you elf, are you legal

Chapter 385 Do you dare to rob Xiaoli’s elf? shivering

Chapter 385: Do you dare to snatch Xiaoli’s elf? (Wan San please subscribe) shivering

Desert check-in.

There are little jars everywhere in this desert.

Just let the little fish dig out several of them by pulling the sand twice.

After filling a jar, Chen Yuan took a selfie.

The background is the sky full of yellow sand.

Open the app, and there is no problem in uploading it like this. The task of checking in is over.

But, even if Chen Yuan has dragged the photo into the input box and is about to press the send button.

I was a little hesitant.

Talk about it.

He remembered that before this big test, it was written in the rules that there would be hidden tasks.

In fact, Chen Yuan even doubted that there would be extra rewards for the top three who reached this secret realm.

This check-in task also has special rewards or hidden tasks.

These are points!

Now I still owe points. Every point is very important, right?

But Chen Yuan was not in a hurry.

Feel the heat of the beach with your bare feet.

Knew it.

The secret realm here looks almost exactly the same as the deep secret realm.

But something wasn't right.

There are subtle differences in all aspects of this energy magnetic field.

The last time I went to that secret realm, it was because Guradun wanted to die. He insisted on provoking the Jun family, and then was suppressed.

Now this secret realm...


Gulaton, suppress...seal...

In the deep secret realm, Gulaton should be suppressed.

The place of suppression is probably the Fantasy Sand Tower deep in the desert.

So it stands to reason that if this secret realm is just different in details but the whole is the same, then places like the Fantasy Sand Tower should have also come, right?

Chen Yuan's eyes lit up when he thought of this.

Although I don’t know the relationship between these two secret realms.

Is it a parallel world, a fragment of the world, or a projection.

But I still want to go and have a look at the Fantasy Sand Tower... This kind of place is perfect for checking in.

Does he remember where the illusory sand tower is?

Let's go that way first.

Three to five minutes later.

Chen Yuan came to the location where the Fantasy Sand Tower should have been.

But there is nothing here.

Could it be that I remembered it wrong?

Or is there no such illusory sand tower in this secret realm?

Or what happened to the location of the Fantasy Sand Tower?

Slowly the wind picked up.

The very center of the desert.

The wind slowly picked up.

The sky was filled with wild sand.

The visibility at this time was further reduced to less than fifty meters.

If you don't know the exact direction at such a distance, trying to find the Fantasy Sand Tower is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Why don't you just go back and take a random photo?

Even if we really find this fantasy sand tower, there is no telling whether it has any hidden mission.

If there is no additional reward and a lot of time is wasted here, wouldn't it be that the first-mover advantage is wasted in vain?

Go back and find Xiaoli, check in at the volcano, and then worry about it.

Chen Yuan immediately made a decision.

Don't rush.

Let’s go to other places first. It would be embarrassing if we can’t find anyone else.

With this thought in mind, Chen Yuan climbed onto the beeping bird, and as soon as he patted the beeping bird, he was about to head west.

At this moment, Xiao Yuyu suddenly raised his little hand and asked.

"Kuola kuala~"

Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan, are we going to the Fantasy Sand Tower?

Are you going back?

Chen Yuan looked at Xiao Yuyu's expectant look and explained: "We can't find the Fantasy Sand Tower now. Let's wait until the sandstorm stops and we can come back and have a look."

Xiao Yuyu nodded, but the anticipation in his eyes did not disappear. Instead, he became a little eager to try.

"Kuola kuala~"

In fact, it is not impossible. I think I can give it a try.

The little fish pats its belly and feels proud.

Chen Yuan's eyes lit up when he looked at Xiao Yuyu.

To some extent.

The relationship between Xiao Yuyu and Gulaton should actually be very close - brothers in the same discipline, or the kind where Gulaton passed on his skills (no)

Xiaoyuyu must be familiar with the Tower of Sand that can seal Gulaton.

But... this is not the deep secret realm after all, and this sand tower is not that sand tower.

Whether you can find a sand tower here depends on Xiaoyuyu's understanding of the desert.

Anyway, just let the little guy give it a try.

Look at the eagerness in Xiao Yuyu's eyes.

Chen Yuan nodded immediately.

"Come, lead the way."

He said.

Again, this big exam is just an experience.

The main thing is to keep the little ones happy.

Ignoring the feelings of the little ones for the sake of points is putting the cart before the horse.

Well, thinking about it this way, should I bring Sister Yanbu here?

Forget it, there are really no sixty points.

Chen Yuan gave the order, and Xiao Yuyu immediately nodded and jumped off the back of the bird.

He opened his arms and stood in the sandstorm.

Slowly the sandstorm got bigger and bigger.

The visibility range has also dropped from the original fifty meters to ten or twenty meters.

Even the figure of Xiao Yuyu was a little blurry.

Suddenly, yellow energy lit up from Xiao Yuyu's body.

In that sandstorm, it shines brightly.

Chen Yuan was watching this scene on the back of Pip Bird, and suddenly felt that Xiao Yuyu's figure seemed to have grown taller.

It was like seeing that ancient figure.

This feeling is amazing.

"Little Yuyu has grown up."

Chongchong curled up in Chen Yuan's arms and looked at the little fish in the sandstorm.

Suddenly I felt envious.

When will I be able to stand alone like Xiao Yuyu and Brother Xiaoli...

Xiaoli is in pain and happiness now.

"Xiao Li Xiaoli, let's make an exchange."

At this time, the fat man ran over to Xiaoli holding an elf ball.

"Here is a new elite elf I caught. This is for you. You can help me and your sister Sese find a set of blank elf balls, okay~"

The fat man smiled very flatteringly.

Xiaoli looked at Fatty and then at Qinse.

I originally wanted to refuse, because there are already enough elves here, so many that my bag can no longer hold them.

But... I think of what Chen Yuan said: the more the better...

Especially seeing that Qin Se is the trainer of stupid Bobo.

Forget it, for the sake of stupid Bobo, just help the fat brother once.

The little raccoon wagged its tail and nodded its head.

But take a look at the few Poké Balls on the ground over there.

These elf balls also contain the elves he captured.


Xiao Li pointed to the elf ball on the ground, then to Fatty and Qin Se.

Brothers and sisters, can you help me keep these elf balls?

Although Fatty and Qinse didn't understand Xiaoli's words, they understood it immediately after looking at Xiaoli's gestures.

The fat man nodded repeatedly and patted the fat on his body.

"Don't worry, just leave these elf balls here for safekeeping. You know, I am the third-ranked person among the freshmen now. As long as Xiao Laizi and Liang Siqiu don't come to snatch your treasure, I will definitely be able to take good care of it. of."

The fat man chuckled. At the same time, he did not forget to belittle his position in Xiaoli's mind by harming his friend.

To set off one's own tallness.

Although Xiaoli had some doubts about whether Brother Fatty could take good care of his elf ball.

But come to think of it, there seems to be a set of hidden blank balls nearby.

Just nodded.

It shouldn't take long for him to respond.

Xiao Li thought about this and suddenly disappeared.

The fat man's eyes twitched when he saw how quickly Xiaoli disappeared.

This speed has exceeded the limit of ordinary lightning flash, right?

Is this a peak skill?

what is this else?

It can't be super fast, right?

The last time we communicated in the valley of the Imperial Capital, Xiaoli wasn't so smart, was he?

How long has it been?

Has the speed reached this level?

The fat man looked at the five or six elf balls on the ground.

Suddenly I felt a little emotional.


Xiaoli's efficiency is really too high.

He and Qin Se worked hard to dig up ten elf balls.

It ended up being used up in less than half an hour, and now twenty minutes have passed, but I still haven't found the second set of empty Poké Balls.

Look at Xiaoli again, there are almost twenty elves caught alone, right?

Isn't this too outrageous?

An elf is more efficient than him and Qin Se.

The fat man smacked his lips and sat down. Oh my god, I can rest for a while.

It feels like with Xiaoli's help, Fatty's jade will be cured.

Previously, as the big exam progressed and the number of marked elves in the app became less and less, Fatty became a little anxious.

When he met Xiaoli for the third time, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Ask Raccoon if there is any special way to find blank Poké Balls.

When he got the affirmative answer, Fatty's mind became more active.

No matter what, exchanging one elf for 10 blank elf balls is a good deal.


This can save him and Qin Se a lot of time... The elf has a positioning range, but the elf ball really cannot be dug out.

"Fat man?"

Suddenly there was a sound in the woods not far away, with a hint of joy, as if he had encountered an unexpected surprise.

The fat man frowned slightly and subconsciously wanted to put away the elf ball on the ground.

The man in the woods seemed to have seen the situation on Fatty's side.

They were about to rush over after taking two steps. They were eight young men and women.

They were also the ones who proposed the bet to Fatty before.

At this time, the faces of several people were not good, as if they had encountered some setbacks. Regardless of men and women, their hair was messy.

But when these young men and women saw the pile of Poké Balls behind the fat man, their eyes immediately lit up.

"Don't hide it, Fatty. We've all seen it. That's ok, there are so many Poké Balls."

At this time, the fat man stood up and blocked the elf balls.

Looking at those young people, his eyes became serious.

After provoking him again and again, you really think he is easy to bully, right?

He is a fat man with a good temper, but he is not someone who can be manipulated at will.

Qinse on the side has already put Xiaoli's elf ball into his backpack and put it close to his body.

Then he stood next to the fat man.

Looked to the other side.

Especially those girls among them.

The relationship was obviously pretty good before.

After they returned from the Bai Secret Realm, they shared the tree fruits with several others.

Returning from the imperial capital.

Qinse also distributed some intermediate fruit meals to these little sisters.

These are the rewards Qin Se himself received in that competition. Shared with her little sisters unconditionally.

However, when the so-called top ace, coach surnamed Pang, came to the club and attempted to usurp the club they had worked hard to run for a long time.

These girls actually stood resolutely on her opposite side.

This was unacceptable to Qin Se.

What she couldn't accept even more was that when these girls looked at her now, they no longer had the enthusiasm they had before, but only coldness and...


At this time, a girl spoke, as if narrating the facts.

"Don't hang out with the fat man anymore. He only relied on the resources of the Xiang family to get where he is today. But now the Xiang family can't protect themselves. The two siblings no longer have any extra family resources, and their virtues are not worthy of their place. Leave early, That’s the right way.”

The girl who spoke looked at Qinse with a trace of pity in her eyes: "Qinse, please wake up. We have eight people here who can use twenty-four elves. Even if we touch the school team and youth training, it may not be impossible. .”

A boy said lightly: "Qinse still has a chance to take out the elf ball."

Leng Nuan knew that Qin Se had gone astray, so there was no need for them to persuade her.

But looking back now, there is still a chance.

"Recognize the reality. As long as you join us, the elves on our side can also be shared with you."

Some girls said it was natural. Considering how Qin Se shared tree fruits and fruit meals before, they could still think about Qin Se.

Qin Se looked at the other side talking to each other, wanting her to hand over the elves captured by the little raccoon to them.

Shake his head slightly.


Her voice was not loud but extremely firm.


At this time, the leading boy suddenly shouted, and then directly released the elf.

The girls in the team did not hesitate and immediately released the elves and aimed them at Qin Se.

It's a pity that Qinse people are still very good but have rigid thinking.

If the opportunity doesn't work, there's nothing you can do about it. Let her see the reality.

Three girls, a total of 9 elves, all at the peak of elites, faced Qin Se.

On Fatty's side, he faced 15 elves.

The leader unexpectedly used an ace elf.

This surprised the fat man.

"You're surprised, aren't you? Don't think you are the only one with the ace elf."

This powerful crocodile is Hao Weijiang's trump card.

This is also after he personally captured it and trained it in his family for a long time, he finally got it in this big test.

The purpose is to get a good ranking.

Don't think that you, the fat guy, are the only one with family support.

Who among those who join the fighting club doesn’t have any family background?

The fat man narrowed his eyes.

This is a bit troublesome.

If it's one-on-one, I'm naturally not afraid.

But there are a dozen other elves supporting them on the opposite side.

Among them, electric type, grass type, poison type and flying type.

There are all kinds of assistants.

Not easy to fight.

The fat man stretched out his hand and released his elf.

Blastoise, Ring Bear, King Swallow.

They are all at the pinnacle of elites, especially the Water Arrow Turtle and the Circle Bear, both of whom have combat prowess comparable to that of an ace.

But even so, the fat man is still under considerable pressure.

On Qinse's side, Water Eevee, Blazing Horse, and Three-in-One Magnemite were released.

3v15, 3v9

The battle is about to break out.

The pressure on the fat man rose immediately.

The attacks from the opposite side are almost useless.

The hypnotic paralysis poisonous powder was used to burn everyone.

The eagle was behind, flapping its wings to say "downwind", and the speed of the entire team increased by a large level.

What made the fat man even more disgusted was.

The opponent directly beat his three elves as bosses.

Output, control, and treatment are all available at a glance.

There are even two elves that specialize in taking damage.

It just makes fat people so disgusting!

Could this guy Hao Weijiang be any more disgusting?

The piano over there is not good either.

Those plastic sisters said things like "I'm thinking of Qinse" and "Don't go astray", but when they started to attack, they were really more ruthless than the other.

If it weren't for Qinse's Water Eevee, who had reached the threshold of ace, he would have been taken away by the nine elves of these three people.

Fortunately, Melting Prayer endured and was still holding on, but it wouldn't last long.

Those people looked at Qinse's elves, and one of them had already reached the ace level.

Looking at each other, they both saw dissatisfaction and...jealousy in each other's eyes.

At this moment, the nine elves were even more ruthless.

This makes Ibrahimovic, who was already in a difficult situation, teetering on the edge.

Regardless of whether these three girls or those five boys, the tacit understanding of their actions cannot be achieved in a day or two.

The connection between the elves' matching skills is comprehensive.

At first glance, it seems that it is not a hasty combination, nor can it be practiced in a day or two...

"How's it going, Qin Se?"

"When you were in the Imperial Capital and were playing the game so proudly, we actually didn't do well. Are you disappointed?"

"Do you just think that you have become stronger? In fact, we are also becoming stronger. How about it? Do you know how powerful we are?"

"Speak, Qin Se."

Qin Se bit her lip and looked at the three friends she had known since she entered high school.

So many years.

When did it start?

Have you ignored them?

Or did he do something he shouldn't have done and made them feel unhappy?

Why did it suddenly become like this?

Don’t you share something good with them every time?


He raised his head and looked at the three people opposite.

She knew that at this time, if it was Yuan Shushu, she would point directly at the noses of these three people and yell.

If it were Liang Siqiu, maybe these things wouldn't even happen, and they would be settled by Siqiu.

But in my own words...

In my own words...

What can she say or do if she is not good at words...

Qin Se bit her lip and looked at them.

Looking at the elves opposite, they suddenly became much stronger.

She looked at the three girls.

Former friends and good sisters.

Finally got stronger.

The corners of Qinse's eyes softened, and she still looked at them with tenderness, as always, "Well, everyone has finally become stronger. It's really... great..."

The three girls' breathing was stagnant.


The attack became more violent.

Ah! !

Damn it!

Why now, at this time, you can still face us with a smile!


You need to figure it out!

It was us who betrayed you! ! !

The little raccoon boy who was digging the elf ball suddenly raised his head.

Something feels wrong.

There is a sense of crisis - as if the good things I have worked hard to collect are about to be taken away by bad guys... But when I think of the words of Brother Fatty and Sister Qinse.

I feel relieved.

The digging will be finished soon~


As soon as Xiaoli used [Splashing Sand] and [Playing with Mud], he immediately raised it.

Finally found the Poke Ball backpack.

Little Li waggled her tail happily and was about to leave when suddenly something happened in her heart...


That direction...

It seems that there is also a Poke Ball backpack.

Moreover, why does it still smell like an elite peak?

Go back after catching this elf again.

The little raccoon tail waggled.

He rushed over directly.

Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi, who had just finished fighting a lava team, immediately received the news.

"Congratulations, Pokémon Team, for earning 7.5 points."

"The task list has been updated"

The two of them looked at the newly refreshed mission log together.

"Desert check-in? Volcano check-in, and collecting volcanic ash, Xiaoxiao, why does this mission feel so weird?"

Chu Xiaoxiao put her hand on her chin, thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "Here...this secret realm is a bit strange."

"La Lulas."


The good baby La Lulas is worthy of being Chu Xiaoxiao’s personal little cotton-padded jacket. Without Chu Xiaoxiao’s extra instructions, just a name and a puzzled tone can understand what sister Xiaoxiao is thinking.

Immediately, a super light lit up in their eyes, and the energy covered Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi.

The two men and one elf flew directly into the air.

Flying higher and higher, flying higher and higher.

Then they finally saw clearly a corner of this huge secret realm.

In the volcanic fruit forest dozens of kilometers away from them, there was also a large desert covered by yellow sand that blocked the sky and the sun.

Deep secret realm, Gulaton.

Memories came flooding back all at once.

Not many people have completed all the tasks right now.

Especially the mission "Defeat the Lava Fleet and the Water Fleet" should not have many check-ins...

Chu Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment and looked at the volcano.

She suddenly had the urge to go and take a look.

That's right, go check out the cave where the elves were rescued.

At this time, she discovered that Hua Yuxi seemed to be looking at her too.

"Xiaoxiao, isn't this a deep secret realm?"

Chu Xiaoxiao shook his head.

Even if it is similar, it is definitely not.

It's not even a projection, it's probably another world.

"I suddenly want to visit that orchard."

Xiaohua pointed to the orchard over there.

She remembers that as the place where she first fought on her own.

I also got to know a lot of elves.

"That Team Lava base?"

Hua Yuxi nodded, that's it.

Chu Xiaoxiao thought for a while and then agreed. It is indeed more efficient to divide the troops into two groups.

"be careful."

Chu Xiaoxiao said.

Hua Yuxi smiled and touched the elf ball on her waist to release the hunting swallowtail butterfly.

The hunting swallowtail butterfly flapped its wings and rolled Hua Yuxi towards itself.

"Well, Xiaoxiao, let's meet at the camp later~"

Hua Yuxi shouted.

Seeing Hua Yuxi flying further and further away, the corners of Chu Xiaoxiao's lips curled up.

This first day shouldn't be very dangerous, so don't worry about Xiaohua's safety for the time being.

Then, she also wanted to go over and see if the water fleet base had been recreated.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

La Lulasi understood immediately, pointed with her little hand, thick hair~

She is going to check in at the water fleet base with her sister~

 Today Wansan... is at his limit.

  I discovered that I couldn’t come out even if I was twenty thousand a day, so I knelt down.

  I can only pay it back bit by bit...

  This is the rhythm of returning to the Year of the Dragon.

  I'm going to write the next chapter, and I'll try to see if I can get more tomorrow.

  Update progress: 0.3/7

  or2 shivering ing



(End of this chapter)

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