you elf, are you legal

Chapter 353 Riding, getting rid of it

Chapter 353 Riding, getting rid of it (Wan Geng please subscribe)

Chen Yuan turned around and saw Chu Xiaoxiao.

However, I saw that this girl's lips had turned purple from the cold. In the cold wind of December, and on this high mountain, even with the wind protection barrier of the flying elves, Chu Xiaoxiao's face was still red from the cold.

"We'll talk about the rest later. Go back to your room first."

"First, tell Big Wolf Dog and Green Mianniao what they can do..."

“I told you we’d talk later!”

Chen Yuan forcefully pulled Chu Xiaoxiao back to the room.

The conversation with Chu Xiaoxiao in the car was unintentional on the part of the speaker, but intentional on the part of the listener. Under the arrangement of Chu's mother, Sansan also knew that Chen Yuan was not sleeping, so she directly arranged Chu Xiaoxiao's room in the master bedroom.

The largest room in the entire manor is used for Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao to rest.

The atmosphere of the double bed room is just right, the lighting is soft, and you can smell a faint fragrance as soon as you enter.

"What do you smell!"

Chu Xiaoxiao glared at Chen Yuan fiercely.

Chen Yuan dragged her into the house and gave her a strange look: "Isn't it the smell of the shower gel and shampoo you commonly use? Is there anything I haven't smelled before? I was the one who rubbed your body before... Hey Come on, your little feet are strong now. Let me check them carefully..."

"Perverted gangster!"

"Don't frame me falsely, I don't have a lotus foot fetish."

Chu Xiaoxiao squinted, "Haha."

Chen Yuan took out the hair dryer and pressed Chu Xiaoxiao to the bedside. He dried the girl's hair first and then said, "You ran out without drying it. You are really not afraid of getting sick! I'm speechless."

The corners of Chu Xiaoxiao's lips curled up, but she didn't say anything, just letting Mrs. Chen Yuan mutter.

Because her hair was wet just now and wet Chu Xiaoxiao's pajamas, she went to change into a dry set.

When Chen Yuan saw it, he immediately became happy.

"Isn't this like your style?"

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at him.

"It's still in the box, not packed away. My mother bought it."

"Our mother still has vision!"

Chen Yuan was really satisfied with Chu Xiaoxiao's amorous pajamas.

But if Xiaohua can also wear this suit, hehehe.

As if she could know what gangster thing Chen Yuan was thinking about, Chu Xiaoxiao gave Chen Yuan a fierce look.

"You just said that there is a way to guide the spiritual power of the big wolf dog and the blue sheep bird. Do you have any ideas?"


Chen Yuan drawled, and then moved his shoulders, "Why do I feel some pain in my shoulder?"

Chu Xiaoxiao glared at this hateful guy, and then pushed Chen Yuan down on the bed. Chen Yuan laughed and lay down.

Chu Xiaoxiao also rode on his ass with ease, and used all her strength to hold down this hateful guy's shoulders.

It has to be said that after such a long period of training, Miss Chu's physical strength and strength have grown well.

The strength of this hand alone is much stronger than the soft and weak appearance before.

It's so comfortable.

"Come on, rub your waist."

Chu Xiaoxiao's small hand went down. It was weak and boneless, but it felt very comfortable to press it.

"How is little Eevee learning his superpowers?"

Chen Yuan did not talk about the big wolf dog and the green cotton bird, but instead brought up little Eevee.

Chu Xiaoxiao also did not expect that Chen Yuan suddenly mentioned Little Ibrahimovic at this time. The strength in his hand was slightly lighter, and he remembered the mental training he had recently taught Little Ibrahimovic: "I don't know what method you used to bring the little guy down." Guiding his spiritual power, his superpowers improved by leaps and bounds."

After Chen Yuan guided little Ibrahimovic's mental power, Chu Xiaoxiao trained the little guy with ease, especially teaching the little guy how to use mental power, and his telekinesis was very easy.

In just a few days, I have mastered the power of mind.

Moreover, there is already a faint tendency to get started with Mental Power. I believe that it will be easy to get started soon.

Even though the little guy is less than three months old now, little Ibrahimovic's combat power has reached the pinnacle of excellence.

There is a faint tendency to break through to the elite. As long as you continue to practice mental strength and train step by step, the elite will be just around the corner.

But now Chu Xiaoxiao is still a little confused.

In fact, Miss Chu was very troubled from the very beginning when she adopted little Eevee.

The proposition of choosing 2 from Ibrahimovic Sun or Ibrahimovic Moon is not too difficult for Ibrahimovic to control Chu Xiaoxiao.

But for Chen Yuan, who already had the answer, it was simply not a good choice.

"Do you need me to take a look at it for you?"

"Choose 2 from 1, do you have any good ideas?"

Chu Xiaoxiao is no longer the eldest lady of the Chu family who wants two Eevee after she opens her mouth. After raising a little Eevee, although she also likes other Eevee, she still wants to end up with Chen Yuan, a playboy. Carrots are different.

But whether it is the sun elf or the moon elf really makes Chu Xiaoxiao worried.

If it weren't for the inability to choose, little Ibrahimovic would have been arranged to evolve by Chu Xiaoxiao.

"Hey, if you come to beg me, I can think about it and help you choose an evolution plan, and I'm sure you'll be satisfied."

Chen Yuan is very confident.

Chu Xiaoxiao was a little silent. She didn't expect that Chen Yuan, who had never expressed his stance on Eevee's evolution, would be so proactive today.

Seeing that there was no massage force on his waist, Chen Yuan simply turned over.

Chu Xiaoxiao let out a soft cry and was led down on the bed by Chen Yuan.

She got up and took a hard look at Chen Yuan.

Then she sat on his waist and massaged his chest and shoulders.

Chen Yuan helped her straighten her posture. Chen Yuan, who had several experiences, did not want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Obviously Chu Xiaoxiao also realized that there was something wrong with his current posture, but it was difficult to get off the tiger.

Even if Chen Yuan pinched her thigh to adjust his position, he could bear it.

"You don't have to trust the new trainer Chen Yuan, but you have to trust the intermediate trainer and fruit cultivation master Chen Yuan."

"When did you become a cultivation master? Self-proclaimed?" Seeing Chen Yuan's narcissistic look, Chu Xiaoxiao was furious.

"Both Dean Shangguanhong and Master Zhengmo have publicly admitted it."


Chu Xiaoxiao was still sarcastic, but in fact she believed Chen Yuan 70%.

"Has the training plan been arranged?"

"Don't worry, the folder has been created anyway."

Chu Xiaoxiao glared at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan was also looking at her: "You seem a little anxious today. Did our mother say something to you?"

Chu Xiaoxiao bit her lip and remained silent.

This was the first time that Chen Yuan saw Chu Xiaoxiao like this. It seemed that Miss Chu was also under a lot of pressure. He was silent for a moment and said slowly: "Is there any pressure from the family? The last few times you went to see me, Guys bursting gold coins, did they promise something?"

Chu Xiaoxiao gently pressed her little hand on Chen Yuan's chest, then gently leaned down and lay on her hand.

He just lay there quietly without saying a word. There was a thumping sound in Chen Yuan's chest. Chu Xiaoxiao actually felt a moment of peace, which relaxed his tense body and mind.

Chen Yuan let out a long sigh, put his hands behind his head, and looked at the moonlight shining in from the window.

"I have read all the information you brought from the family, so I have a share in this matter. Tell me, at least tell me the time."

"New Year, I have to go back to my family during the New Year, and you have to go back with me."

"Isn't this still a long time away? We've arrived in time. We'll return to Beiyu in a few days. All our fruit trees will be planted, and we'll start working on these things."

"The evolved form of Little Eevee..."

Chu Xiaoxiao whispered softly in a voice that only two people could hear clearly.

"As I said, I will arrange it for you. She was hatched while I watched her. After all, I am also half her trainer."

Chu Xiaoxiao raised her head and glared at him, "Shameless, I'm thinking about my La Lulas, and I'm thinking about my little Eevee."

Chen Yuan smiled, not ashamed.

"I also have some idea of ​​the mental power of the other two elves. We will solve it after we return to Beiyu."

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly sat up and pressed Chen Yuan's shoulders hard with both hands.

But there was silence.

The old guy in the family, the most respected mother, almost everyone was putting pressure on her. Only the person in front of her, the hateful, love-minded Chen Yuan, helped her again and again.

Let her feel at ease...

Chen Yuan chuckled.

"What? Want to thank me? Then..."

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly leaned down and whispered in Chen Yuan's ear: "Master, Xiaoxiao can reward you tonight."


Chen Yuan's eyes widened and he suddenly became excited.

There is no way, this Chu Xiaoxiao is simply born ().

That tone, that timbre, that soft whisper, with a pleasant mental interference, just that one sentence, made Chen Yuan unbearable.

Even though he knew that Chu Xiaoxiao was just talking so casually, he really couldn't hold it back.

Chu Xiaoxiao, who was just riding on Chen Yuan's abdomen, had already moved down a lot because he lay down twice.

This time.

Hits the point directly.

Outstanding effect.

Chu Xiaoxiao was startled, and her pretty face immediately turned red. In her panic, she no longer had the ease when she just said those words.

She was about to sit up in a panic. How could Chen Yuan dare to let her really sit back at this time.

It doesn't matter if something happens then... But Chu's mother might still be watching somewhere.

He quickly pressed Chu Xiaoxiao's waist to prevent her from sitting up.

Chu Xiaoxiao was really panicked this time.

"Let, let me get up, reward, reward is not what you think..."

"Don't move yet."

However, Chu Xiaoxiao subconsciously nudged her twice more, and Chen Yuan couldn't help but just lift her up and throw her on the bed.

The two of them were lying flat on the big soft bed like this.

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath.

Both of them slowly regained their composure.

"I will teach you deep meditation and the deep use of spiritual power."

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly said.

Chen Yuan turned to look at her perfect profile,

"Is this the reward you're talking about?"

Chu Xiaoxiao turned her head and looked at Chen Yuan.

"Then what do you think it is?"

"Oh, I thought you finally let me sleep with Larulus in my arms."

"You're not sleeping, what good things are you thinking about?!"

Speaking of it.

Chu Xiaoxiao also glanced at Chen Yuan fiercely.

Seeing that this guy was still not calming down, she remembered the scene just now, which made her furious. She stretched out her soft, boneless hand and gave him a hard flick.

Chen Yuan was stunned and his whole body was shaken.

Seeing the outstanding effect, Chu Xiaoxiao immediately pinched the vital point again.

Chen Yuan took a deep breath.

He quickly grabbed Chu Xiaoxiao’s little hand.

No matter what, I won't let go.

This woman is real! Don't be afraid of him!

Since we were going to meditate together, it was natural to bring along the good baby La Lulas.

After Chu Xiaoxiao's alpaca incident, her mental strength seemed to have increased significantly.

A red light lit up in her eyes, and her mental power swept out, which immediately shocked La Lulas who had just finished flying in the yard, and then appeared next to Chu Xiaoxiao in an instant.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Sister, sister, why do you call me Lalulas?


Hey hey? Brother is here too?

La Lulas smiled and stretched out her little hands to hug Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan also stretched out his hand, hugged Lalu Lasi, and kissed her.

Chu Xiaoxiao's face immediately turned redder.

Chen Yuan glanced at Chu Xiaoxiao who was blushing a little strangely.

I just don’t understand, he’s such a good baby, why are you blushing!


Then Chen Yuan kissed him again.

Now Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it anymore.

"Chen Yuan, kiss me, kiss me once, and that's enough. You can kiss me as often as you like."

He didn't understand why Miss Chu suddenly went berserk, but that didn't stop Chen Yuan from deliberately making Chu Xiaoxiao angry in order to repay Miss Chu for making him look embarrassed.

Then Chen Yuan kissed Lalu Lasi again in front of Chu Xiaoxiao.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

La Lulas was extremely happy.

But Chu Xiaoxiao completely collapsed and gave up resistance.

She shook her hands fiercely, trying to break away from Chen Yuan.

But Chen Yuan smiled and held Chu Xiaoxiao tightly with his backhand.

"Didn't you say we would meditate together?"

"Oh, now you think of business?"

"Hey hey hey."

Chen Yuan chuckled.

In fact, he has been coveting Chu Xiaoxiao's mental power skills for a long time.

As Xiaoli and the others gradually became stronger, the pace of the battle became much faster. Especially after Xiaoli learned how to speed, they would no longer be able to keep up with the rhythm by talking.

Moreover, this flight competition is about to happen, and the opponents we face are all ace-level.

Even if Chen Yuan has two trump cards, Uncle Bi Diao and Flame Bird, he is not 98% sure that he can reach the final eight.

You know, Chu Xiaoxiao just said that this time the top eight will be held on the Pillar of the Sky.

It is said that the prize for first place is some legendary elf token fragment!

Just the connection of these few things makes people endlessly daydreaming.

For the sake of my own insect treasures, and for the sake of Mother Earth.

This time, Chen Yuan must go all out.

Seize every opportunity to become stronger.

Of course, this also includes learning to use mental power to command elves this time.

He leaned forward and put his lips close to Chu Xiaoxiao. Chen Yuan said softly: "Sister Xiaoxiao, good sister, please teach me how to use your mental power."

Chu Xiaoxiao's whole body went limp, and now her ears were red.

Larulus chuckled.

Chu Xiaoxiao turned around and said, "Since your stinky brother has said so, then my sister will teach you personally. There is really no other way."

Then Chu Xiaoxiao held Chen Yuan with his backhand and connected his mental power with Chen Yuan.

At this time, La Lulas swayed and appeared beside Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao, right in the middle of them.

Two small hands were placed on Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao at the same time.

Synchronize his own perception with the two people, and use his super power to connect the two people with his mental power and ripple out.

At this moment, Chen Yuan felt as if a lone boat suddenly entered the sea, or as if a stream merged into the Yangtze River. With the vast ocean-like spirit of Chu Xiaoxiao and Lalu Lasi spreading their mind power, at this moment his perception and Lalu's The brushed wires are connected together as if they are one with the Lalu brushed wires.

And as La Lulas moved Chen Yuan's telekinesis in it, at this moment, he was actually connected to Chu Xiaoxiao.

He seemed to be able to feel the temperature of every inch of Chu Xiaoxiao's body. At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao was also shocked, as if he could see Chen Yuan's body inside and out, but the two of them had no time to think at this time. The spiritual power of the two people blending with the elves spread.

He instantly rose up and looked down at the manor.

It was very late at night, and Mr. Kuailong was still teaching the little ones how to use speed. After all, time was limited, and Mr. Kuailong had to lay a solid foundation for the little ones in the past few days.

Under some fruit trees in the backyard, I saw Xiaohua training with Xiaocaocao, Mushroom and Bulbasaur.

From this angle, Hua Yuxi seemed to have an obvious layer of green energy on her body. As they trained and communicated with each other, the green energy naturally infiltrated the bodies of the three elves around her.

It seemed as if there were traces of energy floating out from the bodies of the three grass-type elves and feeding back into Xiao Hua's body.

This cycle goes on and on, just ordinary daily field training.

This time, the energy of both sides increased at the same time.

Chen Yuan was shocked when he saw it. Is this Hua Yuxi's awakened superpower talent?

What is the compatibility and talent of grass-type elves?

Beyond is the endless sea of ​​clouds.

The mountains are full of ups and downs.

Their spiritual power is above this sea of ​​clouds,

Bathed in moonlight.

The moonlight seemed to have strange energy nourishing their spirits.

This was the first time Chen Yuan felt like this. It was obviously just a meditation, but his perception was as if it was a real body.

He groaned subconsciously, but was greeted with a burst of disgust from Chu Xiaoxiao.

When Chen Yuan opened his eyes, a ray of morning sun shone through the spacious floor-to-ceiling windows.

Beside him, Chu Xiaoxiao and La Lulas also opened their eyes.

The two of them looked at each other.

The feeling of meditation just now flows in each other's hearts.

Everything is unspoken.

Chen Yuan hugged La Lulas and sat up.

The meditation just now gave Chen Yuan a feeling of being connected with La Lulas.

It seemed that just one thought was needed to convey the thoughts into La Lulas's heart.

But this is just a hint of impulse.

But I believe that after a few more such meditations, Chen Yuan might learn that kind of "encrypted call".


Lalu Lasi stretched out and stretched out her little hand for a hug. Chen Yuan picked up the good baby.

Then he gave me a kiss.

La Lulas was very happy to receive a good morning kiss.

Chu Xiaoxiao shuddered and suddenly sat up and looked at Chen Yuan, why did this guy start so early in the morning?

La Lulas smiled and hugged Chen Yuan's big face, and also kissed him.

This time, Chu Xiaoxiao immediately felt a little appetized.

La Lulas is getting closer and closer to Chen Yuan now. The first thing she does when she wakes up is to ask Chen Yuan for a hug instead of looking for herself. This is really...

Then Lalu Lasi immediately stretched out her little hands and crawled over, hugged Chu Xiaoxiao's face and kissed her. Miss Chu immediately smiled, hugging La Lulas and gently kissing her delicate little face. a little.

Until then, Chen Yuan suddenly became energetic and looked at Chu Xiaoxiao in disbelief.

As if unaware of Chen Yuan's gaze, Chu Xiaoxiao once again kissed La Lulasi's face gently, then held her in her arms and prepared to get up.

Sure enough, no matter how you think about it, Chu Xiaoxiao still feels at ease that the initial elf is Lalu Lasi.

However, at this time, Chen Yuan finally determined that his senses were connected to Lalu Lasi at some point, and the feeling of Chu Xiaoxiao holding Lalu Lasi was completely transmitted to him.

At this moment, it was as if he was tightly surrounded by a pair of big hands, and his cheek seemed to have been kissed lightly. This feeling was so wonderful.

Is this the synchronization characteristic of Lalu brushing?

The effect on the trainer can actually allow the perceptions of both parties to communicate with each other.

That’s what it feels like.

But at this moment, scenes suddenly flashed through Chen Yuan's mind.

Especially when he picked up Lalu Lasi in front of Chu Xiaoxiao, Chu Xiaoxiao's abnormal behavior and Chen Yuan kissed Lalu Lasi on the cheek many times in front of him, and at that time Chu Xiaoxiao's expression……

Countless scenes passed by quickly, and what finally appeared was that last night he hugged La Lulas and kissed her again and again. Chu Xiaoxiao's face was as rosy as a mature girl...


Chen Yuan was already sweating profusely.

Are you already in sync with La Lulas?

As if to test his conjecture, he hugged Lalu Lasi, but there was no feeling where he started.

Squeezing La Lulasi's little arm, she felt no external force on her own arm.

Chen Yuan raised his arm again and scratched Lalu's little armpit twice.

Then there is no reaction from this itchy flesh.

Then Chen Yuan picked up Lalu Lasi's face and kissed it.

There is no feeling on my face.

Nodding, was it really an illusion just now?

But when he raised his head, Chu Xiaoxiao was already trembling with his arms crossed. He seemed to be holding back a smile, but he didn't dare to laugh. His cheeks were red, as if he had been tickled and kissed again.

Chen Yuan suddenly understood that just now Lalu Lasi had synchronized his perception with Chu Xiaoxiao's.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked up at Chen Yuan's stunned expression at this time, knowing that Chen Yuan seemed to have understood what was going on.

She gritted her teeth and was about to speak, but she saw Chen Yuan right under her nose, and deliberately kissed Lalu Lasi on the cheek.


Chu Xiaoxiao opened her eyes wide.


He got it.

Why did he return the kiss? ? ?

Chu Xiaoxiao: "..."

The eldest lady snatched the Lalulas from home.

"You are not allowed to interact with your brother Chen Yuan from now on, do you understand? From now on, if you want to hug or kiss your sister, do you understand?"

Chu Xiaoxiao warned, and then the eldest lady raised her head, but she saw Chen Yuan looking at her in surprise.

Chu Xiaoxiao was startled and suddenly thought of it.

"You, you are also in sync with La Lulas?"

Chen Yuan looked at Chu Xiaoxiao and scratched his head. Now, he was finally confirmed.

The two of them looked at La Lulas with her big eyes blinking and an innocent look on her face.

I am very sure that this little guy did it on purpose.


Lalulas smiled happily.

I was so happy to hug and kiss each other this morning.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Brother, sister, and Lalu Lasi can also disconnect, but they have to kiss Lalu Lasi one last time~

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao looked at each other.

"Me first."

"Me first."

After a pause, both of them seemed a little embarrassed. His words just now seemed to mean that they were in a hurry to kiss.

"Then you first."

"You first?"

Chen Yuan: "..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "..."

It seems like he wants the other person to come first.

But at this moment, Chen Yuan seemed to remember that when he was holding Lalu Lasi and teasing her, there seemed to be nothing unusual about him.

"If we kiss at the same time, won't we lose that feeling?"

Chen Yuan suggested.

After all, in his opinion, maybe when he and La Lulas have physical contact, this synchronization will disappear.

Chu Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment. In fact, she also knew that synchronization had this characteristic, and then nodded slowly.

Then the two of them leaned down, one on the left and the other on the right, and gently touched La Lulas's face. However, at this moment, the good baby's eyes suddenly lit up.

[Sync], second stage, on.

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao were suddenly shocked.

The softness on their lips was nothing like Lalu Lasi's face.

And like...

This feeling is like...


Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly sat up.

As if knowing that she was going to be scolded, Lalu Lasi smiled and suddenly ran to Chen Yuan's shoulder. Then she hugged Chen Yuan's big face and kissed him, then teleported and disappeared.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

I went to play with Sister Chongchong~

La Lulasi disappeared instantly, leaving only Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao face to face.

The feeling just now was so real, and the softness on the lips lasted for a long time and never disappeared.

Suddenly he reached out and grabbed Chu Xiaoxiao.

The eldest lady's body was shaken. Just as she was about to speak, Chen Yuan pulled her up.

"Morning exercises and morning exercises!"

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded repeatedly, "Yes, morning exercises."

The two got dressed and called out Hua Yuxi, who was sleeping like a dead pig next door, and the three of them started running around the manor together.

They just kissed La Luras in the morning...

That's right, I just kissed La Luras.

After breakfast, the Tropical Dragon Speedster had already parked at the manor. Mom went first to the largest main peak surrounded by mountains. It is said that there are several pretty good trainer business districts there.

You can buy a lot of good things that are difficult for outsiders to buy.

Chen Yuan and the other three are going to another main peak.

Today their task is to obtain a pilot's license.

On the main peak of Flight 003, the flying elves of the Pokémon Club were lined up.



There are professional night owls to guide the little guys on the precautions for the flight test, and Chen Yuan is a part-time senior from Xijiang Luofeng College to provide guidance for novices.

After all, flying is different from driving a motor vehicle. If the latter makes a mistake on the road, there is still room for buffering. But if there is an accident while flying at high altitude, it is likely to fall into a box on the ground.

Regardless of whether you have previous driving or riding experience, you now have to start from scratch and teach from the basics.

Professional riding competition, one for each person.

Bi Diao flapped his wings lightly and lifted Chen Yuan up. The senior next to him was also riding Bi Diao. Fly slowly with him in the high altitude, and explain to him carefully how to lower the center of gravity of the body and get closer to Bi Diao's center of gravity to maintain the balance of both parties...

It was only then that Chen Yuan discovered that before that, flying with Bi Diao and Bi Bi Niao was exactly Xia Ji Baranqi.

The body swaying from side to side caused a lot of trouble for the elf to fly.

If you encounter a battle in this situation, it is likely that the riding elf will be distracted and its combat ability will be greatly reduced.

Not only that, Chen Yuan also found that if he could lower his center of gravity and adjust his posture correctly, he would indeed be able to ride more easily.

It turns out that when I was flying with the Bibi Bird, I had some back pain, which was probably caused by being too nervous and having muscles tightened for a long time.

Relax and let the breeze blow over your cheeks. As expected, it is indeed very comfortable to ride.

After flying in a circle, the senior was slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, this boy Chen Yuan looked young, but he was indeed very intelligent. Especially in terms of body and muscle coordination, he was top-notch.

It seems that today's teaching and assessment will be very easy.

In fact, not only Chen Yuan, but also Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi have made gratifying progress.

In just one morning, Chen Yuan and the three of them had adapted to the flying rhythm.

After a brief lunch, a dedicated person sorted out the most important flight precautions for Chen Yuan and the others.

Extremely important flight traffic regulations.

The learning progress of the three of them was really fast. It only took three or two hours to memorize the complex theoretical knowledge of flight traffic regulations clearly.

The flight association made arrangements quickly, and then came the formal flight license assessment.

For those trainers who carelessly memorize, the theory test is the most troublesome. However, for Chen Yuan and the other three, it is easy. It is obviously what they just talked about, how can they forget it, not to mention that all three of them have mental strength now. Extremely powerful.

Although photographic memory is not possible, short-term memory for a few hours is naturally no problem, and you only need to review these things a little later to remember them firmly.

After theory comes practice.

The three of them rode the eagle and looked out. There were red flags on dozens of mountain tops in front of them, and there was a fire-breathing dragon drawing a huge ring of fire between the clouds.

There are a total of 36 checkpoints, which need to be passed one by one within the specified time.

Hua Yuxi went first. She leaned down and lowered her body, integrating her body with the sculpture below her.

BiDiao flapped its wings and flew out.

After a whole morning of cooperation, Hua Yuxi has already developed a tacit understanding with the Bi Diao. She only needs to swing her body at will to let the Bi Diao know her direction.

Five minutes later, Hua Yuxi took off all the red flags, passed all checkpoints, returned to the main flight peak No. 003, and completed the flight trial.

Got the Pokémon Club’s first pilot license.

Chu Xiaoxiao was the second to set off. She used her mental power to align herself with Bi Diao.

This made Bi Diao's spirit sharper, his speed suddenly exploded, and he actually completed all checkpoints within 4 minutes.

This speed really surprised the examiner.

Even if he was riding this eagle, it would probably be difficult for him to complete the assessment at such a speed.

As for Chen Yuan.

Last night's meditation with Chu Xiaoxiao and La Lulas made his mental power grow well. Now he seems to have faint signs of breaking through the bottleneck. Although he is not yet able to communicate with his mental power, he still Can convey his simplest emotions to the elves.

At least when it comes to commanding and flying, there won't be much difference from Chu Xiaoxiao. In addition, Chen Yuan's grasp of body coordination is much better than that of Chu Xiaoxiao.

The whole flight process was even shorter than the time it took Chu Xiaoxiao to pass.

Although it was only a few seconds short, it made Chu Xiaoxiao quite unhappy.

Under Chen Yuan again!


Doesn't she have a chance on top?

Somehow, Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered the scene last night, and her ears suddenly turned red.

Miss Chu will never admit the fact that she can only have the opportunity to be up there at night.

The exams for the little guys have also reached the final stage, the flight test. Almost all the elves that can fly successfully passed all checkpoints.

Whether flying independently or with a load, there is no problem, however.

In terms of racing, Chongchong did encounter some trouble. Whether flying with standard weight or low weight, it could not pass all checkpoints within the specified time. It was even difficult to pass without weight.

After all, her telekinesis development progress is far less than that of La Lulas.

If you want to be able to fly freely in the air like Lalu Lasi, you need to master at least mastery of telekinesis, or even strong mental telepathy.

Although Sister Chu Xiaoxiao and Lalu Lasi now provide her with mental training from time to time, they still have little effect in a short period of time.

Seeing that her friends all passed the flight test, Chongchong became a little anxious, especially when she saw the little hedgehog transforming into a butterfly and flying in the air, she was very envious.

The little dragon came to Chongchong's side and softly comforted him.

Tell her not to worry.

The baby dragon rubbed her hard skull against Chong Chong.

At least Chongchong can still fly now, but Baby Dragon can't even fly. If she wants to take off, she can only wait for the second stage of evolution.

She is completely incapable of evolving now, but Chongchong can easily evolve if he wants to.

Want to evolve?

Chongchong looked at the hunting swallowtail butterflies dancing in the air over there, feeling a little silent.

Xiaolonglong rolled up his tail and gently rubbed Chongchong's back to comfort him.

Chongchong shook her head because it had nothing to do with her. Even if she failed the flight test, she still had a chance. She must succeed within this week and pass the test before leaving Western Xinjiang.


Chongchong looked at Xiaolonglong, wrapped his tail around the tip of Xiaolonglong's tail, and then looked at Chen Yuan.

Firm eyes.

She will never consider evolution until she completes her takeoff plan.

So far, Chen Yuan and the three of them have all obtained their pilot licenses, but they still cannot get the qualification to be recommended by flying masters.

You need to ride your own elf to complete all the checkpoints just now and return within three minutes.

Lalu Lasi can use teleportation to complete it at will, but it is still difficult to fly all the way with Chu Xiaoxiao at such a fast speed.

Qingmianniao is also a little behind. If she can learn the flying skill, she has a chance.

As for classmate Xiaohua, the difference is even worse.

Hunting swallowtail butterflies and flying with a heavy load have just passed the passing level, but I want to take Xiao Hua with me...

Still need to practice more.

But Chen Yuan can give it a try.

"Are there any strength limits?"

Chen Yuan asked.

"No, but it is recommended to use elite or above flying elves, elite peak or above. Most of those who have passed the flying master are basically five or six-star elites or ace trainers."

The examiner smiled gently.

Chen Yuan nodded. To be on the safe side, Chen Yuan looked directly at Uncle Bi Diao, but then he thought that he had not had time to incorporate Uncle Bi Diao into his elf position, so he had no choice but to let Bi Diao take over.

It’s only three minutes anyway.

Standing at the take-off point, Chen Yuan climbed onto the Bibi Bird.

Chen Yuan leaned down, and Bibi Niao also leaned forward slightly.

At this moment, both parties felt that they fit in with each other.

A completely different feeling than usual.

Bibi Bird has just passed the flight test and has undergone professional manned flight training. At this time, Bibi Bird and Chen Yuan are working together even more tacitly.

When the command was given, Bibi transformed into a bolt of white lightning and rushed out.

The flash of lightning and the rising wind pushed his speed to the extreme.

Chen Yuan, on the other hand, lowered his center of gravity, clenched his hands tightly, and firmly fixed his body on Bibi Niao's body.

While flying up and down, it seems to be one with the Bibi bird.

It turned at an acute angle and quickly rose into the air, rushing towards the huge ring of fire high in the sky.

This scene made the examiner over there look dumbfounded.

At this angle, with this sudden increase in G-force, it seems like you haven’t done much to protect yourself, right?

Is this something humans can withstand?

Isn't this young man's physical fitness a bit outrageous?

Spiral dive S bend angle.

When Chen Yuan and Bibi Bird became one in body and mind, Bibi Bird flew and finally let go of its arms and legs.

Gallop freely in the air and soar freely.

Even during this racing assessment, he did not forget to try new postures.

2 minutes 59 seconds.

Bibi Bird is back on time.

Chen Yuan jumped down and calmed down slightly, except that his legs were a little weak.

feels good.

The examiner was dumbfounded. He looked at Chen Yuan as if he were looking at a powerful man in human skin.

What kind of body structure is this?

You're only fifteen, right?

How can he compete with the physiques of those kings and quasi-kings who have been soaking in the top secret realms all year round?

"This is the Flying Master Recommendation Certificate."

Chen Yuan looked at the certificate in his hand and grinned.

Now his own elves can finally fly freely in the city.

However, Chen Yuan felt a little strange when he looked at the admission certificate handed over together with the flight master recommendation certificate.

How does this thing look like...

"Is this a player certificate?"

"That's right, as long as trainers have obtained the qualification recommended by our Flying Master, they can participate in the "Flying Master Competition" in a few days.

Like the Flight Trainer Competition, it is also held every three years.

And the rewards are not bad either. It is said that the winners of this year’s racing competition will also have good things comparable to legendary resources. "

"That's right." The examiner looked at Chen Yuan as if he remembered something and smiled in a joking tone: "If you, little brother Chen Yuan, can win both the racing and the battle competition at the same time, then the association will make an exception for you. Awarded an extremely precious silver badge."

(End of this chapter)

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