you elf, are you legal

Chapter 357: New Year’s Eve, kiss , wash the fragrance of Lalu, and Chu Xiaoxiao next door "&qu

Chapter 357: New Year’s Eve, kiss (please subscribe), wash the fragrance of Lalu Lasi, Chu Xiaoxiao next door “…”

"I'm coming."

Chen Yuan took back the beep bird and hurried to Chu Xiaoxiao's location.

Seeing Xiaohua looking longingly at the tropical dragon in the breeding house,

She looked like a little girl who was afraid that the elf she saw would be adopted by someone else.

The moment I saw Chen Yuan, it was as if I saw my father finally coming back.

His eyes lit up.

"Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~here here~"

Chen Yuan directly handed over his license, while Chu Xiaoxiao and the shopping guide went to go through the formalities.

Chen Yuan saw that the tropical dragon looked really good and was developing well.

It's just that the shape of the leaves on the body is a bit weird.

"Is there something wrong with this tropical dragon?"

"Yeah." Xiaohua nodded, "It says she can't fly yet."

Chen Yuan nodded slightly.

Then I will come over with the physical examination report of this little tropical dragon.

Oh, my parents are still kings and elves.

Yes, Xiaohua’s vision.

The grass-type talent is pretty good.

It’s just that the flight rating is a bit low.

The flying energy is also a bit lacking, but fortunately it is not zero, so it is not like Yuan Shushu's Vulpix before, which means she has no super talent.

However, generally speaking, with such a level of blood inheritance, there should not be any problems with the offspring, or it may be a special situation.

But Xiaohua didn't seem to care that this little tropical dragon couldn't fly.

It doesn't really matter.

Since Xiaohua wants to train Little Tropical Dragon towards the grass type, then just develop towards the grass type.

Xiaoxiao came back and handed the bank card back to Hua Yuxi.

He shook the application in his hand.

Someone went to bring the little tropical dragon out.

In the reception room, Hua Yuxi and Tropical Dragon finally met.

One person and one elf looked at each other.

It's like they are old friends.

The little tropical dragon shook his neck and a bunch of tropical fruits fell down. He picked them up with his mouth and stuffed them into Hua Yuxi's hand.

Xiaohua giggled and stuffed Tropical Dragon with a cookie made by herself.

"It's this little guy."

Hua Yuxi affirmed.

When Xiaohua chooses an elf, whether it's a little grass or a little hedgehog, she chooses based on her eyesight and never on talent.

On the contrary, this little guy can be said to be ranked among the Xiaohua team, second only to the baby dragon.

Chen Yuan released the little ones. Little Li was the first to rush forward and circled the tropical dragon twice. This little guy, less than two months old, was actually bigger than Xiao Li. The little raccoon was very interested in eating such a large piece. He wagged his tail, stretched his neck, and licked it with his head.

It's not bad to take a sip, the taste is fragrant and sweet, not bad.

The baby dragon over there seems to be a little moved.

He arched his head and leaned forward, imitating the little raccoon, and opened his mouth to stick out his tongue and lick it, but he didn't know why.

The aura of a real dragon leaked out all of a sudden, and two dragon teeth could even be seen.

But, what a scary face.

The little tropical dragon jumped up and immediately hid behind classmate Xiaohua, stretched out its little head and looked at the baby dragon.


Training, trainer, fear.

The appearance of the little tropical dragon made the other little guys laugh, and even Hua Yuxi couldn't help laughing.

But the baby dragon felt aggrieved. She was originally the smallest one in the Huahua team. When she saw a new friend, she originally wanted to go up and say hello.

But unexpectedly, the little tropical dragon ignored her, which broke the little baby dragon's heart.

The little pearls are about to shed.

The little tropical dragon over there seemed to think there was nothing scary about the sister over there.

He carefully pulled his little head out, and then nudged it little by little in front of the baby dragon.

With a shake of his neck, a bunch of small tropical fruits were shaken off and landed in front of Baby Dragon.


Scary sister eats fruit.

Scary sister...

Baby Dragon·Petrochemical.JPG

Di Yan, Yan Wanzhi, and Jiang Xiaoning are all back.

"How about it?"

"Successfully promoted~"

Yan Wanzhi competes with both hands.

With gradual contact, this senior student from the school committee gradually revealed her true nature.

Jiang Xiaoning: "What are your plans for New Year's Eve tonight?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "It used to be there, but now it's gone."

Chen Yuan: "..."

Hua Yuxi: "Eh heh heh? Is it New Year's Eve tonight? So soon?"

Xiaohua marveled, this year passed suddenly, it was really fast.

"Xiaoxiaoxiaoxiao, what were our previous arrangements?"

"How about I make arrangements now."

Yan Wanzhi suggested.

"Okay, okay~"

Qi Yanya jumped out first.

Since the elder sister said so, Chen Yuan naturally agreed.

"Okay~New Year's Eve~"

Hua Yuxi jumped up immediately.

Today is a really good day.

If you adopt a tropical dragon, you can celebrate the New Year together.

Tonight is simply a lucky day for Xiaohua.

The main peak square of worship.

Transformed by elves, it and the surrounding 18 mountains form a sky and sky corridor.

This is a sacrificial square large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Lanterns and colorful decorations were put on, and crowds of people came and went.

Some young people loudly talked about the unprecedented difficulty of today's preselection.

There were uncles singing and laughing, grabbing beer bottles on the roadside and drinking happily.

A young girl lowered her head shyly, holding the fingertips of her sweetheart, following her step by step.

Chen Yuan was different. He had one hand on Hua Yuxi's shoulder and the other hand was holding a bunch of sheep kidneys, one with Xiao Hua.

"Come on, do it~"

The two exchanged kidneys for wine and exchanged skewers.

Taking a big bite, it was sizzling and oily. Xiaohua was so hot that she took two bites, but she still couldn't bear to spit out the mouthful of kidney.

Chen Yuan laughed out loud when he saw Xiaohua opening her little mouth and fanning her hands to cool down the kidneys in her mouth.

Xiaohua swallowed it and closed her eyes to reflect.

Showing a happy expression.


"good to eat!"

"Hahaha, come again~"


Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the tall and short people in front of them, one big and one small, holding up the waist of a sheep. Chen Yuan and Hua Yuxi, who were swaying among the crowd, were speechless. How could such a good girl like Xiaohua be beaten by Chen The source belt has become like this.

The newly bought ethnic costumes also have beautiful feather ornaments on them, which doesn't match the style of Xiaohua's painting where she is carelessly chewing on her waist.

"This flight shooting is good, let's try it?"

Yan Wanzhi pointed at the flying shooting booth nearby and suggested.

Several bobos fly out from the side, and the shooter needs to support the tropical dragon in front of him to shoot the flying leaf blade. The angle needs to be adjusted by the player.

If you can hit the flying Bobo, you will get a point.

Xiaohua became interested as soon as she saw it, and Chu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to be dragged by Huahua to play together.

Looking at his score, which was rising sharply, Chu Xiaoxiao got better and better as he played.

"Let me play with them here for a while." Yan Wanzhi said. "You and Xiaoning go shopping."

Chen Yuan looked at the two children playing on top and was speechless.

Then please leave it to Senior Yan Wanzhi.

Yan Wanzhi looked at the two people leaving and smiled. Although the technique was a bit crude, the effect was good.

Jiang Xiaoning and Chen Yuan walked side by side in the venue.

The surrounding environment was indeed very lively, and Jiang Xiaoning's heart could not calm down at all.

Chen Yuan just mentioned a term.

Fairy energy.

Junior Chen Yuan, are you talking about fairy energy, a brand new attribute?

Chen Yuan smiled slightly.

"Senior, you heard wrong."


"You said it, the fairy type!"


Chen Yuan looked at Jiang Xiaoning's anxious look and suddenly laughed.

"Senior sister, I know that you have been thinking about how to find new topics since last night."

Jiang Xiaoning nodded.

She has indeed been thinking about this matter since last night. After all, since she has decided to go to Chen Yuan to cooperate with him, she naturally needs to make some preparations. All the topics that were previously covered by instructor Di Yunxi cannot be touched. .

It's not that there are any taboos, it's just that Jiang Xiaoning doesn't want to cause any trouble to Chen Yuan's laboratory.

Really make your own way from scratch.

"So, Senior Sister Xiaoning, what topic did you come up with last night?"

Jiang Xiaoning shook his head and smiled bitterly.

A new topic, especially a topic that can make a brand new laboratory based on the entire Chinese research circle, is so good, how can it be thought of overnight.

But that's why Jiang Xiaoning was so excited when she heard what Chen Yuan said about fairy energy. If there was a hot topic, even just a theoretical conjecture would be enough to detonate the entire researcher circle.

At least it can give Chen Yuan's laboratory a firm foothold.

"Junior, it doesn't matter if this is just a common conjecture. As long as this direction is right, then if we continue along the path, we can definitely find a way to break through and even discover this energy."

"Just guessing is not enough." Chen Yuan said.

Then he took out a fairy energy jelly in front of Jiang Xiaoning.

He pinched the smallest one, and a unique energy suddenly burst out. Seeing that the pink aura was about to expand, the little raccoon swallowed the energy jelly in one sip.

Jiang Xiaoning's eyes widened, because she was very close to Chen Yuan, and at the moment when the energy jelly was about to explode, she felt the energy breath on the jelly.

It is really a brand new energy, and it was developed and extracted by Chen Yuan and made into jelly.

"How far has it been applied now?"

Chen Yuan chuckled: "I'm just short of someone who can write a thesis."

He looked at Jiang Xiaoning: "When you come to our laboratory, I guarantee that there will be many things that will surprise you."

"You don't need to worry about the subject matter at all."

Jiang Xiaoning closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

After a long time, she slowly spit it out. She looked at Chen Yuan again and said seriously: "This thing cannot be released all at once, it must be released step by step. Since there is energy, there must be a corresponding spirit. This is the key, otherwise there will be trouble."

Chen Yuan smiled: "Of course."

Jiang Xiaoning nodded slowly: "That's great. I'll start making arrangements as soon as I get back to Beiyu."

After saying this, Jiang Xiaoning suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

The most difficult step in the establishment of a laboratory was easily solved by Chen Yuan.

Looking at the boy next to him who was five or six years younger than himself, Jiang Xiaoning suddenly had the illusion that he was born too early, but fortunately it was not too late to be able to work with Chen Yuan now.

The two of them strolled around the gathering and clicked on their Slowpoke tails.

The kind that's roasted until it's sizzling and oily. Not to mention, this thing is indeed more delicious than kidneys.

I looked at the roasted green onions over there, especially when there were a few ducks watching eagerly.

Chen Yuan twitched his index finger.

I came with two skewers, dipped them in the sauce and shared them with Jiang Xiaoning. I took a big bite and then ate the grilled sizzling Slowpoke tail. It was really enjoyable.

Praise Mother Earth, Praise Arceus.

Sure enough, this world with elves is so wonderful.

When they saw Chu Xiaoxiao and the others, they all had a great time.

Suddenly there was a sound coming from the top of the mountain. I looked at the time and saw that it was less than an hour before New Year's Eve.

Several people climbed the mountain and soon came to a huge square in front of the sacrificial temple.

The best position is because there are several people in the team who are all contestants in this aviation competition.

Looking down at the precious VIP seats, there were two people standing here in the center of the venue.

Elf Battle Exhibition Match.

Both of them are top-notch.

The elves used were only the regular Jiamenbi Diao and King Yan, but these two elves created the aura of divine beasts in his hands.

One elf uses fire and one elf uses water.

Water and fire blended together, and light suddenly appeared in the center of the two elves.

Then it soared into the sky, and blue and red energy exploded in the air, like a fireworks salute.

At the same time, countless salutes roared from the surrounding peaks.

Fireworks fill the sky.

Chen Yuan suddenly sensed something. He subconsciously turned around and saw Chu Xiaoxiao looking at him. He opened his mouth and said something. However, fireworks suddenly exploded in the sky, and blue light and shadow illuminated Chu Xiaoxiao's profile. , and then her words were drowned in the smoke.

"What did you say?"

Chu Xiaoxiao turned around, Chen Yuan scratched his head, and could only continue to look at the fireworks in the sky.

Suddenly his body tightened and someone hugged him tightly.

Just as he was thinking about what was going on, the left side of his face suddenly felt wet, as if he had been kissed. He suddenly turned around and saw Xiaohua.

He was watching the fireworks explosion in the sky with excitement.

It's definitely not Xiaohua, wouldn't that be...

Chen Yuan immediately turned his head to look at Chu Xiaoxiao.

However, Chu Xiaoxiao was also looking at the sky. There was nothing in her arms, and La Lulas was not in her arms.

At this moment, Chen Yuan suddenly found that the feeling of hugging him just now had disappeared, and there was no one behind him. The scene just now seemed like an illusion.

He scratched his head and wondered who was attacking him.

"Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~ Look how big those fireworks are."

Classmate Xiaohua grabbed Chen Yuan’s arm and pointed at the fireworks above.

Chen Yuan leaned over and asked softly: "Do you regret it?"

Xiaohua was startled, then smiled even brighter: "I almost regretted it, but luckily I came."

If Chen Yuan hadn't helped her out at the last moment, how could she have spent this most wonderful year with Chen Yuan, Xiaoxiao, and everyone in Pokémon.

Yes, this year is the most beautiful and the most unforgettable year in Hua Yuxi's life of more than ten years.

Time flies so fast, and good days are always the fastest.


Of course I don't regret it.

Joining the Pokémon Club was the most correct decision Hua Yuxi made in her life.

On that day and at this moment, Hua Yuxi was the luckiest.


Suddenly Xiaoli came over.

Chen Yuan took Xiaoli into his arms.

It was almost time, and the little guys who were playing wildly outside also ran back and returned to their respective trainers.


Lalu Lasi got into Chen Yuan's arms, moved next to Xiaoli, and rubbed hard against him.

Both Chongchong and Xiao Longlong were helpless, but seeing that there was no room in Chen Yuan's arms, they could only lie on his shoulders, holding the tip of their tail and looking up at the last firelight in the sky.

There are a large number of flying elves, roaring and flying in the wind, red, yellow and blue.

Various energies of fire, electricity, and water exploded in the air.

Skills are released for free. This is the carnival of the elves and the trainers, welcoming the arrival of 2025.

On a deserted hillside, with dense woods behind them, Yanbu and Miaobu sat side by side, looking down and up, looking at all this, the world where humans and elves live together.

"Buy bu y~"

How is life in Tianwang Mountain?


very good……

Then why not go back for New Year’s Eve?

Miaobu glanced at Yanbu who knew what he was asking.

He snorted hard.

Although it is lively on Tianwang Mountain, it is only much better than the Honglian Volcano and Yanbu's solitary place, but it is indeed much worse than Chen Yuan's place.

Miaobu looked at the elves on Chen Yuan's side, especially when he saw Little Bubu competing with Little Li for position, he suddenly felt quite emotional.

"Buy bu y~"

No wonder you would rather put yourself in a poke ball than come to this human world.

"Buy bu y~"

In fact, there are many reasons~

Yan Bu swung his tail, looked over at Chen Yuan, and smiled.

If you want to find some interesting people to see the scenery and experience this Blue Star during this long period of time, maybe it would be a good choice to be with Chen Yuan.

"Buy bu y~"

Very straightforward~

"Buy bu y~"

At least it's good to eat, right?

Speaking of Miaomiao, the 15-day appointment is coming soon. After this trip to Xijiang is over, are you going to leave the team and go back to Tianwang Mountain?

When Miaobu heard this, he suddenly trembled, subconsciously looked towards Chen Yuan and swallowed his saliva.

15 days. I originally thought that these 15 days living with humans would be extremely long, but now I didn't expect that most of them had passed in the blink of an eye.

And after staying with Chen Yuan for a long time in the past few days, my taste has become a bit tricky. If I go back to Tianwang Mountain and continue to live the hard life of eating tree fruits and practicing in seclusion...

Miaobu felt a little uncomfortable thinking about it.


I have to go back.

Her natal substitute Yanbu is still a little different. It is far away from the original body. It is so far away that it cannot be separated for too long.

That is to say, Chen Yuan is provided with jelly every day, otherwise, over time, there may really be some trouble.


Fifteen days...

What is the 15-day bet...

Miaobu tilted his head and thought for a while, and finally remembered that he had bet with Yanbu to teach the elves.

She wanted the little fish to defeat the Pipi whale after being taught by him.

But for such a long time, she had only been busy playing with the ugly fish, and she had completely forgotten about teaching the little fish.

"Buy buey?"

Otherwise, the bet... will be postponed for a while?

"Buy bu y~"

Yanbu squinted his eyes.

In other words, you have to admit that you are not as good as me in teaching water elves.

Miaobu jumped up like a fish whose tail was stepped on.

However, before she could retort, she saw Yan Bu wagging his tail and continuing.

"Buy bu y~"

If you give me a nice shout, maybe I will agree to extend it for another half month.

As soon as Miaobu said these words, he fell silent and then instantly moved away from Yanbu, taking two steps.

It's impossible, absolutely impossible, to make her shout nice.

However, at this moment Yanbu suddenly turned to look at Miaobu and grinned. She patted her tail and pulled out a water ball from somewhere. She just threw the water ball back and forth between her tails.

When Miaobu saw the water polo, he was immediately shocked. A moment ago, it looked like it was covered with fish bones, but the next second, she collapsed. She lowered her head listlessly and came to Yanbu.

"Buy bu y~"

Okay, good sister, here, give it to Miaomiao, just delay it for another half month.

Yanbu nodded with satisfaction, put away the water ball, and lightly swept Miaobu's head with his tail.

Since the good Miaomiao has begged her sister like this, she will agree to it.

Miaobu felt refreshed, and now he could finally stay here and eat... and move around freely.

However, Yanbu's next words left Miaobu completely stunned.

"Buy bu y~"

But when Chen Xiaoyuan signed the entrustment breeding agreement with you, it only lasted half a month.

After this half month, even if you stay here, he may not need to feed you.

Miaobu opened his mouth wide.

When he came to his senses, Yan Bu had already walked over to Chen Yuan.

Miaobu gritted his teeth and could only keep up. Looking at Yanbu's unhurried figure, he couldn't help but get angry. This damn guy didn't know where he learned this trick!

But Yan Bu was right, she couldn't just rely on Chen Yuan's side.

Isn't it time to give Chen Yuan some benefits?

A huge explosion of large characters exploded in the air, and the scene suddenly became silent, and all the fireworks and salutes stopped at the same time.

Even the elves who were still enjoying the carnival just now calmed down.

The wind was blowing hard and the sky was bright and clear.

The moonlight is just right.


Several large characters burst into flames, forming a phoenix shape rising into the sky.

Suddenly, waterspouts gathered together and fell from the sky.

One red and one blue complement each other in the sky.

There was an ancient aura coming to my face.

The meaning of Luofeng.


The melodious sound of the bell swayed from the top of the mountain.

Countless fireworks and salutes exploded at random, and the surrounding elves shouted wildly, pouring out their skills and energy and releasing them into the sky.

Welcome the arrival of the new year.

Chen Yuan lay back, then stretched out his hands, grabbed the arms of Hua Yuxi and Chu Xiaoxiao, and brought the two girls down with him. The three of them just lay flat on the grass and watched the excitement. For some reason, at such a noisy moment, they suddenly felt a sense of tranquility frozen in time.


Give it a squeeze~

Yan Bu swept Chen Yuan's head and lay next to him.

In Chen Yuan's arms, there is still a third place after squeezing.

On the way back, Hua Yuxi fell asleep lying on Uncle Bi Diao.

Chen Yuan carefully carried her back to the bed, covered her with a quilt, and tiptoed away. Chu Xiaoxiao, as if afraid that Chen Yuan would touch her, stared at his movements at the door, and Chen Yuan was speechless.

Is he that kind of person?

Return to the room.

Chen Yuan was about to take a nice bath, but Xiaoxiao, as if she was deliberately irritating him, carried little Eevee into the bathroom.

Before entering, he told Chen Yuan not to peek.

Chen Yuan: "..."

Is he that kind of person?

Is it necessary to watch it?


Chu Xiaoxiao is a little self-aware.


At this time, La Lulas ran over and raised her little hands to hug. Chen Yuan smiled and picked up the good baby.

It seems that I haven't washed my hair for a long time.

I originally planned to wash my good baby's hair while taking a bath today.

But the only bathroom in their room was occupied by Chu Xiaoxiao, which made Chen Yuan feel very uncomfortable. He was all sticky after a busy day.

It doesn't matter if I don't sleep this time. How can I not take a shower? It happens to be next door.

Xiaohua was sleeping so soundly, Chen Yuan packed his things and borrowed the bathroom.

But with yesterday's experience, Chen Yuan locked the bathroom door this time, and then took a bath happily.

The good baby sat in Chen Yuan's arms. One of them and the spirit were submerged in the water at the same time. Each had a towel on his head. The steam was steaming. He closed his eyes beautifully at the same time.

La Lulas reached out and hooked two glasses of fruit drinks, and they flew over, with two straws inserted into them.

Chen Yuan and Lalu Lasi took a sip at the same time.

Make a ha sound.

Knew it.

This hot bath paired with No. 15 fruit drink is the pinnacle of life.

Chen Yuan found some information and studied it carefully.

There are indeed a lot of good things that can provide inspiration to Chen Yuan in the pile of things Chu Xiaoxiao brought back. There are many young and old in the top-level cultivation plan. If Chen Yuan can digest it thoroughly, it will be really helpful.

The good baby La Lulas was holding a small towel and sitting in Chen Yuan's arms with her legs crossed in the most comfortable position. At the same time, she took a sip of fruit drink and closed her eyes to meditate.

An hour later, Chen Yuan stretched and La Lulas also ended his meditation.

He took off the small towel and handed it to Chen Yuan.

"Brother rub it~"

A clear girl's voice sounded in Chen Yuan's mind.

Chen Yuan washed the small towel twice with water before wiping Lalu's body.

In fact, the body of a good baby is still very clean even if it has not been bathed for two or three days. It is just that the corners and corners where dust is easy to hide still need to be scrubbed carefully.

This was the first time that Chen Yuan gave Lalu Lasi a bath. At first, the obedient baby was a little uncomfortable with it, but when he thought that it was Chen Yuan's brother, he let go.

Wipe clean carefully.

Then Lalu Lasi took out her special body wash and shampoo and handed them to Chen Yuan.

Washing my hair was a breeze. My green hair was very soft and smooth, which was completely different from when I washed my hair.

But, this hair feels very similar to Yanbu.

After washing the hair, I applied shower gel to Lalu Lusi. Chen Yuan was just about to squeeze a little bit on the bath spray...

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Sister Xiaoxiao doesn’t give bath flowers to others.

Larulus whispered.

"Okay, brother, there's no need to bathe in flowers."

Chen Yuan squeezed a little bit into his hand.

Apply it to your good baby.

Not to mention, my dear baby has really good skin.

No flaws at all.

Lalu Lasi is very obedient, not at all like Yan Bu, who wants a massage if she wants this or that.

Finally, I gave La Lu La silk a fragrant wash.

Maybe she was too tired from taking a bath, so La Lulas fell asleep as soon as she got out of the bathroom.

I went back to the room with my good baby in my arms.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xiaoxiao hasn’t finished washing yet.

This has been almost two hours.

It’s also really good at soaking.

Place Lalu Lasi on the big bed.

But as soon as I put down my good baby, I woke up.

He opened his eyes drowsily and stretched out his little hands for a hug.

Okay, okay, it’s just a four-month-old baby.

Just hold her for a while.

After coaxing for another ten minutes, when Chu Xiaoxiao finally came out with little Eevee in her arms, La Lulas slowly fell asleep.

Chen Yuan covered Lalu Lasi with a quilt and looked back.

Oh, I was almost shocked.

Miss Chu's face was as red as that.

At once……

Very tempting.

The big eyes are watery.

Did this guy fall asleep in a coma?

Little Eevee also fell asleep at this time and was placed together with La Lulas.

Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to finally be unable to bear it any longer.

He rushed over directly.

Gritting his teeth, his voice came out from between his teeth: "Chen! Yuan!"

Chen Yuan had never seen Chu Xiaoxiao look like this.

It was like a person who had suffered a huge grievance but couldn't say it and could only hold back his temper with the people closest to him. Chen Yuan found it funny when he saw it.


"You guy, you still laugh!"

It seemed that Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it any longer and pounced on him, looking like they were going to die together.

Chen Yuan dodged and attacked Miss.

Two dodge.

Missed again!

After missing twice in a row, when Chu Xiaoxiao raised his head again, he was already in tears.

Chen Yuan was stunned, but this time he did not dodge and let Chu Xiaoxiao pounce on him.

He whined and bit his shoulder.

Chen Yuan was immediately confused.

The pain is not very painful, but Chu Xiaoxiao, Miss Chu bites someone, is this not serious?

Everyone knows that yesterday was just an accident.

Chu Xiaoxiao also showed signs of reconciliation during the day.


It seemed like he was really wronged.

Feeling Chu Xiaoxiao's fierce bite, he didn't let go, as if he was venting.

He couldn't see his face clearly, his shoulders were twitching, and he felt so wronged.

At this moment, Chen Yuan was really confused.

What's going on, I don't have a chance to tease Xiaoxiao today.

What's going on...

I went to the small greenhouse and took a shower.

Xiaoxiao is not that kind of person either...


and many more……

bath? !

Give La Lulas a bath?

At this time, Chen Yuan suddenly realized something.

He quickly looked towards La Lulas.

Unexpectedly, La Lulas woke up at some point, secretly opened her eyes, looked at Chen Yuan and her sister Xiaoxiao, stuck out her cute little tongue, patted the little Eevee, and teleported away.

Chen Yuan suddenly realized!

Chen Yuan was sweating profusely.

Chen Yuan was sweating profusely.

"I, I'm not..."

"You also said..."

Chu Xiaoxiao, who had just let go, bit down again.

"Ouch, it hurts!"

According to the fat man’s experience of being beaten (with a small cane whip), as long as the scream is loud enough, a woman can enjoy herself.

So this time, Chen Yuan shouted loudly.

"Keep your voice down! They are all asleep."

Chu Xiaoxiao quickly let go and looked back, only to see that the two cubs on the bed had disappeared.


Before Chu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Chen Yuan grabbed him and hugged him.


Chu Xiaoxiao panicked: "Chen Yuan, what do you want to do?"

"What can I do if I'm alone?"

"Chen Yuan... we are not adults yet. There are still a few days until we are sixteen. When we become adults..."

Chen Yuan was thrown directly on the bed by Chu Xiaoxiao, and looked at Miss Chu in confusion, "Sixteen years old? What will you do next?"

Chu Xiaoxiao realized that she had said the wrong thing in her panic, so she quickly shut up and pulled up the quilt to cover herself.

Chen Yuan laughed.

Sure enough, teasing Xiaoxiao is fun.

He sat directly on the bed and turned it over for Chu Xiaoxiao.

Then two big hands pressed on Chu Xiaoxiao's shoulders.

Relax her tight body.

"I said I didn't mean it."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Haha."

She believed that what happened yesterday was indeed not intentional by Chen Yuan.

But taking a shower today...this...

This is definitely intentional!

Chen Yuan looked at the way Chu Xiaoxiao tilted his head and did not quibble.

Continue to hold her down.

It didn't stop even when it reached the waist.

Chu Xiaoxiao was just shocked and continued to lie down without getting up.

"You get up, I don't need you to press."

Chen Yuan leaned down and whispered in Chu Xiaoxiao's ear: "Sister, is it comfortable for my brother to press it?"

Chu Xiaoxiao turned away and stopped talking.

Chen Yuan looked at Chu Xiaoxiao's red ears and was also very happy.

Look, this is strength.

Isn’t this iceberg melting?

He leaned over again, "Yesterday you pressed it for me, today it's my turn."

"Bah, you stinky scoundrel, you still want to mention yesterday?"

"Ah, yes, yes, it was the day before yesterday."


Chu Xiaoxiao turned her face in another direction.

After Chen Yuan pressed the back, he turned it over for her.

Take a look and sigh.

It's the same whether it's turned over or not.

Chu Xiaoxiao was so mentally sensitive, so she stretched out her hand and grabbed Chen Yuan's ear: "Have a look and you will know, is Xiang Yuxiao better looking or Jiang Xiaoning? Or is Sister Di Yan better looking?"

"Xiaohua is the best in the world." Chen Yuan answered immediately.


Chu Xiaoxiao also seems to know that this is the gap between excellence and heavenly king.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you."

Chen Yuan chuckled, leaned down, and whispered in Chu Xiaoxiao's ear: "Actually, Xiaoxiao is also cute."

"Hahaha, hypocrisy." Chu Xiaoxiao turned away, but looking at the corners of her mouth, she knew that the iceberg had completely melted.

Chen Yuan breathed out.

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly asked: "How many of you have said this before? Are you so skilled?"

Chen Yuan was startled: "I never said that."

"Haha, I don't... um..."

Chen Yuan touched the cheek being kissed. This feeling was very familiar.

Chu Xiaoxiao wiped her mouth, "Chen Yuan, what are you doing!"

"Let me see how it feels. I was kissed through La Lulas that day. Let's see what it feels like to be kissed."


"What am I?"

Chen Yuan smiled and suddenly lowered his head and made a print on the side of her face.

Chu Xiaoxiao was shocked all over.

Pupils dilated in disbelief.

"Sure enough, the feeling of kissing is different, but being kissed is the same. This time, the middleman of Lalu Luzhi made the difference."

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Yuan who was still talking nonsense with his fingers after kissing her.

Gritting his teeth angrily.

"Chen Yuan!! You bastard!!"

Chu Xiaoxiao got up.

Chu Xiaoxiao rushed forward.

Chu Xiaoxiao was subdued by Chen Yuan.

Chu Xiaoxiao was pinned down by Chen Yuan.

The room suddenly became quiet.

There is a January wind howling outside the window.

A faint sound.

Ice crystals and snowflakes fell.


The first snow of 2025.


The two just looked at each other.

Getting closer.

"Mom is still watching."

Chu Xiaoxiao said softly.

"Then I'll ask our mother to stop watching?"


"I'll just take a closer look and don't do anything."

"Chen! Yuan!"

Chu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and pushed Chen Yuan away.

Chen Yuan turned over.

Large font lying on your back on the bed.

Chu Xiaoxiao stood up and sat directly on Chen Yuan's waist.

"Tell me! Did you secretly kiss me that day?"


"Alpaca day! No!"

Chu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth. Chen Yuan asked about the day, not others, which proved that...

Chen Yuan was speechless, why is this woman so sensitive!

"I was giving you medicine, it doesn't count."

Chu Xiaoxiao laughed disdainfully.

Just kiss, don't admit it!

Damn man.

Chu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, suddenly lowered her head and tightened Chen Yuan's collar with one hand, and suddenly leaned down.


Chen Yuan widened his eyes and looked at Chu Xiaoxiao who was just breathing.

The fragrance of the girl just after taking a bath lingered on the tip of her nose.

Above the lips... (omitted)

Chu Xiaoxiao stood up satisfied.

He flipped up his long hair and looked at Chen Yuan.

This is the style a young lady should have.

Chen Yuan came back to his senses, really...

This woman...

Chen Yuan looked at Chu Xiaoxiao's blushing face, but he tried to act nonchalant.

Reach out and pull.

Chu Xiaoxiao let out a low cry and fell down on Chen Yuan. Just as he was about to stand up, Chen Yuan pressed his hair again.

"Choo Choo Choo."

The peeping green cotton bird suddenly flew away with a snicker.

It took a long time before we left.

The two looked at each other.

"You dare to kiss me?"

"If you kiss me, just kiss me. Can the Chu family kill me?"

"But he will make all kinds of unreasonable demands."

"Can you still let me be your son-in-law?"

"My family won't accept it."

"Then I'll elope with you."

"Right on my mind."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Chu Xiaoxiao leaned down and exchanged feelings.

Suddenly his body was shaken three times.

"Can you... be more honest?"

Chen Yuan was embarrassed.

Is this something he can control?

Chu Xiaoxiao frowned, which made her angry.

He reached out and pulled it aside.

But, there was no pulling.

The frown deepened.

She wanted to pull her again, so Chen Yuan quickly grabbed her little hand.

"Don't make trouble."

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at him sideways, "What do you want to do?"

"Just meditate."

"Then make it more honest."

"I try my best."

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and was about to say something: "I told you to be honest, why is it still moving..."

"Forget it, just lie next to me."

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao were lying side by side.

La Lulas suddenly appeared between the two of them.

Small hands held the two of them.

The mental power rippled out, connecting the two people's mental power.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Lalu Lasi who suddenly appeared, with helpless eyes.

Chen Yuan chuckled and quietly gave Lalu a thumbs up.

La Lulas also smiled.

Spiritual power is rippling.


One morning.

Hua Yuxi pushed open the door.

"Xiaoxiao, Chen Yuan, get up and do your morning exercises...Eh????"

 Welfare Chapter~

  Happy holidays to everyone~

  I won’t write in the afternoon. On the last day, I will spend time with my wife and children.

  How is everyone doing in 2023?

  It will be 2024 soon~

  Set a small goal for yourself?

  Or, empty your mind and enjoy the joy of the world~


  The last day!

  The monthly pass will expire next year.

  Just vote~



(End of this chapter)

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