you elf, are you legal

Chapter 415 How come there is such a shameless elf like Hu Hu!

Chapter 415 How come there is such a shameless elf like Hu Hu! (Want to subscribe please)



Keke! !
At this time, Chu Mingwei looked at Chen Yuan opposite and finally realized where this pot came from.

Huhu is an elf that only breeders can possess, and Chen Yuan happens to be a breeder.

Now Chen Yuan is sitting in the spectator seat over from Huhu.

No need to guess who this pot belongs to!

Previously, someone from the Chu family was killed by a Hu Hu this morning. Could it be him?

At this time, Chu Mingwei finally became serious and looked at Hu Hu with a hint of vigilance.

It was a small one, not yet fully grown up, and at first glance it was smaller than an ordinary kettle.

【Psychic Power】

Just this substitute, its level has already surpassed the original body of the little pot on the opposite side.

Almost at the moment Huchu was attacked by the proficient telekinesis, the skill fell on the owl.

Game start.

This time, the owl still felt a bit contemptuous.

Xiao Huhu closed his eyes and felt the changes in his power.

His invincible killing move was actually resisted by the opponent?

Isn't this game really just a casual game?
A little Huchu who is not good at fighting is still a minor...

And the aura on his body is not at all that of a trump card.

The owl on the opposite side was also a little dumbfounded.

In an instant, it hit Xiao Huhu on the opposite side.

There was also a hint of red light in his eyes.

Players from both sides take their positions.

And he is also proficient in telekinesis.

In this match, he was going to use the tactics Chen Yuan had recently taught him, to torture him... ahem, and to have a friendly exchange with his opponent.

Elite peak.

Referee Hu Di waved his spoon.

A red light lit up in the owl's eyes, and his mastery of telekinesis was released in an instant.

And this time, Chen Yuan was watching from the sidelines, which made Xiao Huhu even more excited.

Worthy of being a stand-in at the peak of elites, coupled with proficient telekinesis, he was able to break Xiao Huhu's defense in one go.

The Owl directly chooses to attack first.

I have to say that he is worthy of being a member of the Chu family, and he is indeed a player who can reach the fourth round. His basic skills are still solid.

It was unmistakable, it was the kettle they mentioned when they were chatting.

But when I talked about that kettle before, the skills I mentioned...

He stood up unsteadily and shook his head, it still hurt.

Xiao Huchu was also extremely excited.

Did you carry it off so easily?

At this time, Xiao Huchu was also looking at the owl opposite, with joy and no fear.

Why didn't he remember any of them?
Ah, by the way, I'm talking about using poison.

Both doubles looked at each other.

The owl seemed to sense the seriousness of his trainer at this time, and he became alert and looked at the little kettle on the opposite side seriously.

As soon as his body swayed, an owl substitute was immediately separated.

Isn't this just taken away by the power of thought?

The same superpower was used by him.

Originally, the goal he set for himself was to reach three rounds.

Seeing that Xiao Huhu's substitute was sorted out, he looked like he was entering the elite for the first time. Just like this, can he really lose?

Well, I have to be careful for a while.

But at this moment, Huchu was hit by the owl's proficient telekinesis, and he fell down repeatedly. The carapace rolled far away on the ground.

Xiao Huhu, a new member of the elite, looked at the peak elite opposite.

It's now the fourth round and he's satisfied.

This is a kind of super light that Owl and Chu Mingwei have never seen before.

What's going on? This is.

The owl's eyes sharpened, and it seemed that the little guy opposite had something interesting.

If that's the case, don't blame it.

The Owl once again gathered a large amount of superpowers, mastered telekinesis bombs x6, and smashed it towards the little pot.

However, the moment the telekinesis shot out, the owl felt something was wrong.

Why is this feel so bad?
Before he had time to think about it, Xiao Huchu on the opposite side had already retracted his head into his shell.

At the same time, an insect-type skill "Insect Resistance" was directly displayed.

At this moment, a faint light suddenly lit up on Xiao Huhu's carapace.

In an instant, a faint arc of resistance formed.

Boom boom boom!

All six telekinesis bullets hit Xiao Huhu's body.

However, when the light dissipated, Xiao Huhu stretched out his head again, blinked, and felt no pain.

At the same time, the owl that attacked Xiao Huchu suddenly felt a sting, as if it had been bitten by an insect.

When he looked down, he didn't know when he had been injured.

Damn insect resistance!
The owl's eyes widened and he was very angry.

When he used superpowers in his life, he hated two attributes, one evil type and one insect type, especially the one that mastered insect resistance, which was the most disgusting.

And Chu Mingwei over there was a little dazed.

There's something wrong with the power of telekinesis.

Why are they all on guard?
Although insect resistance can reduce the damage of certain skills, it doesn't mean it can't even break the defense, right?
Not right.

What kind of skills did that little Huchu give his owl in the beginning?

But Chen Yuan laughed directly.

Sure enough, this insect's resistance is still useful against elves with super powers.

Coupled with the equal sharing of strength, this style of play will cause a headache for a while even if Lalu Lasi comes.

In fact, the first time Chen Yuan saw this skill was in the Beiyu Rookie League.

At that time, it was La Lulas fighting against Fei Mengfan, the seventh player, and the Flying Mantis on the opposite side used this skill.

At first, Chen Yuan was a little surprised. This insect type was not resistant to super powers. Fei Mengfan said there was resistance. What was going on?

Later, after some research, I found out that after the insect resistance was developed, it still had something to offer.

Xiao Huchu, who withstood the resistance of the insects, had become fearless.

If you have the ability, come and hit me with telekinesis.

And the owl was disgusting.

He also discovered the problem with his superpowers.

The skills he released all felt wrong and the power was completely wrong. I had no idea where the problem was.

Especially looking at the kettle opposite, it is impossible to hit and can easily be bitten.

It's hard.

So the owl chose another tactic.

Get dirty.

If you are so shameless, don't blame him!

At this moment, the owl's eyes lit up.

A suspicious light was released by him.

Strange light.

The light flickered and was about to fall on Xiao Huchu, just at this moment.

A white light lit up Xiao Huhu's body.

Mysterious protection.

A mysterious power enveloped Xiao Huchu's body.

Just keep it within it.

The strange light fell on Xiao Huchu and merged into his body without any effect.

The owl suddenly felt sick!

If I can’t impress you or disgust you, can’t I strengthen myself?
The next moment, the nighthawk simply closed his eyes and began to meditate.

He wants to meditate directly to the extreme, and then exchange the extreme with the opponent.

However, the next moment the owl closed its eyes.

A stream of purple-black liquid fell on the owl's body without any bias.

seeped into his feathers

The purple-black color spread quickly.

The owl forcibly interrupted his meditation and opened his eyes.

In the air, staring at the pot below!
So angry!

So angry!
This is too dirty!

It can't be won even if we fight, and it won't work if we don't fight.

The poison on the opposite side is extremely powerful.

Even in the ace field, it is extremely poisonous. I really don’t know how much waste this pot has eaten to produce such a poison!
The owl immediately became angry, saying this will never work!

No more time to waste.

He could already clearly feel the poison slowly destroying his body and eating up his physical strength.

Maybe within a few minutes, he would be poisoned.

Damn it!
This damn stinky pot!

The owl was so angry that he flapped his wings and used "Clear the Dense Fog".

In one fell swoop, the mysterious guardian of Xiao Hu Hu was removed.

At this time, Xiao Huhu had completed the third shot of "retracting into the shell".

Look at the bright light on the carapace.

The owl's head is about to explode.

This is so disgusting.

I really don’t want to fight this kind of defense!

But now, he still has a chance.

The mysterious guardian on the opposite side has been cleared by it, so now... hypnosis!

The owl's eyes were fixed on the opposite side, and super-powerful light poured out. Combined with clearing dense fog, the chance of dodge is reduced.

This hypnotic spell can definitely hit.

At this time, Xiao Huhu opened his eyes.

Looking at the owl opposite, he suddenly grinned.

He slapped the ground with his claws and threw a "Rockslide" directly over him.

He didn't look at the effect of the rockfall or whether it hit the opponent. It didn't matter.

Anyway, he just wants to disgust the other person.

It doesn't matter if it hits a rockfall or not.

Now, he has been hypnotized by the opponent, and his eyes are so sleepy that he wants to fight.

But just right.

After taking those six or seven telekinesis power just now, I had already suffered some minor injuries and was just in time to recover.

The next moment, Xiao Huhu closed his eyes.

Mastering [Sleep] was used directly.

There was no need to count sheep at all. I just took the first step and fell asleep due to the sleepiness of hypnosis.


At this moment, something shiny lit up on Xiao Huchu's body surface.

That was Xiao Huchu's physical strength slowly recovering.

Some injuries caused by energy quickly recovered as before under the nourishment of proficient [Sleep] energy.

Opposite, the owl who had just avoided the rockfall was dumbfounded.

Why are you so shameless!
This rockfall is so disgusting!
And this pot, why did I just use it and fall asleep?

This is outrageous!

I have already performed my hypnosis very quickly!

It’s definitely too late to sleep normally!

But he never expected that the Huhu opposite him could master [Sleep].

This is too shameless!
Seeing that Huchu used the energy of [sleeping] to recover most of his injuries in just one or two breaths. Seeing that the injuries caused by his previous hard work were about to heal, the owl took a deep breath. tone.

He knew that he was a little anxious because of the poison in his body.

But the good news is that the Huchu opposite has fallen asleep.

So he now has two options.

Just like this little pot, if you choose to sleep, your physical strength can be restored, and the poison can be detoxified.

Or just choose to attack directly.

Now that Xiao Huchu has fallen asleep, he still has a chance to attack forcefully.

Moreover, the insect resistance on the opposite side has been lifted, which is a good opportunity!

That's right!


Owl is always confident in his superpowers.

Even if he is weakened, he still has a chance...

Chen Yuan smiled slightly and leaned comfortably on the spectator chair.

The winner has been decided.

The moment Xiao Huhu poisoned the opponent, the opponent had no chance of winning.

The proficiency in sleeping is combined with Xiao Huhu's defense.

If the original body of this nighthawk comes to fight, there is still a chance.

And now, can this little stand-in, which has so many abnormal conditions, really be able to fight?

After a dozen breaths, the owl also discovered the problem.

It can't be beaten at all.

His own attacks couldn't even hit the opponent's bloody skin, but he was restored by the proficient sleep.


Ahhh, I am so angry at the nighthawk!

How could there be such a shameless elf in this world like Huchu! !
By this time, the nighthawk had become poisonous and was on the verge of collapse, with only a little bit of bloody skin left.

No, we can't go on.

The owl gritted his teeth and directly chose to sleep.

He landed on the ground, closed his eyes, and hid his head inside the wings.

But at this moment, Xiao Huchu woke up and stretched himself.

The head swayed out of the carapace.

Look at the sleeping owl opposite.

He knew it was over.

He has several ways to end the game.

But, since his trainer is watching him here, he should use a slightly more violent style of play.

Huchu smiled and immediately fired one "shell-breaking" shot and two "shell-breaking" shots. When he shot the third "shell-breaking" shot, the owl over there was about to wake up.

But it doesn't matter.

It's now.

Xiao Huchu took a deep breath.

Terrifying power surged out of him.

As soon as he patted the ground, a large number of rocks were immediately photographed by him.

"Rock Blockade"

Boom boom boom!

The large amount of rocks immediately buried the owl.

Outstanding effect.

The owl screamed and rushed out.

However, what was waiting for him was five or six rockfalls that Xiao Huhu had already prepared.

It hit the head of the nighthawk right at the moment he broke out of the rock blockade.

Outstanding effect.

It's the same seven attacks, but the effects are completely different.

The owl was dying after taking seven rock attacks.


Xiao Huhu waved his claws, and a terrifying green insect blade was thrown out.

"Insect Resistance"

The effect is average, but enough.

The double exploded.

Referee Hu Di raised his right hand: "Nighthawk loses the ability to fight, Huhu wins."

"Win? Is this what you win?"

Chu Mengmeng and Chu Chaochao looked at each other and couldn't imagine that winning was too easy, right? It seems like there is no effort at all!

There is obviously such a big difference in levels between the two parties, how could they win like this!

Also, what skill did Hu Hu use at the beginning?

I can't understand it at all.

Both of them are elite members of the Chu family. It is very likely that the boys and girls who will enter the inner circle in the future will receive elite training from an early age.

Naturally, he learned much more than the average high school student.

But even so, I still don’t understand it at all.

In their impression, no one has ever used a kettle like this!
"Ah! That's awesome, Mr. Chen Yuan, let's add a friend!"

At this time, Chu Mengmeng couldn't bear it anymore and rushed over.

There is no reserve at all.

Now her admiration for Chen Yuan is beyond words.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Chen Yuan shook his head helplessly.

After adding friends and confirming the identity of the other party, I also found out that of these two people, one was the fourth newcomer this year and the other was the sixth newcomer.

They are the top three among the trio of Pokémon.

A very talented member of the Chu family.

By this time, Chu Mingwei had woken up from his collapse.

The owl flew to his shoulder dejectedly and pulled out the Poké Ball. Then he got into it and lost to a Kettle. It was like being crushed and played with.

He no longer wanted to face the world.

Chu Mingwei looked at the three people on Chen Yuan's side, and his expression immediately turned bad.

Chu Mengmeng!
Chu Chaochao!
Are you still a member of the Chu family?

Didn't you see your brother lose the game?
How come you are cheering for your opponent, an outsider?

Chu Mingwei was extremely depressed.

He didn't want to go to Chu Mengmeng's side anymore.

Because he also knew Chu Mengmeng's character. In the past, he would definitely be ridiculed by this little girl.

Gone, untouchable, slipped away.

There will be a loser group in a while, and he can still survive.

If you are lucky, the loser group can still go up a level.

But at this moment, his phone suddenly vibrated.

When I opened it, my nose felt so angry.

It was a large group of the younger generation of their Chu family.

Chu Mengmeng: "Latest battle report, latest battle report, in the fourth round of the Chu Mingwei Volcano Cup, we lost to a Huhu. I hope everyone knows."

Chu Mingwei was stunned and his nose was almost crooked with anger. This little girl has done all kinds of bad things!
"Hahaha, didn't Mingwei say at noon that if he loses a pot, he will stand on his head and eat flying? When will it be broadcast?"

"Huchu can lose, but he is still an elite-level Huchu. It's so funny."

"By the way, have you seen who your opponent is? Whose Huhu is so powerful that he can directly kill two generals of our Chu family."

Chu Mingming: "Yes, who is it? Although Mingwei was a little inferior, he still made it to the fourth round. Now that he defeated Mingwei's owl, this is the fifth round, right? Qiao Who is the boss of the family?"

Chu Mingwei opened his mouth, and suddenly felt a little blocked in his heart.

During the competition just now, I was very angry, and now I am very angry at this group of bad friends, and I almost passed it!

Chu Mengmeng: "Ah, I added that friend, so he is actually a member of our Chu family."

"Chu family?"


"Which clan uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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