Chapter 426 Former Enemies
Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen looked at each other, and both saw solemn looks in each other's eyes. They knew the fighting power of the Immortal Demon Lord, and he must have rushed here for the seal under the Underworld Water.

A war is inevitable!

"Yunjian, take Elder Li and leave first." Sword Master Feng looked at Fang Yunjian and ordered seriously.

Li Mu can now refine seventh-level Taoist weapons. If something unexpected happens to a weapon refiner of this level, it will be an immeasurable loss to Xuantian Sword Sect.

Fang Yunjian nodded in response, pulled up Li Mu who was still a little dazed, and flew away with his sword in the opposite direction.

In the sky, the fleet led by the Immortal Demon Lord was getting closer and closer, and the billowing demonic energy seemed to cover the entire sky. Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen looked at each other and smiled. Their sword aura was flowing across their bodies, ready to fight.

At this moment, Li Mu, who was being led by Fang Yunjian to evacuate quickly, looked back and saw the two sword masters standing on the same spot like two mountains. Their sword intent shot straight into the sky, as if they were trying to tear apart the billowing demonic energy.

On the flagship deck, the Immortal Demon Lord's eyes were like daggers. He scanned the crowd below. Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on Li Mu, who was being evacuated quickly by Fang Yunjian. He remembered that face too clearly.

Back then, he led the crowd to launch a war to exterminate the Qingxuan Sect. As a result, he was beaten by a monk who had just passed through the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation. He threw away his helmet and armor, and his body was completely destroyed. If it weren't for his great destiny, he would be favored by the Immortal Demon God and become his subordinate. How could the demonic body be refined into immortal magic?

Thinking of the past, the Immortal Demon Lord became even more angry. If we meet again today, the monk will never let him go.

"Leave me here!" The Immortal Demon Lord roared, his voice shaking the sky: "This time, I'll see how you die!"

"My defeated general, get out of here!" The Immortal Demon Lord waved his hand and fired out a stream of immortal devil energy, turning into a black dragon and flying Sword Master Feng away.

At the same time, they were all quite curious as to why Li Mu, who was only in the middle stage of divine transformation, could anger the Immortal Demon Lord and make him hate him so deeply that he wanted to tear him into pieces immediately.

After saying this, the Immortal Demon Lord flashed and turned into a black light, chasing straight towards Li Mu at a speed that was staggering.

In the sky, three streams of light, one golden, one green, and one black, suddenly collided violently in the air, and a big battle broke out.

"Stop him!" Sword Master Feng shouted, and together with Sword Master Chen, they transformed into two rays of sword light and headed towards the Immortal Demon Lord.

However, Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen were no ordinary people. They each used their own unique skills to cleverly avoid being swallowed by the vortex, and took the opportunity to launch a counterattack. For a moment, sword energy and demonic energy intertwined in the air to form a spectacular picture.

Sword Master Feng rolled several times in the air before he managed to stabilize his body, and his sword intent became more solid.

Sword Master Feng ignored the cynicism of the Immortal Demon Lord and activated the Wind Sword Domain again. This time, his sword energy was even more powerful, and the green wind formed a series of sword shadows in the sky.

The cyan and golden sword energy intertwined to form a powerful stream of swords, which launched a more violent impact on the immortal demonic energy. In the sky, the two sword fields collided fiercely with the demonic energy, making a deafening roar. The war has just begun and has already entered a white-hot stage.

The Immortal Demon Lord sneered, the Immortal Demonic Qi rolled, and he easily blocked the sword. He glanced at the repelled Sword Master Feng, and mocked: "Is this all you have? You still want to stop me?"

When Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen saw this, they couldn't help but look solemn. The Immortal Demon Lord's Immortal Demon Art is not trivial. If you are not careful, you may be backlashed by it. But at this moment, they have no way out and can only try their best to fight the immortal demon lord to the end.

The Immortal Demon Lord faced the siege of the two sword domains, but there was no trace of fear on his face. He sneered, and the black devilish energy rolled around him, forming an Immortal Demon Domain to resist the attacks from Sword Master Feng and Chen Sword Master. Those demonic energies seemed to be alive. Under the control of the Demon Lord, they transformed into various forms and violently collided with the two sword realms.

Sword Master Chen cooperated with him and relied on the compatibility of the sword domains to unleash several times more combat power, causing a lot of trouble to the Immortal Demon Lord.

A trace of impatience flashed in the eyes of the Immortal Demon Lord. When he saw his former enemy, he wanted to take them down immediately. However, he was entangled by these two guys. He decided to fight quickly and get rid of these two troublesome guys first. .

The Immortal Demon Lord calmed down and activated the Immortal Demon Art with all his strength. Demonic energy surged around his body, forming black vortexes. These whirlpools exuded powerful devouring power, trying to draw the two sword masters into them.

When Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen saw this, a trace of solemnity flashed in their eyes, knowing that if the Immortal Demon Lord was allowed to catch up with Li Mu, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Indestructible Demon Power!" The Indestructible Demon Lord shouted, and the immortal demon energy all over his body suddenly became more intense, as if darkness had fallen and covered the entire sky. In this dense demonic aura, the Immortal Demon Lord is like a demon god descending into the world, arrogant and arrogant.

At the same time, the golden light of the spiritual sword in Sword Master Chen's hand emitted loudly, and the Golden Sword Domain was like a scorching sun descending. The bright sword light shrouded all directions, and the golden sword energy was like golden dragons, roaring towards the immortal demon lord. To devour him completely.

Sword Master Feng's figure is like the wind, his sword domain spreads out, and the green sword energy spreads horizontally, as if a strong wind has rolled up, forming a battlefield of wind. Every ray of sword energy is like a sharp hurricane, cutting through the space and pushing towards the immortal demon lord.

Sword Master Chen roared angrily, and the Golden Sword Domain suddenly erupted. Countless golden sword energy gathered into a huge golden sword shadow, slashing hard at the Immortal Demon Lord.

In just a short moment, the two sword masters jointly fought thousands of moves with the Immortal Demon Lord. However, they were in a stalemate and could not decide the winner.

Sword Master Chen and Sword Master Feng looked at each other. They cooperated tacitly and worked together to perform a unique skill - combined fencing!
In an instant, the two sword domains merged into one, turning into a bright sword light, slashing at the Immortal Demon Lord with lightning speed. The sword was so powerful that even the space seemed to be torn apart. Come.

The Immortal Demon Lord felt this powerful sword energy, and finally showed a solemn look on his face. He did not dare to be careless, and used all his strength to use the Immortal Demon Art to resist.

"Boom!" A loud noise came, and the whole sky was shaken. When the dust settled, the immortal magic armor on the immortal demon lord was intact and was only knocked back a few steps.

Sword Master Chen and Sword Master Feng had solemn expressions on their faces. Compared to the Immortal Demon Lord's demonic skills a few years ago, they were more sophisticated now. The sword moves they used together were unable to break the magic armor he was wearing.

"Haha! You guys want to break my magic armor? It's really unbelievable!" The Immortal Demon Lord laughed crazily, his voice shaking the heavens and the earth.

I saw that the magic armor on the Immortal Demon Lord shone with a cold light in the sun. After a surge of demonic energy, the sword wound left by the powerful sword just now on the magic armor was instantly repaired and restored to its original state. .

Seeing this scene, Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen's expressions both darkened.

The immortal magic skills practiced by the Immortal Demon Lord are closely related to the magic armor on his body. When the magic skills are running, the magic armor can automatically repair any damage suffered, which almost makes the Immortal Demon Lord invincible in battle. .

"What should I do?" Sword Master Feng Shen Chuannian asked. He obviously did not expect that the strength of the Immortal Demon Lord had reached such a level.

A trace of determination flashed in Sword Master Chen's eyes, and he said: "There is a way to try. You cover me and attack its unprotected vital points." Sword Master Feng heard this and nodded. This may be their only chance at the moment.

So, the battle started again, with Sword Master Feng fighting on the periphery to attract the attention of the Immortal Demon Lord, while Sword Master Chen secretly accumulated strength and looked for opportunities.

Finally, under the cover of a fierce confrontation between Sword Master Feng and the Immortal Demon Lord, Sword Master Chen spotted the opportunity, dodged, and struck the Immortal Demon Lord's neck with lightning speed.

"Whoosh!" There was a soft sound, and the long sword in Sword Master Chen's hand pierced the Immortal Demon Lord's neck like lightning.

For a moment, time seemed to have stopped, and both of them focused on the sword.

"Pfft!" With a muffled sound, Sword Master Chen's long sword actually stabbed the Immortal Demon Lord's neck, and a stream of blood spurted out. However, the Immortal Demon Lord did not fall down. He waved a wave of Immortal Demonic Qi and sent Sword Master Chen flying away.

Unexpectedly, this attack actually succeeded.

However, something even more shocking happened to the two sword masters. I saw that the immortal magic armor on the immortal demon lord once again shone with a cold light. After a surge of demonic energy, the wound on his neck miraculously healed!
" is this possible?!" Sword Master Feng exclaimed.

The Immortal Demon Lord showed a ferocious smile: "You think you can defeat me like this? How ridiculous! My Immortal Demon Art has been cultivated to the extreme. I am immortal, so don't even think about killing me!"

After saying that, the Immortal Demon Lord waved his hand suddenly, and a powerful demonic energy swept towards the two of them. Sword Master Chen and Sword Master Feng quickly waved their swords to resist, but they were still shaken and flew backwards.

Sword Master Feng stared at the Immortal Demonic Armor on the Immortal Demon Lord, as if he had discovered a clue and knew the reason why the Immortal Demon Lord was immortal.

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Sword Master Feng's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "I understand, this Immortal Demon Armor is not an ordinary armor. It is actually closely connected with the Immortal Demon Lord's magic power, and it has almost become a part of his body. Part of it. Whenever he is damaged, the magic armor will automatically repair itself with the help of magic power, making him almost invincible in battle."

Sword Master Chen frowned when he heard this: "In this case, doesn't it mean that there is nothing we can do against him?"

Sword Master Feng shook his head and said: "That's not necessarily true. Although the immortal magic armor can be repaired automatically, the operation of the magic power must consume a lot of magic energy. As long as we continue to attack and consume his magic energy, we may be able to find a breakthrough."

When the Immortal Demon Lord heard the conversation between the two, he couldn't help but laugh: "You think you can use up my demonic energy this way? How naive! My demonic energy is constantly flowing, and you can never use it up!"

After saying that, the Immortal Demon Lord launched another fierce attack. The demonic energy surged, as if it wanted to devour the two of them.

However, Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen did not back down and continued to fight with the Immortal Demon Lord.

For a moment, sword energy and demonic energy filled the sky in the Nether Water Sea, and the color of the world changed.

The battle lasted for a long time, and both sides tried their best. However, Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen gradually discovered that the immortal demonic energy emitted by the Immortal Demon Lord showed no signs of weakening, and seemed to be endless and inexhaustible.

"No! This magic armor cooperates with its magic power, and the immortal demon energy will continue to grow." Sword Master Feng asked Chen Sword Master with his spiritual thoughts. He did not expect that the strength of the immortal demon master has reached this level.

"There is no other way, prepare to retreat! If Elder Li can help us refine the Dao sword, it will be no problem to capture this beast with the Dao sword in hand." Sword Master Chen responded through his thoughts.

"That's all!" Sword Master Feng nodded and responded.

As a result, the two sword masters began to change their tactics. They no longer attacked violently, but adopted the strategy of fighting and harassing. Instead, they took a defensive position, fighting and retreating, preparing to escape from the battle. Their sword skills were exquisite and their body skills were flexible. Although The attack power was greatly reduced, but it made it impossible for the Immortal Demon Lord to defeat them easily.

The Immortal Demon Lord was quite irritated by this tactic and captured them many times, but was easily stopped by their close cooperation. The Immortal Demonic Armor and Demonic Qi on his body spurted out, and the Immortal Demonic Art was operating at full strength, turning into The devil's hands tried to capture them, but failed again and again.

"You two rats, can you just hide and hide?" The Immortal Demon Lord roared loudly, the demonic energy rolling around his body, obviously angered by this delaying tactic.

However, Sword Master Feng and Sword Master Chen acted as if they had not heard anything, and continued to maintain their tactics, preparing to retreat from the battle. The magic armor on the Immortal Demon Lord was too overbearing, and it was difficult for them to cause fatal damage to him.

Only when Li Mu refined the Dao sword for them would it be the right time to kill the beast.

The battle is still going on, but the situation on the field has obviously changed. The two sword masters used defense as offense. Although they were at a disadvantage, they were never defeated by the Immortal Demon Lord. Although the Indestructible Demon Lord was attacking like a tide, he was still unable to break through the opponent's defense line, which made him feel extremely irritated.

The overwhelming demonic energy wreaks havoc on the sea.

At this time, Fang Yunjian controlled the sixth-level spiritual sword and led Li Mu to escape from the Nether Water Sea thousands of miles away. The huge aftermath of the battle between the Immortal Demon Lord and the two sword masters could no longer be seen.

"Elder Li, the Immortal Demon Lord seems to recognize you. Do you have a grudge against him?"

Fang Yunjian's tense nerves relaxed and he looked at Li Mu with curiosity and asked with concern.

Just now, he was standing next to Li Mu and felt the stern murderous intention sent by the Immortal Demon Lord towards him. That killing intention was completely directed at Li Mu, as if Li Mu had a deep hatred for him.

If the two sword masters hadn't taken action in time to block them both, he would have been hurt by the cold killing intent.

Hearing Fang Yunjian's inquiry, Li Mu's eyes flickered, smiled bitterly, and nodded: "That's true. I didn't expect that he would become the Immortal Demon Lord. It's really unbelievable!"

Fang Yunjian looked at Li Mu silently, waiting for the next words.

"More than a hundred years ago, when he was still a cultivator of the Transformation of Gods, he destroyed our Qingxuan Sect and was beheaded by me. Unexpectedly, after he escaped, he could cultivate such magic skills and achieve the Fusion Realm. Now, he is The Immortal Demon Lord, I am far from his opponent!" Li Mu frowned and said in fear.

"So that's it!" After hearing this, Fang Yunjian suddenly realized. After being silent for a while, he suggested: "Elder Li, you are being targeted by the Immortal Demon Lord. Why don't you return to the sect for a while? It's better not to take risks outside the sect in the short term! "

"That's the only way!" A trace of unwillingness flashed in Li Mu's eyes, and he nodded with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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