. The passage seal formation is related to tens of thousands of lives in the spiritual world. We must not neglect it. Does Deacon Fang know more details? If you are right, There should be a total of seven extreme seals to form the chaos sealing formation."

The name Tianjue was somewhat familiar to Li Mu. He had heard it somewhere and couldn't remember it for a while, so he gave up exploring it.

"I don't know how this Tian Jue inherited the inheritance of the Immortal Demon God. If the Immortal Demon God has escaped from the seal, it will definitely be a catastrophe for the spiritual world." Fang Yunjian paused and looked at it with worry. Li Mu explained in a heavy tone.

"Elder Li is indeed extraordinary. He even knows such secrets." Fang Yunjian glanced at Li Mu with a meaningful look and asked curiously: "I have some clues about the whereabouts of the other five sub-formations. However, this information It’s highly confidential and only a few people know it. I’m curious, where did Elder Li get this information?”

"It was because of this Shuifu array card that I decided to come to the Mingshui area to explore. I didn't expect that this place had already been occupied by the Moyuan forces." Li Mu smiled bitterly, looked at Fang Yunjian and asked with concern: "Deacon Fang, Bing The sealing power below the Ghost Valley has gone through a long period of time, and the formation pattern has been eliminated, causing the formation power to overflow. Now it has been mostly repaired. I wonder what is the situation of other sealing formations and where are they located? "

"Elder Li, now that I know this secret, I can't hide it. I probably know the whereabouts of three seals, one of which is the sect's forbidden area - Burial Sword Peak, the secret realm of extreme gold." Fang Yunjian thought for a while and replied.

"Where are the other two places!" Li Mu's eyes lit up slightly and he asked with concern.

"The Land of Extreme Fire is located in the Fire Dragon Valley deep in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Domain - the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains. The seal here is now controlled by the forces of the Demon Abyss. It is extremely difficult to take it back. The last place, if nothing unexpected happens, It should be under the control of the eight major families in Zhongzhou," Fang Yunjian said as he looked at Li Mu with a heavy heart.

"Could it be that the eight major families in Zhongzhou belong to the Cangyuan Secret Realm?" Li Mu was slightly startled, remembered something, and asked quickly.

Li Mu still remembers that in order to invite him to the Kun family, the Kun Family Tian Shang and the Kun Ling Lord did not hesitate to offer him a place to enter the Cangyuan Secret Realm to seduce him.

"Yes, it is thanks to the eight major families of Cangyuan Secret Realm that they have been able to stand in Zhongzhou for so long. They seem to be the guardians of this Jimu Secret Realm." Fang Yunjian glanced at Li Mu unexpectedly and said with certainty. "I see!"

Li Mu nodded, feeling lost.

Now we have learned clues to three more sealed secret realms. Except for the sealed place in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm that is difficult to enter, the other two sealed places are not difficult to enter.

If there are no accidents, Lingxu Island is the place where the polar earth is sealed, and the whereabouts of the polar sun seal are missing.

Li Mu frowned, somewhat helpless about the extremely fire-sealed land under the control of the Moyuan forces.

Nowadays, the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm has become a demonic realm and is completely occupied by the forces of the Demonic Abyss. He does not have the courage to break into this land shrouded in darkness. Li Mu can't help but feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Seeing Li Mu frowning and looking worried, Fang Yunjian couldn't help but asked with concern: "Elder Li, is there anything that is troubling you? Although Fang has little power, he is willing to do his part."

Now, Li Mu can refine seventh-level Taoist weapons. Fang Yunjian is full of respect for him and hopes to help him and deepen their relationship. He will also need him to refine weapons on his behalf in the future.

"The place of extreme fire seal in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Domain is in the hands of the Demonic Abyss forces. If the Immortal Demon Lord has the means to break the seal, once the passage is opened, this disaster will probably not be far away! The Sword Sect will try every means to Can that seal be taken back?" Li Mu looked at Fang Yunjian and asked worriedly.

Hearing this, Fang Yunjian was silent for a while, and then responded after a long silence: "This matter can only be accomplished if the two Dao Lords of the sect personally take action. However, they are currently delayed by matters outside the territory. After they take care of the matters outside the territory, We will take action, don’t worry, Elder Li.”

"That's all!" Li Mu nodded clearly.

"Elder Li, in fact, if you can refine a few more Taoist weapons, maybe you can accomplish this with the help of Sword Master Chen, Sword Master Feng, and Sword Master Qiu." After a pause, Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu and gestured.

Hearing this, Li Mu was slightly startled and asked in surprise: "Is this serious?"

"Of course! Sword Master Chen and Sword Master Feng are extraordinary in strength. However, due to the limitations of their weapons, they have been unable to exert their strength. If Elder Li can refine suitable Tao weapons for them," Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu seriously and continued Said: "With their strength, they will definitely be able to eliminate most of the Demonic Abyss forces, penetrate deep into the land sealed by the Extreme Fire, and recapture them."

After hearing this, Li Mu's eyes flashed, he pondered for a moment, and frowned: "Deacon Fang, what you said makes sense, but the spiritual materials required to refine seventh-level Taoist weapons are extremely rare, and they also contain Taoist charm, so it is not easy to refine. ah!"

"What's the problem with mere spiritual materials, Elder Li, but you must not underestimate Sword Master and the others." Fang Yunjian chuckled and signaled: "Sword Master Chen and Sword Master Feng have been practicing for many years and know all kinds of rare spiritual materials. Maybe, They have already prepared the high-level spiritual materials for refining the Taoist weapons, but they can't find the right person to do it for them!"

Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu with bright eyes, as if he had something to say.

"If this is the case, I will do my best to help. However, refining seventh-level Taoist weapons is quite expensive..." Li Mu suddenly realized what Fang Yunjian meant and quickly reminded him.

"Elder Li, if you can help Fang refine a weapon of enlightenment, Fang is willing to pay any price." Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu and signaled solemnly.

Owning a Taoist weapon can not only greatly increase your combat power and protect yourself, but also enable you to understand the meaning of Taoism in advance and gain enlightenment, laying a solid foundation for future practice. Therefore, Fang Yunjian's desire for Dao soldiers is extremely urgent.

Feeling Fang Yunjian's determination, Li Mu smiled bitterly, did not refuse, and chatted with him about commissioning the refining of Taoist weapons.

Three days passed by in a flash. Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen arrived in a hurry with their swords. After the two fell behind, Li Mu and Fang Yunjian hurriedly stepped forward to greet them.

Just like Fang Yunjian's reaction, the two of them looked at Li Mu with piercing eyes. They didn't mention anything about the secret realm of Shuifu. They didn't care at all. They immediately wanted to check the Five Elements Dao Sword refined by Li Mu to make sure that he could refine it. Tao soldiers.

Seeing this, Li Mu smiled slightly and understood in his heart. Without saying anything, he directly summoned the Five Elements Dao Sword from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl and floated it in front of Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen.

The eyes of the two sword masters were bright, looking at the Five Elements Dao Sword. The five elements of Qi on the sword body were flowing, containing the powerful Five Elements Dao intention. The sword was as powerful as the sky, the sword was sharp, and it exuded a sharp aura that could clearly Feel the charm of it. They looked at each other and could see the shock and ecstasy in each other's eyes.

"What a sword! What a sword!" Sword Master Feng nodded repeatedly, looking at Li Mu's sincere admiration, and praised ecstatically: "Elder Li is indeed extremely talented, and he can actually refine such exquisite Tao weapons."

Sword Master Chen nodded repeatedly with joy, and with a flattering tone, he enthusiastically agreed: "Indeed! This Dao weapon has all the five elements of Dao rhyme, and it produces the five elements within, which is endless. Chen has never seen a Dao sword with such a strong Dao spirit. If there is such a Dao sword to help, the Great Dao can be expected."

Li Mu smiled modestly: "Thank you to the two sword masters!"

Fang Yunjian watched from the side, secretly happy in his heart. He has successfully entrusted Li Mu to refine Tao weapons. Not only will he be able to hold a Tao weapon in the future.

The two sword masters complimented Li Mu enthusiastically, and soon discussed the matter of entrusting Li Mu to refine Tao weapons.

At this moment, Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen's expressions suddenly became solemn, and their eyes were all looking in a certain direction.

Li Muruo felt something, and his consciousness suddenly disappeared, and the smile suddenly disappeared from his face.

Not long after, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the distant sky, and a black cloud was quickly approaching, with demonic energy surging.

Li Mu 'saw' the burly man headed by the leader on the flagship deck, wearing a set of black magic armor covered with spikes, surrounded by dense magic energy, and looking very powerful.

Li Mu was stunned for a moment at that familiar face, and immediately recognized his origin, the Immortal Demon Lord - Tian Jue, who was also the one who fought with him and escaped in defeat when he passed through the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation - Tian Jue Demon Lord, however, he is now a powerful combined demon cultivator.

(End of this chapter)

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