Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 457 The Demon God Comes to the World

Deep in Lingxu Fukushima Island, the giant lizard's eyes suddenly opened, emitting two red rays of light. Its body began to tremble violently, as if trying to break free from some kind of restraints. A powerful pressure emanated from its body, causing the surrounding air to solidify.

Feeling the pressure, Li Mu stopped casting spells, frowned, looked into the depths of Lingxu Blessed Land, and sensed Xiao Wa's breath.

The next moment, Li Mu sensed Xiao Wa's joy through the Yuling Seal, and then he found that the Yuling Seal he had planted on Xiao Wa's soul collapsed and was wiped out by a powerful force.

Li Mu took a deep breath and immediately understood that Xiao Wa had successfully completed the inheritance trial and must be receiving the inheritance at this moment.

It is worthy of being the inheritance of Daojun. His Spirit Control Seal was directly wiped out in just one process of transmission. I don’t know what kind of inheritance Xiao Wa received.

Li Mu's emotions were complicated. He was pleased with Xiao Wa's success, but also felt a little reluctant to lose his spiritual connection with Xiao Wa. However, he knew that this was the only way for Xiao Wa to reach a higher level, and he could only silently bless her.

Besides, Xiao Wa was raised by him with great care, and he had been very kind to him. Even without the bond of the Yuling Seal, the friendship between them would not diminish in the slightest.

Xue'er also felt the powerful pressure. She walked to Li Mu's side and asked nervously, "Brother Li, that's Xiao Wa's breath, right? Is he okay?"

"It's okay, Xiao Wa should have passed the inheritance trial. We just wait for it." Li Mu patted Xue'er's hand and comforted her with a smile.

Soon after, there was another wave of fluctuations in the depths of Lingxu Blessed Land, and a more powerful aura gradually spread. This aura was completely different from the previous pressure, it was full of vitality and vigor, like the spring when all things come back to life.

Li Mu and Xue'er looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes. They knew that this was a sign that Xiao Wa had successfully accepted the inheritance.

Then, a brilliant light rose from the depths of Lingxu Blessed Land and shot straight into the sky.
In the light, Xiao Wa's figure gradually emerged. It was no longer the same as before. Its whole body was dark jade-colored. Its body became larger, and its scales sparkled with a deep and dim light. Its eyes were as bright as stars, revealing endless majesty and power.

Xiao Wa was riding a red sand cloud, his eyes flashing with excitement. Seeing Li Mu, he was very excited and couldn't wait to land in front of them.

He quickly transformed into a human form and appeared in front of Li Mu and Xue'er with amazing changes. He had a sturdy figure, smooth and strong muscles in his limbs, showing a great sense of power. He was wearing a set of armor forged from brown fine rock. Xiao Wa exuded an extremely powerful and heavy aura, like a towering mountain, standing tall and exuding awe-inspiring majesty.

"Master, I have obtained the inheritance of Tao Jun!" Xiao Wa reported to Li Mu with joy on his face, his eyes flashing with excitement.

"Well, what kind of inheritance is it?" Xue'er looked at Xiao Wa and asked curiously.

Xiao Wa opened his mouth but said nothing. He scratched his head awkwardly and said, "This, that, the Dharma cannot be passed on lightly. I, I can't say it."

Li Mu smiled slightly. With his innate magical power - Identifying All Spirits, he had already seen Xiao Wa's current state. The inheritance Xiao Wa received was extraordinary and could not be simply described in words. So, he quickly indicated: "This method cannot be passed on orally. You don't need to tell us. Just practice well on your own."

After a pause, Li Mu's expression became serious. He looked at Xiao Wa solemnly and said, "This Dao Lord inheritance has brought you a lot of benefits. I can clearly feel that your cultivation and aptitude have been greatly improved. Now, it is almost time for you to cross the True Spirit Thunder Tribulation. You need to be fully prepared."

Xiao Wa nodded, with a determined light flashing in his eyes, and he understood the meaning of Li Mu's words.

"From now on, you should practice well here and guard this seal. At the same time, I have reclaimed a spiritual field here and will give it to you to guard. They are planted in the Jiuxu spiritual soil and do not require your care." Li Mu looked at Xiao Wa and continued to instruct him.

"Understood! I will take good care of them!" Xiao Wa nodded solemnly and assured. After living with Li Mu for many years, no one knew better than them how important those spiritual plants were to Li Mu, so they must protect them.

Not long after, Li Mu took Xue'er and Chi Lian Huo Feng, bid farewell to Xiao Wa, and left Lingxu Fu Island.

The appearance of the Immortal Demon Lord caused the deaths of many high-level cultivators in the East Fantasy Sea, creating a huge panic. As a result, fewer cultivators landed on the island. However, the island was filled with powerful formations and restrictions. Without a formation master to break the restrictions and lead the way, they were destined to gain nothing.

After leaving Lingxu Fudao, Li Mu and his party chose a relatively hidden route, left the Donghuan Sea in a low-key manner, and drove the Diyuan Spirit Ship back to Zhongzhou Spirit Realm.

In the deepest part of the Southern Wilderness Spirit Realm, the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is like a huge natural barrier, guarding those forgotten ancient secrets. Deep in the mountains, where lava is surging, volcanoes are everywhere, and fire-type spiritual energy gathers, a demon palace stands tall, exuding a gloomy and weird atmosphere.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted from the Demon Palace, as if a crack in the abyss had quietly opened, and a powerful and unknown dark force descended. This force was so powerful that it changed the color of the sky and the earth, and the stars in the sky trembled under the pressure of this force.

In the center of the Demon Palace, there was an altar full of demonic aura. The altar was made of stacked white ghosts, engraved with strange runes and patterns, and filled with terrifying demonic aura. At this moment, the altar was in a state of being activated, and a strong and indissoluble demonic aura was rapidly gathering above the altar, forming a huge black vortex.

As the demonic energy grew thicker and thicker, it eventually turned into a black beam of light that shot straight into the sky, creating a crack above the altar. A huge black shadow gradually emerged. The black demonic shadow was like a demon god descended to the earth, several feet tall, with two horns on its head, and its eyes flashed with cold and cruel light.

With the arrival of the Immortal Demon God's incarnation, the Demon Lords and Demon Generals who were kneeling in the Demon Palace Hall were shrouded in a terrifying aura, trembling in fear, unable to suppress their fear.

In the center of the Demon Palace, there stood a solemn and strange altar, emitting a frightening demonic aura. This altar was not built of ordinary stones, but was made of countless bones stacked up, as if these bones themselves were part of the altar, full of gloom and evil.

The altar was engraved with dense and strange runes and ghost patterns, which flickered in the darkness and were filled with terrifying demonic energy.

At this moment, the altar was in a state of being activated. A thick, almost solidified demonic energy rapidly gathered above the altar, forming a huge black vortex. This black vortex was like a portal to another world, swallowing up everything around it, constantly condensing and compressing the demonic energy.

As the demonic energy continued to gather, it eventually turned into a sharp black beam that shot straight into the sky, creating a deep crack above the altar. As the crack in time and space appeared, an even more terrifying demonic energy was released from the crack in space.

Then, a huge black shadow emerged from the demonic energy that rushed out of the gap. It was several feet tall, with two horns on its head, wearing a black robe, and its eyes flashing with cold and cruel light. It was the incarnation of the Immortal Demon God. It seemed to walk out of the abyss, with the will and power to destroy everything. With the arrival of the incarnation of the Immortal Demon God, the entire Demon Palace was shrouded in a terrifying atmosphere. The three Demon Lords, dozens of Demon Ancestors, and Demon Generals who were kneeling in the hall waiting were all shocked by this breath. Their bodies could not help but tremble, and their eyes were filled with uncontrollable fear.

"Welcome the Lord Demon to the world! Command all the worlds!"

In the Demon Palace's main hall, the three Demon Lords were the first to wake up from their fear. They shouted in unison. Although their voices were trembling, they still tried to maintain their dignity as Demon Lords. Dozens of Demon Ancestors followed closely behind them. Their voices gathered into a torrent, echoing in the hall, as if they wanted to dispel the suffocating terror with this majestic momentum.

Inside the Demon Palace's main hall, along with the deafening shouts, an atmosphere of solemnity and awe spread like a tide.

The three demon lords were the first to prostrate themselves on the ground, their foreheads pressed against the cold ground, as if even looking up at the incarnation of the Immortal Demon God was a blasphemy to their identities. Dozens of demon ancestors followed closely behind, their bodies seemed to be bound by an invisible force, unable to move, and they could only express their awe of the Demon God in the most humble manner.

The Immortal Demon God's clone stood quietly at the top of the hall, his figure shrouded in thick darkness, and the terrifying aura emanating from him swept through the entire hall like a storm. His eyes flashed with a cold light, as if they could see through everything and reach the deepest fear in people's hearts.

"You are a bunch of useless people who can't even handle a small task and yet you're dead! What's the point of keeping you!" The Immortal Demon God's clone glanced coldly at the kneeling demon cultivators. His voice was icy and ruthless, as if it came from the underworld, carrying endless majesty and anger.

The Immortal Demon Lord was his patron, and his sudden death made the Immortal Demon Lord feel indescribable anger and disappointment.

"Tian Jue fell so easily!" The voice of the Immortal Demon God was like ten thousand years of ice, low and full of power, and every word shook everyone's heart like thunder.

The voice of the Immortal Demon God echoed in the hall, with endless murderous intent, questioning the three Demon Lords: "His death is not only his personal failure, but also a shame for you so-called demon cultivators! How dare you appear in front of me?"

“Master Demon God, it’s unfair!” Shadow Demon Lord spoke first, kowtowed respectfully several times, and explained in a trembling voice: “This matter was caused by Demon Lord Tian Jue who acted on his own initiative and insisted on dealing with that Divine Transformation cultivator personally. We were unable to dissuade him, which led to this disaster!”

“Master Demon God, please look carefully!” The Soul Devouring Demon Lord immediately echoed, his voice filled with panic, and he said, “Tian Jue insisted on having his own way and wanted to divide the work with us. We were responsible for restraining the Xuantian Sword Sect’s sword cultivators, while he wanted to challenge the Divine Transformation Sword Cultivator alone. We thought he was so powerful and would definitely return victorious, but who knew... he was so vulnerable, he was defeated again and again, and finally died because of it.”

"Lord Demon, this is the situation, and we are not lying at all!" The Blood Refining Demon Lord explained anxiously. However, Lord Demon has always been strict, and their explanation is probably of no avail.

Faced with the Demon Lord's cold gaze, the three demon lords could only lower their heads and wait for his judgment.

The eyes of the Immortal Demon God were like sharp swords, trying to see through their lies. Soon, he frowned slightly, and his eyes swept back and forth across the faces of the three Demon Lords, roughly confirming that what the three said was mostly true.

However, the unexpected death of the Immortal Demon Lord still made the Immortal Demon God feel extremely dissatisfied and angry. If they had cooperated with each other and stopped the Immortal Demon Lord from acting on his own, this would not have been the outcome.

"Oh? Did Tian Jue act on his own initiative?" The Immortal Demon God's figure was like thunder, and he looked at the three Demon Lords coldly and questioned them harshly. "Do you think that you can escape my punishment by putting the blame on a fallen person?"

"Don't dare!"

"No, I dare not... We are willing to accept the blame!"

"Master Demon, please spare my life. Let me keep my body useful and make amends for my crime!"

The three demon lords were frightened by the words of the Immortal Demon God's incarnation. Knowing that the Demon God was not so easy to fool, they all lowered their heads and begged for mercy with trembling voices.

The Immortal Demon God's clone smiled coldly, and he slowly raised his hand. A strong demonic energy began to condense in his hand. This demonic energy spun like a black whirlwind, releasing a terrifying aura that made the entire hall tremble.

The demon cultivators were like meat on a chopping board. They held their breath and waited for a terrible punishment to befall.

However, just when the demonic energy was about to erupt, the Immortal Demon God's clone suddenly stopped. He took a breath, and absorbed all the demonic energy that was spreading throughout the hall into his body.

The Immortal Demon God was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "Since you still know how to admit your guilt, I will give you one last chance."

"Master Demon, we are willing to go through fire and water to redeem ourselves from our crimes!"

The three demon lords and all the demon cultivators raised their heads, their eyes full of anticipation.

"I want you to find out the details of that Divine Transformation cultivator, and bring him to me, dead or alive." The Immortal Demon God looked down at the three Demon Lords and said in a deep voice.

“If you can succeed, I will forgive your previous mistakes. If you fail again…” The Immortal Demon God did not continue, but all the demon cultivators knew that what awaited them would be a punishment more terrible than death.

"Yes! Lord Demon, we will do our best to complete the task!" The three demon lords said in unison, their voices full of firmness and determination.

The Immortal Demon nodded and waved his hand, signaling them to retreat.

All the demon cultivators stood up and left the hall as if they had been granted amnesty.

In the hall, the Immortal Demon God's clone still stood quietly, looking towards the northern sky, his eyes flashing with a cold light. (End of this chapter)

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