you elf, are you legal

Chapter 371 At that moment, Chen Yuan released the Fire Bird? ? ?

Chapter 371 At that moment, Chen Yuan released a fire bird that was bigger than...Fire? ? ? (Want to subscribe please)

"This is our condition"

In a wilderness somewhere in the contestant village, Liu Yan and Lu Ouming sat opposite each other beside a bonfire, the flames creaking in the cold winter.

Next to Lu Ouming lay a fire-breathing dragon, its tail wagging slightly. Every time, a ball of flame would be thrown into the bonfire, making the flames burn even more vigorously.

Lu Ouming held a bunch of roasted insects in his hand and a bunch of roasted beef in his right hand, eating them with relish.

Opposite him, Liu Yan was smiling, as if she was confident of winning.

This time he came with enough sincerity to invite Lu Ou Ming to join the Liu family. I believe Lu Ou Ming can also feel his sincerity in coming here.

No one can refuse the conditions offered by the Liu family...

Uh, okay, to be strict, few people can refuse.

At least he believed that Lu Ouming would not refuse.

Lu Ouming listened patiently, ate the skewers in his hand, wiped his mouth, looked at Liu Yan opposite, and said calmly: "That's it?"

Liu Yan was stunned: "What do you mean?"

The conditions he opened were not good enough?

He saw Lu Ouming's expression becoming serious.

"You must know that it is a legendary resource, not the random fossil garbage that was given to Chen Yuan before, but a real legendary resource that can be used directly, and all you have to do is cooperate with our Liu family for a few times. It’s just years.”

Lu Ouming looked up at Liu Yan, as if he was looking at a fool.

"Does your so-called cooperation mean that I will serve the Liu family for five years?"

"Five years is not a long time."

Liu Yan looked at Lu Ou Ming and didn't seem to think that the conditions she offered were excessive.

"You must know that our Liu family is sincere in our cooperation. In the next five years, we will provide you with all training resources."

"Isn't it enough to train all your elves to the top level?"

Lu Ouming glanced at the opposite side again, smiled and shook his head.

"Please come back."

Liu Yan did not stand up, but directly spread a map in front of Lu Ouming.

"This is an overhead view of the Sky Pillar area. The center is right here."

Seeing Lu Ouming looking over curiously, Liu Yan said directly, "This is the Pillar of the Sky, the holy land of flying elves."

"The areas you visited before, including the Liu Family open area including the Sky Arena, are just the most basic part of the Pillar of the Sky."

"And the real holy land of flight, which is the core area of ​​the Pillar of the Sky, is not open to the public. Even the champion of this competition, or even the double champion who has obtained the silver badge, cannot enter it."

"This involves the real secret of my Liu family, and if you can cooperate with my Liu family, you can pry into the secrets and enter it."

Lu Ouming finally seemed to be interested, "What's there?"

Liu Yan shook her head, "There are many fossil fragments of legendary elves, and the one I have now and the one obtained by Chen Yuan, the racing champion, were both obtained from those ruins."

"If you enter it, you will definitely get more legendary resources."

At this point, Lu Ouming finally understood. He looked Liu Yan up and down, "You mean you want me to enter the core of the ruins of the Pillar of the Sky?"

"That's right, you can enter the Pillar of the Sky, get the inheritance, and share it with my Liu family."

"What inheritance."

Liu Yan said calmly: "Speed ​​inheritance."

Lu Ming's eyes narrowed, he looked at Liu Yan and repeated: "Speed ​​inheritance?"

"That's right, it's the Speedy Heritage. Of course, if you have the chance, you might be able to see the legendary elves inside."

Liu Yan saw that Lu Ou Ming was already interested, so she said no more.

Pushing the box in his hand in front of Lu Ouming, he stood up and disappeared into the night.

Lu Ouming looked at the small box in front of him, his eyes flickering, and then he looked back in the direction of the Sky Pillar.

Legendary elves...

Speedy inheritance...

There is also an urban legend that Togepi may appear in the ruins of the Sky Pillar...

No matter which one it is, it is a fatal temptation for the real flight trainer Lu Ouming.

Compared with the so-called top resources, these are what Lu Ouming wants.

Looking at the legendary resource on the ground, he knew that if he accepted this condition, he would never be as free as he is now in the next five years.

The Liu family...

But without the support of family power, even in another three and a half years, some elves and some inheritances may not be able to meet.

Lu Ouming was lying on his fire-breathing dragon, holding his head and looking at the stars in the sky. He had been a trainer for almost fifteen years.

He has indeed collected a lot of flying elves now. But some are really hard to reach.

If this fossil pterosaur of mine had not escaped death by chance, it would have been impossible... As for the rarer and legendary Tyrannosaurus, Kuailong and the Three Sacred Birds, elves of Lugia and Phoenix King levels.

Even if he just owns one, his life will be satisfied.

If there is a chance, it will only be five years.

"2024~2025 Flight Competition, the third day of the finals. It is also the last day of the finals."

"Beiyu University Chen Yuan will face off against Xijiang Silver Badge holder Lu Ouming."

Xiahou Aiyun and Dong Fafa mobilized the atmosphere on the commentary desk.

Chen Yuan is putting on makeup in the player lounge.

"Junior Chen Yuan."

Suddenly a voice broke in.

Chen Yuan saw the person coming from the big mirror in front of him.

"Senior Liu Fengru."

"How are you preparing for today's game?"

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "It's okay."

"On that day, there may have been some misunderstandings..."

Chen Yuan saw Liu Fengru's sincere eyes in the mirror and shook his head slightly: "Maybe you misunderstood."

"Master Liu and I have no misunderstanding."

Seeing Chen Yuan say this, Liu Fengru bit her lips.

Then he took out a small jar from his backpack and placed it in front of Chen Yuan.

"This is my legendary quota in the Liu family, if you..."

Chen Yuan shook his head, "Senior, I'm really curious as to why you are like this..."

He glanced at the feather in a small jar on the table.

The blue and white feathers, and the slight shine on them, are completely different from the fossil that Chen Yuan obtained in this racing competition.

Just by looking at it, I knew it was a good thing.

This is a legendary resource whose energy has been activated. It is the kind that can be used as soon as it is obtained.

Chen Yuan believed that if he nodded and agreed to the Liu family's request, he would definitely be able to acquire such a feather and then use it directly in this competition.

In other words, is the Liu family trying to use this championship opportunity to recruit themselves?

However, I remembered what Liu Yunzhi of the Liu family had said before, that she wanted the right to raise Uncle Bidiao and Bibi Bird.


This is certainly irreconcilable.

He shook his head and looked directly at Liu Fengru instead of looking at the feather.

"Senior Fengru, I really want to know why you are so persistent."

This senior, or even senior Liu Xueru, had other ideas than the head of the Liu family from the time she first invited her to come to the Western Capital.

Liu Fengru gritted her teeth and finally sighed.

He invited the others out of the player's dressing room, and then said: "It's so fast."

Liu Fengru said.

Chen Yuan was startled.

So fast?

"That's right, it's divine speed."

Liu Fengru sighed.

"This involves a split in the Liu family decades ago. There are some details that I can't tell you in detail, but you have to know that since then, our Liu family has begun to need a quick inheritance."

Chen Yuan nodded slightly, I see, but what does this have to do with him?

"Xueru and I are actually the daughters of Luofeng of this generation. We both have special feelings in the Luofeng Temple and the Core Temple of the Pillar of the Sky. You can understand it as a special super power."

"And in your body, we feel a breath, which is completely different from others. Maybe if you enter the temple and enter the ruins, you can get other divine speed inheritance."

"just me?"

Chen Yuan pointed at himself, he was just a little orphan, what could be so special about him.

"I see that Liu Chaochi in your family seems to have a very fast inheritance. What kind of inheritance does he need?"

"Yes, in fact, the speed inheritance that our direct descendants have access to is a little more than what Liu Chaochi learned. But this is not enough. What we want is more complete entry skills and... the third stage of speed inherited."

"Peak speed? At the Pillar of the Sky?"

Chen Yuan looked at Liu Fengru. Even he was quite moved by this news.

"In fact, including our Liu family and Yan family, almost all the flying elves' speed skills circulated in the outside world are basically handed down from the core ruins of the Pillar of the Sky."

"It's just a pity that the ancestors only got the first two stages of the quick tutorial. And the tutorial for the introductory chapter was not complete."

Liu Fengru shook her head and revealed the secrets of the Liu family.

Chen Yuan opened his mouth and somewhat understood.

This feeling is to let myself enter the core area of ​​the Pillar of the Sky, and then get the three-level inheritance at a fast speed to share with the Liu family.

"Does the head of the Liu family mean this too?"

Liu Fengru shook her head, nodded again, and her face turned red.

"What my mother means is that people who are not from my Liu family are not allowed to enter the absolute core place. As long as you are willing to be with me and Xueru... you can..."


Did the head of the Liu family really have the idea of ​​marrying his daughter that day?

"Of course, if you are unwilling, we can still cooperate. It only takes five years. You only need to cooperate with our Liu family for five years. You will also have a chance to enter it, but whether you can enter the absolute core..."

Chen Yuan shook his head.

Seeing Chen Yuan like this, Liu Fengru suddenly became a little anxious, "If you..."

"Please come back, Senior Sister Liu. Take this legendary resource with you as well."

"Junior, you can..."

"Senior, please come this way."

Suddenly a cold voice sounded.

A fifteen-year-old girl came over with a cold expression, her calm face showing no expression.

Liu Fengru was slightly startled when she saw the speaker.

Chu Xiaoxiao from the Chu family.

Liu Fengru's expression also calmed down. She was about to speak when she heard Chen Yuan also speak.

"Senior, please come back."

Liu Fengru trembled slightly.

His eyes darkened.

Then he picked up the legendary resources and left.

When Liu Fengru walked away, Chen Yuan suddenly stretched out his hand to pull Miss Chu over.

But Miss Chu dodged away.

But in those two moments, Chu Xiaoxiao was no match for Chen Yuan.

With just one movement, Chen Yuan grabbed the woman and pulled her over.

Chu Xiaoxiao snorted coldly.

"Want to be a member of the Liu family?"

Chen Yuan laughed, looking at Chu Xiaoxiao's little appearance, he was really happy.

"Why, our Xiaoxiao is jealous?"

"Oh, if I don't come, do you still have to have an in-depth communication?"

"Speaking of which, didn't you say..."

"They can't do it at home."

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly said.

"Of course I have no such plan. You know, they still wanted Uncle Bi Diao to stay with them. What a joke..."

At this time, Chen Yuan was suddenly speechless.

His hand was firmly grasped by Chu Xiaoxiao.

She bit her lip, her eyes looking quite complicated.

It was as if he was afraid that his most important toy would be taken away.

"They can't do it at home."

she repeated.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Chen Yuan shook his head helplessly and put his hand on Chu Xiaoxiao's head.

Rubbed it.

No more words were spoken.

"I know that three levels of speed are very important to you."

Chu Xiaoxiao bit her lip: "I will negotiate with the Liu family and the others to let you enter the Pillar of the Sky, but you are not allowed to talk to them...ah! Chen Yuan, you are just blind..."

Looking at Chu Xiaoxiao whose face was pulled open by him, Chen Yuan chuckled. Not to mention, it felt really good.

"You stinky gangster, let me go." Chu Xiaoxiao knocked off Chen Yuan's two stinky hands.

Chu Xiaoxiao was really angry as she rubbed her cheeks that were turned red by this hateful stinky guy.

It's really abominable to use hands and feet every day!

Have you been too nice to this guy recently? !

Did you let this guy kick your nose in the face?

"Yes, this is Chu Xiaoxiao."

Seeing Chu Xiaoxiao's angry look, Chen Yuan laughed.

The Pillar of the Sky is the best for him to enter.

But giving up so many precious things in exchange for the opportunity to rise quickly?

Sorry, he chose to throw away the child.


Chen Yuan looked at Chu Xiaoxiao's chest...forget it, that's what he meant anyway.

At this time, the chat group of the third team has been occupied by the two brothers Yanagawa and Shanquan.

"Don't be kidding, Mr. Chen Yuan, he will definitely compete with Bi Diao! You don't even have to think about how strong Bi Diao is. We have witnessed the competition in the past few days. He can directly kill senior Yan Wanzhi with his own strength. The big king swallow shows that it already has the strength of the ace peak. This basically stands on the same level as the fossil pterosaur. If you add the previous legendary power, it is still the legendary power of the water system, no Just hit him casually, why is there a problem with the Bi Diao?"

Yanagawa believes that Chen Yuan will definitely use his skills to compete in the finals.

And this game can definitely be won.

He is a staunch Bi Diao Party!

Shanquan: "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst."

Compared to the simple-minded Yanagawa, Shanquan thinks a little more.

"The fossil pterosaur on the opposite side will also be strengthened, and the strengthening of primitive power is totally unreasonable. It is very likely that he did not use his full strength in the previous game, and it can continue to be strengthened. The gap in ability will be too big, how will he fight?"

"More importantly, how could Mr. Chen Yuan only bring two elves to participate in this competition! Don't underestimate me, the God of Origin."

Sha Huarong: "The third elf? Impossible, how could Chen Yuan have so many ace elves!"

Shanquan: "If so, what are you going to eat, little Shasha?"

Sha Huarong: "Smile, let me put it here. If Mr. Chen Yuan has a third ace elf, I will be here to eat...chocolate on the live broadcast."

Chen Yuan looked at Sha Huarong's cowardly look in the group and found it funny. He was about to say something.

Class leader Jiang Lin suddenly said in the group: "Have you read the latest posts in the community?"

Yanagawa: "Let me take a look."

Yanagawa: "Damn it, it's real or fake, how is it possible? How can that Lu Ou Ming have legendary resources?"

Shanquan: "Fuck, it's really disgusting. How can such a powerful fossil pterosaur still have the power of legend? What's wrong? Isn't this fossil pterosaur even stronger? Even ordinary top elves can't beat it. Right? That’s outrageous. Bringing such an elf to participate in the competition is not bullying others!"

Yanagawa: "Now, Bi Diao is really hard to beat."

Fei Xue: "It's over. Both sides have legendary power. I just don't know what the attributes of the opponent's legendary power are. But even so, the fossil pterosaur has the advantage in terms of basic attributes. In this case, the source god is really difficult to fight. Yeah, what should I do..."

For a while, the small group of Class Three was a little quiet.

No one replied again.

Morale is low.

It was originally fine, but why did the fossil pterosaur opposite suddenly gain legendary power? This is really difficult to deal with.

Chen Yuan: "Don't worry, everyone, I will use my strongest flying elf to fight in this battle."

Chen Yuan's cardiotonic pill is still useful.

The small group of Class Three became lively again.

"Boss! Boss Chen Yuan!"

"So, Mr. Chen Yuan, do you really have a third elf?"

"Boss Chen Yuan, the opponent is a fossil pterosaur with legendary power. Can your third elf really defeat the opponent?"

Qian Yaoyao: "Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan, how sure are you of this match?"

Chen Yuan: "The winning rate is a bit low, let's go 50-50."

Sha Huarong: "It's so low..."

Shanquan: "It's already very high. If you can beat the Fossil Pterosaur at the level of Ace Peak, it's a 50-50 win rate. It's already a very high winning rate."

Qian Yaoyao: "Indeed, even if my father and others said that the fossil pterosaur must be treated as a top elf, they went there. If it is only the top ace, it will not be easy to fight."

Yanagawa: "That's not right. I think your 50-50 score is different from Mr. Chen Yuan's 50-50 score."

Sha Huarong: "What's the difference between 50 and 50?"

Yanagawa: "Is there a possibility that the 95-5 split that Mr. Chen Yuan said is actually :?"

Sha Huarong: "???"

Shanquan: "???"

Feixue: "???"

Sha Huarong: "No, can it still be interpreted this way? @陈元, Mr. Chen Yuan, is it true?"

Chen Yuangang was about to rub the screen when he heard someone calling his name over there.

He hurriedly replied in the group: "Everyone wants to watch the live broadcast."

Just turn off the screen.

As soon as I saw someone coming, it was Dong Fafa.

Chen Yuan was stunned, "Sister Fafa, aren't you at the commentary desk?"

"Let's take a break during the commercial break. To make a long story short, I will go back in a moment. This time, the Liu family funded Lu Ou Ming. It seems that they have reached some kind of deal. There is a saying that Lu Ou Ming has obtained the legendary resources that the Liu family has activated. , then you can directly use the power of legend."

"Okay, let's stop talking. I have no position as a commentator, but as a friend, I have to remind you." Dong Fafa left without waiting for Chen Yuan to reply.

Chen Yuan looked at the back of the professional commentator with a smile on his lips.

"What are you laughing at? Get ready to go on stage."

Chu Xiaoxiao came over from the dressing room and carefully arranged the wrinkles on Chen Yuan's clothes.

This not only represents Beiyu, but also represents her, Chu Xiaoxiao.

You know, the audience for this game is not just the elite aces on the sidelines.

The major families in the imperial capital and even all of China are paying attention.

Chen Yuan: "A friend just came to remind me."

"Reminder of what?"

"Fossil pterosaurs have legendary power."

"The Flame Bird reminded me of this yesterday."

"There are other legendary powers."

"The Liu family?"


"So, there is a reason for the decline of the Liu family. In this kind of competition, as the organizer, you have to intervene directly, haha."

"It's ok."

Chen Yuan put on his coat and put the ninth elf ball on his waist, right next to Uncle Bi Diao's elf ball.

"Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~Come on~"

In the contestant tunnel, Hua Yuxi raised her hands and gave Chen Yuan a high-five.

Chen Yuan raised his thumb and watched him brutally torture his opponent in this scene.

"Pang Ding TV, Pang Ding TV, this is Dongfafa."

"This is Xiahou Aiyun, welcome back."

"Speaking of which, Fafa wanted to share news with you just now."

"Oh? What news?"

"Just now, Lu Ouming suddenly announced on his personal social account that he would use the power of legend to win this game."

Dong Fafa's eyes widened with disbelief on his face: "What, the power of legend? You mean, a fossil pterosaur as powerful as Lu Ouming still has the power of legend?"

While the commentary was chatting, players from both sides entered the stage.

As the drum beat sounded, the lights converged on the exit of the passage.

The fifteen-year-old boy had a faint smile on his handsome face and looked so confident.

Lu Ouming, dressed in sportswear, stood in the middle of the field, looking at Chen Yuan opposite him, also smiling and quite confident.

Xiahou Aiyun: "It seems that both players are quite confident in themselves."

"But speaking of it, Chen Yuan's game was really not easy to beat in this match."

Dong Fafa nodded. Even she felt that Chen Yuan's Bi Diao was difficult to beat.

However, Dong Fafa felt inexplicably relieved when he remembered Chen Yuan's confidence when he heard the news in the lounge just now.

Maybe we can actually win.

"Look, player Lu Ouming has indeed released a fossil pterosaur."

Xiahou Aiyun was very excited. Who wouldn't like such a powerful elf?

Powerful and rare, with legendary power.

All the lovable elements are present.

This is an awesome elf second only to the legendary elf!

At this time, Lu Ouming also crossed his arms and looked at Chen Yuan opposite.

The reason why he dared to release the elf before Chen Yuan, and the reason why he dared to say those harsh words before the game.

It was because Lu Ou Ming, his fossil pterosaur, could never lose.

No matter what kind of elf Chen Yuan sent out.

Be it the racing champion Bi Diao, the Bi Diao that has broken through to the top level, or some weird elf.

No problems whatsoever.

Yesterday's legendary resource has been eaten by the fossil pterosaur.

All I can say is, it's pretty good.

It can even increase the combat power of fossil pterosaurs again.

In fact, it is not necessary.

However, it feels nice to have the icing on the cake.

Double legendary power.

He didn't believe that Bi Diao on the opposite side could have such an opportunity.

At this time, the fossil pterosaur waved its wings domineeringly.

With just a slight flutter of wings, you can feel the terrifying aura in the sky.

Really become stronger!

This fossil pterosaur has really become stronger after this night!

At this time, all the viewers, even those who supported Chen Yuan, felt a little sad.

Really, it’s so difficult!

Liu family!

Only the Liu family can come up with this level of resources at this time!


Why, the Liu family wants to target Chen Yuan!

Liu Chaochi looked at the fossil pterosaur in the field with a smile. Sure enough.

He said that it was impossible for anyone in this world to refuse the Liu family's invitation.

Even this silver badge Lu Ou Ming is nothing more than this.

After eating the resources of the Liu family, from now on, you will be the dog of the Liu family. So, Chen Yuan, you brat, how on earth do you want to fight with my Liu family?


In the VIP viewing area, Liu Chaochi looked at Chen Yuan in the field and could no longer suppress the smile on his face.

Don’t you like playing games with legendary resources?

Come on, let’s see if your legendary resources are powerful, or if my Liu family’s legendary resources are profound.


At this moment, Liu Chaochi seemed to be able to see the severely injured form of Chen Yuan's Bi Diao struggling on the ground under the pressure of the legendary power of the fossil pterosaur.

The corners of his mouth grew wider and wider, and then he burst out laughing uncontrollably.

"Okay, player Chen Yuan will also use Release Elves." Xiahou Aiyun continued to explain: "Faced with such a powerful and almost invincible fossil pterosaur, player Chen Yuan still used... ??”

Xiahou Aiyun's voice stopped suddenly, and he stared blankly at the elves covered in flames in the field.

Opened his mouth.

Not only Xia Hou Aiyun, but also the audience, the referee, and even Lu Ou Ming on the opposite side were all surprised, looking at the elf in the field with flames all over his body in shock.

If they read it correctly, this elf.

Maybe it's called a flame bird?

Legendary elf?

What the hell!

Legendary elves!

Turns out to be a legendary elf?

This Chen Yuan actually has a legendary spirit?

"The elf used by player Chen Yuan is a flame bird." At this time, Dong Fafa showed her professionalism. She spoke very fast, but anyone who is familiar with her can hear the excitement in her tone. Yes, anyone who sees such an elf will be excited.

"Because this elf is not very common, so I am here to give you some popular science. This flame bird is the only one confirmed so far on this blue star. It is an elf that is far rarer than the fossil pterosaur. And she also has another nickname, called the Legend Elf."

Really, it’s outrageous!

This Chen Yuan is real!

It’s a big job in one day, right?

Yesterday, I didn't need the legendary power to defeat Wang Dian.

A legendary elf came directly today.

Is this going against heaven?

In the VIP viewing area, Liu Chaochi's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

How can it be!

How could this brat own a legendary elf flame bird?

How could you bring out a flame bird on such a competition field?

Wait, at this moment, Liu Chaochi suddenly became excited. This is the territory of the Liu family. If he could be here...

Hehehe, as long as this brat is willing, even the old guys in the family won't say anything, right?


Suddenly, a muffled groan sounded in the VIP viewing seats.

Liu Chaochi seemed to be very afraid of the owner of the voice. He turned his head and saw that his father, the king of the Liu family, looked even worse.

"Dad, what's wrong? That Chen Yuan's Flame Bird is really good, we..."

"Okay, your son even dares to have the idea of ​​Tianwang Mountain now, right?"

At this time, Liu Yunzhi suddenly said.

The Liu Family Heavenly King looked even worse.

He glared at his son, obviously he also knew the virtues of Liu Chaochi.

He said directly: "This Chen Yuan and his Flame Bird must not have any ideas, otherwise don't blame me for expelling you from the Liu family."

When Liu Chaochi heard this, his face turned pale and he didn't understand why his father said that.

Liu Yunzhi looked at the young man in front of her and sighed slightly.

When she got the information, it was a day too late, otherwise she wouldn't have been so anxious that day.

Unexpectedly, never expected that this young man would still be connected with Tianwang Mountain.

So much so that ace elves like the Flame Bird were raised by him.

What she never expected was that Chen Yuan would actually bring the flame bird to the competition venue.

Obviously, since this young man can send out the flame bird, it proves that he can control least he has the approval of this legendary elf.

This is really unexpected news.

Liu Yunzhi looked at the Chu family king with a bad expression on the side, and then turned her gaze to the field again.

It seems that this event will not go as smoothly as this person thought.

The flame bird is actually a flame bird!

At this moment, Lu Ouming's hands suddenly clenched.

Staring at the flame bird in the field.

Then looked at Chen Yuan opposite.

At this moment, Lu Ouming actually felt the jealousy from his heart!


As a holder of the Silver Badge. He was actually jealous of this fifteen-year-old boy!

How could a kid like him be able to hold such a rare elf!

The legendary flying elf!

Lu Ouming looked at the flame bird, his eyes turned green.

He had been searching for so many years.

I went to so many secret places to search.

Even he has been to Beiyu.

All in vain.

But this Chen Yuan actually...

At this moment, when Lu Ouming looked at Chen Yuan and Flame Bird, his fighting spirit suddenly rose.

Although this flame bird is only as powerful as an ace for some reason, this does not prevent Lu Ouming from trying to crush the fossil pterosaur to pieces!

"Fossil pterosaur!"

Lu Ouming shouted loudly.

"Game start."

"Primal power!"

It is indeed a primitive power.

At this time, Chen Yuan was holding his arms and looking at the opposite side calmly.

This was the Flamebird's first game, so Chen Yuan decided to let the Flamebird play freely to see what kind of strength it could display at its ace peak.

The flame bird was quite excited.

I went to Tianwang Mountain to fight with Qi Yanya before, but I was restrained in the fight, fearing that I didn't have enough energy, or that the extraordinary power I had finally accumulated would be wasted if it wasn't enough.

But things are different now.

Seeing the raw power on the other side taking action.

The flame bird also flapped its wings and began to accumulate strength.


This is the same skill as the fossil pterosaur.

【Original Power】

Used out.

Two shots of primitive power directly bombarded each other and exploded in the sky.

Terrifying waves of air swept across the venue. If it weren't for a few top-notch beasts acting as referees, countless trainers in the audience might be injured by the countless gravels.

But before the spectators could take a breath, the second attack from the fossil pterosaur and the flame bird had already arrived, directly clashing with each other.

Boom boom boom boom!

There was a constant roar.

The gravel in the field flew away.

The two elves became stronger and stronger as they fought.

In just a few breaths, the attacks from both sides had already exceeded the trump card's limit.

That's top-notch power.

At this moment, both sides seemed to be warming up, and it was far from over.

Although rock is not the original attribute of the Flame Bird, it took advantage of its own racial advantages and years of accumulation to barely compete with the primitive power of the fossil pterosaur.

Seeing the flame bird in the field using rock skills to be as powerful as the powerful fossil pterosaur, the audience present sighed with emotion, this is indeed a legendary elf!

Even fighting against attributes can be so powerful.

And when both sides blasted out at the same time, after the eighth round of primitive power, the fossil pterosaur suddenly stopped and flew high into the air.

At this moment, his aura had reached its peak.

He stared down, watching the fighting spirit rise in the eyes of the flame bird below.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

At this moment, the fossil pterosaur roared wildly.

Then he opened his wings and countless rocks gathered around him.

At the same time, more rocks on the ground were condensed by the fossil pterosaurs, and then all blasted towards the flame bird on the opposite side.

This was the three-stage skill of the fossil pterosaur that defeated the top fire-breathing dragon before.

【Peak rock collapse】

Peak skill?

The flame bird smiled slightly, and then opened its wings.

At this moment, countless wind blades gathered around her.

Then it suddenly burst out.

At this moment, the overwhelming rocks were like cannonballs, hitting the Flame Bird.

The collision between the air blade and the rock.

[Peak Air Blade] vs [Peak Rock Crash]

Miso miso miso miso!

Boom boom boom boom!

The countless rocks shattered at this moment.

Then in the wind, it turned into powder.

Blow it away.

When the strong wind howls by.

This skill that can directly kill the top fire-breathing dragon in seconds was broken by this flame bird!

Is this the strength of the legendary elves?

The flame bird chirped loudly, and at this moment, she was really excited! How many years!

There is no such feeling!

This kind of energy fills oneself, and when performing skills, one does not need to carefully calculate how many air blades are still in the body, and how many Yan Hui can be used.

This feeling of seemingly endless energy flowing through the body is so refreshing!

Really, I have never fought such a rich battle!

At this moment, she, the Flame Bird, finally realized what it felt like to fight that stinky Eagle against her in the secret realm of the orchard!

There’s no need to worry about logistics at all, just play whatever you want.

This is the real battle!

The flame bird looked at the fossil pterosaur opposite, and had already condensed the second [Peak Rock Collapse], and the excitement in its eyes became even brighter.

More, more wind blades gathered together.

Double, triple.

A full three portions of [Peak Air Blade] were condensed by her.

Come on, come on, try what is called peak skill!

[Peak Air Blade] x3

Countless air blades directly shattered all the condensed rocks cleanly.

It's not over at all.

These countless air blades rushed straight up and slashed directly at the fossil pterosaur in the sky.

If the fossil pterosaur hadn't created a substitute to stand in front of him at the most critical moment, he would have used "defend" to defend himself.

Now the fossil pterosaur has become a sieve.

After a round of saturation bombing, the Flamebirds did not pursue the victory.

The game has just begun, and these three consecutive peak air blades are just an appetizer.

This is not easy. To play a game at full strength, she has to take her time.

At this time, the audience, the two commentators, and even the top trainers all took a breath.


Unthinkable at all!

This damn peak skill can still be used like this?

At this time, even Qi Yanya blinked.

Carefully watching the flame bird flying higher and higher in the sky, finally staying at the same height as the fossil pterosaur, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"It's impossible. When we were in Tianwang Mountain, the Firebird wasn't that strong! It was difficult for her to use a peak skill before. She said she couldn't do this and that she couldn't."

"Isn't this possible? And it can directly connect the peak skills three times. This..." Qi Yanya suddenly gritted her teeth. As expected, the damn stinky Firebird was hiding and tucking in with Xiao Yuan when he was with her. , eating well and drinking well will remind you of these skills, right? !

Chen Yuan nodded. Such strength is in line with the legendary elf in his impression!

Sure enough, I must have been very hungry when I was in the secret realm of the orchard. I don’t know how my sister managed to raise the flame bird in Tianwang Mountain that time. She must have been hungry nine times a day.

But these three consecutive peak air blades are indeed capable.

Now Chen Yuan is really looking forward to seeing what else the Flame Bird can do.

Lu Ouming stared at the flame bird, and the jealousy in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

At this time, he also knew that even rare elves like fossil pterosaurs were far inferior to legendary elves in many aspects such as race and heritage.

Then...if you want to win this game, there is only one hope.

"Fossil pterosaur, use the power of legend!"

Lu Ouming said loudly.

The fossil pterosaur received the command and immediately flapped its wings.

At this moment, the legendary power in the fossil pterosaur's body surged wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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