you elf, are you legal

Chapter 355 The 9th Badge Last night in the bathroom, he didn’t look up!

Chapter 355 The Ninth Badge (Please subscribe) Last night in the bathroom, he didn’t look up!

Look, look, what does the wind and water mean?

Yesterday, he was humiliated by this group of Beiyu, and now, Qingjiang's revenge is coming.

Looking at the trainer across from him who was in his early 20s, named Yan or something.

Is this woman the current chairperson of the academic committee of Beiyu University?

This made him meet, hahaha, if this is the rhythm for him to be beaten up.

Qingjiang is so cool,

I feel very angry when I think of what happened to me last night.

That matter has spread throughout the trainer community in Xijiang, yes, not just in Luofeng University in Xijiang, but in the ace circle of the entire Xijiang, saying that he was raped by a 15-year-old elf. Hanging.

This is simply unbearable.

Why don't you say that I won Jiang Xiaoning's elf? I have to say that I lost to a Bi Diao of unknown origin. It’s hard to say whether that Bi Diao was that boy’s elf, so why did I just come up and mock him?

This made Qingjiang extremely dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do.

He complained in the community and tried to protest, but was banned for seven days by the administrator for provoking a dispute and insulting him. This made Qingjiang extremely uncomfortable.

He vowed to let these Beiyu guys taste his power. He has grown a lot in the past few years since he came to Xijiang.

At first, it was difficult to even get a peak water ace, and he had just endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden to cultivate to the ace peak. However, just a few years after coming to this Western Xinjiang, he had three or four peak aces. With such a speed of cultivation, the ace trainers in the entire Western Xinjiang You are considered a good person in the circle, so why are you still being ridiculed? What does it mean that a trainer who has not reached the top level in 5 years is rubbish?

Anyone who says this seems to be an inexperienced newcomer. He doesn't know what top-notch means at all, right? Can the gap between the top and the ace be closed within 5 years?

Qingjiang was depressed, but his two accounts had been banned. He gritted his teeth and prayed that the guys he met in Beiyu today would give them some truth.

Unexpectedly, the God of Luofeng really heard his prayer and actually made him confront Beiyu's trainer, and he was also the person present yesterday. Now he could really get his revenge!

Just like he doesn't believe that ordinary people can break through to the top level in the past four or five years, Qingjiang doesn't believe that the Beiyu college students in school can train elves to the same combat power as him.

Jiang Xiaoning's Gyarados was an accident, but he didn't believe how powerful Yan Wanzhi, who hadn't even entered the national league, could be.

Looking at Yan Wanzhi opposite, Qingjiang touched his hand to the elf ball.

The noise around him became more and more obvious. It was obvious that many people came after hearing the news, riding their flying elves around the battlefield, observing Qingjiang from all directions. According to the legend, Qingjiang was picked by a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old boy. The ace trainer turned over.

Many of them are students at Luofeng University in Xijiang, and most of them only have elite combat capabilities.

Although they were not strong enough to participate in the competition, the trainers from their own school paid special attention to this competition, especially after hearing about Qingjiang's fun, and came to see if the rumors yesterday were true.

Seeing that there were more and more spectators around him, Qingjiang clenched his fists as if he knew something. He had to win this match, and he had to win beautifully and cleanly.

Only by wearing one through three and defeating the opponent cleanly with one's own elves can that rumor be broken.

He took out the King Yan Pokemon Ball, threw it out, and released his King King, the peak ace, and today he was going to show everyone the strength of his King Yan, defeating the opponent with one through three, even if the opponent also had a peak ace, He is also fearless.

Five years ago, he was able to serve as Beiyu University's ace vice team, leading the team to almost advance to the playoffs.

And now facing such an unknown opponent.

Qingjiang has absolute confidence that he can crush his opponent.

Yan Wanzhi smiled.

Da Wang Yan?

Will it still move at high speed?

After strengthening the speed, you want to use such a speed elf to defeat her team?

No way, no way, no way.

This Qingjiang, has only learned this thing after studying in Xijiang for 5 years?

Yan Wanzhi tossed it casually and released her Bibi bird.

This is a Bibi bird at the peak of elites. Facing the ace peak King King Yan on the opposite side, it is not losing its momentum. It spreads its wings and makes a long cry. Sharp light bursts out from its eyes, and it stares at the King Yan on the opposite side.

Even if the opponent is a big level ahead of him, Bibiniao still has the confidence to win.

If you don’t admit defeat, you just fight.

Qingjiang was immediately happy when he saw that the opponent's vanguard actually had a Bibi bird. It seemed that the opponent didn't know what real tactics were. He was indeed a "newcomer" who hadn't even played in the national league.

Even though he is at the peak of elite status, he doesn't even know the most basic tactics.

In a single-player 3v3 arena match, the Pioneer Elf must be an Elf that can be strengthened.

The referee of the competition, riding on a Bidiao, watched the two elves below taking their positions. With a wave of his hand, the Bidiao flapped its wings, creating a whirlwind.

Game start.

Da Wang Yan rose up at high speed and rushed towards Bibi Bird with a flash of lightning. At the same time, his body swayed rapidly in the air. Taking advantage of the momentum of his previous forward thrust, he began to move at high speed and strengthen his own speed.

I have to admit that this big king swallow does have something. It is so fast that it arrives in front of Bibi Bird almost instantly.

Bibi Bird, who was at the peak of the elite, seemed to be completely unable to react, and was staggered to the ground by the blow of the King Yan. The King Yan rushed straight up with a blow, looking down at Bibi Bird in the sky. Just as he was about to charge, he struck again with a flash of lightning and took away the opponent.

However, at this time, Qingjiang suddenly shouted.

"Move at full speed."

The King Swallow turned into an arc in the air, clung to the Bibi Bird's body, raised its body and returned to the air, then swayed its body, intensifying its second high-speed movement.

At this time, Bibi Bird was already out of breath, but it still stared at the King Swallow opposite, with its eyes becoming more and more excited.

"Fair wind, Yuqi."

Yan Wanzhi said softly.

After landing, the Bibi bird spread its wings and soared wildly with the wind.

It seemed that he was trying to slow down the speed of Da Wang Yan, but Da Wang Yan also became energetic.

Qingjiang: "Fair wind."

A stronger tailwind rushed down, completely canceling out Bibi Bird's tailwind.

The wind shifts.

But at this time, the King Yan did not pursue the victory, but continued to strengthen and move at high speed for the third time. At this moment, Bibi Bird had finished its flight. He swayed and rushed towards the King Yan with a flash of lightning.

It was just a sideways movement of the King Yan, which made a return spin and directly hit the charging Bibi Bird, knocking it to the ground.

Until this time, Da Wangyan finally completed three enhancements of high-speed movement. Its speed has reached the peak level, and has even surpassed the category of ace, reaching the threshold of the top level.

But at this moment, it took advantage of the wind and rushed down with the force of the wind, rushing towards the Bibi bird.

At this time, Bibi Bird reluctantly stood up and looked at the high-speed King Swallow rushing towards it in the sky.

The corner of Bibi Bird's mouth curled up, and he roared loudly, saying that they would win this battle. Then he spread his wings and once again released his last strength, the strongest tailwind.

The wind direction changes again.

But at this time, King Yan had already rushed forward.

The lightning flashed, and Bibi Bird was shot down to the ground and rubbed violently. In just a moment, Bibi Bird lost its ability to fight.

Da Wang Yan took off again. At this time, his condition was extremely full, and the peak speed enhancement was when he was at his strongest.

"It seems that this junior student from Beiyu needs to learn advanced tactics."

Don't blame him for popping the champagne at halftime, the opponent was really too good.

I don’t know how to do this little tactic, I really should learn it hard. Beiyu has become more and more popular in the past few years, and I can actually let such a person sit on the school committee. I really don’t know what the current consultant coach is thinking. .

At this time, the crowd watching was suddenly stunned.

This Qingjiang is quite similar.

Wang Yan is also very strong. Why did he lose to that 15-year-old boy from Beiyu University yesterday?

Is that previous post really a rumor?

Or is it that the young man uttered arrogant words and the elves he used were just elves cultivated by others and just borrowed?

The audience looked at each other and shook their heads slightly. It seemed that this fun was too much to watch. The pioneer elf from Qingjiang was actually strengthened to such an extent. The one from Beiyu couldn't do it.

It's true that anyone can come and participate in this flying competition.

The key is how can such a person come up and compete in the qualifiers? Has the organizing committee properly screened trainers?

You shouldn't go over there to participate in the qualifying battle. Let's fight first and see. I'm afraid they don't even have the ace level.

The audience's whispers and pressure came to Yan Wanzhi's side, but as for Yan Wanzhi in the field...

She just smiled and took out the second elf in a leisurely manner.

With a gentle squeeze, the spirit inside was released.

A green bird elf with a pair of white wings and black and red stripes on the front.

Natural bird.

Its eyes seemed to be dull, and it slowly turned to look at the King Swallow in the opposite sky.

Then he flapped his wings gently to float slightly in the air, flying at a low altitude. All the aura and energy were concentrated in his body, making it difficult to see his true strength.

But you don’t need to think about it to know that such an elf is just a first-time ace at best.

Qingjiang smiled directly. No matter what kind of elf the opponent was, his King Yan was already at full speed at this time.


Go straight through the queue.

"Da Wang Yan's lightning flashed"

"Natural bird." Yan Wanzhi smiled faintly and said slowly: "Avoid, self-suggestion,"

I saw that natural bird suddenly closing its eyes when the big king swallow rushed towards me.

Then its body emitted a red light, and it seemed that the entire space and time were distorted. Just when the King Swallow was about to hit its body, the natural bird just turned sideways slightly and narrowly escaped. Da Wang Yan's attack, at the same time, a mental force firmly locked the opposite Da Wang Yan.

At this moment, the momentum of the natural bird suddenly increased. The big king swallow missed the attack and immediately drew an arc and rushed towards the natural bird swallow.

At this time, the natural bird seemed to know the trajectory of the Yan Hui on the opposite side. Even when the Yan Hui, which was almost a sure hit, was approaching, it was still slightly to one side.

Once again, they avoided its attack. Until then, both Da Wangyan and Qing Jiang realized that there was something about this natural bird opposite.

King Yan flapped its wings and floated into the air. His eyes were firmly fixed on the natural bird. At the same time, Yan Hui's light was condensed to the limit. This blow would definitely hit it.

However, at this moment, the natural bird suddenly opened its eyes and spread its wings, with a large amount of flight energy surrounding its body.

Shaking his body lightly, at this moment, an afterimage was drawn in the air, and its speed was no less than that of the high-speed moving King Yan on the opposite side.


Opposite Qingjiang's eyes narrowed, and at this moment Wang Yan also felt the terrifying aura of the natural bird opposite him. This was not an opponent that could be defeated easily.

The advantage of strengthening is gone! ! !

"Big Wang Yan uses Tailwind."

Yan Wanzhi was still smiling.

Are you still using Shunfeng?

Want flying energy to take control of the situation?

The power of wind is indeed very strong.

But, your opponent is a natural bird, a peak ace that Yan Wanzhi personally cultivated bit by bit under the guidance of consultant Chu Yanyi.

Natural bird.


The natural bird swayed and instantly arrived behind Da Wang Yan.

At this time, the tailwind of the King Swallow had just condensed and formed, and before it even had time to be released, the natural bird was already approaching.

Before she had time to react, Yan Wanzhi had already issued an attack order.

"Yan Hui."

The natural bird swayed and rushed over at a very high speed. In an instant, it brushed against the body of the big king swallow, and blood spattered on its wings.

The wound was deep enough to show bone.

The big king swallow cried out sadly, this swallow's return was extremely powerful, the pain was so painful that it penetrated into the bone marrow every time it flapped its wings.

At this time, Natural Bird looked at the King Yan across from him, his eyes shining brightly.

"Strong mental thoughts."

Da Wang Yan was shocked and was directly hit by this powerful mental thought.

In a daze, he could no longer maintain his flying posture and fell down.

"Yan Hui."

Yan Wanzhi didn't give it any chance to breathe and continued to attack.

The natural bird draws an arc in the sky and arrives in an instant.

Miso miso miso miso miso!

Just as Da Wang Yan fell and took a breath, six blood marks shot out on Da Wang Yan's body again.

Turned into a bloody mist.

Natural bird heightens the body shape.

"Psychic power."

The proficient level of telekinesis condensed countless telekinesis bombs in an instant and bombarded them.

Da Wang Yan didn't have any chance to breathe at all, and was hit hard by dozens of telekinesis bullets. He fell to the ground and fell into coma and was on the verge of death.

The audience was stunned. When did Yuda have such an awesome trainer?

Isn't this strength 100 times stronger than Nangong Pengfei?

It's almost the same as Jiang Xiaoning's Gyarados. It even feels stronger than that Gyarados. Why haven't such a natural bird and such a trainer ever heard of it before?

At this time, Qingjiang on the opposite side was also stunned. He had not expected it at all.

He was actually tricked by the opponent. This natural bird simply defeated his enhanced flow.

Looking at the natural bird in the sky, he was still meditating with his eyes closed, still strengthening himself.

Qingjiang's hand touching the Poke Ball trembled slightly.

He knew that facing such a natural bird that had been strengthened to the limit, he might have no chance of winning.

The second elf, the owl.

He is also the only flying elf in his team who possesses telekinesis.

However, the nighthawk's superpowers cannot match those of natural birds.

What's more, now the natural bird has enhanced its speed to the limit and has taken the absolute initiative.

The moment the owl appeared, the natural bird opened its eyes. Without Yan Wanzhi's command at all, it moved behind the owl in an instant. Its wings lightly clicked out, and two streaks of air slashed. Pass.

The owl had just turned around when another swallow came back.

Under the double blow of speed suppression and mental power suppression, the owl was shot to the ground without even reacting, losing its ability to fight.

At this time, the audience completely exploded.

I didn't expect that just for a chance to have fun, I would actually meet a master.

It turns out that the Bibi bird in the first battle was just a decoy.

Qingjiang, who was seducing the opponent, used high-speed movement to strengthen his big king swallow, and this natural bird was the real trump card.

Everything is a tactic, a crushing tactic.

Qingjiang was sweating profusely. Qingjiang was sweating profusely. Qingjiang took out the third elf. Qingjiang opened his mouth and tried to make a sound to direct the elf to fight.

"End it."

Yan Wanzhi spoke calmly.

The natural bird swayed and came behind the third elf again.

Do the same thing.

No need to make any skill changes at all.

Air Slash first warmed up the opponent, and then Yan Hui and Spirit Strong Thought worked together. The opponent's ace Bi Diao had no time to react and was brought into the rhythm of the natural bird.

Although this eagle is slightly more resistant to beatings than the previous owl, it is only the difference between a four-round attack and a five-round attack.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of telekinesis bombs, Bi Diao fell heavily to the ground and lost his ability to fight.

"Bi Diao loses the ability to fight, and contestant Yan Wanzhi wins."

The natural bird flapped its wings and landed on the ground as if it had done something trivial. It folded its wings, closed its eyes, and began to sleep with its head hanging down.

Seeing this, Yan Wanzhi shook her head slightly. Her natural bird was good at everything except sleeping. She stretched out her hand, and the elf ball shot out a red light and took the natural bird back into the elf ball.

Then he casually released a Bi Diao.

Yan Wanzhi jumped up, flapped her wings, and was about to leave.

The battle on her side was resolved relatively quickly. If she had time, she should be able to see Xiao Ning's game.

It was only then that the audience finally confirmed that the player named Yan Wanzhi did not have an ace-level bird, but deliberately chose an elite bird.

Look what tactics are!

Qingjiang knelt on the ground, completely unable to accept the fact that he was penetrated three times by an unknown trainer. He raised his head, his eyes were red, and he stared at Yan Wanzhi on the top of the sculpture like a madman and said loudly: "You have such strength, why don't you represent Beiyu University in the national league."

The bird under Yan Wanzhi slowly flapped its wings and danced in the wind. At the same time, Yan Wanzhi lowered her head slightly and looked at the Qingjiang below.

"It's so funny, why do I have to participate in the National League? It takes three consecutive years to get a silver badge. It's very laborious."

Bi Diao took off in the wind and left quickly, while Yan Wanzhi, who was on top of Bi Diao, looked back in the direction of Bei Yu, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

There is fanaticism in the eyes.

Why not join the National League?

Because Sister Nian Ni did not participate in the event back then.

My target is Sister Neng Ni.

As expected, Jiang Xiaoning's battle was coming to an end. The Beijiang deputy team on the opposite side had no chance to resist, so two of them were pierced by Jiang Xiaoning, and the last one left was crumbling. After yesterday's battle, the Big-billed Owl used its full strength in every attack.

Absolutely no more water.

I also couldn't understand that although the big king swallow yesterday was the peak ace, I still had a chance to shoot it down with a little effort. However, my Ning Ning was still merciful and gave way to the opponent.

People like him don't deserve any courtesy at all.

But it was a blessing in disguise. I got three of Chen Yuan’s energy jelly, which was so cool.

I heard that the little carp dragon has such delicious things every day these days. It’s amazing. When will it be his turn for such a good thing?

The messenger bird on the opposite side started to move again. It stood up and flapped its wings. Immediately, a ray of freezing light was shot out from it. Then the large-billed gull just swayed slightly and hid. This kind of death struggle to hide was really difficult. so easy.

The big-billed gull just flapped its wings and turned into a light blue arc of light, leaving a beautiful trace in the sky.

At the same time, there is electricity shining in the mouth.

Electric shock wave hits the messenger bird.

Let the latter tremble, then attack with its wings, directly hitting and taking away the last bit of physical strength of the messenger bird on the opposite side.

"The messenger bird lost its ability to fight, and contestant Jiang Xiaoning won."

Jiang Xiaoning recalled the big-mouthed gull with a calm smile.

Looking up, I immediately saw Yan Wanzhi smiling and saying nothing on top of the sculpture.

Ride a big-billed gull and ride side by side with Yan Wanzhi.

"How about it?"

"Meeting an old acquaintance."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"That Qingjiang from yesterday."

Jiang Xiaoning's eyes lit up, "How about it."

Yan Wanzhi smiled slightly, "It's easy to pass through the team. The opponent's tactics are lagging behind. At first, he didn't even realize that you were giving him a courtesy yesterday."

Jiang Xiaoning didn't care much either.

"Shall we watch Chen Yuan's qualifying match?"

"Miss your good junior again?"

Jiang Xiaoning smiled calmly and did not deny it.

Seeing her best friend's appearance, Yan Wanzhi could only sigh slightly and shake her head: "He's just a qualifying match. He's probably finished it. If he doesn't come to you now, he probably went to Di Yan's place."

Speaking of this, Yan Wanzhi glanced at Jiang Xiaoning, but saw that her best friend just smiled slightly, without any hint of sourness.

This makes Yan Wanzhi a little strange. Could it be that she feels wrong?

Chen Yuan's side ended very quickly. It was just a qualifying match and there were no disturbances.

At first, the BiDiao opposite him was a bit arrogant. After all, he was an ace elf. Although he was the ace for the first time, he was still the high-ranking elf of BiDiao.

There was some disdain in the eyes when looking at Bibi Bird, but Bibi Bird was too familiar with this kind of bird. He had beaten a bird before and didn't even have a chance to let it fly. Although the Bi Diao he is facing now is an ace, it is only his first ace.

And now that he has returned to his peak, even compared to when he could only use one wing, his combat power has increased countless times. Facing such a newly ace Bi Diao, Bi Diao just flaps its wings. In controlling the wind, he was already far ahead of his peers.

The Bi Diao on the opposite side felt strong wind pressure. At this time, it seemed that it was no longer facing a Bi Diao who had just become an ace like it, but a Bi Diao who was at the peak of his ace.

No, he felt an aura of ancient times from the Bibi bird, as if a huge thing suddenly raised its head in the deep sea.

But there was also wind energy gathering around him, making him deeply awed. It was such an momentum that shocked Bi Diao.

He knew he couldn't wait any longer.

Bi Diao swayed and flapped his wings, trying hard to fly up and try to use his skills to maintain his balance, before he flew back with a flash of lightning.

As long as he can rush up, he can naturally break the opponent's flying pressure.

Flying elves are real flying elves only when they fly.

However, Bibi Bird seems to have been able to see through the thoughts of the opposite Bi Diao. With just a slight shake, he also used Flash of Lightning and Yan Hui.

The same skill, but impacting at a stronger speed.

The physical fitness is similar, but the skill mastery and the understanding of flight energy are completely different.

The lightning flash of double proficiency and Yan Hui almost instantly turned Bibi Bird into an afterimage, turned into an arc of light in the sky, and impacted away at extremely high speed.

Bi Diao is also an ace elf. He has experienced hundreds of battles. He shook his body and turned into an arc in the air, trying to avoid Bi Bi Bird's attack.

However, Bibi Bird just stared, his sharp eyes firmly locked on the opposite Bidgeot. Yan Hui is hiding? However, he also has Yan Hui.

The same blue arc of light had a greater curvature and impacted at extremely high speed. The next second it hit Nabi Diao heavily.

With just one blow, Bi Diao let out a mournful cry and his feathers fell down in large swaths.

In one fell swoop, Bi Diao lost the ability to resist, but Bi Diao still seemed to be struggling.

As it fell, it shook its wings and tried to use its feathers to restore its strength. However, at this time, Bibi Bird knew Chen Yuan's tactical thoughts very well. The referee did not call and kept attacking.

There is wind surrounding his body, condensing and compressing to form wind blades. The sharp blades attacked by the wings condense on his body, and there is sharp wind on every feather on the wings on his mouth.

Cutting the air, Swallow's wings attack.


The moment they passed by, Bibi Bird fell to the ground. The still falling Bi Diao trembled, and the next moment it exploded like blood mist.

The Bi Diao trembled all over like a bird, and fell to the ground trembling. Even with its trump-level vitality at this time, it was still difficult to get up. The raised head hit the ground hard, and his eyes rolled. With a kick of his legs, he fell into coma and was about to die.

The examiner twitched the corner of his mouth and quickly raised his hand to take back Bi Diao's elf ball, and then handed it to the healing elf on the side to recover from his injuries, while he came to Chen Yuan's side.

"Congratulations, classmate Chen Yuan. You successfully passed this qualification competition." The examiner said and handed a small badge to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan's eyes lit up when he saw it.

badge? !

It's actually a badge? !

Behind Chu Xiaoxiao's almost murderous gaze and Hua Yuxi's surprised and stunning eyes, Chen Yuan took the badge over with a smile.

There is a small feather on it.

"Every association trainer who passes the qualifying competition of the Flying Feast for the first time can obtain a feather badge."

"So simple?"

Hua Yuxi said subconsciously.

The examiner glanced at the girl, shook his head slightly and explained with a smile, "Actually, that's not the case. Think about it, what kind of strength is needed to pass this qualification?"

Hua Yuxi tilted her head and thought about it, and then she realized that although it was quite easy to fight Chen Yuan with this qualification, in fact the opponent was an ace elf.

If there were elves of this level, they might even be able to pass the six-star elite assessment.

Moreover, the elf used by Chen Yuan to participate in this competition this time is still his own elf Bibi Bird. Whether it is in terms of combat power or association status, considering all aspects, this "Feather Badge" is well deserved.

"Trainers who hold this badge can enjoy a 88% discount when shopping in major shopping malls in our new city, and it is a discount above the discount."

Chen Yuan suddenly became energetic. Yesterday, he wanted to get a flame stone for Xiao Li to try, but now he had it delivered to his door with a discount. This was like giving him a pillow for sleep.

Looking at Chu Xiaoxiao, it was clear that the girl had also thought of this, both nodded slightly, and then both of them suddenly remembered the scene in the bathroom.

The corners of his mouth that had just been raised suddenly tightened, and Chu Xiaoxiao's face turned frosty.

Looking at Chen Yuan was like looking at garbage, and Chen Yuan scratched his head and turned around.

Smile awkwardly.

Ride your own bird and take off in the wind.

Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi shared a ride with Uncle Bi Diao. They came from behind and overtook Chen Yuan in an instant, and then rushed towards the qualifiers.

Because Chen Yuan's side fought very quickly, it took almost less than 5 minutes to finish the ace battle.

At this time, the first round of preliminaries has just begun.

Above hundreds of peaks, the air and sky battle field competition was going on almost simultaneously, and Chen Yuan followed the game's app guidance and came to the battle field No. 134.

Sure enough, there are many onlookers here.

Flying Feast is slightly different both on the battlefield and in the auditorium.

The battlefield is on top of each peak.

The area is not large, and the diagonal angle is only tens of meters. For an ace-level elf, such a distance is fleeting in just one breath.

The real battlefield is not actually on the ground, but in the wider sky.

An area of ​​several hundred meters is within the range of the battle between elves on both sides as long as it does not interfere with other battlefields. The trainer who commands the elves theoretically has two options. He can stand in that pair of battlefields, or he can Ride your own flying elves and command them in the air.

Just like the current battle.

Xiang Yuxiao faced off against Di Yan, both of them rode their own flying elves in the sky.

At this time, the audience also gathered in a circle, also riding flying elves to watch the battle.

I have to say that Di Yan's popularity is really high. Even in Western Xinjiang, the home of Luofeng Academy, the capital of flight, students' interest in Di Yan far exceeds that of the ace trainer Qing Jiang there.

A densely packed audience of hundreds of elite trainers, Luofeng Academy, neatly rode their flying elves dozens of meters behind Di Yan.

The girls just held the banner in mid-air.

The boys made trumpets with their hands, and with the blessing of the wind pressure from the flying elves, their voices spread throughout the mountain forest.

"Come on Diyan Diyan, Diyan Diyan you are the best."

The corners of Xiang Yuxiao's lips curved up, "It seems that Di Yan, you are indeed very popular."

Di Yan always kept his eyes calm and did not answer Xiang Yuxiao's "trash talk".

He just watched his own Bi Diao fighting with the cross-shaped bat on the opposite side.

There was a tacit understanding between the two parties, and the first elf did not take personal command and was allowed to fight on its own.

The cross-shaped bat has senior ace-level combat power, while Di Yan's Bi Diao is a new ace who mainly plays support. He was still at the peak of elites a few months ago, and now it is quite remarkable that he can evolve to the ace level.

However, when facing the cross-shaped bat on the opposite side.

The overall combat power is still far behind.

After a 10-minute fierce battle, he was finally defeated by the cross-shaped bat on the opposite side, and two air blades directly hit the vital point.

Staggered and fell to the ground.

Lost the ability to fight.

Di Yan shook her head slightly, stretched out her hand and shot out a red light to take Bi Diao back. At this time, she looked at the cross-shaped bat opposite and touched the second elf ball at her waist.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a handsome figure in the distance.

It was a Bibi bird that was several times larger than its kind. There was a handsome young man on it waving his hand to greet her.

"Sister Yanyan, I'm here to watch your game~ Come on~"

Di Yan's eyes suddenly softened. The sound of cheering was so clear that even from hundreds of meters away, Di Yan could hear it clearly, as if it was echoing in her heart. At this time, she raised her head and looked at Xiang opposite. Yu Xiao and her cross-shaped bat suddenly rose with fighting intent in their eyes.

At this time, Xiang Yuxiao was suddenly stunned. She seemed to feel the sudden fighting spirit from Di Yan on the opposite side.

Based on her understanding of Di Yan, this is a person who remains unmoved when a mountain collapses in front of him. It is absolutely impossible for him to suddenly burst out with such a strong fighting spirit due to the encouragement of outsiders, unless...

Xiang Yuxiao suddenly turned around, and sure enough, he saw a huge bibi bird in the distance, flying towards this side. It turned out to be Chen Yuan.

Xiang Yuxiao turned back to look at Di Yan. If this was the case, then she had to get serious.

She stretched out her hand to take back the cross-shaped bat and then exchanged the elves. With a throw of her hand, the light of the elves converged, and the mantis flew into the sky.

At this time, Di Yan also touched the elf ball on the other side.

Since Chen Yuan came to watch the match, she wanted to make a quick decision.

In response to Chen Yuan's expectations.

The elf ball was thrown, and a huge fire-breathing dragon was released, raising its head and spitting out a ball of flame.

With a long roar, it flapped its wings and flew up.

Its expression was unruly and its energy surged out wildly. It turned out to be a peak ace no less than a wind-speed dog. It stared at the flying mantis opposite with disdain in its eyes.

"Be serious."

Di Yan spoke calmly. Just these words made the fire-breathing dragon at the peak of his ace tremble. His eyes immediately turned serious, and he suppressed the disdain in his heart. When he looked at the flying mantis opposite, he was already ready to use all his strength. .

At this time, Xiang Yuxiao was a little surprised. He did not expect that Di Yan would hide such a trick. In everyone's opinion, Di Yan's ace peak elf was only the Wind Speed ​​Dog. However, now Di Yan, who is in the same grade as her, actually brought out a second fire elf, which was also the ace peak elf. Unexpectedly.

As expected, he is the orthodox descendant of the Di family.

It may not be easy to win this game. Xiang Yuxiao said loudly: "Strengthen."

The flying mantis swayed and began to move at high speed. At the same time, it left several afterimages and shadow clones in the air. At the same time, it kept waving its sickle-like arms. While strengthening its dodge and speed, the flying mantis There is still energy left to strengthen his own attack, Sword Dance.

And such a scene instantly shook the spirits of more and more onlookers.

Especially the Imperial University spectators over there all had their eyes widened.

This scene is so familiar. Their Zuo Tianxing seems to be doing this, right?

The trainer from Yuda named Xiang Yuxiao seems to be only about 20, the same age as Di Yan, but why haven't I seen her in the National League?

However, the currently strengthening Flying Mantis felt an unprecedented sense of crisis. Even after a full round of strengthening, it still felt the overwhelming pressure brought by the fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side.

Not enough, not enough.

The speed is not enough, the dodge is not enough, the attack is not enough, it is not enough to defeat the opponent, it needs to continue to strengthen.


However, the fire-breathing dragon just flapped its wings and glared, and the terrifying power spread instantly.

The flying mantis, which was moving at high speed, suddenly shook and its speed suddenly dropped.

Scary face.

Until this moment, Xiang Yuxiao finally fully understood how powerful the fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side was.

Even if you let your own Flying Mantis be strengthened for two rounds, it is not enough to defeat it in one fell swoop, so don't think too much about it next, just deal as much damage as you can.

"The lightning flashed back!"

With a sway of his body, the flying mantis reached its maximum speed in an instant, disappeared suddenly, and appeared behind the fire-breathing dragon in the next moment.

The sword flashed and Yan returned.

The fire-breathing dragon holding its hands suddenly turned around and grinned, its body shook, its tail swept across, and the fire exploded.

He actually used the flames on his tail to blast out a large burst of flames, which hit the flying mantis who was caught off guard.

Outstanding effect.

He directly whipped the flying mantis away, and then the fire-breathing dragon just stretched out his hand to grab it. The flames burning on the flying mantis seemed to be grasped by a giant hand.

The temperature rises suddenly.

The flying mantis twisted and screamed in the air.

Xiang Yuxiao was horrified.

I didn't expect that the fire-breathing dragon opposite Di Yan had such strong control over flames.

"Take over!"

Shout out.

Holding the elf ball in his hand high, at the same time, the Flying Mantis shook his body and used his last strength.

A baton was condensed, and when it was about to enter the elf ball, it was handed over to the second elf.

The cross-shaped bat takes up the baton and appears again.

However, when it faced the fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side, even though it was strengthened, it still had no confidence at all.

That kind of flame control is completely beyond the control of an ace level.

If it weren't for the fact that its energy and the power it used were all at the top of the ace, it would really be considered a top elf.

Xiang Yuxiao looked at Di Yan.

All are sophomores.

How did this woman cultivate such an elf?

 More updates! ! I eat some food and play with my son for a while.

  I'll continue in the evening, but I guess I won't be able to finish the writing in the evening. I'll see if I can do it tomorrow morning.

  So don’t wait any longer tonight.

  I really didn’t expect that the Yanzu Sect’s combat effectiveness is so strong. I will try my best to write as many words as possible in the past few days! ! !

  If I make up for it, I will update it next month at the latest. After I get the badge, I will continue to have fun.

  Monthly ticket! !





(End of this chapter)

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