you elf, are you legal

Chapter 383: Catch that heterochromatic green caterpillar! Chongchong:? ? ?

Chapter 383: Catch that heterochromatic green caterpillar! (Want to subscribe please) Chongchong:? ? ?

Ace, reappear ace.

That's a eagle

A huge eagle.

Its wingspan is more than twice that of an ordinary bird.

As soon as the Bi Diao was released, it swept out unscrupulously with a powerful force.

This is no less impressive than the big wolfdog just now!


Maybe even stronger!

That aura is almost innate, even the feeling of being above the trump card.

Especially those who were named by Chen Yuan, Xiaoxiao, the eldest sister, had just been preparing to run away from the trainers.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Chen Yuan glanced at the two girls.

One head even stuck directly into the soil.

Facing the helplessness and fear of those apex predators.

Dare not speak.

There is almost no game in the Masters that I have not watched.

If we talk about Chu Xiaoxiao, most people's impression of her is just that of a rich second generation, a direct descendant of a top family.

There is also a girl named Huanhuan.

That's it.

The horse lost its front hoof and fell flat on the ground.

With such a gentle flapping of the wings, there is no need for the wind to rise at all, just a sharp glare.

When it looked up, it saw the huge figure in the sky.

I thought that was all in that video.

This is a trainer with top elves.

The boy was shocked and angry,

Chen Yuan glanced over lightly.

At this moment, I actually had the illusion that I was being targeted by a top hunter.

Especially his two eagles, one red and one blue, are simply incredible.

The beeping bird flapped its wings and flew up.

The two girls on the back flew out and fell to the ground.

I almost didn’t dare to get up again.

this moment.

When he looked at the eagle at this time, the boy immediately became silent.

Beepbird looked down.

The flaming horse suddenly froze.

The boy swallowed back his words.

Boss, I can’t afford to offend you.

But for Chen Yuan, it was completely different.

Slowly a shadow pressed over me.

The silver badge is well deserved.

But after truly experiencing this power, it is completely different and terrifying.

Not long after the girl's flaming horse ran out, she felt as if she was being targeted by some terrifying entity.


"You, what are you going to do?!"

Chen Yuan continued to look over.

Just such a contact made some weaker elite elves unable to walk.

The Duduli immediately went limp.

"Beep beep~"

It seemed like it was back many years ago, when it was still a little fire pony.

No matter how much the trainer urged the three heads, they didn't dare to lift them up.

All achievements depend on family strength.

"Beep beep~"

Still silent, he glanced back at the other people who had just participated in the heckles.

At this time, everyone lowered their heads, and no one dared to look at this young man who was much younger than them.

Gently pat the bird's feathers.


Chen Yuan said.

"Beep beep~"

Bi Diao's body erupted with dazzling white light.

The next moment, a strong wind swept across, followed by a terrifying sonic boom.

When everyone dispersed the smoke and dust raised by the wind, Chen Yuan and his Bi Diao had disappeared. Only then did everyone let out a sigh of relief.

They looked at each other, silently mounted their elf, and drove away quickly.

The two girls who had fallen to the ground also got up.

He rode on his flaming horse.


When they looked at Chen Yuan's leaving figure, they saw...

There were stars in his eyes, and there was no lingering fear after the warning. Instead, he felt that this young man was too handsome.

"Handsome, handsome, handsome, this is the man I love!"

"Shit! Stop talking, where is Chen Hua's CP? Didn't I see that you said "I'm Xiao", my Yuan Shen warned you? This wave of Xiaoxiao stocks is guaranteed to make a profit."

"Tch, it's nothing. It's just to protect friends. Really, I don't understand. My Chen Yuan is so handsome and talented, why does he spoil that woman Chu Xiaoxiao?"

"Stop talking! Be careful, I, the God of Origin, will come to warn you again."

"Come here and give me a serious warning~"

The flaming horse walked farther and farther.

Chu Yansu watched the last group of people walk away.

After pressing the message send button, he looked in the direction Chen Yuan left and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

"Brother Chen Yuan is pretty good."

Thirty minutes away.

It's not that far actually.

It's only a few dozen kilometers.

For a bird with a speed of 500 meters per second, it only took a few leisurely slaps to get there.

You must know that Chen Yuan is the champion of Flying Master.

With this first speed reward, how can anyone compete with him?

Fatty and Qinse rode together.

Originally, he was going to form a team with Lai Minglue, but the second team and the battle club suddenly had some changes. There was no other way but Fatty could only reluctantly act with Qin Se again.

This is a big king swallow, the pinnacle of elites.

Even though he is not that big, it is already very strenuous for a fat man to ride on him. Add a piano to the mix... In fact, there is still room for him to squeeze in a bit.

Fortunately, Wang Yan is very strong.

The "lightning flash" is about to activate, carrying the two of them straight up.

At this moment, two more boys followed.

They are all members of the fighting club.

"How does it feel to have a fat man in your arms?"

The fat man glanced at the two men and ignored them.

Driving Da Wangyan to leave immediately.

However, the big-billed bird on the opposite side stopped the two of them.

"Xiang Jiannan, Qin Se."

"Let's continue the bet we made before! If we lose this big test, we will withdraw from the competition for the second team."

"If we win then get out of the way."

The fat man narrowed his eyes.

Qin Se lowered her eyebrows and said nothing.

The two men continued: "Don't think that we won't know if you don't tell us. In fact, you and the president are former presidents, so they are brother and sister, right? These two teams are originally made up of capable people. This is also our battle against the club. The purpose we have always pursued.”

"If it were you..."


A sudden sonic boom exploded directly in the sky above several people.

Several people were shocked.

When he looked again, he could only see the figure of a Bi Diao disappearing into the distance in the sky.

At this time, several people looked at each other. The fat man grinned and patted the big king swallow under him. At the same time, the big king swallow emitted a light of energy, and "a flash of lightning" flew straight out, breaking through the blockade of the big beak on the opposite side. .

"Since you guys want that position so much, come and get it if you can."

The fat man laughed loudly and flew after the bird in the distance.

I don't know why the fat man's mood suddenly improved. Maybe he saw the figure that just passed by. There was a familiar person on top of the huge sculpture.

Maybe it’s because I finally figured it all out.

The essence of being a trainer still lies in the strength of the elves. It is useless to talk too much. In the end, there will still be a fight.

So before this big test, let's play with them.

Since you want the quota for the battle club and the second team, come and get it if you have the ability.

Qin Se, who had lowered his head and said nothing, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth slightly and then disappeared briefly.

The two little hands holding the fat man's clothes tightened.

Chen Yuan, who was flying in the sky, seemed to see a few acquaintances, but because the speed of the bird was so fast, those figures passed by, and it was already kilometers away when he wanted to turn back to say hello. Outside.

Chen Yuan smacked his lips and did not send Beep Bird back.

Anyway, this big exam is in that secret realm. There is plenty of time and opportunities to meet.

"Accelerate, sprint at full speed."

Chen Yuan suddenly shouted, feeling the pressure of the wind washing his face, Chen Yuan felt great.

The beeping bird chirped for a long time, and at this moment, it directly mobilized the peak wind, allowing its speed to increase to another level, and finally broke through to that field, and then the figure disappeared instantly.

That is, after dozens of breaths, a towering ancient tree stood there.

The bird swayed, slowed down, spun and rushed down.

We arrived at the camp under the ancient tree.

The person on duty here is a female teacher about 40 years old.

Next to him was a man in camouflage, about 30 years old.

The two of them were looking at the map on the stone platform and talking about something.

At this moment, the middle-aged man in camouflage suddenly looked up at the sky, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he almost subconsciously touched the elf ball at his waist.

At the same time, he exuded a powerful aura, which frightened the female teacher beside him.

what happened?

The female teacher asked subconsciously, while the middle-aged man stared at the sky. The Poke Ball in his hand had already pressed the button, and a Nidoqueen stood beside him.

He didn't speak, but he was ready to fight.

At this time, the female teacher also reacted immediately, her face changed drastically and she looked towards the sky, where a huge eagle exuded a powerful aura.

Just go down slowly, Ace Elf!

Where did this ace elf come from!

It's still comparable to Wang Dian's peak aura.

Why did you suddenly appear in this camp?

Could it be that some external force is really coming...

Random thoughts flashed through her mind. When the female teacher saw the figure on Bi Diao clearly, she was suddenly startled and pressed the button of the camouflage man who was about to launch an attack.

"It's Chen Yuan"

Teacher Li said softly.

But the corners of his mouth grinned and twitched unconsciously.

I really didn’t expect it, how long did it take?

In less than 5 minutes, this Chen Yuan rushed over from dozens of kilometers away!

When the man in camouflage heard the name Chen Yuan, his mouth suddenly twitched and he looked at the handsome young man above Bi Diao, his eyes narrowed.

I remembered that when I received this assignment, the higher-ups needed to focus on “taking care” of the new students.

A boy who got a silver badge when he was only 15 years old.

Bi Diao landed slowly. Chen Yuan turned over, looked at the two people in the camp, and politely shouted: "Hello, teacher."

The middle-aged female teacher nodded slightly and looked at Chen Yuan with more appreciation at this time.

He is neither arrogant nor arrogant, and he is polite. He is a good boy.

At this time, Chen Yuan also quietly looked at the extremely strange middle-aged man beside the female teacher who he had never seen before. Chen Yuan's eyes twitched when he was wearing camouflage.

Especially when he felt the unique bloody aura on his body, it was like the aura of evil that came from fighting on the battlefield.

Such people directly reminded him of the special section of the association.

A special operations department where Sister Yaya once stayed.


The middle-aged man collected Nidoqueen and took back the Poke Ball, then stretched out his hand to shake Chen Yuan's hand.

"You can call me Thirty-Seven, this is my code name for this operation."

For Silver Badge holders, even the ace trainers of the Special Operations Department like Thirty-Seven have considerable respect.

"Congratulations to you, classmate Chen Yuan, for winning the first speed reward for the first mission."

He stretched out his hand and touched Chen Yuan's bracelet lightly, and there was a ticking sound.

Chen Yuan has received the news of the mission reward.

A total of 8 points were received, and the middle-aged man stepped aside.

Chen Yuan's eyes couldn't help but fall on the huge tent behind him.

Inside is the entrance to the secret realm of this big exam.

"There are many tasks, so do it according to your ability,"

"Everything stays safe."

Thirty-seven warned, his words were gentle and calm.

"If there is danger, please press the emergency button on the wristband immediately, and we will send people to support immediately."

Chen Yuan nodded and thanked him, then opened the tent curtain and stepped into the secret realm.

Watching Chen Yuan's figure disappear into the tent.

Thirty-seven narrowed his eyes slightly, he was indeed a young hero. No wonder the superiors asked them to focus on taking care of this person.

Just that bird put a lot of pressure on him.

This silver deserves its reputation.

Quickly edit messages to send.

Chen Yuan arrived faster than expected. It seemed that the guys in the secret realm were going to be busy.

At this moment, Chen Yuan suddenly trembled and reached the secret realm in one step.

I felt a lot of pressure. This time I came to this secret realm without the so-called key stone protection. Everything was carried by my body.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly, Chen Yuan gradually adapted to the pressure, and there was a "ding" sound.

Chen Yuan received the message on his phone again and opened it to see that a new task was coming.

"Mission one, punish evil and promote good. We have located two members of the evil organization, Water Fleet and Lava Fleet. Their strength is between seven and eight stars. The reward points are 15."

"Task two, capture the elves. There are rare and powerful elves living in this dense forest. Now they have been marked to capture the elves (elite peak) in exchange for rewards. Each elf has 1 point, and this task points Maximum 30"

This is not a 2-for-1 choice.

Either fight against evil organizations or capture elves?

A heaven, a hell?

The teacher who designed this task is going to cause trouble.

But it seems that Chen Yuan wants to grasp the task of choosing 2 from 1 with both hands.

This is a dense jungle. According to the positioning of the bracelet, there is a Poke Ball storage point east of Chen Yuan, about two kilometers away.

After releasing the beeping bird, Chen Yuan immediately took action.

These two tasks appear to have no time limit, but in fact they are not.

There are only so many elves, there are 3000 marked elves in total, but there are hundreds of candidates.

This is typically a limited quantity, first come first served basis.

Chen Yuan's first-mover advantage is at most 5 minutes.

How many elves can be caught in 5 minutes?

As for the two bosses, they are very strong, with typical ace combat power.

It's very difficult for freshmen, and there shouldn't be anyone challenging it from the beginning.

"Go get the ball first."

Chen Yuan quickly made a decision.

The beeping bird flew by at a distance of two kilometers.

This is a range of 100 meters. Looking from mid-air, you can't see the elf ball at all, exactly where it is.

This group arranged the venue for the big exam.

It really does belong to you, so I hid it directly.

The Beepbird patrolled the air and found nothing.

It is still difficult to find the elf ball in such a range.

But ah.

Whether this is hidden by elves or humans, there are traces to follow.

Chen Yuan landed and released Xiaoli. When it comes to finding things, is there any elf who is more professional than Xiaoli?

The little guy squeaked and sniffed.

At this moment, Xiaoli directly opened the picking characteristics and scent detection to the limit.

Immediately all the information within a hundred meters radius was clear.

As soon as his eyes lit up, Xiaoli dodged and rushed out quickly.

After a few breaths, he rushed back, and at this time, Xiaoli had a bag on his tail.

Xiaoli put the bag on the ground and pointed with her tail.


There are 4 backpacks in that, that, that, and that direction.

Chen Yuan opened his backpack and took a look. Good guy, there are only 10 elf balls. Who are you looking down on?

Chen Yuan waved his hand and continued looking.

The little raccoon swung its tail and rushed out at great speed.

This speed is extremely efficient. In just a few breaths, Xiaoli ran back dragging 4 backpacks.

50 Poké Balls at the start are enough.

There are a total of 30 mission points for capturing elves, which means 30 elves need to be captured.

If Chen Yuan searches for them one by one, he will find them in the Year of the Monkey, Horse and Moon.

This is when the benefits of having teammates become apparent.

He needs to catch thirty of them by himself, but there is no comparison with a team of thirty.

Chen Yuan simply put Chong Chong, Xiao Yu Yu, and Xiao Li, there were three elves in total.

They packed their mobile phones and Poke Balls in their own small bags, and divided the troops into three groups.

Let the little ones catch the elves on their own.

"You should not be too far away from each other so that we can support you at any time. If there is any danger, call immediately and we will rush over immediately. Do you understand?"

Chen Yuan's eyes especially looked over and over at Chong Bao and Xiao Yuyu.

Xiao Li has great speed, he can advance, attack, retreat or defend. There is no need to worry at all, but Chong Bao and Xiao Yuyu are a little worried.

In fact, Chen Yuan is also a bit adventurous. After all, there may be ace elves in this forest, so danger is inevitable.

He watched the two little guys slapping their chests and shouting excitedly: "I promise to complete the mission!"

Forget it, there are still mobile phones sharing positioning anyway, so there won't be many mistakes.

Let them play for a while first.

The three little guys looked at each other and saw the fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

Then let’s see who can catch more elves!

Xiaoli swayed and rushed out. Chongchong's spiritual power covered his whole body, and he flew up in a sway. He used some speed skills with a swing of his body, and he rushed out at a very fast speed.

Xiao Yuyu also used his traveling skills.

With the newly learned digging skills, I stomped my two little feet on the ground and immediately submerged into the ground.

Chen Yuan looked at the direction where the three little guys disappeared and touched his chin.

He always feels like a child who has grown up.

They said they should catch both hands. The little guys went to catch the elves. Of course, he himself wanted to stand up for justice and destroy the water fleet and the lava fleet.

He turned over on his back and flapped his down feathers. The bird chirped, spread its wings and rushed out.

The fat man who had just entered the secret realm was suddenly startled and saw air waves passing above him, rushing straight into the distance. He suddenly trembled.

Isn't this Chen Yuan?

Fatty and Qinse looked at the task prompts on their phones and thought about it. They had a small first-mover advantage. They caught 30 elves. The pressure was not very great. They quickly got the 30 points. Say it again.

As for the water fleet of seven or eight stars, it is not something that ordinary people can fight. Later, when there is time, we can join forces with Xiao Laizi and the others to fight the boss together.

Hey, wait!

The fat man suddenly remembered the direction that Chen Yuan had just passed. Looking at the map again, wasn't this the location of the boss of the water fleet?

Chen Yuan will not challenge the boss directly now, right?

Will there be enough time to catch the elves when there are so many people soon?

Don’t want 30 points?

"Fat man?"

Qin Se suddenly shouted in a low voice.

The fat man turned around and saw Qin Se already on top of Wang Yan and waving to him.

"I'm coming."

Forget it, let’s get the Poké Ball first.

The speed of the forward-moving Peep Bird slowed down, and Chen Yuan was a little surprised.

"Beep beep~"

There is an elf below, the pinnacle of elites

Chen Yuan took out his cell phone and took a look. Haha, there really was the elf he had been marking nearby.

Then you have to grab it easily.

Bi Diao immediately flapped its wings and rushed down.

It was a bear that was at the peak of the elite. He was holding a tree fruit and eating wildly. Suddenly, he felt the sky darken. When he looked up, his body shook, and his whole fur exploded.

It was an ace bird, staring at it with piercing eyes, and the corners of its mouth seemed to be drooling.

You're not going to eat yourself, are you?

The bear was so frightened that he rushed straight towards the bear. He trembled and stuffed the fruit into his mouth, and was about to jump out with a swipe of his tail.

However, the one on the opposite side was faster than the eagle, almost dodging, and before the bear could recover, it was already blocking its path.

A human boy jumped off the back of the eagle, throwing an elf ball in his hand.

At the same time, the Bi Diao waved its wings, and wind pressure condensed on it. Dozens of wind blades were condensed by him in an instant.

They all aimed straight at the bear.

He rushed towards the bear and swallowed his saliva. He saw that each [air blade] contained at least ace-level energy. He thought that if such an attack fell on him, he would have to shed a layer of skin even if he died. He swallowed his saliva again.

I just came here to work, there is no need to carry it out like this!

Then he went straight to the bear and swung his tail to the ground.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~"

Human trainer, please subdue me.

Chen Yuan: "..."

No, are all elves today so realistic?

Chen Yuan and Bibi Bird set off again, wandering around the nearby woodland, and they caught three more elves.

I have to say, Beepbird is really awesome.

It is said that Bi Diao can watch small animals running on the ground from a thousand meters away.

He is indeed a born hunter!

"Beep beep~"

Boss Boss found a human!

The Beep Bird descended, and Chen Yuan could clearly see the figure in the jungle in the distance.

A sailor wearing a blue uniform was leaning against the tree trunk.

Chen Yuan was not polite and landed directly in front of the water fleet.

Directly release the elf ball.

Xiaolonglong and Xiaohuhu were released directly by Chen Yuan.

The water fleet glanced at Chen Yuangang and was about to speak.

Without saying anything, Chen Yuan stretched out his hand and said, "Electromagnetic waves are extremely poisonous."

Xiao Longlong swept his tail, and an electromagnetic wave suddenly fell accurately on the water fleet who was about to take out the elf.

He shook, and the elf ball in his hand fell to the ground. His feet went weak and he fell to the ground.


At this time, Xiao Huhu leaned forward and spat out his mouth.

A stream of black-purple liquid has fallen on the water fleet.

Immediately he turned blue and purple, and his lips trembled.

"Poke ball."

When Chen Yuan pointed his finger, the beeping bird immediately understood. The [wind] surged violently, and countless air currents wrapped around it, and it just rolled up the elf ball around its waist and snatched it away.

When it comes to field battles, Chen Yuan feels that he has become a professional.

Only then did he squat down and look across.

I saw this water fleet, trembling and pointing at Chen Yuan, but because of the severe poison in his body, his lips were swollen like sausages, and there was a gurgling sound in his throat, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it. .

Chen Yuan smiled slightly and casually rummaged through him, including a walkie-talkie, a bracelet, antidote and anti-anesthetic, and poured two pills for the man to eat.

After all, Chen Yuan had already determined the identity of the other party at this time. It looked like the brand new water fleet uniform was custom-made, as well as the aura of this person.

The reason why Chen Yuan launched the attack without saying a word was because he felt that this man's breath smelled like blood.

This smell is especially noticeable to Chen Yuan, who is extremely sensitive to mental strength.

Although there have been some speculations before that this may be a water fleet played by a member of the Special Operations Department, but what if it is true.

But now looking at the bracelet, Chen Yuan confirmed its true identity - codename thirty-six.

Chen Yuan chuckled.

When the bracelet is attached to your own, 7 and a half points will be credited directly to your account.

Chen Yuan then threw the elf ball to the uncle from the Special Operations Department.

The medicine has worked, and the toxins have been paralyzed and removed.

Thirty-six climbed up and looked at the young man with complicated eyes.

Grandma’s legs turned over!

Who would have thought that this guy would directly launch a combat attack without saying a word. This is not the way ordinary students play at all.

I have been fighting in secret realms all year round. This time I took a vacation and took on a mission. I didn't expect that as soon as I relaxed a little, it overturned and fell directly into the hands of a freshman.

If this spreads out, wouldn't it be laughed at?

Thirty-six shook his head and looked at Chen Yuan with complicated eyes.

"What's your name, classmate?"

Chen Yuanxing did not change his name, but he did not change his surname: "Xiang Jiannan."

Thirty-six nodded slightly, and he remembered the name.

"Since your water fleet is fake, then the nearby lava fleet is similar, right?"

Thirty-six looked at Chen Yuan and said directly with a smile on his lips: "No, he is real!"

Grandma has legs, so she can't overturn the car by herself.

Chen Yuan grinned and immediately understood what this thirty-six meant.

He raised his hand to take back Xiaolonglong and Xiaohuhu, and turned over to Bi Diao.

Chen Yuan has already seen it, and the next 7.5 is waving to him.

Looking at the disappearing Bi Diao, Thirty-Six gritted his teeth.

Xiang Jiannan, right? He remembered it! !

Then this thirty-six immediately became serious.

It seems that this year's Beiyu University still has some powerful freshmen.

Then he took it seriously.

He stretched out his hand and released his rice spoon snake.

As soon as the veteran ace's rice spoon snake landed on the ground, it swung its tail and spit out its core, becoming alert.

Suddenly I felt the ground shaking regularly.

Several elves approached quickly.

Thirty-six narrowed his eyes.

Come live.

You like sneak attacks, right? Haha.

"Let's slow down, we're here, don't alert the enemy."

Someone whispered.

Surprisingly, it was the person who had blocked the fat man for a bet before.

When several people around him heard this, they immediately nodded in agreement.

A group of eight people are part of a small group of fighting clubs, and are also loyal followers of Coach Pang.

The Seven-Star Water Fleet was obviously not something they could defeat alone.

Just come over and form a temporary team to fight the boss.

"over there."

someone whispered.

Several people looked over and immediately discovered the water fleet under the tree.

"it's him!"

Several people were extremely excited and gearing up.

Although I don’t know how to distribute the points when teaming up to fight the boss, just fight and that’s it.

The leader said hello, and several people touched the elf ball at the same time.

They were about to rush forward, but at this moment several people suddenly felt dizzy.

Before they understood what was going on, everyone fell down.

His eyes were open and his lips were purple, obviously he was poisoned.

Thirty-six under the tree just smiled slightly.

You're a demo, you like sneak attacks when you're just starting out, right?

A little more tender.


The rice spoon snake spit out its core and crawled over.

"Hiss~" Hypnosis~

"唻啾唻啾~" Hypnosis powder and numbing powder~

Suddenly a voice sounded behind Thirty-Six

Thirty-six trembled, but he didn't react yet.

My hands and feet were numb, my lips were dry, I was numb and poisoned.

Smelly Flower took out two vine whips and tied Thirty-Six tightly.

The Spoon Snake turned around and looked at his trainer who had been captured by a Lalulas and a Stinky Flower.

Rice Spoon Snake: "..."


It’s not a good day to go out today!

Chen Yuan had already arrived at the location of the lava team, but this lava team was indeed a little more vigilant than the previous water fleet.

Several elite-level elves were also deployed for self-defense patrols.

Chen Yuan jumped directly towards Team Lava from mid-air, threw the Poké Ball high and released the Pippi Whale, and a huge shadow enveloped Team Lava on the opposite side.

At the same time, Bi Diao swooped down and rushed directly into the patrolling elves. How could those elites be Bi Diao's opponents? They dispersed in a flash of lightning.

The sudden crisis scared the lava team and ran out immediately.

There was a loud bang.

Then smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Team Lava coughed twice.

While it was still flying in the air, he took out an Ace Wolf Dog and threw it out.

But before the person landed, Pipi Whale, who was proficient in [Surfing Technique], rushed out with the person and the elf.

At the same time, Xiaolonglong and Xiaohuhu continued to assist, throwing out electromagnetic waves, poison, glaring faces and wagging tails all at once.

He even controlled the big wolfdog and Team Lava.

After all, the big wolf dog is still the ace elf, and he can still struggle after taking a shot of Surf Technique.

The Beep Bird used a [Wing Attack] to fly it away and flew towards the Pipi Whale.

Looking at the flying big wolf dog, Pipi Whale happily patted its belly and took it away with one shot of [Water Tail], ending the battle.

"呋 呋 ~” ”~"

Xiao Longlong and Xiao Huhu happily threw themselves at Chen Yuan, feeling that the battle was so exciting.

The Pipi whale is also quite happy.

Unexpectedly, I would also have the opportunity to appear.

The beep bird flapped its wings, and the [Wind Rises] swept over several elves and the limp Lava Team.

I checked my backpack and sure enough, it was code number thirty-five.

The man looked at Chen Yuan with complicated eyes.

This young man's attacks were really clean and neat, and he didn't look like an ordinary student who only knew how to play in the ring.

"Thanks for the points."

Chen Yuan is familiar with the road and checks in by himself.

Got seven and a half points.


News came that Chen Yuan's fifteen points had all arrived.

Mission accomplished.

It's just that in the previous battle, except for Xiao Huhu, a total of six elves were used, exceeding the four elves required for a single player. According to the 20-point appearance fee for an elf, 40 points need to be deducted.

All of a sudden, it went from a distant 23 points to -17 points.

Less than half an hour into the game, I was already racking up points and debts, but that was okay.

However, it is not without good news. Xiaoli, Chongbao, and Xiaoyuyu have already caught a lot of elves. Especially Xiaoli, in just a short time, 12 elves were recorded.

Including the four elves I caught, there are 16 elves, which is gratifying.

As soon as the elves on our side gather together, won't the points come back?

However, as hundreds of candidates poured into this secret realm.

I believe that it won’t be long before these three thousand elite peaks will be snatched away.

After feeding Team Lava the antidote and anesthetic.

Chen Yuan mounted the Bi Diao and charged forward.

Since the main quest 3 has been completed, the new quests here have been sent to Chen Yuan, in total.

"Punch in at the designated location and get points."

"Mission 5: Volcano trip. To the west of you are dozens of towering volcanoes. Please reach there and you will be rewarded with points."

"Task 5: Volcanic ash. There is a volcanic ash forest to your north. Collect a small jar of volcanic ash. You will be rewarded with points."

"Task 5: Desert check-in. Bring back a jar of sand from the desert southeast of where you are, and you will be rewarded with points."

Chen Yuan, who was flying at low altitude, touched his chin and felt why these places looked so familiar.

No matter what, let's go find the small fish and insects first.

The two little guys were not far from him, only a few kilometers away.

Let’s take a look at Chongchong’s situation first. To be honest, although I am very confident in Chongchong’s combat power.

But after all, Chongchong is still a child, and Chen Yuan is still uneasy about acting on his own for the first time, even if it is only for 1 minutes - Chongchong is so cute, what will he do if he is targeted by someone?

Not to mention that Chen Yuan's premonition was quite accurate, Chong Chong was really being targeted.

It was a freshman girl and her male companion who were staring at the insects walking through the forest.

My eyes are going to shine.

"Yangyang, I want that elf!"

The female student grabbed her male companion's arm and shook her in excitement.

There were stars in her heavily made-up eyes.

Such cute bugs, golden green caterpillars!

It's so cute.

But at this time, the male classmate frowned, why did this green caterpillar look so familiar.

A heterochromatic green caterpillar? !

Chen Yuan!

Yes, it’s Chen Yuan!

It’s Chen Yuan’s green caterpillar.

The heterochromatic green caterpillar is quite rare. The probability of seeing an elite heterochromatic green caterpillar in the wild is almost zero.

Obviously this green caterpillar may belong to Chen Yuan.

However, the girl was slightly startled, but she was unwilling to give in.

"What if, what if it's really a wild green caterpillar? If we just give up like this, wouldn't we be missing out?"

The girl holds the poke ball in her hand.

I am addicted to catching elves during this time, and this heterochromatic green caterpillar in front of me is not to be missed.

It would be better to catch him by mistake, or at worst, just apologize.

What else - could that Chen Yuan still be able to hit her?

Moreover, except for this green caterpillar, there are no other elves around here, and Chen Yuan is not there at all.

Wild, absolutely wild!

Without thinking too much, the girl took out the elf ball and released a cross-shaped bat.

One finger.

"Black gaze, don't let it escape!"

Seeing that the girl he likes has launched an attack, the male classmate can only draw out his elf and quickly respond.

I just hope my inference is wrong.

Chongchong, who was waiting for Chen Yuan to pick her up, suddenly felt something strange and waited for her to turn around.

She found a black gaze staring at her tightly, her body trembled, and she felt like she couldn't break free.

At the same time, six elves swarmed out of the dense forest, followed by a man and a woman, staring at him with burning eyes.

Chongchong was stunned, raised his little hands, and hurriedly shouted a few times.


Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I have a trainer.

The few elves who gathered around were all startled. This little green caterpillar really had a trainer, so they couldn't catch it.

He turned back to look at his trainer.

But the girl raised her eyebrows and pointed at her waist.

She doesn't understand what the green caterpillar is saying but she will never let it go!

"What are you still doing? Hit it!"

"The suspicious look of the cross-shaped bat (strange light), the fire beast uses flames..."

6 on 1 can definitely be a quick victory!

Even a peak elite can't beat a small green caterpillar?

Although he didn't understand why his trainer continued to attack, several elves still obeyed the command.


However, when they came back to their senses, they found that the green caterpillar that was there just now had disappeared.

"Zhiying 咛~"

The cross-shaped bat raised its head and stared.

over there!

The green caterpillar that was still in the forest just now had arrived above them at some point and was floating in the air.

At the same time, large areas of insect nets fell down.

Overwhelming, densely packed

The fire beast opened its mouth and released a "jet flame", burning several insect nets, and the "air blade" condensed by the cross bat was cutting like crazy.

Several elves were also furious, but the insect net seemed to be endless, falling down and entangling several elves.

The insect net is quite tough and it is difficult to break free, but for a few elves who are also at the peak of elites, this level of restraint can only cause a little trouble.

There is still a way to break free.

However, it was not only a few elves that were entangled in this insect net, but also the man and woman on the ground.

It may not be worth mentioning to the elite peak elves, but to two humans, this insect net is as tough as iron and cannot be torn apart at all.

"Knock him down and catch him!!!!"

The girl shouted at the top of her lungs.

(End of this chapter)

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