you elf, are you legal

Chapter 358 Mother Chu: Xiaoyuan did well today, let Xiaoxiao reward you tonight

Chapter 358 Mother Chu: Xiaoyuan did well today, let Xiaoxiao reward you tonight ()

In front of Hua Yuxi.

She widened her eyes.

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao were lying on the same bed.


It doesn't matter.

The key is Chen Yuan...

Chen Yuan...

Actually with Chu Xiaoxiao...

Floating? !

Not only Chen Yuan, but also Chu Xiaoxiao was also floating on the bed.

A halo of light, a faint red energy aperture, surrounded the two people.

Spread out, take back, then spread out again.

Over and over again, just like breathing.

"This is……"

Hua Yuxi was stunned.

How is this going?

At this time, Hua Yuxi saw La Lulasi and sat cross-legged between the two of them.


There seemed to be water droplets falling onto the lake surface, causing ripples.

La Lulas slowly opened her eyes.

In her eyes, ruby-like eyes exuded crystal light.

The extraordinary light scattered outside the body quickly converged and then was completely absorbed into the two bodies.

"Oh...fuck you."

Chen Yuan fell directly onto the bed.

Chu Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, exuded a stream of spiritual power, wrapped herself in it, and then slowly fell down.

Hua Yuxi exclaimed, "Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, I want to learn this."

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to have just reacted and discovered Hua Yuxi.

She trembled, like a water Eevee who had stolen fish food. Before she could say anything, Hua Yuxi hugged Chu Xiaoxiao.

"Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, I want to learn this and I can fly."

Chu Xiaoxiao breathed out lightly.

Chen Yuan winked and then went directly to wash up.

It's sticky and unbearable. I have to wash it before doing morning exercises.

New day, new year.

"Good morning, Source."

When she ran down, Di Yan was already doing morning exercises.

This is almost her daily routine.

Tigou is playing with Xiaoli again.

This time the two elves were playing a bigger game.

Let's see who can sprint the longest on this mountain.

The price of failure is falling off the cliff.

If it weren't for Uncle Kuailong watching from the side, these two guys who wanted to die might have been cold for who knows how long.

The first day of the new year.

Mother Chu took her two daughters to the temple to worship.

Originally, Chen Yuan wanted to stay and train Pip Bird and Uncle Bi Diao.

But Chu's mother just asked casually: "How was Xiaoyuan's rest last night? Aren't you going with mother?"


Chen Yuan immediately straightened his posture.

Whatever mom says is what she says.

He, Chen Yuan, just wanted to pay homage today.

It’s not easy for anyone to use.

"The two legendary spirits in the legend of Luo Feng." During the mountain climbing, Chu's mother looked at Jiang Xiaoning and said, "Xiaoning, you have read a lot of ancient documents and books."

"These two elves should be the legendary Lugia and Phoenix King."

"It is said that Lugia controls the power of water, and Ho-oh controls the power of fire..."

"This Lugia and the Phoenix King had a great battle due to their discord, misunderstanding and differences... and then jointly created the Liu Family Secret Realm and the Pillar of the Sky."

Chen Yuan: "..."

How do you feel about this story?

Yan Bu in Chen Yuan's arms swept his tail and curled his lips.

This outrageous story was pieced together from documents dug up by humans.

It's just weird.

And here to worship the boss of Phoenix King and Lugia... This is somewhat outrageous.

Mother Chu smiled slightly, "Yes, the version Xiao Ning mentioned is widely circulated, and it was also circulated by the Liu family."

"However, there are several minor problems that have been discovered in recent years. Since it has been circulated for so long, let's just listen to it as a story."

The group of people had arrived at the worship square on the top of the mountain.

Each person bought two sticks of incense.

Facing the shadow of the twin phoenixes, he closed his eyes and prayed, muttering about his new plan for 2025, praying that the God of Luo and Phoenix could come true.

However, Chen Yuan could not name the God of Luofeng.

People are just weird.

If it were just an illusory "god", Chen Yuan might still be a little in awe.

But this legendary elf pieced together by the Liu family is outrageous, especially when looking at the nondescript statue.

If the guy in Bipbird's body looked at the Liu family and took his name, he would come up with such a weird thing.

I don’t know how I would feel.

Of course, Chen Yuan only lit the incense symbolically.

But what I was thinking about was the alpaca mother.

It seems that Xiaoli will have to sort out his inventory more when he gets back, just in case he really finds it.

By the way, can’t Mother Alpaca look at our handsome young man Chen Yuan?

Why do you like this woman Chu Xiaoxiao? How can he not catch up with this young lady?


The nine o'clock bell rang.

After the Luofeng Sacrifice Square, a long and narrow path appeared.

There is the place leading to the Liu family's secret realm, which is also the Luofeng secret realm.

Starting from tomorrow, all the main matches will be held in the Luofeng Secret Realm.

After the top eight, you can go to the legendary "Luofeng's Pillar of Creation", the Pillar of the Sky.

Chen Yuan was fine at first, but when he heard the Liu family's propaganda, he wanted to see what the relationship between the Pillar of the Sky and Luo Feng was.

A few women started hanging out at the gathering today without anything to do.

Chen Yuan returned to the manor and began to prepare for tomorrow's game.

Because the group stage is a doubles match.

Chen Yuan wants to arrange different tactics for his Bibi Bird and Uncle Bi Diao.

The two elves still lacked some control over the attributes of water and fire, so Chen Yuan hired two experts at a high price to provide temporary make-up lessons for his two-bird combination.

But I didn't expect that whether it was Sister Yanbu or Sister Miaobu, the two Eevees were quite easy to talk to.

Chen Yuan mentioned it almost casually, and they agreed immediately.

Especially Sister Miaobu, the speed of agreeing was beyond Chen Yuan's imagination. He had already prepared a customized balanced fruit meal for Sister Miaobu.

It seems now that we’ll talk about it after returning to Beiyu’s home court.

Soon, the 2024-2025 flight competition schedule will be released.

A total of 128 players entered the main draw.

Smart matching based on group stage performance.

The 128 main draw players were divided into 32 groups, with 4 players in each group competing in "double melee".

Single defeat schedule.

To be honest, this competition system is quite a test of tactical skills. Even if you match up with someone you know well, you may even join forces to target the strongest player in the group stage.

There are many more variables, which of course can make the audience talk about it. After all, in every session, there are dark horses that break out into the knockout rounds.

Of course, if there is absolute strength, like the top few on the top 100 list, they are not afraid to join forces at all.

Top 100 list!

That's right.

The organizers of this year were so crazy that they should have only listed the estimated rankings of the players in the knockout rounds.

However, this time the rankings are directly based on the qualifiers.

This adds a lot of variables to the entire group stage. After all, when the name is placed higher, everyone will know the ranking of each of the four players in the entire group stage.

Naturally, everyone took aim in the doubles melee.

Top 100 list.

No. 1, Lu Ouming, 29 years old.

A local player in Western Xinjiang, a mentor of Luo Feng Academy, a holder of a silver badge, and no less than 20 aces in his hand.

Without exception, all are flying elves.

And most of them have been trained to the peak of aces. According to their strength, this one should have been promoted to the top long ago.

But for some reason, no elves have broken through. Some people think that it is possible that he wants to gather all the flying elves before making the final breakthrough.

The second place on the top 2 list is Shen Bojun, Lord Emperor, 27 years old.

His strength is unknown, but based on his pre-selection performance, he is at a crushing level.

Why is it ranked second?

It's because he, like Lu Ouming, is also the holder of the silver badge.

No one with this badge, even an ace trainer, is weak.

As for the third place, there is some controversy.

The organizing committee for this session actually ranked a little-known college student in the third position, Yan Wanzhi. Apart from people from Beiyu, few people knew this name.

However, looking at the information is shocking, and some people even suspect that the organizing committee has some shady secrets in it.

There were only three elves who signed up for the competition this time, and one of them did not even reach the peak of ace.

I really can't understand how such a trainer can be ranked third among such ace players with so many masters.

What really makes people feel that there is definitely something shady about the organizing committee is that the fourth trainer is actually Ti Yan from the National League. This is really hard to understand.

It's really strange. How could a college student who has never produced an ace flying elf in the national league be ranked 4th among such a trainer with so many top aces? However, the comment given by the organizing committee was, It has a fire-breathing dragon that cannot be underestimated, which is somewhat intriguing.

There are quite a few well-known and famous players in the top 10, but there is one person ranked 10th, Qiu Xuanxuan from Golden Wood Club.

Non-guild trainer.

It looks ordinary, but its attacks are extremely ruthless.

Only one elf was used to clear the six pre-selection rounds.

A dark raven, the pinnacle of ace.

Every time, he beat the opponent to the verge of death.

Without exception.

But precisely because the battle was so clean and tidy, we didn’t see much more.

Therefore, it can only be ranked tenth, but its strength may not be inferior to those in front.

As for Chen Yuan, when he checked his ranking, he was suddenly a little shocked. The dog organizing committee definitely had some shady secrets, and they actually ranked him above 32nd, and even placed him in 18th place.

And just looking at that introduction made Chen Yuan feel a little bit depressed.

This organizing committee is causing trouble, right?

If it were the organizing committee, the person who ranked the list, and the one who got beaten up by him, he wouldn't believe that Qingjiang didn't have a third leg.

Chen Yuan, 15 years old, is a preparatory student at Beiyu University.

Listen to it, just this line of words makes people feel ridiculed when slapped on their face.

Among the row of young men and women in their twenties, there was suddenly a child of fifteen or sixteen years old.

This is not a shady secret of the organizing committee.

And, what’s going on with the following sentence?

"I once made bold claims that the ace has not reached the top level for 5 years. It is all rubbish."

Chen Yuan was immediately stunned.

Did he really say this?

It doesn't matter whether Chen Yuan said this or not. The key is that the words really spread.

Originally, it was only spread among the Luofeng community and the circle of ace trainers in Xijiang, but now the Flying Association and the organizing committee are not afraid of making the situation worse, and directly put Chen Yuan's words in the open.

Now he is only 15 years old and is ranked eighteenth on the top list of this Ace Competition. When such a young man speaks such words, the meaning is a little different.

There was anger and displeasure, and there were many trainers who felt the ridicule.

Such an arrogant boy really made people jump at him and say, "How dare you!"

But many people read this, silently closed the screen, and started training elves.

"If you don't reach the top level, you're all rubbish." This is a prick in the lungs.

Almost everyone who has reached the peak of being an ace wants to step into that field, but there are only a few who have truly reached the top.

The relationship between elites and aces may just be a process of accumulation and there are thresholds, but even if one elf in the team breaks through, you will understand what is going on.

However, it is a complete transition from ace to the top.

A jump in energy and combat power is also a jump in life. This cannot be achieved by ordinary accumulation.

What does this 15-year-old kid know?

But of course when they saw Chen Yuan's resume, these people were silent again.

After becoming a trainer, he obtained a total of nine badges in just three months, and he already had a three-star elite rating.

Moreover, this evaluation was made in the Imperial Capital at the beginning of last month.

According to Chen Yuan's clear preliminaries so far, he even got a Feiyu badge that symbolizes ace combat power... These achievements are enough to show that Chen Yuan can at least pass the evaluation of six-star elites.

What is this concept?

A 15-year-old newcomer who had just become a trainer 4 months ago was able to reach the level of a six-star elite in just 4 months. This is not enough for people like them to survive.

"Is this genius? I love it."

"What if what Chen Yuan said makes sense?"

"There's no point in that!"

"If you think about it from the bottom of your head, is it enough for an ace to reach the top level in five years?"

"He is a little elite trainer, but he knows the best."

There is no way, at least 128 of the 100 players who entered the main round of this flight competition were affected by Chen Yuan's AOE.

The target of public criticism.

After Chen Yuan browsed the community for a while, he couldn't browse anymore. Five of the 10 posts he posted were against him.

But since everyone is an adult and has an identity, it’s quite subtle to say so.

But Chen Yuan couldn't stand the condescending advice.

"Have you ever raised a top elf?"

"Do you know what the top elf looks like? Just say it there."

Chen Yuan was speechless.

Have you never raised a pig or eaten pork?

Chen Yuan rubbed his fingers on the screen and gave several examples.

Qi Yanya, Chu Yanyan, Jun Yusha, and Qiao Beiyi all reached the top level within a few years of graduation.

However, this post was flooded as soon as it was posted, and even his account was banned for saying that it was rhythmic.

"I can also play the rhythm of the King of Heaven. I'm really looking for death. Where's the trumpet?"

"No way, no way, no way. Are you still comparing yourself to the King of Heaven these days? Do you think they are worthy of each other?"

Anyway, he said everything, which made Chen Yuan very angry. Now he finally realized how Qing Jiang felt.

But it’s useless to say more now, tomorrow, haha.

Chen Yuan fed Sister Miaobu, Sister Yanbu and her family a piece of energy jelly.

A fresh customized jelly meal was specially prepared for Bi Diao and his son.

"Hehehe, we will see the results in the group stage tomorrow." Chen Yuan Ah Q said.

However, the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind didn't stop. When Hua Yuxi came back from shopping, the first thing she did was to run over in a panic.

He hugged Chen Yuan's head and tried to comfort him. If Chen Yuan hadn't reacted in time, he would have died of suffocation in Hua Yuxi's great mind.

Chu Xiaoxiao obviously also read some comments in the community.

Looks bad.

Jiang Xiaoning opened her mouth, what did she want to say? After all, that afternoon was also caused by me. If I had used all my strength at that time, there would have been no follow-up to defeating Na Qingjiang.

But Chen Yuan thought about it. He smiled and brought the small pot.

Pour out the juice from the carapace and share a cup with the family.

"Try my No. 15 modification. You guys have been tired for a long day, and this No. 15 can still relieve your fatigue."

"Chen Yuan..."

"Oh, Huahua is fine."

Chen Yuan hugged Xiaohua.

"Tomorrow's competition, my B3 group, will start at : in the morning. We will know by then."

That night, after completing the first round of meditation, Chu Xiaoxiao and Chen Yuan both opened their eyes.

"Uncle Bidiao is stronger, but this competition is a melee between all parties." Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Yuan with a little worry in his eyes: "And looking at the situation of the community today, the competition you participate in tomorrow will definitely become the target of public criticism. , maybe he will be regarded as a thorn in the side by the other three people."

Chen Yuan chuckled, "Are you worried about me?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was startled, then stretched out her little foot and kicked over: "How long has it been, and you are still saying this."

"what is the relationship."

Chen Yuan grinned and grabbed Chu Xiaoxiao's little jiojio.

"You, let go."

"It's not okay to rub my eldest lady's feet."

"No, no, no, hurry up and meditate."

"Hey, why don't you take a break and relax?"

Chen Yuan stretched out his hand to fish it out and hooked Chu Xiaoxiao's other little foot.

White with a little pink, just...

"Press, just press, press well and concentrate."

Chu Xiaoxiao urged, the eldest lady turned away and did not look at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan squinted his eyes and pressed lightly, and the eldest lady suddenly trembled.

Chen Yuan pressed again, and the eldest lady bit her lips.

Chen Yuan seemed to have found a switch.

It turns out that Miss Chu’s weakness lies in the soles of her feet.

No wonder Jiojio became more honest every time he caught her. interesting.

But Chen Yuan also knew what time it was.

Just meditated, just one step away.

Chen Yuan felt like he was about to break through.

Hurry up, it's only in these two days.

Maybe, tonight.


"Okay, okay, I really can't do anything to you."

Chu Xiaoxiao stretched out the other jiao that she had just pressed.

Chen Yuan: "???"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "???"

Chu Xiaoxiao blushed.

Chu Xiaoxiao became angry from shame.

Chu Xiaoxiao kicked him over.

Chu Xiaoxiao was defeated.

Chen Yuan pressed down on Chu Xiaoxiao. If the obedient baby hadn't been watching curiously, he would have really let Chu Xiaoxiao know what it means to have a sinister heart.

After a day of fermentation.

The top 100 list completely ignited the enthusiasm of the audience, especially the few young people in it, which are really eye-catching.

Especially the eighteenth-ranked boy who is the only one under 20 years old in the top list. He should have been in high school. Not only did he get admitted to Beiyu University, he was also admitted to this ace-level trainer. Brilliant on the field.

It really makes people look forward to the performance in the main game.

Luofeng Secret Realm is completely open today.

All trainers above the elite level are eligible to come to Luofeng Secret Realm to watch the competition.

The media swarmed in, like sharks looking for prey.

Di Yan, Yan Wanzhi, and Chen Yuan are all the media's best prey.

As for the first and second... As Brother Chen Yuan said, he is an old man, what happened to the silver badge.

And Chen Yuan, the S-class prey on the media's "must interview" list, has been blocked.

"Hello, classmate Chen Yuan, do you have time to chat?"

Dongfa looked at Chen Yuan with a smile, and the cameraman quickly adjusted his position.

Chen Yuan looked at this beautiful sister and felt a little familiar. Dongfafa, why does she sound so familiar?

But when Chen Yuan saw the microphone in Dongfa's hand, there was a small card with a drawing of a Jigglypuff holding a microphone.

At this time, Chen Yuan immediately realized that Dong Fafa was the popular host of Pang Ding TV.

Chen Yuan immediately showed a decent smile.

Dongfa was in a daze. He was originally going to complain about the fact that he was let go by Chen Yuan during the rookie league interview in Beiyu.

But when I saw Chen Yuan's handsome smile, the little resentment in my heart immediately disappeared.

Forget it, forget it, why should you be angry with a child?

"Classmate Chen Yuan, your outstanding performance in the rookie league is still fresh in my memory. What goals can you share with us in this flying competition this time?"


Chen Yuan: "I don't have any goals, I just want to get a silver badge."

"Badges, you are such an ambitious young man. I said you got nine badges before, was Silver badge, classmate Chen Yuan, did you just say silver badge?"


"As far as I know, if you want to get the White Shadow Badge in this competition, you need to win the double championship of the racing competition and the battle competition. In other words, Chen Yuan, your goal is to win the double championship?"

Speaking of this, Dong Fafa's professional sense of smell made him smell the smell of big news.

Seeing Chen Yuan nodding, he suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Is this boy really so confident?

Seeing Chen Yuan and the others walking away, Dongfa suddenly came back to his senses. He was still taking notes just now, focusing on confirming the question he wanted to ask, the famous saying on the top 100 list, but seeing Chen Yuan walking away, Dongfa came to his senses. The corner of his mouth curled up, he got exclusive big news today.

Chen Yuan directly killed Di Yan.

But not to mention, the Liu family has managed the Luofeng secret realm in a good way. Although it is far from as thorough as the Jun family, the extent of development within a radius of dozens of kilometers is quite impressive, and this time the battle will choose On the battlefield above the high mountain.

As the fourth-ranked top ten player and the seed player in the D1 group, Di Yan indeed received special attention.

The people competing on the same stage are all ace players who have been famous for many years, so how can it be possible for a young man like Di Yan to take the lead?

As soon as the game started, they all pointed their fingers at Ti Yan's elves.

The eagle was just a first-time ace and had no time to dodge, so it was directly taken away by the other elves with one round of skills.

The fire-breathing dragon was not afraid at all, and the flames rippled.

The "Fire Vortex" burned the whole place, and the "Fire Abyss" AOE covered all the elves, roaring to the sky unscrupulously.

This is simply not the power of fire that should appear in an ace-level duel battlefield.

An elf tried to rush out of the whirlpool of flames, but the fire-breathing dragon blocked the way with a "Swallow Return", opened its mouth and sprayed out a "Dragon Breath", knocking it completely into hell.

A true flaming hell.

Five minutes later, the flames in the field subsided, and the fire-breathing dragon flew high into the air, roaring toward the sky.

In the upper arena on the ground, the six elves trembled and trembled, but none of them could escape from the flaming hell.

This is a crushing of strength.

Yan Wanzhi over there also fought easily.

"Teleportation" plus "Swallow Return", the natural bird won easily. In fact, not only the two of them, but also the two silver badge bosses ranked first and second, also won extremely easily. In fact, all the seed players They won, and without exception they all had the last laugh.

Facts speak louder than words, and there is no doubt about the ranking on the Top 100 list.

The half-hour break completely ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.

I really didn’t expect it. It seemed like a shady secret, but the organizing committee did have something.

There is no doubt about the strength of the top 8, especially Di Yan's fire-breathing dragon, which showed absolute dominance.

It's hard to imagine how Ti Yan managed to cultivate such a fire-breathing dragon whose combat power was comparable to the top level. It would be no exaggeration to say that he was half a step to the top level.

As for Yan Wanzhi's natural bird, although it is powerful and can win easily, it still does not reach the half-step top and dominant strength of the fire-breathing dragon. Does it still have a trump card?

After the second round of the group stage is over.

The result once again slapped the face of the so-called experts in the community.

The top 1 list is the top 16 list after all, and the st to th place are all promoted, without exception, all showing their crushing strength.

In fact, at the stage of the group stage, all participating players have at least 1 or 2 ace pinnacles in their hands. However, even so, they are still being pinned to the ground and rubbed by these seed players, and even the siege is difficult to stop.

"There is no shady secret in the Top 100 list."

"There is no doubt about the top 100 list."

"Community experts just stay calm"

Of course, the top celebrities in the community would definitely be dissatisfied.

You were really good in the first two rounds, but that may not be the case from 17th to 32nd.

Especially Chen Yuan, who is ranked 18th. He has only been a trainer for three months, but he knows how to command elves!

Does he have the tactics to face the veteran ace trainer on the other side?

What advantages does he have.

Even if he enters the main competition with a powerful elf cultivated by someone who doesn't know who he is, what does it mean?

Playing doubles in the hands of a serious ace trainer, haha.

They didn't believe that Chen Yuan had a bug-level existence like the fire-breathing dragon in his hands.

Chen Yuan's opponent came out.

Three association trainers.

When several people saw Chen Yuan in the field, their eyes suddenly focused, and then they looked at each other. They were still a little hesitant. If there was a non-association trainer among the three, they would actually kick that non-association trainer out first.

However, although I can't bear to bully the small ones now, my ranking on the top 100 list is right there.

So what if you are young?

Can you say those hurtful words at such a young age?

Several people looked at each other and then looked firmly at Chen Yuan opposite.

In this round, don’t blame the seniors for joining forces.

Chen Yuan stood on the field and looked at the three ace players opposite.

It was originally a 2v2v2v2 melee.

The result is directly 2v6.


Obviously everyone's rankings are about the same.

Why don't you sit down and have a good fight?

Chen Yuan raised his hand and released Beep Bird and Uncle Bi Diao. The two elves immediately looked towards the opposite side as soon as they entered the room.

There are six elves: Big-billed Gull, Gyarados, King Swallow, Crossed Bat, and Charizard.

As soon as they were put into the field, they looked neatly at Bi Diao and his son, and the intention was obvious.

It’s really going to be a gang fight.

"Chen Yuan, come on~"

"Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~Come on~"

Several flying mounts on the side of the field, Liu sisters, cheered loudly for Chen Yuan.

At the same time, Xiaohua, Yan Wanzhi and Jiang Xiaoning were also riding on Gyarados, waving to Chen Yuan.

Chu Xiaoxiao and La Lulash were flying in the air and looking down at Chen Yuan, and Chen Yuan immediately saw this woman in the crowd.

"Want to win."


Chen Yuan looked towards the court, and the referee's right hand fell heavily.

At this moment when the game started, the big-billed gull suddenly flapped its wings. There were dark clouds above the field and began to pray for rain. At the same time, the fire-breathing dragon over there also looked up to the sky and roared.

A large burst of flames shot into the air, immediately turning on the sunny mode

Both trainers were stunned. They didn't expect that both sides would use weather skills to take control of the situation at the beginning.

At this time, the "Sunny Sky" and "Pray for Rain" in the sky each took one side, and with the center of the field as the dividing line, half was misty and half rainy, and half was clear.

Chen Yuan was immediately happy.

I originally learned the weather skill yesterday, but I was worried that Uncle Diao and Pipbird were not very proficient in mastering it, so it would be troublesome to use it first.

But at this time, the opponent directly releases these two weather skills at the beginning, so don't blame him for taking over.

At this time, the two ace trainers seemed to have reached a tacit understanding.

Charizard stopped controlling "Sunny Day", and at this moment, the Great-billed Gull suddenly flapped its wings, trying to cover the whole place with "Pray for Rain", but at this moment.

The sunny area did not decrease but increased, and suddenly the sun shone brightly. Even if the big watergull on the opposite side released its full force and prayed for rain, it would only make the weather in the venue 50-50 better.

At this time, Uncle Bi Diao had also controlled the weather, but the big-billed gull opposite was a professional after all, so he still couldn't hold on for too long, but this time was still enough.

Chen Yuan folded his arms and looked up.

After all, the mental power teleportation is still a little bit behind, but it doesn't matter.

The tactics that should be deployed were almost laid out yesterday.

Next, let’s see how Bi Diao and his son can play freely.

Bibi Bird and Bi Diao looked at each other. Suddenly, the wind blew, and then flames and water flowed around them.

Not enough, not enough, especially for Pip-Bit.

He only has the energy to reach the ace level for the first time. If it stops there, then his end will be no better than Ti Yan's Bi Diao. At most, he will just persist for a few more rounds.

However, before the game, Chen Yuan had already arranged tactics for Bibi Bird, which was to explode with all his strength. As long as he could keep up with Uncle Bi Diao's rhythm, it was enough, so next...

The beep bird chirped, and the energy jelly in his body exploded. Water energy and flight energy surged crazily in his body.

At this moment, a certain consciousness sleeping in his body seemed to be activated by this violent energy.

As if opening his eyes quietly, his aura emanated.

The flowing water swirled around him, surging around him, and then formed a real "phoenix shadow".

No, it is a shadow of Lugia, the overlord of the ocean.

At the same time, the flames on Uncle Bi Diao also condensed and took shape.

At this moment, he remembered the colorful feather he saw in the Weibai Secret Realm when he was a child.

In his heart, that kind of existence is truly worthy of the title of Phoenix King.

The flames spread throughout his body unconsciously.

Then a real ray of phoenix spirit burst out from his body, and the sacred fire that had been sleeping for a long time was finally ignited by Uncle Bi Diao at this moment.

As if echoing each other from afar, the swirling water on the Bird's body and the hot wind on the Bird's body rose into the sky at the same time.

The two elves turned into red and blue streams of light and rushed towards the opposite side.

The heavy rain was absorbed by the swirling water and transformed into its energy, greatly increasing its power.

Uncle Bi Diao absorbed the meaning of the sun, making the flames on his body even hotter.

At this moment, both the three trainers on the opposite side and the six elves present were stunned.

What's happening here? This kind of momentum and pressure is simply not what an ace-level elf can possess.

At this time, the referee presiding over the game and the Liu family members in the audience were all shocked.

Especially the two Liu sisters, who were sitting on their respective flying elves, looked at each other.

This scene is so familiar that it couldn't be more familiar. Just the night before yesterday, it was performed there during the New Year's Eve.

So familiar.

Every year the sacrifices are held on New Year's Eve.

That Feng and Luo Zhiying...their clan uncle had been rehearsing the performance for an unknown amount of time.

It was actually learned by Chen Yuan's two elves, and judging from their proficiency, Feng Ying and Luo Ying were like a natural match.

Although there is still some gap between it and their real Luo Feng Dance, the charm is very much the same.

This is Chen Yuan.

Genius trainer.

At this time, the two sisters of the Liu family looked at each other, thinking of the feeling they had vaguely felt in Chen Yuan before.

Sure enough, the boy who felt right was the one who could open the core of the Pillar of the Sky.

I have to say that the noise caused by Chen Yuan was indeed big enough.

All 8 games were broadcast, but just when Bibi Bird and Uncle Bi Diao suddenly burst out with the Luofeng Dance and blasted towards the opposite side, directly killing the 6 elves.

Almost all the media turned around and surrounded the B3 group competition venue.

And at this time.

Liu Yunzhi, the head of the Liu family in the VIP viewing seat, looked at the two elves in the field below, Bibi Bird and Bi Diao, and was stunned by the aura emanating from them, and his expression changed again and again.

Liu Yunzhi, who was so familiar with the real core secrets of the Liu family, could naturally feel the difference in the auras of Bibi Bird and Bi Diao.

She immediately recognized that it was definitely the aura of Lugia and the meaning of the Phoenix.

What happened to this boy and these two elves?

How come they have the inheritance of the legendary god of the Liu family?

How could this inheritance be left in the hands of such an outsider...

Just as she was thinking this and her eyes flickering,

Beside her, Mother Chu coughed lightly, picked up the tea in her hand, took a sip, but frowned slightly, as if she was not satisfied with the tea in her hand.

She asked Xiang Yuxiao on the side to bring her a glass of No. 15 fruit drink that Chen Yuan prepared for her, took a sip, and then nodded with satisfaction.

She looked at the two elves in the center of the field, especially when she saw Chen Yuan, who was looking at him with his arms folded, smiling and looking so confident, and she was very satisfied.

"Master Liu, what do you think of my little Yuan?"

"Your Xiaoyuan?"

Liu Yunzhi was stunned at first, and then immediately understood what Chu's mother meant.

She wants to say that this young man Chen Yuan is from her Chu family, so she doesn’t want her to have any thoughts on her side?

Haha, very domineering! This woman!

Liu Yunzhi gritted her teeth and felt unhappy, but in front of Chu's mother, she could only hold back her emotions.

"Is he someone that your daughter likes? No wonder he has such a powerful elf at such a young age. It turns out that he is backed by the Chu family."

Mother Chu smiled and said nothing, Xiao Yuan was already good enough.

Sometimes hiding one's clumsiness properly is also a kind of protection for the child Xiaoyuan.

Seeing Mother Chu's attitude, Liu Yunzhi smiled bitterly.

All the thoughts I had just now were restrained.

Although the Liu family is powerful and dominates the western border, it is also one of the top ten families in China. However, compared to the Chu family, which has the complete inheritance of "Spiritual Power", it is still far behind in terms of top-level combat power. Some.

At the top of the Chinese pyramid, where strength equals the right to speak, Liu Yunzhi is still unwilling to offend the Chu family for such trivial matters.

Especially the king of the Chu family in front of him.

If the Liu family has the final inheritance of [Super Speed]...

Damn it, if only then...

However, the two elves in the hands of young Chen Yuan still cannot be given up easily.

Holding the inheritance of the two legendary elves of the Liu family, she must dig out what is going on.

But when she looked at Chen Yuan in the field, she could easily kill the opponent with just two elves, completely crushing the six elves to the ground and rubbing them together, and she suddenly felt a strange feeling.

This Chen Yuan was recommended by his two daughters a week ago.

If we had made good friends with him at that time, there might be opportunities for further cooperation.

And now...

There is no chance now. If Chen Yuan takes the initiative to give up the two elves to the Liu family, then the Chu family will not say anything.

When it comes to resources, the Liu family is not much worse than the Chu family. When it comes to the beauty of their daughters, Liu Yunzhi is even more satisfied that they are twins. Don't little boys like this kind of style?

And it's not like there is a saying that female juniors hold gold nuggets. If Chen Yuan performs well, the Liu family may not be able to form a closer relationship with Chen Yuan.

Since a little orphan can take refuge in the Chu family, he may not be able to take refuge in the Liu family.

If the Chu family could make him reach this point, then the Liu family might not be able to make him soar to the sky.

Now thinking about the words of Xueru and the two of them, this young man may not be the best opportunity.

But if you really absorb him as one of your own, you can give him a chance to participate.

The situation in the field was finally settled, and the two elves who used the legendary power exploded with all their strength. Under the dance of Luo Feng, there was no way they could compete with the six elves on the opposite side.

With just one combined blow, any elf can be knocked to the ground, and another "Swallow Return" will render it incapable of fighting, without exception.

The six elves only charged for more than ten rounds. In just three to five minutes, only Bibi Bird and Uncle Beagle were left in the field.

And there were already 6 dying elves piled at their feet.

Mother Chu looked at Liu Yunzhi beside her, whose eyes were flashing as if she was thinking, and she just smiled.

Now that Chen Yuan's game was over, she had no intention of staying with him to watch the game any longer.

He took Xiang Yuxiao and stood up to leave.

Everyone in the Liu family sent him out respectfully.

In the players' private lounge, Chu's mother saw Chen Yuan returning victoriously, and immediately rushed over with her little hands raised, kneading him into her arms, and patted his head fiercely.

At this time, Chu's mother completely lost her cold and dignified appearance at the VIP table. Instead, she laughed out loud, showing the attitude of a little daughter, and like a proud mother looking at her son who had returned from victory.

With eyes full of surprise, he rushed forward and hugged Chen Yuan fiercely without any hesitation.

"Not bad, Xiaoyuan did well today. Let Xiaoxiao reward you tonight."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "???"

Chen Yuan: "..."

Mom, I can't breathe! ! !

 Before you know it, ten thousand is four hundred more, hehe



(End of this chapter)

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