you elf, are you legal

Chapter 438 Xiaoyuyu chose to evolve

Chapter 438 Xiaoyuyu chose to evolve

The scene was extremely quiet.

The entire venue resounded with the shouts of Swampert's mother.

The elves in the central lake looked at each other.

The volcanoes looked at each other.

Opposite, an alien elf.

I, Xiao Yuyu, have watched and grown up since childhood.

It seems that there is a slight disadvantage, and didn't you see that the child was already getting nervous?
So what are you waiting for!
"La bang~"

"La bang~"

"La bang~"

In previous games, Xiaoyuyu didn't have many opportunities to use ground skills. Basically, water skills solved the battle. That [Water Gun·Fish·Wave] was so powerful that it directly crushed the level.

almost instantly
The newly renovated competition venue was directly destroyed by the earthquake between the two.

He couldn't be more familiar with the skill in the hands of Boss Cordora on the opposite side, earthquake, right?

Since the boss Boss Cordora on the opposite side wants to practice with him.

It is also a ground skill.


Boscodora clapped his hands, and the power of the ground lit up on his hands.

At this time, Xiao Yuyu finally understood the feeling of home field advantage that Xiao Li told him before!
My heart is getting hot!
He can win this round!

How are you, little guy? Do you dare to follow me?
Xiaoyuyu was immediately happy.

More and more elves joined in the shouting.

On the stands, many elves were swaying, and some top trainers were a little shocked.

The meaning is obvious.

The terrifying energy was released at this moment, shaking the entire venue.

There is no need to be so nervous.

This is so wrong!
and so.

Little fish!
This time, just let your hands and feet go and fight!

But now I feel a little regretful.

Also proficient in earthquakes.

I'm going to release my ground skills.

Xiao Yuyu clapped his hands, and a large amount of ground energy was condensed between Xiao Yuyu's hands.

It seems like there’s a lot of fun in this one!
Game start.

And he also passed this emotion on to his children!

The earthquake wave roared and roared towards the elves on the opposite side.

The seismic waves of the two elves just hit each other!
Boom boom boom!

Boscodora's ferocious face grinned with what he thought was a gentle smile, but it actually looked more ferocious.

The little guy regained his confidence so quickly.

"Oh ho ho ho~"

For a moment, my eyes filled with tears.

Just have fun and have fun and that's it!
How could they still have such high expectations for that little guy?

We believe in you.

Then come on!
Master earthquakes!
The two elves, almost at the same time, pressed their hands on the ground!

Did these two elves use such powerful skills to warm up? ! !
Bayleaf and Bonai finally came to watch Xiaoyuyu’s quarterfinal match.


In just a few breaths, almost most of the elves began to cheer and encourage Xiao Yuyu.

That’s right!
The Volcano Cup is originally an entertainment competition.

The sound of the explosion was like muffled thunder.

He looked at the bogfish across the way.

There’s no problem if you play to your own level!
The little fish listened to the encouraging words of the elves on the stands.

"Milk lips~"

One left and one right, one big and one small.

So, let’s try it.

This made Bayleaf forget for a moment that Xiao Yuyu's specialty attribute was the ground system.

But now, this mastery earthquake used to warm up suddenly evoked the memory of Bayleaf's childhood.


From the beginning, Xiao Yuyu has been using his most unskilled water skills to fight her and compete in this competition!

Now this one is well versed in earthquakes.

I was afraid that if I went down and rubbed against him, I would be killed.

This is still Xiaoyuyu’s warm-up skill...

Thinking of this, Bayleaf became even more unhappy.

The roar lasted for a full minute before it stopped.

The two elves stood up.

Look at each other.

There was more appreciation in Boscodora's eyes.

And Xiao Yuyu also grinned, feeling as if he had met his opponent.

Come again!

Xiao Yuyu's eyes lit up and he activated Mastery Earthquake again.

Today, he wants to have a good time.

That's right.

Just enjoy this volcano cup.

Boscodora smiled happily.

Sure enough, this little bog jumper was really to his liking.

Then, here we go again.

earthquake! !
The two earthquakes collided together again.

After the third, fourth, and fifth earthquake attacks were blasted out, Boscodora finally had enough.

In fact, there are almost no elves in their team who like to play this kind of boom-boom-boom game like him.

Now I finally met a like-minded person, and I felt refreshed all of a sudden.

There is a little difference in energy control between the two elves, but not much.

Xiao Yuyu has been aware of Groudon's inheritance for a long time, and has become quite proficient in controlling the energy on the ground.

It has already surpassed the category of ordinary ace, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is comparable to the top.

Coupled with the ground, it is the original attribute of Xiaoyuyu, but Boscodora is not like this.

Even if there is a big gap between the two elves in terms of racial quality, when it comes to fighting, the fight on this ground is just about equal.

Ten earthquakes were thrown out in a row.

Both elves were happy.

Xiaoyuyu wants to come again.

Boscodora was obviously a little tired.

It would be fine if it was his true body, but for his substitute, using [Earthquake] so many times in a row is already close to the limit.

After all, it's not a major.


Boscodora stopped and was about to change his skills.

A large number of rocks were condensed by him.

Peak skill, [Rock Blockade].

Xiao Yuyu was a little regretful, he hadn't had enough fun yet.

But the other side started to get serious.

Then he also needs to take it seriously.

Peak water gun.

The little fish stretched out its hands to hold a round ball - a water gun.

A large amount of water swirled and condensed in the palms of his hands, and the terrifying water energy was compressed to a very small range at this moment.

Then pull it back, put it on your waist, continue to condense energy, and compress it twice - Yuyu.

At this time, Boscodora had already released three rounds of [Rock Blockade].

Terrifying pressure took shape around him.

Countless rocks were floating behind him, and he stretched out his hand.

Peak【Rock Blockade】

Xiao Yuyu pushed forward with both hands, releasing all the accumulated and compressed energy in one go - wave.

Water Gun·Fish·Wave!
Two super powerful pinnacle skills, one yellow and one blue, collided at this moment.


Boss Cordola was a little in disbelief.

how come……

The water gun on the opposite side is extremely powerful.

His rock blockade was shattered in an instant.

There was no time to react.

The fish wave had already hit him.

Outstanding effect.

even if

Although most of its power was reduced, Boscodora still felt unspeakable pain.


Nice little guy.

Boscodora stood up.

Looking at the marsh jumping fish on the opposite side.

So next.

He really needs to be serious.

Boscodora stamped his foot.

This time, a more terrifying wave of skills rippled out. A large number of rocks, like cannonballs, twisted and compressed behind Boscodora, forming the shape of a cannonball.

The shells were pointed at the little fish from a distance.


The little fish that was locked by those shells was alerting in its mind.

Subconsciously, he gathered another wave of fish and blasted it out.

However, this time the fish wave was blocked by the rock shells from the peak rock collapse.

Countless cannonballs hit the fish wave.

The condensed waves of fish were violently dispersed.

The remaining dozen or so shells hit the little fish firmly.

The booming little fish rolled several times in a row.

It was with great reluctance that I got up.

At this time, the peak rock blockade has arrived, bang bang bang bang bang!

A large number of rocks directly buried the small fish.

Boscodora walked over step by step.


I originally wanted to play with my children for a while.

However, the strength of the opponent's skills had exceeded his expectations.

Even he couldn't perfectly control similar power.

With a little more force, that's what it looks like now.

What a pity.

Then, let's end it.

[Rock Blockade] gathered behind him.

threw it away.

Once again, the rockery was piled higher.

One shot away from destroying the opponent.

The little fish lying on the ground didn't have much strength anymore.

How could it be... He felt that he could still fight, why did he end up in this situation...

He also has the peak [Mud Shooting]

This is a skill he learned after spending a long time!
But why...

I can't use any strength at all.


The little fish felt the rock on his body getting heavier and heavier.

This is a weight that is completely inescapable.

What to do? What to do? What to do……

Is he going to lose?

The volcanoes and the central lake elves above the stands all opened their eyes wide.

Although I had clearly said before that participation was the most important thing, when it came to this moment, it was still a little hard to accept.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel relieved.

After all, Xiao Yuyu is really too young.

too young.

Not to mention anything else, the racial quality alone is far behind.

In such a close battle.

The disadvantages of racial quality are directly exposed.

Even just now, in the evenly matched battle between Snake Bear Xiaoli and Raichu, Xiaoli's wind speed dog racial quality had the upper hand!

And now, in the battle with Boscodora.

Originally, the power of their skills was almost evenly matched.

Now that the skill is slightly more powerful, the Swamp Jumper's fatigue is immediately revealed.

What to do? What to do? What to do……

Xiaoyuyu's mind was spinning wildly.

Thinking about how to break the situation.

How can we win!

If it is still the main body at this time, just use the power of legend to directly blow up the rocks above.

But now that he is a substitute, he still has many restrictions after all.

How to get out...

No, even if you go out, what will happen?

The oppressive power of the Boss Cordora opposite him was one of the best among the elves he had ever seen.

If I go out, I will be buried by a rockfall again...

No, I'm afraid it will shatter in a rockfall.

Could it be that we just lost the game?

Sure enough, I am too young.

The little fish closed its eyes.

Suddenly, he thought of what Chen Yuan mentioned last night.

Do you want to evolve?

His answer at that time was no.

It's not necessary.

He is still a child.

But now that I think about it again, do I really refuse?
Does he really refuse to evolve?

On the edge of the arena, the Swamp Leap Fish suddenly closed his eyes.


Don't want to lose.

He also wanted to stay in the arms of brother Chen Yuan.


Elves have to grow up after all!
He wants to stand alone.

Even if it's just the Volcano Cup.

But, this time, he wants to win.

He wants to evolve.

Suddenly, a white light burst out from the little fish.

At the same time, a white beam of light pierced the rock blockade, like the determination of the little fish, lighting up the entire venue.

Followed by the second and third.

The body shape of the little fish is changing.

That small body grew larger in this moment.

The limbs have become a lot thicker, and the fin on the head has changed from one to two.

Opening and clenching your hands is a feeling of strength.

Swampert evolution, Swampert

Chen Yuan, who was watching the game on the sidelines of the field, showed a smile.

He leaned back in his chair.

Boscodora's eyes narrowed. Obviously he has seen the changes in this land.

Has the opponent really evolved?
Very good determination!
Well, forget it, I won’t play anymore, let’s end this game!

Boscodora raised his hands, and he immediately grabbed the rockery on the ground.

They condensed and collapsed in the air, squeezed together, and exploded.

No stand-ins fell.

It seems that the newly evolved Swamp Monster stand-in has been shattered into pieces with the explosion...


not at all! The corners of Boscodora's mouth curled up.

over there.

Just at the place blocked by rocks.

There is a cave there, big enough to accommodate an elf.

The giant swamp monster is at this critical moment.

He used [Burrowing] to burrow into the ground and escaped the attack.

Boscodora grinned.

This kind of battle is interesting.

Now that the little guy on the opposite side has evolved, the next battle must be very interesting.

Boscodora swayed and suddenly rushed forward.

At this moment, right where he was standing.

The ground was raised high.


A blue figure suddenly rushed out of the ground.

There is a light yellow energy layer on his body.

The [Burrowing] attack failed.

But it doesn't matter.

Because even Xiao Yuyu seems to understand that his skill will probably fail.

Therefore, he has prepared other killing moves.

In the mid-air where the giant swamp monster jumped.

A stream of aqua blue energy gathered between Xiao Yuyu's hands.

The energy waves of countless water guns have already been compressed.

It's already gathering momentum in Xiao Yuyu's waist.

He looked at Boscodora and met the latter's gaze.

Suddenly, he grinned.

Bro, I heard that your Rockslide is very strong?
Then, try this Swampert version, Water Gun·Fish·Wave.

(End of this chapter)

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