you elf, are you legal

Chapter 533 Yandi, wipe your mouth before you quibble

Chapter 533 Yandi, wipe your mouth before you quibble


The door of the room was pushed open.

Yan Di, who was chewing with his eyes closed and enjoying the feeling of a volcanic eruption, suddenly stiffened.

He turned his head with a creaking sound.

A head popped in first.

After looking around, he met eyes with the figure that shouldn't have been here in the next moment.

Yan Emperor Boss.

How come she is on Dragon Island?

She looked at Chen Yuan with astonishment.

He chewed subconsciously, with some fruit meal residue still remaining at the corners of his mouth.

Chen Yuan blinked hard.

I feel like I might be having some kind of illusion.

Yes, it’s an illusion, it must be an illusion.

Why is Emperor Yan here?
This is not the Yan Emperor boss I know.

I must have opened the door wrong.

Chen Yuan closed the door silently.

Count to five in your mind.

Chen Yuan opened the door again.

Sure enough, Emperor Yan is still there.

But now Emperor Yan has returned to his majestic appearance.

The fruit and meal residue at the corner of the mouth...

Illusion, illusion.

There is no fruit meal residue at all.

Chen Yuan: "Good morning, Emperor Yan~"

Emperor Yan glanced at the sky outside. It was getting darker.


Good morning.

Chen Yuan smiled.

"Thank you for taking care of Xiaoli these days."

Yan Di blinked.


“Roar~” Not bad, the little guy has good talent, and your fruit meal is also good.

Chen Yuan's eyes lit up and he looked at Emperor Yan.

"Today's fruit meal is better than the one we had in the Red Lotus Secret Realm."


Well, it's definitely better than the one you fell on the volcano.
Chen Yuan: "..."

What he was asking about was the cube jelly made for Xiaobubu after the Volcano Cup was made. At that time, I also gave it to you, Yan Di!

Emperor Yan: "..."

This stinky Chen Yuan!

How could I let my guard down when I was with him?


Ahem, I know you are talking about that cube jelly. It is indeed good and tastes very good, but today's fruit meal is much better than that one.

Chen Yuan's eyes lit up.


The main feature of this fruit meal is its all-roundness.

Moreover, one must strive to be extraordinary in all three aspects.

Try to use the second-generation energy blocks to drive the other two items.

But the effect...

It would definitely be better if a professional extraordinary master could evaluate it.

Yan Di shook his head, savoring the taste of the red lotus fruit meal he had just had, feeling the explosion of power in his body, the surge of energy, and the improvement in his control.

This feeling is really good.

It feels like breaking through the shackles and reaching a higher level.

But there is still some gap.


It's really good, the effect is better than the energy block, but slightly worse than the second generation block.

As for strength, I have never eaten strength fruit meals, so I don’t know.

But judging from the overall effect, it is effective for ordinary extraordinary people like Water Dog, but it is a little bit less effective for people like me.

Of course, if it is Wang Dian, you can still give it a try, it may be effective.

Just like the stupid fox on Snow Peak Mountain, if he had eaten one portion, he might have had a chance to understand something, but there was a high probability that he would become useless in all three items because he was too stupid.

Chen Yuan: "..."

I always feel like Emperor Yan has exposed something?
There is so much information contained in these words.

In various aspects, it will take some time to digest.

Chen Yuan sighed. So, when did Boss Yan Di come here?

You can't always follow me.

Chen Yuan consulted Emperor Yan again about the extraordinary matters.

There are also some tips on training raccoons.

Of course, Chen Yuan still settled the consulting fees properly.

The only portion of Red Lotus Fruit Meal Pro left is Sister Yanbu’s.

So all that's left are some second generation red lotus cubes and this red lotus jelly.


You can have a strong fruit meal.

Chen Yuan nodded. It happened that when he was making the Red Lotus Fruit Meal Pro, he made some fresh second-generation strength fruit meals and asked Boss Yan Di to comment on them.

Emperor Yan didn't stay for long, and Chen Yuan quickly took Jelly out to find Xiaoli and the others to recover their strength.

The effect of the fruit meal only lasts for one hour. For people at Yan Di's level, it can provide a small improvement. For Xiao Li and the others, it is the most precious tonic.

We must seize the opportunity.

It really did not disappoint Chen Yuan’s expectations.

Xiaoli's body took another step forward and finally caught up with the pace of energy, officially reaching the top peak, the threshold to becoming a king.

I believe that it won’t be long, maybe just an opportunity, and Xiaoli will be able to officially break through to the King level.

By then, Chen Yuan will be a quasi-king.

Humph, huh, huh, sixteen-year-old prospective superstar, I just want to ask you if you are afraid.

The next day, Chen Yuan got up early in the morning and asked Xiao Longlong to call Xiao Qingqing and Xiao Beibei over.

He then found the Latias sisters and shared the dragon scale solution with them.

Chong Chong drank half of it yesterday, and I wanted to share the rest with everyone, but I got so busy that I forgot about it.

"What kind of scales are these, do you know?"

Sister Latias suddenly asked through telepathy.

Chen Yuan nodded.

"The scales of Rayquaza master."

"Have you seen the real body?"

Chen Yuan shook his head: "No, I heard he is traveling around."

Sister Latias nodded, as if she had thought of something, and looked into the depths of Dragon Island but said nothing more.

Took Chen Yuan and the three little ones to the heart of Dragon Island.

Round table meeting room.

Chen Yuan sat at the last seat, and the three little ones followed beside Chen Yuan.

The other thirteen elves in the conference room were looking at Chen Yuan and the three little guys intentionally or unintentionally.

I can't figure out what's going on.

"I have something to announce."

Sister Latias said directly.

"Chen Yuan wants to go to Longdao Cemetery. Who is in favor and who is against it?"


Bao Feilong glared. He was a hot-tempered person. The dragon tomb contained the relics of their predecessors, and also...

How can outsiders go...

"What do you want to say?"

Sister Latias looked at Dragonite.

The expression is flat, the tone is flat, and the sentence is interrogative.

Baofeilong felt that he should change his temper.

It's enough for the bad temper and other things to happen during foreign wars.


I have no objection, Your Holiness.

"What about the other dragons?"

How could the Thirteen Elves have any objection?

They all shook their heads to indicate that there was no problem and that they could go if they wanted, but how the dragon guards over there were dealt with was none of their business.

"Okay, it's settled."

Latias nodded, then looked at the Tanabata Bluebird Elder who was holding up his cotton-like wings.

"what you want to say?"


Venerable Sir, can we also try the fruit meal of friend Chen Yuan?

Well done!

As expected of the Qixi Bluebird, it directly said what the other elves wanted to say but did not dare to.

Sister Latias nodded: "This is the second point I want to talk about."

Her eyes swept across the room.

"Starting tomorrow, Chen Yuan will cooperate with our Dragon Island."

Sister Latias and Chen Yuan looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"He will prepare fruit meals and drinks for everyone, and we at Dragon Island will provide the materials and part of the labor costs as compensation. The specific exchange rate will be announced later. This event will last for three days and will not be accepted after it expires."

Chen Yuan nodded.

"Fruit meals, fruit drinks, jellies, cubes, whatever you want, I can make it here."

Chen Yuan grinned and took out a small jar containing energy jelly. "This is the snack I prepared for everyone. I hope you like it."

Sister Latias took Chen Yuan and the three kids out of the meeting room.

But before he flew very far, he heard an earth-shaking dragon roar coming from the conference room behind him, then the breath of the king of heaven burst out, and then the fluctuations of the reverse scales lit up.

Apparently the elves inside were fighting each other.

Chen Yuan was a little worried.

Latias smiled faintly and said, "These guys are not young, but they are full of energy. It's okay to let them make some trouble."


The building collapsed.

All thirteen elves flew up.

Wait, why are there only twelve, and one of them can’t fly?

What's up with that banjiras?

Sister Latias took Chen Yuan and the three little ones to fly to the Dragon Island Cemetery, and saw Xiaoli and a Entei on the way.

Latias flapped his wings and flew down.

"Morning, have you eaten?"

"Oh~" Good morning, just ate.

When he said this, there was still fruit meal residue in Yan Di's mouth.

The good morning from the bosses is so simple and unpretentious.

"I'll take Xiaoli to find good things."


Eh? I want to go too?

Chen Yuan picked up Xiaoli and wanted to use Xiaoli's nose to find good things.


Yan Di nodded, a layer of smoke covered his body and he walked directly into the air to catch up with the team.

go together.

Miaobu, who was inside the cloud, had just finished demonstrating surfing to Pippi Whale, when he looked down.

I was immediately stunned.

What the hell?
How come Yan Gou is together with Xiao Yuan so openly?

This is this.

Isn't she still playing hide-and-seek?

Why is your identity revealed now?
And it seemed like they were going to some fun place, and even Sister Latias wanted to go along.

How can she be missing from such a fun thing?

"Buyi Buyi~" Pipi Whale, you play by yourself, I'll be back soon.

Miaobu patted his tail, dodged and caught up with Emperor Yan.

"Sister Miaobu~"

Chen Yuan, who was on Latias's back, waved his hand and called Sister Miaobu over.



Chen Yuan chuckled, picked up Miaobu and took a deep breath. It had been a long time since he last took a deep breath of Miaobu.

Miaobu's body froze, and he was about to jump up, just like a Vaporeon whose tail had been stepped on.

But Chen Yuan held her tightly.

Miaobu was so regretful!

It would be fine if it was normal, but why did she suck her in front of Yan Gou? Doesn't she have any dignity?!

This stinky Chen Yuan!
Emperor Yan looked at Miaobu with a strange expression.

"Didn't you say that even if you jump into the red lotus magma, you won't get close to humans?"

Miaobu felt embarrassed and annoyed by the half-smile on her face, and buried her head in Chen Yuan's arms without looking up.

"Xiao Yuan doesn't count!!!"

She argued.

"Then what are you to Chen Xiaoyuan?"

Chen Yuan raised his head contentedly and held Miao Bu in his arms.


Miao Bu answered immediately.

Emperor Yan seemed to be smiling.

Say no more.

Instead, Miaobu patted his tail, still thinking about what Yan Di had just said.

What on earth is Xiaoyuan to her?

The owner... bah, bah, bah, he's just a cook at best.

It can't be a trainer.


It would be impossible for Miaomiao to score a goal in her life.

Chen Yuan and his party soon arrived at the Dragon Tomb.

I met several dragon guards who were in charge of guarding.

And Elder Kuailong is also here.

Chen Yuan blinked. Wasn’t this elder just in a fight?
Elder Kuailong smiled bitterly.


He took some and ran away. Ahem, let’s not talk about this. My friend Chen Yuan, I am the leader of the dragon guards of this dragon tomb.


Outsiders want to enter this dragon tomb to defeat me, but considering you...


No, I'll do it.

Emperor Yan took a step forward and instantly arrived in front of Elder Kuailong.

The pressure was released a little.


Elder Kuailong's body trembled, and several of the dragon guards below were already foaming at the mouth.


This is the real me...


Can I go in now?

Elder Kuailong swallowed.


Lord Yan, you are joking. I will lead the way for you right away.

Sister Latias shook her head.

The rules of Dragon Island must be followed, but when you meet a truly strong person, the rules are just two bytes.

The Dragon Tomb is huge, almost another Dragon Valley.

But it seemed as if there were no elves living here, and there was silence everywhere.

It was different from what Chen Yuan had imagined.

There are no large cemeteries here, but rather single-family houses of various shapes.

Some are in the manor, and some are by the lake.

Some are lined up in rows.

Some are simply pointed square towers.

"Are there elves living in there?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Sister Latias shook her head.

This made Chen Yuan even more curious.

Xiaoli sniffed and then crawled into Chen Yuan's arms.

He doesn't like it here.

What Chen Yuan was looking for was fossils.

Deeper in the Dragon Grave Valley.

After flying over this woodland, the elf huts could no longer be seen.

There is only a vast sea of ​​flowers.

"The fossils are under the sea of ​​flowers. Some are over there, at the bottom of the lake, and there are also some in the volcano over there. It was created by a half-step transcendent fire-breathing dragon and a coal turtle before they died. There are a lot of fossils hidden in it. You can go and take a look."

Chen Yuan put Xiaoli down.

The little fellow sniffed and began to search.

But the little guy is also sensible and tries to avoid those purple flowers.

The picking up feature plus scent detection makes it an absolute must for finding things.

Soon, the little fox dug out a small fossil.

But the power within it has been dissipated and cannot be used.

"First, we need to find a stone slab. You know what I mean."

"Second, find a fossil of Dragonite. This is for your little sister, Little Dragon. It would be even better if you can find a fossil corresponding to Little Qingqing's Tanabata Bluebird and Little Beibei's Dragonite..."

"Third, those who are less than the peak of the Heavenly King are not welcome. Those with extraordinary aura are the best."

Chen Yuan began to assign tasks to Xiaoli.

But it's really hard to find.

Emperor Yan just strolled around to enjoy the scenery.

Latias is nowhere to be found.

Elder Kuailong listened to the search plan that Chen Yuan arranged for Xiaoli, and suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a thing at home that seemed to fit the description of little friend Chen Yuan.

I originally wanted to use that thing to try to break through, but it seems that it is not as effective as Chen Yuan’s energy jelly.

How to do it……

Would you like to try exchanging snacks with Chen Yuan?
Miaobu was flapping his tail beside the small lake. The water here was quite clear and full of energy...

and many more.


There is something wrong with this kind of energy-rich.

Is there anything inside?

Miaobu swept his tail.

Just jumped in.

(End of this chapter)

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