you elf, are you legal

Chapter 359 Xiaoli’s illegal evolution? This is amazing speed!

Chapter 359 Xiaoli’s illegal evolution? (Please subscribe for more updates) This is amazing speed!

What does it mean to ask Chu Xiaoxiao to reward him severely?

How did you say this? It’s misunderstood. Besides, Xiaoxiao, why are you blushing!

The secret realm of the Liu family is very large. In order to allow the players to rest at ease and to facilitate the training of the trainers, the organizing committee has provided a quite quiet and comfortable rest environment for the trainers in this secret realm.

Mother Chu's status was special, so the Liu family received her grandly and naturally arranged the best accommodation for her.

Chen Yuan also followed suit. Xiao Li and Di Gou were finally able to charge freely in the wilderness without having to crowd into the small mountaintop garden.

Chen Yuan originally had a lot of interviews that needed to be made to the outside world, but because he had to follow the advice of King Chu Tian to receive rewards from Chu Xiaoxiao, so the interview-related matters were left to Xiaohua, a student in the same club, to do it for him. Of course, in order to prevent being influenced by some bad media, Xiang Yuxiao also stayed.

Don't mention it, Xiang Yuxiao is there, so you can rest assured.

Chen Yuan found Chu Xiaoxiao.

"What are you looking for me for?"

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at him coldly, but Chen Yuan smiled.

"I heard there is a reward."

"No, no, let's go." Chu Xiaoxiao tried to drive them away, but Chen Yuan was so thick-skinned that he just stepped forward and said, "Our mother said there was a reward."

Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't do anything with this guy.

"You wait."

Under Chen Yuan's somewhat surprised gaze, Chu Xiaoxiao dug out a gift box from her bag and handed it to Chen Yuan.

"New, New Year's gift."

Chu Xiaoxiao said.

Chen Yuan was startled and suddenly moved.

"You don't have to give me a gift in return, and you don't have to feel uneasy."

Chu Xiaoxiao said again.

Chen Yuan grinned and accepted it without any pretense.

"open to take a look?"

"Look, you must see it. This is my first time receiving a gift from a girl."

With that said, Chen Yuan opened the gift directly.

I saw a flame stone lying quietly in the gift box. Chen Yuan was stunned. This... flame stone!

It turned out to be the flame stone. On that day, he had a misunderstanding with Chu Xiaoxiao because of what he said about the flame stone. As a result, he was ignored by Chu Xiaoxiao for a whole day.

Chen Yuan, on the other hand, never expected that Chu Xiaoxiao had actually kept his words in mind at that time and silently chose a flame stone for him.

"On that day, when I pre-selected?"

Seeing Chu Xiaoxiao nodding slightly, Chen Yuan took a deep breath.

"I told you not to think too much. This is for Xiaoli, not you."

Okay, I told you to stop being pretentious, but this is no longer pretentious.

Chen Yuan took out the flame stone and looked at it carefully in the sunshine. The quality was really good, and it looked like a high-end product.

If the quality of the flame stone is divided into three levels: junior high, middle and high, then this flame stone is of the highest quality at first glance.

The price starts at least seven figures.

Now I really have to hug the rich lady’s thigh tightly.

He called back the little raccoon boy who was playing wildly outside, along with Tigou, who happened to have some experience.

When he saw the flame stone, Tigou immediately became interested.

He sniffed through it, then raised his head with bright eyes.


This quality and the smell of flames smell good!

It is enough to evolve those kadi dogs with good talents. If this is used for Xiaoli...

Hey, wait.

At this time, Tigou suddenly reacted.

Look at Chen Yuan, and then look at Xiaoli. Is this thing supposed to be used by Xiaoli?

I've never heard of using flame stones for snake bears.

Chen Yuan chuckled, the key point is that no snake bear has awakened the bloodline of the Wind Speed ​​Dog.

It was just an attempt anyway.

At most, it will cost you a piece of flame stone.

But what if it succeeds.

Xiao Li also became interested at this time, and circled around the flame stone a few times. As a result, the more he circled, the more novel it became, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

The power on that flame stone seemed to be able to arouse the fire in his heart, and his whole body seemed to be boiling with blood.

Seeing Xiaoli like this, Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao looked at each other, and then nodded in unison.

Chen Yuan took out the flame stone and handed it to the little guy.

The little raccoon nose sniffed and waggled its tail, and the laughter flowed out.


Chen Yuan Chen Yuan ~ Can I eat this?

Chen Yuan also laughed. The little guy is indeed a glutton. Why does he want to eat everything?

Generally speaking.

Ordinary Eevee or Kati dogs only need their body to be in contact with the flame stone to evolve, but in this case...

Try it first.

No matter what, Chen Yuan first put the flame stone on Xiaoli and found that there was no big reaction.

Then he asked Xiaoli to hold the flame stone like a warm baby, but Xiaoli could still only vaguely feel the meaning of the flames. The flame stone was indeed like a warm baby and had no other use.

Could it be that the flame stone really has no effect on elves like Xiaoli?

It is true that ordinary elves cannot absorb or sense the huge energy in the flame stone, but what if they really eat it like Xiaoli said?

But even for ordinary elves, eating the flame stone will not have much effect. At most, it will be no more than eating a tree fruit.

Even because the flame stone is more complex and the energy is more difficult to control, it can cause indigestion.

Alas, Chen Yuan suddenly felt like this.

What Xiaoli just said makes sense, eat it.

Ordinary elves have indigestion, but that doesn't mean that gluttons like Xiaoli can't digest it, and the power of the wind speed dog in his body has also been developed quite well, so it will be useful in case it happens.

With this thought in mind, he looked at Xiaoli.

And Xiaoli seemed to have figured out Chen Yuan's intention. He really wanted to eat it. He licked his lips and his eyes were bright, and he was drooling looking at the flame stone.

This flame stone felt a bit like the red lotus jelly to him.

Taste, taste.

The little raccoon squeaked and ate the flame stone directly in one bite.

At this moment, Xiaoli suddenly felt that the energy in his body that should belong to the wind speed dog was suddenly activated by the flame stone at this moment and suddenly burst out.

The white evolutionary light completely enveloped Xiaoli's body.

This change made Tigou on the side widen his eyes. No, this snake bear can evolve by eating flame stones?

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao were also caught off guard. Even Chen Yuan never expected that Xiaoli could make such a move after eating a flame stone.


At some point, Yanbu and Miaobu came to Xiaoli and looked at him.

Is this the light of evolution?

Is Xiaoli going to evolve?

But something is wrong!

What is the energy of this flame?

Yan Bu glanced at Chen Yuan, and Chen Yuan quickly told Yan Bu about the little raccoon eating the flame stone.

Yan Bu was stunned.


Can a little raccoon evolve after eating a flame stone?


This is not evolution.

At this time, even Ti Gou could see it.

If it was a normal evolution, it should be completed quickly.

But how long has it been since Xiaoli?

It's been three to five minutes, right?

Whose light of evolution takes so long?

After all, Chu Xiaoxiao was worried, and her mental power surged directly over.

Chen Yuan immediately reached out and grabbed Chu Xiaoxiao.

He whispered: "Together."

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at Chen Yuan and nodded slightly.

I was going to take Chen Yuan to spread the spirit out and carefully check the specific situation inside Xiaoli's body.

But at this moment.

The light of evolution suddenly flourished, and then all of it converged into Xiaoli's body.

The figure of Xiaoli was revealed.

Chen Yuan quickly let go of Chu Xiaoxiao, ran over, and picked up Xiaoli.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "..."

"Little raccoon!"


Xiaoli wagged his tail and looked at Chen Yuan, nuzzling him affectionately in his arms.

Chen Yuan Chen Yuan.

"How do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"


It feels good~


Xiaoli, your body color!

Tigou was surprised.

At this time, Chen Yuan also discovered that Xiaoli's body color was slightly different from before.

The previous Xiaoli was a faded version of the ordinary snake bear, with a slightly lighter color.

But now the little raccoon has a healthier body color, and even has the unique orange-red and black feeling of the wind speed dog.

It's kind of like...

The orange snake-print bear...isn't this the heterochromatic glittering snake-print bear?

However, it is still a little different from ordinary snake-print bears with different colors and flashes. The main reason is that there are some black stripes in this body color.

If you take a closer look, hey, it's really similar to the pattern on the dog next to it.

This also gave the cute little bear a little bit of majesty.

"Buy bu y~"

Xiaoli, come here, let me take a look.


Here comes~

When Xiaoli heard that it was Sister Yanbu calling him, he immediately ran over.

Yanbu's tail swept across Xiaoli's body.

The situation inside the body is clear at a glance.

At this time, Chen Yuan's eyes also fell on Yan Bu.

"Sister Yanbu..."

"Buy bu y~"

Very good~

Yanbu wagged his tail and looked at the little raccoon with great interest.

This is also the first time in her long life that she has met such an interesting little guy.

He actually awakened the wind speed dog bloodline.

And it's the kind of complete awakening.

The current Xiaoli feels like a katy dog ​​with a snake pattern and a bear shape that has evolved into a wind speed dog.

That's right.

It's the wind speed dog.

Not a katy dog.

It is a truly evolved wind speed dog.

This is a bit interesting.

Chen Yuan heard what Yan Bu said.

Really ruined the fun.

According to Chu Xiaoxiao, this guy’s teeth are going to fall off laughing.

"Xiao Li, test your speed."

Chen Yuan said.

Xiaoli understood it as soon as he heard it.


The skill that this little raccoon has been thinking about.

Now, after truly developing the bloodline of the Wind Speed ​​Dog, the first thing to do is to try this divine speed.


Tigou's eyes lit up at this time.

I heard Sister Yanbu and Boss Chen Yuan talking about Xiaoli before.

He said that Xiaoli had the genetic bloodline of Fengsu Dog, so there would be no problem.

Now, this bloodline has really awakened!

Seeing that Xiaoli was about to experiment with "Super Speed", Tigou also directly came over.


Together together~

Tigou wagged his tail.

Xiaoli nodded when he saw Digou's appearance.

For the first time in so long, he felt like he no longer looked up to Ti Gou.


Xiaoli's eyes were serious.

This time, the two of them will race!


Chen Yuan raised his right hand high and dropped it heavily.


Xiao Li turned on the electric light and rushed out.

This is Xiaoli's normal extreme speed, directly using slamming and lightning flash.

He even vaguely used the raid he had learned with the big wolfdog in the past two days.

In the past, this was almost Xiaoli's limit.

but now.

Xiaoli still felt at ease.

It seems it can be faster.


At this time, there seemed to be a kind of energy in Xiaoli's body, which was suddenly used.

The flame stone not only activated Xiaoli's wind speed dog bloodline.

It also completely changed his genetic nature.

Although the light of evolution did not change Xiaoli's body shape, it only made some changes in Xiaoli's body color.

However, it is the light of evolution after all.

It is the world of elves, and Arceus has given the elves the most magical "light".

Little Li took a bath in it for a full five or six minutes.

It can be said that from the inside out, it is no longer an ordinary snake bear.

Originally, the skills, attributes, and characteristics cultivated by Chen Yuan were not very legal.

But now, Xiaoli's current racial quality has a faint tendency to be on par with Fengsu Gou.

That's right.

Yan Bu said that Feng Su Dog's bloodline was completely awakened.

In fact, what we are talking about also includes this racial quality.

On the surface, it looks like a bear with snake pattern, but in reality, it is equipped with a wind speed dog!

But no matter how you reduce the configuration, the speed is still at the level of a wind speed dog~

Elite peak.

Explode with all your strength!


Suddenly, Xiaoli's speed suddenly exceeded the limit.

That was completely beyond the speed of a flash of lightning.

Yes, "super fast"!

at last.

In this Luofeng secret realm.

Xiaoli has completely mastered "Super Speed"!

In the wilderness.

One tall figure and one short figure turned into two red lightning bolts, racing at extremely high speeds.

After a lap, Xiaoli felt refreshed.


So cool, so cool~

The little guy slipped into Chen Yuan's arms.


Xiaoli finally learned how to be fast.

It's just that compared to Tigou, Xiaoli's speed proficiency is still a lot lower, but even so, Xiaoli's speed has made a qualitative leap.

Not only that.

At the moment when he learned the magic speed, all the cells and muscles in Xiaoli's body seemed to be activated, and there were faint signs of breaking through.

Just a little bit.

But even so, Chen Yuan was very satisfied.

If combined with the speed, ordinary ace elves can also be touched.

Xiaoli just had a great time here.

Not enough.

Chen Yuan asked Xiao Li and Di Gou to go out and have fun together.

Tomorrow is the racing preliminaries,

Chen Yuan rode a beep bird and was familiar with the terrain.

Along the way, I met many trainers who came here to visit.

Chen Yuan just quietly rode the Peep Bird and mingled with a bunch of elite training families.

no way.

Now Chen Yuan is famous.

At least he is famous in the circle of trainers in Western Xinjiang.

The main group stage is all over.

As those community experts said, starting from the third round of the group stage, the top 100 seed players suffered a heavy blow.

Almost half of the seeded players were pulled down together.

However, there was one person who made it into the knockout round with a crushing attitude even though everyone was not optimistic about it.

That's right, it's Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan=traffic, now the media knows it completely.

In just half a day, Chen Yuan and his elves have reached the top of the popularity list in the community.

The video of this match has been leaked.

The double phoenix combination of Bi Diao and Bi Bi Bird is really pleasing to the eye.

But there is no trainer in this western border who doesn't know the twins of water and fire.

This is the grand finale of the Luofeng sacrifice every year, and now it has been perfectly recreated by Chen Yuan.

There is a saying that many people even think that Chen Yuan's replica has a better taste.

Press 6 elves of the same level on the ground and rub them.

Both the visual effects and the tactical effects are truly superb.

It's hard to imagine that there are still people saying that Chen Yuan doesn't know tactics. This is called not knowing tactics. So what are tactics?

The top 100 list was completely updated at noon, and Chen Yuan’s ranking rose again.

It has jumped from 18th place to th place, and is only one short of being among the top ten.

This ranking is somewhat overestimated for a 15-year-old boy, but so what?

Today Chen Yuan gave them a unique and wonderful performance.

Chen Yuan’s fans are much older now.

Not only that, Chen Yuan’s matter was also directly reported back to his own community by Beiyu University students who came here to play.

Then Chen Yuan folded his arms and looked up at the ace-level competition arena, watching his own elves, water and fire clashing, and the dance of the two phoenixes.

With a calm expression and a smile on his lips, his handsome appearance as if he had everything under control stunned everyone.

Speaking of which, Chen Yuan is a famous person in the Beiyu community.

Especially the kind that wants to be famous among new trainers and elite trainers.

But in their minds, Chen Yuan was still the rookie trainer who commanded the elite snake bear battle in the rookie league.

Those who pay attention to the exchanges between the eight schools may know better. Chen Yuan turned the tide in the exchanges between the eight schools in the imperial capital. His performance is really impressive.

But it's only at the level of elite trainers.

But it was only a short month.

Why was it that in just one month, Chen Yuan was able to shine in this ace trainer's competition field? !

Could it be that it's getting violent?

Is this not 2025 but 2026 or 2027?

"Brother Yuan, Yuanshen! You are so awesome!"

Yanagawa directly Aite Chenyuan in the group.

Shanquan uploaded the video of Chen Yuan's group match battle into the group file, and posted @江林 on the top of the list to make an announcement.

This is simply outrageous!

Obviously a few months ago, everyone was still holding hands, chatting and bragging together, and watching the National League together.

And now this guy Chen Yuan has actually been able to shine in an ace-level competition comparable to the National League.

And the flying feast held every three years, to be precise, may be almost as valuable as the National League Championship.

It's even harder.

Seeing that Chen Yuan was not outed by Aite, everyone may have realized that Chen Yuan's side had just finished the game and might still be a little busy.

Then he thought of the other Pokémon duo.

The three of them must have been working together for so long, and Hua Yuxi and Chu Xiaoxiao must be in Western Xinjiang.

Fei Xue @花宇祇 and Chu Xiaoxiao: "Huahua, Xiaoxiao, are you still in a hurry to fly to Xijiang now?"

Hua Yuxi took a break from her busy schedule and was checking her cell phone just after the interview: "Chen Yuan will play in the knockout round tomorrow. If he wins the championship, it should be about three days away, so it's probably enough time." Everyone in the group immediately became excited when Xiaohua said this. They clamored to come to Xijiang to cheer for Chen Yuan.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "To be honest, elites are required to be eligible to watch the games here."

As soon as Chu Xiaoxiao said these words, the crowd suddenly burst into mourning.

I feel so uncomfortable.

Is it really a high-end event?

Are only the elites eligible to watch the game? !

Damn it! Doesn't this mean that not only are they severely left behind by Chen Yuan's trio, they are not even qualified to cheer for them!

The small group in Class Three suddenly became quiet.

Yanagawa: "I'm going to start special training! Starting today."

Shanquan: "I also want special training! I don't want to wait until Chen Yuan participates in the Blue Star Elf Competition, and I can only hold my Zlatan Ibrahimovic and watch him compete on TV."

Sha Huarong: "Take me one!"

Fei Xue: "I just contacted the secretary, senior sister, and she said that Chen Yuan will participate in the racing competition tomorrow. There is an offline live exchange meeting at Yuda. Who will come?"

Yanagawa: "Me, me, me!"

Shanquan: "Me, me, me!"

Feixue: "Don't you want special training?"

Shanquan: "Watching Mr. Chen Yuan compete is part of the special training."

Yanagawa: "What Shanquan said makes sense."

Sha Huarong: "Take me one!"

Chen Yuan: "Thank you everyone for supporting me. When I win the double crown, I will treat everyone to delicious food when I go back."

Chen Yuan suddenly appeared and silenced the group again.

Then, squad leader Jiang Lin took the lead:

"Praise the Source God!"

"Praise the Source God!"

"Praise the Source God!"

Chen Yuan, who had just finished site exploration, was riding on the back of Pip Bird and looking at his mobile phone.

Knew it.

The friends from Class 3 are the best.

"Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~here here~"

Chen Yuan, who was flying back, was suddenly called by his name.

From a distance, I saw two giant king swallows rushing towards me at great speed.

The two Liu Fengru sisters have really good eyes.

I saw Chen Yuan all the way away.

The two Pikachu also controlled the electric device to change direction.

Not to mention, this flying device looks pretty good.

It's just that this thing is different from the public version I saw at the training ground over there.

"Are you looking at my Pikachu's electric flying device?"

Liu Fengru smiled and said: "The two of us entrusted the family laboratory to customize it."

"Did the family do it?" Chen Yuan was confused.

"Hey, it's family~"

Liu Xueru took over the conversation: "It seems that Chen Yuan, you have seen such a device in the store. In fact, those stores are my family's property~"

Chen Yuan can only say that they are indeed the Liu family!

A big flying family.

"Do you have a device at home that can allow fire elves to fly into the sky?"

"Ah, it doesn't seem to be there yet~ But the laboratory can't say for sure. When we get back, we can help you take a look~"

"Hey, thank you very much, Sister Xueru~"

"Don't ask me to be too intimate, otherwise Feng Ru will get jealous~"

"Hey, what nonsense are you talking about in front of Chen Yuan!"

The three of them talked and laughed and finally separated outside the manor.

"Well, Chen Yuan, see you in the game tomorrow~"

After saying goodbye to the two sisters of the Liu family, Chen Yuan returned to the manor, but he felt that his stupid bird was a little moody.

"what happened?"

Beepbird was depressed for a while, and then suddenly said.

"Beep beep~"

Boss Chen Yuan, I want to have a fight with Xiaoli.

Chen Yuan was surprised.

What's going on here.

The two elves had a good relationship, and they usually fought a lot. What happened today?

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly understood.

Xiaoli learned so quickly that it immediately gave Pipbird a sense of crisis.

Ever since Bipbird became the ace, he has been at the pinnacle of Chen Yuan's team.

Although he has never fought with Xiaoli at full strength, he can easily suppress Xiaoli in normal fights.

But now, Beepbird completely lost that composure.

In particular, Pipbird himself is learning very quickly.

He is very aware of how difficult it is to learn the speed of magic, and he has not yet figured out the threshold of speed.

And Xiaoli has completely mastered it and is getting started!

This really makes Beep Bird a little worried.


It's a good thing that my idiot can make such progress.

The beeping bird flew for a long time, and the little raccoon was also very hungry.

Chen Yuan simply started to eat directly, and then played again when he was full!

The Liu family's manor for Chu's mother also has a mixing room.

The rewards for the top thirty-two have been settled.

A high-level tree fruit, and more than thirty intermediate-level tree fruits.

Chen Yuan asked Xiaohua to bring back some low-grade tree fruits to make a fruit meal.

This meal, Bibi Bird ate carefully, and after eating, he would have a fight with Xiaoli.

You can't lose in terms of physical energy.

As for Xiao Li, he just... ate and drank endlessly, and ate even more.

After "evolving", Xiaoli was a little hungry. Later, he and Tigou continued to "speed" together. This afternoon, he was really hungry.

Although he knew that eating too much might be detrimental to the battle with the beeping bird later, the hungry and anxious little raccoon could no longer care so much.


The little raccoon waggled its tail and finally burped after eating twenty pieces of fruit meal.

This amount of food shocked the three little Longdao animals who were eating together.

No, Xiaoli's food intake is enough to catch up with their food for two or three days.


No wonder Xiaoli grows up so fast!

If you can eat, you can practice.

At this time, the three little ones from Longdao also looked at each other, nodded slightly, and asked Chen Yuan for an extra meal.

Even if they can eat and train, they must become elite as soon as possible like Xiaoli.

Seemingly inspired by the atmosphere, Pipbird also added two more fruit meals and enjoyed it.

He burped and looked at Xiaoli, with fighting spirit rising in his eyes.

The little raccoon also looked at the beep bird and wagged its tail.


Fight, fight~

Beep Bird vs. Bear Xiaoli.

The first-time ace versus the elite peak.

Xiao Li's physique has changed from what it used to be, almost to the level of an ace. In addition, he has awakened the Wind Speed ​​Dog bloodline and is almost no worse than an average ace.

Physically, there's not much difference between the two.

This match is evenly matched!

The two elves backed away from each other.

Look at each other.

La Lulasi stood in the field and waved her hand.


The battle begins~


A discussion within the team began.

Xiaoli and Pipbird collided directly.

The two guys usually fight each other often, but this time the two elves became serious.

Beepbird immediately used full speed.

Lightning flash and Yan Hui are both proficient.

Combined with the speed of Peep Bird Ace, it is fast and weird.

Xiaoli, on the other hand, directly used Divine Speed.


Just rush in without thinking and that's it.

Almost the moment it started, Beepbird realized that he had underestimated Xiaoli's speed.

I underestimated the speed!

While Yan Hui was still in mid-air, Xiaoli had already rushed over.

The speed was so fast that there was no time to react.

A tail has swept over the beep bird's body.

Iron tail + water flow combo.

Hit home.

Peep Bird immediately straightened up after feeling the pain, but Xiao Li's speed followed him like a shadow.

Almost following the take-off of the beep-bird, it soared into the air.

The beeping bird had no time to dodge, and was hit to the ground by Xiaoli's tail.

Xiao Li shook his head, and a substitute was thrown out.

The substitute was right behind Xiaoli, and Xiaoli also used his strength to kick.

The speed exploded again.



Although I have just mastered the speed of getting started, the difference between getting started quickly and not getting started is the same as that of a flying beep bird and a chicken.

Bibi Bird swung back to avoid Xiaoli's speed, but Xiaoli was even faster after landing.

He caught up with Pipbird almost instantly.

A tail whipped the beeping bird to the ground again.

When Chen Yuan and others saw this, they basically understood that it was almost impossible for Beep Bird to come back from this game.

This is divine speed.

The winning formula for speed wizards.

If there is no crushing level of combat power, it is almost invincible at the same level.

Pip Bird was pinned to the ground by Xiao Li and suddenly felt a sense of relief in his heart.

Once upon a time in Weibai Secret Realm, Xiaoli was just such a tiny baby in his eyes.

Now Xiaoli has grown to such an extent!

Although the Beep Bird tried to resist and delay the battle, after all, even the Wind Speed ​​Dog's divine speed would not be so easy.

But Xiaoli is a glutton.

The endurance and energy reserves far exceed those of elves of the same level.

Especially now, after Xiaoli has fully awakened to the wind speed dog's bloodline and been dyed by the light of evolution, he is even better than the wind speed dog of the same level in terms of physical strength and energy.

I ate twenty portions of energy fruit meals and my energy was inexhaustible.

Beepbird gave up resistance and was really relieved.

Maybe he exploded the jelly vortex in his body, activating Lugia's power and hoping for a comeback.

But Xiaoli didn't use his full strength either.

Chen Yuan clapped his hands, the battle was over.

Xiaoli turned over and jumped up.


The little raccoon waggled its tail and rushed to Chen Yuan's side and got into Chen Yuan's arms.

Just very excited.

at last!

Finally, he has returned to the throne of being the number one Pokémon.

Originally, Xiaoli was the strongest one in the team, but after Pipbird joined the team, Xiaoli was always outnumbered by Pipbird.

Now that he has finally regained the top spot, Xiaoli is happy both physically and mentally and feels like he can eat three more servings of fruit.

"Good fight."

Chen Yuan gently stroked Xiaoli's soft hair. After dyeing, Xiaoli's hair became much softer.

It feels more comfortable.

Now that he has learned the speed, the follow-up training plan must also be put on the agenda.

For example... abdominal bulging.

When Xiaoli heard Chen Yuan's compliment, he immediately wagged his tail.

Quite happy.

Now I can eat four bowls of fruit meal.

The beep bird folded its wings and some feathers fell down, and Yu Qi recovered his injuries.

When this guy opened his eyes again, Chen Yuan didn't see the dejection and depression.

On the contrary, he is... full of fighting spirit.

After experiencing the unimaginable battle, Pip Bird's heart is already quite strong.

Even if your wings are cut off, you can fly again.

Now, it's just one step behind.

If he also learned how to speed...

Chen Yuan was quite pleased to see Peep Bird like this.

A big battle consumes a lot of money.

The two elves had another feast.

Chen Yuan found that the relationship between Xiaoli and Pipbird seemed to be getting better after this scene.

The little guy chirped and shared his experience of speed with the beeping bird.

And Beep Bird seemed to have figured it out.

The previous swirling dance of flowing water gave him a huge increase in combat power, which made Peep Bird forget about it for a moment.

He even forgot what Chen Yuan told him that speed was the lifeline of the flying elf.

Doesn't the speed only need to be used a few times to increase the speed?

However, now he does know that when it comes to actually fighting a super-speed elf like God Speed, no matter how many times the water swirls, it won't be enough!

The flying elves will eventually return to their original aspirations.

Take another look at yourself.

Practice speed.

Practice the basics.

Then, master the speed.

Chen Yuan was very pleased that Beepbird finally understood the key.

In the past few days, he had been learning rapidly with Mr. Kuailong. Although he seemed serious, his progress was actually far less than that of Uncle Bi Diao.

The daily training is still mainly based on the water system, and the divine speed is just a basic training.

Now I am finally willing to calm down.

Chen Yuan looked at the two speed teams over there, and why did he feel that the biggest winner in this intra-team battle was Bibi Bird.

Chen Yuan returned to the fruit blending room.

Create new jelly.

Calling Lalu Lasi, she hugged the good baby and kissed her again and again, and then one person and one elf began to prepare a fruit meal together. At least with Lalu Lasi by her side, the emotional power alone could increase the explosion rate by 50%.

The fruit meal Chen Yuan made this time was mainly based on flying energy, supplemented by dragon-type berries.

No, it should be said that he wants to balance the two tree fruits with each other and make a flying dragon balance jelly.

After failing twice, Chen Yuan finally made a pot of flying dragon's balance jelly.

Feilong jelly!

Put it in a small gift box and put it away.

Then Chen Yuan directly started making the second jelly, which was also a balance jelly, also based on flying energy, but the second attribute of this one was not dragon type.

Usually light berries.

If the first balance jelly was a small gift he was preparing to give to Mr. Kuailong, then the second balance jelly was to be made for Peep Bird.

You must know that the Bi Diao clan are not just flying elves, they are even general elves with general attributes as their first attribute.

Prior to this, when Bibi Bird broke through to the ace, it activated the power of water in the body. However, from then on, Bibi Bird lost the desire to evolve into Beagle.

Beepbird is also very strange. He actually still wants to evolve, but he never has the urge.

In fact, Chen Yuan understood from that time that if he wanted to evolve into his final form, if he couldn't mobilize the general energy in his body, then Pip Bird might not be able to evolve even if it reached its ace peak.

So what Chen Yuan has to do now is to use balancing jelly to balance the energy in his body.

Of course, just a normal flying type balance jelly is not enough. Chen Yuan also made a water type normal type balance jelly and a water flying jelly.

Three types of balanced jelly served together!

Absolutely no problem!

Chen Yuan carried the jelly and found Mr. Kuailong. By this time, Pipbird had finished the review with Xiaoli, so he came to Mr. Kuailong and continued to learn the speed skills.

Just right.

Chen Yuan directly called Mr. Kuailong over.

"It's been really hard these days, Mr. Kuailong." Then he handed the small gift box to Kuailong.

Originally, Mr. Kuailong refused, but when Chen Yuan said that it contained the flying and dragon balancing jelly that he specially made for him, he immediately became excited.

When Chen Yuan directly handed a small piece of trial jelly to Kuailong for him to taste.

Mr. Kuailong could no longer say the words of rejection. After just a short sniff, the energy in his body began to boil.

I simply couldn't help it.

When the jelly reached my mouth, I ate it in one bite.

Just a few trial versions made Mr. Kuailong feel happy both physically and mentally.

Both in terms of taste and energy, it feels completely different from energy jelly with a single attribute.

Mr. Kuailong opened his eyes. When he looked at Chen Yuan, his eyes were complicated, especially when he looked at the small gift box in his hand. How could he say such words of rejection?

You must know that Mr. Kuailong has been stuck at the bottleneck for too long. It is not easy to break through to the next level. But now this little jelly and these goodies in this box are his hope for breakthrough.


Mr. Chen Yuan, you said, if I can do it, I will do it without any hesitation.

Chen Yuan smiled slightly and looked at Bibi Bird.

At this time, Mr. Kuailong also reacted and looked at Pipbird, who was working hard to train the basics of speed.

"I want Mr. Kuailong to teach him the real speed."

Kuailong was silent for a long time, then gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Yuan as if he had made up his mind: "I can teach him the details and techniques, but in just these few days, it depends on him whether he can learn it, and besides these few little ones in the future, Don’t spread your amazing training methods to anyone except guys.”

Chen Yuan smiled, isn't that enough?

Call the beep bird again.

Three balance jelly pieces, one of the same, were eaten by Pip-Bit.

Chen Yuan didn't feel relieved until he saw that the third attribute of flight and water burst out at the same time on the body of the beep bird.

The general department has indeed been mobilized.

The beep bird was also quite excited, flapping its wings and looking at Chen Yuan.

General department, yes, general department!

This attribute that had been forgotten by him for a long time, which could only be recalled by using the flash of lightning, was finally reactivated with the help of these three balance jelly.

Although it has not yet completely reached the level of comparison with the other two attributes, there is already a trend of energy balance.

Just now.

Beep Bird suddenly discovered.

My desire to evolve, which had been dormant for a long time, has suddenly rekindled!


Okay, now that you’re full, let’s start training!

At this time, Mr. Kuailong had come over, and his eyes looked at Bibi Bird again with a hint of sternness.

He's going to seriously train Peep Bird!

Chen Yuan silently placed the No. 15 and No. 14 fruit pulp solutions at the Shensu training ground.

Looking at Mr. Kuailong's attitude, Pipbird probably won't have to sleep today.

When Chen Yuan returned to the room, he saw the quilt was bulging, and the young lady was sleeping in the classic sleeping position - covering her head in the quilt.

This young lady can actually sleep on her own?

It’s time to make a career.

Chen Yuan rubbed his hands and smiled.

Prepare to wake up the eldest lady.

After all, I am still in the bottleneck stage of meditation, and there is a possibility of breakthrough at any time. How can I waste one night?

So, how could he let Chu Xiaoxiao sleep until tomorrow so easily.

A hungry tiger pounced on its food and jumped directly onto the bed.

He picked up Chu Xiaoxiao and the quilt together.


Chu Xiaoxiao struggled, and Chen Yuan hugged her chest through the quilt. She seemed a little depressed.

Chen Yuan also felt that something was wrong, so he loosened his grip slightly and let her sit on his lap. Finally, the head of the eldest lady wrapped in the quilt was revealed.


"Eh? Chen Yuan?"


Chen Yuan and Xiao Hua in his arms looked at each other with shock on their faces.

At this moment, the bathroom door was opened, and Chu Xiaoxiao came out wiping her hair.

"It's your turn, little flower..."

 Freshly baked~

  This chapter is a little over~~

  Let's take a look first, I will continue to modify the bugs



(End of this chapter)

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