you elf, are you legal

Chapter 379 Blue Star’s only immortal cloth!

Chapter 379 Blue Star’s only immortal cloth! (Want updates please subscribe)

"Buy bu y~"

Brother Chen Yuan, we seem to have learned how to moonlight~

Little Ibrahimovic was very happy.

She had been studying for a long time before this, but she never expected that she would be here today in the Luomei Fruit Forest on a full moon night.

Finally something dawned on me.

Sure enough, Brother Chen Yuan was right, it had to be the fruit forest in Beiyu.

The corners of Chu Xiaoxiao's lips curled up.

After reading the training materials for Ibrahimovic, she knew that the skill "Moonlight" was quite difficult for Ibrahimovic to learn.

But now my little Eevee has actually learned the full version of "Moonlight" with fairy attributes.

Chen Yuan reached out and hugged little Ibrahimovic and was a little excited.

at last!

Little Eevee finally learned his first fairy skill.

Stroking the soft hair of little Eevee, Chen Yuan felt in his heart that now he could finally try to make little Eevee evolve.

Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to have noticed Chen Yuan's thoughts and looked at him, both seeing what the other person was thinking.

Make some arrangements recently and prepare your little one to evolve!

Little Eevee has been stuck at the elite threshold for a long time. If he can evolve, he can break through to the elite in one fell swoop. Moreover, now that all the foundations of little Eevee have been solidified, it is really time to evolve.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Yuan, "Now can you tell me in which direction you plan to cultivate little Eevee?"

Chen Yuan had previously said that the evolution of little Eevee was entirely up to him, and now it was time to give her an answer.

However, Chen Yuan did not answer Chu Xiaoxiao immediately at this time. He lowered his head and looked at the little guy. At this time, little Ibrahimovic also raised his head and looked at Chen Yuan, both of them smiled slightly.

This was a little secret between him and Brother Chen Yuan. Chen Yuan hooked Little Ibrahimovic's chin, while Little Ibrahimovic narrowed his eyes comfortably, enjoying the rare comfort in the arms of Brother Chen Yuan.

Seeing this, Chu Xiaoxiao curled up her lips. He was obviously his elf, but why did he have to have such a good relationship with Chen Yuan?

La Lulas was the same, and so was little Eevee. Chu Xiaoxiao seemed a little jealous and took a few steps forward, reaching out to pick up little Eevee, but the moment she touched little Eevee.

At this moment, little Eevee was suddenly shocked.

It felt like there was a surge of energy in my body.

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao were suddenly stunned. Little Ibrahimovic, this is...

No way?

Is this evolution?

They looked down and saw white energy bursting out from the little Eevee's body. This was the light of evolution.

Then it enveloped Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao.

A large amount of fairy energy surged out.

He was fed Luomei fruit meal jelly every day and every night, and now the fairy energy stored in his body began to feed back to little Eevee's body.

Chen Yuan suddenly felt something in his heart and immediately communicated with his mental power.

At the same time, Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to remember what Chen Yuan said before, about evolving...

The mental power surged out, linking the mental power of Chen Yuan and Little Ibrahimovic.

In the light of this evolution, both Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao felt a touch of warmth.

"Little Eevee is going to evolve?"

"Buaaaabuaa~Yes~Sister~Sister, we are going to evolve."

"What kind of evolution is it?"

Chu Xiaoxiao asked again, and she looked at Chen Yuan.

However, Chen Yuan just smiled and looked at Chu Xiaoxiao, who was bathing in the light of evolution at the same time as him.

"Just watch it for a while."

At this time, little Eevee stopped talking.

The light of evolution has begun to change her body shape.

After dozens of breaths, the light of evolution converges.

The Ibrahimovic elf that Chu Xiaoxiao had never seen before appeared before her eyes.

The beautiful Ibrahimovic is all white, dotted with colorful pink patterns. Silk-like ribbons hang down, and there are beautiful bows on the ears.

"Boo Boo Boo~" Fairy Ibrahimovic sat happily in Chen Yuan's arms, tilted his head and looked at Chu Xiaoxiao, and smiled at his sister's shocked look.

She made a soft and cute sound from her mouth, and her silk-like ribbon pulled Chu Xiaoxiao's hands.


Sister, sister, I have evolved~ I am Fairy Eevee~

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao looked down at Fairy Ibrahimovic in Chen Yuan’s arms.

She suddenly thought...

It was obviously a brand new evolutionary type, but little Eevee was able to say the name right away.

It's like I've known this name for a long time.

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Yuan again, with an expression of relief and no surprise at all, as he had expected it.

Even Chu Xiaoxiao, who had been kept in the dark, suddenly realized that Chen Yuan had long known that little Eevee could evolve into fairy Eevee.

And looking at it, one person and one elf had already been discussed long ago, and Chu Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth.

Fortunately, she was still struggling before, whether she should evolve Little Eevee into Sun Eevee or Moon Eevee. It turned out that this stinky guy Chen Yuan already had the answer.

She hugged Fairy Eevee over in one fell swoop.

Looking at the playful look of the little guy in his arms, Chu Xiaoxiao was not angry at all. The curve of the corner of his mouth was completely uncontrollable.

The more I watch it, the more I love it.

Really, so cute.

Involuntarily, she buried her head in and took a big sip. Chu Xiaoxiao was satisfied.

This is her Eevee, the Fairy Eevee.

Chen Yuan reached out and stroked the little guy's head and looked at Chu Xiaoxiao, "How is it? Are you surprised?"

Chu Xiaoxiao glared at Chen Yuan, but his eyes were much softer.

Originally, the Moon Eevee controlled by my eldest sister was the first Blue Star, which made Chu Xiaoxiao yearn for it, but now she can also own the only Fairy Eevee in the world...

This stinky Chen Yuan always gives her unexpected surprises.

La Lulas rushed over with a teleport. She looked at the evolved Fairy Eevee with joy, and then she rushed over with her little hands raised.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

The two elves soon started playing together, and at this time, the green cotton bird, which was practicing dragon breath with the baby dragon not far away, suddenly felt something and flapped its wings and rushed over.

The big wolf dog in Luomeiguo Forest smelled the scent of Fairy Eevee. The two of them looked at the fairy Eevee they had never seen before, and they suddenly became envious.

Especially the big wolfdog, the saliva is flowing out, I really want to lick it (no)

"Now that you're here, you're here."

Chen Yuan waved and called Qingmianniao over.

During the five or six days of special training on Sky Island, Qingmianniao also completed the final breakthrough and reached the elite level.

At this time, Little Eevee also evolved into Fairy Eevee, breaking through the threshold of the elite and officially entering the elite field.

Little Eevee seemed to understand what Chen Yuan meant, swaying the ribbon and jumping on the ground.

At this time, Xiao Qingqing also flapped her wings and slowly flew up, staring at Fairy Eevee.

The other elves all stepped back to make way for the two little guys.

No need to say more.

La Lulas floated into the field, raised her little hands and looked around.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

The battle begins~

Little Ibrahimovic was the first to rush over.

Fairy Ibrahimovic's body swayed and a white light suddenly lit up. It was a flash of lightning, and it was a masterful flash of lightning.

Her figure suddenly disappeared, turning into a streak of pink lightning and rushing away.

Qingmianniao didn't expect that little Eevee could evolve so quickly. She swayed and quickly used "Guard" to protect herself.

Then she flapped her wings and flew into the air.

A flying light shines on it and attacks.


However, Fairy Ibrahimovic did not dodge or evade, and directly took the attack.

His body shook, and the light of "moonlight" immediately shone on him.

Immediately afterwards, a "prayer" cut through the sky and landed on him.

At this moment, the two recovery skills lit up on her body almost at the same time.

In almost a breath, her injuries were healed, and even her physical strength was restored to its peak state.

She chuckled, looked at the green cotton bird, and charged again. Little Eevee suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

This time, [Lightning Flash] did not use the general energy.

It came naturally, and the fairy energy activation skill was used.

A flash of fairy lightning? !

Looking at the faster Fairy Ibrahimovic, Qingmianniao was dumbfounded.


This lightning flashes, can it still be used in this way?

Is this legal?

Chu Xiaoxiao turned to look at Chen Yuan, "A flash of fairy lightning?"

Chen Yuan nodded, "This is little Eevee, the characteristics of fairy Eevee, fairy skin."

This is a characteristic that allows general skills to be used with fairy energy.

Chu Xiaoxiao immediately understood this characteristic, which contained huge potential.

If, as Chen Yuan said, normal skills can be converted into fairy skills in the first stage, then what about the second and third stages...

What kind of effects will this feature have if it continues to be developed?

Can powerful skills with other attributes be converted into fairy skills?

Or is it……

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly stared at Chen Yuan closely, "How do you know so clearly?"

Whether it's Fairy Ibrahimovic or this characteristic, Chen Yuan is like a prophet.

Chen Yuan pressed his head and said that Arceus' mother told him. Would Chu Xiaoxiao believe it?

The battle between Fairy Eevee and Green Mianniao ended quickly.

Whether it is in terms of racial quality or physical strength, Fairy Ibrahimovic has the advantage of crushing him in every aspect.

The new dragon skills that Qingmianniao has mastered have no effect on little Eevee.

On the other hand, Fairy Ibrahimovic's burst of energy steadily suppressed the dragon's breath in Qingmianniao's body.

This is a complete attribute restraint.

The beating from Qingmianniao felt aggrieved. After this battle, Qingmianniao finally figured it out.

In front of the cute, beautiful and powerful fairy skills, the so-called dragon skills are all rubbish.

She also wants to completely master the fairy energy like little Eevee.

Qingmianniao looked at Chen Yuan with a fiery gaze.

They are all my sister's spirits, so why is Brother Chen Yuan so partial?

First it was La Lulas, then little Eevee.

After this, it should be my turn~

It seems that I have to ask Brother Chen Yuan for help~

At this time, the big wolf dog Pidianpidian ran to Fairy Ibrahimovic, wagging his tail and looking at Fairy Ibrahimovic, his eyes full of longing.

Although he is an evil elf, Big Wolf Dog found that the agitation for fairy energy in his body has become instinctive, completely suppressing his desire for evil energy.

I always feel like I gave birth to the wrong baby.

Was he supposed to be a fairy dog ​​in his previous life?

But he had never heard of a fairy dog. When he looked at Chen Yuan, the big wolf dog pounced on him with a wagging tail.


Boss Chen Yuan, can I also evolve into a fairy-type giant wolfdog?

Chen Yuan rolled his eyes. Don't even think about it. The big wolf dog is already your ultimate form, but you can arrange some fairy skills.

Chen Yuan felt that the fairy steel breeding plan he had thought about before could indeed be arranged for the big wolfhound.

Seeing this, the green cotton bird also pounced over.


Brother Chen Yuan, Brother Chen Yuan, what about me?

This is it.

Chen Yuan picked up the Green Mianniao, and he remembered what Chu Xiaoxiao had mentioned before about the cultivation and development of the mental strength of the three elves, Little Eevee, Green Mianniao and Big Wolf Dog.

Now that little Eevee has evolved into a fairy Eevee with as much mental power, it should be a piece of cake to learn mental strength after all of it has been developed.

However, the Big Wolf Dog and the Green Sheep Bird do need to be developed in the future, using the previous experience of Little Eevee in guiding spiritual power. Since the super powers of these two elves cannot guide the spiritual power in their bodies, there should be no need to use fairy energy. question.

Just prepare in the next few days.

During the Chinese New Year in the imperial capital during the summer vacation, there seemed to be a gathering of the Chu family. It was said that branches of the Chu family from all over the country came to pay a visit to King Chu Tian.

Well, let the quasi-kings of the Chu family in the imperial capital experience the strength of the fairies.

Early the next morning, Jiang Xiaoning came to the Elf Center in the North District as agreed.

I had heard before that there was a new breeding house built by Chen Yuan in this elf center. In fact, at that time, Jiang Xiaoning wanted to come and take a look.

But at that time, Jiang Xiaoning was still struggling with the final paper.

Later, Yan Wanzhi dragged her to the flying competition, which delayed her for a long time.

Now I finally have a chance to see it.

Chen Yuan, who had just finished his morning exercise, saw Jiang Xiaoning standing outside the Elf Center and immediately welcomed her in.

I took my senior sister around in the orchard at the back of the mountain.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoning already had some preliminary understanding of the fairy energy proposed by Chen Yuan. Especially when he saw the large tracts of Luomei fruit trees planted in the fruit forest in the back mountain, he immediately understood that these were Chen Yuan's. The tree fruit forest with fairy energy mentioned by the source.

Looking at the scale of the mountains and plains, Jiang Xiaoning realized that Chen Yuan had actually been prepared.

As soon as the Gyarados was released, it felt like it was home and started swimming in the forest.

This left Jiang Xiaoning a little speechless. Why did he feel that his little carp dragon was more familiar with this place than he was.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoning suddenly saw a pink figure leaping past in the shadow of the jungle.

What elf is that?

Jiang Xiaoning suddenly became energetic.

The figure saw Chen Yuan, turned around and stopped in front of Chen Yuan, swaying its beautiful ribbon and rubbing against Chen Yuan.

"Is this a new elf?"

Seeing Chen Yuan nod slightly, Jiang Xiaoning immediately squatted down and observed carefully.

This is because she has never seen an elf before, does it look like, where is Eevee?

"what is her name?"

"Buy bu y~"

Fairy Ibrahimovic tilted his head and looked at Sister Jiang Xiaoning. Why did Sister Jiang Xiaoning not recognize her after not seeing her for a day?

"What did the little guy say?"

Chen Yuan laughed.

"This is little Eevee."

Jiang Xiaoning was stunned, then suddenly turned around and picked up Fairy Ibrahimovic.

The little noses and eyes are really exactly the same.

"This is a brand new form of Eevee..."

Jiang Xiaoning found that her voice was trembling with excitement.

She just held little Eevee and looked at Chen Yuan and the orchard behind him.

"Is this what you are talking about, the fairy type elf?"

Chen Yuan smiled and nodded.

Seeing Senior Jiang Xiaoning's eager gaze, Chen Yuan briefly introduced Fairy Eevee and its characteristics to Senior.

Jiang Xiaoning took a deep breath.

The look in Fairy Ibrahimovic's eyes changed.

As a researcher, Jiang Xiaoning immediately understood the meaning.

She seemed to have seen it at this time, senior researcher... no, the title of researcher master was already waving to her.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoning looked at Chen Yuan with a hint of seriousness and seriousness.

"Besides you, does anyone else know about Fairy Eevee?"

After receiving a negative reply from Chen Yuan, Jiang Xiaoning confirmed again: "In the future, will senior Xiaoxiao prepare to use this elf to take part in the annual exam?"

Seeing Chen Yuan nodding, Jiang Xiaoning said: "I understand, so we must hurry up."

"Chen Yuan, let's go and implement the institute's affairs immediately. Submit the paper first and let me take the lead. I will analyze the specific data slowly. Five days, no, just give me four days."

Chen Yuan was not clear about the details of the publication of these papers, but he could already clearly feel Jiang Xiaoning's urgency.

After all, this is a brand-new attribute and a brand-new elf. If the paper cannot be published before it is made public, there may be huge variables.

Chen Yuan naturally understood.

Chu Xiaoxiao was called immediately, and the three of them set off together to the Elf Center headquarters.

The association's researcher office area is there.

The receptionist was also an old acquaintance of Jiang Xiaoning.

"Xiao Ning is here?"

He is an uncle who is over fifty years old. It is said that when Instructor Di Yunxi was here, he worked here.

"Hello, Uncle Yan." Jiang Xiaoning said hello and then got down to business.

"Ah, that matter, I remembered it. There was a laboratory before. It turned out to be the laboratory of your junior fellow student."

After speaking, Uncle Yan glanced at Chen Yuan. He was able to win the title of researcher at a young age. He was a good prospect.

"Come on, give me your researcher ID, Chen Yuan, right... I'll operate it for you..."

"By the way, Chen Yuan, there was a problem when you registered the scale of your laboratory. Now you only have junior qualifications, but the laboratory and research institute you applied for are a bit large. How about I give you the research first?" Stop for a moment, you want to set up a laboratory. Which institute should you go to? Isn’t it the one at Yuda? If not, go to Di Yunxi. By the way, Xiao Ning introduced you here, and Xiao Ning is Di Yunxi. s student……"

"Uncle Yan."

Jiang Xiaoning shook her head helplessly, interrupting Uncle Yan's narration.

He took out his ID and handed it over.

"This is my ID. Please transfer my relationship with me."

"Huh? Are you sure?"

Uncle Yan raised his head and glanced at Jiang Xiaoning in surprise, as if he wanted to see a hint of joking in the latter's eyes.

"Didn't you do a good job at Di Yunxi's place?"

Jiang Xiaoning shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "Uncle Yan, you forgot, I am now a high-level nominee."

"I understand." Uncle Yan nodded. He was really confused. At Jiang Xiaoning's stage, if he wanted to go further, he would basically come out to work on his own projects.

It seems that Jiang Xiaoning also has this idea.

It's just a pity.

At such a young age, she can definitely practice more with Di Yunxi. After all, it has the richest project resources in Beiyu. Even if it is just cooperation, seeing more, learning more, and opening up her mind, it will be able to make a big difference in her advanced path. Helpful.

Coming out like this is a bit rushed.

"Okay, I've finished it for you."

Uncle Yan handed the documents back to Chen Yuan and Jiang Xiaoning.

Looking at Jiang Xiaoning's leaving figure, Uncle Yan shook his head and sighed.

I hope I don’t become the second Yan Hong.

Over at Chu Xiaoxiao, the same institute procedures were completed.

At this time, the Pokémon Research Institute and Laboratory were finally completed.

Jiang Xiaoning walked back immediately.

The office is located on the fifth floor of the North District Elf Center. It has a dedicated room, computer equipment and more.

All of Chen Yuan's goblin information was piled on his desk.

Looking at the decoration in the room, there was also a lot of No. 15 fruit drink puree.

Jiang Xiaoning smiled knowingly.

First, I made myself a cup of super strong No. 15 and picked up a stack of documents.

I watched it while drinking. I don’t know the experimental environment yet, but this place is very comfortable.

Especially if I have food and drink, at least I won't worry about my liver dying in the office.

Jiang Xiaoning shook his head and read the documents carefully.

So junior fellow student, let me see if the information you have compiled can allow you and me to stand on the throne of the highest alumni.

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao wandered around for a while, bought an oversized silk scarf for little Eevee, and got a flame stone for little Li to see if the little guy would have another one.

This was the first time for the two of them to go shopping, and for some reason, they didn't feel like dating at all.

I found a fruit drink shop, ordered a single product, and took a few sips at will. Finally, Hua Yuxi arrived.

"Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~"

Xiaohua hurried over.

"No hurry, no hurry."

Chen Yuan looked at Hua Yuxi who was running.

I really think it would be great if Xiaohua could keep running like this.

The three returned to the elf center.

Hua Yuxi and Chu Xiaoxiao also need to register for the elite assessment.

Especially Chu Xiaoxiao, La Lulas now has a combat power comparable to that of a trump card. This time Chu Xiaoxiao is bound to break through the six-star assessment.

Hua Yuxi also needs three elite elves.

This was also an activity arranged by the club before.

Hua Yuxi's goal is to take her own elves and break through to a four-star elite.

Registration went smoothly, but the assessment still takes a while.

After all, this is the first game of the year.

Whether they are high school students or Yuda students.

They are all working hard to achieve good results in the first elite competition of the new year.

"We're out of the examination room. It's the day after tomorrow at Yuda."

Hua Yuxi said.

Hua Yuxi smiled, holding the admission ticket, already a little excited.

Now, she has two elite elves in her hands, and the baby dragon is just shy of breaking through to the elite level.

If you take advantage of the situation again, you can get two more badges.

Then doesn’t he also have six badges?

Hey hey hey.

Chen Yuan went upstairs with Hua Yuxi who was smiling stupidly.

Elf Registry.

Classmate Xiaohua’s Tropical Dragon has not registered yet, and my Chou Ui Fish is about to join the team as well.

The ugly fish patted its tail and looked curiously at the young lady who was doing her insect and epidemic prevention inspection.

It was Jianana who registered Chen Yuan.

I have become accustomed to Mr. Chen Yuan coming to register once a month.

But speaking of it, Jianana still hasn't figured out what kind of team Chen Yuan wants to cultivate.

Forget it.

After all, I don’t know how many badges the silver boss has got, but he already has twenty elves, right?

There are only a few elves.

What three positioning, six teams.

For a big boss, if you see someone who has a good eye, you can directly buy it, which is so enviable.

Chen Yuan looked at the water balloon in his hand, with the number 008 printed on it.

Hey hey hey, ugly fish, get☆daze

After leaving the Elf Center, Chen Yuan returned to the secret realm of his own orchard, and directly found the Little Crocodile, Squirtle, the cute little Bulbasaur, and some other elves that performed well. Bring them all.

I went to the Ivysaur Woodland with Chen Yuan during my day off today.

The little guys were reluctant at first.

I had been doing a good job, but after one day less work, the performance energy liquid was a little less. Adding in my own wages, I was missing half a bottle inside and outside. It was such a loss.

But as soon as I heard, I had to go back to the forest and recruit other friends to come over.

And double the performance.

The little guys immediately became happy.

That's right, this second batch of elves is about to start recruiting.

This time, Chen Yuan directly rode the Bibi Bird and took Uncle Bi Diao through the thick fog.

Nowadays, both Chen Yuan and the little guys are no longer what they used to be.

Although there was only a dozen days of pioneering time, every elf had developed a strong will.

In addition, the energy here is rich and there are delicious food and drinks every day.

There are also a large number of super powerful elves who eat and live together.

The little ones naturally withstood the pressure of the thick mist so easily.

It’s only a short ten kilometers.

It flew over so easily.

The feeling of returning to Weibai Lake is completely different.

Especially Uncle Bi Diao.

It was obviously only a few months, but coming back again felt like a lifetime ago.

That’s right, I struggled here back then and struggled to achieve the top level but couldn’t.

Now it is at the top.

Uncle Bidiao was still very emotional.

Suddenly, Chen Yuan's eyes lit up, he patted the beeping bird, and swooping down, he saw several short green plants sprouting by the dry Weibai Lake.

I can’t tell what kind of fruit tree it is.

However, Chen Yuan did feel a little emotional about the tenacity of life.

"Let's pray for rain."

Chen Yuan said.

Beepbird nodded.

He flew directly into the sky and rushed towards the clouds.

The body started to dance in the air.

After a while, a lot of rain fell straight down.

"Pray for rain"

Moreover, Lugia's legendary power was mobilized, and the range of the rain request used was quite large.

It's just that he is not a real legendary elf after all. With just one rainfall, he still cannot restore the entire dry Weibai Lake to its original state.

But it can indeed reduce the difficulty of survival for these new lives.

After leaving Weibai Secret Realm and walking a short distance back, we arrived at the dense forest in the northern suburbs, which is now the territory of Ivysaur and the others.



It's Bi Diao!

It’s Boss Chen Yuan!

Boss Chen Yuan is back!

Just as he approached the forest, Chen Yuan was immediately spotted by the patrolling elves.

He shouted loudly and ran back to report.

After all, the last time Chen Yuan came here obviously gave them too much shock.

And this time, I had already mentioned in advance that I was going to recruit the second batch of elves.

Now everyone is gearing up.

It only took half an hour.

Chen Yuan came back again, and the news of recruiting the second batch of land reclamation elves has spread throughout the dense forest in the northern suburbs, and large numbers of elves are coming here.

It even shocked the human trainers who were still training in the dense forest of the northern suburbs, thinking that the elves had suddenly rioted in the dense forest of the northern suburbs.

This time Chen Yuan directly asked for 108 elves.

The screening work was handed over to a few little guys.

What Chen Yuan brought this time were basically the "elites" from the land reclamation team. Each of them understood the various needs of this orchard's secret realm.

Targeted recruitment.

The number of people who came to gather this time was obviously much larger.

But there are also a large number of people who just heard about the delicious fruit meals and came to join in the fun.

It turned out that the elf in charge was not only younger than them, but also very weak.

Immediately contemptuous.

Especially a Cammy Turtle at the pinnacle of excellence, looking at Squirtle with a proud face.

"Kami Kami!"

I told you to recruit me, so just do it, or I'll beat you up.

Cammy Turtle raised his fist.

"Jenny Jenny..."

Squirtle shrank his head subconsciously.

He seemed to be scared.

When he was in the previous territory, he knew this Cammy turtle and he was the boss of their small circle.

The last time he came here to sign up, he was also ordered by this person to come over to run errands and want to have some food and drinks. Unexpectedly, I was selected and the opponent was not so lucky.

Now it was obvious that the other party recognized him and wanted to come over and take revenge.

The little raccoon's eyes widened, and he wanted to rush over and avenge the little Squirtle.

However, he was pressed down by Chen Yuan.

"Where's the squeak?"

Xiaoli waggled his tail, somewhat confused as to why Chen Yuan didn't want him to help.

Chen Yuan shook his head. Some things, some relationships, and the darkness of the past had to be broken by himself to make sense.

Seeing that Squirtle didn't speak, Cammy Turtle just lowered his head, thinking that he was hesitating.

Immediately took a step forward and shouted: "Kami Kami!"


Talking about you!

Raise your head, didn't you hear what I said?


Seeing this scene, the little Crocodile and Bulbasaur on the side immediately gathered around and patted their swollen belly and looked at the Cammy Turtle over there.

"Kami Kami!"

Why, if you want to beat the few with more, aren't you the first lucky ones?

Let me tell you, with my talent and strength, many elite human trainers have come over and wanted to join me, but I refused.

I am bound to get this opportunity.

Cammy Turtle has made up his mind to cheat those fruit meals and drinks and then leave immediately. It is impossible for Blue Star to catch even one of his Cammy Turtles in this vast world.

"Bana ba na!"

Although the little Bulbasaur has not yet reached the excellence level, he is indeed very angry and is about to rush over.

"Jenny Jenny!"

Jenny stretched out his hand and stopped Bulbasaur.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the Cammy Turtle who had always bullied him.

Let's fight the elves!

oh oh oh~

A bunch of elves watching the excitement immediately gave way.

In the elf world, battles between elves are common.

Especially since elves are still a strong-willed society.

There are quite a lot of fights between elves when they disagree with each other.

Now, thinking about this Cammy Turtle at the pinnacle of excellence and Squirtle, an outstanding Squirtle in its own right, I am looking forward to it.

Cammy Turtle narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect that his former little brother would dare to resist him.

This time, we must completely defeat this kid.

Chen Yuan walked over and patted Squirtle's carapace.

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

Squirtle was startled for a moment, looking at Boss Chen Yuan, his eyes immediately turned a little red.

Nod heavily.

This time he had to win.

He represents Pokémon Orchard.

The elves on both sides took their positions.

The battle begins soon.

At the beginning, Cammy Turtle attacks directly, opens its mouth and sprays out a water gun.

The little Squirtle didn't even look at the water gun and directly used "shrink into the shell"

Strengthen your defense and eat this water gun.

Cammy Turtle looked at Squirtle's appearance and immediately grinned.

It turned out that just like before, it would just shrink into its shell after being beaten.

Then, just like before, I will show you that even shrinking is useless.

It ran over quickly.

At the same time, there was a trace of energy on the tail.

At this time, Squirtle seemed to have no reaction and continued to shrink into his shell to strengthen his defense.

Cammy Turtle whipped Squirtle away with just one blow of its tail.

"Water Tail"

Then he ran after him.

Continue with one tail.

Little Squirtle has been hiding in the turtle shell and continuing to strengthen.

When the third water jet hit, Squirtle staggered and was knocked away again, but this time.

There was a sudden clicking sound on the turtle shell.

It was the sound of a turtle shell breaking.

"Broken shell"

The Cammy Turtle was also stunned for a moment, then started laughing.

Sure enough, the brat just can't resist the beating. Let me shoot another water tail to end the battle.

Little Squirtle stretched out his head, looked calmly at the rushing Cammy Turtle, and swayed again.

The muscles all over his body seemed to suddenly swell, his arms, legs and feet suddenly became thicker, and his own carapace also shattered again.

"Broken shell"

At this moment, Squirtle looked at the Cammy Turtle opposite, and suddenly realized that the speed, which was originally unmatched in his eyes, was so slow.


Unprecedented power.

Squirtle clenched his fist.

The tail patted.

At this moment, there seemed to be endless water in his body, surging.

Just like a torrent.

"Flow tail" vs "Flow tail"


The Cammy Turtle was whipped out by the tail.

Squirtle wasn't much better, but he still held on.

He took two steps back, released his strength, and then rushed forward. He rushed towards the Cammy Turtle on the opposite side at an extremely fast speed. He raised his head and sprayed out a water gun, hitting the Cammy Turtle directly in the face.

Then another tail whipped up directly.

This time the "Water Tail" hit the target directly.

Cammy turtle rolled twice on the ground and had to stand up.

Squirtle's second water gun has sprayed over.

Another accurate hit.

Cammy Turtle thus lost its ability to fight.

Squirtle pinched his waist, and all the Bulbasaur mini-Squirrogs rushed over.

Throwing Squirtle high in the air.


Chen Yuan smiled slightly and rubbed Squirtle's head, "You have defended the glory of Pokémon, so I will reward you with some performance when you go back."

When Squirtle heard this, he immediately cheered.

Chen Yuan turned his head and looked at the elves surrounding him.

Shaking his head slightly, he released Uncle Bi Diao directly.

The top momentum rippled.

The elite elves were immediately frightened and trembled all over.

Some even try to forcefully get a spot by relying on their status as elite elites.

After eating and drinking for a while, he wandered off and suddenly became depressed.

Unexpectedly, Bi Diao, the overlord of Weibai Lake, has already broken through to the top level!

At this time, Chen Yuan looked at the elves around him and said calmly: "Everyone, elves, don't waste your time. What we need this time are elves who are willing to open up wasteland, not elves who like to cause trouble and fight."

"In my place, no matter you are an elite or an outstanding person, you are treated equally. Even if you are an elite, you may have to do several times or even ten times more, but you will not get any preferential treatment..."

Chen Yuan scanned the audience: "If you have any questions, or if you think you are strong enough and want to come to me based on your strength, then beat me first."

At this point, Uncle Bi Diao spread his wings cooperatively, "Beer!"

The top-notch aura shook directly, and immediately sent the Cammy turtle that had just been lying on the ground flying far away.

Chen Yuan smiled slightly when he saw that the scene had finally calmed down. It was now much easier to handle.

Together with the leader of the giant needle bee, we went around the territory for a few laps.

I found that whether it was the Ivysaur territory or the Big Stitch Territory, there were a lot of elves missing.

There were several elves that had reached the elite peak before, but many of them disappeared.


The giant needle bee vibrates its wings.

Many elite trainers came this year, and many of them had great potential. Many of the Great Needle Bees in the clan wanted to go to the human world to see the world, so they followed them.

Chen Yuan nodded. It seemed that Yuda had finally opened up the permission to capture elves in the dense forest here.

The big exam is one thing. It is said that this year's audition has been moved forward a lot, and it will be less than two months. I don't know if it has anything to do with it...

"President, this is our new battle instructor."

A young man stood beside Xiang Yuxiao.

There was a hint of respect in his tone.

Xiang Yuxiao looked at the mentor and coach in front of him and frowned slightly.

"The coach of the second team has been decided to be Chen Qianyun, who came up with a high profile, right?"

The young man was still respectful, but a trace of disdain could be seen deep in his eyes.

"President, Chen Qianyun is just an elite trainer. Even you and I can't defeat him. How can he be so virtuous?"

 Continue to offer 10,000 yuan, change it first and then change it, show your heart



(End of this chapter)

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