you elf, are you legal

Chapter 437 King Mori: Suddenly I want to meet Chen Yuan

Chapter 437 King Mori: Suddenly I want to meet Chen Yuan
Missile needle!
It's a missile needle!

The missile needle was extremely fast and almost pierced the exploding fireworks in the blink of an eye.

Stab into Raichu's body.

Lei Qiu froze.

At this time, the second missile needle had already flown.

The attack hits.

Raichu's substitute shattered into pieces.

Xiaoli stood in and fell to the ground.

A short breath away.

But, it's not broken.

That kind of physical strength.

A snake bear with only one peak lightning flash can win even that Raichu.

And the explosive power that suddenly appeared in the sky above Raichu at the end.

It shouldn't be.

As local elves, almost none of the elves living in Honglian Volcano and Honglian Ruins do not know Xiaoli.

It shouldn't appear on an ace-level snake-print bear.

In fact, the Volcano people are very fond of this little guy who has mastered the unique skills of the Wind Speed ​​Dog at such a young age and has the genes of the Wind Speed ​​Dog.


For a moment, demons danced wildly on the field.

The dark horse continues.

After all, the attributes are restrained.

Moreover, this snake-printed bear must have been said to be very fast.

The main body wagged its tail, raised its small front paws, and waved towards the audience stage.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

Go one step further.

Chen Yuan’s snake-print bear wins again.

No, there is one more.

As the quasi-king of the grass type, Moriya Yu really couldn't understand what went wrong.

Xiaoli's substitute suddenly shattered.

very excited.

And that racial quality...


All the messy things that I wanted to cause trouble for Chu's mother were suddenly forgotten.

He frowned.

Looking at it this way, why does it still feel like a wind speed dog...

Advancing to the top 8 together with Chu Xiaoxiao’s Lalu Lasi.

Look at the heterochromatic snake bear in the field.

The snake bear wins!
The volcano people immediately cheered.

That snake-print bear just won?
Moriya Yu's face was dull.

Sit up straight.

Look at the snake bear below.

Everyone shouted Xiaoli's name in unison.

Suddenly, Moritani Yu was excited.

It makes no sense!

Xiaoli also has a home court advantage one day.

We will fight the top elf Boscodora in a while.

Chen Yuan’s marsh jumping fish.

"Leichu loses the ability to fight, and the Serpentine Bear wins."

From the looks of it, the Swamp Jumper doesn't have a chance.

Compared to the foreign Raichu, they naturally support the little raccoon even more!


There is only one thought in my mind now.

Wind speed dog.

No way!
Could this snake-print bear have directly developed the bloodline of the Wind Speed ​​Dog?

If it were a snake bear with the blood of a wind speed dog, or even fully developed...

If both the Jun family and the Di family mastered this method of cultivating elves and developed it stably...

Thinking of this, Moriya Yu really couldn't sit still.

One Chu family is enough, if the Jun family and the Di family go further.

So how can the Mori family, the Liu family, these fringe top ten people still hang out!

Liu Yunzhi closed her eyes.

At this time, she no longer dared to think about the face of that little boy Chen Yuan.

Especially now, when both elves have lost the game, Liu Yunzhi feels like she is going to go berserk!

If this was still the Xidu Liu family, she would definitely beat him up to vent her anger.

But this is the Jun family, and I can't have an attack yet.

Be patient!
Damn brat!

He was able to defeat both of her new elves!
It’s a bit...interesting!


Liu Yunzhi took out her cell phone and turned it off.

Don't give Chen Yuan a chance to harass him immediately.

at this time.

Seeing that their mother had lost the game, the two sisters, who had been silent all this time, suddenly received a message from Chen Yuan.

The tone is sincere.

The meaning behind the words was to comfort the head of the Liu family for him. It was a fluke that his snake-printed bear won.

If Meng Huan had used some other skill such as scent detection instead of missile needles, he might have been taken away by Raichu's next 100,000 volt shot.

Chen Yuan's words were sincere and well-chosen, as if he was a good junior comforting his elders.

The two sisters looked at each other.

Look at the uncomfortable look of my mother again.

I made up my mind immediately.

The trouble should end it.

They knew that their mother seemed to have a prejudice against Chen Yuan.

In this confrontation, even if they lose the game, they don't want to let this stereotype continue to deepen.

Misunderstandings have to be resolved eventually.

Moreover, Chen Yuan has said so many soft words now.

My mother must be able to be comforted.

They are indeed two sisters. The twins have the same mind.

The two sisters nodded.


Liu Fengru handed her cell phone to Liu Yunzhi.

"Look at this."

Liu Fengru believed that her mother would feel better after reading it.

After all, a lot of things have happened recently.

When my mother is physically and mentally exhausted, I hope she can get some comfort.

Even if it's a little bit, it's okay.

Liu Yunzhi was gnashing her teeth there.

In fact, the two sisters Liu Fengru and Liu Xueru were right.

In the past few days, she was really busy with the Liu family's affairs.

I finally found time to come over to the Volcano Cup to relax and see if I could get into the top three in this competition, get a reward, and have a relationship with Emperor Yan by the way.

As a result, Chen Yuan was immediately disgusted by the scene of La Lu La Lu and the scene of snake pattern bear!

I feel really unhappy.

However, I was still relieved about my daughter Liu Yunzhi. After all, both daughters were very considerate, so she turned around and took a look without much thought.

As a result, I saw the content.

His eyes instantly went black.

Chen Yuan! ! ! !
Liu Yunzhi gritted her teeth!
This disgusting brat! ! !

He even sent a message to his daughter to mock her! ! !

Damn it! !

The Volcano Cup continues.

Game 7.

They are two top elves.

Telekinesis Doll vs Charizard.

"Come on daddy!"

On the stands, Chu Mengmeng made her hands like a trumpet and shouted loudly.

Chu Zongze below waved his hands and smiled.

As expected, my daughter is considerate.

"Chen Yuan already has an elf in the top eight, don't lose to Chen Yuan, dad!"

Chu Mengmeng shouted again.

Chu Zongze's face turned dark!
Chen Yuan Chen Yuan Chen Yuan!

This brat!
We only met a few times, but I was in front of him every day!

I've obviously stolen your little fire pony, why are you still so fond of me?

Damn it!
If he hadn't known that Chen Yuan didn't have that kind of intention, he would have thought of a way!

His daughter is still so young and doesn't want to think about this...


Now is not the time to think about this.

Chu Zongze took a deep breath.

Together with the telepathic clay puppet, they looked at the fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side and discussed the strategy of pressing the opposite side to the ground and rubbing it.

As the last member of the Chu family to reach the quarterfinals...well, a veteran player, Chu Zongze's goal is to secure the top four spots.

In fact, his telekinesis puppets are not the most outstanding among all the elves.

But every game was played very steadily.

It is impossible to lose this game.

Two stand-ins stood in the center of the field.

Looking at each other.

The mind-power clay puppet rotated, and several eyes took turns looking at the fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side.

The referee Dahudi waved his spoon.

Game start.

Charizard took off directly into the air. Soar high.

Want to gain air supremacy.

But the mind-power clay puppet also has the characteristic of floating, coupled with the blessing of super power.

This flying skill is not inferior to that of the opposite fire-breathing dragon.

He caught up almost instantly.

As soon as the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth, the telepathic clay puppet blasted past with a burst of peak telekinesis.

After all, he is a top-level telepathic puppet, and the power of this peak telekinesis is far greater than that of La Lulas.

His mouth was immediately sealed by the fire-breathing dragon's flames, and his mind suddenly became confused.

The big character "Explosive Flame" exploded in the mouth.

The fire-breathing dragon flew around in the air in pain.

Chaos breaks out.

This is opportunity.

The eyes of the mind-powerful earth puppet shine brightly.

A large amount of rock energy surged above the body.

More than a dozen rocks floated around his body and blasted away.

The fire-breathing dragon was hit hard.

Proficient in [Primal Power]

Rock attack, blood defeats flying fire.

The quality of telepathy earth puppets is improving.

Charizard was seriously injured and could not maintain his figure for a while.

Fall down.

The power of thought is like a shadow.

Not giving the opponent any chance to fight back at all.

Another shot of [Primal Power] hit him.

This time it's more powerful.

Further improvement in all aspects of the body.

After two shots, the fire-breathing dragon was buried in the ground.

At this time, the quality of all aspects of telepathy soil puppets has exceeded the elite peak.

Charizard never had any chance to fight back.

This one is a crushing victory.

Charizard's stand shattered.



Standard textbook play.

As expected of Chu Zongze.

He is worthy of being a veteran quasi-king.

This is strength.

The telepathic clay puppet spun and flew up, as if celebrating its victory.

Another elf from the Chu family entered the top eight.

If you include Chen Yuan, there are already three.

Moritani Yu's teeth were almost broken.

Why, it’s the Chu family again.

At this time, she could no longer look directly at the woman's face.

"The Chu family can do it this time." There were already top trainers on the side, and they began to praise.

"This is natural."

Obviously the person who answered was a trainer from the Chu family. He was extremely proud that this time there were three places among the top eight of the Chu family.

"If Chen Yuan's Swamp Jumper wins the next game, it will be four, which is half." He said.

The Jun family trainer on the side was stunned when he heard this: "What are you talking about? Chen Yuan is not from our Jun family? The snake bear that you didn't look at is a little wind speed dog. It's not like you don't know that my family The old man is very optimistic about his grandson. Why is it just your Chu family?"

"Ha, what nonsense are you talking about? Chen Yuan is the awakened person of our Chu family, so he is naturally our Chu family."

"Hey, hey, stop for a moment."

At this time, a young female trainer, about thirty or so, with short pink hair, who looked very similar to Qiao Beiyi, said, "Did you overlook something, little brother Chen Yuan? But we, the Qiao family..."

"If you ask me, he is still the younger brother of my imperial family Qi Yanya, why should he be included in my imperial family..."

Listen to these words.

Moriya Yu suddenly fell silent.

She had to admit it.

She used to practice in the deep secret realm, but she really looked down on the young people today.

Are you connected to all four major families?

At this time, Yu Moritani looked down at Chen Yuan, who was doing warm-up exercises with a small marsh jumping fish.

Suddenly I felt that this little guy was a little handsome.

Well, I have to have a chance to get in touch.

"Chen Yuan."

When Chen Yuan entered the arena with Yu Yuyu, he happened to see Chu Zongze coming down.

"Hello, Uncle Clan."

Chen Yuan maintained good etiquette towards Chu Xiaoxiao's clan uncle and Chu Mengmeng's father.

Chu Zongze looked at the polite Chen Yuan and smiled slightly.

Very appreciated.

"Come on, little guy, I'm optimistic about you."

Chu Zongze said.

He felt that this was the best encouragement for his elder, Chen Yuan, as his junior.

Chen Yuan nodded obediently. This clan uncle's telepathic earth puppet was indeed very strong. Even if he faced off against Lalu Lasi, he would only have a 50-50 chance of winning.

If it is a small fish, it will be even harder to fight.

Xiaoli was not even 98% sure.

After going back, I really need to give the little guys some special training.

It would be a shame if tomorrow's battle for the top four couldn't defeat even the weakest telepathic puppet.

Zuo Wanqing was already standing in the field, looking at Chen Yuan opposite Xiao Yuyu who was running around the field with interest.

Anyway, the race only started in ten minutes, so Zuo Wanqing simply started running together.

Boscodora, who was several hundred kilograms heavier, ran on the ground with a bang, which immediately shook the little fish beside him.

This warm-up experience was extremely poor.

Zuo Wanqing covered her mouth and smiled softly.

"I heard Zuo Tianxing mention you."

Zuo Wanqing said.

Chen Yuan was a little dumbfounded and looked at this elder sister.


Indeed, he is somewhat similar to Zuo Tianxing.

"Thank you for helping Tianxing's metal monster break through."

Zuo Wanqing said.

In fact, all direct descendants of the Zuo family have to raise a metal monster.

Her one is also a gold-eating beast.

It took me a long time to achieve a breakthrough.

I originally thought that Zuo Tianxing would be stuck for another year and a half.

Unexpectedly, it was such a breakthrough.

This is a personal relationship.

Chatted with Zuo Tianxing once.

That magnetic flight is still not enough.

"After waiting, come to my Zuo's house to play? It's holiday anyway, Zuo Tianxing can take you to visit Thunder Mountain."

Chen Yuan's heart moved.

"Magic City?"

Zuo Wanqing nodded with a smile.

Chen Yuan suddenly remembered what Senior Sister Xiao Ning had said before.

In a few days, there will be a conference of researchers or something in Magic City. It is said to be a global gathering.

There will also be many foreign trainers and researchers there.

If you are in the Magic City, you can go and see it.

"But Tianxing is Tianxing, and I am who I am, and I won't let anything go in this game." Zuo Wanqing said.

The elves have entered.

Xiao Yuyu's stand-in and Boss Cordora looked at each other in the field.

At this distance, Xiao Yuyu finally felt the pressure of the top pinnacle.

This is an opponent no less than those kings.

This game might be really difficult to win.

Referee Hu Di raised his spoon.

All the elves and all the trainers were looking at the last two elves in the field.

One is an elf cultivated by the top pinnacle and quasi-king of heaven.

One of them is the undisputed dark horse, who defeats the strong with the weak and becomes stronger when he encounters the strong.

There is also Chen Yuan, a talented young trainer, as an endorsement.

This one.

Maybe, it can really blow people away.

Chen Yuan...

Swamp jumper.

Zuo Wanqing.


Everyone is looking forward to today's last game.

The place just fell silent.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the viewing area.


Like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, it sounded in the ears of all elves and trainers in this venue.

"La bang~"

"La bang~"

"La bang~"

Come on, baby, baby, baby, baby, you are the best.

Xiaoyuyu: "..."

How embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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