you elf, are you legal

Chapter 516: Jelly production line, does your Fox God sell it?

Chapter 516: Jelly production line, does your Fox God sell it? ( votes~)

So comfortable~~
No, Chen Yuan didn’t have any other intentions, he just wanted to help Jiuwei find something.

The Nine-Tailed Fox seemed a little uncomfortable and subconsciously twisted its nine tails.

But this action made Chen Yuan's body tremble.

But this feel.

found it.

It was a small round ball of dark purple color with a hint of faint light.

He couldn't tell what it was, but Chen Yuan could feel a chilling feeling from it.

It was not the chillness of the body, but the depression coming from the mind.

It’s like... facing a great terror from ancient times.

"What kind of legend is this?"

Chen Yuan was confused.

Kyuubi shook his head.

"When I was training at Tianwang Mountain, I accidentally got this bead during an experience in the underworld."

Jiuwei said: "Over the years, I have learned a lot of skills with it. Carrying it with you is very helpful in improving ghost-type talents. You can develop and use it in this aspect."

Chen Yuan smiled and stuffed the bead into his pocket without any hesitation.

My two ghost-type little guys, Incubus and Rotom, can both use this fun thing.

I really have to thank the Nine-Tailed Fox this time.

"I said, can you please take your hand away first?"


Chen Yuan blinked, chuckled, and continued to gently stroke the Nine-Tailed Fox's soft tails.

I have to say that these nine tails are very well maintained.


This reminded him of the time when he was holding Sister Yanbu.

By the way, how is Sister Yanbu doing?

"Humph, thinking about other elves!"

Nine-Tailed Fox snorted coldly and retracted its tail, refusing to let anyone touch it!

What a damned bastard. When he was touching her, he was actually thinking about other elves. What did he think of her as the Nine-Tailed Fox?

A little fox that comes when called and goes away when waved away?

Chen Yuan was reluctant to leave. Really, the mental power of this Nine-Tailed Fox was too sensitive.

But ah.

Chen Yuan also felt some details through his mental power just now.

The condition inside the Nine-Tailed Fox doesn't seem to be good.

"Okay, let's go."

Kyuubi turned his head.

The tail flicked, mercilessly.

Chen Yuan smiled and took out a small jar containing a jar of red lotus jelly.

Another jar, Red Lotus Cube.

The third jar, cube jelly.

"Come on, come on, this is called reciprocity."

Nine red lotus jellies, three red lotus cubes, and three cube jellies.

There are fifteen in total, providing energy, purification and control.

The combination is moderate in proportion, highlighting the strength of trainer Chen.

Kyuubi glanced at him.

Suddenly I was speechless.

She thought it was a special super fruit meal, but it turned out to be just this? Isn't this the snack that Sister Miaobu often eats?
This is called reciprocity.

But speaking of it, this snack does seem to smell good.

Nine-Tailed Fox sniffed and found it quite attractive to the fox.

Of course, Jiuwei was not the kind of casual fox. She shook her tail and nodded modestly.

"Well, considering that we have known each other for a while, this Fox God will accept your tribute."

This was the first time that Jiuwei had eaten energy jelly. She had heard from people below her that such a small thing was better than a feast of tree fruits.

At that time, Kyuubi didn't quite believe it.

The high-level tree fruit feast is a good thing made entirely of high-level tree fruits. This thing is a little bit better than the tree fruit feast, so isn’t it made of top-level tree fruits?
how could it be possible.

However, when the energy jelly enters the mouth, the feeling is completely different.

The rich energy bombarding her taste buds was so refreshing, and the taste went straight into the depths of her soul.

It seemed as if the whole fox was about to float up.

Volcano, volcano, and more volcano!

A large number of volcanoes erupted at this moment.

Kyuubi had never experienced anything like this before.

She squinted her eyes comfortably, feeling the fire energy in her body becoming more abundant.

If she had such abundant energy before the battle, then the battle situation...

"Eat this."

Chen Yuan handed three jelly cubes to Nine-Tailed Fox's mouth.

Jiuwei looked at Chen Yuan with her half-open eyes hazily. The volcanic energy made Jiuwei feel hot all over, and flames rose in her body.

The byproduct of this energy cube - the promax version of energy jelly is still very powerful.

"Open your mouth."

Nine-Tail opened its mouth subconsciously, and Chen Yuan directly fed the three jelly cubes to it.

According to Sister Miaobu's testing, this kind of cube jelly also has a good effect on the peak of the king, but the duration is a bit short.

Three jelly cubes, ten minutes should be enough.

Kyuubi suddenly shuddered, and the taste in his mouth was extremely unpleasant.

But that kind of energy made her unable to stop.

Suddenly, Kyuubi discovered that her perception of energy seemed to be completely different.

The feeling of wanton control seems to be even stronger. What's going on?

She was horrified and cautious, fearing that all this was an illusion.

The energy from the red lotus jelly that she had consumed was at her disposal at this moment. The huge amount of energy was running rampant in her body. Some hidden injuries and strange energy remaining in her body were all burned away by her flames at this moment.

This feeling is so magical...

She looked up suddenly.

But Chen Yuan had already stuffed the last energy cube into her mouth.


"Hold your words and swallow them."

At this time, Kyuubi no longer had the ability to think, and his entire body and mind were immersed in his body.

The effect of the energy block was immediately apparent.

Kyuubi's body trembled continuously, and the feeling of comfort was far greater than that of the energy jelly.

Countless volcanoes erupted at this moment.

Her body was purified in that lava.

Wherever it passes, impurities are burned and energy is absorbed.

Just so domineering.

The breath burst out at this moment.

There was a moment when he broke through to the extraordinary realm, but he fell down again the next moment.

But it was at this moment that the entire Snow Mountain trembled.

Some of the quasi-kings who came to communicate, and the kings who came to discuss matters, were extremely shocked.

"It's the Nine-Tails' aura!"

"She broke through?!"

"How can it be?!"

"Really extraordinary?!"

"No wonder she can defeat so many kings."

"The extraordinary aura is gone, there is no real breakthrough, and the power is suppressed?"

Those kings and quasi-kings looked at each other. No matter how unreasonable the plan proposed by the Nine-Tailed Fox was, it was at least reasonable.

Nine-Tailed Fox opened his eyes, a gleam of joy, regret, and then faded.

When he looked at Chen Yuan, his eyes were full of complexity.

I never expected that at that moment, I would break through to the extraordinary level.

Can just a few snacks have such an effect?

She had to admit that she had underestimated Chen Yuan's abilities before.

Unheard of jelly.

This is definitely something better than a tree fruit feast!

Top quality tree fruit?

The purifying ability, the sudden burst of energy, and its richness are definitely better than top-grade tree fruits!

She unexpectedly reached that realm all of a sudden.

Extraordinary, is that the extraordinary power?

Kyuubi closed his eyes and carefully savored the power he had just experienced.

That feeling, even if it's only for a few breaths, must be remembered firmly.

Once you have made a breakthrough, there will be hope for a second and third time.

Chen Yuan did not disturb Jiuwei's epiphany.

Gently stroke her hair, it is so soft and comfortable.

It made him want to raise a nine-tailed fox.

Chen Yuan left without waiting for Jiuwei to wake up.

Seeing Chen Yuan coming out of the woods, Xiaohua was the first to run over.

"Where's Kyuubi?"

"Sleeping in the woods...having an epiphany."

Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to remember the aura of Jiuwei's breakthrough just now, and looked at Chen Yuan: "She is extraordinary?"


Chen Yuan shook his head and glanced at Sister Miaobu, remembering Sister Miaobu's popular science: "It's a little behind in every aspect, but it's almost there."

At this time, Chen Yuan also sighed that it was really difficult for ordinary elves to break through to the extraordinary level.

The purple fat man opened the passage.

at the same time.

The secret place of Snow Peak Mountain, a hidden corner somewhere.

A cursed doll and a wandering night spirit floated out.

At the peak of the Heavenly King level, a figure emerged from the shadows behind them.

The second king of the Jinmu Club.

He looked at the Snowtop Mountain with his eyes flashing. The Vaporeon, the king of the mountain, was gone, and the Nine-Tails was seriously injured and had not yet recovered. Now was the best opportunity.

Just say that idiot Jin wants to use force, and if he follows me, I won’t deal with him casually.

Look at now, it's the best opportunity.

The man walked out of the shadows with a strange smile, looking at the highest level of Snow Peak with a hint of amusement on his lips.

As long as the sneak attack is successful and the Nine-Tailed Fox is hypnotized, everything will be easy after that.

His eyes flashed and he took action immediately.

But right now.

Something moved in his heart.

A bad premonition suddenly arose.

When I looked up, I saw a figure with smoke floating in the air on the cliff.

It was like smoke, and its majesty frightened the king.

"The people from the Jinmu Club are so brave."

A majestic voice rose calmly.

But anyone could tell that there was a deeper anger in that calmness.

Extraordinary Yan Emperor.

Why is he here?

The cursed doll and the wandering night spirit that were laughing strangely just now were like eggplants hit by frost.

Subconsciously hid behind Mu Tianwang.

At the same time, when the shadow looms, you must take Mu Tianwang with you and hide in the shadow.

"Huh! Now that you're here, don't leave."

Yan Di's body shook, and the smoke on his body dissipated instantly, like two giant hands, holding the two elves tightly.

The terrifying [supernatural power] held the two peak heavenly kings.

No matter how the two top kings struggled, they could not escape from the smoke.



The two elves seemed to be begging for mercy, but Yan Di just glanced at them indifferently.

The terrifying energy roared and roared as it bombarded the man and two elves.

There is no mercy.

Since the Jinmu Club dares to attack Chen Xiaoyuan and others, they should be prepared.

The Snow-Top Mountain roared, but soon returned to silence.

It seemed to be just an ordinary little earthquake.

After a few breaths, a figure came to the hall on the top.

At the entrance of the passage, a Vaporeon raised its tail in anticipation.

Only when I saw the fire dog coming back from a distance did I feel relieved.

"Buy bu y~"

Hurry up, why did you come back just now? If you don’t leave now, you will have to swim back.

Emperor Yan nodded.

"I'm just cleaning up your mess."


Miaobu jumped two meters, who wants you to wipe his butt?

Yan Di glanced at her.

The strength has grown, but the brain has not grown.


There was a flash of red light, and Entei entered the Poké Ball.

Miaobu glared fiercely at Entei's Poké Ball.

I really want to throw the Poké Ball down the mountain and let her walk back on her own.

He patted his tail, picked up the Poké Ball, took a step forward, and entered the passage.

Chen Yuan: "Sister Miaobu, hurry up."

"Buy bu y~"

I'm coming.

Jiujiu can't wait outside anymore.

"Why so slow?"

Jiujiu felt a little resentful when she saw that Chen Yuan had just come out of the secret realm of Snow Peak Mountain.

The planes were already late.

Chen Yuan blinked.

Suddenly he asked, "Are the memories of the stand and the original body separate?"

Jiujiu didn't understand why Chen Yuan asked this.

But he still said: "It can be separated, merged, or connected at any time. It depends on how you operate it. You can do whatever you want. If you want to experience a different life, separating and then sharing memories is the most comfortable choice."

Chen Yuan pinched his chin and nodded. So that's it.

Jiujiu looked at Chen Yuan suspiciously, wondering if Chen Yuan had done something with his original body that she didn't know about.

If she was inside Snowtop Mountain, her memories would be shared most of the time.

But this time I have to go to China, so we have to separate temporarily and then share again when I return.

But I didn't expect that it had only been such a short time since we separated, but I felt that the original body had its own little secret.

No, she had to go back and take a look...


Hua Yuxi hugged Jiujiu's arm.

Drag her onto the Beehive.

Since the plane is delayed, let's just fly back.

What? What about entry and exit records?
Just go back to the association and get a replacement. If old President Beiyu doesn't give it to you, I'll pull his beard~
Chu Xiaoxiao summoned the Qixi Bluebird, and released Qi Yanya and Di Yan's Charizard.

Chen Yuan, on the other hand, looked at LaRusla and smiled.

"You go first."

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Yuan in confusion: "What are you doing? Do you want to fly back with Lalulas?"

Chen Yuan smiled and waved his hand, patted the Pidgeot, and with the cries of Hua Yuxi and Jiujiu, the Pidgeot soared into the sky.

The champion of the Xidu Flying Competition exerted his full strength and rushed towards Beiyu.

"See you Beiyu."

Seeing that Chu Xiaoxiao was about to come down, Chen Yuan held Lalulas and didn't give her any chance, waving goodbye.

The next moment, the figures blurred, and Chen Yuan and Lalulas disappeared at the same time.


Chu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth at this stinky Chen Yuan, who had kidnapped her Lalulasi!
She will teach him a lesson when she returns to Beiyu!
After several takeoffs and landings, Lalulas and Chen Yuan had already arrived a hundred kilometers away.

Then there is only a small peak on the Snow-Top Mountain.

This is so fast.

However, this was also the first time that Lalulas led people to teleport long distances. Even though he had reached the top level, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"How about it?"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

no problem.

However, even if he is not used to this transmission rhythm, it will not hinder Lalu Las's determination.

She can definitely bring Brother Chen Yuan back to Beiyu.

Chen Yuan also felt sorry for Lalu Lasi, so he took out some of the superpowers' supplies and gave them food and drinks.

The light of evolution lights up, Mega Aledo form.

The good baby feels full of strength all over his body.


She pulled Chen Yuan, her ruby ​​eyes lit up, and disappeared in an instant the next moment.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the seaside.



Superpowers cover Chen Yuan.

We will be crossing the strait soon, so don’t let Brother Chen Yuan’s clothes get wet.

Space distorted again.

Mega Aledo and Chen Yuan disappeared on the spot.
Beiyu, the backyard of the Pokémon Center, Pokémon Nest No. 1.

When Chu Xiaoxiao returned to Beiyu, Chen Yuan and Lalulas were already drinking tea from cups.

Mother Qiao didn't know what Chen Yuan said, so she covered her mouth and chuckled.

In the fruit forest nearby, Hua Yuxi, who had already changed her clothes, saw Chu Xiaoxiao and rushed over happily.

"Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, the speed of the Beep Bird is getting faster again, really fast, but Chen Yuan and Lalulas are even faster..."

Chu Xiaoxiao glared at Chen Yuan, and Lalulas then put down the tea bowl with a smile, ran to Chu Xiaoxiao's feet, raised her little head, and looked at Chu Xiaoxiao eagerly.

There are only three big words on the face.

Please give me a hug.

Chu Xiaoxiao really had no way to deal with Lalu Lasi, so she picked up the good baby.

Lalulas giggled and hugged Chu Xiaoxiao's neck tightly, pressing her little face against Chu Xiaoxiao's smooth cheeks and snow-white neck, rubbing against them affectionately.

However, those ruby-like little eyes were looking towards Chen Yuan.

Just then, Chen Yuan put down his teacup and looked at Lalulas. Both he and the elf blinked at the same time.

What does a sweet and caring little cotton-padded jacket mean? Huh.

After having a full meal at noon, Chen Yuan finally found Xiaohuhu who was practicing fermentation with Dahuhu.

This little guy is practicing fermentation by sleeping.

It's just strange how these two things are connected.

Chen Yuan had just approached when the little guy sensed it.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that familiar figure.

Xiao Huhu was in a daze for a moment and thought she was dreaming, but when she came to her senses, tears suddenly welled up in her eyes.

It’s like left-behind children seeing their parents return home.

All that excitement burst out along with the tears.

It crawled over and pounced on Chen Yuan and wouldn't let go.

Woo woo woo, Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan Chen Yuan Chen Yuan... Chen Yuan held little Hu Hu and soothed his little head.

"I am back."

Jiujiu went to visit her good friends. Although she had been away for decades, there were still some good friends here, such as the old president and Shangguan Hong.

I wonder what these old guys would think when they see that Jiujiu is still young.

Chen Yuan really wanted to go over and join in the fun.

The orchard secrets are in full swing.

In the two weeks since Chen Yuan left, the secret orchard has changed a lot.

More than 600 little guys stayed.

No one left, and in just half a month, they had already regarded this place as their new home.

Continue to cultivate.

The planting in the second park has begun to take shape.

The main focus here is high-end.

Chen Yuan has used quite a lot of high-level tree fruits, and he also kept the seeds, all of which were used for planting.

The plantation in the experimental area was put on the agenda, and Hua Yuxi and Chen Yuan made some planting plans based on the characteristics of the tree fruits.

For example, if the evil-type thorny fruit tree and the fairy fruit tree are planted together, their resources will be plundered by the fairy fruit tree.

But if you add some super-powerful Fortune Fruit trees, it will be different.

This is the principle, and it works the same way for fruit trees.

Now that the principle is clear and the theory is feasible, let's start practicing.

Chen Yuan was responsible for planning and drawing up the drawings, while Hua Yuxi was responsible for directing the specific planting, and they worked together closely.

The high-level fighting fruit trees are mainly planted next to the energy pool in the old park area and are growing well.

It has already taken root and the energy within it is rich.

If nothing goes wrong, it will also produce high-quality, advanced fruit.

Some of the top-quality tree fruits that had been planted had also sprouted in the energy pool. Chen Yuan thought that some of them could be transplanted to the new park.

But then I thought about it and decided to forget it. There’s no need as there are only a few top seeds now.

Some properties and some special fruit trees don’t even have seeds yet.

Wait and save up more top-level seeds later, and plan an all-top-level area in the third park.

Well, this is a good idea, but we don't have any top seeds anymore. We need to get some more. Does Kyuubi have any extra ones?

However, the energy pool in the second park also needs to be repaired.

The area does not need to be large, but the energy must be more concentrated. A single pond is not enough to improve the environment. It would be better to have a circulation system to make the water flow.

But in this case, more jelly will be needed to make energy liquid.


"Jenny Jenny~"

Boss, boss.

Seeing that Chen Yuan finally came back, the "old man" of the park, Squirtle, immediately ran over to report.

"Jenny Jenny~"

Boss, the warehouse is full.

Squirtle's eyes are full of tears.

The boss is finally back. We said he would only stay for a week, but he’s already been gone for two weeks.

Finally found the backbone.

Chen Yuan went to the storage area with the little Squirtle.

Chen Yuan found that the previous plan had indeed underestimated the cultivation level of these little guys.

The high-level tree fruits have just been planted and the yield is not much.

But the intermediate and primary tree fruits are in piles!
Plus the fruits that Chen Yuan brought back from Xueding Mountain.

The warehouse was full in an instant.

Squirtle is also a little weird and a little depressed.

Mainly because of the overtime work, I almost collapsed.

There are too many fruits on the tree.

There are already a lot of fruits in the secret orchard, but there are even more fruits on the trees in the back mountain of the Elf Center.

Previously, we only selected mid-level quality fruits for storage, but when we were leaving last time, Boss Chen Yuan suddenly suggested that we should also store the primary tree fruits of good quality.

This is a bit difficult to bear.

It's not that there's nothing to eat, but the amount is just too big.

The warehouse was originally designed to store mid-level fruit, but once the first-level fruit came in, it was full the same day.

It was expanded several times later, but it was just a drop in the bucket.

I really can't understand why the boss saves these primary tree fruits.

If we don’t sell them, we won’t be able to use up all the fruits from the mid-level trees.

Making fertilizer can also improve the environment.

Chen Yuan rubbed the little guy's head and looked at the fruits that were piled up outside the warehouse and could not be stored.

A big wave of his hand.

"Let Crocodile, Bulbasaur and the others come over."


Squirtle didn't understand what was going on, but still obeyed the order faithfully.

"Lalulas, you and Little Mushroom follow over there and pick out some trustworthy little guys who are quick and efficient at work to handle the fruits."


Lalulas patted her chest and said, "Leave this kind of thing to her."

Chen Yuan took a look at the fruit trees that had already gone out of stock, and without staying for long, he went straight to the production line.

When a few Bulbasaur that were operating the equipment here saw Chen Yuan coming, they immediately stood up and saluted.

Everyone's eyes are full of admiration.

It was like looking at their leader.

The giant hornets on guard outside and the giant wolfhounds guarding the security all gathered over.

"Everyone has worked hard."

Chen Yuan hooked the chin of the leading Bulbasaur, and looked at the giant Beedrill leader.

“Take me to the new production line.”


The giant hornet flew up and down, circled around Chen Yuan and then led the way.

This Beedrill was originally the deputy leader of the Beedrill clan.

He had a good relationship with Xiaoli, and later when he heard that some reliable elves were needed to guard the house, he volunteered.

After going through layers of screening, I stayed here. When I first came here, I was at the top of the elite, but now I am an ace.

"How's it going here? Are you bored?"

Chen Yuan is still very concerned about the Beedrill leader.

The Beedrill leader thought that it was going to be transferred to another position and quickly shook his head.

Life here couldn't be more comfortable.

I don’t know how much bigger the territory is.

When I have nothing to do, I go collecting honey, playing with frogs, and walking the dog. It’s so much fun.

The key is that there are endless fruit meals and fruit drinks to drink.

His strength increased rapidly and he gained several sizes of weight.

He doesn't want to change jobs.

Chen Yuan smiled, and the Bulbasaur leader and the wolfhound foreman beside him nodded repeatedly. They didn't want to change jobs.

Chen Yuan smiled and shook his head. He was really impressed by them.

The new custom production line at Qiao's has arrived.

There are six in total, and there will be follow-up.

Subsequent adjustments and optimizations can be made based on the parameter feedback from Chen Yuan.

Two fruit meal production lines, two fruit drink production lines, and two jelly production lines.

Chen Yuan's eyes brightened, "Rotom."

"Click click click~"

Here comes~
Rotom's body flashed with lightning, and he went straight into a fruit meal production line and started to mix it.

And Beedrill and the others also left tactfully.

Rotom's inspection was very fast. It only took five minutes to complete the inspection of a production line.

All acceptance work was completed in half an hour.

Chen Yuan shouted: "Power on and test."

He couldn't wait any longer.

At this time, Lalulas had already returned with the little ones.

The five little guys, Crocodile, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Snorlax, and Pikachu, are the most trustworthy and worthy of training among the hundreds of little guys in the Orchard Secret Realm.

Looking at the production line here, everyone is very cautious.

I also know that this is a rare opportunity.

Chen Yuan did not avoid the five little guys.

After taking them on a tour, I will patiently explain things they don’t understand.

In fact, the little guys also vaguely understood some things about the production line of fruit meals, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

The little guys looked at each other, wondering how a fruit meal could be made like this? ! ! !
Now I have even more respect for Boss Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan, Lalulas, and Rotom adjusted the parameters together.

Xiao Caocao and his friends have already brought over the first batch of fruits.

Xiao Huhu shook his body and poured the fermentation starter that had been prepared long ago into the fermentation tank that had been prepared long ago.

The first round is to make fruit drinks.

These two new production lines are No. 14 and No. 15.

The raw materials used are mainly primary, with intermediate as a supplement.

This is different from the previous production line, which required screening of tree fruits in advance.

This production line is designed to accommodate all comers.

As long as it is according to the ratio, it will be fine.

Among them are some basic energy detection devices, which can be used to prepare specific coagulation solutions according to specific energy reactions.

As long as Chen Yuan's ratio is right and some small pots of fermentation starter are used, the fruit drink made is surprisingly quite good.

It is much better than the fruit drinks made by the old production line.

Even Chen Yuan, who was used to drinking hand-mixed compressed fruit drinks, found this quality quite delicious.

The skills are no less than before going to the Weibai Secret Realm.

However, the pre-processing of the classification of the fruits still needs to be done by the elves, and this is the job of the little saw crocodiles.

It is easy from the time the fruits arrive at the door to the time they are packaged and shipped out.

Because the fruits selected are all primary and intermediate fruits with average quality, there are naturally a lot of fruit residues.

But they can't be wasted, collecting them all will be of great use.

The second production line is the fruit meal production line.

The intermediate tree fruits used directly are processed through a secondary fermentation process.

The fruit meal was quite good. It was only a little bit short of the high-end fruit meal, but the energy level was not bad, and it was even stronger.

It’s mainly about energy fusion, which requires specific analysis of specific energies. Simply put, it means digesting it well.

The absorption is not as good as manual, but it is still very friendly to elves with multiple attributes.

"Click click click~"

Rotom begins reporting the test results.

After two rounds of testing, we found many areas that deserve optimization and improvement.

Lalulas also raised her hands and put forward optimization suggestions starting from the energy aspect.

Chen Yuan summarizes and Rotom gives the report.

The full 20,000-word optimization report, with a 50-page appendix, was saved.

These are just some of the problems found in the second round at Beiyu during this period, and they can still be improved.

Of course, these devices also need to be run-in.

Half a month is enough.

Chen Yuan's goal is to serve high-quality food. He doesn't want the food to be mediocre, he wants it to be of excellent quality.

As for the energy jelly, Chen Yuan gave it a trial run.

Following the process, I actually made a big jar of jelly.

But... the drop rate is very low, and the quality of the jelly is just so-so, similar to that of the first generation.

This is not okay.

He needed a better starter.

Xiao Huhu's eyes are bright. Is he asked to take action?

Chen Yuan took Xiao Huhu to the small pond in the backyard of the Elf Center.

Found the big pot here.

Da Hu Hu looked at Chen Yuan with some curiosity. What was going on?

"Make energy liquid."

If it was just ordinary energy liquid, even Sister Miaobu would be able to make it.

But I want to do delicate work like making fermentation starter.

There have to be small pots and large pots.

Little Huhu takes action, and Big Huhu gives guidance.

The two elves looked at Chen Yuan strangely.

What on earth could this be that requires such a big fuss?

Chen Yuan smiled and took out a small jar that he had prepared long ago.

It is filled with energy blocks of all colors.

This thing is needed to make the small pot into a fermentation tank.

Da Hu Hu, who was sensitive to energy, almost popped his eyes out. That thing seemed to be even better than energy jelly!

Xiao Huhu was also shocked.

Energy cube?

Don't ask him to ferment the mixed energy cubes?

This is going to kill me!

I still remember the first time I mixed energy jelly, I almost finished it.

This time, there shouldn’t be many.

However, when Chen Yuan placed all the jars in front of Xiao Huhu, Xiao Huhu was dumbfounded.

This, this, this...are you asking him to ferment all of this?
There are dozens of them!
I'm really going to die.

Chen Yuan also felt a little pain, but he was reluctant to sacrifice the child to catch the wolf.

The little guys have eaten what they should eat, and the energy blocks are now more useful for py... ahem, to be used where they should be used.

For example, making a new energy liquid is a good choice.

Xiao Huhu was silent. This was a challenge, but he had been away from Chen Yuan for such a long time and had practiced fermentation for so long, wasn't it just for this moment!

Little Pot gritted his teeth and started mixing the cubes.

The breath rises into the sky.

It was as if a ray of light was shining from Xiao Huhu's body.

Is that... the light of evolution? !

No, it was just the light of breakthrough mixed in with that massive amount of energy.

When everything calms down, everything returns to calm.

Chen Yuan picked up the small pot and poured out a jar of crystal clear energy liquid.

Just breathing made Chen Yuan and Xiao Huhu feel refreshed.

At some point, Xiaoli, Chongchong, Xiaolonglong and the others all gathered together.

The purple fat man looked over here with drooling eyes.

Especially red and blue.

The pair of sisters stared at the jar of energy liquid in Chen Yuan's hand.

This is an energy liquid that is several times more concentrated than the energy liquid they make using top-quality tree fruits!

so much!!!
If you use it well, you can do a lot of things!
For example, the door that boss Rayquaza left through can be opened!
Chen Yuan looked at the eager eyes of the little ones and did not spoil the fun.

Two drops for each family to try, no more.

As for the remaining energy liquid, it will be used as an initiator.

Xiao Huhu broke through to the top level. His body, which was originally a little empty, was immediately filled with energy after drinking just two drops of energy liquid.

All the impurities that were eaten during these days were excreted from the body completely.


Honghong and Lanlan took it carefully. Even if it was just two drops, it was a precious thing!
Two drops are even more refreshing than eating two top-quality tree fruits!
The two Pokémons looked at each other.

Can I take out the limited top-quality inventory I have and ask Chen Yuan to process it?

Wait, what is Chen Yuan going to do with the energy liquid?
When Honghong and Lanlan saw Chen Yuan pouring the top-grade energy liquid directly into the pool full of fruit residue, the whole Pokémon felt unwell!

What a waste of natural resources! ! ! !
Crazy crazy!

Chen Yuan is crazy!
This energy liquid that drives countless kings crazy is actually used to soak those primary and intermediate tree fruit residues!!!

Is there anything more wasteful than this? !
Damn it!
All the things we don’t want are poured into our mouths!

Just a small jar is definitely not enough, of course some primers are needed.

The new fermentation starter developed by Xiaohuhu and Dahuhu was directly used here.

Slowly, the pomace in the pool began to precipitate "juice"

Honghong carefully poked a little bit up with her little wings and took a sip.

My eyes widened immediately. What was going on? This kind of energy...

It is even better than those high-quality energy liquids, except that it has a slightly more fermented flavor.

The pomace is purified? !
Can the top-level block energy liquid be used like this?
Pomace, residue, rich energy, and the starter of fermentation.

This is Chen Yuan’s fermentation tank, and it is also the key to making energy jelly.

Three days. After three days, the earliest batch of fermentation starter will be ready and then we can start making energy jelly.

And during this time...

Chen Yuan couldn't wait to make the fruit meal.

We still used the production line, and the second fermentation used the fermentation seeds in the pool, but it was processed in advance with the small pot concentration, so the fermentation level was about the same as three days later.

The fruit meal we made is red lotus fruit meal.

After an hour and a half, the fruit meal is ready.

Chen Yuan widened his eyes.

This smell, yes!
High-end fruit meal!

A high-end fruit meal was made using a production line! !
Chen Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, he succeeded.

The next step is to improve the fruit drink.

Tree Fruit Association, hum.

Jiujiu is back from visiting friends.

It really makes me sigh, this is time.

The uncle has become an old man, and the reckless boy has become an uncle.

Jiujiu shook her head, drank a glass of fruit drink, and frowned.

"what happened?"

"It doesn't taste right. It's not as good as the one you had before. Aren't there enough high-quality tree fruits here? Can I get you some?"

Jiujiu asked, somewhat concerned.

Jiujiu took a walk around Beiyu and found that the fruits on the market were of varying quality, and those of intermediate quality were very rare.

I had a chat with Shangguan Hong. After the Tree Fruit Association withdrew from the market, the primary tree fruit market did suffer some pain, but it has recovered now.

I heard that Chen Yuan has his own orchard.

But it was only recently acquired and the land has just been reclaimed, so Chen Yuan may be short of fruit and fruit trees.

Jiujiu, who received the news, took note of it secretly.

Jiujiu returned calmly. The taste of this fruit meal was indeed not as good as the fruit drink that Chen Yuan made casually at her Xueding Mountain.

Sure enough, her guess was confirmed, Chen Yuan did not have enough fruit.

Jiujiu wants to get some fruits from Snow Peak Mountain?
Chen Yuan smiled.

However, he did not explain immediately, but pushed a plate of red lotus fruit meal in front of Jiujiu.

"Come and taste this."

Jiujiu looked at Chen Yuan strangely. Why did he treat her to a fruit meal today?

Pick up a small spoon and take a sip.

Hiss, delicious taste!
Although not as delicious as the Chen Yuan’s dishes I had at Xueding Mountain before, it’s not bad either!
"It's delicious, but the taste... tell me the truth, is it a poor quality fruit? A high-level fruit? I can't say anything else, but your sister Jiu has plenty of fruit from the Snow Peak Mountain."

Jiujiu is also quite familiar with Chen Yuan and is completely humble. Perhaps it is because he met a lot of old acquaintances today, so he speaks in a somewhat senior manner.

Chen Yuan didn't mind and talked about something else: "How was your harvest in Beiyu today?"

Jiujiu curled her lips and found some partners. Shangguan Hong recommended some of them, but the number was still too small. They were small workshops with high costs and high prices. Not as high as the Fruit Association, but not low either.

Shipping costs are also a problem, and the overall quotes are not cheap.

The key is that the quantity is not enough.

Chen Yuan nodded and pointed at the fruit meal on the table. "How about this red lotus fruit meal? Does it meet your daily needs?"

Jiujiu nodded repeatedly, this was much better than the fruit meal provided by the Fruit Association.

Chen Yuan: "I would like to exchange this fruit meal for your high-level tree fruits and top-grade tree fruits. Name your price."

Jiujiu opened her mouth, and Chen Yuan suddenly spoke again: "If your king comes to work here, how much can be exchanged? By the way, can your body be rented out? How many fruit meals a year?"

Jiujiu: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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