you elf, are you legal

Chapter 530 Emperor Yan: So are you planning to get Chen Xiaoyuan for free?

Chapter 530 Emperor Yan: So are you planning to get Chen Xiaoyuan for free?
The dazzling light of evolution illuminated the sky of Dragon Island.

Little Beibei's body began to change in the light of evolution.

At this moment, Kabutosaurus finally began to evolve.

Her body became slender and well-proportioned, and arc-shaped wings grew on her back.

When the light of evolution is completely converged.

A dragon roar shook heaven and earth.

A red and blue figure soared into the sky.

Soar freely in the sky above Dragon Island.

Kabutosaurus, evolution.

Flying Dragon.

The dark blue body contained explosive power, and the blood-red wings were spread, creating a terrifying airflow with just a slight flap.

At this moment, little Beibei finally got what he wanted.

The heart that longed for the sky was finally released, little Beibei landed on the ground, and Hua Yuxi turned over and jumped up.


The Violent Dragon swept its wings and took off again with Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao.


Hua Yuxi laughed in the air until her smile became crystal clear.

Little Beibei looked back and saw that they were the three closest people in her life.

The long-desired and extremely gorgeous wings allowed her to soar in her vast sky.



The Bluebird on the Qixi Festival, the little dragon, the hunting swallowtail butterfly, the bug, the beeping bird carrying the little fox, and a Pippi whale bouncing in the air and riding the clouds.

All the friends flew up and celebrated with little Beibei.


Little Beibei roared and flew wildly, she finally did it.

After eating the energy cube, Donglan opened his eyes and looked up at the sky with joy.

"Xiao Yuan has really grown up..."

"Xiao Beibei's childhood dream has finally come true."

Xia Yi came over, and at some point, she was holding a jar in one hand like a popcorn bucket, and her other hand was exploring inside cautiously as if nothing had happened.

It seemed as if he wanted to find the biggest one out and try it.

However, before she could touch the energy block, Dong Lan snatched it away.

"Hey hey hey, sister, what are you doing~~"

Donglan tapped Xiayi's head lightly.

Carefully put away the lid of the energy cube.

These are all Chen Xiaoyuan's cubes. What should this idiot Xia Yi eat? Can she please behave like a sister?

Xia Yi's mouth drooped.

Just very angry.

So if Chen Yuan is your brother, I am not your sister, right?

We flew for a full hour and made a big circle around Dragon Island.

It was not until the guard elves of Dragon Island and the elders of the council were alarmed that they were chased back to the square outside the Dragon Valley.

Half of the thirteen elders gathered.

Looking at Xiao Beibei, Xiao Longlong and Xiao Qingqing in disbelief.

As they were already at the peak of their powers, they could naturally see at a glance that these three little guys had improved a lot overnight.

Little Beibei has evolved and has directly reached the top level.

The same goes for Xiao Qingqing.

And Xiao Longlong, who was at the top of the king level yesterday, has now reached the top level and is even close to touching the senior top level.

When they were flying just now, these little guys released their aura to their heart's content.

It was so eye-opening that the elders were confused as to what had happened that night.

Mr. Kuailong was so envious.

Is it his turn now?

Chen Yuan patted Mr. Kuailong's strong arm.

That's right, the next thing to do is to deal with his fruits.


Mr. Dragonite was so excited that he flew a circle at the top speed.

The little guys continue to train, especially little Beibei, who has now reached a higher level and evolved into a new form. Many tactics and playing styles have undergone new changes, and new skills need to be explored and developed.

Elder Baofeilong decided to personally take action to see how strong Xiao Beibei was.

Chen Yuan, on his part, was planning the fruit trees with Mr. Kuailong.

Develop a customized plan.

Xia Yi on the side was a little restless, and Dong Lan was afraid that she would disturb Chen Yuan's thoughts, so she sent her to supervise the training of the little ones.

Dong Lan herself stayed in the mixing room and watched Chen Yuan make the dishes.

She is also very curious about how Chen Yuan made that kind of energy cube.

But then again, it seemed like she had never seen these instruments and equipment before. It seemed like they were all models that she couldn't understand.

Dong Lan glanced at Chen Yuan's shadow, where a purple fat man was sleeping soundly. After thinking about it, she immediately understood.

It was brought here by Xunxun's Gengar.

However, I haven't seen this Gengar for half a year, but he has reached the king level. He is quite powerful.


Of course, our little Bubu is also very talented.

Donglan picked up the Flareon beside him.

Little Bubu wagged his tail and rubbed against Donglan's arms.

Just very comfortable.

It’s been a long time since I last saw Sister Donglan.

On his part, Chen Yuan came up with a production plan for Mr. Kuailong and got some ordinary tree fruits as fillers.

Mr. Kuailong readily agreed. After spending such a long time together, he was quite confident in Mr. Chen Yuan's training ability.

There are a total of four top-level tree fruits, more than a hundred high-level tree fruits, and a large number of intermediate and primary tree fruits.

The finished product of tree fruits is still mainly energy blocks, supplemented by energy jelly.

Dragon type, flying, two of the same.

All of them are second generation blocks.

The energy jelly also uses the latest technology.

Because 90% of Mr. Kuailong's fruits come from Dragon Island, their energy is quite outstanding.

Even though some of them have been stored for a long time, the drop rate of jelly and blocks is still very high.

As a reward for teaching Bibi Bird and Xiaolonglong to reach their peak speed.

As an extra gift, Chen Yuan used some leftover ingredients to make some jelly cubes that are not for sale.

This thing is a powerful tool for learning top skills.

In a sense, it is as good as the second-generation cube.

Mr. Kuailong was so touched.

"Oh, I have some general-type blocks here. I'll give some to you. You need to practice super speed..."

Chen Yuan's words suddenly stopped before he could finish.

He finally remembered!

Something that he had forgotten on the day I set out for Beiyu!
Damn, my jar of energy blocks was taken away by the alpaca!

A whole jar.


He asked why something was missing. Chen Yuan rubbed his forehead. Xiaoli, Chongbao, Xiaolonglong, and Bibi Bird were all going to start learning Peak Speed.

The general energy blocks must be obtained.

It seems that I still need to pick some fruits in the orchard on Dragon Island.

It just so happens that Sister Donglan is here too.

When I heard Chen Yuan say that he wanted to go to the orchard to get some fresh fruits, I naturally had no objection.

"I planted all these fruit trees. As long as Xiaoyuan needs them, I can give them as much as he wants."

Dong Lan has only one younger brother, Chen Yuan, so naturally she dotes on him very much.

But when Chen Yuan set foot in the Venerable Orchard again, the feeling was completely different.

It turns out that these were planted by my sister.

Well, isn’t this just like coming home?

So comfortable!
Chen Yuan also visited the Venerable's Hut nearby under the guidance of Dong Lan.

It’s exactly the same layout as my home.

However, Chen Yuan did not pick them all at once. He took them as he needed them, taking it slow and steady.

But then again, how are these fruits grown? The quality is really good.

"This is just a part of it. There is a bigger orchard inside Dragon Valley. When you are done here, go there."

It's not a one-time thing. After picking, it won't take long for new fruits to be produced with a little nurturing.

Instead of eating these fruits directly or letting other fruit masters process them, it would be better to give Chen Yuan a chance to practice and use these fruits with his skills to make the best use of them.

The most important thing is that it is only natural for her things to be given to Chen Xiaoyuan.

Chen Yuan was also very sensible. The first thing he did after getting the fruit from the tree was to make fruit jelly for Sister Donglan's elves.

There were many elves that Chen Yuan had never seen before, and he also got to know the King’s fighting power this time.

Energy blocks and other things must naturally be arranged.

If nothing else, you must protect your two sisters well.

Of course, Sister Donglan herself seems to like the dragon-type energy blocks very much.

Chen Yuan also made two cans each, one for each of the two sisters Donglan and Xiayi, and he also made two cans of energy cubes for the Latias sisters and asked sister Donglan to deliver them.

Dong Lan looked at the jar with a strange expression.

Xia Yi secretly elbowed Dong Lan.

"Why don't we just give these two jars to Mao."

He glared at Xia Yi.

Donglan carefully put away the two jars.

She had a feeling that these energy cubes would be of great use to the two of them. After sending Mr. Dragonite away, Chen Yuan began to plan the training plan for his little guy.

Chen Yuan's current team of elves:
Little raccoon, Chongbao, little fish, little dragon, beeping bird, little pot

After Xiaolonglong ate the dragon energy block, everyone reached the top level.

Among them, Xiaoli and Bibi Bird reached the top peak.

The insect baby has its own Maka evolution, and it has been almost developed. However, recently it can prepare for the ninth metamorphosis, which is the limit of ordinary caterpillars. It seems to have a qualitative growth. Chen Yuan is still looking forward to it.

The Alpaca also has its own Maka Stone, but because it lacks the Immutable Stone, it needs to bring the Immutable Stone with it the next time it sees the Alpaca, and then it can be used after it has been transformed.

As for Xiaoli, the bloodline of the Wind Speed ​​Dog has been fully developed.

The Galar form still has a lot of room for improvement.

Chen Yuan planned to ask the alpaca mother if she had any good suggestions.

Anyway, the little guy has no plans to evolve into a charging bear now, so if it doesn't work, just find some fossils and let the alpaca mother transform it.

Where can one find fossils?

In short, the current combat power of a team of elves is very strong and has great development potential. Each elf must be deeply developed and the peak skills and tactics must be arranged.

In these two months, you should develop your potential as much as possible.

At least let the two little ones, Xiaoli and Bibi Bird, reach the level of king.

Well... the glutton Xiao Huhu's level progress has caught up from behind, so he should also have a chance.

As for the second team.

Pipi whale, clownish fish, Rotom, Groudon, coal turtle, and little dream demon.

Forget about the children's group for Ugliano and Rotom, but the little Dream Demon is still in the baby group. Just be happy.

As for Pipi Whale, his skills have improved a lot this time, but his level is still stuck at the peak of Ace.

Gulaton has already reached the top ranks, and his actual combat power has reached the top peak.

Ordinary kings may also have a chance to touch it.

But if he were facing a king trained by quasi-kings, such as Mr. Windrush, he would probably be slapped in the face.

By the way, are there any Pokémons in my hands that can compete with Teacher Windy?
Chen Yuan touched his chin and gave up thinking.

Forget it, if we rush over together, we will probably get slapped one by one.

He can't even beat Chibi-chan, let alone Sensei Windy.

However, Chen Yuan doesn't really want to win the championship in this Elf Competition. It will be enough for him to enter the main competition.

As for the Coal Turtle, it can be considered as Chen Yuan’s trump card.

If you are unlucky enough to meet a quasi-king from another area during the preliminaries, you can give it a try by using Turtle.

However, at present, the whole turtle is very Buddhist, and has no anxiety at all about falling from the peak of the king to the second place.

I eat and sleep all day long. If sisters Donglan and Xiayi hadn’t come back, I might still be sleeping.

However, this peak dream talk is really useful. Even when I am asleep, I can still be supervised and trained by Chu Xiaoxiao.

But ah.

Chen Yuan nodded at Pippi Whale's name.

Pipi Whale, as the only top-level player among the main players, aren't you a drag?

Can't you take it a little more seriously?

Well, it seems that after Sister Miaobu ate all the energy cubes on Sakurajima Snow Mountain, there were no water cubes left.

This can't be blamed on the Pippi whale.

So, there is only Wang Dian in Pipi Whale, and Sister Miaobu, you also bear 50% of the responsibility.

As for team three, Chen Yuan is also planning.

Moltres naturally wants pua... bah, let's discuss it properly.

If you are not afraid of any problems, it should not be difficult to join the team.

And the unknown dragon-type little fellow that Sister Donglan gave him also counts as one.

After we get to the decisive mountain, if Uncle Pidgeot is willing to join the team, then there will be three of them.

As for the other three positions, hehe, let’s talk about it later, there’s no rush.

Therefore, there are a total of eleven main elves in this elite competition, and the ten around us currently need to be trained well.

It would be great if we could gather all six Heavenly Kings before the official competition.

There are a total of six elves on Chu Xiaoxiao's side.

Ralts, Sylveon, Tanabata Bluebird, Wolfhound, Ponytail, and Togepi.

Can you believe that the one who is making the fastest progress right now is Gouzi?

I don’t know what switch was turned on, but the dog is making rapid progress every day and has now reached the top peak. He might even be the first elf to reach the king level.

Lalulas's current progress is not slow. He has reached the top and there is a possibility of further progress at any time.

Sylveon and Tanabata Bluebird are both stuck at the senior top level.

But I am confident that I can reach the top before the start of the game.

These four elves are currently Chu Xiaoxiao's main force in the competition.

Hua Yuxi currently has a total of seven elves.

Beautiful flower, hunting swallowtail butterfly, Dragonite, Venusaur, Parasaurolophus, Tropical Dragon, Mimosaur.

The first four of them have reached the top level.

The Parasol Mushroom is still familiar with Wang Dian’s power.

But I believe that it won’t be long before I can make a breakthrough.

As for the training of tropical dragons, it has also been put on the agenda.

I don’t know if I can grow to the level required to participate before the big competition.

Chen Yuan looked out the window. It seemed that Chu Xiaoxiao was serious about this world competition. She took the initiative to train with Hua Yuxi and the others every day.

I meditate at night to strengthen my mental strength.

"At least all members should enter the finals."

The second generation of water blocks is finally ready.

The Pipi whale sensed it immediately.

Just wait at the door.

Chen Yuan looked at the Pippi Whale's body which was already four or five meters long, and wondered if these energy cubes were really enough for him to eat in one meal.
Of course, the Phi Phi whale doesn't have the ability to eat a whole jar in one bite.

I just ate half a jar greedily.

The whale was almost blown up on the spot.

If Sister Miaobu hadn't arrived in time and stabilized the energy in his body, something serious would have happened.

The violent aura subsided.

Pippi Whale finally reached the top rank,

At this point, all of Chen Yuan’s main elves have finally reached top level.

After reaching the top level, the size of the Manticore whale grew further and reached an astonishing six meters.

Just the momentum of bouncing casually on the ground gives people the feeling of crushing other top players.

This is the pressure of body shape.

As for the other jar, it was naturally used by Sister Miaobu as a snack.

According to Sister Miaobu, the extraordinary energy may be maintained and nourished by the energy cube.

"Speaking of which, how's your physical strength?"

Miao Bu naturally knew that Chen Yuan was referring to the last hurdle in her breakthrough to the extraordinary.

Shake his head.

"Buy bu y~"

Of course, it’s not that easy to surpass.

Energy cubes, energy jellies, and cube jellies all nourish the body, but there is still a little difference.

I also ate some strong fruit meals.

It has some effect on other elves, even the king elves.

But I want to achieve a breakthrough through this.

It's still a hundred million points short.

Chen Yuan nodded and asked Sister Miaobu to take Pippi Whale to practice skills.

He went back to Donglan's orchard and began to pick fruits.

It’s time to try the second generation of strong fruit meals.

The last intensive fruit meal had a good effect, but it was not ideal.

The main reason is that the quality of the fruits selected is somewhat lacking.

But things are different now.

This orchard contains almost all the fruit trees that Chen Yuan knows.

Top quality peaches and other fruits can also be picked. The quantity is not large, but it is enough to make one or two portions.

It can be said that Shuguo is half free.

However, the formula still needed to be adjusted. Chen Yuan did not rush to pick the top-level tree fruits directly, but instead used some high-level ones. After all, it was a new formula.

Needs a good polish.

As for the standards...

At least we have to feed Xiaoli to his peak belly and peak speed to make him qualified.

On a cliff somewhere outside the Dragon Valley.

A smoky figure looked down at a distance not far away, where Xiaoli and Digou were performing rapid movements to consume their energy.

Just now, Miaobu sensed the danger of the Pippi Whale and left.

So she and the chattering Xiao Shan were the only ones left here, watching the little ones training below.


Your stand-in has grown up recently.

Entei glanced at Xiao Shan.

Xiao Shan nodded repeatedly.

There is happiness in the eyes: "Chirp~"

The food I've been eating lately is so good, better than what I ate in Tianwang Mountain. This kind of ration is what legendary elves should have.

Emperor Yan nodded.

I listened to Xiao Shan talking about how she eats and drinks well with Chen Yuan and how happy her life is every day.

A full ten minutes later.

Emperor Yan suddenly spoke.

“Roar~” So, what’s the reward?
The flying flashes suddenly stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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