you elf, are you legal

Chapter 354 Chen Yuan: Everyone sitting here is rubbish Stop spreading it, I didn’t, stop talking n

Chapter 354 Chen Yuan: Everyone sitting here is rubbish (please subscribe) Stop spreading it, I didn’t, stop talking nonsense

Silver badge?

Chen Yuan was immediately stunned. Is this silver badge the silver badge he knew?

The association is actually willing to issue silver badges?

Chen Yuan's eyes immediately lit up.

Until he left the main flying peak 003, Chen Yuan was still excited.

You know, ordinary badges are said to be difficult to obtain, but Chen Yuan, a young newcomer, still easily collected eight badges in three or four months.

It can be seen that this thing is actually not difficult to obtain.

As long as he is a five- or six-star elite trainer or an ace.

Basically there are eight or nine.

But the silver badge is different.

Even if you pass the nine-star trainer assessment and have peak ace combat power, you have only started the prerequisite tasks for the Silver Badge.

As for the silver badge, what can be done?

Each silver badge can increase a team of elves.

Of course, for the nine-star trainers who have more than a dozen elf slots, the elf slots in a team are just one more opportunity to practice the alt.

more importantly.

This thing is the key to entering Tianwang Mountain!

As long as you have eight silver badges, even if you only have the Ace Peak, you can enter Tianwang Mountain in a majestic manner.

This alone is enough to drive the top aces crazy.

You must know that the opening conditions of Tianwang Mountain over the years are the lowest and the required quasi-Tianwang, which means that you must have at least one Tianwang-level elf, and you also need to pass their layers of screening and tests.

The silver badge is the best stepping stone.

As long as you win the two competitions at the "Flying Master Competition" and "Flight Trainer Ace Competition" at the three-year flying event, you can get a fresh silver badge.

This is no easier than winning three consecutive National League titles!

Chen Yuan, who was riding on the back of his own bird, suddenly became happy.

Chu Xiaoxiao, who was on Uncle Bi Diao, turned his head and rolled his eyes when he saw Chen Yuan's dead look.

Want to get a silver badge at a young age?

It is true that the Double Crown of the Flying Feast is the easier one to obtain among the silver badges.

In previous years there would have been a chance, but this year the situation is not optimistic.

"Don't have confidence in me?"

Chen Yuan suddenly turned around and asked.

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at him: "It's okay. According to the survey, if you can't be promoted to the top level at the age of 30, the probability of being promoted to the top level is less than 5%. In other words, most of the people participating in the conference this time are rubbish, and they have little chance. It’s huge.”

Chen Yuan: "..."

Xiaoxiao, you don’t want to say this to others.

How about getting beaten?


Although it is already evening, the sun is still high in the sky in this western capital.

Chen Yuan finally saw the legendary flying academy.

There were indeed many electric elves who came over to learn how to fly, not to mention the few Pikachus who had learned how to fly. Bugs were now itching all over and wanted to learn how to fly.

After all, our Chongchong is also half an electric elf. Although the power generation may be slightly weaker than that of Pikachu at the elite level, it is still easy to power the flying device.

Next door to the main peak is Luofeng College in Xijiang.

From time to time, you can see people from Luofeng Academy riding flying elves between the main peaks.

Now that you are here, you naturally want to feel the atmosphere of the Flying City. Chen Yuan seemed to have been invited. He still remembered that the Liu sisters seemed to have invited him to the Flying City before they left, and wanted to take him on a tour with them. Luofeng College.

"Which woman are you thinking about again?"

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly spoke up.

Chen Yuan immediately smiled and said: "Genius girl, eldest lady of aristocratic family."

The corners of Chu Xiaoxiao's lips curled up slightly, then she stopped talking to Chen Yuan and started wandering around with Xiao Hua.

Chen Yuan was half a step behind, looking left and right, always feeling something was wrong.

Suddenly, a fiery red figure brushed against his side and rushed out.

Fall into the void.


The figure obviously did not expect that his sneak attack would be perfectly dodged by Chen Yuan. He turned around in surprise, and at this time, Chen Yuan had already strode forward.

He stretched out his big hand and picked up the furry neck, lifting the Fire Eevee up.

"Little Boo Boo?!"

"Buy bu y~"

Chen Yuan lifted Little Bubu in front of him.

I really didn't expect to meet little Bubu here.

Little Bubu wagged his tail, although he felt sorry for not being able to sneak attack Chen Yuan just now.

But how can I put it, I was very happy to see Chen Xiaoyuan.

"Buy, buey!"

Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan~

I have reached the level of the King of Heaven.

Little Bubu wags his tail, and the first thing he does is happily share.

Chen Yuan chuckled, hugged Little Bubu and sucked hard.

When I was in the Imperial Capital before, I had already vaguely crossed that threshold.

It seems that it has really stabilized now.

Little Bubu swiped Chen Yuan's cheek with his tail.

When they were in the imperial capital before, she fell asleep inexplicably when they were saying goodbye.

But now that I think about it, that battle with Mr. Kuailong may have been an opportunity.

Obviously, the food Chen Yuan gave himself played a key role.

You can tell by looking at the unsurprised look on Chen Yuan's face.

That day, my breakthrough turned out to be Chen Xiaoyuan's relationship.

With a smile, little Bubu found a comfortable position in Chen Yuan's arms and lay down obediently.

Today's position belongs to her little Bubu, and she won't give it to anyone, huh.

Under the guidance of Little Bubu, Chen Yuan found Qi Yanya and the others who were watching the game and communicating.

In the private battlefield, a giant king swallow and a large-billed gull were fighting to a fever pitch.

A dozen or twenty people were watching an elf battle.

At a glance, there are only a few small groups, and they all look like young people.

Before Chen Yuan could recognize the person, he heard someone calling his name.


Di Yan, who was watching the game, ran over immediately when he saw Chen Yuan.

At this time, even the Imperial University audience watching the game was attracted.

"Sister Yanyan~"

Chen Yuan chuckled and took out a sealed fruit drink cup that had been prepared.

The big one-liter cup was stuffed right into it.

Duiyan artifact, fruit juice drink.

"Sister Yanyan, this is your fruit drink."

"Last time, I had important things, family matters, so I didn't see you off."

Unexpectedly, the first thing Di Yan mentioned was this matter.

Chen Yuan laughed and didn't care.

But speaking of it, I felt a little regretful about not being able to see Sister Yaya and Sister Diyan that time.

I heard from Lao Zuo before that Di Yan, Qi Yanya and the others were coming to participate in this flying event, and Chen Yuan had been looking forward to it.

Unexpectedly, I actually saw it.

Di Yan was dressed very smartly today.

Dressed in black and white, wearing a peaked cap.

But that temperament cannot be concealed.

Chen Yuan quietly gave Sister Di Yan a thumbs up.

How can this person become more and more beautiful, especially his figure? He is already in his twenties, and even wearing sportswear cannot hide it.

It's obviously grown again.

Chu Xiaoxiao, look at me.

"What bad thoughts are you thinking about?" Chu Xiaoxiao, who met Yuan Shushu over there, suddenly felt a chill and looked back at Chen Yuan.

When she saw this guy, he looked at Di Yan lustfully and became very angry.

This guy is getting worse and worse day by day!

"Yuan, is this juice your new product?"

Chen Yuan was surprised: "Sister Yanyan, how did you know that this is my new product? No, how did you know that I made a new product?"

Chen Yuan also wanted to give these friends a little surprise.

As a result, Di Yan knew it directly.

Ti Yan blinked, as if realizing that he had slipped his words.

However, Chen Yuan had no intention of pressing Di Yan, which made Di Yan feel relieved.

She, Di Yan, was not a liar. If Chen Yuan pressed her, she would not know what to say.

Insert the straw and take a sip.

Close your eyes and enjoy the endless aftertaste.

Di Yan suddenly felt like she had returned to that night in the secret realm of Weibai. She had led the team for a day and was about to rest in the tent. She felt like she had never experienced before after drinking a glass of fruit.

And now it feels like I have returned to that moment.

This is a really comfortable fruit drink.

"What's it called?"

"Number 15."

Chen Yuan said.

Di Yan nodded, this name is indeed Yuan's style.

He took another sip, feeling very satisfied.

"Hey, hey, brother, brother, what good thing, what good thing, show me to my sister."

At this time, Qi Yanya saw Chen Yuan and rushed over.

He was so arrogant that if you didn't know better, you would have thought that this guy was really only 18 years old.

"Come on, come on, new fruit drink, try it, try it."

"Hey, why do I only have such a small cup?"

Qi Yanya muttered, but she happily opened the lid and drank it in one gulp.

Then he froze.

It took a long time before Qi Yanya came back to her senses.

"It tastes good, bro!"

Qi Yanya patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder and said, "This fruit drink of yours is so easy to use!"

For people like Qi Yanya, who has been in high-level secret realms for many years and has made a mess on her body, this number 15 is just right.

Chen Yuan chuckled and said, "When I leave, I will bring you some puree and bring it back to the imperial capital. After that, my new store will open. If you have time, remember to bring Lao Fan and Xiao Bu Bu over to support me."

Qi Yanya laughed loudly: "Absolutely, but you can do it. The Jun family heard that the Tree Fruit Association has provoked you, so they directly asked us to check out the Xingke and Tree Fruit Associations in the Imperial Capital. Bottom tone.”

"Hey, guess what, those guys have more or less problems in their hands. None of the secret elves are completely clean."

"Now there are many actual controllers of Xingke Fruit Drink in the Imperial Capital. They have been monitored by our people and are waiting to be taken away in the next wave."

"I'm afraid the Golden Wood Club is going to suffer a lot of blood this time."

Chen Yuan was startled. Did the Jun family stand up for him?

The old man of the Jun family...

Chen Yuan's nose suddenly sore.

When I heard that the breeding house here was open, I sent a large number of fruit trees, saplings and seeds.

I heard that the Fruit Association here was causing trouble in my place, so I went to investigate directly.

This kind of child is being bullied, and the elders of the family stand up and slap the other person directly. It feels so good!

When I return to the imperial capital this New Year, I must prepare more gifts for the old man.

"Yunpeng, who is that person?" Over at the imperial capital stands, a squinted young man shared a piece of popcorn with Liu Yunpeng and then asked in a low voice.

"Senior, that young man's name is Chen Yuan. He seems to be Consultant Qi's younger brother."

"Oh? Senior Sister Qi's younger brother? Interesting."

The young man with narrowed eyes suddenly became interested, "How strong is this young man?"

"Three-star trainer."

"That's not bad for your age."

Yu Xindao, who had been silent until now, suddenly said: "He is only fifteen years old and just became a trainer a while ago."

The young man with narrowed eyes was suddenly startled, "How many months will it take to reach Samsung Elite? That's amazing. He is worthy of being Senior Qi Yanya's younger brother."

"Xiao Ning, you big-mouthed gull, you're still a little behind. Have I told you that pure water-based fighting in rainy days won't work."

The familiar name suddenly made Chen Yuan energetic.

"The battle over there? Senior Jiang Xiaoning?"

"Hey, look, I forgot about this."

Qi Yanya slapped her forehead and stuck out her tongue.

"This is your "Civil War" exchange in Beiyu. "When Chen Yuan heard this, he became energetic and squeezed in directly.

When he saw the situation, he immediately frowned.

In this place, the two elves fighting were one, the King Swallow, and the other, Jiang Xiaoning's Big-billed Gull.

At this time, the young man on the opposite side, who looked to be in his mid-twenties, commanded Da Wang Yan to charge quickly to fight the big-mouthed gull at extremely high speed.

One is a peak ace and the other is a senior ace.

There is a slight difference in strength between the two sides, and the speed of Wang Yan on the opposite side is too fast.

He almost didn't give Jiang Xiaoning, the big-billed gull, any chance.

Even with Jiang Xiaoning's commanding ability, there was nothing he could do to save the situation.

Eventually fell down.

Jiang Xiaoning raised her hand to take back her big-mouthed gull.

"How's it going, junior sister Xiao Ning?"

"I told you to focus on training as a trainer, but why did you do research? Look at your command level, it has dropped so much. What a pity, no wonder Yuda is in your hands, ranking so low, can't It’s a pity, a pity to achieve the glory of Senior Jun Yusha.”

Originally, Jiang Xiaoning didn't care much.

After all, the person opposite him was his senior, who took him with him for a few weeks when he joined the Beiyu school team.

Out of the most basic respect, Jiang Xiaoning reluctantly accepted the invitation to fight and gave the opponent enough face.

But now, he is still so unrelenting, really...

"Hey, Senior Qingjiang, why do you say this? Isn't it the same as Senior Xiao Ning who rejected you back then... Haha, as for after so many years, do you still hold a grudge?"

At this time, Xiang Yuxiao on the side suddenly made a sound with a strange expression.

The other person was stunned for a moment, then blushed.

The kind that becomes angry from shame.

"What are you talking about? Didn't your captain educate you..."

"What stupid things are you talking about? Don't tell me whether I am a member of the varsity team of Yuda. You are a traitor to Yuda. As the vice-captain, you retired directly on the first night of the game for the sake of the security of Xijiang. People like you, Why are you making irresponsible remarks about our Beiyu?"


"Eh? Senior sister?"

At this time, Chen Yuan suddenly squeezed over, looked at Jiang Xiaoning, his eyes lit up, and walked over: "Senior, senior, I finally found you."

Chen Yuan hurriedly ran a few steps, came to Jiang Xiaoning, handed him a cup of warm fruit drink, and then said loudly: "Senior sister, your big-mouthed gull just competed with my family and consumed so much. You didn't let it recover, so why did you start fighting with others again?"

Chen Yuan said deliberately.

Then I put down my backpack and "randomly" grabbed a few handfuls inside.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaoning's big-mouthed gull was released.

Put a few energy jelly pieces into the mouth of the big-mouthed gull.

At this time, little Bubu in Chen Yuan's arms suddenly wagged his tail.

[Prayer] fell directly on the big-billed gull.

The King-level prayers visibly made the Big-billed Gull's injuries improve.

But as soon as the energy jelly entered the mouth of the big-billed gull, it exploded.

Energy quickly filled the Big-billed Gull's body.

Let it fill up its body that has been dry just now.

But the big-billed gull is also very powerful. Chen Yuan stuffed it with three jelly balls in total, but the first one melted away and it didn't react.

But when the second jelly was about to melt, the big-mouthed gull used its energy to save the two jelly.


Big Mouth Ou looked at Chen Yuan gratefully, this Ning Ning's little breasts... friend, really reliable.

Chen Yuan stroked the wings of the big-billed gull.

At this time, the Big-billed Gull has completely recovered to its peak state, and there is even energy boiling in the body.

Looking at the big king swallow opposite, fighting spirit rose.

I was careless just now and was robbed of the rhythm by my opponent.

If we were having a fight...

"Junior Chen Yuan."

Jiang Xiaoning was originally angry at the disgusting man across from him. He was so shameless that he even kicked his nose in his face.

But when he looked at Chen Yuan, his anger immediately dissipated.

Jiang Xiaoning was very grateful to Chen Yuan for finding a way out of his failure.

"Thank you."

Jiang Xiaoning said softly, then lowered his head and took a sip of the fruit drink.

So warm.

So comfortable.

"Hahaha, just make excuses when you lose. Is this the captain of Beiyu's current national league? No wonder, Beiyu has fallen to this this year and is about to play in the secondary league..."

"Where did the barking dog come from?"

Chu Xiaoxiao plucked her ears and expressed confusion.

The sound wasn't loud, but it was just enough to reach the other person's ears.

This made Qingjiang on the opposite side completely unable to hold his nerve.

First, he was completely ignored by his former crush, then he was scolded by an unknown descendant of Yuda, and now he was pointed and scolded by a little girl who appeared out of nowhere.

The most important thing is that Qing Jiang looked at Jiang Xiaoning. This woman had never looked at him since that pretty boy came out. From the beginning to the end, no matter what he said or what he did, all eyes were firmly fixed on that girl. On the brat's body.


How abominable!

Who is this brat? !

"You little devil over there, I want to..."

"Senior Sister Xiaoning, this is your little carp dragon. We've been getting along really well these days."

Little carp dragon?

Jiang Xiaoning’s Gyarados Poké Ball?

Are you actually here with this brat?

Or several days? No wonder Jiang Xiaoning didn't send his strongest elf just now, the Gyarados, but it was actually here with this boy.

But then, a doubt inevitably came to everyone's mind.

Why is Jiang Xiaoning's Gyarados in the hands of this boy?

What is the relationship between the two of them?

"Damn you brat, I'm talking about you."

"It's not over yet, scream, scream, scream."

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly turned his head and looked over.

After taking out the elf ball, he prepared to use his mount, the Great Wolf Dog, to show the opponent some color.

A waste who went to Luofeng to study for graduate school before graduating, who has not broken through to the top level in so many years, is still talking about Chen Yuan... The merits of Yuda, how could Yuda have cultivated such a thing before...

However, Chen Yuan pressed Chu Xiaoxiao's shoulder.

"The other person has scolded me so many times. Even if you give this guy a beating, he will still say next time that I only stand behind women. Alas, this kind of person must be taught a lesson."

Chen Yuan looked at the young man opposite.


Of course Chen Yuan knows him.

Six or seven years ago, he was the vice-captain of the Beiyu University National League.

Known as the successor of the post-golden era.

Very powerful.

In just his sophomore year, he has the strength of an ace, and his status in the team is no less than that of Lai Minglue now.

But later, when he was about to take over as captain in his senior year, Jiang Xiaoning, an even more evil genius, emerged from nowhere and was appointed captain.

It was also that year.

The second-in-command in Yuda's team at that time was directly promoted by Xijiang Luofeng.

Abandoned the National League directly.

As a result, Yuda failed to enter the playoffs that year, just one point short.

Chen Yuan was so angry at that time!

I just wanted to beat this nasty guy up.

I didn't expect this opportunity to come up today.

Chen Yuan walked directly to the battlefield.

Xiang Yuxiao opened her mouth, and Yan Wanzhi almost ran over to pull Chen Yuan back.

What a joke!

Chen Yuan!

The person opposite is an ace trainer!

The ace trainer who became famous five years ago!

They are waiting for the opportunity, you go up...

But as soon as the two of them made a move, they were pushed down by Jiang Xiaoning. She looked at Chen Yuan and raised the corners of her mouth.

The person opposite her was her guide in college, even if it was only for two weeks, even if the person opposite finally betrayed them, even if it was many years later, he would act like an old friend of Beiyu, pointing fingers and verbally attacking her.

Today, everything has been paid off.

And Chen Yuan...

She still remembered Chen Yuan's whispered words when he gave her the little Gyarados just now.

Leave everything to him?

He's so cool at such a young age.


However, can that Bibi bird really defeat the opposite King Yan?

"Kid, what do you mean?"

Qingjiang frowned, contempt in his eyes.

Just a brat.

I still want to be in front of a woman...

"We're fighting, what else can we do? After scolding my senior, do you still want to let it go?"

Chen Yuan raised two fingers: "But before I beat you, I still have a question."

"Are you going to attend this event?"

"So what..."

"Oh, that's really interesting. He was a famous ace trainer five years ago. Five years later, he has consumed a lot of resources in Western Xinjiang, right? What's the result? You're not even top-notch. I don't know what face you have to shout about here. , educate the senior students of Beiyu.”


As soon as Chen Yuan said these words, not only Qing Jiang across from him was stunned, but even the squinty-eyed senior from Imperial University suddenly looked at Chen Yuan, his eyes narrowed even more.

There were other famous trainers in their twenties and eighties who were watching the excitement, and they were suddenly stunned.

They looked at each other and then both smiled.

Sure enough, it is good to be young, ignorant and fearless.

I don’t know how difficult it is to get from ace to the top, but that’s normal.

"Did I said wrong thing?"

Chen Yuan suddenly tilted his head and continued to output: "In five years, my sisters, at your age, are already at the top."

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion among the trainers present, but Qi Yanya did burst into laughter.

At this time, everyone who knew Qi Yanya fell silent.

is not that right!

This ancestor was at the top of his game at the age of twenty-five, and was already a quasi-king at the age of twenty-seven.

But, can this be the same?

At this time, the squinty-eyed senior suddenly approached Yu Daoxin and asked in a low voice: "Did he just talk about sisters? Who else is there? Daoxin, you are well-informed, tell me."

Yu Daoxin was silent for a moment and said: "Jun Yusha, Qiao Beiyi, Donglan..."


The senior with squinted eyes took two steps back.

You can't afford to offend, you can't afford to offend, Junior Chen Yuan is right!

"Speak wild words!"

Qingjiang shouted and sent out Wang Yan again.

Chen Yuan tossed the elf ball.

This convert from Xijiang, would you like to reply? "

"No need! Boy, send out your elves quickly!"

"I want you to know the combat power of a truly top ace!"

The trump card needs to be settled. Boy, you underestimate the trump card too much.

Chen Yuan grinned. Since this time, his goal is a hundred thousand silver badge, then it is destined that he will not be able to keep a low profile in this competition. In this case, he will never be attacked by a Yuda traitor. Maybe be patient!

Just stay in peace when you leave. What does it mean to laugh at someone when you come back? !

Yuda is not only the alma mater of Miss Donglan and Senior Sister Ning, but also my own alma mater!

He stands here today to represent Yuda!

He threw it away casually and released Uncle Bi Diao.


Uncle Bi Diao was very excited when he looked at the big king swallow opposite.

This was his first time playing against someone on behalf of Chen Yuan, so he was excited!

very excited!

He spreads his wings.

Da Wang Yan and Bi Diao looked at each other.

The battle is about to break out.

"A flash of lightning!"

Qingjiang conducts.

Wang Yan, who was at the peak of his ace status, immediately rushed over after receiving the order.

Chen Yuan: "Follow the wind and the wind will rise."

Uncle Bi Diao flapped his wings gently to float in the air, and at the same time saw the big king Yan about to rush in front of him.

The high-speed elf flashed the ace's peak speed indeed very fast, but Uncle Bi Diao just continued to flap his wings, and suddenly wind pressure suddenly formed.

At this moment, Wang Yan, who was across from him, had his eyes fixed, and his expression was suddenly distorted and frightened. This aura...

The energy feels on par with it, but this aura... something's wrong!

The wind pressure suddenly formed, and the speed of the King Swallow dropped sharply. Downwind wrapped around its body, and then the wind started to gather and form.

At this moment, Wang Yan felt as if he had lost control of his flying energy, and the wind around him was completely uncontrollable.

Uncle Bi Diao just flapped his wings, and suddenly there was a terrifying wind pressure from top to bottom. After the impact, Da Wang Yan just shook his body.

"Yan Hui."

Qingjiang is worthy of being a veteran trainer, and he shouted out at this critical moment. However, as soon as King Yanna Yanhui gathered his strength, he was hit by the wind from Uncle Bi Diao.

The terrifying wind pressure suddenly came.

The control of this flying energy is not at the same level at all, and he was directly pinned to the ground by Uncle Bi Diao.

"Yan Hui."

Chen Yuandao.

The figure of Uncle Bi Diao suddenly disappeared in mid-air, and an arc of light blue light flashed past in the sky.

The next moment, the big Wang Yan who fell to the ground suddenly shook, and the head it had just raised was pinned to the ground. His body was shaking, obviously he had been severely injured.

Just one contact.

The outcome has been decided.

Qingjiang raised his head in disbelief

Chen Yuan smiled slightly and raised his hand to take back his uncle Bi Diao.

"Look, even I, a preparatory student from Yuda, can't beat me. Tsk tsk, you who studied in Xijiang can't do it either. My senior sister just gave you a fight. You don't think you are really strong, do you? "

Chen Yuan was really angry today.

Looking at the person in front of me, it's like I've returned to that winter.

Sister, Beiyu University, which they had just retired from, was in the middle of winter, but its prosperity turned from prosperity to decline after one person suddenly left the field.

If we finish the league and have a good breakup, everyone will only wish us well.

You are good at flying, and Xijiang is just right. People go to higher places. After graduation, they go their separate ways. This is natural.

But at a critical moment, a crucial point, I deliberately chose to retire at that time.

A naked betrayal of Beiyu.

And now he is still acting coyly as a senior.

Such a person is not worthy.

"Senior Xiao Ning, if you meet this guy during the competition in two days, don't hold back anymore."

Chen Yuan pulled Jiang Xiaoning up, greeted Di Yan, Chu Xiaoxiao and the others, and left directly.

"Hahaha, I just like what brother Chen Yuan said." Half an hour later, the main peak manor.

A bonfire was lit and everyone gathered around. Qi Yanya and Xiaohua hugged each other and drank happily.

Jiang Xiaoning also had a rare drink.

Now that you're out, let's be wild.

And today, Jiang Xiaoning looked at Chen Yuan, feeling really happy to have a junior to stand up for him.

Chen Yuan waved his hands repeatedly: "I didn't say those words. I was just paraphrasing them. Don't target me when the time comes."

Chu Xiaoxiao glared at Chen Yuan fiercely.

If she had just gone to fight that big Wang Yan, she would probably have said the same thing.

He has been in charge of Yuda since he was a child, and he cannot be allowed to be slandered by others, especially such a guy who is not worthy of it.

As for Chen Yuan, he was afraid that he would not be able to hold back what he said, so he stood up first and said such words.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Yuan, her eyes softened a lot.

It's just that Chen Yuan will have to work hard in the next few days of competition.

Chen Yuan smiled.



The "arrogant words" I just said will be true as long as you win the championship in the end.

"What, you can't beat a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old?"

"You are the only ones who have the nerve to say that you are the top ace?"

Jiang Xiaoning drank a little too much and wandered over to Chen Yuan.

He supported Chen Yuan and looked at this handsome face, slowly approaching, slowly...

Over there, Xiang Yuxiao suddenly paused with his cattail leaf fan in his hand.

Yan Wanzhi's eyes widened.

Di Yan, who was drinking fruit drink on the side, slowed down a bit in sipping the juice.

La Lulas and several little guys suddenly got together and looked here.

Not far away from Chen Yuan, Chu Xiaoxiao, who had just taken a plate of fruit meal, suddenly stopped in her tracks when she came back.

in front of her eyes.

Jiang Xiaoning leaned in front of Chen Yuan, her face getting closer and closer to Chen Yuan.

Behind the two of them, a bonfire was rising.

The sky is illuminated by the moonlight.

Chu Xiaoxiao held her breath.

Although, Chen Yuan has nothing to do with her.

Although the identities of the two are complicated.



It was obviously her first...


Jiang Xiaoning's head passed over Chen Yuan's face and rested directly on Chen Yuan's shoulders.

Chen Yuan: "Senior, have you drunk too much?"

"Kind of."

Jiang Xiaoning nodded, "Researchers shouldn't drink so much, but I'm happy today."

"Senior sister..."

"I'm glad to have an appreciative junior come forward."

"It's nice to be cut off from my past self."

"The decision was made, very happy."

"Junior, the paper on "Yupan" has been posted. As you said, high-level is not enough. "

"Then let's change it." Chen Yuan said: "There are so many subjects..."


Jiang Xiaoning pushed Chen Yuan away and patted him on the shoulder.

Then he looked at Chu Xiaoxiao over there.

"Girl, your little boyfriend has nice shoulders."

"Oh, he's not my boyfriend yet."

Although Chu Xiaoxiao said this, the corners of her mouth curled up. "Oh~ not yet~"

Jiang Xiaoning laughed and then looked at Chu Xiaoxiao: "I can consider your previous proposal. It's just that you need to prepare the experimental environment I need."

Chu Xiaoxiao also smiled: "No problem."

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, then immediately responded, "Senior, do you really want to come to our place?"

Jiang Xiaoning glanced at him: "Why, you're not welcome!"

Chen Yuan laughed.

Hug Jiang Xiaoning tightly.

"Senior, welcome! Welcome!"

Chen Yuan was really touched.

Jiang Xiaoning and Chen Yuan started a new business together, which actually meant giving up the resources Di Yunxi had arranged for her.

It's just a pity for Di Yunxi. Naturally, more people will come to take charge. There are too many projects there and there are too many people available.

But for Jiang Xiaoning, it is undoubtedly a life-changing decision.

"I will take care of it, mentor."

In fact, Jiang Xiaoning had wanted to quit a long time ago.

Di Yunxi is indeed a good tutor.

But so many tasks were pressing on her, and she was really overwhelmed in all aspects.

Anyway, if I want to evaluate senior professional titles here, I have to be independent no matter what.

Just join Chen Yuan and the others directly.

But Chen Yuan is really happy.

With Senior Jiang Xiaoning, Chen Yuan's laboratory can be established.

"However, senior sister, before you leave, you must finish the work at hand."

"I want you to tell me!"

Jiang Xiaoning rolled her eyes at Chen Yuan, "Don't worry, I'm not that convert from Xijiang."

Gyarados was extremely happy when he saw Jiang Xiaoning.

The big head arched on Jiang Xiaoning's head.

Jiang Xiaoning also looked at his little carp dragon, which was in good spirits and felt that it was more powerful.

It seems that Junior Chen Yuan is well-raised.

But ah.

Jiang Xiaoning looked at the way his Gyarados was swimming in the air, and why he always felt that something was wrong.

The arrival of Tigou really made Xiaoli very happy.


What a speed!

Although I haven’t seen Teacher Fengsugou for a long time.

But Tigou is also very fast!

Moreover, Tigou's speed and proficiency are not low.

Tigou looked at Xiaoli with stars in his eyes.


Stinky little raccoon dog, you smell good, the wind speed dog blood in your body is about to awaken!


Xiaoli tilted his head, a little confused.

He hasn't been deliberately developing the bloodline of Wind Speed ​​Dog recently.


No matter, come after me~

Tigou knocked the little raccoon down with a flick of his tail, then accelerated and left quickly.

Xiaoli's eyes lit up and his body swayed as he rushed out at full speed.

But speaking without intention, it sounds intentional.

Chen Yuan, who was eavesdropping here, suddenly thought of a possibility.

Maybe, will it...

Is the process of Xiaoli mastering the speed itself the process of developing the bloodline of the wind speed dog?

On the other hand, if the bloodline of the Wind Speed ​​Dog is developed, will it speed up Xiaoli's learning speed?

So how to let Xiaoli quickly develop the bloodline of Fengsuogou?

Chen Yuan carried Hua Yuxi, who was drunk and unconscious, and walked back while thinking about how to develop Xiaoli's wind speed dog bloodline.

Until he put Hua Yuxi on the bed.

He left and went back to Chu Xiaoxiao's room, soaked in the bathtub and let the hot water cover his neck.

How to develop it? It's not a Kati dog. A fire stone can turn it into a wind speed dog.

Hey, wait, flame stone?

Got it!

Chen Yuan stood up immediately.

That's right!

If we think of evolution as the awakening of bloodline and the development of bloodline.

Then a flame stone actually mobilizes the bloodline of Kati Dog and develops the power of Wind Speed ​​Dog.

And as long as Xiaoli gets a flame stone, he might be able to fully develop Xiaoli's wind speed dog bloodline.

At that time, Xiaoli's speed...

Got it!

Sure enough, it has to be a flame stone!

"Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, we have to get a flame stone!"

Chen Yuan shouted.

"What's the ghost's name? It's late at night."

Chu Xiaoxiao, who was blowing her hair, didn't hear a word.

Just listen to Chen Yuan calling him.

Without thinking much, he opened the door directly.

"You just said..."

Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't speak anymore, her eyes widened.

Chen Yuan opened his mouth.


Bone-chilling cold.

What does it mean to get carried away?

This is.

Chen Yuan sat directly into the water.

"Well, why did you come in without knocking?"

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Yuan. This time, she was really looking at garbage.

"Stop talking to me."

Go out and go.

Chen Yuan: "..."

The boat of friendship can capsize easily.

He hopes to go a step further tonight, he means to go a step further in terms of mental strength.

Now, I might not be able to let him go to bed.


Not to mention taking Chen Yuan to meditate.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't open her eyes this night.

Chen Yuan: "..."

Does anyone know how to comfort this young lady when she is angry? She is waiting online. It is quite urgent.

After morning training, Chen Yuan flew directly to the battlefield.

Today is qualifying day.

It’s not just Chen Yuan.

Xiang Yuxiao, Jiang Xiaoning, Yan Wanzhi, and Di Yan all set off early in the morning.

According to the APP information guidance, they flew to their respective battle venues.

On the morning of the first day, while the qualifying rounds were going on.

All ace trainers must complete the first round of preliminaries

As ace trainers, they have one more chance.

Jiang Xiaoning met Guan Ziwan, the deputy team member of Beijiang.

The other person was immediately confused.

I originally thought that if I came to this flight competition this time, I would at least be able to participate in the main competition.

Why is Jiang Xiaoning selected in the first round of this preliminary selection? This doesn’t make sense!

Xiang Yuxiao had a headache and looked at Di Yan opposite.

No, is it so outrageous?

He also said last night that if the competition happens, he will not show mercy.

Do we really want to fight in the first round?

Di Yan looked calmly and tied up her hair.

Look at Xiang Yuxiao opposite.

This time, she won't show mercy.

Yan Wanzhi held the elf ball and looked at the person opposite, with a smile on her lips.

Opposite her, a young man wearing Xijiang Luofeng's iconic sportswear had a cold expression.


(End of this chapter)

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