Lin Maoshan stood respectfully by the side waiting, when suddenly the ground shook violently. The next moment, the 'three uncles' were buried in a ball of yellow sand and disappeared in an instant.

Lin Maoshan stood there in fear, feeling a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, this mysterious space is filled with rich earth-element spiritual energy, and is surrounded by the remains of high-level monks. The earth is cracked, and it is obvious that it has just experienced a horrific war.

The disappearance of the 'three uncle-masters' left Lin Maoshan, a young cultivator who was only in the late stage of foundation building, without a backbone.

Lin Maoshan summoned a magic sword from his storage ring. The tip of the sword trembled slightly, as if responding to his inner uneasiness. He looked around, his eyes full of vigilance and confusion.

"Where on earth is this? What on earth is going on?"

Lin Maoshan whispered to himself, his voice echoing in the empty space, but no one responded.

Lin Maoshan looked at the emerald green spirit bead floating in front of him, which was emitting a mysterious aura. The 'three uncle masters' attached great importance to it, so it must have an extraordinary origin.

At this moment, a gust of wind came whistling, blowing up the yellow sand. A huge vortex appeared in the sky, and the entire space seemed to be collapsing.

Lin Maoshan was startled, and without thinking, he reached out and grabbed the green spirit bead in his hand, holding the spirit sword tightly, ready to deal with unknown dangers.

The next moment, when the wind stopped and the sand fell, Lin Maoshan was surprised to find that he was standing in a completely new environment. It was no longer the space filled with yellow sand and earth's spiritual power, but a quiet and mysterious island.

In the ancient forest, the old trees are towering with lush branches and leaves. The sunlight shines through the gaps between the leaves onto the ground, forming mottled light and shadows. The air is filled with the fresh scent of plants and trees, and the rich local spiritual power makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Lin Maoshan took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner panic.

He looked around, hoping to find clues about the disappearance of the 'three uncles', and carefully observed the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, trying to find anything unusual.

However, this ancient forest was like a huge maze. Although the sunlight was dappled, the shadows in the forest were like tentacles of darkness, ready to devour everything at any time. Lin Maoshan felt a little heavy. The entire island was extremely silent, with no traces of people, and a strong atmosphere filled everywhere.

It was obviously a terrifying place with powerful restrictions. Lin Maoshan did not dare to move. He simply sat cross-legged on the ground and practiced meditation. The 'three uncle masters' attached so much importance to the emerald green spirit bead that they would definitely find a way to find him.

Besides, he was suddenly called here, which should be the doing of his master. Lin Maoshan believed that with his master's ability, he would be able to find a way to find him.

So, Lin Maoshan closed his eyes and practiced with full concentration, his mind completely immersed in the practice of the Five Elements Treasure Book.

After an unknown amount of time, the emerald green spirit bead in Lin Maoshan's arms suddenly emerged, emitting spiritual light. A ray of spiritual light flashed, and then, with a "whoosh", a young man in a green robe appeared out of thin air.

Lin Maoshan seemed to sense something, opened his eyes and looked carefully, and it was his master - Li Mu.

"Disciple, hello, Master!" Lin Maoshan quickly stood up and bowed respectfully.

Li Mu nodded slightly, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and his eyes swept over Lin Maoshan, as if evaluating Lin Maoshan's growth and changes over this period of time.

"Well done!" Li Mu's voice was calm and powerful, revealing an unquestionable majesty. He praised Lin Maoshan and said, "You are able to persist in practicing in this forbidden place. You have a good character."

Lin Maoshan was delighted. Li Mu's praise was a great encouragement to him. He responded modestly: "Master, you are too kind. I am just doing my duty."

Li Mu smiled and waved his hand, then looked around, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

The surroundings were filled with powerful formations and restrictions. This place was the polar region of 'Lingxu Fudao'. Finally, he found the place. Li Mu couldn't hide his smile on his face.

"Master, I don't know why the three uncles disappeared out of thin air. I don't know where they went." Lin Maoshan looked at Li Mu and reported respectfully.

Li Mu glanced at the golden talisman on his arm, which had now dimmed, and immediately understood the reason.

With the death of the Immortal Demon Lord, the inheritance competition came to an end. Unfortunately, he was so focused on fighting with the Immortal Demon Lord that he missed the second round of the inheritance competition. Xueer, Xiaowa and the other three should have been recruited to participate in the second round of the inheritance competition.

"Don't worry, they are fine and will be back soon." Li Mu smiled slightly, looked at the Painting World Treasure House and put it away, then looked at Lin Maoshan and said: "This is not the place for you to stay, go back and practice well, and strive to cast the golden elixir as soon as possible!"

Lin Maoshan was slightly stunned, not knowing what he meant, and could only respond respectfully: "Disciple obeys!"

Li Mu smiled slightly, and his spiritual thoughts enveloped Lin Maoshan. The next moment, his figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

Lin Maoshan opened his eyes and woke up, and found that he had returned to his original Lingshan Cave. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he had been practicing in his master's cave magic weapon.

Lin Maoshan couldn't help but feel excited. This was an unprecedented experience for him, as well as a spiritual baptism. He felt the unfathomable cultivation and extremely broad mind of his master Li Mu, which made him more determined to practice.

Li Mu was somewhat disappointed that he could not obtain the inheritance of the Dao Lord, but he did not mind. With the talent of absorbing plant spirits, it was only a matter of time for him to become the Dao Lord.

Li Mu released his spiritual consciousness and began to explore the 'Lingxu Blessed Land', checking the seals and restrictions and searching for high-level spiritual objects on the island.

At this moment, two figures, one in white and one in red, appeared beside Li Mu one after another. They were Xue'er and Chi Lian Huo Feng.

"Brother Li!"


Xue'er's voice was full of anxiety. She quickly ran to Li Mu's side and looked carefully at his slightly pale face, wanting to confirm whether he was okay.

The Red Fire Phoenix flew to Li Mu in surprise, confirmed his condition, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, I'm fine! I have dealt with the Immortal Demon Lord!" Li Mu held Xue'er's hand and comforted her with a smile.

"By the way, where's Xiao Wa?"

Li Mu looked at the Red Fire Phoenix and asked curiously.

"We were recruited to participate in the second round of trial inheritance, which is a trial of the state of mind. I was not suitable for this inheritance, so I withdrew!" Chilian Fire Phoenix responded quickly.

"Me too!" Xue'er took over the conversation and replied, "Xiao Wa is extremely suitable for this inheritance. He hasn't come out yet, so he should be accepting this trial."

"Then forget about him! This is the polar region, there are many high-level spiritual objects, you can look for any that can help you." Li Mu looked around and smiled. Xue'er shook her head, took Li Mu's hand, and not far away, the Red Fire Phoenix flew towards a high-level spiritual plant, searching for spiritual medicine.

Li Mu smiled slightly, and joined hands with Xue'er to explore Lingxu Fudao together.

Not long after, Li Mu stopped in front of a restriction. His eyes were attracted by the strange substance in front of him that was flashing with a faint light. He looked carefully and was surprised to find that it was a pile of rare Nine Void Spirit Soil. They were gathered in pieces, suspended in the air, piled up like hills, and flashing with charming spiritual light.

The Jiuxu Spirit Soil is a rare thing in the world. A small piece of it is worth a lot of money. However, in the polar region, it is gathered together like small hills, emitting rich local spiritual power and vitality.

The Nine Void Spirit Soil is an extremely rare treasure in the world, and each small piece of it contains extremely high value. However, in this polar region, the Nine Void Spirit Soil gathers in the form of small hills, emitting rich local spiritual power and vitality, giving this space a magical aura.

What is even more amazing is that in the mountains formed by the Nine Void Spiritual Soil, there are thousands of high-level spiritual plants growing. These spiritual plants each occupy a piece of Nine Void Spiritual Soil, with emerald green leaves, gorgeous flowers, lush branches and leaves, and exuding powerful medicinal properties and attractive aromas. These high-level spiritual plants thrive under the nourishment of the Nine Void Spiritual Soil, giving the Nine Void Spiritual Soil a stronger vitality.

Under the innate magical power - identifying all spirits, their attributes appeared in Li Mu's eyes one by one.

【Nine Void Spirit Soil】

[Grade: Seventh-grade Spiritual Soil]

[Features: The nine voids converge, the spiritual soil becomes divine, full of vitality, and the earth soul awakens. ]

[Status: Extremely spiritual ground veins, spiritual soil is spiritual. 】

【Born at the intersection of the Nine Voids, the spiritual soil of the polar veins has integrated the essence of the earth element and the spiritual void, giving birth to a unique earth element power. After tens of thousands of years of nourishment by the earth veins, the earth soul is compatible in it. Awakening the spirit of the spiritual veins with the energy of the Nine Voids can release the endless vitality contained in it. This soil symbolizes life and revival. Through it, one can comprehend the way of natural power and feel the secret of life revival. 】

【Yaowang Lingshen】

[Grade: Seventh-Level Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: The medicine contains the soul, improves qualifications, promotes spiritual consciousness, increases longevity, and enhances spirituality. 】

[Status: Nurturing for thousands of years, the energy is vast and the spirituality is abundant. ]

【Medicine King Ginseng, a seventh-level spiritual medicine, a plant of Medicine King Spiritual Ginseng that has grown for ten thousand years, condenses the essence of life between heaven and earth, is the King of Medicine Spirits, has abundant spirituality, has full medicinal properties, and has unparalleled medicinal effects. This ginseng has a magical shape, its roots are coiled like dragon whiskers, and its leaves are emerald green, each of which contains rich medicinal power. It is the main ingredient for refining the Divine Pill and the Heavenly Spirit Pill. If taken directly, it can improve qualifications in all aspects, enhance the soul, and spirituality.】

【Nine Void Ganoderma】

[Grade: Seventh-Level Spiritual Plant]

[Features: Spiritual energy, purifies blood, strengthens the spirit, prolongs life, and inspires wisdom. ]

[Status: Ten thousand years of medicinal power, ethereal fragrance. ]

【Nine Void Ganoderma, a seventh-level spiritual plant, a plant that has grown for thousands of years, gathers the energy of the earth, the spirit of the ganoderma is not obvious, the ganoderma aura is lingering, and the medicinal effect is unparalleled. This ganoderma has a strange shape, the stem is like jade, and the ganoderma cover is like clouds. Each piece condenses pure medicinal power and is a must-have material for refining the Return to Void Pill. Direct consumption can purify the blood, strengthen the soul, awaken the spirit to return to the void, prolong life, and comprehensively improve the qualifications of practitioners. 】

【Phantom Orchid】

[Grade: Seventh-Level Spiritual Plant]

[Features: Ethereal and graceful, colorful and flowing, orchid fragrance, flowers blooming in the virtual world, blessing of the spiritual world. ]

[The Fantasy Orchid, a seventh-level spiritual plant, grows in the Nine Void Spirit Soil. It is ethereal and golden, and contains the secrets of the Void. It is the guardian of the Void. It absorbs the essence of the Void Realm and condenses it into the power of divine consciousness protection. It can help practitioners break through boundaries, enhance divine consciousness, and explore the endless illusory world. The Fantasy Orchid not only has a powerful divine consciousness protection power, but also has a mysterious healing ability that can purify the soul and enhance the spirituality of practitioners. ]


There are more than a dozen seventh-level spiritual plants, all of which are ten-thousand-year-old fine products. Their medicinal properties all exceed their own value and have condensed powerful medicinal effects.

There are 270 Jiuxu Lingzhi plants, 158 Yaowang Lingshen plants, ...

Each of these rare, thousand-year-old seventh-level spiritual plants is like a treasure in the world. Their existence not only represents the accumulation of years, but also symbolizes the purest and most powerful life force between heaven and earth.

His eyes moved back and forth among these spiritual plants, and he could already smell the rich medicinal fragrance they emitted. Li Mu's eyes lit up and he couldn't contain his joy.

Taking Yaowang Lingshen raw can continue to improve spirituality, Jiuxu Ganoderma can be used to refine the top-grade Guixu Pill, and the medicinal properties of other spiritual medicines are also extremely outstanding. They are the main ingredients of many high-level spiritual pills. You don't have to worry about the main ingredients for refining high-level spiritual pills in the future.

"So many high-level spiritual medicines! This place is indeed the polar region!" Xue'er's eyes were bright, her vision was captured by the densely packed high-level spiritual plants in front of her, and she couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

"Compared to these spiritual medicines, the value of that pile of Nine Void Spiritual Soil is also extremely extraordinary! If we can plant spiritual plants here, not only will the growth rate double, but there will also be no need to water other spiritual objects that assist in growth." Li Mu said, unable to hide his joy.

The treasure land composed of piles of Nine Void Spiritual Soil is rare and must be used well to bring out its greatest value. Li Mu quietly formed a plan for planting spiritual plants in the polar realm in his heart and decided to make a big splash in this piece of Nine Void Spiritual Soil.

Action speaks louder than words. Li Mu no longer hesitated and quickly took out an exquisite jade box from his storage ring, ready to pick all the high-level spiritual plants growing in the Jiuxu Spiritual Soil.

Stepping into the Jiuxu Spiritual Soil, each high-level spiritual plant exudes a unique fragrance, showing their extraordinary quality. Li Mu feels the pulse of the spiritual plants with skillful and precise techniques. He pulls them up one by one and puts them into the jade box.

However, some of the spiritual medicines that had already transformed into spirits felt the threat from Li Mu and tried to resist, emitting strong fluctuations in an attempt to break free from their restraints.

However, Li Mu had already been prepared. His powerful divine sense covered and suppressed those spiritual medicines that tried to resist one by one. His divine sense was like an invisible chain that tightly bound these spiritual medicines and made them unable to move.

Thousands of high-level spiritual plants were all collected by Li Mu, making up for the huge losses of the Painting World Treasure House. He was in a good mood and began to set up a large formation to protect the plants.

Li Mu summoned nine golden spirit swords from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl, and used them all at once. He flew up with the swords, using the swords as pens and the rich earth spirit power as ink to carefully draw complex array patterns around the Jiuxu Spirit Soil.

Dense array patterns penetrated into the earth, flashing with powerful spiritual light. The array forces intertwined with each other to form a huge protective array.

The polar region is full of powerful seals and prohibitions, which contain powerful formations. However, Li Mu was not afraid. With the powerful formation power and extraordinary wisdom, he arranged the compound protective formations around the Nine Void Spirit Soil. This large formation can not only effectively defend against external intrusions and destruction, but also provide sufficient spiritual energy and nutrients for the spiritual plants to ensure their healthy growth.

Xue'er stood aside, silently watching Li Mu's busy back, her eyes full of admiration.

While Li Mu was busy, deep in the Lingxu blessed land, a black giant lizard fell into a deep sleep, as if it was suffering from great pain, and a huge amount of earth elemental spiritual power gathered towards it. (End of this chapter)

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