you elf, are you legal

Chapter 532: Rayquaza Dragon Scale and 9th Insect Molt Open the Door! Catch the Fruit Meal Thief!

Chapter 533: Rayquaza Dragon Scales and Nine Insect Exuvias: Open the Door! Catch the Fruit Meal Thief!
Huh? Does that shadow look familiar?

Chen Yuan was a little surprised. When he looked again, the figure had disappeared.

Touch your chin.

Is it an illusion?

It’s an illusion!

How could Emperor Yan be here? Is there an exit from the Red Lotus Secret Realm here?

It may also be that I am dazzled. I will wait for Xiaoli to come back and ask him.

Well, I better make more red lotus fruit meal, just in case.

Chen Yuan seemed to suddenly have motivation, and went back to the room to start making fruit meals.

But just as I started, inspiration suddenly struck me.

The Red Lotus Fruit Meal will be made later. He has some good ideas that require the support of Strength Fruit Meal, Red Lotus Cubes and Cube Jelly.

Wait until we go to the orchard to pick some fruits.

Now, the berries in my hand are just enough to make a cube.

So, let’s make a red lotus block first.

Half an hour later, the Red Lotus Cube came out of the oven, and the breath of fire rose into the sky.

Even the Moltres and Cinderella that were training over there were alarmed and flew over quickly.

I simply couldn't help it.

Xiaoli had just started training when he sniffed his nose and looked back over there.

Chen Yuan has made delicious food again.

Beside him, Emperor Yan also looked over there with some curiosity.

The last time I made red lotus cubes was when I was in Beiyu, but the fox’s cubes had already been eaten.

Haven't eaten for several days.

Now the little smell is coming up.



Never mind him, let's move on.

Emperor Yan said seriously.

Don't bother with this guy Chen Yuan.

Wait until we can get some back for dinner in the evening.


Oh oh.

The little fox scratched his ears.

But this little smell makes me a little hungry.


Concentrate, today we are going to learn Peak Speed. Your body has been strengthened a lot after eating the strength fruit meal recently. Give me some next time... No, I mean you have to develop your body's potential to the extreme. Using abdominal drum training is a good way, but you have to grasp some details...

boom! ! !
A second beam of fire shot up into the sky.




Sister Yan Di, what was that sound just now?

Your stomach growls.

"Squeak~" No, I can still have a belly bulge~
“Roar~” Who else could it be but you?

Yan Di tilted his head and looked at Xiao Li.



The core area of ​​Dragon Nest.

This is Chong Chong’s first time to practice here, and it feels like a completely different world.

Well, or it’s more like entering a secret place.

The energy magnetic field here is much stronger than that of the Weibai Secret Realm.

The key is that this feeling is very wonderful. Just breathing here seems to be the energy of dragon seeping into the body.

It's really comfortable.

Xiaolonglong, Xiaobeibei, Xiaoqingqing and Xiaochongchong, four little dragon babies, are flying in a row.

And in front of them was Sister Latias.

A cup of delicious fruit drink with a straw floating at the mouth, and a small snack, which is energy jelly mixed with a few energy cubes.

They are all super small sizes, just like jelly beans, and are packed in cans.

Throw one into your mouth.

Take a sip of the fruit drink.

It’s really refreshing to watch the four little ones learning how to fight.

In fact, Sister Latias was a little puzzled as to why the four little ones didn't need to rest when learning the Reverse Scale, and there was no backlash from the Reverse Scale's ability, causing chaos.

It's very interesting.

But speaking of it, although Xiao Chongchong often hangs out with dragons and practices dragon-related skills a lot, he is still a little behind in learning the Reverse Scale.

Xiao Qingqing and Xiao Longlong have already started to perfect the details.

Now Xiao Chong Chong has difficulty even releasing the reverse scale completely. It’s not that he can’t learn it, but he just can’t grasp the details well.

Chong Chong was also a little depressed, even though he was about to reach the peak of his excitement after eating the cube jelly.

But under normal circumstances, even the ordinary reverse scales are not used very well.

Sister Latias checked and sighed.

The little bug's body has undergone eight transformations. It is indeed quite strong and has learned some dragon-like skills, but in essence it is still a little short of a real dragon.

This was just a preliminary judgment, but Chong Chong was hit hard.

So, bugs can only be bugs after all?
At this moment, Chong Chong thought of the wanton figure of the boss Rayquaza on the Sky Island.

Then there is my good friend Xiaolonglong.

Is there really no way?

"Of course."

After returning to the room in the afternoon and listening to what happened to Chongchong during the day, Chen Yuan simply picked up little Chongchong and pushed away his notebook.

Opened the folder of the Bug Takeoff Plan.

It clearly lists the changes that Chongchong has undergone over the past six months since he was picked up.

From just starting to learn how to spin silk, to later learning how to harden the iron wall, and then the fourth and fifth molting.

It is finally time for Chongchong to undergo his ninth molt.

Dragon + flying.

Two attributes are placed in front of Chong Chong, and there is also a combination of jelly and energy blocks.

To be honest, Chong Chong has never eaten cube jelly with these two properties.

Of course there is another good thing.

This is what Chen Yuan brought to Dragon Island. It’s a small jar.

There was a green dragon scale soaking in it.

"Ning Ning?"

Eh? Isn't this the scale of the Rayquaza boss?


Chen Yuan nodded.

This is the two-in-one dragon scale that the double champion got in Xidu.

And it has been soaking in energy liquid.

For several months, we have been waiting for the ninth molt of Chongchong today.

Chong Chong's eyes were full of joy.

"Even if it's the Nine Transformations, it's impossible to evolve into the big boss Rayquaza, but our bugs are bugs, and we can work towards that direction."

Chong Chong listened to Chen Yuan's encouragement, nodded heavily and rekindled her hope.

So, today she is going to shed her worm form!
Nine times of molting!

That alone is not enough.

Chen Yuan called his friends to transform the environment together.

The location is in the energy-rich Dragon Valley.

The Latias sisters designated an area for Chen Yuan and let him do whatever he wanted.

On Chen Yuan's side, Xiao Yuyu and Gulaton dug a small pond.

Then he stuffed all the dragon energy blocks and energy jellies in his hand into Xiaohuhu's shell.

Fermentation, all fermented into energy liquid.

Xiao Huhu almost exploded.

Fortunately, Sister Latias intervened in time and helped Xiaohuhu stabilize his violent energy.

Finally, the unprecedented dragon energy liquid was successfully fermented.

Sister Latias became a little uneasy as she watched the thick liquid flow into the small pool.

He and sister Latias looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

This energy pool was created like this?
How many top-grade tree fruits did it take?!

The rich energy attracted the elves that were in seclusion in the Dragon Valley, but without exception they were all driven away by Sister Latias.

He also called the Dragon Guards to guard the area. No one except Chen Yuan and his group, not even the elders, was allowed to come.

The significance of this energy liquid is really too great.

I really didn't expect that Xiaoyuan actually had this skill.

It seems that the door to Dragon Island will finally have a chance to be opened.

On the other hand, the flying energy liquid is also ready.

When Chen Yuan added the energy liquid into the dragon energy liquid, Sister Latias's forehead twitched.

Suddenly I have a feeling of wasting resources.

This is not pure.

Chong Chong stretched his body and performed a dragon dance in the air.

He sprayed two more puffs of Dragon Wave to help liven up the mood.

Then he ate all the energy cube set meal prepared by Chen Yuan.

A burst of energy.

But the bugs’ eating isn’t over yet.

Unscrew the dragon scale energy liquid.

A terrifying supernatural aura rose into the sky at this moment.

The Latias sisters' expressions changed at the same time.

The dragon elves of Dragon Island all sensed the abnormality in Dragon Valley.

A strange and extraordinary aura, could it be that a dragon has appeared?

who is it?

In the Dragon Valley, almost all the Heavenly Kings rushed over, but were stopped by the newly appointed Dragon Guards.

Don’t let anyone get close, this is the Venerable’s intention.

This is really itchy.

what is going on.

Little Bug drank most of the dragon scale liquid in the bottle.

He didn't stop until he was about to burst.

The Maka stone stimulated the body and directly activated the Ten Transformations mode.

This made Chong Chong feel better.


Chen Yuan said.

Chong Chong nodded vigorously, and like a dragon, he dived directly into the energy liquid.

The energy of dragon flight engulfed her. Chong Chong closed her eyes, and a white light lit up on her body.

Extreme insect molt, the ninth insect molt.

"Ah ha~"

Okay, okay, everyone go away.

It's just a small insect molting, nothing serious.

Latias's sister drove away the dragons.

After giving some instructions to the dragon guards, he began to inspect the Dragon Valley.

Since Xiao Yuan can even make energy liquid, can the Dragon Island reconstruction plan, which has been shelved for so many years, be put on hold?

It will take a few days for the little bug to transform into nine forms of flesh. It should be in time if we leave the island in a week.

Xiao Longlong was called by Chen Yuan to the office...the bedroom.

"Xiaolonglong, do you have any plans to evolve?"

Chen Yuan brought up the old matter again, looking at Xiao Longlong who came in. He reached out and touched Xiao Longlong's smooth body, feeling her physical and energy strength, both of which were top-notch, and it was time to think about a way forward.

Xiao Longlong was silent, and was also thinking about the time when Chong Chong started his nine transformations.

Once the molting is completed, it will be the only nine-molted green caterpillar in the whole of China and the entire blue planet.

In terms of strength and power, he is already far ahead of her. Wouldn’t he have to pin her to the ground and rub her?

So, should we succumb to evolution for the sake of strength?

Xiaolonglong remembered the green figure on the sky island.

She admired the feeling of the dragon's mighty power.

That was her goal, her only goal.


That is, I don’t have that kind of idea yet.
Xiao Longlong twisted his body unconsciously and wrapped himself around Chen Yuan.

Subconsciously rubbing Chen Yuan's face.

"Okay, okay, stop pestering me. Just tell me what you think."


Xiao Longlong rubbed again embarrassedly and looked at Chen Yuan.

That is to say, can she also make a stone like Lalu Lasi?
Chen Yuan couldn't laugh or cry.

As expected, Xiaolonglong also wants to evolve.

But ah.

Such stones are hard to come by, and at least for now, Chen Yuan still doesn't know whether Dragonite can evolve.

But ah.

It's not like there's no chance.

As long as there are fossils, there is always a way.

"So, little dragon, is there any place on Dragon Island where we can get fossils?"


The little dragon twisted and began to think.

But subconsciously, he kept getting tighter and tighter and almost made Chen Yuan reopen his arms.


A light bulb lit up in Xiaolonglong's head.

"Dragon Tomb~We can go to the Dragon Tomb and take a look~"

Xiaolonglong got Chen Yuan's support and flew away happily.

Chen Yuan wrote the last line in his plan: "Little Dragon·Pseudo-Maka Evolution".

I closed the computer and stretched.

I went to look for Sister Donglan, but after looking around for a while I couldn't find her. I heard that she went to Dragon Nest.

"Go to the Dragon Tomb? I'll make an application for you. Wait for my news tomorrow. As for the orchard, you can go directly and use it as you like."

With Sister Dong Lan's words, Chen Yuan felt completely relieved.

Today Chen Yuan is going to do something big.

Currently, the block jelly has only reached the 1S version, and the strength jelly has reached the 2nd generation. These two are definitely enough for the daily supplies of the little guys.

But for a big shot like Sister Miaobu to become extraordinary, it’s still a little short of that.

It takes time to iterate quickly.

However, Chen Yuan wanted to find another way and some other methods.

Every time I have a new idea for making a fruit meal, I always start with the red lotus fruit meal.

A delicious fruit meal, but it uses a strength fruit meal as a base, but it is more inclined towards flame, and is a red lotus fruit meal specially made for flame elves.

Is it enough to just take a strong fruit meal?

That must not be the case.

You will also need Red Lotus Cube and Red Lotus Cube Jelly.

An all-round fruit meal that complements each other in terms of energy, body and skills.

Chen Yuan has already thought of a name, which is Red Lotus Fruit Restaurant Pro
This is a bold attempt.

Put all the ideas into one fruit meal.

Using the best technology and the best equipment in the world, and having Lalu Las, Rotom, and Huhu Hu assist me, I made a super fruit meal.

The moment you turn on the device.

A rich aroma that was no less than that of the second-generation cube rose into the sky.

Xiaoli, who was still learning from Emperor Yan, suddenly raised his head and looked over there.

I couldn't bear it any longer and rushed over.

Yan Di sniffed his nose.

My mind is a little confused.

This kind of scent, just by smelling it, you feel like a volcano is about to erupt.


Emperor Yan was still a little hesitant and was not ready to show up.

Forget it, I'll just watch from a distance, it'll be okay.

Yan Di's body flashed and disappeared.

The drop rate of Super Red Lotus Fruit Meal Pro is not high.

There are only six in total.

One each of Raccoon, Coal Turtle, Little Bubble, and Moltres.

Keep one copy for Sister Yanbu.

Huh? What if there is one extra portion?
Never mind, just wrap it up first.

Xiaobubu was the first to rush over, followed by Xiaoli and Moltres.

"Come on, come on, don't rush, don't grab, everyone has one."

One serving each.

There was no need to remind them how precious this fruit meal was; the little ones ate it very carefully.

It was as shocking as eating a fruit meal for the first time.

The body, energy and understanding of skills were all strengthened at this moment.

What exactly is going on?

Comprehensive improvement.

"This enhancement should be temporary and may subside after an hour, but according to expectations, all three aspects of yours should be improved."

The three elves looked at each other and decided, what are you waiting for? Let’s start practicing.

Only then did the coal turtle crawl over.


It's too late. It's too late.

He saw Xiao Bubu rushing out with the energy of the peak of the King. Even Xiaoli and Moltres were Kings?

what happened?

Completely incomprehensible.

But the only thing that can be understood is that this must be related to Chen Yuan.

"Limited time and limited quantity red lotus fruit meal, only one serving."

Chen Yuan said.

The coal turtle was so touched that he could have such a good thing.

Is this the benefit of joining the team?
He ate the fruit meal in one bite.

The Coal Turtle was stunned. At this moment, his energy skyrocketed and he reached the peak of the King level in an instant.

It's not just energy, it's an all-round improvement.

Even many insights that I had never had before came to my mind at this moment.

This is this.

"Red Lotus Fruit Meal Pro, all-round enhancement, only one hour to experience, go ahead."

Chen Yuan picked up the copy of Yanbu and followed Coal Turtle out of the room.

Outside in the training ground, Moltres and Raccoon were fighting fiercely, trying to get acquainted with the feeling of the King.

Xiao Bubu and Coal Turtle are enjoying the experience card of the King's Peak.

The fighting momentum of the four heavenly kings was so great that all the little guys gathered around.

The battle of four elves.

Especially the bird was stunned.

No, when I saw Xiaoli this morning, his energy was about the same as his. How come he has reached the level of the king now?
And it’s not the feeling of an ordinary superstar.

But it is much stronger in all aspects.

Physical strength, energy strength, and skill strength have all been improved. If you add them together...

Beep Bird wants to try it.

Try it and it will pass.

He just rushed up at great speed and tried to launch a sneak attack on Xiaoli, but was pinned to the ground the next second.

Is this flame serious?
And that incredible speed, is it really not the peak?
There is absolutely no chance of resistance.

Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi also came over here and were shocked by the situation on the field.

Especially Xiaoli's aura, which is exactly the same as that of the King of Heaven.

But after Chen Yuan said this, he understood.

It is the super enhanced effect of the red lotus fruit meal.

But this effect is too outrageous.

"It's bad. I didn't get the jelly. They're still consuming a lot of energy here. Eat some jelly to replenish your energy."

Chen Yuan said this and went straight back to the room.

At the same time, a smoky figure suddenly appeared in the preparation room, looking at the wrapped fruit meal on the table.

She sniffed and sniffed. This was a scent that she simply couldn't resist.

At this moment, Emperor Yan felt as if he had returned to that morning, at the highest point of the Red Lotus Volcano.

The first time I met Chen Xiaoyuan and saw the red lotus fruit meal, the feeling was the same as it is now, I couldn't help it.

The fire in my body is stirring.

This feeling has never happened before.

It seemed as if something was attracting her.

This is an irresistible temptation.

The damn stinky Chen Yuan seduced her again!

Just one bite, just one bite!
Yan Di opened the package.

Looking at the red lotus fruit meal inside, you can tell at first glance that it is delicious and fragrant.

There is no reason to say no.

With a roll of his tongue, Emperor Yan swallowed it directly.

Just one bite...

(End of this chapter)

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