you elf, are you legal

Chapter 518: First National League Game! Pokémon crushes the auditions

Chapter 518: First National League Game! Pokémon crushes the auditions (please vote at the beginning of the month~)

The game is scheduled for ten o'clock in the morning.

The largest battle field and also the best battle venue of Beiyu University.

The opponent of Pokémon is...

The team is led by Qin Wenqi, former vice-captain of the Beiyu University team.

The few people who had previously failed in the competition with Liang Siqiu for the team captain formed their own team.

It is known as the strongest team in Beiyu University at present.

In particular, these people also attracted sponsorship from several tutors and a vice-president, and are now known as the Beiyu Team Three.

Of course, this title has not been approved by Shangguan Hong and Chu Xunxun, but in the hearts of many Beiyu people, this is the real strongest team of Beiyu City School Team... It has always been like this before today.

Until I met Chen Yuan and others.

Everyone, all the spectators who came to watch the game, suddenly realized one thing.

It seems that perhaps, those people sitting in the contestant seats at the sidelines of the competition are all from Beiyu? !

Chen Yuan, Chu Xiaoxiao, Hua Yuxi, Xiang Yuxiao.

Each of these four people is a student of Beiyu University.

They are all still students.

Isn't this the team from Beiyu University?
"Chen Yuan, come on!!!"

"Boss Chen Yuan is awesome!!"

The fight hasn't even started yet, but the noise has already started.

It took less than five minutes for several people to go from screaming to roaring like a tsunami.

Everyone realized that this was a civil war.

Many viewers who were not interested in the three teams all ran over here.

If you are slow, the game will be over.

Qin Wenqi was speechless.

He had already retired, but was pulled in to be the captain.

You can't beat the little girl Liang Siqiu, so just let her be the one to blame.

They were fighting under the banner of reviving the school team and reviving Beiyu, but now they have met the real hope of Beiyu, but ended up with a gloomy face. Alas.

"Captain, Chen Yuan and his men are really bullying us."

"Captain, I'll leave the first game to you."

A team member said.

Qin Wenqi could only nod.

What else can be done.

His first singles match.

Qin Wenqi came on the field, and the first Pokémon to come on the field was Hua Yuxi.

Top trainer, silver badge holder.

As soon as this name came out.

They shouldn't have appeared in the national league auditions.

Qin Wenqi, who was standing opposite Hua Yuxi, felt a strong sense of oppression.

"Hua Yuxi, Hua Yuxi, Hua Yuxi."

What should have been their home court cheers had become completely one-sided.

The players of the three teams below clenched their hands, unwilling and angry.

But all Qin Wenqi had was peace.

After being defeated by Liang Siqiu a few weeks ago, he understood one thing.

In this world, geniuses are everywhere.

Jiang Xiaoning is a genius, Di Yan is a genius, Chu Xiaoxiao is a genius, Hua Yuxi is a genius.

Chen Yuan is the most outrageous genius.

He, Qin Wenqi is not.

But this does not prevent him from pursuing the top level.

Play against more geniuses and become a top player before the age of thirty.

This is Qin Wenqi’s biggest dream now.

And Hua Yuxi is the first genius to fight.

He wanted to see how powerful this girl's spirit was.

"Sixteen-year-old silver trainer, top trainer Hua Yuxi! Use all your strength and bring out your strongest Pokémon!"

Qin Wenqi shouted.

His words even made the audience's cheers pause.

The noise from the sidelines gradually faded away.

Everyone's eyes fell on the super S-level beautiful girl standing opposite Qin Wenqi.

They also want to know.

Hua Yuxi, a double trainer with top and silver badges, has suddenly become a successful trainer after not making any moves for several months. What kind of Pokémon has she trained?

Hua Yuxi scratched her head.

Does he want her to become the strongest elf?

Hua Yuxi was a little speechless: "My strongest elf is at the top level, I can't get it."

Qin Wenqi: “…”


It’s so heartbreaking!


At this moment, Xiao Caocao beside him suddenly shook his body, and that top-level aura was released.

The rumbling momentum of Qin Wenqi on the opposite side suddenly stopped.

I wish I could dig a hole and hide in it.

At this time, not only Qin Wenqi but also the audience on the field realized that this beautiful flower that grew with Hua Yuxi was already top-notch.

Is this the top level?

Xiao Caocao blinked and suddenly restrained his momentum. The Rumbling Rock in the opposite field felt better.

"Ahem, how about this? I'll use a Pokémon that's similar to your Rhydon."

As Hua Yuxi said this, she took out her Poké Ball and released a Parasol Mushroom.

"Mushroom mushroom~"

This is the first time that Little Mushroom has represented Little Flower in a competition after his evolution, and it’s such a big stage, so he is very excited.

When the Rhydon on the opposite side saw that it was also an ace, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, I always feel that something is not right.

Rumble Rock pats his own rock.

What are you thinking about?

The one on the opposite side is just a young Parasol mushroom, no matter how strong it is, how strong can it be?

At most, the attributes are restrained a little.

If we are a little more careful, we still have a chance to defeat the opponent.

Mr. Ohguchi put down the spoon.

The first round of the Pokémon National League auditions.

Against, Beiyu’s third school team.

The first match of the singles match.

Parasaurolophus vs. Rumble Rock.

The battle begins!
Rumble Rock roared and slapped the ground, ready to take the initiative with an earthquake.

However, the next moment his eyes blurred, and when he came to his senses, a parasitic mushroom had appeared in front of him.

One punch.

Blast out.

Peak: [Sonic Fist]

boom! ! ! !

There was no chance for any reaction.

This punch directly blasted Longlongyan's huge body away.

Rhydon, who fell to the ground, tried hard to get up.

But he couldn't do it, he was seriously injured.

One punch, kill instantly.

Even Mr. Hu Di, who was standing by, was dumbfounded by this scene.

What the hell?
what happened?

Is this not over yet?
One breath?
Two breaths?

He hasn't even taken the spoon back yet, so how come it's over?

"Longlongyan loses the ability to fight, Hua Yuxi wins."

Qin Wenqi was dumbfounded. Is this the similar elf you were talking about?
This is too outrageous.

It was not until Hua Yuxi returned to the contestant seat that Qin Wenqi took back the Rhythm.

The first cheer came from the audience stands.

"Hua Yuxi!!!"

"Hua Yuxi!!!"

"Hua Yuxi!!!"

It's powerful, needless to say, is this the value of a sixteen-year-old silver badge?!

This is Pokémon!

Is this the top trainer? !

So strong!
Some Beiyu bigwigs who hurried over to watch the game looked at each other.

It's like seeing Haunter.

Especially those top vice-dean-level mentors who have seen the world know how terrifying this punch is.


How can this be an ordinary top trainer!

This ace elf uses the most advanced skills!

There are so many top trainers who have not mastered the pinnacle skills, but this Parasaurolophus can use them at will.

Casual and easy, as if doing something insignificant.

How could this be an ordinary top trainer? Shangguan Hong and Teacher Xiao Douli looked at each other.

Shangguan Hong: "Your little mushroom head?"

The teacher in the small bamboo hat nodded woodenly.

I don't understand how her little mushroom head became so strong...

The second match is one-on-one.

On Beiyu's side, the one who came up was Xiang Yuxiao.

When he saw his elder sister coming on stage, the fat man's mouth twitched even more violently.


Damn it!
"Just tell me, is this guy a traitor?"

The fat man pointed at Xiang Yuxiao below and was very angry, while Qinse covered her mouth and laughed.

Lai Minglue nodded repeatedly and agreed very much. That's right, why did he go to Pokémon alone? At least take them with you.

With a click, Liang Siqiu shook her phone and said, "We have collected the evidence that you framed Xiang Jie. You are done for."

"Ahhh Siqiu, don't do that."

"Do you think Sister Xiang can crush the opponent in this match? Ding Yifei on the opposite side is not bad either."

The three people who were fighting over there also became serious.

There is no doubt about the strength of the three Pokémon.

But Sister Xiang Yuxiao... has rarely taken action in these days.

At least they have never seen Xiang Yuxiao actually take action.

They don’t know how strong they are.

The elf sent out by Ding Yifei on the opposite side was a rice spoon snake, while the elf used by Xiang Yuxiao was a mongoose.

They are all ace elves.

This game is the only hope for these three teams.

Xiang Yuxiao.

He was once the captain of the second team, but was later kicked out of the school team.

Hua Yuxi and Chen Yuan may not be able to defeat her, but Xiang Yuxiao is not without a chance.

The first round of the Pokémon National League auditions, against the Beiyu Third School Team.

The second game of the heads-up match.

Rice spoon snake vs. mongoose cut.

The battle begins!

The spoon snake spit out its core and opened its mouth to release a "venom shock".

However, the Mongoose Slash on the opposite side just waved its claws lightly.

There was a hint of sword dancing light diffused on it.

He allowed the venom to hit him and was injured.

"Scary face!"

The rice spoon snake glared, and its terrifying eyes were fixed on Mongoose Slash, trying to significantly slow down the pace of his attack.


The mongoose seemed to not care about any of this and continued to strengthen its sword dance.

The spoon snake felt something was wrong.


The trainer yelled.

Fanshaoshe was horrified.

The moment he turned his head, he saw that Mongoose Slash had quietly appeared behind him at some point.

The sharp claws were raised high, with a chilling cold light on them.

The one in front of me just now is a stand-in?

Peak Split.

Hit home.

The spoon snake fell to the ground.

Kill instantly with one hit.

"The rice spoon snake loses its ability to fight, and the mongoose wins."


Won again!
Another instant kill.

There was no chance of resistance at all. Although they were both aces, the gap in strength was too big.

The fat man and the others looked at each other.

Peak skills!
This is definitely a pinnacle skill!

How come Xiang Yuxiao also has skills of this level!
Wasn’t it agreed that he would be their team leader?

Haven't we been together these days?
When did something become out of touch with the masses?
Numb, completely numb.

Listening to the names of Xiang Yuxiao and Pokémon being shouted from the stands.

The people from Beiyu Team 3 were completely paralyzed.

In less than ten minutes, we were already trailing 2-0.

The most promising battle was won in seconds.

What kind of monsters are the Pokémon people?

This is not even the level of the national league, it's more than enough to participate in the Elf Competition!

The third game, doubles.

Team three sent up a Pidgeot and a Raid.

As for Pokémon...

Chu Xiaoxiao sent out a fairy Eevee and a Qixi bluebird.

Both sides are equipped with the combination of Flying + Ibrahimovic.

But this appearance is completely on a different level.

The cute and charming fairy Eevee and the elegant and noble Tanabata Bluebird.

All of them are super rare elves.

Especially the Fairy Eevee, the only one in the entire Blue Planet.

It immediately made Beiyu’s audience excited.

Shouting Chu Xiaoxiao's name wildly!

The players of team three were so angry that their noses were crooked.

Whose home court is this?



Little Ibrahimovic wagged its tail, this was naturally her home ground.

The first round of the Pokémon National League auditions, against the Beiyu Third School Team.


The battle begins.

"Pidot uses Tail Wind!"

The deputy captain of team three roared.

The huge Pidgeot flapped its wings, creating a tailwind.

They can't achieve lightning speed with the wind, but they are more than capable of doing it in a flash!
Chu Xiaoxiao glanced across.

"Fair wind."

Same tactics, same skills.

However, when Qixi Bluebird released [Tailwind], the strong wind instantly covered the entire field. Just this tailwind almost sent the two elves on the opposite side away.

Eevee shook his body. Actually, the two Pokémon on the opposite side are easy to fight, but it’s also fun to play some tactics.

The battle begins.

Little Ibrahimovic shook his body and rushed out in an instant.

Peak [a flash of lightning]

Tailwind + lightning.

He is a small substitute for Di Yan's Windy Dog who has great speed with the wind.

Everyone suddenly realized that the speed of this Fairy Eevee was even faster than Di Yan's speed at that time!!!
In just a breath, the Jolteon on the opposite side was blown away.

That one flew faster than the eagle.

However, the next moment he was kicked to the ground by Ibrahimovic.

The white light turned into lightning above the field.


This is speed!

Even though Eevee is not good at speed, that is only compared to Lil' Androids.

In the national league auditions, Ibrahimovic is definitely leading in speed at the T0 level.

Another instant kill.

Same tactics, but fell without any resistance at all.

But the graceful Qixi bluebird was dancing in the sky.

The Fairy Eevee on the ground seemed to be in a good mood with ribbons flying.

That kind of beauty melted the girlish hearts of many old men.

This is Chu Xiaoxiao!

This is Pokémon!

“Ahhhh! When will Boss Chen Yuan announce the method of breeding Sylveon? I want Sylveon!”

"Qixi Bluebird! Qixi Bluebird! Can you arrange a training school for Bluebird?"

The doubles match is over, and theoretically this audition can already declare Pokémon the winner.

But no one left. Instead, more and more people gathered here. Even though there was no place to sit in the stands, more people still wanted to come.

Standing is enough.


Isn't that thing determined the moment the opponent is known from the moment the group is formed?

No suspense.

They came here with only one purpose.

They want to see Boss Chen Yuan take action!
(End of this chapter)

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