you elf, are you legal

Chapter 378: At that moment, little Eevee bathed in the moonlight, and then

Chapter 378 At that moment, little Eevee was bathing in the moonlight, and then... (Want to subscribe please)

BAA Baa baa?

What a sheep cry...

Chen Yuan muttered and turned over, almost falling down.

Then Chen Yuan woke up.

He found that he had come to a misty black space, and there was nothing under his feet. He was actually suspended in this dark space out of thin air.

The feeling of weightlessness just now seemed like an illusion.

In front of him, there were more than a dozen planets, which looked quite familiar.

It's like a dozen globes in dark space.

and many more……

This scene seems familiar.

It seemed like I had heard of it somewhere...

At this time, Chen Yuan suddenly remembered what Chu Xiaoxiao had mentioned to him before.

When he was in the imperial capital, he was meditating after that superpower rampage - of course it could also be a dream.

At that time, Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to have told him that she saw Arceus...

Oh, wait.


Did a sheep bray just now?

"Baa baa baa~"

At this time, Chen Yuan finally confirmed that the sheep's cry just now was not an illusion.

He turned back suddenly and his pupils suddenly shrank.

That's one...

Alpaca! ! !

"It's really Arceus' mother!"

"BAA Baa baa?"

Chen Yuan blinked.

Can't understand……

The alpaca also seems to have its head tilted.

Suddenly, a trace of astonishment flashed in those eyes.

He quickly waved his hoof, and a stream of light immediately appeared.

"Hey, I forgot to turn on the translator again."

Chen Yuan: "..."

Why do I feel that something is wrong with the alpaca in front of me?

Yangtuo glanced at Chen Yuan and said, "Mom, how can you assume my gender!"

Chen Yuan: "Isn't it still daddy?"

"I told you not to assume my gender!"

"Yes, Arceus' mother sounds better."

Arceus: "..."

"Forget it, call me whatever you like. Just don't call me ancestor."

"Don't talk yet. I'm going to do a routine and introduce myself. Grandma, I know you know me, but this is the process..."

The next second, Chen Yuan felt that his ears were suddenly bombarded by something. At this moment, a large amount of information poured directly into Chen Yuan's mind.

It was as if Yangtuo compressed the content of eight hundred words into a single note at this moment and then transmitted it.

Chen Yuan's brain almost shut down.

The alpaca smacked his lips and nodded with satisfaction, "Now that I've introduced myself, the process is over, it's time to get down to business. But before that, I have to complain, you're so good at not sleeping. You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to sleep. Well, if I hadn’t intervened when you were weak in willpower this time, you wouldn’t even know the year of the monkey and the month of the horse next time, and it would really be delayed until the year of the sheep..."

Chen Yuan's ears and head were buzzing, and it took him a long time to recover from Yangtuo's complaints and self-introduction.

When I looked at the alpaca, I already had a little respect - this alpaca seemed abnormal, so I had to stay away - give it a wide berth (no)

"Let's get down to business. I have a task for you. Uh, you should know about the slate thing, right? Did that little girl tell you? Yes, the slate thing is related to my KPI. Uh, I It means, it’s about my power, so you have to collect as much as you can.”

Chen Yuan blinked, nodded, and continued to wait for the next step.

I always feel that this is not the only thing that happened when Arceus pulled me over.

Sure enough, Arceus swayed.

From somewhere, an elf egg was pulled out.

"This is the task given to you. I wanted to give it to you when you awakened your superpower before, but you haven't slept yet. Grandma, you really can stay up late. What do you humans call it? By the way. , I am cultivating immortals, why am I cultivating immortals and not elves..."

Chen Yuan woke up.

Looking at the sky outside, it's already getting bright. It's time for morning exercise.


Lalu Lasi in her arms seemed to feel Chen Yuan's movements, and she stretched together.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Good morning, brother.

Chen Yuan hugged the good baby and kissed him.

He glanced at Chu Xiaoxiao in front of him, with his perfect sleeping face.

Chen Yuan unconsciously stretched out his claws.

Then... he directly pinched Chu Xiaoxiao's face and pulled it out.


Chu Xiaoxiao woke up immediately and opened her eyes drowsily. After seeing Chen Yuan, she immediately woke up and glared at this hateful stinky guy with cold eyes. He started to do something early in the morning!

Not to be outdone, Chu Xiaoxiao immediately moved over, preparing to find Chen Yuan's soft flesh for a sneak attack.

But suddenly.

Chu Xiaoxiao was stunned.


She lifted the quilt.

Taking a closer look, it was... an elf egg?

At this time, Chen Yuan and Lalu Lasi in his arms were also stunned, looking at the elf egg in the middle of the bed.

Two people and one elf were a little confused for a moment.

"Chu Xiaoxiao, could this be..."

Chen Yuan looked at the good baby La Lulas in his arms, and then at Chu Xiaoxiao.

It couldn’t be Chu Xiaoxiao’s fault.

Hey, wait.

Chen Yuan suddenly thought of it.

The dream I had last night.

"The it Arceus?"


Chu Xiaoxiao looked over.

At this time, Chen Yuan also slowly remembered the dream just now.

It's just that some details of that dream were very vague, especially the specific image of Arceus' alpaca, which I couldn't recall at all.

As if the brain had suffered an inexplicable blow, the protective shield erased the memory of that part.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

At least Chen Yuan still vaguely remembered that Arceus had told him that he would give him an elf egg.

This egg is probably it.

But what kind of elf is here?

"Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~"

At this time, Hua Yuxi had already run over for morning practice.

Full of energy, he called Chen Yuan downstairs in the villa.

Chen Yuan popped his head, "It's coming, it's coming."

No matter what the elves are, since they are the elves given by Arceus, then just keep them.

After morning exercise, Chen Yuan went directly to the Elf Center to make a fruit meal!

That's right! Just make a fruit meal.

Make a fruit meal for Sister Miaobu.

At this time, Miaobu was already wandering around in the secret realm of the elf center orchard.

I saw Chongchong and Xiaolonglong wagging their tails here, and I saw the Green Cotton Bird and Baby Dragon studying how to release the dragon's breath.

Grasshoppers and Bulbasaur get up early to photosynthesize.

The big wolfdog over there was outrageous. He was obviously an evil elf, but he liked to burrow into the Luomei fruit forest. Miaobu really couldn't figure out how this dog's brain grew.

Finally she saw Xiao Yuyu. After this little guy finished his morning exercise, he lay down in the pond to practice his water gun.

"Buy bu y~"

This little guy.

The special training has obviously ended and he can continue to practice his ground skills. Why do he still need to practice water skills?

Miaobu shook his head, hoping that when they meet in the future, Xiao Yuyu can understand the little things left for him... at least master a peak water gun, otherwise such a good talent will be wasted.

Looking back in the direction of the Elf Center, Chen Yuan seemed to be making fruit meals for the little ones.

There are quite a lot of elves that Chen Yuan wants to raise now...forget it.

Without disturbing Chen Yuanmiao, he shook his head and left directly.

The next moment, her figure appeared on the top of the mountain behind the elf center.

"Buy, buey."

Got to go?

Yanbu asked.

Miaobu nodded.

"Buy, buey."

time to go.

It has been quite a while since we left Tianwang Mountain.

This time I walked down the mountain just to give Yanbu some materials to use as a substitute for his life.

After delaying for so long, Chen Yuan wasted a lot of time.

But speaking of it, this trip to the Western Capital is still a little interesting.

"Buy bu y~"

Okay, let's go, but you have to wait a moment.

Miaobu looked at Yanbu as if he was confused.

But when she saw that Yan Bu took out a water balloon from somewhere, she suddenly became angry.

"Buy, buey!"

Why are you still carrying this thing?

Yan Bu chuckled.

He threw the water polo directly to Miaobu.

"Buy bu y~"

This is for you as a souvenir.



You fire dog has no good intentions.

I have already said that she, Miaomiao, will never be able to enter the Poké Ball in her life, don’t even think about it!

"Buy buey?"

Yan Bu glanced at Miao Bu strangely, a little hard to understand.

Do you want me to return this water polo to Chen Yuan, and then ask him to use the water polo that contained you to contain other water elves?

Miaobu suddenly became excited.

There seemed to be a stream of extremely hot water rushing directly from the tip of Miaobu's tail to her head.

What does it mean to "use her Poké Ball to hold other water elves"!

What words does this sound like!

No matter how generous she is, Miaobu, there is no way she would allow this to happen!

Miaobu snatched the water polo.

"Buy, buey!"

Is there anything else?

It's okay, I'm leaving!

Miaobu looked at Huogou impatiently.

Yanbu wagged his tail.

"Buy bu y~"

You still have to wait.

Miaobu frowned slightly, what else is going on?

Before she could speak, Miaobu suddenly felt something and looked directly into the distance.

There, two eagles rushed straight towards them.

"Sister Miaobu~"

Chen Yuan shouted while riding on the back of the beep bird.


The little raccoon sat in front of him, waving its little paws in the same way.

Sister Miaobu suddenly trembled, ducked, and was about to leave.

As a result, Yan Bu pulled him back by his tail.

"Buy, buey!"

Let me go, you...


Don't regret it after you leave.

As he spoke, Yanbu released his paws.

At this time, Miaobu stopped struggling.


Huh, what do you regret?

Miaobu turned her head, but she stayed still and her eyes still fell on Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan jumped off the sculpture, and Hua Yuxi, Chu Xiaoxiao and all the little ones also came over.

"Sister Miaobu~ Why are you leaving~"

Hua Yuxi couldn't help it and rushed over directly.

Miaobu trembled and was about to take action when he was hugged tightly by Hua Yuxi.

Being rubbed cheek to cheek by the girl.

Miaobu's tail also softened.

Chen Yuan looked at him eagerly, so envious.

I have never held a sister Miabu in my arms.

Xiaohua really does have the attribute of being friendly to elves.

"Sister Miaobu, why didn't you tell me that you were leaving."

Chen Yuan said as he took off a backpack from the back of Bibi Bird.

"This is the luggage prepared for you. It contains some fruit jelly."

"Yanbu said that you are going back to Tianwang Mountain. Here are some snacks and a mobile phone brought for you. By the way, these are some small items prepared by Xiaoli..."

Miaobu was stunned.

Inside the luggage, there were also parting gifts prepared for her by Hua Yuxi and Chu Xiaoxiao.

Not only the three of them, but almost every elf stuffed some good things into it - Miaobu even saw the ugly fish stuffing a jar of small fish food into it...

In the Pokémon Club, everyone in Chen Yuan's team, almost every Pokémon has been taken care of by Sister Miaobu.

Now that Miaobu is leaving, he naturally has some thoughts.

Miaobu pretended to be calm and nodded, patting his tail. Immediately, a burst of magical power surged out, grabbed the luggage, and lifted it up.

"Buy bu y~"

I know, I know, I'm just going back to make a report, it's not a separation between life and death.

Chen Yuan chuckled.

Then he took out two small jars from his bag.

"This is full of ice jelly. It's the same as the one I gave you yesterday. Don't eat too much every day."

"Buy bu y~"

I know, I know, it’s verbose.

Miaobu snatched the small jar and quickly stuffed it into his backpack.

Then he wagged his tail, turned around and left.

"Oh, right."

Chen Yuan looked at Sister Miaobu's figure getting further and further away, and suddenly shouted: "Around the 25th, we will return to the imperial capital to celebrate the New Year."

"If nothing happens over at Tianwang Mountain, remember to come back and celebrate the New Year with us."

Miaobu flicked his tail, swayed, and disappeared into the rising sun.

Today is the Pokémon group's homecoming day.

But there is still some time, Chen Yuan still has important things to do.

After walking into Yuda, Chen Yuan could clearly feel the atmosphere at the end of the semester.

Come to think of it, it's already mid-January.

There are only a few days left until the final exam.

Especially the first grade is extremely stressful, the first academic year, the first semester.

This is related to the status of the campus in the next three years.

This time the exam was all about caution.

The preparatory class is as lively as ever.

But when Chen Yuan and the others just walked into the classroom, it suddenly became quiet.

The level of silence even made Chen Yuan subconsciously glance back to see if there was any dean or director following him.

As a result, he found that these guys were staring directly at him.

Chen Yuan blinked, then raised his hand: "Good morning?"


"Zhou Cao, it's really Chen Yuan!"

"Chen Yuan is here! Come to school!"

"I just said, it's time to come back! Chen Yuan, give me your autograph!"

"Chen Yuan, I'm a fan of yours. Your Bi Diao and Flame Bird are so powerful. Can you show them to us?"

Chen Yuan: "..."

He asked why so many people looked at him and whispered to him along the way, thinking that he was handsome again.

But looking at his classmates in the preparatory class, Chen Yuan grinned.

It seems that everyone is paying attention to that game.

"Chen Yuan, Xiaoxiao, Yuxi, here, here~" Xu Xixi waved.

Still in the first row, still in the same position.

After Chen Yuan sat there before, almost no one else went to that seat again, as if it had become Chen Yuan's exclusive seat.

Chu Xianshen walked into the classroom and smiled slightly when he saw Chen Yuan and others.

In those days, the outside world was talking about Chen Yuan.

Only those who know Chen Yuan know.

If those organizations really came to find Chen Yuan, they might just come to kill him.

"Now that everyone is here, let me talk about the grade exam in four days."

Beiyu's grade-level exam this time is divided into two parts.

Theory and practice.

Theoretically, it will be three days later.

The actual battle, the real test, will be four days later.

First graders, including preparatory classes, are taken to the secret realm and tested directly there.

Chu Yansu did not explain the specific details, but this time, the team restrictions were opened.

Points will be counted for teams of up to two people.

Of course, it is also possible to fight alone, mainly because some students specialize in auxiliary elves, so this must be taken into consideration.

After class, Chen Yuan and the other three went directly to the club registration office.

Since this time there is a team score in the big test, then naturally there must be a team name.

The Pokémon Club used to be just a high school club.

And now, it has finally been established at Beiyu University.

The senior student in the school committee who was in charge of registration subconsciously rejected the idea of ​​setting up a Pokémon club when he heard about it.

In fact, after the rookie competition and the Pokémon trio at Beiyu High School became famous, the Pokémon club also became popular.

In Beiyu, people kept coming to register the name Pokémon, but they were all rejected by Chairman Yan Wanzhi.

In fact, everyone below knows that it was the president who kept the IDs for those three people.

Now, these three true masters have finally arrived.

As expected, the approval was approved directly by the Academic Committee Office.

"But the teacher in charge still needs to be filled in. After all, every club must have a teacher in charge."

Chen Yuan nodded, actually he already had a candidate.

"Just report within three days."

After coming out, Hua Yuxi immediately asked: "Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, actually from the first day, I have wanted to know why our club is called Pokémon?"

Chu Xiaoxiao shrugged and looked at Chen Yuan.

Hua Yuxi was startled. Did Chen Yuan come up with this name?

Didn't it mean that when she was in high school, Miss Chu established this club to prevent others from harassing her?

Why is it still named after Chen Yuan?

Chen Yuan shrugged, "I just picked it up casually, just like the pose I taught you. As soon as I was inspired, I always felt that the name seemed to mean elf."

Hua Yuxi seemed to understand, but it was also the first time that Chu Xiaoxiao heard Chen Yuan explain the name of the club.

"Speaking of which..."

Chen Yuan looked at the eldest lady beside him.

At that time, I went home after school, and like Chu Xiaoxiao, I had no club activities.

At that time, almost the entire class was spreading the news that Chen Yuan was actually an orphan, and class leader Jiang Lin seemed to want to make a donation.

Later, I don’t know why it disappeared.

It was also after that that Chu Xiaoxiao proposed to start a club and said that the errand boy dragged him along.

Now that I think about it, it feels weird.

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao also turned his head and glanced at Chen Yuan.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Ah, it's okay." Chen Yuan scratched his head, feeling that if he came out with his guess, Chu Xiaoxiao would definitely roll his eyes and say that he was just being sentimental.

Forget it.

There is also a battle class in the afternoon.

But Chen Yuan and the other two people just jumped away.

I just came back to Beiyu, and everyone has a lot to do.

Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi went to the secret realm of the orchard to meet with Teacher Xiao Mushroom and Dou Li Mushroom.

After all, Teacher Xiao Dou Li is just a consultant who manages things on his behalf.

Many things and many decisions still depend on the three Pokémon.

On Chen Yuan's side, he came directly to the Elf Center.

Just in time for the opening hours of the breeding house.

Fatty and Lai Minglue both live here and feed the elves.

Now this breeding house has gradually become more formal.

According to the level of members, each elf family has its own activity area.

The four of them are all SVIPs, and they are also fed in the entire back mountain, where the energy is relatively sufficient.

When he saw Chen Yuan coming, Fatty was the first one to rush over.

He hugged Chen Yuan immediately.

"Okay, Chen Yuan is amazing!"

At this time, Lai Minglue also came to Chen Yuan.

There was also excitement in his eyes.

Chen Yuan was able to come back safely, which also made them feel relieved.

"Chirp, chirp~"

At this time, there was a sudden cry of a bird.

Chen Yuan looked over, and behind Qinse, a rather large bird was flapping its wings and about to pounce.

It's Qin Bobo.

Little Bobo, who was still so big before, has grown up now!

He hooked his hand and immediately rushed over and bumped into Chen Yuan's body.

Chen Yuan laughed.

Two eagles were released.

Peep Bird immediately became happy when he saw Qin Bobo.

After exchanging pleasantries, Chen Yuan also asked about his experience in this breeding house these days.

This can be considered a return visit.

This is also the first time for Chen Yuan to make breeding animals to see what processes can be optimized.

It turns out that although the energy jelly is super easy to use, it is really difficult to use it on their weaker elves.

Chen Yuan thought for a moment and then understood.

The elves on my side have actually adapted to the various high-energy polymers made by Chen Yuan, and they can adapt quickly after taking energy jelly.

But it would be a bit stressful for other elves to directly use the energy jelly for the first time.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to provide some jelly energy solutions for these svip members to upgrade their benefits.

Anyway, I have a bunch of them here, all diluted and worthless.

After bidding farewell to Fatty and the others, Chen Yuan went to the energy spring in the back mountain.

The further you go to the back of the mountain, the richer the energy aura becomes.

But it has been optimized by Qiao’s mother.

A large number of energy tree fruits were urgently allocated from the Qiao family.

Three circles of fruit trees were planted on the outermost edge, and some methods that Chen Yuan couldn't understand were used to absorb and block the energy, directly blocking the overflowing energy in the forest behind the mountain.

There are some things that it’s not the right time to announce them now.

Chen Yuan also knew this truth and was very grateful to Qiao's mother.

After all, the world is not completely safe.

Even the King of Heaven may fall.

So when it’s time to keep a low profile, it’s better to play it safe.

Mother Qiao also seemed to like this place very much. She asked her elf to build a small house near the energy spring, and then moved in directly.

He said he was guarding the energy spring for Chen Yuan.

But Chen Yuan looked at Da Hu Hu and Qiao’s mother looking very happy.

Just let them go.

But speaking of it.

The energy of this energy spring does not seem to have diminished. Even after transforming the surrounding environment to become richer, the energy stored in it seems to have increased.

I just don’t understand it.

How can the energy of this energy spring increase and increase?

"The equipment you ordered before has been completed and has just been shipped to you and sent to the secret realm of the orchard."

Mother Qiao glanced at Chen Yuan as she spoke: "But speaking of it, Xiao Yuan, you are a bit dishonest. Why do you make such a delicious energy drink for Xiao Jili? Why don't you make some for mom? Mom will be sad. It’s over.”

Chen Yuan couldn't stand it any longer and was immediately defeated.

He repeatedly agreed to make No. 8 fruit drink for Qiao’s mother after the equipment was adjusted.

Went down to the secret realm of the orchard.

Chen Yuan first went to the open space opposite the planting area.

This is the place where I trained and fought with my friends before.

After the Coal Turtle has been working tirelessly (sleeping) for more than ten days to cultivate the land.

It has changed drastically.

The entire area of ​​ten kilometers in radius has been developed.

Not only that, but according to the plan, many areas have been developed simultaneously in several directions.

Chen Yuan had to marvel at Coal Turtle's work efficiency.

Even though Coal Turtle has his eyes closed and looks unhurried, he is really powerful at work.

Don't treat the Coal Turtle badly either.

Red lotus jelly arranges directly.

Fruit drink preparation area.

It is also an independent area arranged and planned by Chen Yuan.

In order to open a fruit drink store in the future, Chen Yuan specially customized a piece of equipment from Qiaojia specifically for making fruit drink puree.

In other words, it’s a pulp assembly line.

The basic parameters of the equipment have been adjusted. Chen Yuan tried to make a fruit drink. The speed was not fast but it was stable.

It tastes pretty good.

It is a single product that you can drink by mixing ordinary fruit drink puree with water.

In fact, many fruit drink shops are already using the machines for making single products.

At least Chen Yuan knew that Xingke was actually used, otherwise the quality would not be so stable.

But if you want to stably produce a variety of tree fruit drinks, it is difficult to get started.

In fact, it exists, but it is more complicated.

When Chen Yuan went to the Imperial Capital last time, he mentioned this matter to Qiao's mother.

Unexpectedly, the Qiao family is really efficient.

It took only a few days to build such a machine.

Chen Yuan called over Lalu Lasi, Xiao Hu Hu, and Xiao Caocao.

There are a lot of ready-made tree fruits.

What Chen Yuan has to do now is to determine the formula parameters.

This is quite complex and tedious work.

Needs to be fine-tuned slowly.

But once it is completed, the machine only needs to input tree fruits and regularly replenish some fermentation primers to produce a pretty good fruit drink puree.

When the sun sets, Chen Yuanqian picks up the fruit drink again, takes a sip and nods slightly. This time the owner of the new store is selling the winter re-engraved version No. 13.

Focus on one flavor.

not bad.

It's 70% or 80% similar to the ones he made.

After all, it is just a machine, lacking a bit of soul.

But it's not bad to drink it reluctantly.

After figuring out the characteristics of the equipment, it became much easier for Chen Yuan to prepare the No. 8 fruit drink.

It only took an hour to reproduce it with a score of 70-80%.

Chen Yuan looked at the new equipment, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Sure enough, technology changes life.

Now the supply of fruit drinks in my small shop is secured.

But there are still a few days until the opening.

Chen Yuan has ample time to adjust the formula parameters and process flow.

Well, the products will be put on the shelves little by little, so there shouldn’t be any complaints.

Then, all that’s left is the store’s employees…

At this time, the little mushroom head finally found Chen Yuan.

"Mushroom mushroom~"

Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~Huahua is looking for you~

Chen Yuan saw Hua Yuxi and others in the planting area and found out after asking.

It turns out that the expansion rate of this planting area is too fast.

After planting them all, I suddenly found that there were not enough elves.

Now each elf is used as two or three.

And we also have to take care of the back mountain side.

"And non-plantation areas also need to be opened up."

Teacher Xiao Dou Li also didn’t expect that in just a few days, he had already decorated this place in a stylish way.

The development progress really exceeded her expectations.

Chen Yuan nodded. It seemed that he still needed to find Ivysaur and the others in the next few days.

However, when recruiting the second wave of pioneering elves, Chen Yuan thought it would be better to bring some employees from the first batch of Pokémon with him.

Well, let's go there tomorrow.

But Chen Yuan came just in time.

Hua Yuxi still has many planting matters that need to be discussed with Chen Yuan.

That's several hours.

By this time the moon had climbed up.

Chen Yuan suddenly realized that it was already night.

He glanced at the little tropical dragon that was eating and drinking well.

Chen Yuan picked up the little guy and teased him for a while.

The little guy hasn't grown yet, only less than one meter tall. His little head rubbed against Chen Yuan's cheek, and he seemed to like Chen Yuan's scent quite a bit.

The mental power went deep into it and sensed the energy in the little guy's body. It was obviously a flying and grass elf, but the flying energy in the body was very little.

Following Chen Yuan and his companions these past few days, the little one ate and drank well. Chen Yuan did not make any additional plans for the little one's food and just left it to observation.

The little tropical dragon is not picky about food, it will eat whatever energy it can, and it doesn’t have any preference.

Even the flame-attributed red lotus fruit meal is open to all comers, but if this flying energy cannot be channeled, it is outrageous.

Chen Yuan carried the little tropical dragon back to the ground and went to find Qiao Beiyi, and asked Xiao Jili to give the little tropical dragon a comprehensive physical examination.

When Chen Yuan got the report, it was very different from what he had tested.

But Chen Yuan always felt something was wrong.

He went back to find Chu Xiaoxiao.

I tested it twice with this woman's superpower and there was no problem.

But this is strange.

It can obviously be absorbed, but the energy cannot be saved.

It's a bit outrageous.

It's getting weird.

But looking at the little tropical dragon and the little flower, they looked so careless and happy.

Chen Yuan just let it go.

When this little guy gets older and develops, maybe you can see it.

As for now, let's just feed it like this. Anyway, we don't expect the little tropical dragon to do damage for the time being. Just be happy during this period of growth and development.

Jiang Xiaoning closed the computer, leaned back on the chair and looked at the moonlight outside.

Before I knew it, it was already so late.

A knock on the door.

"Xiao Ning."

It was Di Yunxi's voice.


Jiang Xiaoning opened the door and welcomed his mentor in.

"The results are out, and they're still a little bit behind."

Di Yunxi said directly.

Jiang Xiaoning nodded: "Understood."

In fact, the characteristics of the rain plate are already very good, but the high-end requirements are too high.

It is understandable that the association has some considerations.

Looking at Jiang Xiaoning's calm face, Di Yunxi shook her head.

"Already decided?"


Jiang Xiaoning nodded.

After many years of getting along with each other, Jiang Xiaoning naturally knew what Di Yunxi was referring to.

Di Yunxi watched Jiang Xiaoning open her mouth, but finally shook her head and sighed.

It's a pity.

After all, he is the student he brought out, and he still hopes to stay in the Yuda Laboratory. There is no shortage of equipment, funding, and topics here.

"When you go out to work, there may be various problems. You should pay attention to it. If there are any topics that you don't understand, just call me. And..."


Jiang Xiaoning called softly.

Di Yunxi was startled, smiled and shook her head, pressing Jiang Xiaoning's hair.

After all, he is still a child who has not graduated.

Unexpectedly, I brought out so many students. In just my own laboratory, hundreds of students were sent away after graduation. There were times when they were reluctant to leave.

"You are the most talented among the batch I brought out, but you are not yet the best."

Di Yunxi suddenly said: "But I hope you can become the best."

Jiang Xiaoning nodded.

"I will, teacher."

Chen Yuan was training with little Eevee in the Luomei Fruit Grove in the backyard of the Elf Center when he suddenly received news from Jiang Xiaoning.

Jiang Xiaoning: "Junior, I'm out."

Chen Yuan thought for a while, what Senior Sister Xiao Ning said should be coming out of the laboratory...

But I really didn’t expect Jiang Xiaoning’s efficiency to be so fast.

Chen Yuan: "Senior, the procedures have been almost completed. All it takes is the two of us to go and sign in. See you at the Elf Center tomorrow morning."

Jiang Xiaoning: "Okay"

After a long while, Jiang Xiaoning suddenly sent another message: "Junior, will we become the best batch of Yuda graduates in the future?"

Chen Yuan smiled.

"Of course, we will be the best, bar none."

Jiang Xiaoning: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, then remember to give me a salary increase. By the way, remember to send me the fruit drink on the 15th, and a place to live. Remember to make arrangements for me. You Pokémon will not be without food." Cover it up?"

"Who are you talking to?"

Chu Xiaoxiao's voice.

The eldest lady suddenly appeared without knowing when.

She hugged little Eevee and stood there under the moonlight.

Under the full moon, in this Luomei fruit forest, it was so dazzling.

"It's Senior Jiang Xiaoning."

Chen Yuan shook his phone and said, "Senior sister, she has come out."

Chu Xiaoxiao was startled, and she didn't expect Senior Jiang Xiaoning to be so efficient.

The handover was completed in just two days.

"You still need to make a few more handovers in the future, but you can go through the formalities with us tomorrow."

"But speaking of which, senior sister mentioned that food and accommodation must be included. Does Mr. President have any plans?"

"You know how to call me president when you spend money?"

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at him and tugged her hair: "Since she is senior Jiang Xiaoning, I cannot treat her badly. Let's rent the villa next to Xiaohua to her."

"But speaking of it." Chu Xiaoxiao continued, she looked at Chen Yuan: "What do you think of bringing Senior Jiang Xiaoning into our Pokémon Club?"

Chen Yuan was stunned.


I really haven't thought about this.

Chu Xiaoxiao put her hand on her chin and began to talk to herself.

“The background check was done, it’s very clean, and I was raised by my grandma in my original family that my parents didn’t want since I was a child.

The results I have achieved now are almost all thanks to scholarships and working hard bit by bit. The talents of trainers and researchers are all amazing..."

"Wait a minute." Chen Yuan pressed his eyebrows.

"When you recruit people to join your team, do you have to be a back-up guy?"

Chu Xiaoxiao tilted her head and looked at Chen Yuan, a little strange: "What else? What if a stinky hooligan, perverted scoundrel is brought into the club?"

Chen Yuan was speechless, how could this young lady still say hurtful words in secret?

"That is to say, you also did some background work when you recruited Xiaohua to join the team?"

"There's no need to memorize it. Your admission information is on display at the Chu family. I entered the database with my permissions and found out after a quick search. After all, Beiyu is still the territory of the Chu family."

Chen Yuan squinted: "You? The you you just mentioned include me."

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly shut up.

Chen Yuan continued to attack: "Sure enough, I said that I was just back home and doing well in the club, so why were you suddenly dragged into the club as an errand boy? Sure enough, I like it just like our mother... hmm."

Chu Xiaoxiao put her little hand on Chen Yuan's mouth.

Chen Yuan also smiled, pulled Chu Xiaoxiao over, and slapped the young lady hard on the mouth.

"Sure enough, I should have done more background work at that time. I only looked at the background, not the character."

Chu Xiaoxiao turned away.

Chen Yuan laughed, straightened his hands, and kissed him again.

The longer they get along, the more he realizes that this young lady is really...

There were so many things that I just ignored in the past.

But it doesn’t matter, you will naturally find out bit by bit in the future...

"Chen Yuan."

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly looked at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan was confused.

"what happened?"

"Do you know when we first met?"


Chen Yuan thought for a while, "I was number one in the opening speech. I didn't go if I was asked. I gave it to you. I'll go. Don't pinch me."

Chu Xiaoxiao shut up and said nothing.

Chen Yuan couldn't figure it out.

What did I say wrong?

"Buy bu y~"

At this time, little Eevee shouted.

Chen Yuan was startled and let go of Chu Xiaoxiao.

Only then did he notice that when Chu Xiaoxiao came over just now, he was holding little Eevee.

As a result, just as they were making out, little Eevee was caught in the middle.

Look at what little Eevee looks like now, his tail is deformed.

The hair is all curly.

He pouted his little mouth and was unhappy.

Seeing the aggrieved look on little Ibrahimovic's face, Chen Yuan burst into laughter.

He picked up little Eevee and kissed him hard.

Chu Xiaoxiao glared at Chen Yuan, snatched the little Eevee back, and held him in his arms: "It's just you who did it, so carelessly."

Chen Yuan didn't care either.

Little Eevee felt very comfortable in Chu Xiaoxiao's arms.

Especially when bathed in the moonlight, that feeling is quite wonderful... Huh?


She suddenly trembled.

At the same time, Chen Yuan suddenly blinked and looked at little Eevee.

"This light is...moonlight?"

Little Eevee's first fairy skill, moonlight? !

 It’s another long day. I hurry up and hurry up. When I get out, I can’t save any manuscripts...



(End of this chapter)

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