you elf, are you legal

Chapter 384 Desert Volcano Fruit Forest, this secret place for the exam is so familiar, there won’t

Chapter 384 Desert Volcano Fruit Forest, this secret place for the exam is so familiar, there won’t be any plot, right?

The girl's eyes were evil and she was furious.

Regardless of whether this green caterpillar is Chen Yuan's elf or not, she must make this green caterpillar pay the price today!

Zhong Bao, who was in mid-air, looked at the crazy female trainer below with some doubts.

I have given the other party a lesson to make her realize the gap between the two parties, but the other party seems to be completely ignoring her.

Then don't blame her for being rude.

As soon as her body shook, a large amount of insect powder was shaken off by her. With the push of her mind, it spread out in an instant.

Paralysis powder, poison powder, and sleeping powder were all poured out together, and under the influence of this thought power, the whole place was covered.

The big king swallow on the ground flapped its wings, broke free from the restraints, and rushed up, about to fight back.

Bugs once again spilled a bug net.

This time the insect net was thrown out much faster than before.

Walking over with Chongchong in his arms.

When Chongchong came here, he saw six elves and two humans hanging on the tree.

What happened?

"Chen, Chen Yuan, put, let us down, we, we don't dare anymore, wuwuwu."

【Power Grid】

Chen Yuan looked at the little guy in his arms, and then at the six two people hanging on the tree.

The girl cried and told the whole story.

The big Wang Yan was immediately caught in the net.

The Crossed Bat stared blankly at Wang Yan, who fell to the ground after being attacked by an electric grid, and closed his eyes.

But this time she no longer held back, activated the electricity, and struck with all her strength. The electricity just followed the threads of insect threads, led to the insect net, and attacked.


Chongchong cried in Chen Yuan's arms with runny nose and tears.

It's like facing a truly terrifying existence.

But he still wanted to hear the victim's side of the story.

All were tied tightly with insect nets,

Da Wang Yan's whole body was numb, and the condensed flying energy was directly numbed by the electric shock.

“Tweet, Tweet, Tweet, Tweet!!!!”

The aura on its body has a completely different feeling. Didn't you look at the big wolfdog? After the green caterpillar got angry, it just put its tail between its legs and lost its will to fight? !

"what happened?"

Look at the girl again.

The girl burst into tears and looked at Chen Yuan, moaning and feeling extremely pitiful.

As soon as Chong Bao saw Chen Yuan, he immediately rushed over.

"I, I just saw this green caterpillar and realized it was a golden green caterpillar, so I wanted to come over and have a look. But when I saw it, this, this is your green caterpillar. I thought it was lost and wanted to come over. We said hello, but unexpectedly, it attacked us directly.”

They also used six elves to beat me, which was really scary.

In fact, it was not that there was no chance at first, but these elves were a little panicked when they saw the green caterpillar for the first time.

It’s so hehe.

Where is this green caterpillar?

What a hell.

Wait for Chen Yuan to arrive

Chen Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at each other.

This looks like Chong Chong's masterpiece.

Crying and begging Chen Yuan to put her down.

The deletions, deletions, and Spring and Autumn writing techniques are all "true".

My mind is full of questions.

And those sincere eyes, they looked like it wasn't me who was wrong, I was just hurt and misunderstood.

Is it really a grievance that goes deep into your bones?

At this time, the girl hanging on the tree woke up crying and saw Chen Yuan, as if she had seen a savior.

The paralysis powder, poison powder, and hypnotic powder all worked together, making them unable to get up again for a while.

The five elves on the ground were all twitching.

Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan~

I was scared to death just now, and I almost got arrested.


They were all at the pinnacle of elites, but they didn't know why this green caterpillar made them feel scared.

he asked. In fact, from Chongchong's words, Chen Yuan could roughly understand the whole situation.

Chen Yuan glanced at the boy who woke up leisurely next to the girl.

If you don't understand Chong Chong, if you don't understand Chong Chong's words, if it's another trainer or other elf, if you tell outsiders, you might be able to deceive him.

But she probably doesn't know that yet.

In fact, he also has super powers.

And this super power is the ability to understand the words of elves.

Still lying, still lying.

Chen Yuan's eyes turned from curious to cold.

The green caterpillar in his arms was already looking at him angrily, apparently very annoyed by her words.

The girl suddenly panicked.

But when I thought about it, could Chen Yuan still beat her as a girl?

He immediately became much calmer.

She speaks softly.

"Classmate Chen Yuan, put me down quickly."

"If you really don't believe what I say, just ask your elf."


She's a big liar!

"Look at this little cutie, she thinks what I said is true. At first, I really just wanted to say hello to her. It was really just a misunderstanding."

Chen Yuan glanced at the six elves on the side.

"Misunderstanding? You need to say hello, with six elves?"

This sentence made the girl look bad: "No, just listen to me..."

"Almost got it."

Chen Yuan glanced at the man and woman, "Let's talk about who it is, I can think about it and focus on the mastermind."

The boy who had woken up at this time looked at the girl lovingly, gritting his teeth and saying nothing.

At this time, the girl suddenly said: "Actually, it was him. He said that there is a heterochromatic green caterpillar there. Do you want to go and see it? If it is wild, you can catch it."


"Liu Yangyang, isn't it right?"


The boy opened his mouth, looked at the girl's pleading eyes, immediately stopped talking, and nodded vigorously.

Chen Yuan pressed his forehead. He really didn't look at the almanac when he went out today. How come he met this couple and immediately locked up.

can not watch anymore.


He patted the little guy in his arms and pointed at the woman.

"Here, tie them tighter and hang them higher."

"By the way, I'll give the six elves some more Sanfen. That cross-shaped bat still has the energy to pretend to be asleep, so it was beaten to the brink of death."

There was unwillingness and anger in the eyes of the girl and the boy.

The girl screamed: "Chen Yuan, you liar, didn't you say you wanted to let me go? I want you to..."

"Ah, right."

Chen Yuan slapped his forehead and released Xiao Longlong and Xiao Huhu directly.

"The two of you will help Chongchong with some paralysis and poison."

"And the Peeps bring all their Poké Balls."

"Yes, yes, those are the elf balls they just used to capture the elves. Tsk, tsk, tsk, there are five elves in just a moment. Your efficiency is quite high, but these captured elves are mine. By the way, let’s also take away those spare Poké Balls.”

Don’t you like to steal other people’s elves?

Give it a try.

That girl's eyes are splitting!

It took them a long time to find the ten Poké Balls and dig them out of the ground.

And those elite elves were just snatched away by Chen Yuan, how could it be...

Chen Yuan glanced at the two of them.

"Give us the elf ball, we won't dare to do it again, I...I..."

"Why didn't you think so much before attacking other people's elves?"

Chen Yuan seemed to suddenly have a conscience, and stopped when he was about to leave, looking at the girl.

"Last chance to tell the truth."

Looking at Chen Yuan's stern expression.

There is a posture of "If you don't tell the truth, then I will really leave."

The girl couldn't bear it anymore and told the truth.

I was just greedy for a moment, thinking that if I caught this green caterpillar alone and played with it, maybe it wouldn't be discovered by Chen Yuan...

Chen Yuan chuckled and put the girl down with a wave of his hand.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief after landing.

She said that this Chen Yuan did not dare to hit a girl like him.

The tears he was crying just now stopped all of a sudden, and he raised his hand wiping away tears and looked at Chen Yuan secretly.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yuan looked at this woman with a half-smile.

It was only then that she discovered that Chen Yuan had a mobile phone in his right hand with his arms folded across his chest, and the camera was pointed at her.

"Knowing that it's an elf from a candidate, and still trying to capture it, you're going to have to fight against those evil organizations."

Chen Yuan shook his head slightly and sighed, then waved his hand.

Chongchong once again used the insect net to hang up the girl.

"Chen Yuan!!!"

The girl gritted her teeth and shouted: "You don't keep your word! You stole my elf, you..."

Chen Yuan waved his hand and turned over to Bi Diao.

"Don't talk nonsense, I just let you down."

Chen Yuan chuckled.

His eyes were cold.

Since you dare to take advantage of his elf, be prepared to be punished by him.

The beeping bird flapped its wings and flew up.

It swept towards the direction of the small fish at extremely high speed.

Now Chen Yuan's elves are rarer than the last.

A snake-printed bear with different colors and possessing the genes of super speed and wind speed dog.

A golden green caterpillar.

A bogjack who holds Groudon's heritage.

There are also the Flame Bird, Coal Turtle, and even Gulaton at home, who are also the targets of the Lava Team.

These little guys will be noticed by those people anytime and anywhere.

Especially those guys in the Golden Wood Club who like to collect precious elves, they may be wanted for something in the dark.

He couldn't tell what the other party's purpose was at all.

Who knows where this girl's evil thoughts come from.

Taking a step back, can you catch other people’s elves?

This time, letting the little guys act independently is actually a little test.

As a result, in just half an hour, someone else was targeting Chongchong.

Hahaha, the devil knows what you are made of.

He hasn't finished this matter yet. He doesn't really think that it will be over just by hanging him, right?

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Be it a student or a social trainer.

He wanted to show all those who had ideas about his elves what the consequences would be.

Chongchong happily threw herself into Chen Yuan's arms, rubbing hard against him.

I feel most at ease here.

When I found Xiao Yuyu based on the shared real-time positioning, I saw that this little guy was also fighting with someone.

The situation is somewhat similar to that of Chong Chong, but a little different.

People really thought that this elite peak wandering outside was a catchable elf and they immediately surrounded it.

After some negotiation.

Know that this is someone else’s spirit.

I came out to work to catch elves myself.

So the two boys opposite put down the elf balls in their hands.

Really, since it’s someone else’s elf, there’s nothing you can do about it—but…

When they saw the little fish, the bulging backpack, and a lot of Poké Balls in it, their eyes went straight.

To know.

They worked hard for half an hour and only managed to catch three or two elves.

Unexpectedly, this bog-leap fish actually took a small backpack by itself. Whether it's a captured Pokémon or a blank Pokémon Ball, they all need it.

The two looked at each other.

You know, this is a big test!

Fight against the big test.

Although it is said that it is not recommended to start fighting on the first day, it is not forbidden at all!

Moreover, snatching this bog jumper will reduce one competitor.

There are still a lot of things left on my side!

Win-win! Perfect!

There are no twists and turns.

When Xiao Yuyu refused to hand over the elves that he had worked so hard to capture, an elf battle began.

I originally thought that in a righteous two-on-one fight, they could completely crush them with their strength - after all, they were both at the pinnacle of elites, and these two were the elites among the elites that they had carefully cultivated for several years!

The absolute main force.

A big chrysanthemum (geranium), a king lizard.

The two grass-type elves stared at the Swamp Jumper.

With bad intentions in his eyes, he immediately started to attack.

Xiaoyuyu was also a little dumbfounded.

The humans I met before were all quite friendly, so why did they start fighting so directly?

Especially after watching the opponent use two grass-type Yusanjia.

Eyes widened.

This is a bit directed at him!

The overwhelming flying leaves and sharp knives shot over.

That range, that attack, that speed, just with Xiaoyuyu's speed and flexibility, it's impossible to avoid it.

All we can do is dig holes.

Hey, I'll go underground and see what you do.

Xiao Yuyu stamped his feet directly, and the ground energy gathered on the soles of his feet.

After all, I haven’t mastered it yet, so digging holes will still take some time.

Seeing those flying leaf sharp knives approaching.

The little fish thrust his hands into the ground, causing sand and gravel to rise high.

[Playing with mud] [Splashing sand] A mud wall made of a mixture of both masters was erected in front of Xiao Yuyu.

The sound of ping ping ping pong.

It actually directly blocked the flying leaf blade on the opposite side.

Xiaoyuyu was stunned.

Is this blocking it?

So weak.

The power of this attack is far inferior to that of Xiao Caocao's "Flying Leaf Knife"!

This is also the pinnacle of elites, why is there such a big gap?

Seeing that he was already halfway through his body.

Is it better to go into the soil or not to go into the soil?

You can't just put it into the ground half way - bah, that's unlucky. "this……"

The two people on the opposite side saw that the flying leaf blade on their side was blocked just like that.

Looking at each other, one can immediately see the seriousness in their eyes.

This swamp jumping fish is definitely the pinnacle of elites that can serve as the main force in a five-star or even six-star elite team!


You have to be more steady!

The two of them each took out a Poké Ball, a flying elf Owl, and a ground elf Sand King.

Xiao Yuyu looked at the four elves opposite...


The attributes of these four elves. Grass Enclave, while... restrained by Ice.

What a coincidence.

The little fish climbed out of the pit.

Look at the elf opposite.

I can't help but sigh a little.

Sure enough, sometimes the pure ground system is indeed a bit troublesome, and the strike surface is a problem, just like now.

Therefore, it is still beneficial to learn a water gun with multiple variations and multiple striking surfaces.

Xiaoyuyu decided to use [Water Gun] to end the battle.

At this time, the two people on the opposite side made their four elves stop attacking. They looked at the swamp jumping fish on the opposite side.

He spoke.

"I'm just telling you for the last time, leave the elf ball. I can leave you an elf and an empty ball for you to go back and do business with."

The boy said deliberately.

But Xiaoyuyu didn't listen at all.

Want to steal his stuff?

I can't even give you a Poké Ball, not even a blank Poké Ball!

The little fish patted its belly.

Immediately, a "water gun" condensed in front of him.

The four elves on the opposite side immediately became happy when they saw it, especially the big chrysanthemum and the lizard king.

They are the least afraid of water attacks!

Come as much as you want!

Seven or eight rounds or whatever, no problem at all!

If you have the ability, can you give me a shot of 17 or 18?

The little fish is smiling.

One point two points four points.

The water gun seemed to split apart, splitting apart in just four or five breaths.

A total of sixteen apertures were condensed and formed, and the energy in them was focused on the elf on the opposite side.

The Lizard King was startled for a moment, swallowed his saliva, and subconsciously took two steps back.

Just, even if it is sixteen shots, it is only water type.

Just as he was thinking this, Xiao Yuyu clapped his hands like this, and a burst of energy immediately burst out from his body.

That was the energy that Sister Miaobu left in his body, a drop of water.

The ice droplets, which contained dual energy of water and ice, were directly activated by the little fish.

At this moment, a large amount of ice breath spread above the water gun.

Even the power of legend is activated.

The power of the ice water gun has once again increased to a higher level.

Its energy is even comparable to freezing light.

That's right.

"Water·Freezing Ray·Gun"

These were sixteen shots of a water gun comparable to freezing light, which were aimed at the four elves on the opposite side.

A conservative estimate would be four per family.

The effect is restrained.

Either death or serious injury.

Is there such a brutal battle at the very beginning of this big exam?

is it necessary?

The two people suddenly struggled. Let's release the last two elves to fight to the end or... run away?

The education that Xiaoyuyu received is that the offense will not stop until the referee calls.

There are four against one on the opposite side, why do you have to ask him to wait!

Attack attack!

Attack again!

These sixteen rounds of frozen water guns were fired directly by Xiao Yuyu.

The four elves on the opposite side were so frightened that they ran away.


I thought it was a superior match, but I didn't expect that it was directly restrained by the ice element!

If this is a full hit, the skin will be peeled off even if you don't die.

Xiao Yuyu's attack accuracy was specially trained by Xiao Li.

Even high-speed elves like forest lizards subconsciously used "Lightning Flash" to dodge.

However, in front of Xiao Yuyu, there is still no way to completely avoid it.

Divide the four water cannon shots evenly, and get two out of four.

It's a pity for Xiaoyuyu.

However, the two short hands waved. Immediately a new round of water guns was condensed.

It was still sixteen shots, aimed at the forest lizards and nighthawks that jumped the most.

Freezing volleys, boom boom boom!

Suppressive fire, boom, boom, boom!

Chen Yuan, who was flying over on a beep bird, saw such a scene.

"It seems that the little fish is having a lot of fun."

The two boys were dumbfounded at this time.

After two rounds of volleys, the four elves of the two of them had been seriously injured.

Especially the Lizard King,

Already lying on the ground dying.

At this time, the nighthawk can be slightly better.

The telekinesis covering the body plus the protection and light wall allowed it to withstand the attack, with only minor injuries.

At this time, the little fish was really excited.

How long has it been since I moved my muscles and bones to fight externally?

Last appearance.

It was only during the elite test that there was only one Pipi Whale left for him to play with, and he didn't get enough of it at all.

In today's game, you must seize the opportunity to fight!

"Kuola kuala~~~"

Xiaoyuyu pointed at the owl opposite, and hooked the two trainers opposite him.

Don’t you still have two elves? Let's let it go together!

I'm not happy yet!

Sixteen aperture was once again set up in front of Xiao Yuyu.

The energy inside began to gather.

Suddenly there was a shadow covering the sun.

Xiao Yuyu subconsciously looked up.

That's an ace bird.

The next second, Xiao Yuyu was immediately happy.

"Kuola kuala~"

Beepbird~Chen Yuan~Chongchong~You guys are here to pick me up~

The two people opposite seemed to have seen the ace bird in the sky.

You can still faintly see the figure on it.

The two of them felt relieved that they were other trainers.

Maybe we can persuade them to work together to subdue this crazy bog jumper.

"Little fish~"

Chen Yuan suddenly shouted.

At this time, the eyes of both men were about to pop out.

That's more than ten or twenty meters!

The figure on top of Bi Diao jumped directly from the air of more than ten or twenty meters and landed firmly on the ground.


The arrogant Swamp Jumper just now suddenly lost all its energy and ran over with open arms.

"Kuola kuala~"

Look at the excitement of the swamp jumping fish.

The two looked at each other

He raised his hand to recall his Poke Ball and turned around to sneak away.

Tough luck!

slip away!

At this point, I still want to discuss with the trainer on the opposite side whether we can subdue the Swamp Jumper together.


That is the spirit of others.

What a fuss! Just run away!

Just as the two were about to release the mount elves, they immediately left the place of trouble.

As soon as I turned around, I suddenly discovered it.

A huge eagle stood behind them, blocking all the way.

The aura exuded by Bi Diao was a real trump card.

The pressure came right over me and I couldn't stand it at all!

Can't leave!

The two of them looked at each other and immediately felt miserable.

Who would have thought of it, my family!

I had a good time catching elves.

Why did a bog-leap fish appear that was not allowed to be caught?

Even though we were beaten up, the trainer still refused to let us go!

Is there any justice?

"Misunderstanding, really a misunderstanding."

Another boy yelled.

Chen Yuan looked over.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, it's easy to talk about it."

five minutes later.

Chen Yuan clapped his hands and carried his backpack with satisfaction.

On the opposite side, there were no tears. One of them was holding a blank elf ball in his hand. He just stood there stupidly, watching Chen Yuan and his elves ride away on the Bi Diao.

Sigh, how sad!

"What a great harvest."

Chen Yuan looked at the elf ball in his hand and was very satisfied.

The dog-girl duo captured five elves in total, and the two robber boys also had these three elves.

There are eight elves in total, which is less than the number of elves in Xiaoli.

Chen Yuan happily sorted and packed these elf balls.

Plus the four elves he caught before.

There are now 15 of them.

Plus the 12 little raccoon dogs.

There were 27 of them all at once.

The mission is about to be completed!


As if Chong Chong was offering a treasure, he handed Chen Yuan the elf ball.

There are quite a few, 5 elves in total.

Xiao Yuyu also opened his backpack.

There is one less elf than Chongchong.

This immediately made Xiao Yuyu feel a little hurt.

This time, we lost!

"Enough, enough!"

Chen Yuanle was ruined.

36 elves, enough for thirty at once.

It's just a pity that the reward points for this mission are only 30 points.

But then I thought about it,

Chen Yuan also vaguely understood why Dog Planning set an upper limit.

This is to prevent fighting between each other as much as possible.

This first day is also a familiarization process.

Focus on one development.

Go through the process slowly.

The real confrontation came on the second day, or even the third day.

Three days of big exams, the pvp part is not yet over.

There is a limit of 30 points, and robbing of elves is not encouraged - no matter how much you grab, 30 points will be useless.

But the calculations will only be unified after going to the camp, which means that the higher-ups are not opposed to confrontation. You can do whatever you like before settlement.

Trainer, fists speak.

Chen Yuan opened his phone and took a look at Xiaoli's shared location.

It's quite far away from them in the opposite direction.

Forget it, let’s check in at the volcano later.

Anyway, compared to Xiao Yuyu and Chong Chong, Chen Yuan was quite reassured about Xiao Li's strength.

With great speed, Xiaoli is basically invincible in the wild.

He is the only one who bullies others.


With Xiaoli's character, he shouldn't bully others.

Send a message to ask Xiaoli to pay attention to the bad guys nearby who are robbing the elves...

Click send and hope Xiaoli can see his voice message.

Riding a beep bird and carrying the insect treasure Chen Yuan went straight to the desert in the southwest.

There is a beep bird.

The distance of twenty or thirty kilometers is really fast.

I was still chatting with Chongchong about the six molts, so I just started the conversation. I just got some inspiration and arrived at the station.

Chen Yuan looked at the desert in front of him.

At this moment, the memory deep in my mind suddenly woke up.

The task list looked familiar to me just now, but now I see it.

Grass (an attribute)

This...this is...

You can’t go wrong!

Absolutely right!

He slapped his forehead and shouted: "Beep Bird takes off."

"Beep beep~"

As the beep bird continues to climb higher, the terrain dozens of kilometers away can be seen clearly.

Looking from here, you can see the desert in front of you, blocked by continuous mountain peaks.

Further north is the volcanic ash jungle.

Looking over there from a high altitude, there is endless gray.

To the west is continuous volcanic terrain.

The south-westerly wind blows.

The volcano that was about to erupt was blown to the volcanic ash forest to the north.

This landform, this terrain!

Chen Yuan took a deep breath.

You can’t go wrong, it’s right there!

It is exactly the same as the deep secret realm that seals Gulaton within the Red Lotus Volcano.

He said why it looked so familiar!

Check-in at three locations, as well as the plot of the water fleet and the lava fleet...


Who planned this big exam?

(End of this chapter)

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