you elf, are you legal

Chapter 372 Chen Yuan, 15-year-old double champion

Chapter 372 Chen Yuan, 15-year-old double champion (Wan Geng please subscribe)

The Flame Bird didn't expect that the fossil pterosaur opposite him was quite capable.

But that's what makes it interesting.

At this time, the Flame Bird started to play thoroughly.

The momentum of the fossil pterosaur was getting stronger and stronger. In just a few breaths, the momentum climbed to a higher level again.

Not only that, its power is also changing and increasing.

That's the power of rock.

The purest rock power just emerged from the body of the fossil pterosaur.

The legendary power of the rock system.

What kind of legendary elf is this?

At this time, many trainers were wondering about the rock type?

Never heard of it!

But the flame bird smiled.

It turned out to be the power of that stupid pillar.


However, the Flame Bird was not in a hurry and just allowed the fossil pterosaur to increase its strength and momentum.

The fossil pterosaur seemed to be suffering endless pain at this moment.

Obviously, for it, this violent rock power is not so easy to master.

Being able to understand the rockfall from inside before was already trying my best.

It is really difficult and painful to try to master the power of this rock now.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!!"

The fossil pterosaur looked up to the sky and roared.

His body was torn open again by the wound caused by the flame bird's air blade, and the painful fossil pterosaur almost fell from the sky.

But fortunately he held on.

The power of the rock finally calmed down too much. When it stabilized, the body of the fossil pterosaur was obviously larger, and there was an aura of ancient times emerging from it, and not only that.

The fossil pterosaur seemed to know that such power was completely insufficient to defeat the legendary elf opposite.

Then his body shook.

There was another terrifying energy aura, activated by it.

At this moment, the audience really couldn't help it!

"Hey, what's going on with this fossil pterosaur?"

"This is a bit outrageous. It's okay to open one trap, but how can you open two traps!"

"Yes, this power of water and flight must belong to the Liu family. Is this the end of the Liu family personally?"

"I asked why the community suddenly had a lot of rhythm today. It turns out it was the Liu family who did something good again."

"What if it's the Liu family? The resources eaten into the belly of the fossil pterosaur are the fossil pterosaur. Can you control your own power?"

For a while, there were a lot of discussions and whispers on the field, but no matter what, everyone could see that the fossil pterosaur, nourished by the legendary power of the rock system, was astonishingly powerful. And now at this moment, it has once again activated the second legendary power. If he were to fully master these two legendary powers, they would be unimaginably powerful.

The Flame Bird was not in a hurry.

Just stopped in the air.

Watching the momentum of the fossil pterosaur rise again.

Interesting, interesting, it turns out to be the second legendary power. I think I just got it, it seems like I'm not yet proficient at it.

This water type control is too easy to use.

Oh no, this is...

The flame bird suddenly blinked.

At this moment, the flying energy surged from the fossil pterosaur's body, directly suppressing the water energy.

Not only that.

This surge of flying energy lasted only a few breaths, and was comparable to the power of the rock before.

The fossil pterosaur looked up to the sky and roared wildly. The two legendary powers actually reached a balance in the body of the fossil pterosaur at this moment.

Directly driving the two kinds of energy in its body to surge.

At this moment, the fossil pterosaur is better than the top without reaching the top.

The Flame Bird also became serious at this time.

Looking at the fossil pterosaur opposite.

At this intensity, it is indeed a little tricky.

Looks like I need to take it seriously.

The fossil pterosaur had already felt the incomparable power within its body at this time.

This is a whole level of power that is even more powerful than the original power just strengthened to its limit!

This feeling is unprecedented.

Its size is more than twice its previous size, with a wingspan of more than ten meters.

Such strength and body make the fossil pterosaur full of confidence.

It looked at the flame bird opposite.

The wings trembled.

The [Peak Rock Collapse] that could only be fought out with difficulty before was now easily condensed by it.

It blasted past.

Then another wing.

Sharp Stone Attack: A super powerful skill at the master level, [Sharp Stone Attack] was just thrown out by the fossil pterosaur.

It hit the flame bird on the opposite side.

Powerful, extremely powerful.

The skills that were difficult to condense in the first place were easily acquired at this moment.

The intensity of each skill is far greater than the previous one.

This is the power of legend!

Directly improve the strength of the fossil pterosaur in all aspects.

Even if those senior top elves came over, it would be difficult to resist this overwhelming attack.

Even the Flame Bird has no choice but to defend when faced with such an attack.

"Keep" the light directly enveloped the flame bird's body.

The sharp stone attacks come first and last.

It pierced the air directly and hit the guarding light curtain.

It was blocked, but the rock avalanche that followed was really unstoppable.

The rock avalanche directly shattered the guard's light curtain and fell on the Flame Bird.

The second rock avalanche and the third rock avalanche came over.

Fossil pterosaurs are getting high.

Three peak skills in a row were not enough, and two more shots of raw power came down.

These three peak rock avalanches were detonated.

The sky is full of gravel.

For a moment, the arena was filled with yellow sand.

The fossil pterosaur looked up to the sky and roared.

It could already feel that the flame bird at the center of the explosion had become unresponsive.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!"


In the face of absolute strength, even the legendary elves are useless.

The fossilized pterosaur simply flapped its wings, and the wind blew away the smoke.

The flame bird at the center of the explosion was like a feather, fluttering in the wind and falling to the ground.

The flames burning on his body had been extinguished, revealing the tattered body that had been blasted by the peak rock avalanche.

No part of it is intact, it's so miserable.

At this time, the audience stood up and looked at the completely unresponsive Flame Bird with horrified faces, and then looked at the fossil pterosaur in the sky.



How can it be!

Did this fossil pterosaur really win?

He activated two legendary powers to strengthen himself, and then directly took away the legendary elf on the opposite side with three rock avalanches?


No, very possible!

The previous top Charizard only withstood two rock avalanches.

Even if this flame bird has been strengthened many times by the original power, it can't withstand so many peak rock collapses, right? !

Flame flying, four times weaker rock, this is it!

Liu Chaochi laughed loudly, look, look, what is waste! You can’t even understand the legendary elves!

It's useless, isn't it just dead?

At this level, I really don’t understand how he could be favored by Tianwang Mountain!

However, none of this matters anymore.

If we lose this game, then Tianwangshan will realize that this kid is not capable enough!

Then this legendary elf in his hand...

A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Ouming's mouth. This is the legendary power of his Liu family. This is the fossil pterosaur.

Even the legendary elves will still call you.

The flame bird fell to the ground.

The fossil pterosaur looks up to the sky and roars!

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

It won...

Just call it Flame Bird, right?

You’re just called the Legend Elf, right?

It's you who's being hit...

"Do you know what extraordinary power is?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the bottom of its heart.

It's not loud.

But it just appeared in the heart of the fossil pterosaur.

At the same time, Lu Ouming seemed to hear a sound.

What do you mean?

"Look, what is that?"

Some viewers exclaimed.

Then on the big screen, a ball of fire suddenly lit up on the body of the flame bird.

what is this?

someone asked.

But no one answered.

Could it be that this flame bird has not lost its fighting ability?

Just when everyone was thinking this.

The fire light spread all over the flame bird's body in just one breath.

Lu Ouming's eyes immediately focused and he quickly commanded: "Kill it!"

He would never allow the advantage of this game to change.

The fossil pterosaur quickly spread its wings, and immediately gathered an overwhelming rock avalanche once again, and blasted over.


At this moment, the flame bird on the ground suddenly opened its eyes.

There was a fire burning in those eyes.


Interesting, interesting~

Then she swayed.

Suddenly the wind blew up, and double or even triple the number of [Peak Air Blades] were condensed by the flame bird.

It hit the rocks above.

At the same time, the flames and feathers slowly fell.

The fire of life was burning with Yu Qi at this moment.

The wounds on the flame bird's body healed almost in the blink of an eye.

The countless rubbles and the scarred Flame Bird that had been bombarded just now were gone, and it was only a matter of these few breaths.

A flame bird in its prime has taken flight again.

The power of legend is more than just a skill.

The fire of life? !

This recovery ability made the fossil pterosaur opposite him dumbfounded. He didn't believe it at all.

Directly flapping the wings, the sharp stone attack, primitive power, and the peak rock avalanche were all smashed down.

Densely packed, the Flame Bird was surrounded again.

This time, with amusement in the Flame Bird's eyes, he directly dispersed the wind blades protecting his body, allowing the rock skill to bombard him.

He was still covered in bruises, but when a feather fell and a cloud of fire smoke rose up.

The flame bird has started flying again.

It's understandable that Yuqi, which is built of the fire of life, is not a fossil pterosaur at all.

It is also much more powerful than others imagine.

Looking at the flame bird flying again, the injury has recovered!

Physical strength is restored!

The fossilized pterosaur went absolutely crazy.

It gathers its strongest strength over and over again.

Bombard the rocks with skills over and over again.

The flame bird seemed to enjoy this feeling very much.

Let the rock skill bombard your body.

Slowly, the feathers fell, and the flame of life covered her body.

At this time, the flame bird seemed to be bathed in flames.

That's what it feels like!

This kind of unscrupulous use of the life flame, without worrying about which day it will dry up, just use your full strength, and you will never go hungry again.

It's so wonderful.

At this time, the rocks in the sky have been melted by the flames of life and gathered by the flame birds.

Aggregation, aggregation.

The lava just gathered in front of the flame bird and formed a huge sphere of more than ten meters.

At this time, the flame bird raised its head and looked at the fossil pterosaur in the sky.

"This is how to use the power of legend."

"Have you learned it?"

Then she just flapped her wings, and the molten lava in front of her immediately rushed away.

【Lava·Primitive Power】

The fossil pterosaur watched the lava aggregate that was about the same size as itself fly by with fear in its eyes.


how to spell?

It's impossible to fight!

The flame bird opposite is simply immortal!

It’s completely impossible to fight!

The fossil pterosaur flapped its wings and was about to fly high.

But the next moment, it found that its wings seemed to be out of control.

This feeling is like sinking to the bottom of the water.

Every flap of the wings was extremely difficult.

The air was thick, at least around its wings.

What did that flame bird do?

The fossil pterosaur couldn't figure it out at all!

"Get out of the way, fossil pterosaur!"

Lu Ouming shouted loudly.

But fossil pterosaurs simply couldn't do that.

It crazily activates the legendary power in its body, trying to break the situation and escape, but it just can't do it!

Even with its little control, it can activate the legendary power, but even flying is extremely difficult for the Flame Bird.

This is the suppression of realm and the suppression of power.

Use the power of flying legends in front of flying legendary elves?


The lava is approaching.

The aggregated lava exploded on the fossil pterosaur's body.

The roar shook the earth.

The air surges.

Chen Yuan actually seemed to see a mushroom cloud below.

This is the true strength of the Flame Bird.

The fossil pterosaur fell down and hit the ground heavily.

Can't get up again.

One hit, instant kill.

"The fossil pterosaur loses its fighting ability, and player Chen Yuan wins!"

The referee speaks out.

The flame bird wins!

Chen Yuan won!


"I really won, damn!"

"How did you do it! Chen Yuan is awesome!"

"Champion! Oh my god! Chen Yuan really won the championship!" Dongfa jumped up. At this moment, she could no longer care about her role as a commentator and released her emotions wantonly!

She grabbed the microphone and shouted: "Come on, everyone shout with me! Chen Yuan"

"Chen Yuan!"

"Chen Yuan!"

"Chen Yuan!"

In the Sky Arena, there was only one voice left at this moment, Chen Yuan.

That's right, Chen Yuan did it!

Double crown!

The fifteen-year-old boy who was interviewed a few days ago and said he wanted to win the double championship.

Today, I really won here!

A champion is a champion, and Chen Yuan does what he says!

At this time, Lu Ouming closed his eyes.

It is totally unacceptable.

It was obviously just a little bit off, just a bit off!

Obviously, the flame birds fell to the ground and died.

Why did it suddenly explode!



It totally goes against common sense.

how could it be possible!

As soon as Chen Yuan waved, the victorious Flame Bird flew back.

Lower your head.

Chen Yuan reached out and gently stroked the flame bird's head.

Fortunately, there is still some energy left, okay!

There is still energy left in that kind of explosion. The Flame Bird is much stronger than I imagined.

Then Chen Yuan reached out and took out a small jelly from his pocket.

The flame bird's eyes lit up, he opened his mouth and ate it directly.

Then he squinted his eyes and enjoyed the energy nourishing his body.

This is the feeling, so wonderful.

Only elves who have been hungry can appreciate how refreshing it is to be able to quickly replenish legendary power after such a hearty battle!

However, such a scene is completely different in the eyes of others.

I saw Chen Yuan just waving gently, and the legendary elf - the flame bird that easily defeated the fossil pterosaur opposite, just landed obediently and then took the initiative to lower its head and gently rub it in Chen Yuan's hand.

Chen Yuan just took out a small snack, and the flame bird jumped at it happily.

Eat with great enthusiasm.

Looking at that satisfied look, this doesn't look like a legendary elf.

Isn't this just like the pet dog you keep at home?

Until this time, everyone could see how close the legendary elf was to Chen Yuan.

Those who questioned the relationship between Chen Yuan and the flame bird all shut their mouths.

Have you ever seen a better relationship between humans and legendary elves?

"Chen Yuan!"

Hua Yuxi rushed over.

Chen Yuan turned around and was directly hugged by Hua Yuxi.

"It's a champion! It's really a champion!"

Hua Yuxi was really excited.

Really won!

When the flame bird in the middle was knocked to the ground, Xiaohua was frightened to death, but it was okay.

The legendary fire of the Flame Bird is still reliable.

Chen Yuan put the crazy girl down, then turned to look at Chu Xiaoxiao aside.

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao finally no longer looked so plain.

She looked at Chen Yuan and raised the corners of her mouth.

Chen Yuan also smiled slightly and opened his arms. Chu Xiaoxiao was still hesitant.

But Xiang Yuxiao was behind and pushed him up.

Pushed Chu Xiaoxiao into Chen Yuan's arms.

Chen Yuan also directly hugged Chu Xiaoxiao and spun around in circles. "Put me down."

Chu Xiaoxiao was a little confused by Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan laughed and let go.

Chu Xiaoxiao landed unsteadily and one of her legs was weak. Fortunately, Hua Yuxi, who was at the side, had quick eyes and quick hands and caught Chu Xiaoxiao.

At this time, Hua Yuxi had not yet left her excited state, so she hugged her directly and pressed her cheeks against each other.

"Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, Chen Yuan wins, Chen Yuan wins!"

Chen Yuan took two steps back. This orange scroll was better.


Liu Chaochi slammed his right hand heavily on the table!

I never imagined that Chen Yuan could complete a comeback in such a situation!

And what’s going on with that flame bird!

That kind of invincible state!

Why is it so outrageous!

This is the Flame Bird!

This is the legendary elf...

At this time, Liu Chaochi was extremely greedy for the flame bird next to Chen Yuan!

If not...

If my father hadn't said such harsh words... Damn it!

Why is it this stinky brat!

Why not him!

He is the direct descendant of the King of Heaven!

The only direct descendant.

Why can't it be him!

The King of the Liu Family looked at Chen Yuan and the flame bird in that scene, his eyes flickering for a long time. Finally, after taking a look at Chu's mother who was smiling at Chen Yuan, he snorted coldly.

After getting up and throwing down a fossil fragment, he walked away.

"Chu family..."

The awarding of championships is as usual.

This is Liu Yunzhi.

The head of the Liu family looked at Chen Yuan with extremely complicated eyes.

No matter what, I never expected that Chen Yuan could completely control the flame bird.

I don’t understand how this little boy, who has only been a trainer for a few months, is recognized by the legendary elf!

After putting the flight competition badge on Chen Yuan, Liu Yunzhi handed Chen Yuan the fossil fragments that had been prepared.

"Congratulations, Chen Yuan."

Chen Yuan looked at the fossil in his hand and smiled happily. It was still the same fossil as before. It is estimated that after activation, it will become another dragon scale.

At this time, Liu Yunzhi looked at the fossil in Chen Yuan's hand and sighed.

The king of heaven still doesn't want to improve the relationship after all.

What was taken out was still this unknown fossil fragment that could not mobilize energy at all.

"For the Silver Badge, it will take about two hours. You have to wait a moment."

Liu Yunzhi said.

Chen Yuan nodded, understandable.

He was not worried about what the Liu family was doing with Silver Badge. After all, this thing has to go through various levels of approval by the association before it can be distributed.

In the past, an ordinary newcomer badge required three days of approval.

As for this silver badge, you only need to wait for expedited processing for just two hours.

Chen Yuan is already very satisfied.

"Chen Yuan wins"

A few short words swept the front pages of major communities.

"Well deserved. Did you watch the interview? Chen Yuan is so handsome!"

"The fifteen-year-old silver badge is amazing!"

"Who would have thought that the final champion of an ace-level event would be a 15-year-old boy."

"When I was fifteen years old, I killed the peak ace and beat up the silver boss. You are fifteen years old and memorizing attribute restraint charts!"

"Other people's children! They can't compare."

"Don't be ridiculous, at least I'm the same as the boss in one thing. I also have a eagle."

"I understand, let's go buy a Bobo."

"Smile, our Xidu Bobo is already out of stock."

"Smile, there is one at your doorstep. If you raise two more, you can always find the ones with talent."

Major communities are full of posts discussing Chen Yuan.

The news spread back to Beiyu and then back to Yuda, directly detonating the Yuda community.

"Chen Yuan! It's actually Chen Yuan!"

"No, what happened? Isn't Chen Yuan the new king of Beiyu?"

"Come on, is today 2025? How come Chen Yuan is the ace?"

"Can anyone please tell me what kind of bird the flame elf next to Chen Yuan is?"

"Damn it, this is the Flame Bird! A legendary elf."

"The people upstairs are just fishing and making fun of you. Ask them seriously."

"It's really the Flame Bird. Didn't we have a problem in Weibai Secret Realm before? It is said that the Flame Bird was responsible for it. Unexpectedly, it was subdued by others."

"Then why is it in Chen Yuan's hands?"

"It's not like Chen Yuan was the one who conquered the Flame Bird in the first place, right?"

"I heard from my dad that they did see Chen Yuan and others in the Weibai secret realm at that time..."

"Cao Cao, this is too outrageous! Could it be that Chen Yuan just took this flame bird and pushed this game to a draw?"

"It's so funny, that flamingo bird upstairs pushed flat. I, Yuanshen, only used the flamingo bird in this last game. Before, I used Bi Diao to push flat. That Bi Diao belongs to the elf position of Mr. Chen Yuan. , study hard and don’t think about it all day long.”

"Plus one, it is true that you are only qualified to study in high school at the age of 15, and Genshen has already obtained the silver badge. This time, there is a full video of the main game. If you haven't seen it, watch it more. This is even more exciting than the National League. Competition!"

"Are you kidding me? How valuable is this flying competition that I've never heard of?"

"Smile, the double champion in this competition is directly a silver badge, what do you think?"

"Actually, the National League depends more on the team. But speaking of it, with Genshen's current strength, he can play in the National League this year. Isn't this a flat push?"

"It's like saying that Chen Yuan, who is still a preparatory student, directly brought back a double crown at the ace level for our Yuda?"

Anyway, Chen Yuan and his elves are really popular, especially his flame bird.

An extremely rare legendary elf.

Even if it is knocked down time and time again by the fossil pterosaur opposite, it can turn around and recover as before, flying high into the sky, looking like the legendary immortal firebird that emerged from the fire.

At this time, many people finally realized how powerful the legendary elves were and were invincible at the same level.

Chen Yuan looked at the entrance to the core area of ​​the Pillar of the Sky, which was like a temple in front of him, and played with the silver badge he just got in his hand.

Liu Yunzhi beside him also looked at the entrance to the ruins of the Pillar of the Sky, and slowly said: "If you agree to the conditions I mentioned, you can enter it now."

Chen Yuan shook his head.

This time, the head of the Liu family was sincere and did not say anything about raising the eagles for him, nor did he mention anything about Liu Fengru and Liu Xueru.

But Chen Yuan could not agree to it no matter what.

"I appreciate Master Liu's kindness."

One last look at the ruins of the Sky Pillar, then turned around and climbed onto the Flame Bird.

Liu Yunzhi frowned, then sighed and looked at Chen Yuan, "Can you tell me the reason? It's only been three years."

"You have to know that if you agree, you can go in to find the inheritance of divine speed, and you can even go to my family to learn the mastery of divine speed."

"If you are lucky enough, you may even be able to see the legendary elves inside..."

"Master Liu."

Chen Yuan was born suddenly, interrupting Liu Yunzhi's words.

At this moment he looked at Liu Yunzhi

And Liu Yunzhi also looked at him.

Waiting for Chen Yuan's answer.

She really wanted to know that this was already the most favorable condition offered by the Liu family, unprecedented.

And Chen Yuan, this 15-year-old silver badge holder is indeed worth the price she gave.

The resources that lead directly to the King of Heaven, as well as hundreds of high-level tree fruits, are enough to impress anyone. Why did Chen Yuan still refuse.

Chen Yuan rode on the back of the flame bird and looked down at Liu Yunzhi with a faint smile.

"In about two weeks, my fruit drink shop in Beiyu will open. If you have time, Master Liu must come to support it."

Then Chen Yuan burst out laughing amidst Liu Yunzhi's astonished expression, and patted the flame bird soaring into the sky.

After getting the badge, Chen Yuan was in a good mood. After all, it was a silver badge, a pass to Tianwang Mountain. If you collect a few more, you can go to Tianwang Mountain to see it~

Moreover, the championship rewards are indeed good, and the Liu family has still worked hard on the face project.

Three high-level tree fruits, dozens of intermediate tree fruits, and a large number of primary tree fruits were transported to the Liu family's manor.

Of course, Di Yan and the others also played a part in this. Since Chen Yuan was ready to do something big, he wanted to take their rewards as well.

Make energy jelly together and then portion.

The elves were released and enjoyed the fruit buffet as much as they wanted.

There is simply nothing more satisfying than eating them all with open stomachs.

After making the fruit jelly for the elves, Chen Yuan still had some flying and dragon jelly on hand, and there were also a few flying dragon jelly left.

Just right.

When I took out today's championship reward, it was exactly the same as the previous one.

I found a small jar and threw the fossil in.

Then I picked some dragon-type berry pomegranate jelly and flying-type prune melon jelly, and put them in.

I went to see Sister Miaobu again and asked for some of that water ball that I don’t know what it was, but it was said to be very high-end.

Melt the jelly.

Soaking fossils in jelly solution is indeed quite effective.

After a while, the jelly solution was completely absorbed.

And that fossil has changed its appearance.

The originally blue-white shell had turned into black impurities and dissolved in the solution.

It was a green scale fragment.

Sure enough, just like the previous fossil, there were fragments of dragon scales sealed inside.

Chen Yuan fished out the fragment and threw away the remaining small jar of impurities...

Whoosh, a figure galloped past.

Mr. Kuailong drove quickly and caught the small bottle.

Holding the small bottle, Mr. Kuailong feels distressed.

Seeing that not a drop of the liquid in the small bottle spilled out, I immediately felt relieved.


Mr. Chen Yuan, do you really don’t want these energy liquids?

Mr. Kuailong held the small jar carefully.

There is still a lot of energy in it.

Although there are still a lot of impurities, they can still be absorbed after filtering.

Chen Yuan shook his head. Those energies were too complex. Whether it was a dragon or a bug, eating them would only be harmful rather than beneficial.

Mr. Kuailong opened his mouth and asked carefully: "Hooo?"

So, can you give me this small jar?

Mr. Kuailong was a little embarrassed. After all, this was the first time Kuailong asked someone for something, and it was such a precious energy liquid.

Although it was energy liquid that others didn't want, Mr. Kuailong always felt bad about asking for it.


Chen Yuan was stunned.

This... what kind of operation is Mr. Kuailong doing?

Quickly picked up the dirty things Chen Yuan didn't want...

Seeing Mr. Kuailong's expression of finding a treasure, Chen Yuan couldn't say no to him.

Just... I hope Mr. Kuailong won't have diarrhea after drinking.

Take out the dragon scale fragment juice from yesterday.

After a day and night of soaking, the dragon scale fragments have grown a lot.

Chen Yuan directly threw in the dragon scale he got today. Then put all the remaining Feilong jelly into it and let Sister Miaobu continue to blend it.

Just like the first dragon scale fragment, it grew as soon as it entered the jelly solution.

However, because I had just absorbed a lot of dual-system jelly solution, the Feilong Balance Jelly did not absorb much.

But what Chen Yuan didn't expect was that it would be after the new dragon scale fragments had absorbed the solution.

It actually grew together with the previous one.

Chen Yuan: "..."

Why does this have a magnetic effect?

If there is another scale, I am afraid it will not be combined into a big scale.

Chen Yuan fed some of the new Dragon Scale Fruit Liquid to Chongchong and Xiaolonglong’s family.

The Green Cotton Bird and the Baby Dragon also called over.

We are all our own children, we cannot treat one favorably over another.


At this time, the Flame Bird, which had just finished sparring with Uncle Bi Diao in the distance, flew back.

Now this firebird is really full and has energy to do anything.

Looking at Chen Yuan's proud smile, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Chen Yuan scratched the flame feathers of the flame bird. Not to mention, it was quite comfortable.

He praised the champion a few more times, took out two jelly balls and threw them out.

The flame bird's eyes lit up, it flapped its wings and flew out, howling and eating in one bite.

Miaobu on the side suddenly covered his face with his tail and couldn't bear to look directly.

How could such a good firebird suddenly become so virtuous?

Fortunately, I can't be as shameless as him.


Chen Yuan slapped his palms.

He took out a Qianxiang Jelly MAX and handed it to Miaobu.

This is Sister Miaobu's reward for teaching her son these days.

"Thank you for your hard work, Sister Miaobu."

Miaobu's eyes lit up.

"Buy bu y~"

It's a joke. If something like this happens in the future, remember to call me.

Then the Water Eevee flapped its tail and ran over.

Chen Yuan put the jelly in his palm and handed it over.

There is actually an egg-sized piece of high-purity Thousand Spice jelly.

It was the largest one Miaobu had ever seen.

It is also the largest one that Chen Yuan currently holds.

Wow! ! !

Miaobu's eyes lit up when he looked at the jelly in Chen Yuan's hand.

Then he directly opened his mouth, buried his face, rolled his little tongue, and ate the jelly.

Chew big, close your eyes and reflect, what a great feeling!

But it seemed like I had licked something just now...

Forget it, forget it.

Yanbu looked at Miaobu who was eating jelly directly from Chen Yuan's hand and chuckled.

Water dog.

Chen Yuan looked at the palm of his hand and then at Sister Miaobu who was enjoying it with her eyes closed, her eyes lit up.

Did Miaobu just lick the palm of his hand?

Hey hey hey.

Chen Yuan looked at Miaobu with his eyes closed, and felt a little moved. Just when he was about to stretch out his claws and hug the warm and cool water Ebu, the flame bird over there had already flown back.


Chen Yuan, I seem to have sensed the location of the big boss.

Chen Yuan hasn't reacted yet.


The Flame Bird glanced at the dragon scale jar in Chen Yuan's hand, raised his head and said excitedly: "Mah hoo hoo~"

The true core of the Sky Pillar, the location of the Sky Island! ——

"Impossible! If you want that little ghost Chen Yuan to openly enter the core ruins of the Pillar of the Sky, don't even think about it!"

Liu Family, core area.

Meeting of Heavenly Kings.

More than a dozen people were sitting around the conference table.

These are almost all the quasi-kings of the Liu family currently in the Luofeng secret realm.

And the person most honored was naturally the Heavenly King of the Liu family.

Liu Mengxiang is also the only king of the Liu family.

And his man, an old man with a gray beard, was pounding the table and roaring.

"Is that boy delusional?"

“Isn’t it enough to win two legendary resources in this competition?”

"You still want to directly enter the core secret realm of my Liu family? How come all the good things belong to him?"

"You can't say that."

At this time, a strong man with a scarred face picked his teeth and glanced at the old man opposite who was blowing his beard and staring: "Old man, that kid has something to do with Tianwang Mountain."

"So what! You know, the Pillar of the Sky is the core of our Liu family! The core! Do you understand what will happen if he really gets the third stage of divine speed and spreads it? He must join our Liu family."

"It's so funny, you probably didn't watch Chen Yuan's previous games. You don't really think that he covets your speed, do you?"

The old man frowned coldly and sneered, "You can tell something by watching the game of the Flame Birds. That Chen Yuan has never commanded from the beginning to the end. He can only rely on the legendary elves to fight by themselves. Such a so-called genius Nothing more than that.”

"Old man, it's better to marry as few wives as possible, so that you can live a few more years. Look, you are only sixty now, and your eyes are dim. How come you can't even use your brain? Chen Yuan didn't take the Flame Bird in the previous competition. Then Bi Diao's command is called a slippery person. You don't want to win over such a person, but you want to suppress him? Is he seriously ill? "

"Liu Erhei! You little bastard, you want to piss me off to death, don't you! See if I don't interrupt you..."


Liu Mengxiang suddenly spoke calmly.

The originally noisy conference room immediately became quiet.

The two people who were already making a fuss sat back down.

Liu Mengxiang glanced around and saw that all the people present were elites of the Liu family. The youngest was all in their thirties and a woman, and there was not even one under thirty.

Really, each generation is worse than the last.

He sighed and looked at Liu Yunzhi, the current head of the Liu family and the youngest person in the room.

"Please tell me carefully why Chen Yuan refused just now."

Liu Yunzhi's expression froze. Why did Chen Yuan refuse?

He just refused, invited her to Beiyu, and then nothing happened again, without a single reason.

Liu Yunzhi also sighed.

I briefly talked about what happened with Chen Yuan before.

Everyone looked at each other, and some even sneered.

Looking at Liu Yunzhi, she shook her head slightly.

"Yunzhi's ability to train elves is good, but her ability to handle family affairs... still needs to be strengthened."

The old man with the white beard just now stroked his beard and shook his head.

"Over and over again, and there's not even a reason, alas."

Liu Yunzhi lowered her head slightly and said nothing.

"Forget it, Yunzhi, since Chen Yuan invites us, at least one of our Liu family will have to go. You can make some arrangements and give the Chu family some noodles."

"Chen Yuan's talent is good, but it's a pity that he is from the Chu family. Because of this, he cannot be allowed to enter the ruins."

Liu Mengxiang's words set the tone for this matter.

After everyone has dispersed.

Liu Mengxiang looked at the two statues in the hall silently.

Lugia and Ho-oh.

Liu Mengxiang sighed.

"That woman from the Chu family is already strong enough. We can't let her reach the peak speed..."

"I don't understand, I don't understand at all!"

Liu Fengru and Liu Xueru were furious in the room. They really couldn't understand why the king refused!

With Chen Yuan's ability, and the assistance of the Flame Bird, he might really be able to get the approval of the Luo God and the Phoenix God, enter the topmost island in the sky that no one has ever entered before, and even meet the two legendary elves.

We won’t do anything that is a win-win situation!

"Feng Ru, Xueru, come here."

At this time, Liu Yunzhi's voice suddenly sounded outside the two people's house.

Liu Fengru and Liu Xueru looked at each other with doubts in their eyes. It's so late. What is mom doing?

"My lord mother."

Arriving at the study, the two sisters sat down obediently.

Liu Yunzhi looked at her two daughters and couldn't help but think of the first time they met, when they were simply rejected by Chen Yuan.

Liu Yunzhi gritted her teeth secretly, not wanting such a good daughter!

Damn brat!

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy the old woman from the Chu family gave you!

Liu Yunzhi closed her eyes and kicked the brat Chen Yuan out of her mind. When she opened them again, she said lightly: "You two, get ready and go to the Pillar of the Sky with Lu Ouming tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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