you elf, are you legal

Chapter 414 No way, no way, is there anyone who can lose to Hu Hu?

Chapter 414 No way, no way, is there anyone who can lose to Hu Hu?

When Hua Yuxi came back, she had a look of regret on her face.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't seem calm either.

It looked like he was feeling frustrated.

Chen Yuan boldly went over and asked.

As a result, she was glared at by Miss Chu.

Hunting Papilio was eliminated. Although the third opponent was also at the peak of his ace, he had mastered a powerful proficiency skill - proficient in jetting flames, which directly shattered Hunting Papilio's stand.

There is no way, Hunting Papilion Butterfly has not yet reached the ace level, and the avatars it has gathered are just elites for the first time. There is a gap between young and old at this level.

In addition, the duck-billed fire dragon's flame jet is fierce and accurate. Not to mention its restrained attributes, it also has the flavor of some top elves.

The kind that is extremely difficult to fight.

Naturally, we must seize this opportunity.

As a result, it looked vaguely familiar when I was buying a glass of fruit drink.

As for the other little guys, they started wandering around the venue.

This is a Qiao family master who personally makes fruit meals and drinks here.

Have some fortified fruit meal or something, do a little training session, and have a cup of No. 15 fruit drink puree to recover from physical fatigue.

The afternoon game won't start until close to two o'clock.

The situation on Chen Yuan's side is much better. No elf was eliminated in this third round, which is gratifying.

It wasn't until a few elves from the loser group were sent to the battlefield to wait for the game arrangements that they breathed a sigh of relief.

Not only the elves who were transferred to the loser group, but the other elves also practiced for a long time.

Try to let the little guys understand more skills and energy that they have not yet understood.

There is plenty of time to rest and adjust tactics at noon.

Seeing Chu Xiaoxiao's appearance, Chen Yuan was a little speechless. A young lady who was usually so calm was so nervous at this time.

Is this still a trump card?

Starting at twelve o'clock, it is simply inhumane.

This situation of being crushed was a little hard for Chu Xiaoxiao to accept.

It is estimated that Chu Xiaoxiao was secretly gritting his teeth because he had passed the customs safely all morning.

And the little Yuyu who was wandering around unexpectedly met a familiar friend here.

He evolved into a Swampert, and she evolved into a Bayleaf.

Of course, these little guys are still too young, and Chen Yuan absolutely prohibits the last two things.

Chen Yuan didn't have many opportunities to let the little ones eat this kind of master's preparation.

The first two games were fine, but in the third game, I encountered an ice elf, Lapras (Chenglong), who directly attacked with more than a dozen freezing beams in full range, each with some top-notch ice energy. the taste of.

It would be best if the substitute could break through a small energy level in this hour.

Fruit meals and drinks, skills and energy, physical races, and even exchanges between elves’ love and hatching eggs.

But as for food and fruit drinks, Chen Yuan was still as interested as the little guys.

But Chen Yuan understood when he saw Chu Xiaoxiao gnashing his teeth.

A bay leaf.

He didn't even recognize it at first glance.

I also came out to hang out.

This time the Volcano Cup is said to be a competition, but in fact it is more like a rally.

Of course, while others are resting, the elves in the losing group have to continue playing.

Didn't recognize it at first.

Together with Xiaoli and Chongbao, there was also a Lalulas sitting on their shoulders, and a line formed in front of the fruit stall.

Chu Xiaoxiao's Green Mianniao is in a similar situation.

That kind of method of controlling energy cannot be taught and trained by ordinary ace trainers.

Even though he knew that the trainer on the other side might be a top boss, he was secretly unhappy and there was nothing he could do about it.

This kind of ace peak was placed in the previous flying competition, and it was probably at the level of random killing. Only the elves in the last few finals could handle it.

Alas, isn’t it just a make-up exam?


When I saw the result, I thought, oh, this is that little guy!

However, there are still less than two hours left, and Chen Yuan still has time to give the little guys some special guidance.

An exchange.

Xiaoyeye? Why are you here too?

"Hey knock~"

Ah, I wanted to ask you too.

Isn’t this place only an ace trainer can bring? Ah, why did I forget? Your family is from the Jun family~
Xiao Yuyu smiled and looked at Bayleaf. Well, it smells good and has reached the elite level.

"Hey knock~"

How about it, not bad, I am now at the elite level, and I will soon reach the senior elite level.

Xiao Yuyu nodded repeatedly, also happy for his little friend.

Jucaoye, who once loved fighting and wanted to become stronger, has now grown to this extent, which is gratifying.

And Ju Caoye also began to talk about the adventures he had with his trainer after leaving. He escaped from the mouth of the ace peak elf in the A-level secret realm. It was so exciting. He met a fruit meal master and not only ate It was a delicious meal, and my trainer even learned a few tricks from it. Later, the fruit meal made by the trainer was particularly delicious, and I was very happy.

"Yo knock yo knock~"

And, what’s more, after my trainer got a 6-star evaluation, another ace peak brother came to our team, a Lotte Kappa, which is very powerful.

By the way, I came here this time just to cheer for Brother Lotte.

Speaking of this, Bayleaf shook its leaves, her eyes sparkling, as if she admired the Lotte Contract brother in her mouth very much.

Xiao Yuyu nodded, feeling happy that Bayleaf had such a strong teammate.

"Yo knock yo knock~"

Ah, by the way, Xiao Yuyu, it’s a rare chance for us to meet each other. Let’s have a fight.

Xiao Yuyu's eyes lit up. It had been a long time since he had competed with Little Bay Leaf. If he used the water type, he should be able to beat Bay Leaf this time.

But just when he nodded and was about to agree, a voice suddenly came over.

"Ah, Xiaoyeye, you are here."

Hearing this sound, Bayleaf's eyes lit up, and the huge leaf on his head spun around. Then his eyes narrowed into crescents, and he pounced on it.

He nuzzled into the young man's arms.

The young man smiled and touched Bayleaf's head.

"What are you doing here? The Lotte Kappa competition is about to start. Let's go over there and cheer."

"Yo knock yo knock~"

Bayleaf nodded repeatedly, quite excited.

This time I was able to come over and watch the game, which really gained my knowledge. It turns out that there are so many powerful trainers in this world.

It turns out that elite elves can still be so strong... No, it's not that elite elves are strong, but those ace elves, top elves, even if they can make a substitute, they can be so powerful.

If, she means, if she can have what the opponent has... not too much, just one and a half moves, for example, if she learns a mastery level magic leaf, can she also be rampant in mastery level competitions? ?

Bay Ye feels that her horizons have broadened recently.

After watching the elite-level competition between aces and top players, she found the battles between elite elves to be boring.

When she thought about it, she immediately felt that it was not good to bully Xiao Yuyu all the time. After all, she had a blood-killing attribute. Although she also felt that Xiao Yuyu's aura had reached the elite level, the blood-killing attribute was not a one-shot magic. Ye was taken away?

Well, that's right, don't bully him.

"By the way, you are Little Bayleaf's little friend, right?"

At this time, the young man looked at the little fish beside him.

Upon seeing this, his eyes immediately lit up.

Yes, the color of this bog jumper is really great, and its faint aura is at least similar to that of his Bay Leaf, a senior elite.

"Do you have a trainer? If not, you can hang out with me. I'm the ace trainer."

The young man said half-jokingly.

In fact, if this little marsh jumper didn't have a trainer, then he really wouldn't mind giving it another elf position.

Hearing this, Bayleaf's eyes lit up.

Ever since she saw the outside world, she felt that the Red Lotus Secret Realm was really too small.

It's like a slightly larger cage.

Although Xiao Yuyu's family conditions are good, she is a homebody.

And the water element talent is very poor.

If we go together and go out to see things, maybe we can find a way to improve his water talent.

And if you join them, you won't be at the bottom of the team anymore, hehe.

Looking at Bayleaf's excited look and the young man's invitation.

Xiao Yuyu shook his head and refused, still very polite.

"Where's the squeak??"

Huh? Xiao Yuyu, you are here, you are gone, you are calling us over there.

At this time, Xiaoli suddenly jumped out from the side. Among so many elves, it was a little troublesome to smell the smell of small fish.

Xiao Yuyu nodded, knowing that his afternoon game was about to begin, and he had to listen to Chen Yuan arrange his tactics.

But just when Xiao Yuyu was about to turn around, he suddenly felt some small regrets.

It was a rare meeting with Bayleaf, and I was supposed to have a fight, but I missed it, which was a pity.

"Kuola kuala~"

See you next time~
The little fish waved goodbye to the bay leaf over there, and then rushed into the group of elves with the little raccoon. Bayleaf over there looked at the elf walking with Xiao Yuyu, and was a little stunned.

Is it a rare color snake bear that I have never seen before?

Is this Xiao Yuyu’s teammate?
That aura seems to be that of an elite. It seems that Xiao Yuyu’s teammates are very powerful.

At this time, the young male trainer held his chin and felt something was wrong as he looked at the little fish and snake bear that were leaving.

Where have I seen this combination before?

"Forget it, let's forget about it for now. Let's go back to watch the game. This time, I finally asked my old man to sign up for me. He must enter the main game. In this case, we will have top resources at our disposal. Do you think so, bay leaf?"

"Yo knock yo knock~"

As soon as she heard about the top resources, Bayleaf shook her leaves happily.

As expected, it’s best to be with Bonai~
Assembly Square.

A certain rest hall.

Most of the contestants from the younger generation of the Chu family's collateral and branches are here.

"Mengmeng, why are you here?"

The fat Chu Chaochao had just come back from lunch when he saw Chu Mengmeng, who had a little baby fat and liked to do mischief the most among the newcomers.

Mengmeng smiled.

She sneaked in with her father and glanced at Chu Chaochao, "Aren't you the same?"

Chu Chaochao rolled his eyes and pointed his thumb at himself, "We are here to compete."

"Huh? Just you?"

Chu Chaochao puffed up his chest and said, "Why, it can't be done."

"Haha, Chao Chao, is the loser group finished?"

At this time, a handsome young man on the side immediately laughed when he saw Chu Chaochao coming back.

When Chu Chaochao heard this, he shriveled up like a Kirby that had lost its temper.


When Chu Mengmeng heard this, she immediately squinted her eyes: "Hey, it's not a shame to go on a round trip."

Chu Chaochao immediately became dissatisfied. What happened to Yi Yiyou? Yi Yiyou also participated in the competition.

When the two little ones were about to get into trouble again, the door to the lounge was pushed open one after another.

Many Chu family members have returned.

Some were beaming, some were sad.

You don't need to look to know who won the loser's bracket.

"Fuck, this year's competition is outrageous. In the second round, I encountered a Huhu who was fucked. This time, I directly encountered a super shameless hunting swallowtail. Their bodies have not yet reached the ace level. Level. These are monsters trained by some boss."

"It's so funny. I'm just your guy. Don't worry about it. It's okay to lose to someone with a low racial quality like Hunting Papilio Butterfly. You can lose to someone like Huhu who has no fighting ability. Don't worry about it."

"Chu Mingwei, just shut up. You haven't seen the outrageous behavior of these two elves."

Chu Mingwei pinched his waist, "Why, I said it wrong, you can lose. If it were me, the peak ace's body, the substitute would be the elite peak."

The energy has been crushed. If I can still lose, I will just stand on my head and eat flying.

Chu Mengmeng's eyes lit up, and she came over directly: "Is Ming Viagra going to eat or drink?"

There was a commotion.

Suddenly someone said: "I saw Chu Xiaoxiao."

As soon as these words came out, the entire rest hall fell silent.

These Chu family members looked at me and I looked at you, and for a moment they didn’t know how to speak.

It was quiet for two full minutes.

Finally someone asked: "Are you in the loser's bracket?"


Upon hearing that it was the losing group, everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

It seems that even though Chu Xiaoxiao signed up for this competition, she still ran into some minor troubles like them.

Think about it, no matter how talented a trainer is, it is impossible to train his level, energy control and skills to the peak of an ace in five or six months - one or two would be the best.

What's more, in such a competition, the peak ace level is barely three rounds.

If you want to go further, you only need to have the skills of a top elf.

At this time, they thought of the Lalulas and became unsure.

But not everyone is a silver trainer like Chen Yuan.

"Speaking of which, has anyone seen Chen Yuan?"

"I, I, I saw it."

At this time, Chu Mengmeng suddenly raised her hand and smiled.

This time, he came specifically to find Chen Yuan.

Not to mention, she was caught near the first examination room.

So handsome... No, so strong. That snake-print bear is really strong.

"I saw Chen Yuan in the winner's group."

At this time, many Chu family members were silent.

Silver boss, indeed a silver boss.

It’s really awesome to be in the winner’s bracket!
But...their three illusory gods of the Chu family are also very strong.

Lunch break is finally over.

The loser's group, which is not a human being, is finally over.

It also took three rounds.

It was decided that the Elf would play against the loser of the fourth round in the afternoon.

What is worth celebrating is that this time, Qingmianniao and Hunting Swallowtail did not encounter those outrageous restraint elves again, and finally advanced to the fourth round of the loser group.

Whose game will we watch first in the afternoon?

Rotom wandered around Chen Yuan's head, seemingly very interested in the competition of the brothers and sisters in the team.

"Well... I haven't watched Xiao Huhu's game yet. This time, I just want to go over and see the results of the little guy's recent special training."

Chen Yuan took Rotom directly to the battle site No. 3.

At this time, Chen Yuan suddenly felt that there were several eyes behind him, staring at him.

Chen Yuan's mental strength has long been different from what it used to be, and he can sense it all at once.

When I looked back, I saw that she was a little loli, with a round face and the kind of baby fat.

Just between the eyebrows, he looks a bit like Chu Xiaoxiao.

Could it be one of Chu Xiaoxiao's cousins?

Beside this little loli, there were two other people.

A little fat man was staring at Chen Yuan as unblinkingly as the little lolita.

It seems that he is quite curious about Chen Yuan.

Beside them, there was a young man...well, he was a bit handsome when he was released, but he was still a little worse than himself.

Chen Yuan withdrew his gaze and went directly to the spectator seats next to the competition venue to sit down.

At this time, the three brothers and sisters of the Chu family looked at each other.

Chu Chaochao: "What's going on? Why do you see Mr. Chen Yuan here?"

Chu Mingwei: "You're not here to watch my nighthawk play, are you?"

Chu Mengmeng looked at this distant cousin with disgust. Can't this person be a little self-aware?
"Aren't you going to the sidelines to cheer for your owl? Go quickly."

Chu Mengmeng urged.

"Ah, yes."

Chu Mingwei rubbed his head. This fourth game is very difficult. Basically, he will encounter some elves that restrain each other.

Owl, you must work hard. Thinking of this, Chu Mingwei immediately forgot about Chen Yuan.

He quickly walked to the player bench near his own nighthawk, waiting for his own elf to appear.

At this time, Chu Mengmeng suddenly pulled Chu Chaochao and ran towards Chen Yuan.

"Hey, Mengmeng, what are you doing?"

"I know Mr. Chen Yuan! Do you want to miss such a good opportunity?"

Chen Yuan watched as the two little ones over there came to him and sat down. Well, they seemed to have no intention of talking to each other. They just looked at him several times...

Chen Yuan also looked over.

Looking at her up close, she really looks like Chu Xiaoxiao.

However, Chen Yuan had no intention of saying hello immediately.

Because Xiao Huhu appeared.

Chu Mingwei was extremely excited as he watched his own nighthawk fly out.

Shouted: "Nighthawk, nighthawk, come on, you are the best and the best!"

The owl flapped its wings in response to its trainer.

Then one person and one elf looked at the elf opposite.

their opponents.

A kettle crawled out from the contestants' tunnel.

Huhu? ?
Hold the grass!

Chu Mingwei stood up directly.

"Zhennima met Huhu in the winner's group?"

(End of this chapter)

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