you elf, are you legal

Chapter 416 Round 6, Xiao Yuyu vs Lotte Kappa

Chapter 416 The sixth round, Xiaoyuyu vs Lotte Kappa (Wanwu please subscribe!)
Chu Mengmeng: "You are the same age as us."


"Mengmeng, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Are we the same age as you? Can we train an elite Huchu and kill Mingwei's nighthawk? Hahaha, Mengmeng, stop joking. If it's true, I'll accompany Mingwei too."

Chu Mengmeng: "Oh, no more, Brother Mingzhao, I remember these words, you will know when I pull people in."

The next moment, all group members received a message.

"Silver trainer Chen Yuan joined the group chat."

This moment.

There seemed to be a gasp in the Chu family's group.

The trainer of Xiao Huhu, who pushed the two generals from the Chu family into the losers group and made great progress all the way, was actually a fifteen-year-old boy?
However, when they thought of this young man's identity, everyone immediately became silent.

Even if the main body comes over, this little guy has no chance of winning, let alone a substitute.

But now I am more enthusiastic than anyone else.

The Wind Speed ​​Dog stand-in glanced at the little dragon on the edge of the field and shook his mane.

One by one, it is simply impossible to complete.

Chen Yuan, only fifteen years old, is already an intermediate trainer. There are rumors that this young man may have the level of a high-level trainer.

Just this quick skill completely destroyed Xiaolonglong's previous tail-wagging electromagnetic wave auxiliary tactic - it was impossible to hit him at all!

And it can be said that those who mastered it so quickly are close to the mastery level.

"The mini dragon loses its fighting ability and the wind speed dog wins."

Anyone who has reached the peak of ace will understand that there are two things in this world that are the most tormenting.

Among this large group of people who are like a concentration camp for geniuses in the Chu family, they are also the most respected group.

Sure enough, when Chen Yuan arrived at the venue, he saw Xiao Longlong being crushed.

This scene can only be described as horrific.

And the other one is the silver badge.

Moreover, this fifteen-year-old boy is also a silver trainer.

Xiaolonglong's opponent is a wind speed dog.

That task chain is smelly and long.


But if he hasn't passed, he will be an ordinary part-time ace.

Even if Xiao Longlong took advantage of the opponent's inattention and fired an electromagnetic wave, there was still a huge difference.

Immediately, all members of the group began to refresh the screen.

A wind speed dog who has mastered divine speed.

But on the other hand, as long as you get the silver badge, it will be a symbol of strength and status wherever you go.

"Hello, Mr. Chen Yuan!"

Even under paralysis, there is absolutely no way to resist.

Originally it was only at the elite level, and the condensed substitute was barely elite.

Many tasks are even more difficult. If you don't have top-level strength, you won't be able to defeat them.

Highlight a torment.

There is really a lot of difference in this level.

Obviously, in the past few days, everyone was still very resistant to Chen Yuan, and they all regarded him as an imaginary enemy.

That's right, this is the world of trainers, where strength speaks for itself.

After chatting with everyone in the group, Chen Yuan put down his phone and went directly to Xiao Longlong's place.

One is the threshold from ace to the top.

Even if Chen Yuan is only fifteen years old.

The body on the opposite side is directly a top speed dog.

The substitute was smashed into pieces in one fell swoop.

In the past, there were all the strong men and top trainers in Blue Star.

Obviously, among the six little guys who participated in the competition, apart from Xiao Huhu, it was Xiao Longlong who was the most worrying.

On the one hand, Xiaolonglong's level is still a little behind.

The Wind Speed ​​Dog shows no mercy and simply attacks with great speed.

"Hello, Mr. Chen Yuan!"

When waiting for Chen Yuan to arrive, Xiao Longlong was already lying on the ground.

Little guy, go home and find your trainer and practice hard.

Those basic postures are all okay, but it's a pity that he can't unleash his divine speed, otherwise this scene would be interesting.

It's a pity that there is no if.

Feng Su Gou shook his head, stopped paying attention to the mini dragon, and was about to turn around. However, at this time, Feng Su Gou's eyes suddenly caught sight of Chen Yuan in the stands.

I was stunned for a moment.

Chen Yuan?

Xiaoli’s trainer?

That Chen Yuan who makes delicious fruit meals and is approved by their old patriarch?

At this time, Fengsugou noticed that Chen Yuan ran directly to the mini dragon.

Picked up the mini dragon.

Feng Su Gou suddenly felt a bit bitter in his mouth.

This turns out to be a family!

Feng Su Gou immediately held his head high and left directly, but he muttered in a voice that everyone could hear.
I was wondering how the dragon was so well bred. The color of its scales is so great. It is so strong at such a young age and has almost mastered divine speed. This talent is really amazing!

Given time, within a month, you will be able to master the divine speed. By then, won’t you be even stronger...

The wind speed dog walked away.

Chen Yuan looked at the wind speed dog, shook his head slightly and ignored it.

Of course, Xiao Longlong was also a little frustrated.

If it were an ordinary elf, such as a ground elf, she would still have a chance. Unfortunately, what she encountered was a wind speed dog.

She defended really hard.

But I really can’t beat it.

In fact, Chen Yuan could also see Xiao Longlong's efforts.

After all, Xiao Huhu, who had been fighting Owl for so long and started fighting at the same time, had lasted longer than Owl.

It has exceeded Chen Yuan's imagination.

At this time, Chu Mengmeng and Chu Chaochao looked at each other behind Chen Yuan.

The top wind speed dog opposite is too exaggerated. At the peak of the elite, he can have such physical fitness and such speed. It is really amazing that this mini dragon can last for such a long time!

Is this Boss Chen Yuan?

The fourth round of competition is finally over.

Xiaoli, Xiaohuhu, Chongchong, Pipbird, and Xiaoyuyu all won the game easily.

Xiao Longlong was so miserable. He directly encountered a top elf and he really couldn't beat him.

If it is a peak ace, it can take a wave, but facing this elf who has mastered the top energy, it cannot rely on it at all.

Xiao Longlong was very depressed when she lost the game. When she learned that Xiao Huhu actually won the fourth round, she immediately lost her composure.

So angry!
No, how could you lose to Xiao Huhu! Xiao Longlong gritted his teeth, regained his strength, and ate some energy fruit meals to regain his strength.

Then he went directly to the loser's bracket.

Although he lost the upper bracket, he still had a chance.

In the loser group, Hunting Papilio successfully advanced to the next round, but Qingmianniao was not so lucky and was eliminated first.

Chen Yuan looked at Chu Xiaoxiao with a smile, but Chu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes.

Now Chu Xiaoxiao and Baby Dragon were comforting the Green Mianniao, and had no time to deal with this guy Chen Yuan.

The fifth round begins.

Until now.

The rest are almost all peak aces with unique skills, or top elves.

No one is easy to mess with.

Even if it's a small raccoon dog, a bug, or a beep bird, it's not that easy to win.

Xiao Yuyu almost overturned because of his level problem. The flying elf on the opposite side was really bad.

He is a flying elf from the Jun family and a frequent visitor to the volcano.

Obviously he also knows Xiao Yuyu.

Knowing that Xiao Yuyu only had one ground skill, he started flying.

If Xiao Yuyu hadn't hidden a water gun with ice in it, he would have been killed by this tropical dragon.

However, this ice attribute is really fun to fight with, and the ice water gun after x18 is even more fun.

The top elf who lost the game was immediately stunned.

What the hell?
When did Xiao Yuyu become so strong?
Doesn't he only know how to use a water gun? What's going on with this freezing light... Hey, wait, the one just now seems to be a water gun, right?

Damn, that Swampert guy taught her son something!
At the same time, Xiao Huchu felt a little uncomfortable.

I originally thought that I had already defeated the owl on the opposite side and would be able to enter the main match smoothly.

But no idea.

This time, he met a top elf.

And he knew it.


Ti Yan's fire-breathing dragon.

Top elves.

The top elf who just broke through this month.

Xiao Huhu initially thought he had drawn a good draw.

After all, compared to other elves, Xiao Huhu still knows the strength of Lao Spray.

I was beaten up by Auntie Flamebird every day. Although I had broken through to the top level, she didn't seem to be that powerful.

The top and peak ace just now are not much different. Xiao Huchu thought so, but when he fought, he was extremely serious.

However, when the actual battle began, he discovered that he was wrong.

The strongest thing among top elves, especially those who play with fire like Charizard, is a top-level flame.

The ability to control the flames, even with a peak elite body, is not something that Xiao Huhu can shake.

Equally divided power?

It does not matter.

Just five or six large-character blasts of flames were sprayed over.

There was no chance for Xiao Huhu to be poisoned.

While Xiao Huhu knew about Charizard, Charizard also knew about the little guy Xiao Huhu.

Why don't you know the dirty tactics Boss Chen Yuan designed for Xiao Huhu?

Although this new skill directly cut his strength in half.

But, if it’s cut in half, it can’t be beaten?
The five or six large-character explosions alone are enough for a small pot to drink, and behind them there is the proficient fire-breathing dragon.

Even if the power is cut in half, it is not something Xiao Huhu can bear.

It only takes a dozen breaths.

The carapace of the small pot was already extremely hot.

Not to mention the burns, he was almost cooked.

Seeing this, Xiao Huchu couldn't hold on any longer and fell asleep immediately.

To put it bluntly, although Xiao Huhu was a bit of a cheat, his fighting experience was still much worse.

After sleeping, he becomes even more of a target.

The speed of physical recovery is not as fast as that of a fire-breathing dragon with two extra flames.

The double is broken.

Xiao Huhu was so depressed. Why did he fall into the loser group?

Also losing the game was Hua Yuxi's Xiao Caocao.

In fact, Xiao Caocao is also very strong.

But no matter what.

The organizing committee is no longer a human being.

I drew a little bubu directly.

The Heavenly King Elf still has attributes that are restrained.

When little sister Bubu stood opposite Xiao Caocao.

Xiao Caocao was immediately dumbfounded.

How to fight this?
Sweet aroma and three powders?
You can’t hit a point!

Xiao Caocao persisted for less than a minute, and was immediately blasted to pieces by a flash of lightning.

Little Bubu wagged his tail and patted Little Caocao's body gently.

Don't be discouraged, little guy, keep up the good work for the losers group.

As for the loser group, Xiao Longlong did not make any further progress after all.

The hunting swallowtail butterfly was also eliminated by a top flame elf.

This is the end.

After the fifth round.

The remaining Pokémon from the Pokémon Team.

Winner group.

Xiao Li, Xiao Yuyu, Chong Chong, Pip Bird, La Lu La Si, Xiao Eevee (substitute)
loser bracket
Little pots, little grass.

There is still an hour left before the start of the sixth round.

The sixth round is also the final round. As long as you pass it, you can enter the main draw.

Sixty-four strong.

This is the top sixty-four strong elves.

The little guys are all gearing up.

Try to pass this sixth round in one go.

At this time, Chen Yuan also understood the needs of the little ones.

It's just energy jelly, taken together with a fortified fruit meal.

Now it’s time for the little ones to no longer worry about the unpleasant taste of the energy-fortified fruit meal.

Each one of them tastes more enjoyable than anyone else.

Half an hour of reinforcement.

Even if we can only make a little progress, there is still a little more hope.

At the same time, Bayleaf and Bonai were also very excited.

"Great, great!"

Bonai hugged Lotte Kappa and laughed.

Sure enough, my own Lotte Kappa is still very powerful. Even if it is facing a top elf, it will give up when facing the "Rainy Kappa".

Attribute restraint, weather influence, and the opponent has just broken through to the top level.

The combination of various factors actually allowed him to enter the sixth round.

Good thing!

What a great thing!

As long as he advances one more round, he can enter the main match and get the top resources.

And just now, the family learned about this and called him.

As long as he can reach the main match this time, whatever bonus he gets, the family will give him double the bonus.

When you go back during the New Year, you can get another Ace Peak.

This is simply a soaring rhythm!

Just one more fight!
Since he has won a game with the top elves, it proves that there is no problem with this style of play. As long as he optimizes it step by step, the rainy day tactics, in this Volcano Cup where most of the flame elves are, might be able to let him and his Lotte Kappa go. further!

At this time, Bayleaf was also looking at his trainer and Lotte Kappa, his eyes filled with stars.

Is this the elf she worships, is this her trainer?
At this moment, Bayleaf felt so proud and had such a sense of accomplishment!
This is a competition in which at least half are top trainers!

My own trainer is so young and almost made it into the main competition. Is this probably the only one in this competition?

Can it be said that Bonai is already one of the top young trainers in China?

Thinking of this, Bayleaf felt more and more that leaving the secret realm of the Jun family and leaving with Bonai was the most correct decision she made.

"Ah, I finally got it! There are only two rounds left before we can enter the main match. As expected, a match without a kettle is so easy to play!"

At this time, Chu Mingwei laughed.

In fact, his Owl is really not weak, but he was suddenly blinded by the pot. Every skill feels like it can restrain him, which is outrageous.

Now, in the loser group, he has defeated two opponents, and if he wins two more games, he will be completely promoted!
Come on, nighthawk, you're the best.

Chu Mengmeng: "Ming Weiwei, keep a low profile, otherwise you will encounter justice soon."

Chu Mingwei: "Let me put it this way, if you encounter an ace, you can play whatever you want. If you encounter a top player, I won't lose."

Chu Mingwei: "By the way, Xiangtian, Tianming, Mingming, are you the only three left among the six rounds now?"

Xiangtian: "Yes, there are five more in the Qiao family, a little more in the Di family, 6, and almost the same in the Jun family."

Chu Mingwei: "Ah? So, isn't it our Chu family that is the best?"

Tianming: "Almost"

Chu Chaochao: "No? We are about the same, right? At least five."

Chu Mingwei: "Who else?"

Chu Mengmeng: "@白silvertrainerchenyuan"

Chu Mengmeng: "It must be Mr. Chen Yuan. Besides, only one of your elves has entered the sixth round. This boss has five elves that have entered the sixth round."

Chen Yuan: "Ahem, passed, passed, there are not five. Xiao Huhu lost to Di Yan's Charizard and fell into the loser's bracket."

Chu Mingwei: "..."

Chu Xiangtian: "..."

Chu Tianming: "Chen Yuan, when can we meet and have an appointment?"

Chu Mingming: "Huh? Is this the first time Brother Tianming invites someone to dinner?"

Chu Tianming: "Chen Yuantian is a genius, but I still want to get to know him."

Chen Yuan: "Oh, I'm so embarrassed. If you praise me for being a genius or something like that, I'll treat you all to a meal."

Chu Mingwei: "..."

Chu Mengmeng: "Ahhh! Can you please skip tonight, or go a little later in time? After the game, I want to go see the Elf."

Chu Chaochao: "Then don't go see the elves. What's there to see in a little fire horse? It can't guide spiritual power. Do you think you are the bosses Chu Xiaoxiao and Chen Yuan?"

Seeing the topic, he was about to lead it to the new elf.

Chen Yuan smiled.

There is no more water group.

I turned off my phone and watched the little guys doing special training and warming up.

Chen Yuan touched his chin. In this sixth round, whose game is better?
"Kuola kuala~"

Xiaoyuyu was the first to raise his hand.

It’s been just one day since Chen Yuan watched his own game.

In fact, there is a Beep Bird, but the Beep Bird doesn't care much.

With peak Qifeng, he has nothing to fear except for those few days of being a king.

Chen Yuan smiled and shook his head, okay, this time, it depends on Xiao Yuyu.

The third game field.

Xiao Yuyu stood in the player aisle, eyes full of excitement.

This time, he needs to be more serious.

In the contestant tunnel on the opposite side, a bay leaf was shaking its leaves and excitedly cheering for Lotte Kappa.

This time, her Lotte Kappa brother will definitely win.

(End of this chapter)

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