you elf, are you legal

Chapter 517 I asked the main body to work

Chapter 517 I asked the main body to work (some money at the beginning of the month~)

What the hell?
How many fruit meals does this fox have a year?
Jiujiu tilted his head back and raised his tail.

Dear, I won’t sell you this fox.

Who do you think Jiujiu is?
Can you seduce away little foxes by giving them a few little fruit meals and a bottle of milk?
You really look down on foxes!
Chen Yuan didn't care about Miss Jiujiu's attitude.

Instead, he pushed another small jar in front of Jiujiu.

This is energy jelly.

Jiuwei had eaten the jelly, but Jiujiu did not have time to share the information.

So now when Jiujiu saw this jelly, she was a little confused.

Chen Yuan: "Energy jelly, try it."

Jiujiu was a little curious and put the jelly into her mouth.

My eyes widened, and in my mouth, I felt that rich energy and bursting taste. What was going on?
It's like magma is about to flow out.


Jiujiu widened her eyes and looked at Chen Yuan in disbelief.

"what is this?"

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "Energy jelly, a fun thing made with some top-quality tree fruit as an initiator."

Jiujiu widened his eyes.

Top quality tree fruit as an introduction???
She looked at the jar of energy cubes in her hand and could already feel its preciousness.

The effect of such a small piece is much better than a big fruit feast.

This jar contains dozens of fruit feasts!

If I eat all of this...

Jiujiu had already started fantasizing and was swallowing her saliva quietly.

"Well, even if that's the case, I won't rent it."

Chen Yuan didn't say anything and continued to search in his bag.

The second can, the third can...

When he took out ten jars.

Jiujiu was already confused.

What a huge quantity! How many top-quality fruit does this require?!
Moreover, this thing is different from a big meal. It is a tonic that you can eat a lot of in one go!
If one could finish a whole jar in one breath, would the body be able to reach a higher level and attain the extraordinary threshold?

If my substitute eats it, will I have a chance to break through to the King level...

Jiujiu was silent for a long time before speaking.

"Are you selling this...jelly...?"

Chen Yuan smiled.

That night, Jiujiu returned to her room in a daze.

Staring blankly at the ceiling light.

Suddenly I had the illusion that I didn't know where I was.

Is it a dream?
She is still under siege.

He has been hypnotized by the dream-inducing tapir and hasn't woken up yet.

Has the world become like this?
Or has the technology of the Chinese people become so terrifying now?

Jiujiu was silent.

In the afternoon, Chen Yuan did not answer her question. Can the energy jelly be sold?
At first she thought it was impossible to sell.

How could jelly of that level be sold to outsiders?

If we can sell that kind of fruit meal to Xuedingshan, we will be thankful. Even so, we still have to consider the production problem.

However, Chen Yuan didn't say anything, nor did he make any promises to her. He just took her to the backyard of the Elf Center.

Here, Jiujiu saw large tracts of fruit trees.

The environment, which was so rich that it was almost the same as an ordinary B-level secret realm, opened Jiujiu's eyes.

There are really a lot of these intermediate fruit trees, and some little guys are picking fruit from the trees...

Chen Yuan is not short of tree fruits, right? Why did the fruit drink just now look like that...

Jiujiu didn’t quite understand, so she followed Chen Yuan out of the secret realm.

In that secret orchard, Jiujiu saw more and better quality fruit trees.

A cute little Pichu came to lead the way and introduce the secrets of the orchard.

Here, Jiujiu even saw high-level fruit trees fruit tree seedlings.

Jiujiu was speechless.

She originally thought that Chen Yuan might have just started out, and she wanted to help him, but she didn't expect that he actually became very rich.

Just looking at those pools of energy liquid, Jiujiu became extremely envious.

How many tree fruits are needed to pile it up!
After the man and the fox visited the plantation area, Chen Yuan took Jiujiu to a deeper place, the core area of ​​the secret orchard.

Little Pichu looked at the woman with a fox tail with some caution.

As if guarding against bad guys.

This made Jiujiu laugh and cry.

As for that?

Jiujiu had seen all kinds of plantations, but she had never been to a breeder's office.

Jiujiu, who came down from Tianwang Mountain, has already seen the world.

However, ten minutes later.

Jiujiu had to admit that she had said the wrong thing.

She really has never seen the world.

"Is this how I got the fruit drink I just drank?"

“Is this how fruit meals are made?”

“That production line that’s not in operation, isn’t it jelly?”

Chen Yuan smiled but said nothing.

Look at Jiujiu.

And this time, Jiujiu was really silent.

She seemed to have discovered the most incredible secret in the world.

This is a big secret that can change the world.

Until Jiujiu was sent back to the guest room, the transaction of fruit meals, fruit drinks and jellies was never mentioned again.

That night, Jiujiu tossed and turned, her mind filled with pots, carts, and pools of energy fruit meals being stuffed in front of her, a little fox who had never seen the world.

That pile of energy jelly was thrown into the mouth like a snack.

Those fruit meals, fruit drinks and jellies suddenly opened their eyes, looked at her sideways, opened their mouths and started laughing: Look at this stupid fox who has never seen the world, she treats such a small piece of fruit meal as a treasure.

Sister Chen Yuanmiao Bu built a brand new energy pool.

In the "Holy Pond" imitating the Thunder Mountain, the Chouchou fish followed Miaobu in the water leisurely.

Chen Yuan fed him a mouthful of energy jelly from time to time.

He found that regardless of the strength of the ugly fish, its appetite had increased.

Can you digest small pieces of energy jelly?

My fish is awesome.

It was late at night, Chen Yuan stretched and prepared to go back and take a nap with Xiao Longlong in his arms.

Unexpectedly, he was found by Groudon.


That, Chen Yuan... Boss...

Chen Yuan blinked, what?
What did the stupid mouse call him?
"What's the matter?"


never mind.

The Sandslash King seemed to realize that it was not good for him to be so servile, so he turned around and left.


Chen Yuan reached out and lifted him back by the scruff of his neck.

"Kuga Kuga!!!"

Let me go! Let me go!
Chen Yuan casually took out a small jelly.

The sand rat immediately stopped struggling and looked at Chen Yuan with its eyes wide open.

Laugh to death.

"You are not sleeping in the middle of the night. Are you here to ask me for this?"



"Then I won't give it to you..."

Groudon was anxious.

He quickly snatched the small jelly away, but he was reluctant to eat it, so he saved it.

Chen Yuan was a little confused.

As soon as I used my mental power to investigate, I immediately understood.

Wow, he broke through right away.

"Tell me earlier."

Chen Yuan threw this guy to the ground.

"follow me."

He said, "You'll have to keep this for a month."

He took Gulaton directly to the warehouse and rummaged through some small jars at the bottom of the boxes, which contained energy jellies that had been eliminated for a long time.

There was also a small jar of patchwork, which he casually threw to Groudon, "Snack."

Then he took out another energy block and threw it over.

Groudon's eyes widened as he stared at the energy cube, his mouth watering. "That's all for now, eat it first, and I'll make more in two days."

Groudon has been performing well these days and has been doing his best to serve as Xiao Yuyu's sparring partner.

There is no problem with increasing salary bonuses.

Moreover, when Xiao Yuyu came back this time, he has broken through to the top level.

If Groudon continues to be at the top level, I'm afraid he won't be able to serve as a good sparring partner.

Groudon carefully put the energy block away.

Chen Yuan was speechless.

"When are you going to break through?"


In a couple of days, I still have two skills that haven't reached their peak, and I want to rethink them from the perspective of a king.

Chen Yuan nodded and said nothing more.


He suddenly remembered something.

The day after tomorrow, the auditions will begin.

And Chen Yuan himself seemed to have few ace elves left.

Don’t prepare for months only to end up with nothing to play.

Chen Yuan pulled out his notebook and began to think about his current team. It seemed that there were really few aces left.

Xiaoli, Xiaoyuyu, Bibi Bird, and Xiaohuhu have all reached the top level now.

In the absence of Pipi Whale, the only two sisters, Xiaolonglong and Chongchong, are at the top of the ace ranks.

As for the elite, there is only one Rotom.

Chen Yuan, a silver trainer, doesn’t even have a third ace Pokémon.

The rumbling breath suddenly surged, it was the roar of thunder.

"Ning ning~~"

In the distance, a huge golden green caterpillar emerged from its cocoon and turned into a butterfly, spreading its incomparably huge wings.

The electric light on his body illuminated the night sky.

Breath, top notch.

Chong Chong has reached the top level.

Chen Yuan: "..."

Should he be happy, or should he be happy, or should he be happy?

Without three eligible Pokémons, can we really participate in the national league auditions?

Maybe it was given in?

He has already registered, so how can he not get the game?

Groudon beside Chen Yuan raised his head and looked at the huge Butterfree in the sky.

Bright eyes.


Chen Yuan suddenly suggested, "How about getting a hukou?"

Gulaton: "???"

Absolutely impossible!
Scoring a goal was already a great shame for him. If this were to be registered as a human, wouldn't he be the same as a cat or a dog?
No way...

He, Guladun, will never be a slave!

Chen Yuan sorted out the jars at hand, which still had half a jar of ground energy blocks.

Groudon swallowed.

I turned my head and looked up at the sky. It was so hard to make a decision...
It's not something difficult to figure out.

It only took one night to make up my mind.

Jiujiu found Chen Yuan doing morning exercises.

"I figured it out."

Chen Yuan smiled.

Jiujiu gritted her teeth as she looked at Chen Yuan's confident look.

"My Xueding Mountain may need more fruit meals than you think. I have guaranteed the production capacity of both production lines. I also want a jelly production line."

Chen Yuan was surprised: "You have so many high-level tree fruits?"

"The high-level tree fruits in Snow Peak Mountain are beyond your imagination." Jiujiu took a deep breath and seemed to have made up her mind.

"I can let the original body come over to work."

Chen Yuan was stunned. Are you serious?
Pokémon and Snowcapped Mountain have officially cooperated and the general direction has been determined.

Of course, some details still need to be discussed. The energy jelly cannot be put on the market for the time being and can only be digested within Xueding Mountain.

And the goods there must be supplied under the name of Pokémon, and the specific details will be discussed by Xiang Yuxiao.

But the output of one production line was definitely beyond Jiujiu's imagination, and she really couldn't handle so much.

"I told you to let my real body come work for you!"

"You're just here to get free food and drinks."

Chen Yuan squinted his eyes, Jiujiu was so angry that her tail stood up, she turned her head away and said something nonsense.

Now that the general direction has been determined, the rest will be easy.

Xiang Yuxiao is responsible for the tree fruits and the exchange ratio.

Xiang Yuxiao, who rushed over, was a little confused. What was going on? Why was she responsible for such a big thing?
But I soon got excited!
She has realized that Chen Yuan seems to be ready to make a move!
This cooperation with Snow Top Mountain may just be a test. The Chinese region is a big market, and the Andes and the Alps have yet to be developed.

Good thing!
Gulaton found Chen Yuan.

In fact, there is nothing to hesitate about, as food and accommodation are provided.

Besides, as long as Guladon recovers his status as the King of Heaven, he will become an immortal species, while humans will be short-lived.

It's only been a hundred years.

Earn blood.

However, for Groudon to join the team, the little ones still need to vote.

Summon all the elves.

All the Pokémon elves gathered together except Pipiwhale.

"Guradon Recruitment Meeting"

One piece, one vote.

Gulaton was also single and sat directly in the middle, hugging his paws and closing his eyes.

Waiting for the invoice.

What he didn't expect was that all the elves voted unanimously in favor of it.


Chen Yuan smiled and pulled Gulaton up.

"Welcome to Pokémon."


Gulaton turned his head and stretched out a paw to shake hands with Chen Yuan.

Thank you.

Xiao Shan, Moltres and Cinderella on the side all saw this scene.

No sound was made.

That afternoon, Chen Yuan took Groudon to the Elf Center in the central area.

The household registration of Gulaton was transferred from the breeding house to his own name.

The Poké Ball is stamped with the number 010, Groudon, GET☆Daze
In addition to the Pokémon Center, Chen Yuan was also a little sad. He never thought that his tenth Pokémon would be Groudon.


The Red Sandslash nodded.

That’s right, I never thought that his master would become that little brat Chen Yuan.


At least three jellies a day!
Groudon demanded.

Chen Yuan was a little surprised, "Three are enough?"


Nowadays, jellies are made in large quantities by combining a small amount of high-level tree fruits with mid-level tree fruits.

The high-level tree fruits exchanged from Xueding Mountain are enough for Chen Yuan to develop a new generation of batch jelly with a completely new process.

Now that Groudon has joined the team, it is naturally impossible for them to continue using those bulk products.

A piece of jelly promax made with the latest technology made Gulaton's eyes pop out.

And a block of jelly made Groudon completely understand why the little guys could make such rapid progress.


Peak! Hahahaha, this is the peak!!

The next day, the national league auditions finally kicked off.

The players who signed up for this Pokémon competition are:

Main players: Chu Xiaoxiao, Chen Yuan, Hua Yuxi, Xiang Yuxiao.

Substitutes: Jiang Xiaoning, Di Yan.

The organizing committee was stunned when they got the list.

No, haven’t Jiang Xiaoning and Di Yan already retired as top players?
Why did you come to the sea to select fried fish?
And what happened to Di Yan?

Isn't she a student of Imperial University?
Why did you come to Beiyu?

And it seems that these main players, except Xiang Yuxiao, are all top-notch, right?
Is it really good for this kind of strength to come to the national league?
But the good news is that top level elves cannot play.

I don’t know what kind of lineup Chen Yuan can come up with for the auditions.

Would it be a Pokémon that was just captured?
It would be interesting if Chen Yuan, the top sixteen-year-old boss with double silver badges, failed.

(End of this chapter)

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