you elf, are you legal

Chapter 529 Juice Succubus: There is a feeling of being developed by Chu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 529 Juice Succubus: I feel like I am being developed by Chu Xiaoxiao

It’s time for dinner. It’s time for dinner.

Xiaoli fell headfirst into the fruit bowl. The previous battle was too exhausting. The price of defeating the king geranium was that he almost fainted from hunger.

Fortunately, this fruit meal arrived just in time.

It is a fruit meal that I have never eaten before.

It highlights a balanced energy and taste, and you will feel full after eating three servings.

This fruit meal is delicious~
Xia Yi and Dong Lan’s fruit meals are similar to those of Chu Xiaoxiao and the others, more focused on taste, but they also use some “strong fruit meal” recipes.

Essential for good health.

Xia Yi took a big bite and suddenly his eyes lit up. Without even having time to say anything, he picked up the plate and put the food into his mouth.

The way to eat winter blue is a little more elegant.

But the speed was extremely fast. Chu Xiaoxiao had only taken three or five bites when Dong Lan had already finished it all.

"Brother, give me another one."

Xia Yi raised her hand, and Chen Yuan smiled and filled out one form for Xia Yi and Sister Dong Lan.

However, when giving Donglan a snack, the elder sister asked for the same one as Xiaoli.

"This is specially provided by the elves. The energy in it may not be suitable for our physique."

Chen Yuan reminded.

Donglan nodded, indicating that it didn't matter, she just wanted this high-energy one.

Chen Yuan remembered how Sister Xia Yi jumped down from a height of more than ten meters when they met just now.

Without saying much, he gave Donglan a portion directly.

"I want it too, I want it too~"

Xia Yi came over, scooped a big bite from Dong Lan's plate, and put it in her mouth.

His eyes widened, shocked.

"It's delicious! This is much better than the fruit meal made by your sister Donglan."

"It's like a feast of tree fruits. How many high-level tree fruits are used for this portion?"

Chen Yuan scratched his head, "Can one pot use three or two?"

Mainly high-level tree fruits are used as inducements, and various kinds are used, so the total amount is a little more.

"Your cooking skills are very good. Is this the fruit meal that Xiaoli usually eats?"

Dong Lan suddenly felt a little impressed. After not seeing Xiao Yuan for half a year, his cooking skills had improved so much.


After eating three more fruit meals, Little Li patted his stomach, feeling like something was missing.

Suddenly I remembered that I haven’t eaten the energy jelly today.

Chen Yuan rubbed Xiaoli's little head, found jelly for Xiaoli, and explained to Donglan.

"No, usually the fruit meal is just to fill the stomach, the more important thing is the energy jelly. Eating jelly during training can also have a better effect. Xiaoli, don't worry, Xiaohuhu, you get in line. Were you full when we made the fruit meal just now? Now you are hungry again."

More and more little ones come over after finishing their fruit meals and sit in a row, waiting to be fed with jelly.

It’s time to train after eating.

Dong Lan watched Chen Yuan's daily feeding training with great interest.

Xia Yi was already so greedy that he couldn't take it anymore.

Especially when looking at the dragon energy jelly given to Xiaolonglong and the other three, he couldn't take his eyes off it.

How could Xia Yi's little look escape Chen Yuan?

"Sister Xia Yi wants to eat this?"

Xia Yi nodded quickly.

The fruit meal just now directly aroused her gluttony.

Now I can smell the aroma of that jelly again and it’s a bit overwhelmed.

Chen Yuan also found it funny to see Xia Yi's eager look.

He handed her the smallest piece: "Hold it in your mouth. The energy of this jelly is even several times that of ordinary fruit meals. We can't bear it at all. If we force ourselves to absorb it, it will just become popcorn. Just hold it in your mouth. If it doesn't work, just spit it out. Forget it, I'll dilute it with water and make it into energy liquid. "

"No, no, no, don't add water. Can you pick a bigger one? Hey, hey, hey, don't put it away. Can't I eat the small one first?"

Xia Yi muttered as he took the dragon energy jelly and ate it without thinking.

The next moment, terrifying energy burst out but quickly subsided.

It was as if it was being forcibly suppressed by some force.

This scene made Chen Yuan stunned.

Energy jelly can also be pressed down? Is this something that Super Beiyu people can explain?


Xia Yi opened her eyes and stared at Chen Yuan closely.

This feeling is really great!
It's called Energy Jelly, right? It's really good stuff!

Dong Lan sighed and said, "I finally understand why Xiaoli and the others can grow so fast."

With that kind of fruit meal paired with this kind of jelly, it would be strange if the elf didn't grow quickly.

Chen Yuan smiled mysteriously: "It's more than that."

Dong Lan blinked and suddenly smiled, but Xia Yi became more energetic and came over with an expression that said "I want to try something else".

As a result, Dong Lan pushed him away.

Chen Yuan is really curious now.

How did Sister Xia Yi absorb that energy jelly?

You know, even he can't withstand the energy impact of this latest generation of energy jelly.

Sister Xia Yi not only resisted it, but seemed to have absorbed the energy from it - at least her face looked much more rosy.

The little ones started their own training. Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi also led the team to increase the strength of Di Yanxiang Yuxiao and Jiang Xiaoning's elves.

In three days, they will return to Beiyu.

The China venue of the World Championship is about to open.

This is the ticket to Tianwang Mountain.

If you want to make a difference in the world competition and want to go one step further, you must get a ranking in this competition.

Looking at the intensity of the little guys' training, Xia Yi was secretly amazed.

He also understood why his new team suffered a crushing defeat to Chen Yuan.

The skills these little guys have are truly outrageous.

"Xiao Yuan, have you started to develop your physical potential now?"

Dong Lan suddenly asked.

Chen Yuan nodded, somewhat confused as to why Sister Dong Lan asked this question.

Dong Lan stretched out her hand and placed it on Chen Yuan's shoulder. At that moment, Chen Yuan, who was very sensitive to mental power, felt a mental power that was no less than Chu Xiaoxiao's surging into his body.

Chen Yuan's eyes widened.

It turns out that my sister is also a master of super powers!
"Both my physical and mental strength have been developed quite well, but there is still a lot of room for improvement."

Dong Lan smiled and said, "I will teach you a method. It is to stimulate the body with mental power. In this way, you will be able to absorb more energy."

Chen Yuan's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly: "Is this our family's secret? When Sister Xia Yi absorbed the energy jelly just now, she used this method, right?"

"Yes and no, you will know when the time comes."

Dong Lan smiled and stretched out her hand, and her superpower enveloped Chen Yuan.

At this moment, Chen Yuan felt as if there was something extra in his brain. This feeling was exactly the same as when Arceus was filling him with knowledge... eh?


"Focus, don't think about anything else."


Chu Xiaoxiao over there suddenly felt something in her heart. She looked back and saw that Chen Yuan and Dong Lan were covered by a faint layer of super-energy light.

Can't see the rest.

Miss Chu was puzzled.

That feeling just now, was it Sister Donglan?
Ti Yan's Bangilas' worldview is about to collapse.

No, it should be said that it has collapsed.

Ever since a green caterpillar easily defeated the top-notch Bangilas, whom he couldn't beat, Laoban felt that something was wrong with this world.

In the secret realm of the Di family, he is considered one of the strongest among the top.

But I never expected that it would be at the bottom among these tiny Pokémon.

No, that's not accurate.

Because his level is still among the top five in the team, is this something worth bragging about?

No, it would only add to his shame.

It's obvious that they are superior in level and their racial quality is also far ahead.

But he was pressed to the ground and rubbed by everyone.

Especially that king-level whale, he was simply unreasonable.

So, why has he worked so hard to reach the top over the years?
Coal Turtle glanced at Bangilas. Indeed, sometimes rank does not mean everything.

"Roar~" Come again~
The Phi Phi whale excitedly rode the waves and extended an invitation to Bangilas.

Teacher: “…”

Chen Yuan stretched.

This sleep was really good.

Although it was only an hour, it felt like the world was completely different.

It felt like the first time I was developed by Chu Xiaoxiao.

He was talking about developing super powers.

Chen Yuan's superpowers are now more active than ever before.

If classified according to the Chu family's superpowers, the current level is at least level 3, no, it is very likely to have reached level 4.

Some little tricks of superpowers and some small details flowed in his mind.

Chen Yuan couldn't wait to have a fruit meal and a portion of energy jelly.

Just do it.

Chen Yuan ran directly to the mixing room.

I got a fruit meal for Xiaoli and ate it directly.

Energy explodes in the body, which under normal circumstances can only be resisted. Even if it is resisted, only a small amount is actually absorbed by the body.

This is a passive process.

But now, Chen Yuan completely turned passive into active and absorbed it quickly.

The energy that would have dissipated with the passage of time is now absorbed into every part of the body.

This feeling is really wonderful.

Suddenly, Chen Yuan remembered the stone tablet that Arceus' mother had given him.

Fighting stone slab.

There seem to be some tips for use.

For example, "Bodybuilding" uses that energy in the form of fighting to continue strengthening itself.

So cool!

Before Chen Yuan knew it, he had already eaten three large fruit meals.

It's really filling.

I feel like after a while, once you get familiar with the process, you can eat the energy jelly directly.

As soon as Chen Yuan went out, he was entangled by Xiao Longlong.

Also coming with them were Xiao Qingqing and Xiao Beibei.

Everyone looked at Chen Yuan eagerly.

That look was like a kitten about to be abandoned.

Chen Yuan pondered for a moment, slapped his palm, and finally remembered.

How could I forget about the three little energy blocks!

I just made the energy cube yesterday, and it happened to coincide with the return of Sister Donglan and Sister Xiayi.

This has delayed this matter, and it seems that the three little ones can’t wait any longer.

"That's right, Sister Donglan. Let me show you my brother's latest work."

Chen Yuan went to check the inventory with great pride.

"Better than that energy jelly?"

Donglan was a little bit unbelievable.

In her opinion, that kind of energy jelly almost developed the energy of tree fruits to the limit.

When Chen Yuan was eating his fruit meal, she also tasted a small piece.

It's really an astonishing feeling.

It even made her think that this was the limit of the fruit.

But now Chen Yuan actually said that it can be even better.

Dong Lan naturally didn't quite believe it.

"Is it energy jelly made from top-quality tree fruit?"

“Yes and no, present it in other ways.”

Chen Yuan took out a small bottle, which contained energy cubes of various sizes.

It's crystal clear and looks delicious.

This moment.

The three little ones' eyes were already firmly attracted by the energy cube. Even Dong Lan's eyes were fixed on the small jar containing the energy cube, unable to move away.

It was as if there was some inexplicable attraction that was drawing her and calling her.

"what is this?"

"Energy cube, an energy cube made from top-level tree fruits and intermediate-level primary tree fruits~"

Chen Yuan felt very proud when he saw Sister Dong Lan's shocked expression.

The three little ones took two from each family, and then looked at Dong Lan's expression and hesitated for a moment.

Can people really eat cubes?

"Try it."

Donglan said as he took out a small piece from the jar.

Throw it into your mouth.

Energy exploded.

Dong Lan suddenly closed her eyes.

A super power light curtain enveloped his body, preventing any breath from leaking out and impacting Chen Yuan.

On the other side, Xiao Qingqing finally ate the energy cube.

Her body's energy suddenly exploded.

It was easy to take another step forward and reach the top level of seniority.

Only one step away from the top.

And Xiaolonglong finally got what he wanted.

With the help of this dragon-type energy block, he directly broke through the shackles of the king's peak.

Breaking through the top barrier.

It leapt into the true top level.


The little dragon flew high into the sky and soared freely.

This feeling is really different.

Top-notch, it’s like being truly connected to this world.

Everything is different.

Look at the graceful figures of Tanabata Bluebird and Haxorus flying freely in the sky.

Little Beibei was ruined by jealousy.

Fly, fly.

She...can, too.

"Come on! Little Beibei~"

Hua Yuxi, Chu Xiaoxiao and all the Pokémon people were attracted by the aura of Xiao Qingqing and Xiao Longlong's breakthrough and rushed over.

And at the scene, the only little baby left was the last one who had not eaten the energy cube.

Hua Yuxi nervously grabbed Chu Xiaoxiao's arm.

He seemed to realize that this was a crucial moment for little Beibei.

Little Beibei looked at the two energy cubes in front of him and took a deep breath.

After such a long period of preparation, and training day and night with Huahua, we have experienced so many secret realms and so many trials together.

She is well aware of the strength of everyone in Huahua's team.

But it is also clear that there are shortcomings in Huahua’s team.

She wants to evolve.

We need to make up for the shortcomings in the Huahua team.

She wants to fly with flowers!

She, Beibei, wants to truly soar in the sky.

The energy of the cube exploded in his mouth.

The dragon energy engulfed Beibei's body at this moment. The energy exploded in an instant but then was absorbed into her body, as if it was absorbed by her body without a trace left.

"Cut it~"

The Kabutosaurus suddenly roared to the sky, and the next moment, a dazzling white light pierced through the sky and the earth.

The light of evolution.

(End of this chapter)

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